Mercosur and associate members Chile and Ecuador rejected environmental regulations for the mining sector, under consideration by the European parliament and which could become a barrier for minerals’ exports to the EU.
In spite of a specific mandate to vote against the incorporation of Venezuela to Mercosur, the Colorado party which is the single strongest force in the Paraguayan senate could reconsider the situation according to Martin Chiola, first Vice-president of the Upper House.
Trade talks between the European Commission and Mercosur will begin at the end of the month, June 29 in Buenos Aires, according to EC sources. Talks are scheduled to last for over a year and expected to receive strong criticism from EU farmers’ organizations.
The Argentine government must accept that the Falklands people have expressed their democratic wish to remain British and that the Falklands government will resist all colonial aspirations from Argentina, said Sukey Cameron MBE, the Islands representative in London during the annual reception on Wednesday.