Brazil's Federal Police Director General Andrei Rodrigues and the Inter-American Development Bank's (IDB) representative in South America's largest country Morgan Doyle Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding to join forces in the fight against organized crime as well as actions against the environment in the Amazon Basin. The ceremony took place during the XIV Ordinary Ameripol Summit in Foz do Iguaçu, bordering Paraguay and Argentina.
The IDB's support has been instrumental in driving Federal Police initiatives, such as the Ouro Alvo program and other projects with the Ministry of Justice, and leveraging economic integration and development, said Rodrigues. With this partnership, we can expand the scope of our projects and take them to other countries, he added. It is crucial that we think of the whole, of the biome as a whole, and of integrated actions to improve security in the region.
The agreement provides for the application of crime-solving technologies, support for the implementation of police intelligence systems, training in innovative methodologies, the development of pilot projects, and technical assistance for the management of forensic databases and police operations.
Areas of exchange include improving governance, management, and planning, as well as data exchange between police forces in Brazil, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Brazil's Federal Police will share knowledge and innovative operational solutions to intelligently prevent criminal activity, including the Brasil MAIS program, which uses satellite surveillance, and the Ouro Alvo program, which allows for the tracing of mineral origin through isotopic analysis.
(Source: Xinhua)
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