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Cristina Fernandez insisted in Angola on the South Atlantic as “an area of peace”

Friday, May 18th 2012 - 22:35 UTC
Full article 167 comments
The visiting leader also thanked Angola for “the permanent support for Argentina’s Malvinas sovereignty claim” The visiting leader also thanked Angola for “the permanent support for Argentina’s Malvinas sovereignty claim”

President Cristina Fernández highlighted the importance of keeping the South Atlantic region as ”an area of peace, free of militarization,” during her speech before the National Assembly of Angola on Friday.

The leader also thanked the African country for its “permanent support for Argentina’s sovereign claim” regarding the Malvinas Islands dispute.

“We form part of the South Atlantic and we need to maintain it as an area of peace, and free of militarization” said Cristina Fernández.

Earlier on Friday the Argentine president attended a bilateral meeting with the her peer of Angola, José Eduardo Dos Santos, before speaking before the National Assembly at the Presidential Palace in Luanda.

During the meeting with the Angolan president, President Fernández de Kirchner highlighted the “magnificent opportunity” Argentina and Angola had in coming together on future business transactions, particularly in the face of the global financial crisis.

The last appointment on her schedule will be a visit to the trade fair where 400 Argentine businessmen will exhibit their products, accompanied by the Agricultural Ministry and the ANMAT and INCAA, with the aim of attracting investments and generating sales.

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  • Pete Bog

    “We form part of the South Atlantic and we need to maintain it as an area of peace, and free of militarization” said Cristina Fernández.
    This is why you use your military to harrass Falkland Islands registered ships? If the South Atlantic is to be free of militarisation by definition, I take it that the Argentinian navy (such as it is) will be disbanded then, Christina?

    May 18th, 2012 - 10:44 pm 0
  • Rufus

    ”an area of peace, free of militarization”

    ARA Hércules
    ARA Almirante Brown
    ARA La Argentina
    ARA Heroína
    ARA Sarandí
    ARA Santa Cruz
    ARA San Juan
    ARA Salta
    ARA Espora
    ARA Rosales
    ARA Spiro
    ARA Parker
    ARA Robinson
    ARA Gómez Roca
    ARA Drummond
    ARA Guerrico
    ARA Granville

    Yeah right, just because your navy is old and only good for intimidating fishing boats and freighters doesn't mean that you're demilitarized.

    May 18th, 2012 - 11:15 pm 0
  • Pugol-H

    It means demilitarisation by the British only, so that Argentina can take what it wants, without opposition.

    May 18th, 2012 - 11:15 pm 0
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