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Falklands established national minimum wage and legislation: £ 5.05 per hour

Tuesday, November 19th 2013 - 00:24 UTC
Full article 18 comments
Workers aged 16 to 17 will receive a minimum of £ 3.10 (Pic: PN) Workers aged 16 to 17 will receive a minimum of £ 3.10 (Pic: PN)

Sunday 1st December 2013 marks the introduction of the new National Minimum Wage legislation for the Falkland Islands. From this date, employers are required by law to pay their workers aged 18 years and over a minimum of £5.05 per hour, equivalent to approximately 8.13 dollars (or £3.10 per hour for workers aged 16 or 17 years).

 Under the new legislation employers must ensure they are paying at least the minimum wage to their employees, including part time workers, agency workers, workers coming from outside the Falklands and apprentices.

The Ordinance covers all of the Falklands, including employers at Mount Pleasant, although the British Armed Forces themselves are excluded.

The new legislation follows a period of consultation with businesses and members of the public during April and May of this year.

Guides have been created to assist both employers and workers in understanding their rights and obligations. All employers will receive a copy of the guide and anyone employed by an organisation will receive one from their employer.

Guides will also be available at key locations around Stanley, or can be requested from the Taxation Office.

Copies of the guidance leaflets are also available to download from:

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  • ilsen

    This is a some what less than UK mainland:
    2013 (current rate) age 21= £6.31- and over 18 £5.03
    Falkland Islanders - Is this reflected in local Cost of Living (Food/Rent/Mortgage/Fuel etc.)?
    Any comments from Kelpers? Do you think this is fair? Happy/unhappy with this?
    Local businesses, what do you think?
    How has affected you? (anybody!)
    all comments appreciated -except from the usual trolls!
    thanks - Ilsen

    Nov 19th, 2013 - 01:44 am 0
  • Anglotino

    I thought the Islands suffered a lack of labour, not an excess

    I would assume that the market has already raised wages accordingly. However, with the impending oil boom, I would assume that more short term labour from the continent will be needed and used.

    Nov 19th, 2013 - 02:26 am 0
  • Vestige

    impending lol

    Nov 19th, 2013 - 02:41 am 0
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