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Ambassador Castro supports democratic Maduro and blames a “ferocious media attack”

Tuesday, February 25th 2014 - 04:26 UTC
Full article 28 comments
“These are not peaceful protests, they are acts intended to force the exit of Maduro”, said Ms Castro “These are not peaceful protests, they are acts intended to force the exit of Maduro”, said Ms Castro

The Argentine ambassador to the United Kingdom, Alicia Castro, openly revealed her support for Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro as protests in the nation continued, while criticizing what she saw as a “ferocious media attack” carried out by opponents of the head of state.

 “Venezuela is under a ferocious international media attack. Who wins with violence? Clearly it is not the government, it is the opposition. They are inviting an uprising against the government” Castro fired in an interview with Radio La Red.

“These are not peaceful protests, they are acts intended to change the democratic order and clearly intended to force the exit of Maduro”

The diplomat emphasized that the successor of Hugo Chávez “has been democratically elected by the majority of Venezuelan people; he is there by the people's decision and that is the rule of democracy2.

”That is how president Cristina Fernández put it: there is nothing more important than democracy, which means respecting the popular will. In no other country do they have as many elections than in Venezuela,“ Castro underlined.

”As an Argentine what really hurts me is that some local media and politicians insist in their support of coup-mongers... We have had our first 30 years of uninterrupted democracy, and we must care for it” concluded Ms Castro who was also ambassador in Venezuelan before her assignment in London.

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  • Teaboy2

    “In no other country do they have as many elections than in Venezuela”

    Cough Cough... think i just choked on a crumpet when i read that.

    Venezuela has presidential elections every 6 years unless called early, like in 2013 with the death of chavez.

    Britain has General Elections once every 5 years, with l have elections for either local, regional, European (MEP's), police commissioners or for others at least once a year. So yeah Venezuela really has more elections than any other country...NOT!!

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 04:57 am 0
  • Gordo1

    As always rubbish spouts every time she opens her mouth.

    Also, she is the Ambassador to the Court of St James - what diplomacy she is showing by interfering in the internal matters of Venezuela!

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 07:12 am 0
  • CaptainSilver

    Democracy? Does that include bribing voters with 100 Peso notes and free petrol?

    Get out on the streets like the Ukranians, throw out your dictators, rise up and seek freedom. South American despots are shivering with fear.

    Feb 25th, 2014 - 07:28 am 0
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