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Spanish lawmaker supports Milei through diplomatic controversy

Monday, May 20th 2024 - 10:54 UTC
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Álvarez de Toledo, who also holds Argentine citizenship, spoke of “double standards” within Spain's government Álvarez de Toledo, who also holds Argentine citizenship, spoke of “double standards” within Spain's government

Spanish Congresswoman Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo y Peralta Ramos supported Argentine President Javier Milei's statements about Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez's wife Begoña Gómez. The Popular Party (PP) lawmaker grew up in Buenos Aires and has Argentine and French citizenships, in addition to her Spanish nobility titles.

Álvarez de Toledo argued on X that “the Government of Spain can call the president of Argentina a drug addict and the president of the Community of Madrid and her brother corrupt, whom no court is investigating for corruption. But the president of Argentina cannot call corrupt the wife of the president of the Government of Spain who is being investigated by a court for corruption,” which proved the administration's “double standards.”

“To another dog with that funnel!” she added.

Álvarez de Toledo has already engaged in March this year in a controversy with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) when she called on local businessmen to “raise their voices” against “the political and moral impunity still enjoyed by· the head of state.

”She came to speak ill of me. The truth is a ring of pride, because this young lady belongs to the ultra-right, to the right of Iberdrola,” AMLO replied back then.

Álvarez de Toledo lived in London until the age of 7 when she moved with her family to Buenos Aires, where she finished high school before returning to the UK to study History at Oxford University. She graduated in 1996. The following year she moved to Spain to work on her PhD thesis on Spanish history. With her doctorate, she returned to Spain to pursue a career that shifted between politics and journalism.

In 2014 she founded Libres e Iguales (Free and Equal) together with intellectuals such as Mario Vargas Llosa and Fernando Savater to defend democracy and constitutional values.

Categories: Politics, International.

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  • Little J

    Although there is no doubt in my mind that Milei is doing a good job trying to sort out the chaos and general corruption left by the Fernandez/Kirchner government I strongly believe he should moderate his ways of attacking those whose ideas are contrary to his. Democracy is all about “give and take”. Blasting those who don't agree with his views gets him nowhere and overall is totally detrimental to his government and the country in general.

    May 20th, 2024 - 02:28 pm 0
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