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Milei likes being the mole destroying the State from within

Friday, June 7th 2024 - 12:08 UTC
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An interview Milei gave to a US website The Free Press last week in California was broadcast Thursday An interview Milei gave to a US website The Free Press last week in California was broadcast Thursday

Argentine President Javier Milei sparked controversy once again Thursday when an interview he gave last week to the news site The Free Press during his trip to the United States was aired. He said he loved “being the mole inside the State” who was to destroy it “from the inside,” thanks to which his country would become a paradise.

In his view, the State is “a criminal organization” committing “institutionalized violence” because “if you don't pay your taxes, you go to jail.”

“The State is a violent organization that lives off a coercive source, which is taxes. Taxes are not a friendly thing. In fact, they are the remnants of slavery,” he added.

But if his administration is successful, “not only are the Argentines who left going to come back but also other talented people from the world are going to come because we are going to make Argentina a paradise,” Milei argued.

He described his role as “like being infiltrated in the enemy ranks” because “the reform of the State has to be done by someone who hates the State and I hate the State so much that I am willing to endure all these kinds of lies, slanders, insults, both about myself and my dearest ones, who are my sister and my dogs and my parents, in order to destroy the State.” He also likened himself to the character played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Terminator saga, fighting a cultural battle against socialism and the left.

“For example, in my country and in other countries there are leftists, even with Jewish origins, who are on the side of terrorists like Hamas and even condemn the government of Israel for defending itself, for making use of its legitimate self-defense. And that is a consequence of the fact that we libertarians have not fought the cultural battle,” he explained.

Regarding Economy Minister Luis Toto Caputo's performance on the job, Milei admitted he was in “an absolutely painful situation, but people interpreted and assimilated that all the shortcuts of populism and socialism do not work” and it was, therefore, necessary to “reverse one hundred years of history” under the Peronist ideology that brought the country to the brink of collapse. “This disgusting and abhorrent idea of 'social justice' actually goes against human capital because if you study, work, make an effort, and do well the State will come and steal your money and give it to people who did nothing. And that is a mechanism to expel talent,” Milei argued.

He also said he was seeking to make Argentina “one of the four poles of artificial intelligence in the world because you have Europe super regulated and therefore it cannot expand; the United States with an absolutely fearful, lukewarm, gray situation, and China that you don't know what it is doing.”

“So we are proposing these large companies to come and settle in Argentina and that we recreate paradise from Argentina. Not only will the Argentines who left come back, but also other talented people from all over the world will come to Argentina because we are going to make Argentina a paradise,” he stressed.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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