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Falklands, survey shows support for draft Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan

Thursday, June 13th 2024 - 10:21 UTC
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Falklands are quite innovative in renewable and sustainable energy solutions, with some 40% generated at a wind farm to be expanded to further satisfy demand from Stanley and MPC Falklands are quite innovative in renewable and sustainable energy solutions, with some 40% generated at a wind farm to be expanded to further satisfy demand from Stanley and MPC

From December 2023 to February 2024, the Falkland Islands Environment Department held a public consultation on the draft Energy Strategy and Implementation Plan. In total, 57 surveys were returned, and further comments were collected through public meetings and sessions with Stakeholders in Stanley and West Falkland.

Headline Data: Public consultation:

• 81% of respondents indicated that they supported the objectives, targets and actions set out in the Energy Strategy

• 60% of respondents are aware of support schemes available to help individuals and organizations increase their use of renewable and sustainable energy solutions

• 22% of respondents believe that the current level of support is sufficient to enable an increase in the use of renewable and sustainable energy solutions

• When asked how existing support schemes should be changed to more effectively enable individuals and organizations to increase their use of renewable and sustainable energy solutions, the three most frequent responses related to; increasing the amount of support available to offset high costs of solutions; better promotion and awareness-raising of supports available; and facilitating training/up skilling of labor force for new technologies

• 48% of respondents stated they encountered barriers to accessing finance or other support for energy transition, citing a lack of information on support available, advice or guidance; levels of support do not meet high costs of solutions; a limited range of sustainable solutions that qualify for support; and an overly burdensome application process and eligibility conditions for existing schemes

• When asked which programs, resources and training would be beneficial to support the transition to clean and renewable energy, the top three responses were to: improve and increase advice and guidance on different effective technologies; provide education and training to up skill the existing labor force; and raise awareness of support schemes and solutions available.

A full report from the survey at:

Following the survey results, the Environment Department will use the comments and considerations raised by stakeholders and the public to improve the Energy Strategy and accompanying Implementation Plan, which will be taken to ExCo for final consideration and decision-making.

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