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Argentine Navy commemorates Malvinas “Day of Maximum Resistance”

Monday, June 17th 2024 - 04:23 UTC
Full article 3 comments
Troops displaying colors and ceremonial uniforms at the commemoration  Troops displaying colors and ceremonial uniforms at the commemoration

The Argentine Navy on Saturday commemorated with Malvinas Veterans the “Day of Maximum Resistance” recalling the heroism, bravery, and commitment by naval troops in the defense of Puerto Argentino (Port Stanley).

The ceremony took place at the Centenary Park of Puerto Belgrano, the Argentine navy's largest base with the participation of high ranking officers. According to the Navy's newsletter, the Resistance Day was decreed by a Ministry of Defense Resolution.

On June 14th 1982, the Argentine occupying forces occupying the Falklands, surrendered to the British Task Force, putting an end to the 74 days conflict that took off on April 2nd, when Argentine commandos landed in the Islands, forcing a small garrison of British marines to turn in their arms on orders from the then Governor. This is what for the Falklands 14th June is Liberation and their most important date of the local calendar.

At the ceremony in Puerto Belgrano, with a considerable display of soldiers and flags, Marine Infantry captain Ulises Basulado said, “the Day of Maximum Resistance honors those who in the most critical moments, stood up to defend our motherland with an indomitable spirit.”

He further underlined the “many actions of commitment and sacrifice during the 74 days of the conflict”, by members of the Argentine three armed forces, and most particularly those from the navy, such as the recovery of the Malvinas Islands, the sinking of destroyer HMS Sheffield, the attack on the submarine ARA Santa Fe and the tug Sobral and the sinking of the cruiser ARA General Belgrano, plus the decisive battle for Puerto Argentino (Port Stanley). This inhospitable terrain, marked by the roughness of its climate and geography, was the witness of the courage, heroism, and tenacity of the Argentine combatants, “ pointed out captain Basualdo

”A clear testimony of that resistance coincides with the date that gathers us here today, and was proven by the men of the Fifth Battalion of the Marines at the battle of Mount Tumbledown, one of the most intense and decisive of the final clash for Puerto Argentino. The fourth section of sharpshooters company Nacar, from the 5th Battalion0 is an example of our heroes, who managed to repeal the enemy attack forced to call for artillery support and mortars from their own people. Our heroes showed that resistance is not only an unbreakable commitment of loyalty towards comrades in arms, but also transcends personal interest in the quest of a superior purpose,“ added the marines captain.

To all Veterans here present, ”you are an expression of the values that we honor and inspire us to continue advancing, complying with our duty with the same commitment, courage and sacrifice to defend our Motherland, to the ultimate sacrifice”.

The ceremony ended with a parade with the music from the Malvinas March and the March of the Argentine Navy played by the band of Puerto Belgrano.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • AndyMcG

    The events of 1982 are most unfortunate and all those lives lost need to be remembered and the bravery of the participants acknowledged.
    The most important lesson to be learn must be to avoid the use of military force to distract from problems at home. It never turns out well.
    I hope Argentina overcomes it's internal problelms and it's people all live a peaceful prosperous life.
    But don't think a military option will take over the Falkland Islands.
    A British veteran.

    Jun 17th, 2024 - 11:55 am +2
  • Veteran


    I agree with your sentiments. War is evil but sometimes necessary.

    I fought against the 5th Marines, and in the main, they put up a good show.

    Jun 17th, 2024 - 01:59 pm 0
  • MalvinasArgentinas H&G rights

    I understand your sentiments, and respect them. La Gesta de Malvinas was necessary, not as an act of war, but as a recovery act of Argentinian territory: that was the intended aim. By recovering the Malvinas, Argentina interrupted 150 years of continued illegal occupation, and in doing so, it void possible legal effects.
    I too grieve the loss of lifes, specially the young conscript soldiers killed by the criminal of war Thatcher that ordered the destruction of the ARA Belgrano, which was outside the war zone designated by the UK. History will judge her.
    I concur with you, Andy, as I too think that these issues must be resolved by diplomacy. Unfortunately, the UK had ignored diplomacy since the XIX century, and left no other option.
    Thank you for wishing our nation prosperity; you are so right in avoid been distracted from problems at your homeland, I wish you can resolve the current unrest the UK is suffering.
    Best regards.

    Jun 19th, 2024 - 05:24 pm -1
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