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With Malvinas in mind, Argentine diplomat calls for recreating links with UK

Wednesday, March 19th 2014 - 07:21 UTC
Full article 127 comments
García Moritán finds praise, and a strong message, in the naming of Colin Roberts as Falklands next governor García Moritán finds praise, and a strong message, in the naming of Colin Roberts as Falklands next governor

The recent visit to Chile and particularly Uruguay of Foreign Office minister for Latin-American Hugo Swire has triggered a barrage of comments and debate in Argentina about the Falklands/Malvinas, particularly aggressive towards the FCO official, but not surprising.

 However in the midst of this smoke screen there have also been some interesting points of view, one of them as a contribution to Clarin by Argentine ambassador and former Deputy Foreign Affairs minister, Roberto García Moritán with a long diplomatic career.

In his column “It is time to recreate links with the UK” the Argentine ambassador suggests a more discreet policy, low key attitude, less aggressive, reestablishing traditional links, and emphasizing that a whole generation of Argentines and Brits only know of enmity and recriminations, when in actual fact there has been a long history of great affinities.

Such as “the 1968 Memorandum of Understanding which was only waiting to fix the date for the definitive transfer of Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty to Argentina”.

García Moritán begins by mentioning that the new Falkland Islands governor Colin Roberts has proven abilities in highly sensitive political affairs which gives an idea of the importance assigned by the UK to the Islands issue, but it is also a message to take into account.

To this effect he mentions that Mr. Roberts was head of the Central Europe and Central Asia desk and in 2012, head of Overseas Territories. This also reaffirms that despite greater autonomy in the Islands, the governor post is not only representative, but implies a strong presence in foreign affairs and strategy. García Moritán underlines that the recent visit of FCO Minister for Latin America Hugo Swire is further evidence.

“All this could be indicating that the UK is intent in beginning a renewed policy towards the Malvinas, more active to compensate the multilateral diplomatic action from Argentina”, a fact also to be taken into account.

This leads the Argentine diplomat to believe that confrontation for the sake of confrontation in the South Atlantic must find a more diplomatic path of action, and Buenos Aires should take advantage, and as it has been the case in Argentina diplomatic history, adopt a more persevering strategy directly with the UK.

“It is time for Argentina to change diplomatic tactic and try to recreate a link even when it is not formally a dialogue or a negotiation.

To that respect García Moritán mentions several scenarios that do not compromise political positions and could be more constructive. Likewise a silent diplomacy that avoids offences so that the substantive issues can be explored, and then suggests that the 1989 Madrid accord could be an example.

A few days away from a new anniversary, 32nd., of the Malvinas war, as the coming meeting of Pope Francis with Queen Elizabeth II, all indicate that closer links with the UK are more than needed, maybe even full reconciliation, underlines the diplomat.

Finally, ”a whole generation of Argentines and Brits only know of enmity and recriminations when there has been a long history of great affinities as was evidence, among others, the 1968 Memorandum of Understanding which only needed to fix the date for the definitive transfer of the Malvinas Islands sovereignty to Argentina”.

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  • Monkeymagic

    if he wasnt so retarded he would be on the verge of a good idea.

    It is not Britain with whom Argentina has to forge better relations...we couldnt give a shit about his cesspit third world fascist shitheap of a country. A generation of Britains are unaware of Argentina except for Messi, Aguerro and Tevez.

    The relationship he nees to build is with the islanders. it will take a century or more but it is possible.

    Start by signing oil and fisheries agreements and send your hottest women to do the a few years there would be plenty of mixing of the two peoples!.

    Sadly, though these new islanders would probably see that theyve left a cesspit and live in a developed country and vote never to join Argentina too!

    Mar 19th, 2014 - 08:02 am 0
  • CaptainSilver

    It won't make any difference to Falklands sovereignty but a strategy of friendship and trade cooperation would be more constructive and rewarding for Argentina. Argentinas development into pariah nation is not in its own interest.

    Mar 19th, 2014 - 08:04 am 0
  • zathras

    The 1968 Memorandum of Understanding, is DEAD. The illegal military invasion and occupation of the Falkland Islands in April 1982., against the wishes of it's people put stake through the heart of that vampire.

    Roberto García Moritán coulddo would do well by engaging with the people of the the Falklands.
    The UK government has made it clear that any talks would involve direct face to face contact with the Falkland Islanders.
    Why is this so scary for Argentina.
    Could it be because they might mention the war, and gently tell Argentina to stop bullying them.
    41 Million Argentinians v 3000 Falkland Islanders (with the support of 1060 UK troops).
    Hardly seems fair does it.

    Mar 19th, 2014 - 08:44 am 0
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