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Falklands commemorates Merchant Navy Day and honors the Red Ensign

Wednesday, September 4th 2024 - 09:53 UTC
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The Red Ensign flying in windy Falkland Islands The Red Ensign flying in windy Falkland Islands
The Red Ensign and the Falklands national flag are raised at Victory Green The Red Ensign and the Falklands national flag are raised at Victory Green

On Merchant Navy Day, 3 September, the Falkland Islands remember all those merchant seafarers who helped to liberate the Falkland Islands in 1982 and those, past and present, who do so much to keep our waters safe.

A Falklands Government release on the occasion states that, “Merchant National Day recognizes the vital service of the Merchant Marine and is deeply rooted in acknowledging the brave men and women who fulfill this crucial role and who in both World Wars faced the routine perils that are experienced at sea, The history of the Merchant National Day dates back to 2000 and is commemorated annually on 3 September.

”The Red Ensign flag flies at Victory Green to remind us all of the importance of seafarers who still to this day leave their loved ones for months on end to work on ships that heavily contribute to global trade and national security. Whilst at sea, these seafarers are faced with challenges those on shore may find difficult to comprehend. Yet despite the perilous, mountainous seas, they preserve, driven by a resilience that defies the dangers. maritime security threats and wellbeing related hardships they face while at sea. Today we honor the legacy of the Merchant Navy.


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