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Internet fish auctions.

Tuesday, January 9th 2001 - 20:00 UTC
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Internet fish sales in GaliciaGalician fish markets of Baiona, Bueu, Portosin, Cariño and Sada are now using computerised auction systems, together with Portonovo and Redondella which implemented the system in 1999, Galicia's Conselleria de Pesca Marisqueo e Acuicultura officially announced this week. The implementation of the computerised auction system enables markets to trade fish and shellfish virtually without requiring the physical presence of buyers during auction operations. This new selling method is one of the main achievements of the Conselleria's plan to computerise fish auctions in Galicia. The automated systems boasts a system that forecasts vessels arrivals enabling buyers to receive the information via Internet before the vessels reach port. It is believed this information could have a direct effect on the competitiveness of each market, increasing added value to the catches to be auctioned. In a bid to boost Galician fish markets and to facilitate access to new communication methods and electronic commerce, the Conselleria invested over half a million US dollars in 2000 to computerise the markets of Baiona, Bueu, Portosin, Cariño and Sada. Computerised internet auction systems in those five markets was decided after the documented success achieved with Redondella and Portonovo in 1999.

French arrest Spanish poachers

The French Navy arrested two Galician owned long liners, Gran Prince and Vendra, allegedly fishing illegally in the Indian Ocean, reports La Voz de Galicia. A French patrol vessel escorted the boats to Reunion Island, where they are likely to remain until a hearing takes place. The operation was relatively slow since Vedra experienced a technical failure, which hindered navigation. Both Galician vessels are accused of fishing without a license off the Kerguelen archipelago. . Similar incidents involving two other Spanish vessels, Camouco and Monte Confurco, were reported recently. . According to the Galician press, Gran Prince and Vendra operate under the Belize flag and their crews are composed of mainly of Galician and South American nationals. Vessel owners dispatched an attorney to Reunion to represent their interests in Court,

Categories: Falkland Islands.

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