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FIBS: 20th Anniversary Plans.

Thursday, March 21st 2002 - 21:00 UTC
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20th anniversary plans.

Plans for the 20th anniversary commemorations are taking shape. Most guests will arrive by tri-star on Tuesday the 11th June and leave six days later. Liberation Day on the 14th is being prepared along the usual lines. It will start with a Church Service at Christ Church Cathedral followed by the commemorative service and wreath laying at the 1982 memorial. This will be followed by a ceremony during which time; the Governor will present the Freedom of the Falklands to the Commander of British Forces. Detachments of her Majesty's Armed Forces will then march through Stanley to the FIDF hall where they'll be a public reception.


The guests are mainly military personnel involved in the war. They include Lt Col Ewen Southby-Tailyour (tailier) who advised the command in 82 on the amphibious aspects of the landings. Also, retired Brigadier David Chaundler, he parachuted into the sea 100 miles North East of the Falklands to one of the task force ships. Then was brought to Goose Green after the death of Colonel ?H' Jones to take command of 2 Para.Other guests are civilians who played a part in the war. Les Hamilton was an amateur radio operator who provided a vital link through his contact with Tony Pole-Evans and his family on Saunders Island. Their secret daily contacts led to important information being passed to the MOD and the task force. Maria Strange said that guests would be able to meet as many people as possible. But if you would like to meet any particular guests, please contact her for information.

Falkland Island Tourism

The web site for the Islands has had an increase in visits according to the figures released. Just last week the site received one thousand three hundred hits. It has now been visited ten thousand, four hundred and fifty two times. It has now been on the go for four years and has just recently undergone a complete redesign. It's considered to be FIT's most important marketing tool. Lan Chile arrivals between November 2001 and January 2002 show a 40% increase on the previous year. Could this mean that in the near future we could maybe have a second Lan Ch

Categories: Falkland Islands.

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