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Venezuelan team of scientists and officers arrive in Antarctica

Monday, March 3rd 2008 - 21:00 UTC
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Venezuelan scientists and military officers traveling on a Uruguayan naval research ship reached the Antarctic peninsula over the weekend following a 15-day, 3.700 kilometers voyage. This is the first time a Venezuelan team officially takes part in Antarctic navigation and research.

"Oyarvide", the naval research ship was provided by Uruguay despite criticisms aimed toward President Tabare Vazquez for his decision to allow the Venezuelan researchers aboard. However Vasquez's aides referred to the allowance as a gesture of friendship and recalled that other Antarctic Treaty country members such as Chile, Argentina and the United Kingdom acted in a similar way when Uruguay was working to join Antarctic exploration. The Venezuelan party is made up of 11 scientists and five naval officers. Although the vessel arrived last Friday to Uruguay's Antarctic base General Artigas, landing was delayed by high winds and choppy seas. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called the 11 scientists and five naval officers "pioneers" when he announced the 45-day expedition last month. Chavez hopes to establish a research station on the continent. The scientists will study a range of subjects, including the effects of climate change in Antarctica. Governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, Antarctic is designated a natural scientific reserve and no land or sovereignty claims are contemplated. Some 28 nations operate research stations on the continent and nearby islands.

Categories: Antarctica, Latin America.

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