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Rock band to break world record by playing in Antarctica

Thursday, March 20th 2008 - 21:00 UTC
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Emo rock band Fall Out Boy are set to break a world record next week by playing a concert in Antarctica. The US band will travel to Punta Arenas in the extreme south of Chile and then on March 25th to President Frei base in King George Island.

The show is a bid to enter the Guinness Book of World Records as the only band to play a concert on all seven continents in less than nine months. A film crew will document the trip as part of a piece on the effects of global warming and a Guinness Book representative will accompany the band to validate the world record. Bass player Pete Wentz, who came up with the idea for the trip, says he is looking forward to visiting Antarctica, not only for the concert, but for the wildlife. "I was just sitting around and wrote our manager an email saying, 'Let's be the first band to go to all five continents' - only he wrote me back, 'There are seven,' " Wentz told MTV News. "Since then we have been working on it. Lately it's kind of gone into overdrive though, because after this flight to Antarctica there really aren't any other ones we could get on until winter ends. And yes, we'll be seeing penguins". Fall Out Boy began their multi-continental trek last summer with a gig in Johannesburg, South Africa, followed by Europe, Asia, Australia and North America last fall. They'll play a concert in Santiago, Chile, on March 23, taking care of South America. And then there's the Antarctica show, which will take place on the Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva, a Chilean research base located on the Fildes Peninsula of King George Island. The Frei base is situated near Russian, Chinese, Korean, Uruguayan, Brazilian, Argentine and Czech research facilities, and staff from those facilities will also be attending the FOB concert. According to the organizers this certainly outdoes last February's FOB stunt, Infinity Flight 206, in which the band played in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles on the same day. But the trip isn't just an attempt to set a record. Fall Out will also be teaming up with Greenpeace for the concert, in the hopes of raising awareness about global warming.

Categories: Antarctica, International.

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