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Britain rejects latest Argentine claim to Falklands’ sovereignty

Tuesday, January 19th 2010 - 01:50 UTC
Full article 87 comments

The British government has firmly rejected the latest claim by Argentina to sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, Members of Parliament have been told, according to a report from BBC. Read full article


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  • gong

    but there is a problem now :
    UQ ( United Queendom) is going to disperse into “ 3” parts who
    are : Britishland..Scotland..Wales-N.Ireland Confederation
    each would have any powers against Argentina !!??

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 04:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lola

    UK is beligerant.
    We need weapons and national & popular goverment; not a right goverment; right represents foreign interests.
    We need money to buy in nexts years. We need to pay our debts now to go to a 20%GDP/debt to be beligerants in future so UK sit down and negotiate a durable peace.
    I support CFK.

    PD: selfdetermination is a lie; not a word from mister niceguy.-

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    lola said: selfdetermination is a lie

    Actually it is international law.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 05:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tarzan

    N.Ireland, Scotland,Wales already have their own flags !
    and Britishland has too !..UEFA recognizes them as
    independent countries !! we must want them to bring
    N.Irl or Scotland or Wales or Britishland passports
    not UK ( or UQ)passport to entry into our countries !!

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 06:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    i support the Tarzan's proposal about the passports !!!
    the isolation of Britons is very neccesery !!!

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 07:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gong

    Britons are not beligerant ..but are greedy and opportunist !
    I am very interested in History but I have not read and see
    about Briton's victories and considerable wars ! in the History..
    recent example : at Iraq they are hiding behind US 's ass
    go ahead frontage..bootlickers !!

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 07:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • welkin

    lola is right, not a word of selfdetermination in mr. words, it seems that UK is ruling at argentina´s expenses and over kelpers too. Mr Niceguy (jajaja) is confirming my suspicious, kelpers are colonial subjects; if not they would be the sovereigns and not UK. Selfdetermination means that the people rules and not a colonial power like UK. Kelpers... your selfdetermination is a joke, you don´t have it. Mr Niceguy is confirming that this conflict is bilateral.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 09:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mike

    The Argentines are showing their ignorance and closed mindedness once again. It seems to me that Argentines, to win an arguement, feel they have no need to be coherent, keep to the facts and love to be hypocrites. Welkin, your comments on the Falklands being a colony just proves that you are out of your depth here. Self Determination means “All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.” And we choose to be British. That is our right. The same right for Argentina to be independent and not Spanish. But of course, Argentina can pick and choose rights for themselves and others. I will say it again welkin, we choose to be British. Me, my family, all of my friends, my collegues, and everyone I know on these Islands and everyone I don't know. Our self-determination is not a joke, but your thoughts on the subject and your arguements are.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 10:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mike

    Self-Determination: “All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”

    The people of the Falklands choose to be British. Me, my family, my friends, my collegues, and everyone I don't know who are from the Falklands have chosen to be British. No matter what you think Welkin, you are wrong. And until you choose to accept the facts, you will always remain wrong.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 10:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jupiter

    ladies and gentlemen please “hark back ” !
    “self determination”? what a deception ! what a double standart !
    “self determinations” of North Irish ? Scots ? Welshmen?
    what will happen for them !?

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 10:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ...“”The people of the Falklands choose to be British. Me, my family, my friends, my collegues, and everyone I don't know who are from the Falklands have chosen to be British.“”...

    I don't give a sh*t what you choose. You, your family and your friends inhabit argentine terretorie.
    Lola is right, we need weapons. We don't need to buy them. We have capable engineers to build them. I remember the “Condor II”. We need missiles like this and place them in Rio Gallegos. Medium-range missiles like this ones would be a warm to these disgusting british. We wouldn't need airplanes having these toys. Just show them that we can reach them from continental Argentina.
    We will recover them. If they want to be british, that's fine as long as they recognize our sovereignty over the islands.
    For now, we impose economic sanctions over them. They are fools. They don't realize that only they suffer argentine actions. British don't give a f*cking sh*t about it.

    .....UK no conoce el imperio de la ley, solo la ley del imperio.....
    .....UK no conoce la fuerza del derecho, solo el derecho de la fuerza.....

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • welkin

    Mike, it´s ok for me, keep being british if you want, selfdetermination in Malvinas for you, but please tell your UK mates to leave georgias, sandwich and antartica, there is no population in that places to claim selfdetermination; why UK is there if they are in Malvinas to defend your selfdetermination rights??
    Mike, your selfdetermination is a joke, only a mask to justify colonial activity in argentina´s region. Why don´t you became free state and finish the conflict? Malvinas for you and UK leaving the region. I don´t understand why you keep accepting to be a colonial subject and not a free citizen.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    What are you trying to say Jupiter? That Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales cannot secede from the United Kingdom? Because if you think that, you are badly informed. I suggest you take a bit of time to investigate. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are free to secede from the UK at any time. The SNP, who hold 47 of the 129 seats in the Scottish parliament have an official policy of independence for Scotland. If the Scottish people want independence all they have to do is vote the SNP into power and it will happen. They have a free choice. Just like the Falkland Islanders have a free choice to remain British, enshrined in international law - something which Argentina likes to ignore.

    Jorge, you are just confused and incoherent. One minute you are saying that the only solution is Argentine military aggression and then the next you are accusing the UK of being guilty of exactly the same thing. Try to inject some logic into your arguments. The Falkland Islanders have a right under international law to self determination, something Argentina continues to ignore, so it can join the club of countries “que no conocen el imperio de la ley”.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 11:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Welkin said: Why don´t you became free state and finish the conflict?

    I'm sure the Falkland Islanders would love to become independent but you seem to forget that Argentina will not allow this. Read your own national constitution!

    Welkin said: I don´t understand why you keep accepting to be a colonial subject and not a free citizen.

    It's simple Welkin. Because of Argentine agression. Argentina refuses to accept the Islander's right to self determination under international law. Argentina has already invaded the Islands once. What is to stop this happening again? British protection. Until Argentina stops its aggression and recognises the Islanders' rights there will be stalemate.

    Jan 19th, 2010 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jupiter

    you say; [ Nrt.Ir..Scotland..Wales are free to secede from the UK at any time]...really you believe your words !? I say easly NO , you don't believe !
    classic English deceptions !..then are there any requirements of
    Edinburgh Duke--Philip--...RBA ( Royal Bank of Scotland ) ... everybody
    knows that these are all usual English “ yoking” tactics !! aren't they ??

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 02:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • welkin

    hey roberts, answer a question; if britain is in south atlantic to defend that poor people, the kelpers, from evil argentina; what is UK doing in antartica where no one lives??? or in georgia?? or in sandwich???

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 03:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ...“”“Jorge, you are just confused and incoherent. One minute you are saying that the only solution is Argentine military aggression and then the next you are accusing the UK of being guilty of exactly the same thing. Try to inject some logic into your arguments. The Falkland Islanders have a right under international law to self determination, something Argentina continues to ignore, so it can join the club of countries ”que no conocen el imperio de la ley“.””...

    I have never said the solutio is military aggression.
    Countries develop and buy weapons everyday and that does not mean they want to make wars.
    Countries need weapons to generate respect from others. Countries like USA and UK don't dare to do anything military talking to China, North Korea or Pakistan. Why do you think that is that way??? THEY HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS so that your countries (USA and UK) respect that.
    Why Chile, Brazil and Venezuela buy weapons??? To protect themselves from countries like yours.
    As I said before, we need to resume the “condor project” and place it in Río Gallegos to only show the british we can reach the islands from mainland and warm islanders that despite of not having war, PEACE will be only a dream for them until they sit down to negotiate the sovereignty.

    Now, you also want to steal our antartica. You want to steal at any cost.


    Jan 20th, 2010 - 03:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Jupiter, you should stop smoking such big porros. You make no sense at all...

    Welkin said: “what is UK doing in antartica where no one lives???”
    Pretty much the same thing as Argentina, Norway Australia, Russia, Ukraine, the US, Chile, India, Brazil, France, China etc.

    Jorge, you really are very confusing. I don't understand you. One minute you are saying that missiles should be placed at Rio Gallegos and then next minute you say this is not military aggression. I'm sorry, but it is. It's not exactly defensive is it? What Antarctic territory is the UK trying to steal? You don't have any, you just have a claim on a slice of the Antarctic just like many other countries, and anyway you agreed to suspend that claim - just like the UK and every other country which signed the Antarctic Treaty did... confused...

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 03:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    GUYS, many of your comentarys confirm what i think about some of you, as long as plenty of people keep on having an idiot mentality, and keep on bieng so soberb and intransient, we wont never find a solution for this problematic.
    I said in many oportunitys what i think about the posture of our goverment and the malvinas-falkland's.
    The most stupid thing is to hide a problematic under the carpet, or to ignore the wish of the islanders.
    The f. i. g. said they want to discuss with argentina important issues, however the sovereignty dispute is not on discution, and our goverment ignores the islanders, this is what i really call an idiot mentality.
    Our goverment can't ignore the wish of the islanders, we must take their side, beside the sovereignty dispute is much more tham historic facts.
    On the other hand it's stupid and unfair if the islanders pretend we to drop on our claim, they must take our side two.
    We can have diferent arguments, i respect every opinion, but i dont agree on many of you, for so much reasons.
    I read once and again the pepper pascoe document, i talk to profesors, and i hope i can find an expert in international law, they know much more tham all of us, i am sure that there are planty of questions that we still dont know, and i wont stop until remove all my doubts about this conflict.
    Meantime i will always hold that the three parts, or unless argentina and the f.i.g, must discuss once and for all about this problematic, if there is a conflict we all have to recognice it (argentines and islanders), and find a fair solution for all of us.
    To finish my comentary, it's evident that some you shoulden't drink before writing a comentary, and if some of you like phrases in spanish, here you have one, LO UNICO QUE DAN ALGUNOS DE USTEDES, ES VERGUENZA AJENA.

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 05:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • khh

    After just returning from my treetop resort overlooking an elephant pool in Kenya, I turn on the web and am met with a heap of shit, mainly from old faithfull jorge. Well buy your big crappy toys but remember the bigger you buy the harder they will fall.

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 08:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ana

    the right to self-determination is a right rerconocido the original peoples of a territory, not a culture implanted ...... The UN rejected this argument on the other hand ...... in public international law This acknowledged the principle of ”uti possidetis uris ....

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 10:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Axel, thank you for injecting a bit of level-headed debate.

    Ana, so are you telling me the mainly Spanish population of Argentina is not implanted? Do you really expect me to believe that the mainly Spanish population of Argentina is the “original peoples”? I guess you forgot about the Mapuche etc. Please think a little more carefully before you parrot your government's propaganda.

    The fact is the UN has quite clearly, quite unambiguously, accorded to the Falkland Islanders the right to self-determination as they have done for the peoples of all other non self-governing territories.

    It's been covered many times: Uti possidetis juris does not apply in the slightest to the Falkland Islands.

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 04:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jupiter

    J.A.Roberts ! I am sure you are from Wales ...your President
    would be “imbesil” Wales Prince Charles !!??

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 04:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    That's REALLY intelligent Jupiter...

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sir Watson

    What a load of donkey pooh I hear from most of you. Falklands (Malvinas) are british. Argentina is in a dreadful crisis. Stop worring about us and kick Cristina out. Argentina needs help!

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jupiter

    i have few friends from Intelligence Services.
    they,once; said that ..some British soldiers delivered
    Variola Infected Blankets to their enemies in India !
    have you sensation about this !?

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Jupiter, I don't know what you are talking about? What is true though is the British spent a lot of time and money on the eradication of smallpox in India. Perhaps your “Intelligence” Services friends can tell you about that too? How is this relevant to the Falkland Islands anyway?

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 08:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jupiter

    I am Brasilian,from Turkish origin (Balkan) grandfather's sister
    died by -bone illness-kicking of a Patrol British Soldier while --1919
    Istanbul Invasion -- ! but this event and Britons' --sarcastic definition -
    about the Turks as called -Turkey (turkey) - instead of Turkland ...
    do not have a relevance with my thoughts about Britons !
    United Kingdom (Queendom) is finished !!

    Jan 20th, 2010 - 10:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts


    It's fascinating to know about your background (by the way, I am not Welsh) and very sorry about your grandfather's sister but I don't understand what you are trying to say? That a British soldier kicked her? As far as I know there was an invasion of Istanbul in 1919, but it was by the Greeks, not the British. I wonder how a British solider became involved? Perhaps you have more details?

    Turkey... sarcastic definition? Strange then than in Turkish language the country is called “Türkiye”, which looks and sounds a lot like Turkey to me. Forgive me, but I don't see the sarcasm.

    You sound a bit confused Jupiter. Perhaps you should get out a bit more, you know, get some fresh air...

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 01:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Martin

    Unfortunately common sense is the least common of senses. Argies have been brain-washed into believing the Malvinas are their God-given land (the loss of Bolivia and Uruguay has been luckily forgotten) and the Brits still think that the World was, and partly still is, their God-given planet. Ergo, we will see another Falklands war this century if you guys don't start being reasonable.

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 02:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gong

    as I said at -6.- comment in this page ..I am very interested in History .
    1918-1919 Istanbul invasion made by British soldiers .not Greeks !!
    Greek forces was at the West Anatolia in 1920-1921 !

    Jupiter is right ! calling as Turkey is a -sarcastic definition- !

    by the way : you wrote “ Turkiye” - u - with double points above it !!!!
    it is a Turkish letter !! where did you find the Turkish Computer
    Keyboard from !!??

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 02:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ana

    J.A. Roberts then put many people in a boat, come to a foreign country, we settled by force, then I demand respect our right to “self-determination.”
    To inform you, in 1770 Spain exercised exclusive sovereignty over the islands and in 1823 recognized the independence of Argentina inglarerra UNRESERVED ....
    in 1833 ejected the Argentines by force and from Argentina made reservations there at every opportunity presented to it ....

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 02:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tarzan

    Britons think to assign a Falkland Princess to Malvinas !
    after Edinburgh Duke..Wales Prince..Australia Duchess..
    Lady Antarctica...Sir Nort Ireland....
    Kingless Clowns !!

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 04:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sarcozzy

    “I don't give a sh*t what you choose. You, your family and your friends inhabit argentine terretorie.”

    Tripe, you rude little toad. How do you think Argentinians evolved? From Spanish colonization, that's how. So what you give a s**t about doesn't matter since oil exploration is going ahead and there's nothing you can do now to stop it. So chew on that.

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 04:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    hey Folks some are getting a bit crazy - thanks to Axek and JH etc foir putting a bit of reason and commonsense reality into this one.
    Misslies in Rio Gallegos? God forbid anyone would be that stupid - it would be clearly provocative (and no way a “defence” system) and would no doubt get the appropriate response . UK has consisted of Scotland-N.Ireland-England - wales for a few centuries(well N Ireland only 90 years) and all have always had their own flags - have some of you only just found that out?
    South Georgia etc - the entire world(except for one-guess who) accepts that it was discovered by UK,s Captain Cook in the 1770s.
    All UK is doing there is scientific research - I am sure if Arg wanted to do some they could go there as well - so long as they recognised the legitimate government there.
    Axel lets hope there will be a change of Govt your side in 2011 and the new one will take a slightly less aggressive line and in time all side can start to talk all options open NO preconditions.

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 08:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    comment 29 !! here is the evidence of AngloSaxon lies !!
    example ; we are living in America Continent , they always lie
    about the other parts ( Mid East..Far East...) of the World
    to deceive us !! keep awap from AngloSaxon owning Media !!

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Ana said: “in 1833 ejected the Argentines by force”

    Why were the Buenos Aires civilians you speak of still on the Falklands when Charles Darwin visited Islands months after they were apparently ejected?

    ed said: comment 29 !! here is the evidence of AngloSaxon lies !!
    Where? I asked a question and I asked for more details. Tell me where the lie is?

    Gong said: Jupiter is right ! calling as Turkey is a -sarcastic definition- !
    How can it be sarcastic? Please explain.

    Gong said: by the way : you wrote “ Turkiye” - u - with double points above it !!!!
    it is a Turkish letter !! where did you find the Turkish Computer
    Keyboard from !!??

    Now you really are showing your lack of intelligence. A Turkish keyboard is not necessary to type a u “with double points above it”.

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tarzan

    J.A you seem very tired in this forum..
    as British tou can't fight against the have no chance..
    Charles Darwin was not scientist ..he was an worthy member
    of Intelligence Service of Royal Navy.
    his researchs were related to “biological wepons”.

    Jan 21st, 2010 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • duran

    really Jason Arsibald Robert tired,he needs to take Doping
    like British Football Players..they can easly import from
    Germany by borrowing..
    friends !!! if I want to export chicken instead of turkey from Britishland ,can i provide “ Sir degree” from “her majesty ”
    by reason why my helpings of their foreign debts payments ??

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 02:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • philip

    Who is argentina to claim rights on any other nationality? And if argentina would have an argument, then the last indian survivors in argentina could also claim they never agreed on the nation of Argentina, that there parents were murderd and they should get their land back which was robbed by the spanish and argentines. Some say in these comment lines that missiles should be placed in southern argentina to bomb the falklands... well, it just gives you an idea about the average ignorant mind of argentineans. They always seem to think they are the best but if the Brits were to put Atom bombs in response.. ever thought about that? Well, Argentina is basically an non existant on international issues, so I guess everybody will keep on ignoring them and keep on dreaming they get there money back from their latest state default. you Argentines on this forum, keep your comments for youself, i dont take them serious, i guess nobody outside argentina.

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 05:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • philip

    To jorge: if i could decide, after reading your comments, i would just throw 3 atom boms on argentina, bascially Buenos Aires, nothing of some intelligence is existing outside of that; So please note your misiles to the falklands ... well, they probably end up half way in the ocean because the wont work probably. Hey man, shut up with your imperialistic 19centuray talk and except you are the only country in the world to have gone from the 4th richest in the world to underdeveloped. One must have a very ingnorant culture to achieve that and your comments really give us an idea about the level. You should just be banned from this site, go to some pornsite of argentina ladies or some football site.. you probably have nothing else you capture.

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 05:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    PHILIP, you are as imbecill as those people who you criticise, you think that because you rode the comentarys of a couple of idiot people with a mediocre mentalitys, you think that it would be surelly the thought of most us, let me tell you that you are wrong, this is evident that you know so little about us, we all know perfectly that the islands wont never be argentine again, but we clame for them, because nobody knows what could happen in the future.
    On the other hand, it's true that we have gone from the 5 th richest nation in the world, to the 30 th. But you should take into account that we had terrible militar dictatorship, and very irrisponsable authoritys even in democratic times, any way it's not our fault, because when people voted menem, de la rua, kirchner etc, it was because people trusted them, if some of them were finally corrupters or just useless, it's not our responsability, that's why most them are very rejected betwen all of us, so as you can see, we are so ignorant or pathetic as yoy think.
    I agree with you about that we have a very big moral debt with the originary people, their poulation were terribly decimated.
    Beside , if you want to discuss seriouslly about the soveignty dispute, we can do it, i do it all the time with some of your compatriots, because they dont have an idiot mentality as the one that you show.

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 06:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ana

    The interior is absolutely true. No
    be found outside of us and want
    performed by struggling violently with
    external enemies.
    Where there is no justice is dangerous to be right.

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 10:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gong

    Tarzan (comment 38) 100% you are correct !!
    Charles Darwin was the “father” of British Royal Army's secret
    “ biological weapon” project..not scientist !
    their biological and chemical weapons are stored in the some
    Coal Mines' caves.
    I heard that they are using some foreign firms' products
    (baby food ......etc) which injected by -stupid therapeutic items--
    toward enemy target countries !!

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    these Britons are all “”“ Worker Bees”“” who run around their Queen .
    for these bees ,the becoming distant from their “”beehive“”
    could be dangerous !
    this is their training style ..have “”“catalog brains”“” who never
    speak and understand second (others) languages .they just know
    their own decay grammared English !

    Jan 22nd, 2010 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    ISLANDER, i think you are right, you have a really open mind, any way i think that pre conditions musnt'n exist in any of the parts.

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 03:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Khh

    Ed, You don't half talk some sh!t.

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 09:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Axel, Thankyou for that, I have always believed that in any discussion/dispute you can only make progress if you try to look at and understand the problem from how the other person sees it. it does not mean you agree with them, but at least it helps to understand where they are coming from - and therefore where some possibilites of common ground can be found and then built on. Ther are after all always 2 sides to any argument!

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    Khh !
    your name's meaning is ;;; Kid , hatred , haughty ???

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 07:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tarzan

    I am football fan ( not holigan) ..I care only about UEFA..FIFA gauges ..
    both recognize each Scotland..Wales..N.Irlnd..England as
    an independent country ...
    in that case , we demand to declare above one of these countries'
    passports (not UK) from the visitors who wants to enter in our country !

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    J.A. Roberts says...“”Jorge, you really are very confusing. I don't understand you. One minute you are saying that missiles should be placed at Rio Gallegos and then next minute you say this is not military aggression. I'm sorry, but it is. It's not exactly defensive is it?“”

    Why do you have modern war airplanes there when Argentina many times stated that it would not use force again to recover the islands???
    If you can place weapons there, why wouldn't we here???

    J.A. Roberts says...“”What Antarctic territory is the UK trying to steal? You don't have any, you just have a claim on a slice of the Antarctic just like many other countries, and anyway you agreed to suspend that claim - just like the UK and every other country which signed the Antarctic Treaty did... confused...“”...

    UK has said that will not recognize argentine sovereignty over antartica because UK had sovereignty in those land like in Malvinas.
    This is despite of having agreed to freeze claims over that terretorie, so UK, once again is trying to steal like always did.

    Axel arg says...“”To finish my comentary, it's evident that some you shoulden't drink before writing a comentary, and if some of you like phrases in spanish, here you have one, LO UNICO QUE DAN ALGUNOS DE USTEDES, ES VERGUENZA AJENA.“”...

    I think you are talking about me, well, if you don't like my comments, don't read them ok??? I've never talked about your comments, so that you should not do that with mines and I don't drink before make comments. Is it clear???
    P.S. Se escribe “vergüenza” y no “verguenza”.

    Sarcozzy replied to my comment...“”Tripe, you rude little toad. How do you think Argentinians evolved? From Spanish colonization, that's how. So what you give a s**t about doesn't matter since oil exploration is going ahead and there's nothing you can do now to stop it. So chew on that.“”...

    You can bend over and eat that oil from the other end!!!

    Islander says...“”Misslies in Rio Gallegos? God forbid anyone would be that stupid - it would be clearly provocative (and no way a “defence” system) and would no doubt get the appropriate response .“”...

    Is it not provocative your airplanes in our terretorie and just 500 km away from patagonia???

    Philip says...“”Some say in these comment lines that missiles should be placed in southern argentina to bomb the falklands...“”...

    None of us said Argentina has to bomb Malvinas. I said we needed to place missiles in Rio Gallegos. Can you differenciate that???

    Philip says...“”Argentina is basically an non existant on international issues, so I guess everybody will keep on ignoring them and keep on dreaming they get there money back from their latest state default. you Argentines on this forum, keep your comments for youself, i dont take them serious, i guess nobody outside argentina.“”...

    If you ignored us, you wouldn't be here talking about us.
    Argentina is on many international forums.

    Philip says...“”if i could decide, after reading your comments, i would just throw 3 atom boms on argentina, bascially Buenos Aires, nothing of some intelligence is existing outside of that; So please note your misiles to the falklands ... well, they probably end up half way in the ocean because the wont work probably.“”...

    You are the one here who wants a war. I've never said I wanted to launch missiles, I just said We needed to build them and place them in Rio Gallegos and show you what we had.

    Philip says...“”You should just be banned from this site, go to some pornsite of argentina ladies or some football site.. you probably have nothing else you capture.“”...

    Why should I be banned from this site??? Shouldn't be you??? After all, you said you wanted to launch 3 atomic bombs over B.A. Hypocrite!
    There is no proffesional porn industry in Argentina. May be your queen mom could help us!

    Axel arg (again) says...“”PHILIP, you are as imbecill as those people who you criticise, you think that because you rode the comentarys of a couple of idiot people with a mediocre mentalitys“”...

    Do you want a war of insults between us??? Is that what you are looking for??? I've never called you an “inbecil” and I've never been disrespectfull to you.
    To finish, you said...“”we all know perfectly that the islands wont never be argentine again“”...
    Do not say “we”. You speak for yourself and you don't represent me.

    I said several times to you that I wouldn't click on your links, so don't bother yourself.

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 11:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Sorry guys, Your future is written...MALVINAS ARGENTINAS!!!...
    you suffer the concequences of the deadlock, not Argentina. what could we lose??? You stole our islands and we have no control over them, wake every morning knowing your life as society should be different. You know argentine economic sanctions prevent you from developing the way should do and you are to blame for that. You know that without the help of UK and argentine economic sanctions, your economy is not sustainable. Think it over, sit down to negotiate and everything will work out.

    Jan 23rd, 2010 - 11:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • duran

    jorge worthy countryman are only fighting on frontage !
    these Britons are not land men they are island men !!!!
    you must retract them inside the land area then they can't fight
    with us. . most brainy comments(dashs) are from Gong ( 1..6..31..44)..
    Tarzan (4..33..38..50) Ed is very good fighter rest comments are
    chattering ! Gong ,Tarzan and Ed somewhat Jupiter have besieged
    the Briton kids greatly and wisely !!they have no chances !!!

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 01:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • khh

    you wankers just keep barking at the moon. britan has the islands and that is not going to change. in ten years the islands will be way up the food chain and you, well you will still be talking shit.

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 06:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    JORGE, i have all right to think what ever i want about any thing or any one, exactly like everyone does it, if you dont like what i writte about you, ignore it, or just reed it.
    You are not going to reed or heard always what you like, when people gives an opinion about your assertions, that's what democracy is about.
    Beside, you said that you never talked about my coments, this is evident that you dont have a good memory, in one of my comentarys a couple of monthes ego, you answered me that i was a subject of the british empire or something like that, i answered you again, and you never answered me that comentary, anyway you can think what ever you want, what some one like you thinks about me, is not going to change my life, please.
    On the other hand, i think you are right on some of yor assertions, but in many other oportunitys, me parece que te vas al carajo con lo que decis, i think you are authoritarian, anyway, it's your problem, if you want we can keep on discussin, i recognize that some times i am very viceral, if i was disrecpectful to you, i apologise, but i dont agree in absolut in most you say.

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 06:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Excuse me Axel, but democracy is not about telling me “inbecil” or “mentally idiot”. You can think whatever you want about me as long as you don't insult me.
    You started commenting here saying that you did not know a thing about malvinas beyond what you been told in school and I have to tell you that despite of not being a historian, I've read about malvinas beyond what I was told in school a while ago and I started posting here more than a year ago knowing what I was saying.
    In your first post, you said that argentines knew only what they learnt in schools and that is bullshit. I know many things I was not told in school, that's why I thought you were one of the british, because that's their main excuse.
    I don't want to change your life with my thinking as you said, you are talking nonsense.
    Y no me voy al carajo con nada de lo que digo.
    Yo quiero unas fuerzas armadas fuertes, que tiene de malo eso??? Seguramente vos sos de los que estan de acuerdo con el pauperrimo presupuesto de defensa que tenemos hoy y con la degradación de lo que alguna vez fue una de las fuerzas más beligerantes del continente.
    Seguramente vos, como muchos argentinos, no pueden diferenciar entre un soldado de 25 años con los torturadores de los 70's. Seguramente sentís asco por todo aquello que lleva uniforme. Para tu información, el 80 % de los activos de las fuerzas no habían nacido o eran niños en los 70's.
    Vivimos en un mundo podrido. Mañana,te aparece un Bush diciendo que tenes armas de destrucción masiva y te manda 30000 marines con los britanicos lamebotas de escolta y decime quien te va a defender cuando eso pase??? Vas a llamar al 911 para que la bonaerense te defienda??? Tal vez, la policia de Macri, o los prefectos de Pto. Madero????
    Y me decís autoritario???? Pero si no tenes ni la más minima idea de quien soy y como pienso, ni de mis ideales y valores. Yo soy capaz de meter los pies en el barro, aguantar palos y por que no, dar la vida para que vos digas lo que decís. Vos harías eso por mi????

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 01:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    why do you say we are wankers? You are an old man surely looking at younger girls,so what the hell are you talking about???
    Is your name Ken?

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 02:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    duran ! thanks ..
    We will take back Malvinas Island using our brains not by chattering.!
    ( you can not win the victories at the frontages )

    please note this comment : No 58 .

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 05:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tarzan

    viva Cristiano Cristiano Ronaldo ....!!!!!!****&&&&####

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 05:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Jorge said: Why do you have modern war airplanes there...
    - Because the Falkland Islanders have asked us to defend them. The capability is four, yes only four Typhoons. Hardly aggressive vs the whole of the Argentine air force.

    ...when Argentina many times stated that it would not use force again to recover the islands???
    - Nobody believes this.

    If you can place weapons there, why wouldn't we here???
    - You can if you want to, there is nothing to stop you but it would be a change to the status quo and clearly an aggressive act.

    Jorge said: UK has said that will not recognize argentine sovereignty over antartica because UK had sovereignty in those land like in Malvinas.
    - I don't think so. The UK has never exercised sovereignty in Antarctica The UK has a suspended claim over a slice of Antarctica, just like Argentina's claim. No country has sovereignty over any part of Antarctica.

    This is despite of having agreed to freeze claims over that terretorie, so UK, once again is trying to steal like always did.
    - What? How can the UK “steal” territory which is not yours? You don't have sovereignty over any territory in the Antarctic. You have nothing more than a claim.

    Jorge said: “Your future is written...MALVINAS ARGENTINAS!!!...”
    - That's your opinion Jorge. Not many people believe that will happen.

    Jorge said: “You stole our islands”
    - We all know this is not true. The Islands never were Argentine territory.

    Jorge said: “You know argentine economic sanctions prevent you from developing the way should do and you are to blame for that.”
    - What proof do you have of this Jorge? I know you like to think your “sanctions” are very effective, but the reality is they have very little effect apart from being an irritation.

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • duran

    Jason Archibald Roberts ,
    please note commet(no: 58) !

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Carl

    Comment 58? Argentina will be using their brains to recover the Falklands? I'll believe it when I see it, but there's a first time for everything isn't there?

    I love how some Argentines are proud of the sanctions they imposed upon a small island community. How brave and noble of Argentina. I don't think.

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 08:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tetrin

    hi , I'm Australian ..
    our flag is ,
    we count back for our independence from greedy UK .

    Jan 24th, 2010 - 10:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    JORGE, primeramente te repito, que si hubo algo que te ofendio con lo que dije te pido disculpas, se que muchas vecez, ademas de ser sincero, soy muy viceral, y digo cosas que no deberia.
    Por otra parte, nos guste o no, hay que reconocer, que el comun de los argentinos, es muy poco lo que sabe sobre malvinas, saben solo, lo que aprendieron en el colegio, obviamente, dentro de la enorme masa de la poblacion, hay gente que sabe mucho mas del tema, yo de hecho toda la vda estudie el tema, y hace unos pocos meses pude acceder a los argumentos de los isleños, pero reconozcamos, que el argentino medio sabe solo lo que aprendio en la escuela, o sea muy poco.
    Acerca de las fuerzas armadas, yo tambien estoy de acuerdo con tener una fuerza mejor equipada, y creo que de a poco se estan recuperando cosas que se habian perdido, como son, la estatizacion de la empresa aeronautica en cordoba, el lanzamiento de un nuevo cohete, la construccion de nuevas embarcaiones etc, todas estas perdidas, forman parte de la herencia nefasta de la decada del 90, y que por supesto que sus discipulos macri, y de narvaez van a continuar si llegan al poder.
    Con respecto a defender el pais, yo soy un enemigo absoluto de la guerra, es la solucion mas imbecil que puede existir, pero si me obligan a ir, como lo hicieron con muchos soldados en el 82, me guste o no tengo que ir, por mas que en mi vida haya agarrado si quiera una bala.
    Acerca de que si sos autoritario, creo realmente que a raiz de muchas de las cosas que decis a vecez, sos una perona autoritaria, de todos modos es mi opinion, otras personas pueden pensar lo contario, asi es la democracia.

    Jan 25th, 2010 - 04:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Jedi

    The Falklands are British, the majority of Argentine tourists that visit feel the same after being here for a short while. There are a few that have the misconception that we are and always have been Argentinian.

    If you look at the map onn the wall in Thomas Jffersons house, it shows the “Falkland Islands”, with the corect name “Falkland Islands”. Argentin do not appear on this map at al, they are a completely grey space.

    As for self-determination, please see the link below. There are points that argue either way...

    Jan 25th, 2010 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Jorge, We have a strong modern british defence here because:
    a) Argentina persues its claim in an Aggressive manner:
    1- At times Argentine Airforce Jets take off and fly direct towards the Islands. As soon as fighter jets are scrambled from here the Arg ones turn around and fly away again.

    2- Arg Naval vessels have at times sailed through international waters close to the Islands and illuminated foreign registered vessels with searchlights and ordered them by radio to identify themselves - all this in International waters - a pretty aggressive action.

    3- a few yeasr ago there was an attempt to land Arg Special Forces on the Islands we guess by submarine - we do not know what their target was, they had to abort the mission early and left a rubber boat and some kit on a beach where it was found.
    Jorge - I live here - these are FACTS - They are some reasons who there is a military defence base here. Britain has to send a clear message to Argentina - do not try and be silly again. Your presidents may well say they will never use force again - sorry - we do not believe them - they have not always told the truth before. We know that if there was no British Military garrison here - the Arg military would be here in a few days and take us over by force again. That I am sorry to say is the reality.

    The other reality is Argentina,s Economic warfare that is practised against us today - it annoys us a bit and is a nuiscance at times - BUT it does not stop our economy from doing OK and growing. It does not stop our population from increasing.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 04:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    ISLANDER, i am not sure about your last assertion, if you woulden't have a garrison in the islands, i dont think you are going to be invaded by argentina again, we are a democratic nation now, the imbecill authotity who would decide to take possition of the islands, would have such a terrible politcic coste, beside people has horrible memorys for what happened in 1982, and i am almost sure that most people wont never allow that kind of act, the malvinas-falklands war is something very difficult to assimilate yet by people, in spite of all these years.
    I was a baby in that time, but when some one talks about the war, you can see that the pain is very present in the minds of most people, that's why i say that you are totally wrong.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 07:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts


    “if you woulden't have a garrison in the islands, i dont think you are going to be invaded by argentina again”

    I don't think the Islanders are prepared to take the risk. Argentina might be a “democratic nation now”, but you certainly don't behave like a good neighbour. Your air force and navy's aggressive behaviour as described by Islander above, the “sanctions” and restrictions you place on the islands, the constant harassment and your cavalier attitude to agreements - like the 1990 and 1999 agreements which Argentina tore up. Not exactly a stellar record for a “democratic nation”. It's no wonder the Islanders don't trust Argentina.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 04:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    J.A ROBERTS, i understand your posture, we dont even trust our politicians, so why should you trust?, this is evident that there is a very big crisis of trust since many years ego.
    Any way everyone can think whatever , i respect every opinion, but i dont agree on you and other people, i can understand that maybe argentina was agressive to the islanders as you say, but there is a very big diference betwen having a hard posture with islanders, and invading the islands again, you dont live here j.a., you dont talk to our people as much as i do, that's why i dare to say that if the malvinas-falklands woulden't have a british garrison there, you woulden't be invaded again, because invading the islands that means another war on the way, and people suffered very much with that, people are not going to allow a new invation.
    Now we have the chance of chosing betwen invading or not, and i am sure that people are not going support a new invation, we didn't have that oportunity in 1982, one day we woke up, and we saw on national chain that we had recovered the islands, all the rest of the history we all allready know it.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 11:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts


    Never say never. There is no guarantee that Argentina will not invade - garrison or no garrison. I think you hit the problem on the nail. It's a matter of trust, and if the Argentine government continues with its current path then there is no reason for the Islanders to trust them at all. Until Argentina starts to communicate directly with the Islanders and accept that they have rights under international law nothing will change. There will just be deadlock.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    J.A. ROBERTS, i think that both postures must change, you know very well what i think about it, the islanders must be included in the negociation, and the f. i .g must be disposed to to discuss about the sovereignty issue, and try to find a fair solution for all of us, this solution surelly will take years, with the actual posture of both sides there is no solution neather in a long time.

    Jan 26th, 2010 - 11:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts


    The FIG and UK have time and again said that they are prepared to talk to Argentina about everything, including sovereignty, but with no pre-conditions, which is more than reasonable. In the past this was also the case for the UK govt - the navigation agreement in the 1970s is an example.

    However Argentina insists on a simple change in sovereignty as an outcome to talks, ie any talks will be about the hand-over of power and nothing else. An unsustainable (and downright unreasonable) position considering the Falkland Islanders have a right to self determination. On top of this Argentina continues to act in bad faith and in an aggressive manner.

    It is not surprising we have stalemate.

    It is Argentina who needs to change its policy - the current policy has got Argentina nowhere and will continue to get it nowhere unless it changes.

    Jan 27th, 2010 - 02:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    J.A. ROBERTS, after the war, i never heart that the u.k. and f. i. g were prepared to talk about the sovereignty with argentina.
    I only knew that a few years before the war, the u.k. was prepared to transfer the sovereignty to my country, the islanders were going to be argentina in a couple of years, i dont remember the name of the man who represented the u.k. who told the islanders about that plan, i heart that the islanders were very affraid because in that time we had the militar dictatorship, this plan makes me doubt about the soposed right to self determination of the islanders, if they would really have that right, why bretain didn't take into account the wish of the islands population.
    May be i am wrong with this doubt that i have, but i recognice that it's not clear.
    On the other hand, i rode an interview made to one of the councellors from the f. i. g, she was mrs sue cameron, she said that the f. i. g is prepared to talk about many issues with argentina, but the sovereignty is not on discution, so it doesn't coincid with what you are saying.
    I am totally sure that argentina is waiting the islanders to drop on their wish of being british and accept finally the argentina sovereignty, and the islanders are waiting we to drop in our claim, and having relations as neightbouring countrys with argentina.
    Both postures are really childish, if argentina recognice the right to self determination of the islanders, then we loss our claim on that territory, because you will always choose to be british, it's your culture, and it's unfair too to pretend the total argentine sovereignty on the islands, that's why i think we must find a fair solution for both sides, i hope i can find the soonest possible an expert in international law, because those people knows much more tham us, meantime i dont agree with both policys.

    Jan 27th, 2010 - 03:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Axel, you are right in many ways and the answer to a fair solution to both sides lies probably in the middle of what you said at the end. But it will take an open and fresh approach -from both sides - as our side at times is just as aha line as your Govt. I still believe this open and fresh approach can best come about in time from a gradual easing of the present situation - keeping your claim protected yes but accepting we are here and we exist. That would allow trust to reestablish between us again.
    P{re 1982 - he was Minister Nicholas Ridley(now decaeased).At that time UK foreign policy was indeed to try and get rid of us, He came here to sell the idea of Leaseback - like HongKong was for a long time. He failed here and when he got back to London he was given a very hard time by the majority of British politicians of all parties for even attempting to try and make the idea!

    Jan 27th, 2010 - 10:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Axel, the bottom line is Argentina wants something from the Falkland Islanders and the Falkland Islanders need nothing from Argentina.

    If Argentina wants to achieve its aims then it's up to Argentina to start behaving reasonably and making overtures to the Falkland Islanders, treat them like humans, recognise their rights and talk directly to them, otherwise this will go nowhere.

    Jan 27th, 2010 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Expat Kelper

    It is said that in the country of the blind the one eyed man would be king. Lets see if we can open one of your eyes axel arg.

    Firstly in the UK whilst the UK Government in the 1960’s and 70’s through the machinations of the Foreign Office were considering a possible transfer of sovereignty to Argentina you have to remember that in the UK it is Parliament that is sovereign and makes such decisions ultimately. Parliament’s sentiments at that time were entirely against any such transfer and the declared position of both Parliament and the Government was that whilst a transfer was possible no action would be taken without the agreement of the people of the Falkland Islands. So no their would have been no transfer by default.

    The 1970’s Communications agreements were intended to give Argentina time to convince Falkland Islanders through their supposed good intentions and actions that it would be beneficial for them in due course to agree to such a transfer.

    After ten years of incompetent contact with Islanders it became obvious to the then Argentine Government that in the short term they were never going to convince Islanders the give up their status as a British Territory in favour of becoming controlled by their large mainland neighbour. We all know the consequences of what happened in 1982 as result of this impasse.

    In 1999 it was agreed that improvements in relationships between the Islands and the Mainland would be discussed and implemented under the Sovereignty Umbrella. No promise was ever made that this would lead to sovereignty negotiations. Good progress was made with quite a few agreements being reached, although as before (even as during the ten year communications period) Argentina failed to permit Falkland Islanders to have any direct input into these talks because they felt this compromised their position regarding sovereignty. These talks were intended to improve relations between the Islands and Argentina and improve the lot of Falkland Islanders in allowing them to develop their natural resources as the UN demands they should be developed. i.e. to preserve the interests of Islanders.

    Then came the Kirchners and we know the rest they decided to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Through them we now know that Argentina has no agenda whatsoever in looking after the interests of Islanders.

    The UK gives the right of self-determination to all its overseas territories not just the Falklands and I doubt they are going to renege on this in the case of the Falklands. The official UK position with regard to negotiations on sovereignty is as follows <<There will be no change in the status of the Falklands without the Islanders' consent.>>

    Axel arg, good luck in finding an expert on international law in my experience each one has his/her own differing opinions to suit their political agendas.

    There really is no written body of law just varying opinions and precedent.

    The true fact is that Argentina never established itself in the Falklands sufficiently to meet the requirement of obtaining undisputed sovereignty.

    Islander the best hope of achieving better relations with Argentina would be to get rid of the Kirchners and resume the talks under the sovereignty umbrella. It would seem to me that all other possibilities are off.

    Unless there is a change in the attitude of the Argentine side to recognise the legitimate rights of Falkland Islanders I believe all bets are off and you are better to pursue your independent way in the world allied to the UK in the best way possible.

    So lets hope for oil to boost your economy, buy your defence, buy your own aircraft for international travel independently of Argentina and hope against hope that Argentina will one day recognise you as a genuine people with all the rights and aspirations they believe in for themselves. Faint hope indeed as they have never yet kept to any agreement they have made with the UK regarding the Falklands. Regrettably as a whole totally untrustworthy.

    Jan 27th, 2010 - 07:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Jedi says...“The Falklands are British, the majority of Argentine tourists that visit feel the same after being here for a short while.”...

    Bullshit! Argentine visitors sign your books with “For ever Argentina”, “Little Argentina” and “good to visit another part of my country” so stop talking crap.

    ...“There are a few that have the misconception that we are and always have been Argentinian. ”...

    Of course. 99% of people here know your are not argentineans. The thing is you inhabit argentine terretorie.

    Islander says...“At times Argentine Airforce Jets take off and fly direct towards the Islands. As soon as fighter jets are scrambled from here the Arg ones turn around and fly away again.”...

    You are watching many american movies or may be your pots are so strong.
    Argentine airplanes are not flying due to lack of oil and low budget. Do you expect me to believe they fly to Malvinas??? jajaja

    ...“Arg Naval vessels have at times sailed through international waters close to the Islands and illuminated foreign registered vessels with searchlights and ordered them by radio to identify themselves - all this in International waters - a pretty aggressive action.”...

    They were not international waters and it was not aggressive at all. Almirante Irizar is an icebreaker and it has no weapons on it.

    ...“a few yeasr ago there was an attempt to land Arg Special Forces on the Islands we guess by submarine - we do not know what their target was, they had to abort the mission early and left a rubber boat and some kit on a beach where it was found.”...

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahhahahahahahahahahah LMAO
    This one is the funniest.
    Argentine submarines are......I don't know how to say it in english...“oxidandose???” in argentine ports.

    ...“I live here - these are FACTS - They are some reasons who there is a military defence base here. Britain has to send a clear message to Argentina - do not try and be silly again. Your presidents may well say they will never use force again - sorry - we do not believe them - they have not always told the truth before.”...

    Yeah, and I live here where those airplanes were supposed to take off.
    That is a big f*cking lie. I can't believe how easily they brain-washed you.
    Believe me, that is not happening. Who did tell you that??? A british soldier??? Surely he is laughing at you at your back. The same british soldier call you a “benny”. Think about that!

    Don't worry islander, your mistrusts and misgivings are something mutual. I don't believe you and I don't trust you either.

    Jason Archibald Roberts says...“The UK has never exercised sovereignty in Antarctica The UK has a suspended claim over a slice of Antarctica, just like Argentina's claim. No country has sovereignty over any part of Antarctica.”...

    Before commenting, you have to read the article. One of its paragraphs says...“It insisted that the Falklands, along with South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territory, all remained firmly under UK sovereignty.”...

    What does that mean Roberts??? I don't think that assertion is just a claim!

    ...“the bottom line is Argentina wants something from the Falkland Islanders and the Falkland Islanders need nothing from Argentina.”...

    jajajajajaja the truth is “Argentina does not need Malvinas to grow and develop, but you need Argentina altough you don't admit it. You, for example, have problems with fresh food living in front of the fifth world exporter of food. Several retailers from there cried when Argentina impossed sanctions. OK, don't admit it, I can understand that.

    ...”If Argentina wants to achieve its aims then it's up to Argentina to start behaving reasonably and making overtures to the Falkland Islanders, treat them like humans, recognise their rights and talk directly to them, otherwise this will go nowhere.“...

    Argentina does not have to talk to FIG. UK stole our islands and UK has to sit to negotiate with Argentina. Nothing prevents islanders to be on the negotiation table alongside the british. The thing is you want to be a third part and that is unacceptable since you are not different from the british. You are british for god sake!
    Besides, UN clearly call Argentina and UK to solve this. It never mentioned FIG.

    Expat Kelper says...”After ten years of incompetent contact with Islanders it became obvious to the then Argentine Government that in the short term they were never going to convince Islanders the give up their status as a British Territory in favour of becoming controlled by their large mainland neighbour.“...

    That's why is useless a different approach from us. We did it and it brought nothing to us.

    ...”Good progress was made with quite a few agreements being reached, although as before (even as during the ten year communications period) Argentina failed to permit Falkland Islanders to have any direct input into these talks because they felt this compromised their position regarding sovereignty.“...

    Those agreements only benefited and hardened your possition.

    ...”These talks were intended to improve relations between the Islands and Argentina and improve the lot of Falkland Islanders in allowing them to develop their natural resources as the UN demands they should be developed. i.e. to preserve the interests of Islanders.“...

    Argentina is commited to preserve the interests of islanders after negotiating the sovereignty, not before even starting it.

    ...”The UK gives the right of self-determination to all its overseas territories not just the Falklands and I doubt they are going to renege on this in the case of the Falklands.“...

    That ”self-determination“ thing is just toilet paper for argentine goverment.
    We'll never recognize such ”engendro“

    ...”There will be no change in the status of the Falklands without the Islanders' consent.“...

    Argentina must not and surely will not make any talk, favor, agreement or whatever with islanders until UK sit down to negotiate. It is very likely Argentina does the opposite until islanders ask their masters for negotiations. We'll be a pain in your ass in the coming years.

    ...”Unless there is a change in the attitude of the Argentine side to recognise the legitimate rights of Falkland Islanders I believe all bets are off and you are better to pursue your independent way in the world allied to the UK in the best way possible.“...

    Do you really believe Islanders can go on its own without the recognition of Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil and the rest of south America??? I don't think so, unless they keep their subsides from UK.

    ...”hope against hope that Argentina will one day recognise you as a genuine people with all the rights and aspirations they believe in for themselves.”...

    mmmmmmm........draming is free. I cannot take that away from you.

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 03:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    J A ROBERTS AND ISLANDER, this time i agree on most your last opinions.
    May be next administration in 2011 will have a better policy for the malvinas-falklands issue.
    The trust that we need will take years on being built, meantime we have this forum to have a closer contact, and you can travel to argentina to know our people and our natural beautys, i am sure that if it wouden't be so expensive, many argentines would visit the islands, when i ask some people about if they would travel to malvinas-falklands, most them say no, because they think they are going to be bad treated by the islanders, and they also argue that it's very expensive, and there is nothing interesting to find in the islands.
    This is the result of a bad policy, maybe when we have a better relation all this myths will desapare.

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 05:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    EXPAT KELPER, i valou your information very much, we can have diferent arguments, but the most important is to debate about it.
    What i dont like about you, is your stupid irony, i dont need you to open my eyes, i am not blind or eyed, i dont hold that only my truth is valid, that's why i will keep on investigating.
    About finding an expert in international law, of course most them will have diferent points of vew, but in the most importants points of the conflict, they must agree, beside i am thinking too on finding foreign expert , because maybe they will be more objetive., tham the argentines.

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 05:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • khh

    jorge old chap. somebody made an landing on the islands in 2000, that is fact. i never saw them land but i did see what they left behind & it was not a dolls house,[what you normaly play with]. any yes the troops do take the piss out of the islanders but it swings both ways.
    oh and your airforce has what type of planes? oh thats right they are skyhawks,hahahahaa bloody skyhawks , they should be in a museum with your mirages,haha so keep them at home in future! ok

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 09:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ...“oh and your airforce has what type of planes? oh thats right they are skyhawks,hahahahaa bloody skyhawks , they should be in a museum with your mirages,haha so keep them at home in future! ok”...

    This childish pity person has made it clear, argentine air forces are not ready to fight anything, why are you so afraid??? You are being brain-washed.
    Childish person: stop watching american movies and do not smoke that at least for a while and go out to get some fresh air.

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 09:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • khh

    argentine air forces are not ready to fight anything, why are you so afraid???
    i dont think the islanders are afraid, but even though your airforce has dated aircraft they can still pack a good punch, so that is why the advanced RAF fighters are in the falklands. I think i am correct in thinking that argentina now has more fighter & fighter bomber aircraft in its airforce than it did in the early eighties.
    so you see that is part of the threat. you could afford to loose a few but the RAF couldnt afford to loose one. thats why they have the best in the falklands. they could clean up.!!

    Jan 28th, 2010 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • argie

    Hi Mike, friend! Have you ever thought that the Falklands/Malvinas can be returned to Argentina and its inhabitants remain British, speak 'camp' or King's English, support their English Church, choose their own provincial government (Leg Ass, if you wish), police, firefighters, postmen, &c and keep their properties, businesses and nationalities? The only visible changes would be a light-blue and white flag flying atop the same masts the Union Jack is flying now, and more Spanish spoken and written, e.g. 'Fuera Argies' &c, but this only for some time, one generation at the most, after they're handed back.

    Jan 29th, 2010 - 03:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Jorge, Sorry but yes FAA Aircraft have and do make sorties at times direct towards the Islands. We are told this by the British Pilots themselves as well as Senior officers - and sometimes people have been up at the airport when an emergency “scramble” has happened.
    A Irizar IS a Navy Vessel - just as HMS Endurance, never mind they are painted red - and the action she took was aggressive. Bennies? you are years out of date there.
    Axel, any Argentine is welcome to come here as a tourist, what they must not do is start talking politics - come here with an open mind and see and look and absorb the differences , and then maybe after returning home re-assess how they view the situation. Yes it is expensive.

    Jan 29th, 2010 - 05:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ...“We are told this by the British Pilots themselves as well as Senior officers - and sometimes people have been up at the airport when an emergency ”scramble“ has happened.”...

    British Pilots.....AHA
    Senior officers...AHA
    That is what I told you.
    Seriously, Islander, you should not believe that. May be you should make an online research about the current capabilities of argentine forces and eventually you will realize how silly that idea sounds!

    Jan 29th, 2010 - 09:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    What are you suggesting Jorge? That the FAA aircraft are all so old none are operational.

    Jan 29th, 2010 - 04:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • argie

    Blah, blah, blah. The age of Butcher and bolt is over. No more 'Always severity. Justice if possible' . No more Song of the English Bowmen, or 'Private of the Buffs', or even Plains of Abraham. We are in peace now. Cheers

    Jan 29th, 2010 - 09:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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