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UK stern reply to Argentine intention of controlling Falklands’ sea trade

Wednesday, February 17th 2010 - 02:05 UTC
Full article 130 comments

The Argentine government’s announcement on Tuesday that all cargo navigating between Argentina and Falklands/Malvinas Islands “will require previous authorization” received a quick and energetic response from the British government through its embassy in Buenos Aires. Read full article


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  • Mat

    Oh god, this isn't going to end until we've lobbed some cruise missiles into Buenos Aires, is it? How mental is Argentina (or how desperate) to antagonise a country with the third or fourth largest military spending in the world? Typical Argentine arrogance.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 03:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tinc

    It's not about cruise missils u idiot, nor about war or violence. Occupation of the islands was a mistake (wtf were the english doing around southamerica?? none of ur buissnes, they should have stayed home!!! that's being a pirate, an overseas thief)
    Argentina declaring the war was another mistake. (why that stupid “de facto” dictator being called president declared the war?? maybe coz arg military was a blast of corruption and they had killed over 10000 people with “dangerous ideas” and the only way of staying in the power was declaring a war)
    The argentine goverment of 1982 was not elected by the people, was a dictatorship, and people in that country were killed just coz they didn't agree with the military politics... so the world shouldn't be so sure about le legitimacy of the war, argentines didn't wanted it, but they were in legal position to claim soveranity...

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nicholas

    Tinc get real, the only idiot here is you. Don't you understand that the che idiots are losing their mind? Their economy is a mess, it's on the list of going default anytime. It's worse than the US and EU'S situation that many argies don't want to believe. This whole Falkland effort (what never belonged to them if you read the unbiased history carefully) is going again to their mind. Why? Answer is simple...Their own shitty government is diverting the people with crazy rhetoric again from the real and serious issues that is going to destroy their nation and give it for free to foreigners (mainly the Brazilians ). History is repeating again and their will be a time that the Brits will have to react again to defend the PEOPLE WHO DO NOT WANT TO BELONG TO ARGENTINA BUT WANT TO STAY UNDER BRITISH RULE. If the UK must attack, I'm sure this time, they will have to wipe out Buenos Aires for good.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 06:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gdr

    nichollas please !
    are you feel certain that you have -- job security..
    health security..middle class security..-- in the Atlantic Republic !!??

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 08:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • exocet82

    Nicholas... you said....“If the UK must attack, I'm sure this time, they will have to wipe out Buenos Aires for good.” are you going to do that?

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 09:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • exocet82

    Go ahead and start shooting first...let's see how long your investors will last.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 09:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    great move! Finally argentine gov. will take over what it's their own. Let's see what happens...
    Islanders, i bet you saw this coming, so get used to it.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 01:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    Juan, it failed dismally last time Arg tried the same against the cruise ship industry - they simply let it be known that BA,Puerto Madryn and Ushuaia would be dropped of their ports list instead! These sort of international companies do NOT like being told what to do by little countries.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    let's suppose islander knows what international companies want, and also suppose that argentina is a “little country”.
    I don't mind what you nor international companies want, they need to adjust to OUR LAWS in OUR COUNTRY, what's right to do it's never a failure.
    FACE IT ISLANDER, YOU CHOOSE TO BE BRITISH HUNDREDS OF KM FROM YOUR REAL HOME SOIL. You will have this problems forever, don't expect cooperation.

    P.S: You've got to do better than that to hurt our pride. No UK chivalry is shown, very impolite. Lame, shame on you!

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 01:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Bullying a tiny island community for having the temerity to not wish to become Argentine. Shame on you. For what? Macho pride and the inability to understand that it was nearly 200 years ago.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 01:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Paul

    Mat, you talked about Argentinian arrogance, but also said that ”How mental is Argentina (or how desperate) to antagonise a country with the third or fourth largest military spending in the world”. What do you think you are? You're better than us? Why? Your present economy is sh**, and you're desperate to steal our oil... What are you doing in this continent? I answer this question: you're still stealing like you did in the last ten centuries... It's a shame for a lot of people who live in Argentina and really love the British culture (Personaly I really love your music, The Beatles, The Stones, Glam, etc). But, why don't you go home and live in peace?

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 02:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    You are tellig me to forget historic UK bullying towards us?. Would you forget if someone invades your home? Does time matters? Think about it. There's no macho pride, we are applying rules in our country. Uk or Fig would do the same.

    The problem with argentina is that we are not a world power, apparently that gives the right to do whatever you want, then our right of self-determination is not to obey that. There it goes the so called self-determination.
    Or better thought we are a world, let's bull kelpers!

    Wich one you would think it suites better?

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • batodc

    Argentina is falling apart,30% inflation, running out of beef and wheat and very close to another default. This protest is a distraction as was the one in 1982 but a lot has changed since then. ARG has a decimated military, no fuel, few ships, 70s fighter jets and as always the people are weak but pretending to be strong. Every executive order from Cristina has backfired and ARG trying to control international waters will too. It is sad that a country with so much potential has made itself 3rd world in just 80 years on its way to 4th world.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 02:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gdr

    (#13) here is the trumpet of Anglo--Saxophone media .

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paul

    Haha, and your army, without the help of US, is a bunch of old gays!!

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Britain invaded Argentina in 1806 and 1807, well it invaded the Spanish colony of the Viceroyalty of the River Plate after Spain declared war on Britain. It was 200 years ago, get over it.

    What historic bullying toward Argentina, do you mean the investment and trade that led to Argentina becoming the 5th richest nation on the planet? The dramatic decline in Argentine fortunes is entirely down to your own mismanagement but as usual I see you'll blame everyone else.

    Macho pride in inventing a claim to islands that were never Argentine, macho pride in a failed invasion to wrest control and humiliate Britain that backfired in your face and macho pride that the Kirschners are exploiting for all their worth to distract attention from economic woes at home.

    The Falklands are a tiny community that has hewn a living in a place with a hostile climate. Leave them alone. The British are stealing nothing, any and all revenues goes to the islanders. The British would prefer not to have to maintain a military garrison in the South Atlantic but the last time we didn't Argentina CHOSE to invade.

    Time for Argentina to grow up. Democracies don't try and bully their neighbours, didn't work with Chile, won't work with Uruguay, won't work with the Falklands.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 03:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mat

    Paul, yes, we are better than you. Argentina's a laughing stock, and an economic basket case, and we're the world's fifth or sixth largest economy. We have more Nobel Prize winners per head of population than any other country. We invented everything from the industrial revolution to antibiotics and the jet engine. I'm not saying we're better than the rest of the world, just better than Argentina. Mind you, everyone else is better than Argentina, too.

    Your South American neighbours think you're pompous and arrogant (especially Brazil - wonderful place). You know the Brazilian joke: “How do you become a millionaire overnight? Buy an Argentine for what he's worth, then sell him for what he thinks he's worth.”

    And, most damning of all: all Argentines have tiny winkies. Including the women.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    Time for Argentina to take courage and face a world power and tell that no piracy is accepted, colonialism does not applyes on this times. Act with bravery to solve unresoluted problems.
    Britain must understand that we are not subordinates, Argentina as a nation, it's a peer. Don't underestimate us, Malvinas will be HOME SOIL again as it was before

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    The reality is that while the rest of the world recognises that there is a territorial dispute - they do actaully live in reality and thus accept and recognise that the Islands have their own Government and this is who they deal with. That is not disrespectful to Argentina - its jusat recognising reality. Also it is likley that Arg itself is going to try to contravene the rules of understanding of I.A.T.O (Int Antarctic Tour Operators) which Arg is a signed upmember of!!- Ooops - foot in -**** yet again! You can do what you like on your territorial waters and set the rules - but outside those limits the world does not recognise you have any rights to set rules- that is reality - not silly K politics.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leandro

    It´s really dissapointing to read the comments, or the arrogant statements (from both sides). In fact, abstract statements. Everybody is talking like presidents or army generals.

    In my view, as an Argentine, things are not going to change. Argentina is not going to give up in trying to block any route to the islands. The UK will keep the position to occupy them (it´s my view).

    The main question is that the whole cost of all this is on the UK pocket. Without any miracle like an enormous oil reservoir, the economy of the islands are unsustainable. And on top of that cost, there is a logistic cost of supplying troops, sending goods, etc.

    Without Cold War, what is the point on that?.

    The only solution is to find a way to integrate the islands to Argentina. There is no other way for the islanders to survive without assistance. There is no future there, I´m sorry to say.

    Don´t speak about war or bombing, I´m not a 70s guy, but I see no chances of one. Argentina can´t afford it and the UK have no reason for that as long as is having the occupancy.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    Who recognises you??? the FIG? not even UK recognises FIG come on folks, be honest!. Argentina is giving and would give Malvinas more value than UK, all the country is supporting Malvinas, OUR MALVINAS.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Juan

    0 tolerance to unilateral acts when a sovereignty dispute is open!

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 04:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leandro

    That´s another fact, Argentines don´t think about when the demands happened, or if the war was leaded by militars with no rights. <br />
    Everything is independent from the true feeling on the Malvinas ownership. There is no way we could give up. The problem is that if we don´t give up, life in the islands will be extremely hard, besides the climatic conditions.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 05:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leandro

    Islander: honest question, do you vote to choose your government?.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 05:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Newsflash: the Falkland Islands are not economically dependent on the UK, they haven't been for something like 125 years. It doesn't cost the UK anything in that respect. The economy is sustainable without oil.

    The Falkland Islands garrison costs less than 1% of the UK defence budget. Its nothing.

    The UK does not occupy the Falklands, Government was devolved onto the islands in 1985, well overdue and was previously avoided to avoid any sort of diplomatic spat with Argentina. The UK has had a policy since the 1960s of devolving Government and independence on request to all former territories.

    As for Juan with “not even UK recognises FIG”, don't be so ridiculous that you make a laughing stock of yourself. The world moved on a long time ago whilst Argentina is still rooted in recriminations about what happened 2 centuries ago.

    The Falklands would like better relations with its nearest neighbour but don't fool yourselves that you're needed; you're not. Its that simple.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 05:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Leandro, the FIG is democratically elected. Not too long ago, the entire Government was kicked out and replaced.

    The UK has zero interest in staying in the Falkland Islands, the only reason for being there is the islander do not wish to be forced to become Argentine and the UK is committed to respecting their wishes. That is the one and only reason.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 05:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • argie

    Blah, blah, blah. You cannot see through the fog. This was created to hide the actual problems of the leaders of the two countries involved. Brown's been stung at Afghanistan and Fernandez by the 'camp' bees... It's all noise and rattle. Nothing else.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 06:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tony

    #17 Mat don't yuo know i am one of nominees for Nobel Physics Prize ?
    becouse i was best in Physics Lessons while secondary school !!!!!!!!!!!

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leandro

    Thanks Justin.

    I read that there is no interest in the UK to stay in the islands. Then I see no self sustainable model for them. Argentina will never “collaborate”, nor Chile or Uruguay. So they are aisolated.

    I think it´s not easy to live in such conditions.

    That´s why I think Argentina (my country) has the easiest part on this, except for the fact that we don´t have the islands. But in the end they are symbolic for us, our economy doesn´t depend on them. If they come to us tomorrow, that´s fine, if not we can wait for years. I don´t a third party is going to get involved in something which is not valuable except for Argentines and Islanders.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Leandro, Justin said the correct information to you. UK has no control in these islands at all.our elected Government has full control over our internal selfgovernment. UK is responsible only for defence, and Foreign Affairs-and in this we ae always part of their team. We have a Governor here appointed by London and the Queen - in reality just like the “Governor General” in Australia - he is the Queen,s representative, he can speak but has no voting power in Government, but yes he signs the laws we make - same as the Queen signs the Laws UK makes.
    UN recognises Britain as the governing power of the Islands, (independent to the dispute that is the reality)thus UK is responsible to the UN to make sure there is good, democratic non corrupt Government of the people here.
    UK maintains a defence here exactly because ASrg makes claims and threatens - and 28 years ago brutally invaded.So for as long as we do not want to become Arg then UK respects our right to determine our freedom of choice and our own Government. If there was no threat from Arg - then the British forces would leave as they would not be needed.
    As Justin says we do not need UK economically - actually we pay money to UK when we hire expert people like medical, scientists etc , and when we buy goods from there. If no oil, our economy will still survive and continue.
    All cargo ships come here along international routes in international waters, some cruise vessels come here from Arg ports at times - but it is unlikley in reality that the decree will be effective as we doubt it is legal in international law and the law of the sea. Our major airlink is direct north to Europe. You control the airspace for one a week from Chile - but if you cut that Arg would loose its only direct link to the Islands and it would be the end of means for your veterans and families of the fallen to visit their graves here - so that would be a difficult decision for even Mrs K to make. So in reality you have little control over our communications.
    One day both sides will sit down and talk sensibly and openly - and with no fixed agenda of automatic takeover by Argentina - but that cannot happen while one is bullying and threatening the other.

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 09:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Leandro

    Thanks for the explanation Islander.<br />
    <br />
    In fact it´s really good to know those details between you and the UK, there is a lot of ignorance in Argentina about them and are interesting for me to learn.<br />
    <br />
    It would also be interesting for you to know that there is not a minimum chance that Argentina could do what the militar dictatorship did in 1.982 now and for the future. Our politicians, will always have a hard position, harsh words and other not lovely actions. They need to show to us that they really care about the Malvinas issue. But the war is something which is not a matter of debate here: it was a BIG MISTAKE. And no one wants something like that again.<br />
    <br />
    On top of intentions and positions, as you might know, after the democracy came back (and now with more intensity), the different elected governments have almost “undressed” our army. So in fact there are no chances of a war. We all hope that the new generation of soldiers understand their real position in the society.<br />
    <br />
    Maybe what it´s hard to understand for you in general is that Argentina is acting based on a situation of dispute, and is doing whatever is at our hands (right or wrong). What I understand is that you are thinking like you should: inhabitants of the islands, and whatever the terms might be, any decision taken will directly affect your lives.<br />
    <br />
    We, as governments and people, can bully each other but the reality is that we both know war is not the solution. I also think that this is not the right moment to talk about any solution. Maybe that will happen in the long term, when the wounds get cicatrize, I was 13 when the war happend and it still hurts me badly.<br />
    <br />
    Just a last question, when you speak about brutality, please let me know: did our soldiers injured any civil person?. No strings attached, but we´ve been told that nothing happend to the population during our presence in the islands.<br />
    <br />
    Kind regards

    Feb 17th, 2010 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lalita

    Well, About Argentina is in their right! Britain stop bullying other countries from South America because the Petro. Wich country is next to feed your people? Venezuela? Britain does not like foreigners, why you want to go far away and take the oil? Ah, ok, because Britain are strugle economically wants follow USA. South America and China are growing very fast economically and this is true, much oil, many natural and potencial resource, not just the Malvinas, technology, hard workers with out benefice, don't feed lazy people etc. South American Union will be soon. We know we must first solve some aspects from our governments, but we know are doing well and will continue doing well. We don't need to be modern slaves of other countries, Do you dislike foreign ? Don't go to other lands and take territory for oil. Each country with their territory.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Southamerica

    Or and idea! give British Passaport to the whole Argentina and UK can get the Petro! But still not enought to solutions the problems in the UK. I don't think THE WHOLE SOUTHAMERICA IS AGREE WITH THIS. The time of the Conquest is past...Do you don't understand??

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 12:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    ”If the Isle of Man was won in a war by Argentina and the people on the Isle of Man considered themselves to be Argentinian would the UK be content to let them be? I don't think anyone would let that stand.
    Argentina wants to protect their national interests, which would be taking the Falklands. The UK wants to protect it's national interests.
    This goes beyond the Falklands, without the Falklands, the UK has no claims to Antarctica a resource Gold mine in the coming years. Simple.
    Ray, North Carolina, US

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    Leandro, good that some of us can at least agree we may have different base positions but at least we can try and see each others argument . 1982, no there were no real mistreatment of civilians by your army, yes a few cases of people be slapped about a bit and guns stuck in their backs or faces, but it was a wartime - and things are not pretty in weartime and that is reality. What was far worse was the way some officers treated their own soldiers.
    Yes we understand that the Argentine Govt feels frustrated and wishes to do something to hit back. It wasa pity that this Govt tore up and threw out the Sea Minerals Agreement reached between UK and Pres Menem - we had our zone, you had your part and there was to be sharing and joint development of the area inbetween us, and it was all set aside from the sovereignty dispute so nether side would loose its case.Agreements like that were sensible and realistic - they would have allowed both of us to develop all the economy of the South Atlantic - minerals,fish and tourism to all of our benefit - and leave the sovereignty dispute for another future generation to look at who would not be thinking back to 1982 and full of bitterness on each side quite naturally.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gdr

    #33 England football team will join to the World Cup by which passports?

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 08:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gaucho

    1774 :: Brits withdrawal from colony

    1776 :: Brits leave plaque to assert claim on abondoned colony

    1811 :: Spanish withdrawal from colony

    1816 :: United Province of S.America' independence from Spain

    1820 :: flag of United Prv.S.Amr(later Argentina) raised on islands

    1828 :: Argentine settlement colony founded

    1831 :: US warships destroy this settlements.....

    1832 :: Argentina send a governor who killed in mutiny..

    1833 :: Brits return to islands again..

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 11:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    1774: Britain takes the decision to withdraw the garrison on the Falkland Islands. Nor abandon the colony. Despite Argentine claims to the contrary the “British absence” is a myth, one contradicted by documents in the Argentine national archive. You may care to peruse them, you will be surprised.
    1776: Samuel Clayton does indeed leave a plaque - kudos for being one of the few people to get the date right.
    1811: Spanish Governor in Montevideo where the penal settlement of Puerto Soledad were governed from makes the decision to withdraw from the Falklands. The Spanish presence in the islands was never more than a solitary penal settlement at Puerto Soledad now Port Louis.
    1816: United Provinces of the River Plate does indeed declare independence. It wasn't recognised by Spain till 1859.
    1820: Argentine flag is raised by David Jewett, a privateer employed by one Patricio Lynch a BA businessman. Jewett blundered into the islands after nearly wrecking the Heroina in a storm, not because he was sent. Argentina was actually completely unaware of the incident for nearly 2 years as Jewett never informed his employers. Jewett also only made it into harbour because of assistance from the British David Weddell who was already there.
    1828: A settlement was formed as a private enterprise by one Luis Vernet who asked British permission for his enterprise and frequently requested a British garrison in his reports to the British. He also played the Government of the United Provinces.
    1829: In response to a request for assistance, the United Provinces instead proclaim Vernet Governor, who promptly repudiates the appointment to the British, claiming his interest was purely commercial.
    1831: In response to Vernet seizing American ships, the USS Lexington does indeed visit the islands and destroy the guns and powder stores. Vernet greatly exaggerates the damage to cover up the pitiful state of the settlement.
    1832: A Governor is appointed in spite of British protests who is promptly killed by his own men, who then run amok.
    1833: The British return to the islands, request the Argentine forces to leave but contrary to what Argentina now claims, allow the existing settlement to remain and encourage it to continue. It collapses in August when one “Gaucho” Rivero leads a gang of thugs to murder the 5 senior members of the settlement seeking Gold and Silver.

    Zoom forward to 1850

    1850: Britain and Argentina conclude the Convention of Settlement, settling existing differences to establish a perfect peace. ie give up any and all claims on the Falklands.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gaucho

    well done justy (#38) !!

    1982 :: all treaties defeated

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    Gaucho, correct - 1982 destroyed any vestige of claim held by argentina - she forfeited her right of claim by her militray invasion and conquest of the Islands. Its no good todays democratic Arg saying -“oh but that was the military dictatorship who did that”. IF todays Govt did not agree with what the military did then all they need to do - is issue to the Islands a public apology for the invasion. Quite simple. If that was done and the current rhetoric eased off, after a period of time we might even start to like and trust you ! But sorry, all the Kirscheners have done since thet came to power is destroy the feeling of “well maybe they are not so bad after all and perhaps we can trust them a bit” and put Argentinas image - as we see it - right back to the nasty arrogant invasive bullyboy of 1982.
    What effect has it all had on the Islands? - very little, our economy and population continues to grow.
    What good effect has it had in Argentina? - NONE - maybe just makes you look a bit silly in the eyes of some countries.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gaucho

    islander !!!! I kiss you all islanders and wait to us .
    we'll provide your all requests !these are ::
    privileged citizenship ,, land ,, job guarantee at public sector,,
    free educations ,, free health service,, ...

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • crist

    What amazes me most about the british is really that they stick their nose in everyone's land around the globe (Australia, India, America, Africa) dispossess the natives and still have the amazing chutzpah to vote for stuff like the BNP at home. When that poor brazilian electrician Jean Charles de Menezes was shot dead by mistake by the police in London the first and foremost comment I saw on british newspaper websites was “he shouldn't even be here in the first place”. What if everyone else in the world decided to adopt the same attitude towards the British? There wouldn't even be enough room in the Islands to accommodate them back.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    crist, what is starting offshore here is NOT British - it is an Islands operation - organized,paid for and run by a local based company with lots of local shareholders. Oh and I guess Argentina never waged its war on the Indians of the Pampas in the 1850-60s and decorated all its generals for all the indigenous people they murdered? As for poor de menezes - yes a tragic accident - but did he run and refuse to stop when challenged by police because he knew his visa had long expired and he was thus an illegal immigrant? What about the 1000 people a year shot dead in the streets of Brazil by their police? I think also it was Americans who displaced native indians in America - they were no longer British then.
    These Islands belong to people like me and all the others who are born here(many for up to 8 generations) and others who make their permanent lives here and take out citizenship.
    Gaucho, I thank you for your offer, but we have our island land here, free education and health - and not all of us want to work for anybody,s govt public sector - some of us like working for ourselves - here and same in Argentia as well. All we want is to live in mutual peace and respect alongside you - then in time all the arguments and bitter times of the past will fade away to where they belong- in old history books. But we know this will take a generation or two to achieve.

    Feb 18th, 2010 - 09:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Mat

    You tell them, 43 islander! Unlike the Argentines, the Falklanders didn't steal their country from a native population. They didn't murder indians. They didn't keep slaves, as was legal in Argentina.

    Look, Argentines: we don't give a flying **** what you think some pope a few centuries ago gave you the right to take in an ancient Vatican treaty that existed before your country did. You morons are actually using that as an excuse to try and nab land from a democracy, that's been British longer than your sad country has existed? Here are some facts to emphasise you'll never get what you want (seeing as you're all too thick to understand international norms and laws):

    Britain's one of five members of the UN Security Council
    We're a founder member of the G7, and a member of the G8
    We have the world's 6th largest economy
    We have the world's 4th largest military budget
    We're a vital part of the EU, a massive and powerful political block
    We're the US' closest ally (so yes, they do back us in disputes, ha-ha-ha!)
    Our GDP is 8 times yours
    Our inflation rate is 10% of yours
    We can actually keep the electricity running in our cities
    We get on with our neighbours (apart from you swarthy Argy pricks)

    I know you morons don't care about debate, reason, international treaties or other rules like that, but the facts outlined above do pretty much ****ing indicate that you have a snowball's hope in hell of getting the Falklands and riding roughshod over the islanders' wishes.

    You don't get it, do you? You're a tiny, unimportant tinpot country - that's why we get so **** off in Britain when you start swaggering around like prize fighters and picking fights. It's like having a god damn dwarf try to pick a fight with you - almost beneath your contempt, but damned annoying.

    They islanders will drill for as much ****ing oil as they want, and piss themselves laughing every time your shriveled harridan of a president tries to explain away another blackout or fuel shortage. (And what is the deal with her, anyway? She has a face like a man's ballbag and claims eating pork is better than viagra. Ye gods, have you spastics got no dignity at all, electing that crook?)

    Argentina's a laughing stock, for god's sake. You're like a pathetic drunk in a bar, who lost all his money and status and can't stand the humiliation, so you pick fights with bigger guys and then act like pussies when you get beaten up. I feel sorry for Chile and Brazil, having you idiots for neighbours.

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 12:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • crist

    islander, everyone screwed up in the past, the difference is that the British excelled at it, they had the largest (foreign) Empire, built much of their country on riches taken from foreign land, and in this day there is a somewhat xenophobic atmosphere growing in Britain itself, more so than in other countries. This is completely unjustified, and 100% incoherent, no matter what angle you take to look at it. I never heard of argentinians generals being “decorated” for killing indians, but I'm not all that versed on their history. Brazil's internal problems don't really affect other countries. And americans were originally british, as well as the australians, who only recognized the natives as full citizens to their own land in 1967. About Charles de Menezes, it was established by the end of the investigation that he did not run away from the police, according to the (british) witnesses who testified, he was sitting on the bus and looked puzzled as to what was happening around him at the time he had his brains blown out of his head, he never even reacted. The police also tried to claim that they shouted “ARMED POLICE!”, but this has also been contradicted by the people sitting by his side in the bus. In the end no one took blame and no one was punished for this tragic fiasco.<br />
    <br />
    About the Falklands, I think they belong to the people who live there, and to the people who choose to make their lives there, and to no one else. The British and the argentinian governments need to be thrown out for good. <br />
    <br />

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Gaucho you dont have idea what is living in Malvinas occupied (I have reed a book about a person who live there and had a very bad experience), There are a selected group of bussinesman that have the control of the “virtual” legislative and government in Malvinas, people havent got University, communications, free trade, only have a military airport, It Is like living a dictactorship..... They dont know about a global life (because they are convinced that they live in a free world and have self-determination) so dont kiss them please, maybe you are the rest of gauchos that were in Malvinas and these people have struck your head.......

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 03:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Crist, have you looked into the history of the Spanish empire? Believe me the British empire was no worse and in many cases much better. I completely agree re the Falklands. The Islanders should be allowed to decide what they want that is their natural and legal right... By the way, Jean Charles de Menezes was not shot in a bus!

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 08:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    That says a lot nitrojuan, you know everything from a single book - obviously since that single book chimes with your already held beliefs then it must be correct? By the way, who wrote the book nitro? Dr Mike Bingham perhaps?

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 08:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gaucho

    nitro !! you're rigtht . their population is --appr-- 3250 ; what could be ?
    they can't be --society--by this volume of course ..they are special trained personals,almost all..certainly for military purposes .let alone
    government...businessmen (economy zero !!) just seizured in 1833
    as a military base ! --rogue herd --nowadays they are the tail of US
    bribe is “” Diego Garcia “”may be tomorrow “”Cyprus“”..
    they have many weakness : one of them is : ethnical and racial acts.
    as well known US and England have deep covered racial problems !!
    and scared ..we trust our Latins there !!!!!

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Added: Thursday, 18 February, 2010, 21:55 GMT 21:55 UK
    “I have listened to the brits here saying the majority of the people in the falklands want to remain british,different strokes for different countries,
    The majority of the people hong kong wanted to stay british,yous did nothing, The majority of Irish people want there country as one and your still there.The falklands/malvinas is not yours get out”
    [masterpaddythedub], Dublin, Ireland

    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 11:19 GMT 11:19 UK
    I say NO to Anglo/American Imperialism.
    GO ARGENTINA!!!!!!!
    Rose, Sydney

    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 11:10 GMT 11:10 UK

    I look forward to visiting Las Islas Malvinas soon where no Union Jack will be seen except in the homes of some 'little englanders' still pining for empire!

    K Nolan, Carrick-on-Shannon. Ireland.

    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 11:14 GMT 11:14 UK
    In this 'way, 'way past Colonial age, England has absolutely no right to hold onto the islands. And, if Argentina presses the issue without resorting to another war, the Argentine government can enforce an embargo on ALL exports to the islands, causing the cost of living there to rise, maybe causing the Falklanders to rethink their being there.
    Emanuel Landy, Beith Shemesh, Israel

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 01:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gdr

    #44 Mat ; naughty kid ! what a outrage and indigestion !

    your numbers are faulty , becouse neither England Republic
    nor Scotland Republic nor Wales Republic nor N.Ir Republic
    has these numbers !

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 02:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Trawling the net to find some misanthrope slagging off the British. And we're accused of being “obsessed”.

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 08:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    Gaucho, where do you get it from? We have no economy? sorry we have over 90 local businesses and companies listed as members of the commerce group here with turnovers from several millions of £s to ones family business of say £50,000, The only miltiary special trained personnel are the british forces and out own small volunteer defence force of a few dozen people. Ethnic and racial? - there are people from over 40 countries in our population - even people from Argentina - and they are not persecuted or they would not still be here would they? Instead they are here because life is better and they earn more money!
    Learn the old expression - before opening mouth - engage brain - otherwise feet end up in mouth!
    Nitrojuan, The majority of the people of N Ireland WANT to stay as they are! even the Irish rebublic knows that as does the opposition Sein Fein party (ex IRA) itself and they are in joiunt Government with the pro-british sector of the poulation. The majority of Hong Kong territory was NEVER british owned territory -it was leased for 99years - so it went back to China! As for the fantasy that Arg can enforce a maritime embargo on all exports and imports? - get real - that would start a war - and one nobody would support you in! Would you seriously sink ships from Germany,Spain,Russia,China,USA etc that come here? I dont think even Mrs K is that daft!

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ...“You know the Brazilian joke: “How do you become a millionaire overnight? Buy an Argentine for what he's worth, then sell him for what he thinks he's worth.””...

    This stupid does not know that is an argentine joke. Many jokes like that are born in Argentina. We make jokes about ourselves all the time. We have the ability to laugh at ourselves like everyone should do. Ah, but you don't have that ability, instead, you laugh at the rest of the world.

    Here is another one: If you want to kill yourself, climb up to the argentine pride and throw yourself away!

    .....”Britain's one of five members of the UN Security Council
    We're a founder member of the G7, and a member of the G8
    We have the world's 6th largest economy
    We have the world's 4th largest military budget
    We're a vital part of the EU, a massive and powerful political block
    We're the US' closest ally (so yes, they do back us in disputes, ha-ha-ha!)
    Our GDP is 8 times yours
    Our inflation rate is 10% of yours
    We can actually keep the electricity running in our cities
    We get on with our neighbours (apart from you swarthy Argy pricks)”.....

    As you can see, stupid Mat has made clear why we are in this situation. Disrespectful and arrogant UK!!!!!!

    Give back what is not yours!!!!!

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 20:55 GMT 20:55 UK
    Someone should notify the Queen of England, the PM, and other imperialistic idiots that the days of the Empire are over. The Falklands and Argentina and their boundary rights including ocean rights dont't 'belong' to the pathetic Brits. Get out of Argentina, The Falklands, Ireland, and everywhere else you don't belong.
    J Gordon, NY USA

    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 20:23 GMT 20:23 UK
    “British people should be ashamed of their forefathers' wars and conquests, and should leave the Falklands all all other occupied territories.” Israeli, Israel
    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 20:15 GMT 20:15 UK

    I am from Argentina and i absolutely agree with our Presidenta in this issue , Las Malvinas son argentinas an we need to claim our rights even thougt the islanders thinks they are british , I wonder who helps the islanders before 1982 ? Where did the islanders go to hospital before 1982? Who sent food every week before 1982 ? ARGENTINA , yes Argentina .Britain only put a goverment and rules to avoid Argentina to stay in this islands.
    mariana, buenos aires
    Added: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 18:08 GMT 18:08 UK

    If Britain had any class, they would sit down and work out a deal
    V. Sellmann, Vancouver

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 10:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Britain is the sh*t of this world. They don't have any class.

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justin Kuntz

    Ah, the last resort of the scoundrel, empty threats and insults.

    No surprises there.

    Feb 19th, 2010 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    <br />
    As lon g as many people keep on just insulting eachother, or beleiving that one side is better tham the other, we wont never have the chance of having mature debate about the dispute.<br />
    This is not a competence about what country is better than the other, or who is more arrogant, if we dont respect each other, we are lost.<br />
    About the dispute, as long as both sides dont sit and talk about the sovereign problem, and dont try to find a fair solution for both parts, we will have serious problems in the future, i descard totally the possibility of a new war, believe it or not, but the progress of both populations will be limited, we must be intelligent please, debate and recognize the rights of both, we dont have to think only in our economic interests, we can't be so idiot selfish, we have to think in the future generations from both parts, what are we going to leave them?, that's why once and for all, i hope we are smart, and change the minds of many people from both sides, avoiding to talk about the dispute means just protracting to find a solution, and is not going to give you the chance to became into an independent nation, on the other hand, ignoring the islanders by argentine goverment is also a total mistake, so the solution is in our hands, we can profit it, or let it go (THINK PLEASE).

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 12:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    THe teacher again... if the islanders keep their posture the last solution was a nuclear bomb.. without Royals and Kelpers there arent “virtual self determination” and we can recover our lands, that is the easiest solution, the imposible solution (without losing human lifes) is having a mature talk with them.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 01:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Nope, one of the few Argentines on Mercopress that talks any sense. If you want to continue talking empty threats, like “nuking” the Falklands rather than letting the people simply live in peace. You really have to start to wonder about a nation that instils so much hate in people's hearts.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 12:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Phil

    > About the dispute, as long as both sides dont sit and talk about the
    > sovereign problem, and dont try to find a fair solution for both parts,
    > we will have serious problems in the future ...

    Ok. I've bought a new BMW. My next door neighbour is so jealous that he just can't accept that I own something he wants, and resorts to a campaign of anti-social behaviour saying that he won't stop until I've got rid of it ...

    ... Do I “negotiate with him”, or do I just him to get stuffed, grow up and stop behaving so badly - my car being none of his business?

    That's the Falklands issue in a nutshell - the world has moved on and land no longer belongs to countries as a result of ancient colonial actions, but as a result of the freely expressed wishes of the settled populations who live upon it. The Falklands aren't British in the childish “God, Blood and Soil” sense the Argentinians think it belongs to them, but simply because the Falkland islanders choose to be British.

    There is no dispute of principle, there is no application of principle to negotiate - the accepted principle of self-determination is currently being applied with the islanders overwhelmingly deciding to remain British subjects.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 12:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • gdr

    # 61 ..a friend bought a new BMW....
    a normal -standart- English can't buy luxy car becouse they are all broke !
    a normal-standart--English can buy ordinary car hardly by mortgage
    becouse they all have no cash !
    all Englishs try to buy merely -foreign brand -cars,becouse they have not
    their own brands !!

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 02:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nexus

    The truth of the matter is that Argentina has been a military dictatorship for much of the post second world war period - a historical fact.

    Post WW2 Britain divested nearly all of its colonies and protectorates and it would have been likely that the Falkland Islands may have had a different history if Argentina had been a mature democracy.

    However, Britain had just fought a very destructive war with a fascist country with many hundreds of thousands dead. The idea that the people in the Falklands should be handed over to what was a fascist state was unacceptable. The war between Britain and Argentina in 1982 was pre-empted by a military dictatorship in Argentina that needed a diversion from its economic troubles and thought nothing of eliminating their own people who opposed the military. So, 2000 Falkland Islanders would have been at significant risk.

    Personally, I don’t think Argentina can be trusted as their political system is still very fragile and their shrill and petty actions recently further reinforce that view. The fact that there may be oil and gas deposits are by the by. I also note that Argentina have ‘ruled out military action’. Good job as the island is defended by one of the most advanced combat aircraft in the world and several nuclear powered subs could be on station in a very short time.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 04:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Phil

    > Personally, I don’t think Argentina can be trusted as their political
    > system is still very fragile and their shrill and petty actions recently
    > further reinforce that view.


    Q. Is Argentina a “fit country” to hold (or even share) sovereignty over the Falklands? A. No, it's corrupt and unstable, and relies on distracting its population with jingoism and nationalism against 'external enemies' and 'grand injustices' rather than addressing its own problems.

    Q. Does Argentina even have a legitimate claim? A. No, the days when land belonged to countries through conquest regardless of the wishes of those born there through the generations have long since gone. Borders and populations are now fixed, and can only change if the local population freely decides that's what they want.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Q. Earlier this week Argentina claimed it would take its case to the Hague. Why haven't they, why did they back peddle?

    A. They knew they'd lose.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Nobody knows where is “islander”?? maybe he have flown today saturday to Punta Arenas ..going forward and escaping before they will be all enclosed in Malvinas ... It seems to be graceful but really that in the bottom of my heart they give me pity that they could not and dont want to live in peace, harmony (eithour resentments) and real development (but real) cause their brit nationalism.

    Feb 20th, 2010 - 09:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ArgenDeutsch

    Having this debate with the islander is useless like with the Pomies.

    So what Argentinean have to do is harm British interest on Argentina’s soil.

    UK export to Argentina is 1 bn dollars every year.

    And British companies have a turn over in Argentina over 5 bn.

    So they will have hole of 6 bn. dollars.

    Companies like Shell and Uniliver will do Argentina’s job, they will press UK govt. to give up the Isle of Man, Malvinas, Gibraltar, etc. if would be necessary.

    Money talks, case closed.

    Have a nice penguin weekend.

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 01:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    Nitro,sorry still here and after 7 generations of my family born in OUR Islands it will take a lot more than some silly threats to shift me and the rest of us. At times my friend you do loose the thread a bit - just WHO is not wanting to live in peace and harmony etc in this part of the world?
    What economic and communication threats have we made against you?

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 01:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Islander really I miss you, deeply in my heart I think that your generation has not made anything bad at all with us, you are only the fruit, like we (the argies) are the fruit of a nation that feels invaded in his own house shamelessly for desires post imperialistic of the United Kingdom, maybe with valid desires of survival, but costing our resources in the South Atlantic and the Antarctica. Really I admire the capacity of development of the British Commonwealth but in consideration I detest the fit and Brit arrogance in what I have mentioned. I personally respect the self-sufficiency that you achieved but remember that before Argentine and British inocents blood have flown in 1982 in Malvinas, you were not at all (without a nationality) and depends of Argie comunications, not because I lived through it (I have 33) because I have studied it. Nevertheless, UK never matter if our valid claim was with diplomacy (before 1982) war (1982), Di Tella diplomacy (1990s), Kirchner Bans (2010s) the direct affected will be you, but I admire as you have taken force to go out forward in spite of that you are not the legitimate owners of this land and WE will know it from generation to generation.

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    I looked it up.

    Argentina exports to UK: $1.5B
    UK exports to Argentina: $307M
    UK Investment in Argentina: $2B

    On the economic front, Argentina has far more to lose.

    And nitrojuan, you have this bizarre interpretation. Britain will only negotiate with Argentina with the consent and endorsement of the Falkland Islanders, it is up to the Falkland Islanders to decide their own future. Britain has devoled Government to the islanders, modernising their relationship.

    Britain has done nothing to antagonise Argentina, it negotiated in good faith to try and find a solution, Argentina chose to invade and force and armed confrontation. Whatever confidence building measure have been established were torn up by Argentina.

    Argentina has created and sustains this conflict, you are not the “legitimate owners” of the Falklands, the people living there are. What happened in the 19th Century doesn't matter, this is the 21st Century.

    You study only one side, you only learn half the facts.

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    ISLANDERS , Humbly after 2 years in the Austral Patagonia, I expect to be able to travel to the Malvinas in March 13th in order my return to my home in BA could think a year in writing a book (after visiting all the Patagonia and its people), from my profession and with total respect I have proposed to Lady Sukey Cameron a solution, one alternative that the British and Argentine politicians cannot give, in order that doesnt compromise the territorial Argentine integrity, nor either self-determination of the islanders (without need they turn to Great Britain) is this balance that YOU have to look and I have proposed it even without response from my humble position. We can found the best solution without resentments, without stupid nationalism & without the interest of our gov.have (PM Thacher vs Galtieri, PM Brown vs Cristina).<br />
    Maybe I was not born in the appropriate epoch, or the offer is not in the just moment, thereabouts someone would have to propose this 100 years before or 100 years later 2010!

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dario SALVO

    You are completely insane, paranoid, what do you think they are?, Not so paranoid, there will be no war. for you and for us. LOOK AT YOUR MIRROR AND NOT SO DRAMATIC.
    Fraternal greetings
    Thanks for letting me GIVE MY THOUGHT

    Feb 21st, 2010 - 11:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • martin

    Argentina wants to build villas miserias that is why they need the land back.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 01:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lame Soul

    For a British problem a British solution.

    Diego Garcia is an example of how the Brits deal with this type of problem.

    While Malvinas has British wannabe the problem will persist forever.

    If we remove the population and send them back to Britain everything would be OK.

    After all they want to be British. Do they?

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 02:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    nitro - thankyou for comment 71 and we hope you enjoy your visit here and get more idea and views of how and why we are how we are here. I lived in your country once for a while and it helped me understand your side of the argument - but I still believe ours is the right one, I cannot dispute what you say about pre 1982 - yes I was here then and yes,basically UkKwas looking for a decent way to get rid of us-not because they did not believe they were in the wrong over sovereignty though - simply because at that time UK Foreign Policy was geared worldwide to getting rid of the last little bits of old empire etc, Then the Invasion changed everything ,UK now has our rights and wishes as paramount. I agree - an ideal solution would be one where the principles of both sides can be satisfied without loss of face to either.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 02:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    yes Lame, but they dont want to leave the lands... have you ever seen the revenue of their autosuficient economy? Diego Garcia was leasing to US Navy. Please think about a Peaceful Exit of it ,where our rights of Principle of Integrity Territory and their “virtual” self determination rights could co-exist. THINK ARGENTINES, THINK ISLANDERS!! I can see only a nationalism web movement that generates only rancors.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 02:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    From yesterday to today I have a little change of my opinion about islanders, after reading and watching the oficial islands web site , I really be sorprice how can you survive and could be autosuficient in all aspects!! When we needs the royalties from the Federal Gov. you dont need it at all.... The capacity of your subsistence is admirable.. My skin puts like hen. Really I have a good exit of this dilema, keeping to you all yours resourses and self determination, and for us keeping a part of our losing lands, with a peaceful solution where both sides will be benefits. But in my trip I do not want to disturb the life of anybody and want to go unnoticed. Is The Star Princess there? We wait that ship this week...

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 02:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lame Soul


    I cannot help with that, UK was always a pain in the @s for Argentina.

    We have to confront them in war 3 times, while Islanders continue with the “British wannabe” stuff Argentina is in danger.

    So the Islanders refused all the time to become Argentinians, OK that is fine is their prerogative and decision.

    But when you make a wrong decision you have to face the consequences.

    If they want to be British that only can be possible in Britain.

    So would be better for them to go where they think they belong I mean UK’s motherland.

    Else we can bomb the Islands until all disappear, without land wouldn’t be any future claim, no British, etc.

    Is that simple.

    The most nationalist here are the British as always have been.

    A little island 4000 miles away pretend to have reminiscence of the old rotten empire here.

    We have to kill the dog and a lot of people like me think that way.

    The only language British understand if the smoke from a gun.

    Have you ever seen that the rotten crown had step down from any colony without a bloody war?

    Think about it, there is not other solution to this endless dispute.


    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 05:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    When Britain and Argentina were close trading partners, Argentina rose to become the 5th richest nation on the planet. The majority of the Argentine population emigrated there in the late 1880s.

    It has nothing to do with Empire, the British Empire was dissolved peacefully 40 years ago, with the former colonies of the British Empire granted independence. The policy since has been to grant independence or where full independence is not feasible or wanted to maximise autonomy and self-government. The British Crown as you put dismantled the Empire without the need for bloody wars of independence.

    Listening to many of the voices here, all I hear is raw racism. Newsflash, the islanders do not have to become Argentine, listen to yourself, and then you wonder why they don't want to.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 09:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Insulting the English? Like I give a shit, I'm Scottish.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 12:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    .....“What happened in the 19th Century doesn't matter, this is the 21st Century.”.....

    Que caradura el hijo de su madre!!!

    .....“You study only one side, you only learn half the facts.”.....

    Surely british children learn how they ripped 25% land around the world from its people. Hipocryte!

    .....“an ideal solution would be one where the principles of both sides can be satisfied without loss of face to either.”.....

    How could that be????

    .....“A little island 4000 miles away pretend to have reminiscence of the old rotten empire here.”.....

    I totally agree with that.

    .....“When Britain and Argentina were close trading partners, Argentina rose to become the 5th richest nation on the planet.”.....

    Now, we have to thank them. Que hijo de.....!
    This guy is sick!

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz


    No, the British education system based on sound academic principles teaches a warts'n'all view of the former British Empire. The only examples of rank hypocrisy I see come out of Argentina.

    Rather like claiming the islanders are “implanted”, when Argentina is a land ripped from its indigenous peoples, mostly in your genocidal conquest of the desert. Whereas the Falkland Islanders displaced no one.

    Clearly one side of the dispute would like to see a result where no one lost face, you seek to maximise the humiliation of the islanders and the British. Yawn, empty threats, the last time you tried it, you ended up with your bum being smacked hard.

    I never said you had to thanks us, being friends was of mutual benefit. The straight fact is that Argentina has more to lose.

    $13B of debt maturing and $7B in the hole. Oh dear.

    Trade with Britain: $1.5B.
    British investments in Argentina: $2B
    British trade with Argentina: $307M

    See those are facts, I looked them up. Same as the fact that when Britain and Argentina were close partners, Argentina was a lot richer. Shame that years of corruption have brought you down so low. And I mean that sincerely as I always had a soft spot for Argentina.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 12:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Chutzpah Jorge, really you do take the biscuit for that little comment. Chutzpah is your speciality.

    I won't say anything derogatory about your mother, nice lady, or so the 7th Infantry Regiment tell me.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 12:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    You are a total retard. I've never said anything about your mother. “Que hijo de su madre” is not an insult to your mother. Aparently you know nothing about our “lunfardo”. The 7th Infantry Regiment asked you to crossdress the way you like.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 03:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    If you were the first power once, why aren't you any more??? Because you stop being friends of Argentina. LOL

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    No Britain stopped being a first power when it expended most of its resources in the pointlessness of the First World War. I see the futility of warfare seems to have passed you by.

    I merely said I wouldn't say anything derogatory about your mother, as she is apparently a lovely lady.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 04:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • islander

    Nitrojuan, yes Star Princess is in port here today, no problems no special papers. But is is raining all day so bad luck for the tourists - lots of Americans,British and Argentines. Maybe you will have sunshine in Ushuaia when they arrive.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 04:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    You don't make me angry with your insults Justin. I know you're far away. Otherwise, believe I would take the sh*t of you for talking that way about my mom.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 05:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    Islander, Today is a cloudy day in Ushuaia with snow in the mountains, when I was walking to my job this morning i could see the Infinity coming port but i was very sorprice of the militarish in port (maybe in Malvinas is normal but here do not). This ship isnt before the decree in Malvinas? I think Star Princess will have a problem if it doesnt have the permission for staying in Malvinas and in our waters. Wednesday i will comment you.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 06:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Jorge, I promise I won't say your mum is a lovely lady ever again. Probably.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Just a little girl like you could believe himself a man before a computer. You don't the balls to say that in front of me.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 07:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Wanna bet?

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 08:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg


    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    What low level? Apparently saying someones mum is a lovely thoughtful lady is an insult in Argentina.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 10:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    JUSTIN, saying that what happened in 1833 dosen't matter, because we are living on 21 centenury, it's very hipocrite.
    If most islanders are living now in the islands, is because of what happened in 1833, i told you a couple if times that in some aspects what happened in 1833 was illigal, this is when this dispute started, like us or not, we can't ignore those facts, i would like to debate very deeply about it, in some aspects i think you are right, but in many others of your assertions, i think you are wrong.
    On the other hand, when you talk about argentina, i think you know just one side of our history or about our actual situation.
    i think you are right when you say that most argentines know so little about your arguments, in fact in my case i could know a couple of monthes ego about the arguments of your side.
    The same ignorance that we have about your arguments, is the same that most islanders including you of course have when you talk about my country.
    You dont have not even one line of objetivity, you only hate the k, and you dont recognize them not even one achievement. i can understand that as a falkland islander you have reasons to be ungry with them, you know that i dont agree with their policy in some aspects towards the islands.
    But when you talk about argentna, you should be more objetive, you dont live here, and you are ignoring many important facts, as long as you keep on reeding articules from clarin and la nacion, you will be as ignorant as usual, beside, you think that you can find free idependent press from the foreign, let me tell you that you are not only ignorant, you are inocent too. May be you dont know that your soposed freee media, is only funtional to it's economic intertests in the whole world, that's why when i inform my self, i do it, with those chanels that soport the goverment, and those that are against them, that's why i have a diferent opinion about the goverment tham most argentines, i dont want neather another k goverment, but i must recognize them many achievemnts that we had since 2003, i am totally sure that you dont know not even the half of the achievements made since 7 years ego.
    I f you can't be objetive, dont talk about my country, because you know just one side of our situation.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 10:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Axel Arg

    All irredentist arguments are bullshit, that is purely direct speech. The people who frame such arguments simply pick a time that is convenient for them.

    For example, Port Desire was discovered and settled originally by the British. Does that give the British a claim on that part of Argentina. Clearly not.

    Wanting to reset borders to some convenient point 177 year ago is clearly impractical, Patagonia wasn't part of Argentina, large parts of Northern Argentina were part of Paraguay, other parts would become Uruguay and thats just Argentina.

    Resetting borders also assumes what Argentina claims has some truth and the honest answer is they don't in the main.

    So why is a huge nation like Argentina so paranoid about claiming the Falklands? Because however uncomfortable you find the truth, the internal politics of Argentina has a big deal to do with it.

    Also outsiders are often far more objective about your economic situation than you might. My comments are honest, if you don't like them, ask yourself why.

    I have no beef or dislike of Argentina, I don't like the silly empty threats of your countrymen and I may take the mickey, that doesn't mean I disrespect your country.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 10:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    Justin, If you have the balls come here. I will show you what happens when someone talks about my mother that way.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Jorge, I promise I won't your mother is a thoughtful lovely lady again, really I won't.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Jorge, I promise I won't your mother is a thoughtful lovely lady again, really I won't.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 11:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander

    nitrojuan, my info is that Star Princess went B.A. to Montevideo and then to here, but also they said that in B.A. port nobody knows anything about what papers- I think the same in Ushuaia with harbour master? A Presidential Decree maybe - but no good if nobody knows how to implement it. As you say - we will see what happens. yes Infinity was here Wednesday last week.
    Axel Arg, I agree with you some of these pages are now full or stupidity,foul language and Spanish which should be on the Spanish language websites. Dont worry there a lot of good things about your country which even the K,s will not be able to destroy. Its just the politics that spoil it for us.

    Feb 22nd, 2010 - 11:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Irish blood

    @JustinKuntz<br />
    <br />
    Dear Justin if you really are Scottish you are fooling yourself.<br />
    <br />
    We are not talking here about the normal English or British they are victims of the Rotten Empire’s mentality.<br />
    <br />
    You are Celts as many Argentinians half million Irish live and work in Argentina, a lot of Welsh have found a home here among others Celts groups. Myself is living in an ex Scottish colony founded by Parish Robertson.<br />
    <br />
    So we Argentinians are very aware of the cruelty and disgusting tactics used by the Rotten British Crown, I mean the ruling class in UK. Have you forgot what the Crown have done to the Irish, Scott, Welch, etc. I don’t<br />
    <br />
    So is up to you to be functional to the Greedy Exploiter Crown, We don’t care if the Islander want to speak English, believe in Odin or if they want to fish naked while drill for oil.<br />
    <br />
    The fact is that we don’t want the British crown, influence or Army down here, is that so difficult to understand that? <br />
    <br />
    So the Islander can have a lot of options if they are smart, none is going to impose anything to them, I mean culturally, Language, but they cannot expect to be the door way of the British crown down here.<br />
    <br />
    So the overreaction from the Islander that play pivoting with UK is also dangerous to them.<br />
    <br />
    The so convenient strategy from the Islander to self-determination convenient backed by UK is pointing the problem directly to the Islanders.<br />
    <br />
    And if Argentinians start to see them as the root of the problem, resentment will rise and this can end like the War Of The Triple Alliance. That have started for the same reason I mean the ambition of the British Empire to expand its influence in South America. This cost 90% of the Paraguayan population, this is not new in the history of UK, Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan are example of that.<br />
    <br />
    If you see the news, another countries are countries are backing Argentina like Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, etc. So the most hurt will be the Islanders like the Paraguayan long time ago.<br />
    <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br />
    So if you are really concern about the Islander, by encouraging or giving hope to them for self-determination what are you provoking is putting in danger what you want to protect.<br />
    <br />
    Regards<br />

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 12:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Yeah right, so concerned that the Islanders should just give in or else. Threats of further genocide in South American history. And as always the islanders will be respectedm, when all you ever hear is that they're squatters with no rights.

    Your feigned concern fools no one.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    a little of history:
    THE TRUE HISTORY OF MALVINAS: In 1766, Spain acquired the French colony of Port St. Louis, and after assuming effective control in 1767, placed the islands under a governor subordinate to the Buenos Aires colonial administration. Spain alone maintained a settlement ruled from Buenos Aires under the control of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata until 1811. On leaving in 1811, Spain, too, left behind a plaque asserting her claims. On 6 November 1820, Colonel David Jewett raised the flag of the United Provinces of the River Plate (Argentina) at Port Louis. Jewett was an American sailor and privateer in the employment of Buenos Aires businessman Patrick Lynch to captain his ship, the frigate Heroína (Lynch had obtained a corsair licence from the Buenos Aires Supreme Director Jose Rondeau). Jewett had put into the islands the previous month, following a disastrous eight month voyage with most of his crew disabled by scurvy and disease. After resting in the islands and repairing his ship he returned to Buenos Aires. Occupation began in 1828 with the foundation of a settlement and a penal colony. This settlement was destroyed by United States warships in 1831 after the Argentine governor of the islands Luis Vernet seized U.S. seal hunting ships during a dispute over fishing rights. They left behind escaped prisoners and pirates. In November 1832, Argentina sent another governor who was killed in a mutiny. In Jan 1833 UK took advantage of those situations and invaded Malvinas.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 12:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paul

    At the end of the day we own this island and will take the oil. Try to take that from us and we will kick you ass again. End of. All these empty threats and moaning mean nothing. Our forces will crush you so shut up and deal with it.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • paul

    At the end of the day we own this island and will take the oil. Try to take that from us and we will kick you ass again. End of. All these empty threats and moaning mean nothing. Our forces will crush you so shut up and deal with it.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • wade sabean

    The Falklands belong to the people of the Falkland Islands who are British. Therefore, as long as the Falkland Islanders want to remain British, which they do, the Islands are therefore an integral part of the United Kingdom. It does not matter if once upon a time they may have had an some connection with Argentina. The fact is they have people living there that have been there for generations that want their Islands to remain British. Their wishes are paramount above Argentina's wishes.

    The Falklands are not physically connected to Argentina or South America as they are hundreds of kilometres away. The British, United Kingdom, has a right to develop the Islands, to do oil exploration, develop the fisheries, develop agriculture, and any other industry on the Islands, etc. Argentina has NO right to interfere. However, since things are not going so well in Argentina for the Government they have to divert the attention of the people from its failed policies to the Falkland Islands in a hope to get re-elcted when the election comes in the future.

    Hopefully, the British will look to long term development of the Falkland Islands so that immigration can pick up and the population can grow substantially. Agriculture, fishing, mineral and oil exploration, tourism, etc. should be areas to develop and increase. Other industries could follow in the future. The important thing is to develop the Islands so that people from the UK would be willing to migrate to the Islands.

    The Islands are a nice place to live and bring up a family as they are peaceful and unspoiled. They are spacious as the wilderness is wide open and beckons people to come. The Islands have no crime and are therefore very safe.

    There is no reason in the world for the United Kingdom to give up it's rightful territory as the people there want to be part of the United Kingdom. It is very clear that do not, nor ever want, to be part of Argentina!

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Wade, the Falklands might be British but they are not an integral part of the United Kingdom, they're a completely separate jurisdiction and it's the Falkland Islanders' right to develop their own economy which the UK is protecting. It's not the UK's right which is being protected.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 01:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RohanMarkJay

    The entire world me included is absolutely tired of the British Imperialism of the House of Sax- Coburg- Gotha otherwise known as the House of Windsor in Buck Palace or Queen of England(Kudos to Hugo Chavez for Calling this evil institution out) and her personal International Bankers The house of Rothchild in the City of London and their puppets sitting in Wall Street, The White House and 10 Downing Street, London being the cause of almost all the problems of War, economic depression and Imperialism and other humanitarian problems in this world. It is bit rich for some imperialist minded Jingoistic Brits (Not all Brits a large proportion in fact don't support London's imperialist policies) and their lackeys in the US and the British Commonwealth. To come on here and justify their arguments.
    Any fair minded rational person in this world knows that the Las Malvinas(Falklands) rightfully belongs to Argentina. If there is any justice in this slaughterhouse of a world.
    Las Malvinas will officially be part of the nation of Argentina soon!
    A country that doesn't back down to imperialist bullys like the US and UK and their minions around the world.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 03:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RohanMarkJay

    I can't believe how many Brits and Falkland Islanders come here and justify that Falklands belong to Britain when it clearly belongs to Argentina!!!<br /><br />
    My advice to the Argentina is to beside beefing up their diplomatic offensive against the UK to also enlist the help of Russia and China. Better still ask them to build a massive Russia/China military base of the close to the Las Malvinas. Russia and China are two nations that have suffered terribly at the hands of UK imperialism therefore they hate UK imperialism more than any other country in the world you can count on their support. <br /><br />
    I garauntee the Islands will rightfully be returned to Argentina in no more than five years or sooner!!!<br /><br />
    Message to the Islanders there Argentina with get those Is lands back wether you like it or not!<br /><br />
    You think thats unfair?!! Tough life is sometimes Unfair!<br /><br />
    The entire world except UK,US and Isreal say those Islands belong to Argentina and God Willing with international support they will be returned to Argentina.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 04:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Rohan, in case you hadn't noticed the British Empire was pretty much wound up 40 years ago. So much for “Imperialist”!

    The Falkland Islanders simply want to be left alone to live their lives as they choose. That is their right, enshrined in international law.

    You have obviously been smoking something very strong if you think the Queen has such powers and influence. The reality is very different...

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 04:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RohanMarkJay

    “ Irish blood”
    You are absolutely right!
    The Argentinian people are not stupid or dumbed down.
    Like many in the UK fed on and brainwashed by the Rupert Murdoch Sun newspaper rotten tabloidism. They Argentinian are well educated and are fully aware unlike the imperialist minded brits commentating here on the gross crimes of the British Crown.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    J.A.R. take 5 minutes and look up Lyndon La Rouche, or don't waste that 5 minutes of your life and realise its a bunch of nutters.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 04:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    who are argentinian? who are we?
    Argentinian are 97% european (italian, spanish, welsh, english, french), the 3rd jewist community (after Israel & US) , and in 90´s Latam communities (Paraguayan, Bolivian, Chilean & Peruvian) and now a few inmigrant after the North Crisis (North Americans) !! The European came in XX Cent. in Argentina , for better conditions & future, cause in their regions have a terrible war. Today many argentines (third generation) have Italian or Spanish Passport too because a reciprocity agreement of that, The Gratefulness in the Human Behaviour is the best that could be happend to us. So dont foment European Vs Indigenous American (that happened in XIX century) , We are not that, we dont feel that, whose foment that are Pres.Chaves (clown), Pres.Hugo Morales (indigenous resentment), PM Brown & some brits in this forum (empire nostalgic). We are in XXI century idiots!!!

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Johannes

    What Argentina should do about this is simply to send about 2000 of its citizens to live in the Islands. That's about enough to outnumber the ridiculous “british population” that lives there (it's about 1300 born there and 700 british born). Then we will see if the British government meant it when they said that the Islanders have the last word. I would not count on british sincerity, however.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 05:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    nitrojuan at least be consistent, you're arguing we shouldn't judge Argentina for what it did in the 19th Century but in the next breath press a irredentists 19th Century sovereignty claim.

    That was kind of the point about the comments about the 19th Century.

    Don't call other people idiots, and don't be upset if they assume you're an idiot because you spout idiocy.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Johannes

    JustinKuntz, getting over indian-european conflicts is hardly he same thing as forgetting that the argentinians had a colony in these Islands in 1833 that was thrown out by british imperialism. Argentinians shouldn't forget but there is no reason to rehash this. And the native-european conflicts in Argentina weren't nearly as bad as those which happened in the british colonies. Argentina's population is, actually, highly miscigenated with native elements, contrary to new-world british populations. The legacy of the British Empire is one of shameless, exploratory-racism, its impact on the world was 1000 times worse than that of the Spanish Empire. The royalty needs to segregate itself, you know. And the world isn't enough for them.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Ah right let me get this straight, its alright to commit genocide pitting modern repeating rifles against bows and arrows, stealing indigenous people's territory but “throwing out” Eurpean migrants is somehow worse on the moral scale? Did I get that right?

    Newsflash, contrary to what Argentina claims the settlement of 27 people at Puerto Luis was not expelled.

    The legacy of the British Empire is mainly a fine legal system and in the main stable democratic Government. Shame the same can't be said about other European empires. In addition, the British Empire was dissolved by the British who chose to grant independence rather than suffer endless wars of national liberation; again something other European empires never managed. And all those oppressed former colonies choose to retain an association with the UK through the British Commonwealth.

    Native-European conflicts in the British Empire, I can't think of one which resulted in genocide. So give Patagonia back to the Mapuche. Time to end colonialism in ALL its forms.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    thank you Brazil:
    Lula's hard critique Gives today when he asked the United Nations for “ a political explanation for not having expressed that: it is not possible that Argentina does not take possession of Malvinas ” “ the fact that England informs as permanent member of the Council Security of the UN, where they can quite and the others nothing ” and requested that “ the secretary general of the UN re-opens debate inside the United Nations; and the political moment is this! It is inexorable to discuss the role of the Security Council of the UN ” because he thought that “ it is not possible that the UN continues with the Security Council represented by geopolitical interests of the Second World war and do not bear in mind the changes that happened in the world ”. EXCELENT LULA! ALL THE COUNTRIES WILL BE AGREED TO REPEL UK FOR THE SECURITY COUNCIL IF THIS COUNTRY DONT FULFILL THE UN RULES !!

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Thanks Justin. Obviously I was so successfully brainwashed by the Currant Bun that I'd never heard of Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr until now!!!

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 07:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    JUSTIN, if we claim for the islands, it's not because we are paranoid, we consider that they belong to us for many reasons, claiming malvinas-falklands is not a caprice of the argentines, i recognice that our authoritys made many big mistakes, but not less mistakes tham the u.k.<br />
    i repeat that i want to debate deeply about it, on the other hand as long as your population dont understand that they must sit and talk to us about finding a fair solution for both sides, we will keep on having problems like this, i know that the u.k. cleans it's ass with our protests, powerfull nations have allways done whatever they want, and they will keep on doing it, just because they are powerfull.<br />
    If any nation claims for a territory, it can't do it with false arguments like most you say, that's a hipocrite assertion.<br />
    On the other hand, you know that i hold strongly that our goverment must include the islanders in the negociation.<br />
    Your problem is that all of you dont want to recognize that we also have rights on the islands, i will tell you why in my next commentary.<br />
    About your commentarys, i think you are honest, but you are ignorant, i dont nean that you have to accept what i hold, because everyone thinks different, but you should be objetive, because you are talking about a country that is not yours, you dont live here, and there are planty of aspects of my country that you dont know, beside you are hipocrite, because you say that you feel affection for argentina and it's people bla bla bla, and more tham once you said that most us blame everyone else for our problems, what you dont take into account, is that this is the tipical phrase of many of our shamefull politicians, but it doesen't mean that most us are so idiot to believe their lies, that's why most our ex authoritys are very rejected betwen most us.<br />
    Finally if you believe in the media, let me tell you that you are lost, since 2003 i reed very often from that soposed free media, that we are having a new economic disaster soon, were you aware about a new economic catastrophe in my country?, i wasen't, so can i believe in that soposed free press?, i dont think so.<br />
    I only inform my self with chanels that soport the goverment, and those that are against it, because i need to know what the govermet does for us, if i dont do it, i can't judge them, maybe you dont know that media is as corrupter and speculator like many goverments, i my country, clarin and la nacion (the most powerfull corporations of the media), have allways pushed the goverments, because they want the presidents to be the guards of their economic interets, they made fall more tham one goverment that didn't agree with them, and now they are making the dirtyest campain against a president that i have ever seen in these 26 years of democracy, anyway the k made many big mistakes too, but it would hipocryte to deny that they did so much for argentina too.<br />
    The press omit and lie all the time, independent press is just an idiot lie, finally i think that the history judges much better tham the rest of the people.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 10:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz


    The modern state of Argentina claims the Falklands for a variety of reasons, none are anything really to do with the merits of your case, most are for internal political reasons.

    Honest question, how can Britain have any sort of dialogue with Argentina? The latest “request” from your Government is couched in a language designed to be offensive for dometic consumption. The farce in Mexico, how is that designed to foster good relations? Another honest question, when has Argentina ever sought open, honest and frank discussion without seeking to impose the pre-condition that Britain capitulates to its demands?

    Britain has honestly sought to find a solution, one that would have allowed Argentina to save face, and an honest observation is that I've never seen the same from Argentina.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HenrikDK

    “The entire world except UK,US and Isreal say those Islands belong to Argentina and God Willing with international support they will be returned to Argentina.”

    The entire world except for UK, US and Israel ..... plus all 27 EU nations (including Spain and Italy) all 54 Commonwealth nations (including almost every single Caribbean nation) and no less than another 49 nations (including most permanent members of the Security Council). So that is almost 70% of all member nations of the United Nations who support Britain.

    How many countries support Argentina's claim to the Falklands? A grand total of 8 countries .. so less than 4% of the nations represented in the United Nations (and not a single permanent member of the Security Council).

    Keep showing yourself up as the rabid fantascist that you clearly are LOL

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nitrojuan

    No no Hen rick,, All Latam (includes Commonwealth) , Asia and some European country support Argentina, the other (except UK) are neutral, today Hillary said that US mantein “neutral”, so do UK need a clock to wake up and realize that we are in the 21st century, maybe UK remain alone with their stupid position.

    Feb 23rd, 2010 - 11:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    Or Argentina might realise that many Latin American nations may mouth sympathetic platitudes in public but would never do anything that affects their own trade.

    Oh and what happened with the Argentine threat to go to the Hague?

    Feb 24th, 2010 - 09:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BrianSheffer

    @JustinKuntz & HenrikDK

    Sorry mates, but you sound like sillies zionists by keeping saying the same lies and script all the time.
    The argies are right and you are misleading and twisting the facts.
    The only country baking you is Europe is France the rest don't I'm European and my country is not backing you (Germany).
    Portugal, Spain, Italy, etc will stay to the Argies side.

    You arguments are so silly as this guy talking with George Galloway about israel

    The truth is that these British in the Islands are an illegal settlement, just like Squatters.
    What you say is so silly that the only solution left by your argumentation to the Argentinians is to take the island back and remove the whole population by force.

    Then according with you, the new comers will have the same right of self-determination?
    Will you keep your argument?
    Certainly not, You will start to say the same as the Argis are saying now.

    And by the way your own lads don’t believe your self-determination stuff.

    So stop saying that Europe is backing you please.

    @axel arg
    UK is not a power nation today as you believe, in fact don't really believe British can afford to retake the Islands again like they did in 1982. Their own expert in defense say that.

    “I’m sorry to say that we no longer have the ships and equipment to launch a sea-borne attack on an enemy on the other side of the world.”
    Captain Michael Clapp

    Feb 24th, 2010 - 09:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    George Galloway? Is that really your best argument.

    Silly zionists? So whats next the world wide jewish conspiracy?

    So in the 21st Century its appropriate to use force to remove a settled population who've been there 9 generations? For what reason exactly, because a bunch of Argentine nationalists revived a long settled claim in the 1930s? Because an Argentine dictator later exploited it to create an anti-British feeling, because Argentina indoctrinates its children and the Spanish speaking elements of the region gang up on the kid that talks differently?

    To respond to your ridiculous strawman if it had happened 200 years ago we wouldn't be still whinging about it. And to further respond to it, its based on the premise that the original population were expelled, which didn't actually happen.

    So if we're talking about 200 years ago, can we have Minorca back please especially for the first two weeks in August. And can we ban Germans from the sun beds.

    Feb 24th, 2010 - 11:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge

    ......”The entire world except for UK, US and Israel ..... plus all 27 EU nations (including Spain and Italy)”.....

    This is th prove of your ignorance. Spain supports our position.

    Feb 24th, 2010 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Well if Spain supported your position, Jorge, they would never have signed the Lisbon Treaty, which clearly defines the Falklands as an associated overseas territory of the EU.<br />
    <br />
    It's one thing for them to say they support you but something else to actually mean it. A bit like many of your other “supporters” in this matter...

    Feb 24th, 2010 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cm

    britain did what it liked in the past because only the strong survive
    its totally upto the islanders what they want to do and a i think they have already made ther minds up

    Feb 25th, 2010 - 01:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Charly


    “So in the 21st Century its appropriate to use force to remove a settled population who've been there 9 generations? For what reason exactly”
    Why not?

    Britain did it in Diego Garcia, Your are in Iraq and together with USA have killed 1.000.000 people.
    You are doing the same in Afghanistan, I don’t see the problem to get away with that. Do you?

    You guys have to update your info:
    12 Estates part of the Commonwealth had expressed open support for Argentina’s claims.

    You can check this information from your own media (so you cannot say that is an Arg’s media conspiracy).

    “The group also included 12 Commonwealth nations and is almost entirely composed of non-White former Spanish and British colonies.”

    “because a bunch of Argentine nationalists revived a long settled claim in the 1930s? Because an Argentine dictator later exploited it to create an anti-British”

    Britain is a monarchy do you know that? What is a dictatorship according with the definition of your on Oxford English dictionary “absolute or supreme power or authority” in western societies I mean American countries, a person who is permanently a head of the Estate in a nation without being elected is a dictator.
    And doesn’t matter if is good, bad or a despotic.

    So please don’t try to lecture others about freedom a democracy, you have never experience that. You sound silly.

    What you have tell to the German don not apply here, this is America and not Europe. I hope you understand that. Do you? Its really doesn’t matter your disputes with Spain, Germany, etc.

    @ J.A. Roberts

    The signing of the Lisbon Treaty has nothing to do with the recognition of sovereignty.

    So please clarify your thought because your nation claims only express the defense of self-determination of the British people living in those Island and not a territorial dispute as Argentina’s argument.

    Because there is nothing binding the Island with you own territory like happen with Argentina (submarine platform, right international recognized in the world).

    I can discover empty places in Britain without population there like in the cost of wells, Dover, etc. and if a bring there 2000 fellows Argentinians and plant a flag there, surely Britain will not recognizes our right to become part of Argentina. Else London should be part of Pakistan, Brixton part of Jamaica, China Town to China, North England part of Poland, Rumania, etc.

    You should recognize the self-determination of them too.

    So the Islanders there are Illegal immigrants in an Argentina’s territory, and their only support is a foreigner nation what is against international laws.


    Feb 25th, 2010 - 02:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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