Britons have been warned to stay away from marches in Buenos Aires on Friday as thousands are expected to mass for Argentina's biggest anti-British protests in years. Read full article
Another ineffective demonstration by an ineffective nation. When Argentina decides to do something objective (like take their protests to the ICJ) then wake me up. All this hot air is making Argentina the laughing stock of the world. You could always return to your other hobby of defaulting on government bonds!
So we see the mature response the UK gets from some in Argentina. Yet, despite Argentina being the aggressor, here in the UK we have a more mature an forgiving nature.
we Brits enjoy a lot of Argentinean culture. In fact there is to be a festival in July at Kings Place in London. This concert is but part of that festival celebrating Argentinean culture. Those that are due to march against the UK today in Argentina might care to see just how fair we are towards your country.
Given that the UK is also the sixth largest investor in Argentina - and taking their current financial situation into account - wouldn't the Argentines be shooting themselves in the foot to stop such investment. Not that the Argentine Government is known for shooting itself in the foot, though, is it;-)
The Argie responses still lack any objectivity. This merely continues to indicate they have no credible argument or legal standing. If they did they would take their issue to the proper forum. All they are capable of is feet stamping and gaining support from other corrupt leaders in South America. Clearly the Argies have nothing better to do than blame others for their own insecurities.
By the looks of ed's posts he is celarly experimenting with the illegal substances that are the mainstay of the South American economy. Clearly he is a great advocate for his countrymen.
Argentina can do absolutly nothing and they know it. They just need to think they can in order to give themselves illusions of grandeur.
It would be nice if they thanked us for giving their Junta a spanking which led to their emergance as a democracy. They blame the UK for the Argentine military losses in 1982 and not their dictatorship which abandoned their armed forces. This was the same Junta that made a lot of their citizens vanish of the face of the earth.
Rather than protesting they should be offering their thanks. Remember all we did was remove an occupying force. We could have bombed Argentina but we cared for the civilian population. This is more than can be said for the Argentines that locked the population of Goose Green in a hall with little access to basic sanitation.
in US street jargon [Chris(prophet) = son ] as meaning !
as we see ,you only know domestic English not Universal Language !
please improve your language !!
note : at some region of USA :
to become prophet = slang to get as drunk as a lord !!
#15 I haven' t hear “”carnivorous bee “”!! anyway ...
according to the broke CIA's ( your owner ) report: UK has ...
fit for Military Service :: 23.660.000 persons
Active Military Personel :: 195.000
Active Military Reserves :: 230.000
(**) Reaching Military Age Annually :: 730.000
I see that you are very very eager to participate to (**) !???
#19 dear “ drunk bee”“ very very sory have no any chance to
win a war lonely !
{{lesson 12 kjp}} : to become a war vinner you should have
”“ Active Paramilitary Units ”“ !
here is the list of some countries who have”Active Paramiltary Units”:
China :: 12.465.000 persons
Russia :: 2.450.000 persons
USA :: 1.032.000 persons
Argentina :: 120.000 persons
UK :: 0 ( zero)
to own a “ Active Paramilitary Power ” you should have
vast lands ...but you don't have in Brittanica !
.........“we Brits enjoy a lot of Argentinean culture. In fact there is to be a festival in July at Kings Place in London. This concert is but part of that festival celebrating Argentinean culture. Those that are due to march against the UK today in Argentina might care to see just how fair we are towards your country.”.......
- This guy seems to have been hit on his head and now he is caring to Argentina. Esta “gente” es terrible.
.......“Hey Jorge - in the picture on this page. Which one is you?”.....
- I live far away from Buenos Aires, but I would have liked to have been there burning that dirty pirate flag.
.......“By the looks of ed's posts he is celarly experimenting with the illegal substances that are the mainstay of the South American economy. Clearly he is a great advocate for his countrymen.”......
- Don't forget South America produces drugs for your comsuption.
.......“It would be nice if they thanked us for giving their Junta a spanking which led to their emergance as a democracy. They blame the UK for the Argentine military losses in 1982 and not their dictatorship which abandoned their armed forces. This was the same Junta that made a lot of their citizens vanish of the face of the earth.”.......
- Democracy would have come with or without war. Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil had dictatorships and democracy has come to those countries without war with you or any other country. We don't have to thank you for that. That is part of the utter british propaganda. Your Tatcher prime minister was struggling with sh*t and needed the war for to save her ass!
.......“Rather than protesting they should be offering their thanks. Remember all we did was remove an occupying force.”.....
- Are you out of your mind???? Thank you for occupying our land???
You removed the forces of the country that has all the rights over that land.
I don't remember Argentina doing very well with her paramilitary units in 1982 ed?
the thing about Paramilitary units ed, is that they are effectively civillians being given guns and only rudimentry training, they tend to be ill disciplined lack equipment and since they tend not be paid, motivation, and very unfit, the bottom of the barrel so to speak, and are used to beef up your armed forces on paper or as an effective instrument of state repression!
And it's very well having X thousands of testorene pumped weezy office workers who failed basic army training (and probalbly police training) so took the only route available to fulfill their dreams of boasting to their mates in the pub that they are in the army.
Just one fatal flaw though, they are only useful when La Parrot Tree is being invaded, absolutely useless at expeditionary warfare!
ed obviously thinks in a re run of Falklands we would invade the mainland, trouble is when we obliterate your airfields, naval yards and military chain of command, your X number of students with bb guns is going to look like a poor investment! As they have no means of getting to the fight doh!
Jorge! - “ ... Are you out of your mind???? Thank you for occupying our land???.....You removed the forces of the country that has all the rights over that land....”
You're quite out of yours jorgy boy, still haven't managed to grasp that the islands have never been Argentine and that Argentina has never had any rights. The simplist little thing and you can't manage it :-)
.......“We could have bombed Argentina but we cared for the civilian population.”........
- Oh really??? You believe all the bullshit from your government, don't you?
Do I have to remind you that the 3 islanders killed during the conflict died due to british fire???? Don't come up with that was a mistake!!!!!!!! You care a sh*t civilians.
Our forces respected islanders even when they were actively helping the british and shoting argentines with their old guns. Maybe that was our mistake!
......“This is more than can be said for the Argentines that locked the population of Goose Green in a hall with little access to basic sanitation.”......
- Again, purely propaganda. That was to protect them since the british were shoting in an indiscriminated way. Besides, that is a war!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soldiers don't go to wars to sing “happy birthday!”
.......”dear “drunk bee” ChristopherUK ;
in US street jargon [Chris(prophet) = son ] as meaning !
as we see ,you only know domestic English not Universal Language !
please improve your language !!“......
- ed, I think you are asking too much!!!!!. People like him and Hoytred live in a bubble. The melancholic bubble of the old imperial power they couldn't get over yet.
.....”Ed. You are as silly as your mate Jorge. Now - do yourself a favour and stop taking the drugs;-)“....
- See ed??? That is what I'm talking about.
.........”I see that you are very very eager to participate to (**) !???“.....
- ed, he will not participate. He can only cry all the time ”we won the war” as a perfect british arrogant, but he doesn't have the b*lls to go to any war. He must be behind his desk dressed in some kind of CEO suit polishing her nails.
I think Jorgy boy has a point, quite obviously U.S. street jargon is not English as we know it .......... now the Falkland Islands, funnily enough, appear to be more English than we know .. possibly as a result of NEVER having been Argentine :-)
And whoever is gloating about winning the war (be it 1771/1832/1982) stop it ! You're upsetting the poor Argies :-)
for all i know ( !!) : in Russia ,their “ active paramilitary powers”
are connected to KGB directly !? not same as others !
different countries have their own different --concepts-- at this subject !
we know that Nato is weaker than Asia tendencies and have
-Claudio Organizations- and similars to balance !
Rhaurie : i'm glad to see you are from Scottish.....National Team .
but sport is not adequate !!
Jihad Jorge is pathetic - I do pity him. He supports both terrorism and colonialism when the rest of the civilised world is denouncing both terrorism and colonialism. By the way - I have read many testimonies from the people of the Falklands that state clearly that they were treated terribly by the Argentine invaders and in a manner that was against the Geneva Convention. The fact that 3 islanders died during the Falklands war is the fault of the Argentine Junta - if they hadn't invaded the islands those 3 islanders would not have died. Nor would the soldiers on both sides of the conflict. It is sad that anyone died - and that includes the Argentines who died. But put the fault where the world knows it should lay - at the foot of the Junta.
I do seem to remember Jorge that under the Geneva convention it is the responsibility of the Occupying power to ensure the safety of Civillians, seemingly Argentina was in breach of this by putting lots of big guns in peoples back gardens ? It is testimony to the abilities of the Forward Observation officers who directed fire so well that no one else was killed.
As for civillians shooting at your forces it tends to happen when you occupy peoples countries?
But I find this odd Jorge? You positively had an erection ranting on about British civillians now you deplore the loss of Islanders lives? how quaint!
Do you just grasp at any straw so as long as there is barely a % of a chance it will offer any momentum to your otherwise hillarious and incoherent rants!
I'm beginning to think that rather than being a 27 year old engineering student, your a gobbish teenager who still lives with his parents?
Do yourself a favor laddy go away for about 5 years and when your balls drop and you've had your first pint of lager, come back and see if you can get beyond 2 sentences without screeching pirates, retard, fuckers, bullshit like a psychotic parrot.
dear gdr :( #26) your determination is correct..each has different concepts.
Nato's --Claudio and Similar-- Organizations are not the alternatives
of contrary !..becouse they have no Ideologies..they have highly
engagements toward Present Systems..they have degenerated in times..
dear our blunt Rhourie (#22) ;
Paramilitary Forces are not the Army...not Gendarme...not Police...
not Claudio...not only Intelligent Service...
they have different disciplines and concepts..!!
Rhaurie ! exactly paramilitary forces are very useful ! why !?
really ,this is Russian invention...think Soviet Union Geography !
think Caucass.. ( which there very old civilizations' zone ..)..very hard
areas to hold up for your --strategical targets--...Russians has never
used their Military Forces directly there..Paramilitary Forces
are depend on Russian Secret Services directly not to Army...becouse
it must be more resilient..more economic..more effective..more secret
for example : what is the most popular weapon inthe world..Kalashnikov
which has been developed for these paramilitary aims there...
this is a cultural backlog simply ..
whereas in Western Hemisphere , there are no any problematic areas
like this..for this reasons why there are no any cultural accumulations
here like them...but in West ,this Model has copied...this is reality...
nevertheless no have any testings......
in General Franco era in Spain Civil War similar technics were used..
......“I have read many testimonies from the people of the Falklands that state clearly that they were treated terribly by the Argentine invaders and in a manner that was against the Geneva Convention.”.......
- Bullshit!!!! Your soldiers fusilated an argentine one, that was clearly against Geneva convention.
The other day a stupid british appeared in an argentine facebook group with regard to Malvinas saying he was a veteran soldier of UK and that he had teeth of an argentine soldier, I don't know if that is true or not, but it is to be expected coming from the criminal british.
You can't blame Argentina for islander's deaths, that would be stupid! Ehat am I sauing???? You are an stupid, it's ok coming from you.
........“I do seem to remember Jorge that under the Geneva convention it is the responsibility of the Occupying power to ensure the safety of Civillians, seemingly Argentina was in breach of this by putting lots of big guns in peoples back gardens ?”.....
- Argentina respected islanders' lives beyond comprehension. That was a strong order from the Junta. Taking into account that some of them helped the british, I think now that was a mistake.
.....“As for civillians shooting at your forces it tends to happen when you occupy peoples countries?”......
- That is not a country and argentine forces should have treated those islanders as soldiers and kill them since they decided to act as soldiers of UK.
.....“But I find this odd Jorge? You positively had an erection ranting on about British civillians now you deplore the loss of Islanders lives? how quaint!”.......
- What the hell is wrong with you!!!!! Besides being a stupid weed smoker you are now a sexual pervert talking about someone else erctions???
Some of said your forces respected civilians lives and I rebbutted that telling about the 3 islanders killed, just that!
........“I'm beginning to think that rather than being a 27 year old engineering student, your a gobbish teenager who still lives with his parents?”....
- If I am a teenager or not, that is none of your business nor if I live with my parents or not. Are you looking for other ways to desqualify me???
......“Do yourself a favor laddy go away for about 5 years and when your balls drop and you've had your first pint of lager, come back and see if you can get beyond 2 sentences without screeching pirates, retard, fuckers, bullshit like a psychotic parrot.”......
- Andá a hacerte empomar viejo choto del orto!!!!!
Go to google translator to see if you can get it! LOL
Anybody watch Argentine TV cover of the anti British protests in BA and other cities? were there really, tens of thousands protesting on the same scale as in '82??? anyone read the Argentine press?.....most people have woken up, and those who are in sway, are in the process of waking up to the realities. The likes of 33 are an ever increasing minority, and the likes of 31 dont even live in Argentina...I wonder why you left your country Ed? whats up? no hay trabajo bien salariado a casa? By contrast, I dont recall seeing a ceremonial burning of the Argentine flag in London (BBC world service or any other news agency for that matter) nor in Port Stanley.
32. Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Why did argentine officers shoot their own men in the legs during the battles? Why did argentine military command starve the soldiers whilst, shipping containers were found to be full of food, clothing and other supplies after the conflict? Why did argentine military destroy the housing and facilities on South Georgia? Why did the military vent their anger on a Norwegian owned industrial facility? Can you answer these questions?
.......“The likes of 33 are an ever increasing minority”.....
- El pez por la boca muere. The other day you told me not to talk on behalf of 40000000 argentineans and now you resort to the same. At least you could make some research on the net and find polls about this issue. What do the majority of argentinians thinks about this??? Have you ever think about it??? or perhaps your current remoteness from Argentina doesn't allow you to consider the thought of your people. Are you really an argentinian???? If you are, then you were slowly “penetrated” by other culture in the country of your residence and lost every drop of love you could have had to the land that saw your birth.
Not even the british believe that just a minority of argentineans supports our claim.
........“no hay trabajo bien salariado a casa?”......
- Now by that statement I can see you are not an argentinean nor a native spanish speaker. Your spanish is good, but not enough to fool me.
The correct statement would be “”no hay trabajo bien asalariado en casa?“”
.......”By contrast, I dont recall seeing a ceremonial burning of the Argentine flag in London (BBC world service or any other news agency for that matter) nor in Port Stanley.“.........
- Well some islanders did in 1999 due to the agreement between both countries. If we sent a plataform to extract their oil in the North Atlantic they surely will.
.....”32. Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions?”.......
- Could you give me some evidence of that???
There could have been some soldier who did some of those thing, anyway some islanders actively helped british soldiers and that way they must have been treated as soldiers
and when you talk about islanders' possesions I suppose you are talking about redios and guns?
Some of them were clearly a danger for argentine soldiers.
......“Why did argentine officers shoot their own men in the legs during the battles?”........
- You can't say “”argentine officers“”!!!!! You must say “”some argentine officer“”!!!!!!. Why???? very simple, he was a SOB!!!!!!!!!!
........“Why did argentine military command starve the soldiers whilst, shipping containers were found to be full of food, clothing and other supplies after the conflict?”.......
- That is a hot issue here. There are other versions like “”thare were not logistic to take the food and clothing to other soldiers outside Puerto Argentino and that version is not ridiculous given the fact that those days argentine land forces were just resisting the british attack and the surrender was coming.
......“Why did argentine military destroy the housing and facilities on South Georgia?”.........
- Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
To make the long story short, in Jujuy, independist argentine forces were fighting royal argentine forces loyal to Spain. Royal forces were winning and independist had to withdraw from Jujuy for some time, but they said “”if we can't live in our land with our houses and facilities, then they won't use them!!!“” and decided to burn all the towns, houses and facilities. It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either.
Did I clear your doubts???
a scorched earth policy only applies when it is your own earth and (you must be starting to get this by now) the ISLANDS DO NOT BELONG TO ARGENTINA .......... Never have ....... Never likely to :-)
37. you need some fresh air. Now you are into Malvinas issues?
You better take care of your family if you have one and let this to people who knows like ME of course. LOL
Jorgy boy, the windows are open, the sun is shining and the air is very fresh, unlike I suspect, the stink of a country that cannot handle defeat ..... military defeat, political defeat, diplomatic defeat, international defeat ............. it's no problem for us jorgy boy .... no problem at all :-)
gdr ! in USA ...Paramilitary Forces are depend on the
Paravane Secret Services of Pentagon !!
not connected to FBI..CIA.. directly Army...
in Europe , the most sophisticated Paramilitar Forces in
Turkey and Spain ( since General Franco ,Civil War )
but these are independent from NATO concept .. !!!!
in Argentina ..configured in 70' years..developed since 1982..
my grandfathers were migrant from Ottoman Empire ..
to Argentina ....Turkish originated ..not Arab !!..
my families live in Brasilia ( Sao Paulo)...
I live in Texas (Houston) wife is Chinese -American ....
my job is in a International Strategical Consulting Company..
( my areas are international economy...inner socio-econ analysiss )
I look like !? think; slim,more little tall ,grayish blue eyes..
version of Maradona is me !
my pleasure ,adding some informations for you (forum friends ) !
Jihad Jorge ejaculated “ It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either. Did I clear your doubts???”
You can have what is rightfully yours - the UK has no problem with that. It is when you try to claim what is NOT rightfully yours - i.e. the Falklands and South Georgia - that we have a problem. As to you clearing any doubts - we have no doubts as to your insanity, none at all.
Oh by the way. To say “ It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either.” is rather childish and like throwing your toys out of your pram. If that is really Argentine culture then you cannot be surprised that the Islanders want nothing to do with you.
Ha Ha 35 has just shot himself in the foot about comments in 33. my present remoteness from Argentina is true, I have the fantastic opportunity to travel all over the world to carry out my profession. This most certainly allows me to view various global scenes from a pragmatic point of view, and not from a severely flawed, and jaundised point of view like yours, and that of your compadres nacionalistas de mierda. My home is, and family does happen to live in Argentina, and yes I speak 5 languages 3 of them fluently and spanish is one of the others.
You are incorrect in thinking only a few officers shot their own men in the legs to prevent them running off...there were many officers involved and, there were many victims too...all protocolled during POW administration and statements recorded in medical documents for each and every wounded POW. After the conflict, all officers were allowed to carry their sidearms for self protection, if not, the argentine soldiers would have lynched them. Documentary evidence abounds.
Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
What is this shite? I wrote...Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects in South Georgia, also in 1982.
Well some islanders did in 1999 due to the agreement between both countries.... Jorge, were not talking of 1999 were talking about 2010
......“This most certainly allows me to view various global scenes from a pragmatic point of view, and not from a severely flawed, and jaundised point of view like yours, and that of your compadres nacionalistas de mierda.”.....
- Why don't you go to la p*ta madre que te parió hijo de una gran p*ta!!!!!
No soy nacionalista, pero vos sos un pelotudo.
........“You are incorrect in thinking only a few officers shot their own men in the legs to prevent them running off...there were many officers involved and, there were many victims too...all protocolled during POW administration and statements recorded in medical documents for each and every wounded POW. After the conflict, all officers were allowed to carry their sidearms for self protection, if not, the argentine soldiers would have lynched them. Documentary evidence abounds.”.......
- I'm glad you have documentary since there is none here about that. Why don't you come to present them to justice???? You would be doing something useful instead of talking bullshit.
.......“Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
What is this shite? ”.......
- Its our history, if you were intelligent or informed enough, you wouldn't ask “”what is this shite“”????
.......“35. and Jose, if you read my comment in 34, you will have read ever increasing minority.”.........
- Sorry, but people who thinks like me about Malvinas is not a minority. Having family in Argentina does not mean you know about our country.
Dijiste que tu familia “se fué” por el Dique San Roque???? No te creo, no estabas vos ahí????
Well here we are again .... another day, another discussion (I'm using the term very loosely obviously) .... but then again, the Falkland Islands are still British and nothing much seems to be happening. Still no problem then ...
I'll check to see if anything has change tomorrow but I suspect I'm going to be seeing 'nothing happening' for rather a long time :-)
53.Jorge, if it is true that you are studying engineering then my advise to you is to read, act systematically, methodically and precisely. These are the basic essentials of all aspects of engineering. The point in this is, that you consistently avoid commenting and explaining the questions presented for you, instead, you rant on about things totally disconnected...exodo jujeño”???? I will ask you again, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading, and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes?
why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables?
pee in closets?
lock people up in sheep sheds?
systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects on a Norwegian industrial property in South Georgia, also in 1982.
I suspect that, the questions presented for your comment in 34 & 49 and repeated above are, demasiado incomodo y vos no sabes responder a manera inteligenta. Cuando vos tiene algo positivo que decir y aprendiste discutir a manera humana, inteligenta sin insultos personales, otras personas en ese foro podrian tratarle con un poco mas respeto. Le deseo un buen día.
.......“53.Jorge, if it is true that you are studying engineering then my advise to you is to read, act systematically, methodically and precisely. These are the basic essentials of all aspects of engineering. The point in this is, that you consistently avoid commenting and explaining the questions presented for you, instead, you rant on about things totally disconnected...exodo jujeño”???? ”........
- No man! If you were informed and aware of our issues as you claim you'd easily realize those things are not disconnected.
I suggest you to read it!!!! It could help you to understand the culture of the country which is not yours since you are incapable to talk the spanish we talk. You lied to me before when you said you were my countryman.
........“I will ask you again, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading, and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes?
why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables?
pee in closets?
lock people up in sheep sheds?
systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects on a Norwegian industrial property in South Georgia, also in 1982.”......
- No you don't have any evidence of that. I will believe you have it when you come to justice and present it to take to court soldiers who did that. But I suspect I will become old waiting for you to do that.
Why didn't you show those photos to the media???? It would help to your anti-argentine cause!!!!!!!
.......“I suspect that, the questions presented for your comment in 34 & 49 and repeated above are, demasiado incomodo y vos no sabes responder a manera inteligenta. Cuando vos tiene algo positivo que decir y aprendiste discutir a manera humana, inteligenta sin insultos personales, otras personas en ese foro podrian tratarle con un poco mas respeto. Le deseo un buen día.”......
- Para nada incomodo mi amigo. Respondo con total sinceridad y no le falto el respeto a nadie a menos que alguien me lo falte a mí primero. Usted me insultó, me mintió y me para colmo me amenazó. Es usted el que debe aprender a comportarse y ser serio a la hora de discutir.
Que tenga unbuen día usted tambien!
P.S. You have to brush up your english ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your german ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your french ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your italian ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your portugese ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your dutch ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your russian ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your chinese ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your japanese ! Seriously !
P.S You have to brush up your korean ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your turkish ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your thai ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your arabic ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your greek ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your hungarian ! Seriously !
Jorge, I couldnt give 2 monkeys what happened in jujuy. Im talking of 1982 and of a civilised society which had supposedly progressed from the era of painting their faces black and red....yes, yours and mine, since I was born in the prov. de córdoba. Shame on your part for failing to accept many uncomfortable truths. As for the photos, yes, some day I will gladly scan them and share them online or elsewhere, with people more worthy of these memories than you. Besides, I am not anti argentine otherwise I would not have returned to my roots after 30 years absence, I am against past and present systems which have imbued intollerance, hatred, ignorance and arrogance in are the product of these systems.
.....“Jorge, I couldnt give 2 monkeys what happened in jujuy. Im talking of 1982 and of a civilised society which had supposedly progressed from the era of painting their faces black and red.”........
- Ya me doy cuenta, y despues me decís ignorante a mí??????
Y no sabés un carajo ya que decís que no progresamos desde 1982, estás totalmente ajeno a nustras realidades.
...“Shame on your part for failing to accept many uncomfortable truths. As for the photos, yes, some day I will gladly scan them and share them online or elsewhere, with people more worthy of these memories than you.”...
- You have nothing man!!!! you are in a fantasy!!!! You are lying!!!!! You don't have any proof of what you say!!!! I will become old waiting for you to present them!!! Stop lying man!!!!
...“Besides, I am not anti argentine otherwise I would not have returned to my roots after 30 years absence, I am against past and present systems which have imbued intollerance, hatred, ignorance and arrogance in are the product of these systems.”...
- Yes you are an anti-argentine and you are the perfect proof of what we don't want anymore here, people like you that sees everything is good outside the borders and bad inside, people like you that takes a walk around the world and forgets their roofs at such level that even the language give yourself away thay you are not from here, people like you that are the worst advertisement we have outside the borders always criticizing the country and feeling yourself foreigner when come to Argentina to visit reletives. People like you is the inheritance we have of other governments and dictatorship. People who remains here and is proud to be argentineans don't want anymore governments that produce people like you. Nos quedamos a pelearla acá y no nos rajamos como ratas por tirante en el primer barquito que vemos en puerto como seguramente hiciste vos y ahora te haces el superado hablando mal de la Argentina desde el exterior. Me das lastima.
........”and Jorge, you need to brush up not only on your spanish, but on your english as well :-)“......
- No man, my spanish is very good!!!!!! My ratings in school can tell.
My english.... yes I'm still studying it, maybe next year I will get the ”First Certificate”. Sorry for not being as good in english as you, you must know I'm living here speaking spanish everyday. You, instead are a non-argentine who had many years to practise it!!!!!!
About 70 Argentine army officers can be charged with torture of their own soldiers during the 1982 Falklands War, a federal appeals court has ruled.
Over 80 cases are under investigation, including allegations of murder and causing death by starvation.
The court upheld an earlier ruling that the alleged torture could be considered crimes against humanity and rejected a petition to abandon proceedings.
An Argentine veterans' group welcomed the ruling.
“We have been fighting for 27 years for this to become known, we are really satisfied,” said Ernesto Alonso, president of the Centre for Falkland Islands Veterans.
“Next week, more soldiers will report about abuses they have suffered.”
Cases that are being investigated include the alleged execution of one soldier and the fatal abandonment of another.
Veterans who brought the legal action - all conscripted into service - also say four soldiers starved to death, while several others were staked to the ground as punishment.
Jorge, if you have a few spare peso, go buy a book called 'Los chicos de la guerra', it was published I think in 1988 or so. This book is a group testimony to all the things I 've mentioned.
......“About 70 Argentine army officers can be charged with torture of their own soldiers during the 1982 Falklands War, a federal appeals court has ruled.”......
- “can be” does not mean “will be”.
.....“Over 80 cases are under investigation, including allegations of murder and causing death by starvation.”.....
- You said it. “Under investigation”, no conclusion yet. You should get bussy and present your prooves! LOL
.....“The court upheld an earlier ruling that the alleged torture could be considered crimes against humanity and rejected a petition to abandon proceedings.
An Argentine veterans' group welcomed the ruling.”.....
- Again “could be” does not mean “will be”. Stop the copy-paste!!!!!!
....“Next week, more soldiers will report about abuses they have suffered.”....
- That's fine as long as they present their prooves. Some of them just want to get the subsides for the victims of 70's. Are you on that list too, argentine foreigner???????
.....“Cases that are being investigated include the alleged execution of one soldier and the fatal abandonment of another.”....
- Again “are being investigated”, no conclusion yet.
....“Veterans who brought the legal action - all conscripted into service - also say four soldiers starved to death, while several others were staked to the ground as punishment.”.....
- I want the proof of that!!! Justice requires prooves, however you seem to ignore that.
Globetrotter, you remind me Clarín articles every time you say “can be”, “could be”, “would be”, “could have been” and “would have been”. That way of publishing articles is not to be taken seriously.
......“Jorge, if you have a few spare peso, go buy a book called 'Los chicos de la guerra', it was published I think in 1988 or so. This book is a group testimony to all the things I 've mentioned.”......
- Globetrotter, if you weren't so ignorant, you'd see that book is very very very famous and many of us have read it. I recomend you to read everything Nicolas Kazanseu says about the war. Oh I forgot to explain you who he is. He was the journalist that covered the war from start to end. He has too many interesting things to say.
You two still kidding yourselves .. the Falklands are British and they will never be part of Argentina ...... dream on boys, no hope, nowhere to go with this. Independence for the islanders, and lets hope they strike oil and then it'll be a rich independence :-)
Ahh, I envy you jorgy boy ... to be young and idealistic again ! And bloody naive of course ...... youth, apparently it's lost on the young. Dream on ...... you'll learn, the years are a great teacher !
Strange how Argentina says that is owns the Falklands, but the Toba are the indigenous people of Argentina but I don't see them getting there land back.
I see Jihad Jorge Rios is still filling the boards with a healthy dose of stupidity.
west germanic-I quite agree, it's an argument that the most rabid Malvinist Parrots repeating the same argument ad nauseum have difficulty overcoming;
Can the colonial upsurpers, accuse the colonial upsurpers of upsurping?
The big trouble with most territorial irredentist claims is that they tend to want to only turn the clock back to correct the perceived wrong against themselves, not anybody else just themselves.
So it would seem logical that any group of peoples would be allowed then to trun back the clock several hundred years to re-adress wrongs comitted against them.
Would we have a situation where the indigenous of cultures be allowed to declare that the current inhabitants of Argentina are illegal squatters who have benefitted from land not orginally theirs?
Perhaps they should Jihad? but I can't personally since I don't live there and did not take part in these poor peoples tragic histories alot of the violence and land grabs came post independence like alot of places.......much like a certain country I'm referring to now Jorge? Maybe you should give back the lives of the Argentine indigenous. wait thats not possible because you've killed them!
I see my logic stands, you've come across a logical theory that your finding hard to get around, lets reitertate my main points, and lets keep the subject matter to Argentina?
1. Can the colonial upsurpers, accuse the colonial upsurpers of upsurping?
2. If we could turn back the clocks to right every wrong committed were should we stop?
3. Is it not right to say that that under current Argentine logic referring to the Islanders, that you yourselves (at the least the 92% European sections) are illegal squatters squatting on Indigenous lands?
I don't expect much intelligence in the reply, so don't be too upset Jihadrios!
really? really jorge? protests, loooool. why dont you all just cry in unison together and give the world something to watch, jorge why do you keep complaining about my comments to you? do they offend you? do they anger you? i bet they make you cry lol,
can you tell me jorge, how it feels to know that the falklands are so close, yet so far away? how does it feel to know that your inferior army can do nothing to take them, how does it feel to know that there is nothing you can do or say that will make us even listen to your crying?
your sitting behind your desk jorge, scared and shitting your unwashed pants to be able to do anything, your even scared of me, yes thats right jorge, you are a pussy, all you do is cry, you cry because you are a silly little argentine with no life and no balls, it eats at you that your so weak and helpless, but its ok jorge, maybe one day you can adopt the british cultrue and way of thinking, then you will be saved,
1. Do not put at the same level the disgusting colonialism of UK and the conquest of the desert from Buenos aires. Ask any thinking person around the world which are the countries that made colonialism around the world and you'll UK is on the list, not Argentina.
2. We are interesting in stoping it exactly in Juanary 1833.
3. Wrong! The majority of argentineans have a european in their roots, but almost 70% have some indigenous root in their past.
I have a mother and a father, my mother could have been let's say french, but you can't assert I'm european descendent since you don't know about my father, he could have been mapuche. What would I be??? Mapuche's descendent or french descendent???
......“I don't expect much intelligence in the reply, so don't be too upset Jihadrios!”......
- The intelligence of the replies are in accordance with the original comment. :-)
87 thorson, I couldn't be sacared of you. You have my personal information, you can come over and meet me. You will piss your pants, I will teach you and you will have first-hand experience of how to respect me.
You are nothing, you are not even a little man. You can't be called a man!
You are, I don't know, a thing, a repulsive thing without any right, things have no rights. I know what kind of thing you are, a condom, yes, that's what you are. A thing I can use and then throw it away! LOL
I see that Jihad Jorge is still dishing out impotent threats. What a silly little boy you are son. You are right though - anyone who does meet you does indeed piss their pants - laughing at the sight of you. No doubt Jihad Jorge will respond in his usual manner - that of an irate schoolboy who has so much to learn about life and his non-role in it. He is typing right now to prove me correct;-)
90 Christopher UK, I will insist with my question, Can you make a comment without making reference to me?????
You are living for me now. LOL
I'm in your head every day, in every dream.......I don't even want to imagine what kind of dreams you have about me. LOOOOL
Your comments are all the same, always talking about me.
Tell me Mr. Ball, How mature are you to be discussing with a schoolboy as you claim I am????????
do you see how stupid this jorge kid is, he says i will piss my pants, well that is how backward hes country is, you see the term of someone pissing their pants litrally means, that they are laughing so much that words cant describe how funny what there laughing at is, so jorge you got it right jorge, so how about you dont go giving out a fake adress im not that stupid jorge,
anyway, you probably have never had a fight in your life jorge, you dont even no how to throw a punch, the only fight you have had is when your mum spanks you for not going to bed on time, if you was in england, you would not surrvive a day here, you are soft jorge, your a soft pamperd cunt who cant fight, i would hedbutt you and you would go down, then crawl about like some little hunted animal, i would even give you 3 free punches first, and i would pay you if you turned up, thats how sure i am that your all mouth, no action, your week jorge, you cant fight, you should unlearn the english language, your not even worthy of speaking it, unlearn it now, and from now on you must speak to us in a language that does not yet exist, so you cant affend any other race or nation as they would be ashamed of you speaking there language, the only advantage you have on me jorge, is that you probably have a good tolerence in your sence of smell, seen as your house probably stinks like shit every day, you probably dont even remember what clean air smells like, i can send you some good fresh british air in a jar if you want, i know you would secretly apreciate that, or better yet, i can send you a REAL air conditioner, yes jorge, as i truly pity you i would send you one, free with a whole toilet role, as you clearly need it with all those tears you shed, infact il make that two toilet roles, as you clearly need it, i can smell you from here, look at the state of you jorge, clean yourself up jorge , your a disgrace, even your own counrty probably thinks your an embaressment
What is wrong Jihad Jorge? Can you not take it when I throw your insults back at you or show up your posts as the bigoted rubbush that they are? You are scared of me and that is why you want me to stop. You are a silly little boy. You make a lot of posts in here and it is only right that everyone should get a chance to respond. Of course one has to make reference to the person that one is responding to - as you are with me. Your lame attempt at a catch all only catches yourself. It is also a silly attempt on your part to silence the one you fear the most;-)
Given that it also appears that you are trying to stalk me - it looks as if you are the one who is infatuated with me.
so - marks out of ten 0/10. you don't even get one for effort. Do you fail as often in the real world as you do in the virtual?
I suppose Jorge that there is indeed somewhat more intelliegence than your previous squawkings:
1. Ah Right so theres different levels of Colonialism then Jorge? How naive of me! Falklands=Bad colonialism(although no opression and exploitation of natives and resources occurs), and Patagonia and the Chacos was good benign colonialism! And the creation of BA by the Spanish is ignored altogether ain't it Jorge?
2. We are interesting in stoping it exactly in Juanary 1833-Enough said but you better reap what you sow then? We might see a reverse and change in hands of land rights in patagonia like what has happened in Australia and South Africa
3. Right! Unfortunaly Jorge the fact that 90% of Argentinas population emmigrated there during the 1830's-1930's makes the whole idea that 70% somehow have at least 1/.millionith of indigenous blood from somewhere, quite laughebale.
I can presume pretty easily based upon the demographics of the Rio Plata and the caste system of colonial Spain and emmigration numbers and social habits and the policy of invisibility that the Argentine govt has that my hypothesise that are majority and manily european stands.
However that was not the question, the question was do you consider the fact that a mainly european culture has sprung up in Argentina in place of the thoudands of year old indigenous one, entirely wrong and concisted of illegal squatting on their land?
Disclaimer & comment rulesour tourists are preparing to visit Malvinas !!
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 10:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0what a load of bulshit reporting
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 10:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0Another ineffective demonstration by an ineffective nation. When Argentina decides to do something objective (like take their protests to the ICJ) then wake me up. All this hot air is making Argentina the laughing stock of the world. You could always return to your other hobby of defaulting on government bonds!
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 01:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“The battle is going to be eternal ...... “
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 01:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0She forgot to add , ”.... and without result”.
usually,eating excessive beef makes indigestion !!
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 02:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#3 : my thought is that the name of “” wholechicken“” would be more eligible than “” beef “” and also more healthy .......
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 02:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0hello .... 2 of the 3 Argies are awake! No sense out of them as usual :-)
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 03:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So we see the mature response the UK gets from some in Argentina. Yet, despite Argentina being the aggressor, here in the UK we have a more mature an forgiving nature.
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 03:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0we Brits enjoy a lot of Argentinean culture. In fact there is to be a festival in July at Kings Place in London. This concert is but part of that festival celebrating Argentinean culture. Those that are due to march against the UK today in Argentina might care to see just how fair we are towards your country.
Given that the UK is also the sixth largest investor in Argentina - and taking their current financial situation into account - wouldn't the Argentines be shooting themselves in the foot to stop such investment. Not that the Argentine Government is known for shooting itself in the foot, though, is it;-)
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The Argie responses still lack any objectivity. This merely continues to indicate they have no credible argument or legal standing. If they did they would take their issue to the proper forum. All they are capable of is feet stamping and gaining support from other corrupt leaders in South America. Clearly the Argies have nothing better to do than blame others for their own insecurities.
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 04:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Hey Jorge - in the picture on this page. Which one is you?
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 04:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@ 10 .Well said
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 04:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Queen(their majesty) 's “” worker bees “” whoosh !
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 05:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0but can't make “”honey “” !! becouse there is no “”beehive“” !!
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0what are you wittering on about son?
By the looks of ed's posts he is celarly experimenting with the illegal substances that are the mainstay of the South American economy. Clearly he is a great advocate for his countrymen.
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Argentina can do absolutly nothing and they know it. They just need to think they can in order to give themselves illusions of grandeur.
It would be nice if they thanked us for giving their Junta a spanking which led to their emergance as a democracy. They blame the UK for the Argentine military losses in 1982 and not their dictatorship which abandoned their armed forces. This was the same Junta that made a lot of their citizens vanish of the face of the earth.
Rather than protesting they should be offering their thanks. Remember all we did was remove an occupying force. We could have bombed Argentina but we cared for the civilian population. This is more than can be said for the Argentines that locked the population of Goose Green in a hall with little access to basic sanitation.
dear “drunk bee” ChristopherUK ;
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0in US street jargon [Chris(prophet) = son ] as meaning !
as we see ,you only know domestic English not Universal Language !
please improve your language !!
note : at some region of USA :
to become prophet = slang to get as drunk as a lord !!
Ed. You are as silly as your mate Jorge. Now - do yourself a favour and stop taking the drugs;-)
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#15 I haven' t hear “”carnivorous bee “”!! anyway ...
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 06:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0according to the broke CIA's ( your owner ) report: UK has ...
fit for Military Service :: 23.660.000 persons
Active Military Personel :: 195.000
Active Military Reserves :: 230.000
(**) Reaching Military Age Annually :: 730.000
I see that you are very very eager to participate to (**) !???
Ah but Ed you fail to see past simple maths. 1 Brit soldier is worth 1000 Argie soldiers. Honest, they are;-)
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 06:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#19 dear “ drunk bee”“ very very sory have no any chance to
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0win a war lonely !
{{lesson 12 kjp}} : to become a war vinner you should have
”“ Active Paramilitary Units ”“ !
here is the list of some countries who have”Active Paramiltary Units”:
China :: 12.465.000 persons
Russia :: 2.450.000 persons
USA :: 1.032.000 persons
Argentina :: 120.000 persons
UK :: 0 ( zero)
to own a “ Active Paramilitary Power ” you should have
vast lands ...but you don't have in Brittanica !
5ed you are absolutely right.
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 11:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 06gdr you too!
.........“we Brits enjoy a lot of Argentinean culture. In fact there is to be a festival in July at Kings Place in London. This concert is but part of that festival celebrating Argentinean culture. Those that are due to march against the UK today in Argentina might care to see just how fair we are towards your country.”.......
- This guy seems to have been hit on his head and now he is caring to Argentina. Esta “gente” es terrible.
.......“Hey Jorge - in the picture on this page. Which one is you?”.....
- I live far away from Buenos Aires, but I would have liked to have been there burning that dirty pirate flag.
.......“By the looks of ed's posts he is celarly experimenting with the illegal substances that are the mainstay of the South American economy. Clearly he is a great advocate for his countrymen.”......
- Don't forget South America produces drugs for your comsuption.
.......“It would be nice if they thanked us for giving their Junta a spanking which led to their emergance as a democracy. They blame the UK for the Argentine military losses in 1982 and not their dictatorship which abandoned their armed forces. This was the same Junta that made a lot of their citizens vanish of the face of the earth.”.......
- Democracy would have come with or without war. Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil had dictatorships and democracy has come to those countries without war with you or any other country. We don't have to thank you for that. That is part of the utter british propaganda. Your Tatcher prime minister was struggling with sh*t and needed the war for to save her ass!
.......“Rather than protesting they should be offering their thanks. Remember all we did was remove an occupying force.”.....
- Are you out of your mind???? Thank you for occupying our land???
You removed the forces of the country that has all the rights over that land.
I don't remember Argentina doing very well with her paramilitary units in 1982 ed?
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0the thing about Paramilitary units ed, is that they are effectively civillians being given guns and only rudimentry training, they tend to be ill disciplined lack equipment and since they tend not be paid, motivation, and very unfit, the bottom of the barrel so to speak, and are used to beef up your armed forces on paper or as an effective instrument of state repression!
And it's very well having X thousands of testorene pumped weezy office workers who failed basic army training (and probalbly police training) so took the only route available to fulfill their dreams of boasting to their mates in the pub that they are in the army.
Just one fatal flaw though, they are only useful when La Parrot Tree is being invaded, absolutely useless at expeditionary warfare!
ed obviously thinks in a re run of Falklands we would invade the mainland, trouble is when we obliterate your airfields, naval yards and military chain of command, your X number of students with bb guns is going to look like a poor investment! As they have no means of getting to the fight doh!
Jorge! - “ ... Are you out of your mind???? Thank you for occupying our land???.....You removed the forces of the country that has all the rights over that land....”
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You're quite out of yours jorgy boy, still haven't managed to grasp that the islands have never been Argentine and that Argentina has never had any rights. The simplist little thing and you can't manage it :-)
.......“We could have bombed Argentina but we cared for the civilian population.”........
Apr 02nd, 2010 - 11:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- Oh really??? You believe all the bullshit from your government, don't you?
Do I have to remind you that the 3 islanders killed during the conflict died due to british fire???? Don't come up with that was a mistake!!!!!!!! You care a sh*t civilians.
Our forces respected islanders even when they were actively helping the british and shoting argentines with their old guns. Maybe that was our mistake!
......“This is more than can be said for the Argentines that locked the population of Goose Green in a hall with little access to basic sanitation.”......
- Again, purely propaganda. That was to protect them since the british were shoting in an indiscriminated way. Besides, that is a war!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soldiers don't go to wars to sing “happy birthday!”
.......”dear “drunk bee” ChristopherUK ;
in US street jargon [Chris(prophet) = son ] as meaning !
as we see ,you only know domestic English not Universal Language !
please improve your language !!“......
- ed, I think you are asking too much!!!!!. People like him and Hoytred live in a bubble. The melancholic bubble of the old imperial power they couldn't get over yet.
.....”Ed. You are as silly as your mate Jorge. Now - do yourself a favour and stop taking the drugs;-)“....
- See ed??? That is what I'm talking about.
.........”I see that you are very very eager to participate to (**) !???“.....
- ed, he will not participate. He can only cry all the time ”we won the war” as a perfect british arrogant, but he doesn't have the b*lls to go to any war. He must be behind his desk dressed in some kind of CEO suit polishing her nails.
I think Jorgy boy has a point, quite obviously U.S. street jargon is not English as we know it .......... now the Falkland Islands, funnily enough, appear to be more English than we know .. possibly as a result of NEVER having been Argentine :-)
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 08:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0And whoever is gloating about winning the war (be it 1771/1832/1982) stop it ! You're upsetting the poor Argies :-)
ed ! your #20 !
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 09:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0for all i know ( !!) : in Russia ,their “ active paramilitary powers”
are connected to KGB directly !? not same as others !
different countries have their own different --concepts-- at this subject !
we know that Nato is weaker than Asia tendencies and have
-Claudio Organizations- and similars to balance !
Rhaurie : i'm glad to see you are from Scottish.....National Team .
but sport is not adequate !!
Jihad Jorge is pathetic - I do pity him. He supports both terrorism and colonialism when the rest of the civilised world is denouncing both terrorism and colonialism. By the way - I have read many testimonies from the people of the Falklands that state clearly that they were treated terribly by the Argentine invaders and in a manner that was against the Geneva Convention. The fact that 3 islanders died during the Falklands war is the fault of the Argentine Junta - if they hadn't invaded the islands those 3 islanders would not have died. Nor would the soldiers on both sides of the conflict. It is sad that anyone died - and that includes the Argentines who died. But put the fault where the world knows it should lay - at the foot of the Junta.
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 10:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0I do seem to remember Jorge that under the Geneva convention it is the responsibility of the Occupying power to ensure the safety of Civillians, seemingly Argentina was in breach of this by putting lots of big guns in peoples back gardens ? It is testimony to the abilities of the Forward Observation officers who directed fire so well that no one else was killed.
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 10:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0As for civillians shooting at your forces it tends to happen when you occupy peoples countries?
But I find this odd Jorge? You positively had an erection ranting on about British civillians now you deplore the loss of Islanders lives? how quaint!
Do you just grasp at any straw so as long as there is barely a % of a chance it will offer any momentum to your otherwise hillarious and incoherent rants!
I'm beginning to think that rather than being a 27 year old engineering student, your a gobbish teenager who still lives with his parents?
Do yourself a favor laddy go away for about 5 years and when your balls drop and you've had your first pint of lager, come back and see if you can get beyond 2 sentences without screeching pirates, retard, fuckers, bullshit like a psychotic parrot.
dear gdr :( #26) your determination is correct..each has different concepts.
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 11:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0Nato's --Claudio and Similar-- Organizations are not the alternatives
of contrary !..becouse they have no Ideologies..they have highly
engagements toward Present Systems..they have degenerated in times..
dear our blunt Rhourie (#22) ;
Paramilitary Forces are not the Army...not Gendarme...not Police...
not Claudio...not only Intelligent Service...
they have different disciplines and concepts..!!
ed- Exactly paramilitaries are useless, they have a core sense of IN-discipline and a concept based on pretending to be a military force.
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 02:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Rhaurie ! exactly paramilitary forces are very useful ! why !?
Apr 03rd, 2010 - 03:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0really ,this is Russian invention...think Soviet Union Geography !
think Caucass.. ( which there very old civilizations' zone ..)..very hard
areas to hold up for your --strategical targets--...Russians has never
used their Military Forces directly there..Paramilitary Forces
are depend on Russian Secret Services directly not to Army...becouse
it must be more resilient..more economic..more effective..more secret
for example : what is the most popular weapon inthe world..Kalashnikov
which has been developed for these paramilitary aims there...
this is a cultural backlog simply ..
whereas in Western Hemisphere , there are no any problematic areas
like this..for this reasons why there are no any cultural accumulations
here like them...but in West ,this Model has copied...this is reality...
nevertheless no have any testings......
in General Franco era in Spain Civil War similar technics were used..
......“I have read many testimonies from the people of the Falklands that state clearly that they were treated terribly by the Argentine invaders and in a manner that was against the Geneva Convention.”.......
Apr 04th, 2010 - 12:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0- Bullshit!!!! Your soldiers fusilated an argentine one, that was clearly against Geneva convention.
The other day a stupid british appeared in an argentine facebook group with regard to Malvinas saying he was a veteran soldier of UK and that he had teeth of an argentine soldier, I don't know if that is true or not, but it is to be expected coming from the criminal british.
You can't blame Argentina for islander's deaths, that would be stupid! Ehat am I sauing???? You are an stupid, it's ok coming from you.
........“I do seem to remember Jorge that under the Geneva convention it is the responsibility of the Occupying power to ensure the safety of Civillians, seemingly Argentina was in breach of this by putting lots of big guns in peoples back gardens ?”.....
- Argentina respected islanders' lives beyond comprehension. That was a strong order from the Junta. Taking into account that some of them helped the british, I think now that was a mistake.
.....“As for civillians shooting at your forces it tends to happen when you occupy peoples countries?”......
- That is not a country and argentine forces should have treated those islanders as soldiers and kill them since they decided to act as soldiers of UK.
.....“But I find this odd Jorge? You positively had an erection ranting on about British civillians now you deplore the loss of Islanders lives? how quaint!”.......
- What the hell is wrong with you!!!!! Besides being a stupid weed smoker you are now a sexual pervert talking about someone else erctions???
Some of said your forces respected civilians lives and I rebbutted that telling about the 3 islanders killed, just that!
........“I'm beginning to think that rather than being a 27 year old engineering student, your a gobbish teenager who still lives with his parents?”....
Apr 04th, 2010 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0- If I am a teenager or not, that is none of your business nor if I live with my parents or not. Are you looking for other ways to desqualify me???
......“Do yourself a favor laddy go away for about 5 years and when your balls drop and you've had your first pint of lager, come back and see if you can get beyond 2 sentences without screeching pirates, retard, fuckers, bullshit like a psychotic parrot.”......
- Andá a hacerte empomar viejo choto del orto!!!!!
Go to google translator to see if you can get it! LOL
Anybody watch Argentine TV cover of the anti British protests in BA and other cities? were there really, tens of thousands protesting on the same scale as in '82??? anyone read the Argentine press?.....most people have woken up, and those who are in sway, are in the process of waking up to the realities. The likes of 33 are an ever increasing minority, and the likes of 31 dont even live in Argentina...I wonder why you left your country Ed? whats up? no hay trabajo bien salariado a casa? By contrast, I dont recall seeing a ceremonial burning of the Argentine flag in London (BBC world service or any other news agency for that matter) nor in Port Stanley.
Apr 04th, 2010 - 03:32 am - Link - Report abuse 032. Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Why did argentine officers shoot their own men in the legs during the battles? Why did argentine military command starve the soldiers whilst, shipping containers were found to be full of food, clothing and other supplies after the conflict? Why did argentine military destroy the housing and facilities on South Georgia? Why did the military vent their anger on a Norwegian owned industrial facility? Can you answer these questions?
.......“The likes of 33 are an ever increasing minority”.....
Apr 04th, 2010 - 04:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0- El pez por la boca muere. The other day you told me not to talk on behalf of 40000000 argentineans and now you resort to the same. At least you could make some research on the net and find polls about this issue. What do the majority of argentinians thinks about this??? Have you ever think about it??? or perhaps your current remoteness from Argentina doesn't allow you to consider the thought of your people. Are you really an argentinian???? If you are, then you were slowly “penetrated” by other culture in the country of your residence and lost every drop of love you could have had to the land that saw your birth.
Not even the british believe that just a minority of argentineans supports our claim.
........“no hay trabajo bien salariado a casa?”......
- Now by that statement I can see you are not an argentinean nor a native spanish speaker. Your spanish is good, but not enough to fool me.
The correct statement would be “”no hay trabajo bien asalariado en casa?“”
.......”By contrast, I dont recall seeing a ceremonial burning of the Argentine flag in London (BBC world service or any other news agency for that matter) nor in Port Stanley.“.........
- Well some islanders did in 1999 due to the agreement between both countries. If we sent a plataform to extract their oil in the North Atlantic they surely will.
.....”32. Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions?”.......
- Could you give me some evidence of that???
There could have been some soldier who did some of those thing, anyway some islanders actively helped british soldiers and that way they must have been treated as soldiers
and when you talk about islanders' possesions I suppose you are talking about redios and guns?
Apr 04th, 2010 - 04:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0Some of them were clearly a danger for argentine soldiers.
......“Why did argentine officers shoot their own men in the legs during the battles?”........
- You can't say “”argentine officers“”!!!!! You must say “”some argentine officer“”!!!!!!. Why???? very simple, he was a SOB!!!!!!!!!!
........“Why did argentine military command starve the soldiers whilst, shipping containers were found to be full of food, clothing and other supplies after the conflict?”.......
- That is a hot issue here. There are other versions like “”thare were not logistic to take the food and clothing to other soldiers outside Puerto Argentino and that version is not ridiculous given the fact that those days argentine land forces were just resisting the british attack and the surrender was coming.
......“Why did argentine military destroy the housing and facilities on South Georgia?”.........
- Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
To make the long story short, in Jujuy, independist argentine forces were fighting royal argentine forces loyal to Spain. Royal forces were winning and independist had to withdraw from Jujuy for some time, but they said “”if we can't live in our land with our houses and facilities, then they won't use them!!!“” and decided to burn all the towns, houses and facilities. It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either.
Did I clear your doubts???
a scorched earth policy only applies when it is your own earth and (you must be starting to get this by now) the ISLANDS DO NOT BELONG TO ARGENTINA .......... Never have ....... Never likely to :-)
Apr 04th, 2010 - 07:21 am - Link - Report abuse 037. you need some fresh air. Now you are into Malvinas issues?
Apr 04th, 2010 - 07:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0You better take care of your family if you have one and let this to people who knows like ME of course. LOL
Jorgy boy, the windows are open, the sun is shining and the air is very fresh, unlike I suspect, the stink of a country that cannot handle defeat ..... military defeat, political defeat, diplomatic defeat, international defeat ............. it's no problem for us jorgy boy .... no problem at all :-)
Apr 04th, 2010 - 08:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0gdr ! in USA ...Paramilitary Forces are depend on the
Apr 04th, 2010 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0Paravane Secret Services of Pentagon !!
not connected to FBI..CIA.. directly Army...
in Europe , the most sophisticated Paramilitar Forces in
Turkey and Spain ( since General Franco ,Civil War )
but these are independent from NATO concept .. !!!!
in Argentina ..configured in 70' years..developed since 1982..
#34 globetrotter !!
Apr 04th, 2010 - 09:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0my grandfathers were migrant from Ottoman Empire ..
to Argentina ....Turkish originated ..not Arab !!..
my families live in Brasilia ( Sao Paulo)...
I live in Texas (Houston) wife is Chinese -American ....
my job is in a International Strategical Consulting Company..
( my areas are international economy...inner socio-econ analysiss )
I look like !? think; slim,more little tall ,grayish blue eyes..
version of Maradona is me !
my pleasure ,adding some informations for you (forum friends ) !
I don't think the Great Houses are favourable in Malvinas ..! !!!!!!!!
Apr 04th, 2010 - 10:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0anybody have any idea what ed is talking about ??
Apr 04th, 2010 - 10:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0Jihad Jorge ejaculated “ It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either. Did I clear your doubts???”
Apr 04th, 2010 - 12:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You can have what is rightfully yours - the UK has no problem with that. It is when you try to claim what is NOT rightfully yours - i.e. the Falklands and South Georgia - that we have a problem. As to you clearing any doubts - we have no doubts as to your insanity, none at all.
I doubt that even Ed knows what he is talking about;-)
Apr 04th, 2010 - 12:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Oh by the way. To say “ It is our culture, if we can't have what is rightfully our, then you won't have it either.” is rather childish and like throwing your toys out of your pram. If that is really Argentine culture then you cannot be surprised that the Islanders want nothing to do with you.
Apr 04th, 2010 - 12:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0ed , thanks for (# 29)and (# 40 )......#42 OK !!
Apr 04th, 2010 - 01:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0jorge !!! [ (ChristonUK(drunk bee )]+[ beef ( wholechicken)]+
Apr 04th, 2010 - 02:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0[Archibald ]+ [ Hoytrend ] +[ Legion]+[Kellerper ]..all are yours
don't touch Rhourie .
Ha Ha 35 has just shot himself in the foot about comments in 33. my present remoteness from Argentina is true, I have the fantastic opportunity to travel all over the world to carry out my profession. This most certainly allows me to view various global scenes from a pragmatic point of view, and not from a severely flawed, and jaundised point of view like yours, and that of your compadres nacionalistas de mierda. My home is, and family does happen to live in Argentina, and yes I speak 5 languages 3 of them fluently and spanish is one of the others.
Apr 04th, 2010 - 03:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You are incorrect in thinking only a few officers shot their own men in the legs to prevent them running off...there were many officers involved and, there were many victims too...all protocolled during POW administration and statements recorded in medical documents for each and every wounded POW. After the conflict, all officers were allowed to carry their sidearms for self protection, if not, the argentine soldiers would have lynched them. Documentary evidence abounds.
Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
What is this shite? I wrote...Jorge, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes? why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables? pee in closets? lock people up in sheep sheds? systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects in South Georgia, also in 1982.
Well some islanders did in 1999 due to the agreement between both countries.... Jorge, were not talking of 1999 were talking about 2010
35. and Jose, if you read my comment in 34, you will have read ever increasing minority.
Apr 04th, 2010 - 03:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#49 yu say that to speak 5 languages ..3/2
Apr 04th, 2010 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0all right , please translate the sentence of : ...DON'T SQUEAK...!
and it's other slangy meaning ??
44 Christopher UK and 46 Christopher UK, b*gger off!
Apr 04th, 2010 - 06:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0......“This most certainly allows me to view various global scenes from a pragmatic point of view, and not from a severely flawed, and jaundised point of view like yours, and that of your compadres nacionalistas de mierda.”.....
Apr 04th, 2010 - 06:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- Why don't you go to la p*ta madre que te parió hijo de una gran p*ta!!!!!
No soy nacionalista, pero vos sos un pelotudo.
........“You are incorrect in thinking only a few officers shot their own men in the legs to prevent them running off...there were many officers involved and, there were many victims too...all protocolled during POW administration and statements recorded in medical documents for each and every wounded POW. After the conflict, all officers were allowed to carry their sidearms for self protection, if not, the argentine soldiers would have lynched them. Documentary evidence abounds.”.......
- I'm glad you have documentary since there is none here about that. Why don't you come to present them to justice???? You would be doing something useful instead of talking bullshit.
.......“Did you ever read about “exodo jujeño”????
What is this shite? ”.......
- Its our history, if you were intelligent or informed enough, you wouldn't ask “”what is this shite“”????
.......“35. and Jose, if you read my comment in 34, you will have read ever increasing minority.”.........
- Sorry, but people who thinks like me about Malvinas is not a minority. Having family in Argentina does not mean you know about our country.
Dijiste que tu familia “se fué” por el Dique San Roque???? No te creo, no estabas vos ahí????
48 gdr, jajaja sometimes they are too much!!!!
Apr 04th, 2010 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
Apr 04th, 2010 - 09:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Interesting article.
Well here we are again .... another day, another discussion (I'm using the term very loosely obviously) .... but then again, the Falkland Islands are still British and nothing much seems to be happening. Still no problem then ...
Apr 05th, 2010 - 02:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0I'll check to see if anything has change tomorrow but I suspect I'm going to be seeing 'nothing happening' for rather a long time :-)
53.Jorge, if it is true that you are studying engineering then my advise to you is to read, act systematically, methodically and precisely. These are the basic essentials of all aspects of engineering. The point in this is, that you consistently avoid commenting and explaining the questions presented for you, instead, you rant on about things totally disconnected...exodo jujeño”???? I will ask you again, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading, and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes?
Apr 05th, 2010 - 04:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables?
pee in closets?
lock people up in sheep sheds?
systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects on a Norwegian industrial property in South Georgia, also in 1982.
I suspect that, the questions presented for your comment in 34 & 49 and repeated above are, demasiado incomodo y vos no sabes responder a manera inteligenta. Cuando vos tiene algo positivo que decir y aprendiste discutir a manera humana, inteligenta sin insultos personales, otras personas en ese foro podrian tratarle con un poco mas respeto. Le deseo un buen día.
.......“53.Jorge, if it is true that you are studying engineering then my advise to you is to read, act systematically, methodically and precisely. These are the basic essentials of all aspects of engineering. The point in this is, that you consistently avoid commenting and explaining the questions presented for you, instead, you rant on about things totally disconnected...exodo jujeño”???? ”........
Apr 05th, 2010 - 04:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0- No man! If you were informed and aware of our issues as you claim you'd easily realize those things are not disconnected.
I suggest you to read it!!!! It could help you to understand the culture of the country which is not yours since you are incapable to talk the spanish we talk. You lied to me before when you said you were my countryman.
........“I will ask you again, if Argentine forces respected the civillian population after invading, and during the conflict of 1982 then, can you explain to everyone on this forum why argentine soldiers ransacked civilian homes?
why did argentine soldiers defecate on kitchen tables?
pee in closets?
lock people up in sheep sheds?
systematically destroy and burn personal possessions? Those personal possessions were clothing, bedding, food, books, documments photos and yes Jorge, I have personal photographs as evidence of these acts, and those acts of pure vandalism and obsessed destruction perpetrated on still life objects on a Norwegian industrial property in South Georgia, also in 1982.”......
- No you don't have any evidence of that. I will believe you have it when you come to justice and present it to take to court soldiers who did that. But I suspect I will become old waiting for you to do that.
Why didn't you show those photos to the media???? It would help to your anti-argentine cause!!!!!!!
.......“I suspect that, the questions presented for your comment in 34 & 49 and repeated above are, demasiado incomodo y vos no sabes responder a manera inteligenta. Cuando vos tiene algo positivo que decir y aprendiste discutir a manera humana, inteligenta sin insultos personales, otras personas en ese foro podrian tratarle con un poco mas respeto. Le deseo un buen día.”......
Apr 05th, 2010 - 04:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0- Para nada incomodo mi amigo. Respondo con total sinceridad y no le falto el respeto a nadie a menos que alguien me lo falte a mí primero. Usted me insultó, me mintió y me para colmo me amenazó. Es usted el que debe aprender a comportarse y ser serio a la hora de discutir.
Que tenga unbuen día usted tambien!
P.S. You have to brush up your spanish! Seriously!
Apr 05th, 2010 - 04:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0P.S. You have to brush up your spanish! Seriously!
Apr 05th, 2010 - 05:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0Why? The Falkland Islanders speak English ... why on earth would they need to speak Spanish?? It's not as though anything's likely to happen is it?
Apr 05th, 2010 - 07:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0P.S. You have to brush up your english ! Seriously !
Apr 05th, 2010 - 09:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0P.S. You have to brush up your german ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your french ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your italian ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your portugese ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your dutch ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your russian ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your chinese ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your japanese ! Seriously !
P.S You have to brush up your korean ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your turkish ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your thai ! Seriously !
P.S. You have to brush up your arabic ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your greek ! Seriously !
P.S.You have to brush up your hungarian ! Seriously !
Jorge, I couldnt give 2 monkeys what happened in jujuy. Im talking of 1982 and of a civilised society which had supposedly progressed from the era of painting their faces black and red....yes, yours and mine, since I was born in the prov. de córdoba. Shame on your part for failing to accept many uncomfortable truths. As for the photos, yes, some day I will gladly scan them and share them online or elsewhere, with people more worthy of these memories than you. Besides, I am not anti argentine otherwise I would not have returned to my roots after 30 years absence, I am against past and present systems which have imbued intollerance, hatred, ignorance and arrogance in are the product of these systems.
Apr 05th, 2010 - 10:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0and Jorge, you need to brush up not only on your spanish, but on your english as well :-)
Apr 05th, 2010 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0globerotter ! please ,supply the missing word !
Apr 05th, 2010 - 01:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0to SQUEAK ---- it's slangy meaning ?.............................!?
.....“Jorge, I couldnt give 2 monkeys what happened in jujuy. Im talking of 1982 and of a civilised society which had supposedly progressed from the era of painting their faces black and red.”........
Apr 05th, 2010 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- Ya me doy cuenta, y despues me decís ignorante a mí??????
Y no sabés un carajo ya que decís que no progresamos desde 1982, estás totalmente ajeno a nustras realidades.
...“Shame on your part for failing to accept many uncomfortable truths. As for the photos, yes, some day I will gladly scan them and share them online or elsewhere, with people more worthy of these memories than you.”...
- You have nothing man!!!! you are in a fantasy!!!! You are lying!!!!! You don't have any proof of what you say!!!! I will become old waiting for you to present them!!! Stop lying man!!!!
...“Besides, I am not anti argentine otherwise I would not have returned to my roots after 30 years absence, I am against past and present systems which have imbued intollerance, hatred, ignorance and arrogance in are the product of these systems.”...
- Yes you are an anti-argentine and you are the perfect proof of what we don't want anymore here, people like you that sees everything is good outside the borders and bad inside, people like you that takes a walk around the world and forgets their roofs at such level that even the language give yourself away thay you are not from here, people like you that are the worst advertisement we have outside the borders always criticizing the country and feeling yourself foreigner when come to Argentina to visit reletives. People like you is the inheritance we have of other governments and dictatorship. People who remains here and is proud to be argentineans don't want anymore governments that produce people like you. Nos quedamos a pelearla acá y no nos rajamos como ratas por tirante en el primer barquito que vemos en puerto como seguramente hiciste vos y ahora te haces el superado hablando mal de la Argentina desde el exterior. Me das lastima.
........”and Jorge, you need to brush up not only on your spanish, but on your english as well :-)“......
Apr 05th, 2010 - 02:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- No man, my spanish is very good!!!!!! My ratings in school can tell.
My english.... yes I'm still studying it, maybe next year I will get the ”First Certificate”. Sorry for not being as good in english as you, you must know I'm living here speaking spanish everyday. You, instead are a non-argentine who had many years to practise it!!!!!!
About 70 Argentine army officers can be charged with torture of their own soldiers during the 1982 Falklands War, a federal appeals court has ruled.
Apr 05th, 2010 - 02:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Over 80 cases are under investigation, including allegations of murder and causing death by starvation.
The court upheld an earlier ruling that the alleged torture could be considered crimes against humanity and rejected a petition to abandon proceedings.
An Argentine veterans' group welcomed the ruling.
“We have been fighting for 27 years for this to become known, we are really satisfied,” said Ernesto Alonso, president of the Centre for Falkland Islands Veterans.
“Next week, more soldiers will report about abuses they have suffered.”
Cases that are being investigated include the alleged execution of one soldier and the fatal abandonment of another.
Veterans who brought the legal action - all conscripted into service - also say four soldiers starved to death, while several others were staked to the ground as punishment.
Just one example of many for you Jorge
Apr 05th, 2010 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Jorge, if you have a few spare peso, go buy a book called 'Los chicos de la guerra', it was published I think in 1988 or so. This book is a group testimony to all the things I 've mentioned.
Apr 05th, 2010 - 03:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0globetrotter !? no answer ! he 'll learn a little English presently !
Apr 05th, 2010 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0to's slangy meaning BETRAY !!
don't's slangy meaning is.....don't BETRAY !!
......“About 70 Argentine army officers can be charged with torture of their own soldiers during the 1982 Falklands War, a federal appeals court has ruled.”......
Apr 05th, 2010 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- “can be” does not mean “will be”.
.....“Over 80 cases are under investigation, including allegations of murder and causing death by starvation.”.....
- You said it. “Under investigation”, no conclusion yet. You should get bussy and present your prooves! LOL
.....“The court upheld an earlier ruling that the alleged torture could be considered crimes against humanity and rejected a petition to abandon proceedings.
An Argentine veterans' group welcomed the ruling.”.....
- Again “could be” does not mean “will be”. Stop the copy-paste!!!!!!
....“Next week, more soldiers will report about abuses they have suffered.”....
- That's fine as long as they present their prooves. Some of them just want to get the subsides for the victims of 70's. Are you on that list too, argentine foreigner???????
.....“Cases that are being investigated include the alleged execution of one soldier and the fatal abandonment of another.”....
- Again “are being investigated”, no conclusion yet.
....“Veterans who brought the legal action - all conscripted into service - also say four soldiers starved to death, while several others were staked to the ground as punishment.”.....
- I want the proof of that!!! Justice requires prooves, however you seem to ignore that.
Globetrotter, you remind me Clarín articles every time you say “can be”, “could be”, “would be”, “could have been” and “would have been”. That way of publishing articles is not to be taken seriously.
......“Jorge, if you have a few spare peso, go buy a book called 'Los chicos de la guerra', it was published I think in 1988 or so. This book is a group testimony to all the things I 've mentioned.”......
Apr 05th, 2010 - 06:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- Globetrotter, if you weren't so ignorant, you'd see that book is very very very famous and many of us have read it. I recomend you to read everything Nicolas Kazanseu says about the war. Oh I forgot to explain you who he is. He was the journalist that covered the war from start to end. He has too many interesting things to say.
jorge ! don't waste your time in vain ..please !!
Apr 05th, 2010 - 07:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Las Malvinas fueron , son y seran Argentinas !!
75 gdr, you are right. Sometimes I can't hel myself!!!
Apr 05th, 2010 - 08:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Las Malvinas fueron, son y serán Argentinas!!!
You two still kidding yourselves .. the Falklands are British and they will never be part of Argentina ...... dream on boys, no hope, nowhere to go with this. Independence for the islanders, and lets hope they strike oil and then it'll be a rich independence :-)
Apr 05th, 2010 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Las Malvinas fueron, son y serán Argentinas!!!
Apr 06th, 2010 - 03:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0The Malvinas were, are and will be argentinian!!!
Ahh, I envy you jorgy boy ... to be young and idealistic again ! And bloody naive of course ...... youth, apparently it's lost on the young. Dream on ...... you'll learn, the years are a great teacher !
Apr 06th, 2010 - 05:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0Port Desire was, is and will be British!
Apr 06th, 2010 - 07:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0Strange how Argentina says that is owns the Falklands, but the Toba are the indigenous people of Argentina but I don't see them getting there land back.
Apr 06th, 2010 - 09:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0I see Jihad Jorge Rios is still filling the boards with a healthy dose of stupidity.
Apr 06th, 2010 - 10:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0west germanic-I quite agree, it's an argument that the most rabid Malvinist Parrots repeating the same argument ad nauseum have difficulty overcoming;
Can the colonial upsurpers, accuse the colonial upsurpers of upsurping?
The big trouble with most territorial irredentist claims is that they tend to want to only turn the clock back to correct the perceived wrong against themselves, not anybody else just themselves.
So it would seem logical that any group of peoples would be allowed then to trun back the clock several hundred years to re-adress wrongs comitted against them.
Would we have a situation where the indigenous of cultures be allowed to declare that the current inhabitants of Argentina are illegal squatters who have benefitted from land not orginally theirs?
80 J.A. Roberts, LOL. Taxiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!
Apr 06th, 2010 - 05:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0....“I see Jihad Jorge Rios is still filling the boards with a healthy dose of stupidity.”.....
Apr 06th, 2010 - 06:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0- Mr. difficult name, you have something wrong about my last name. Read carefuly your reports. LOL
And I'm not Jihad.
You should give back the lives of idigenous of Australia and North America. Maybe that's not possible since you killed them.
Perhaps they should Jihad? but I can't personally since I don't live there and did not take part in these poor peoples tragic histories alot of the violence and land grabs came post independence like alot of places.......much like a certain country I'm referring to now Jorge? Maybe you should give back the lives of the Argentine indigenous. wait thats not possible because you've killed them!
Apr 06th, 2010 - 10:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I see my logic stands, you've come across a logical theory that your finding hard to get around, lets reitertate my main points, and lets keep the subject matter to Argentina?
1. Can the colonial upsurpers, accuse the colonial upsurpers of upsurping?
2. If we could turn back the clocks to right every wrong committed were should we stop?
3. Is it not right to say that that under current Argentine logic referring to the Islanders, that you yourselves (at the least the 92% European sections) are illegal squatters squatting on Indigenous lands?
I don't expect much intelligence in the reply, so don't be too upset Jihadrios!
If I don't reply for the next week my bad!
Apr 06th, 2010 - 10:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0really? really jorge? protests, loooool. why dont you all just cry in unison together and give the world something to watch, jorge why do you keep complaining about my comments to you? do they offend you? do they anger you? i bet they make you cry lol,
Apr 06th, 2010 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0can you tell me jorge, how it feels to know that the falklands are so close, yet so far away? how does it feel to know that your inferior army can do nothing to take them, how does it feel to know that there is nothing you can do or say that will make us even listen to your crying?
your sitting behind your desk jorge, scared and shitting your unwashed pants to be able to do anything, your even scared of me, yes thats right jorge, you are a pussy, all you do is cry, you cry because you are a silly little argentine with no life and no balls, it eats at you that your so weak and helpless, but its ok jorge, maybe one day you can adopt the british cultrue and way of thinking, then you will be saved,
85 Rhaurie-Craughwell,
Apr 07th, 2010 - 03:26 am - Link - Report abuse 01. Do not put at the same level the disgusting colonialism of UK and the conquest of the desert from Buenos aires. Ask any thinking person around the world which are the countries that made colonialism around the world and you'll UK is on the list, not Argentina.
2. We are interesting in stoping it exactly in Juanary 1833.
3. Wrong! The majority of argentineans have a european in their roots, but almost 70% have some indigenous root in their past.
I have a mother and a father, my mother could have been let's say french, but you can't assert I'm european descendent since you don't know about my father, he could have been mapuche. What would I be??? Mapuche's descendent or french descendent???
......“I don't expect much intelligence in the reply, so don't be too upset Jihadrios!”......
- The intelligence of the replies are in accordance with the original comment. :-)
87 thorson, I couldn't be sacared of you. You have my personal information, you can come over and meet me. You will piss your pants, I will teach you and you will have first-hand experience of how to respect me.
Apr 07th, 2010 - 03:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0You are nothing, you are not even a little man. You can't be called a man!
You are, I don't know, a thing, a repulsive thing without any right, things have no rights. I know what kind of thing you are, a condom, yes, that's what you are. A thing I can use and then throw it away! LOL
I see that Jihad Jorge is still dishing out impotent threats. What a silly little boy you are son. You are right though - anyone who does meet you does indeed piss their pants - laughing at the sight of you. No doubt Jihad Jorge will respond in his usual manner - that of an irate schoolboy who has so much to learn about life and his non-role in it. He is typing right now to prove me correct;-)
Apr 07th, 2010 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 090 Christopher UK, I will insist with my question, Can you make a comment without making reference to me?????
Apr 07th, 2010 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You are living for me now. LOL
I'm in your head every day, in every dream.......I don't even want to imagine what kind of dreams you have about me. LOOOOL
Your comments are all the same, always talking about me.
Tell me Mr. Ball, How mature are you to be discussing with a schoolboy as you claim I am????????
do you see how stupid this jorge kid is, he says i will piss my pants, well that is how backward hes country is, you see the term of someone pissing their pants litrally means, that they are laughing so much that words cant describe how funny what there laughing at is, so jorge you got it right jorge, so how about you dont go giving out a fake adress im not that stupid jorge,
Apr 07th, 2010 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0anyway, you probably have never had a fight in your life jorge, you dont even no how to throw a punch, the only fight you have had is when your mum spanks you for not going to bed on time, if you was in england, you would not surrvive a day here, you are soft jorge, your a soft pamperd cunt who cant fight, i would hedbutt you and you would go down, then crawl about like some little hunted animal, i would even give you 3 free punches first, and i would pay you if you turned up, thats how sure i am that your all mouth, no action, your week jorge, you cant fight, you should unlearn the english language, your not even worthy of speaking it, unlearn it now, and from now on you must speak to us in a language that does not yet exist, so you cant affend any other race or nation as they would be ashamed of you speaking there language, the only advantage you have on me jorge, is that you probably have a good tolerence in your sence of smell, seen as your house probably stinks like shit every day, you probably dont even remember what clean air smells like, i can send you some good fresh british air in a jar if you want, i know you would secretly apreciate that, or better yet, i can send you a REAL air conditioner, yes jorge, as i truly pity you i would send you one, free with a whole toilet role, as you clearly need it with all those tears you shed, infact il make that two toilet roles, as you clearly need it, i can smell you from here, look at the state of you jorge, clean yourself up jorge , your a disgrace, even your own counrty probably thinks your an embaressment
What is wrong Jihad Jorge? Can you not take it when I throw your insults back at you or show up your posts as the bigoted rubbush that they are? You are scared of me and that is why you want me to stop. You are a silly little boy. You make a lot of posts in here and it is only right that everyone should get a chance to respond. Of course one has to make reference to the person that one is responding to - as you are with me. Your lame attempt at a catch all only catches yourself. It is also a silly attempt on your part to silence the one you fear the most;-)
Apr 08th, 2010 - 11:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0Given that it also appears that you are trying to stalk me - it looks as if you are the one who is infatuated with me.
so - marks out of ten 0/10. you don't even get one for effort. Do you fail as often in the real world as you do in the virtual?
I suppose Jorge that there is indeed somewhat more intelliegence than your previous squawkings:
Apr 09th, 2010 - 09:54 am - Link - Report abuse 01. Ah Right so theres different levels of Colonialism then Jorge? How naive of me! Falklands=Bad colonialism(although no opression and exploitation of natives and resources occurs), and Patagonia and the Chacos was good benign colonialism! And the creation of BA by the Spanish is ignored altogether ain't it Jorge?
2. We are interesting in stoping it exactly in Juanary 1833-Enough said but you better reap what you sow then? We might see a reverse and change in hands of land rights in patagonia like what has happened in Australia and South Africa
3. Right! Unfortunaly Jorge the fact that 90% of Argentinas population emmigrated there during the 1830's-1930's makes the whole idea that 70% somehow have at least 1/.millionith of indigenous blood from somewhere, quite laughebale.
I can presume pretty easily based upon the demographics of the Rio Plata and the caste system of colonial Spain and emmigration numbers and social habits and the policy of invisibility that the Argentine govt has that my hypothesise that are majority and manily european stands.
However that was not the question, the question was do you consider the fact that a mainly european culture has sprung up in Argentina in place of the thoudands of year old indigenous one, entirely wrong and concisted of illegal squatting on their land?
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