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Argentina announces debt-swap and invites US corporations to invest

Saturday, April 10th 2010 - 04:44 UTC
Full article 45 comments

Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, CFK, speaking before the United States Chamber of Commerce confirmed that the debt-swap is to be launched between Wednesday and Thursday of next week and strongly praised Argentina’s conditions “for making business and investing”. Read full article


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  • Beef

    One of the banks aranging this debt swap was Barclays who are a major holder of shares in Desire Petroleum. So much for the Argentine leadership baring companies with interests in the Falkland Islands from operating in Argentina. More evidence that they are all words and no action and that they are evidently powerless to prevent the companies operating and investing in the Falkland Islands.

    Apr 11th, 2010 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    You are always out of the clue. Do you?

    The ban imposed is on companies having direct oil operations in Argentina or suppliers. Let’s say Shell, Exxon, Mobil, BP, Techint, etc and not share holders or any other activity.

    In fact Argentina blocked Techint international (Buenos Aires based company) and the monopoly of the seamless steel tubes for the oil industry in the world.

    Without tubes and pipes the oil remains there do you understand the idea?

    For more information click here please

    Barclays is a Bank and doesn’t drill, explore or refine crude by itself.

     Y quedate tranquilo que nostros si tenemos poder para investigar y bloquer.


    Apr 12th, 2010 - 01:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    NicoDin. Your analysis is pretty superficial and laughable. Firstly define what is directly involved. I am a Share Holder so by default I am directly involved as it is my money paying for the drilling. If my pension fund or unit trust was invested they I become detached and not directly involved. Barclays decided to directly invest deposited money in FI Oil exploration which makes they directly responsible. You can't drill for free. The ship you blockaded was the Thor Leader which has already deposited it's cargo and was taking a delivery from Argentina to Egypt. So in reality your government has failed misserably to stop the drilling and the Oil Exploration companies have found it easy enough to find drilling pipes etc. What do you think they are using at the moment, gutters and pipe cleaners?

    If the basins are proved (note I have said if and not when as I am a realistic speculator) then the big boys like BP, Shell etc will come calling and The Argentine government will be powerless to stop them without damaging the Argentine economy further. It is also likley that if Argentina votes for a change of government, and this is very likley then the new leadership will maintain the sovereignty claim but also agree to work in collaboration as it makes good business sence. A GTL plant on Argentine soil could directly benefit Argentima as the first drill may turn out to be a major gas find! Everyone wins and we all get rich together. This would be much more constructive than threatening compaines who may decide to invest in Argentina.

    Apr 12th, 2010 - 05:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    Please everyone. Let's not get too argumentative until Jorge joins us. In the meantime, I reckon the US is welcome to invest in Argentina. No-one should forget that US interest is self-interest. So, when the Yanks have made enough profit, they'll pull out and destroy Argentina's economy.

    Apr 12th, 2010 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    For the benefit of the editor. Sir, with the greatest of respect, I suggest that stringing a few English words together should not be construed as “comments in English”. Can I report unintelligible comments as abuse?

    Apr 12th, 2010 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    There is any problem to become rich (the Islanders or investors) the problem is the way UK acts unilaterally illegally (and in a provocative way) by not respecting UN resolutions.

    This kind of behavior is not acceptable at all in a globalize and civilized world. UK politicians acts like the barbarians, well this has consequences.

    By the way drilling is not the same as upstreaming and processing the oil you need logistic, pipes, infrastructure, etc.

    For that reason UK politician recognizes that the operation cannot be carry out without the support of Argentina.

    By the way among your comments about our government, its very surprising that you being so smart cannot see the act of exploring in the Islands is a desperate act of Gordon Brown to distract UK electorate from the internal and external mess is facing his govt.

    UK is in the verge or collapse with a huge external debt over 10 trillions plus an increasing public debt.
    At the moment its deficit it is the higher in the world –13%. UK’s economy is flat dead and investors are flying away. UK economy and business future is very bad UK will need 20 years to put in place its economy while making a lot of cuts. Lets see what happen when stimulus packages and QE stop, you will see the ral picture then.


    Apr 13th, 2010 - 05:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    NicoDin. Like indicated above let us try to to get into a verbal fight until Jihad Jorge sticks his ore in. Also please be careful to do your research to support your claims so as to avoid embarrasment.

    This discussion was not about supposed illegality of the drilling. If it is illegal under international law the the matter needs to be refred to the ICJ by Argentina; the Argentine leadership have refused to do this so they actually think their case is not strong enough. Both countires had an agreement for joint working on a Hydrocarbons industry but Argentina unilaterally walked away from this agreement. The USA has never formally backed the UK claim and has always maintained its neutral status, please note that the rig currently drilling is owned and opperated by US company Diamond Offshore Drilling!

    Processing the oil is not a matter for these small exploration compainies, they exist to prove the basin and then if they have found the goods be bought out by the big boys. This is when it will be evident that if the Argentine goverment wishes to disrupt the drilling it will in reality be powerless to do so. If Argentina refused to engage with the HC bussiness on the islands then other SA countries will happily seize the business opportunity.

    We are currently less than 4 weeks away from an election in the UK and I have not seen any UK political party discussing the Falkland Islands as part of its manifesto or as a matter that is used to win votes. Please direct me to where you gained this information from.

    Your view of the UK economy is also rather distorted. The FTSE is currently very bullish and stands at 5777 (growth from the 3000s). This is tacit evidence that investors are happy to buy into equity in the UK. Also the UK economy is now outgrowing its peers in the G7 which is the best comparison for the UK economy.

    Also the UK retains its AAA rating. Hardly the badge of a country on the verge of collapse.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 07:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    I am from Turkey ####

    Beef ...exactly you are very short-termist ..there are many Oil Companies
    other than Brits ones !
    recently , Lula was here..we made long term agreements with PetroBras
    in deep sea explorations and drillings and production ( with Embraer
    planes productions here ) ###

    NicoDin is right on ...pipes subject ! becouse these are special pipe types
    for oil or gas transportations ! ...there did some -- pipe quality-- problems
    at ( you know) Baku--Georgia --Ceyhan line few years ago !!

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    Beef ###
    you must know Credit Rating Agencies' ratings are just related to the
    manipulations on short-term derivatives , stock , bond , money markets

    OR ! their ratings do never indicate,measure of the Economies' realities .

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 11:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Hi Arquero.

    My point was that if the UK was on the brink of collapse then the credit rating would not be AAA. This is not rocket science. It has been this way for a prolonged period so there is nothing short-term in this rating in relation to UK government gilts and therfore the stability of the UK economy.

    With regards to pipes (and I am no oil expert) we are talking about drilling pipes and not transportation pipes, which is not an issue for these small exploration compaines and their business models are not geared around production.

    If FOGL finds a huge amount of oil then it is likley that BHP will purchaes the shares (as they are already a farm in partner). BHP would have little problem in arranging the correct infrastructure to make the venture comercial. With oil at the current proces it is even comercially viable to ship the raw crude to Europe for processing although South America is the obvious location and Chille, Brazil or Uruguay would be options if Argentina decided to throw the dummy out of the pram.

    In this kind of exploration there is nothing wrong with a short-term approach. For small exploration compaines then the short term appraoch of proving a basin through seismic and 30 day drills is the most cost effective approach and would be the best way to offer value to share holders. It is high risk in terms of potential growth or loss of capital so drill, collect data and plug and abandon.

    If this was BP or Shell then the issues on term would be totally different. Shell did drill in 1998 but has since moved away from investing in high risk exploration and focuses on allowing the small fish to find the oil and then buy them out. Share holders like me take the risk.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 12:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    beef ###
    your first paragraph true just in theory not in reality ..

    certainly there are directly relations within Gilts and Brits. Econ.
    but the Market can't perceive the effects of the investment instruments
    toward into Real Economy !..also this is not their job !!

    don't forget dazzling Bear Stearns credit ratings !!

    i mean that BP and Shell are not lonely after this ,in competition
    there are highly capitalized LukOil , Total , Petrobras , US comp...

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 02:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    (Continuation) And now we come to the most important feature - democracy. If Argentina is democratic, it will recognise the democratically-expressed desire of the Falkland Islanders to remain a British Overseas Territory and respect that wish. It may come hard, but that's the way democracy works. If it doesn't recognise that, then it is a colonialist, imperialist, land-grabbing pirate state with pretensions.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 02:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    arquero !! I know PetroBras and Embraer investings in Turkey, I heard
    recently that LukOil optained some permits Gas and Oil distributions
    in Turkey !?? right ?

    for all saw in internet your country very lovely especially North Coasts !

    would you tell us any panoramic informations about Turkey ?

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 05:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Turkey certainly is a beautiful country. My neigbours are Turkish and I hope to see Turkey as a EU member in the near future.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    First, my comment previous to (12) appears to have been lost. Still hoping that MercoPress can find it. Broadly, Argentina not a participant in the Convention on the Continental Shelf. Therefore only able to claim a 12 mile territorial limit. UK WAS a participant and signatory and therefore able to declare a 200 mile Economic exclusion zone arround its territories, like the Falkland Islands. When/If Argentina attempts to impose its will outside its 12 mile territorial limit, it is effectively a “pirate” nation. Regrettably, to some extent, the UK tends to act within the law. Otherwise, certain territories could have expected pre-emptive strikes.

    @Beef Not sure about Turkey as an EU member. Wikipedia classifies Turkey as a Eurasian state. Can they adopt European values and lose the Asian ones?

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ Dir Beef, parte I

    I know UK I was living in London, I also know your press and most of the European press and how they manipulate the information. This is not a problem only in UK or Europe is worldwide.

    So here the facts:

    Do you agree that the external debt of UK is over 10 trillions US dollars? No?
    External debt: foreign currency liabilities owe by the pubic and private sector not counted on the public debt.

    This is the evolution of your external debt in 2007 your external debts was 8 trillions US dollars in to years had increased in more that 2 trillions.


    External debt rank nov 2009

    UK $9,191 trillions. 2009

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ Beef, parte II

    Your public debt (money borrowed in domestic currency Pounds) went from 42.2% in 2007 to 68.5% in 2009 and is increasing faster this year. This is the real figure but your govt. Reflects only 60.3 February 2010 compared with 50.5 per cent at end of February 2009.

    But here you can find a more accurate figure

    Uk’s current account balance for 2009 was -$32.37.

    Your deficit was U$s 313 billions for 2009 and for 2010 your deficit will over 13%.

    More scary news

    So what all that means? Your country as I said is in the verge of the financial collapse.

    Why because most of the Govt.’s revenues will be compromised to serve the interest of this huge debt.

    Just the interest to serve the public debt or national debt will cost to taxpayer 63 billions dollars. Plus has to serve the foreigner liabilities like the public external debt and domestics liabilities.

    About yours good news and your FTSE bullish market.

    First how many times have you heard these types of news during 2007/2008/2009, etc based on what fundamental? The own BBC article said “However, the BCC warned that the UK's recovery was weak and there remained risks of setbacks in the future.”

    “The director general of the BCC, David Frost, told the BBC: “Any thoughts we may have slipped back have not materialised, but the recovery needs to be nurtured.”.

    “Manufacturing orders for the first three months of this year were little higher than in the previous three months, according to the BCC, but new orders continued to fall and employment in the sector suffered a setback after an encouraging fourth quarter in 2009.”

    The UK govt. is keeping the UK economy artificially alive by pumping money into the economy, a fantasy th

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @beef parte III

    The UK govt. is keeping the UK economy artificially alive by pumping money into the economy, a fantasy this cannot last forever. When all this stimulus and QE policy stop the nightmare will emerge.

    UK intervention in the economy counts around 60% in some UK’s regions. When then govt. ran out of money to finance this you will see what is the real state of the UK economy.

    How long do you think UK can be borrowing and printing money? 1 year, may be 2? Then what?

    Greece, UK is the path of Greece nothing happen until happens.

    This is the opinion of investors that put money into UK economy.

    You cannot go against the market. Do you?


    Apr 13th, 2010 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ Beef

    On your comment made to Arquero.

    You are absolutely wrong on this, Rating Agencies were giving AAA ratings to banks that have collapse and Fitch assigned AAA/V1+ to Lehman Brothers to big to fail? Ummm.

    None of these agencies reflect the real picture of the financial state of a country’s economy or corporations.

    In fact the bond issuer is the client of those agencies so the process is not transparent at all. Imagine if you pay to xx agency to rate your credit risk. Can you see any bank accepting that? I don’t is a business that’s all.

    About “With regards to pipes (and I am no oil expert) we are talking about drilling pipes and not transportation pipes” of course you are not and I don’t either.
    But by reading and investigating a little bit you would understand why any Oil operation there needs the infrastructure and logistic of Argentina to make commercial viable the Oil exploration there.

    The Desire’ project viability assumes that oil needs to be transported to Argentine terminals

    “Given the challenging outlook for exploration, both would benefit substantially from Argentine co-operation. In fact, Desire's project's viability assumes that oil needs to be transported to Argentine terminals.”

    Do you understand the idea? Without high-tech oil pipes and infrastructure the oil there is not commercial viable. So none is going to invest a Quid to extract it, this is a business.


    Apr 13th, 2010 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    NicoDin. Thank you for your reply. I do not have the time or inclination to post more than one reply at a time. You need to have a more competant grap of your information for its relevance.

    Firstly, what has Indian water, or investing in Sri Lanka or Chinese equities got to do with this discussion (am I missing with skim reading)?

    The issue of external debt is largely irrelevant as external debt is a combination of total debt owed to external creditors. This includes all private debt held by individuals which has been sold onto external creditors in the money and credit markets. In a Global community external debt will naturally increase as the flow of credit and money is being sold onto a much broader set of investors (global hedge funds etc.). Much of this external debt will be related to UK mortgage lending and the Student Loan book is sold on anually (which has been the case since the 1990s) and will make a faily hefty impression on this. Given the nature and scale of home ownership in the UK then is dosen't surprise me that the amount is as quoted. Also the student loan book is index linked so only changes with the rate of inflation. As a result the majority of this debt is secured and as negative equity is not currently an issue. As a result the money owed on this aspect is held againt equity of greater value, so this debt is cheap to service. This also explian why the total UK external debt in the sources you highlighted shows a decrease of 19%.

    BTW, the spectator is a partizan publication of the Conservative party and is not subject to peer review so its ability to present accurate analysis or form real world conclusions is limited to a high degree.

    I did not indicate that the recovery was strong beyond a doubt and it is indeed fragile but the UK in comparison to its G7 partners is in a preferable position. I am not in a defensive mood at present which is why I continue to be bullish in term of the UK equity markets. Esp mining for Iron and Ferrchrome.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 07:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    In relation to 19. It would be nice to have Argentine on side and the Desire plan would have prefered to have processing in Argentina. If this was so essential then why are they bothering to drill for exploration purposes. There are plenty of other ways to waste money.

    The drilling is ongoing and will be for at least the next year. Argentina has not achieved in halting or obstructing this drilling and the UK, FIG or oil exp compaines are concered about what is evidently hot air and nothing more from CFK. If the basin is proved then it will be up to the Argentine leadership (whoever they may be) to decide if they wish to be invovled in the actual production.

    Desire do not intend to move to production they will sell to a big boy. As you indicate, this is business and trancends rhetoric or ideology.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    geo .#. LukOil's entered to here 2 years ago interested in oil and
    auto -gas stations ..they have a new Petro Rafinery project with
    Petrol Ofisi ( major Turkish firm) at north-west ..

    beef ..#. EU !!!! 70.000 pages regulations(legislations) ..Turkey
    is a spesific EU member( not Euro) by special agreements ..
    last year I was in Athens by shortly visit ..they hate from EU..
    our Balkan origins ( I am Balkan origin too) captured all trade there !!

    agent0060.#.. you are true ,,Turks are Asia origin as you know
    Azerbaycan ,Türkmenistan,Kazakistan,Özbekistan,Kırgızistan are
    Türk Republics .and Türk Zones are : Uygur Zone in China !!.....
    Tatar , Başkar , Buryat Autonom Zones in Russia Federations !
    not Belucistan ( they are Afgan --Patan origin).

    Europe can give up from Turks !?? ..will never ...impossible ...!!!!

    panoramic expession about Turkey !? OK let's try

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    ======>> section (1)

    Turkey has --1 trillion US $ -- Economy ( formal + informal)
    whis is 12.nd Economy in the World.
    Turkey has -- 5. nd -- biggest Army in the World (produce almost
    all kinds of weapons).
    budget deficit : 6% GDP..Current Account Deficit : 4% GDP
    imports from mainly Asia ..exports to mainly Europe
    total external debts are -- 50 % GDP--

    here ; Mortgage System we don't have ..but you can borrow
    from the Banks as HouseCredit and ( or) as Auto Credit impartially !
    House Prices are between 80.000TL-- 55.000 US$-- to
    400.000 TL -- 260.000 US $ !
    Auto Prices ( Hyundai , Renault, Fiat , Toyota , Honda
    -Ford's commercial vehicles only - are produced here ) between
    20.000 TL-- 13.000 US $ to 80 .000 TL --55.000 US $
    oil price : per litre 7 TL --4.6 US $--

    these auto and oil selling prices have (aver) 40 -- 50 % Tax Burden !!!!

    Turkey is a OECD country is the comparison ;

    OECD( aver) Tax Rev :36%GDP Turkey : 24 % GDP
    OECD (aver) Profit Tax :14%GDP Turkay : 5 %GDP
    OECD ( aver) Social Sec. : 10 %GDP Turkey : 6 % GDP
    OECD ( aver) RealEst TaxRvn : 20 %GDP Turkey : 0.5 % GDP
    OECD ( aver) Good Servc.Tax Rvn : 12%GDP Turkey : 12 % GDP
    OECD ( aver) Indirect Taxes : 30 % GDP Turkey : 50 % GDP

    as we see here personal taxations very low but indirect taxes very high.

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 08:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    =====>> section ( 2)

    in my home I use imported Russian (Siberia) natural gas..
    on my table :modem,lamb,watch, telephone , radio (I!m listening
    Latin Music now) computer and it'sbrowsers..are all Chinese made

    I am drinking Nesquick( Nestlé) now the bottom of glass written
    as “ Made in Indonesia”..

    my car Hyundai Accent Era ..I filled oil from LukOil today ..

    I am shopping from Carrefour ( very cheap) ..meats are very
    delicious ( Uruguay imported -- kg Price 25 TL -- 16 US $-)

    Turkey imports coffee from Colombia..imports wheat from Brasilia..
    imports corn and soybean from Argentina ...
    produces everythings here and almost imports every kinds of goods !
    The World's --4.nd- biggest fresh veg and fruit producer and exporter.
    some strange trade has like importing mellon from Iran but exporting
    mellon to Ukrania and Russia.....

    Livestock reserves collapsed ..there are sheep smuggling to Iraq !

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 08:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    =====>> section ( 3)

    the National Football Team not liked here ..half of this country
    are for Argentina..the other half are for Brasilia..

    THY ( Turkish Airlines) is the sponsor of Lionel Messi and one of
    the sponsors of Barcelona F.C

    when Eva Peron died ,had 6 hours mourning in this country !!

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 08:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    =====>> section ( 4)

    in this county the most popular sport is “” gambling “” !
    some housewifes generally make trip gambling tours to
    Bulgaria,Romania ..
    when I was 10 years old ...I was playing “”poker “” !

    here 150.00 -- kıraathane ..(not has english saying)...
    they are Turkish Cafe but there you can't eat anythings
    you can play some gamblings ( card playings) drink coffee
    and tea and smoke easily...

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    well ...thanks arquero !!

    everythings are wonderful except ~indirect taxes ~ !

    don't be Mercopress off please !

    Apr 13th, 2010 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    Tell me please what is your preferred source of info. Can you?

    The deficit figures are from UKs govt. 68.1% and someone have being tracking the UK’s public debt like the The Centre for “Policy Studies (at end of 2008) that argues that the real national debt is actually £1,395 billion, which is 103.5 per cent of GDP” plus £805 billion = £2.2 trillion (157% of GDP).

    Well sorry but I do disagree with your interpretation about the importance of your external debt.

    1- Devaluation of the Pound makes more expensive to repay the external debt. Remember liabilities are set on foreigner currencies.
    2- Your govt. also borrows money in foreigner currencies.
    3- The private debt has direct implication to the state of finances on the Govt., if privates companies cannot pay their debts they go into liquidation what produce less taxes to collect more unemployment and more spending in social benefits  more borrowing to covers the deficit.
    4- Most of your financial sector had borrowed money abroad to finance burbles at home and abroad like US subprime mortgage business. Banks are making fancy accounting to hide the real losses of these operations. If you have a run on the banks guess what? Yes another bailout or total collapse.
    5- Your foreign lenders desired that UK’s is too risky and they want more interest... Guess what? Yes your debt goes to and astronomical size

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    UK is sitting on a time debt bomb everyone knows that. Ask yourself why UK having AAA rating have the yields higher than some PIGS .

    “The yields on 10-year British Gilts have risen to 4.06pc, compared to 4.05pc and 4.01pc for Spain”

    I know you are going to tell me that the Telegraph is not good, etc

    But this note is a copy past from and analysis from BBC that I cannot find now.
    But this may be more tasty for you is from

    UK’s Gilts already trading as “less than triple-rated”

    So the market thinks that UK is more risky than Italy, Spain, etc. And this is what matter you can have AAAAAAAA but that have no sense if you have to pay as a –A.

    So UK’s economy is already in a mess and worsening and you cannot fix that with fancy accounting or makeup.


    Apr 14th, 2010 - 12:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    Beef !!

    Brits Commercial Banks'
    Total Liabilities : 7 trillions £ ~3.5 trillions NonResidents ( foreign money)
    Total Assets : 2.5 trillions Non Residents ( foreign money) !

    this tells us what !??
    Brits Banks fuelled by Foreigners and their Foreign Currencies ....
    in other words Brits Commercial Banks should hide the Brits
    Economy Realities ..and it's masks are bogus rating numbers !

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    Beef !!

    Since 2007 ...Brits Banks'
    Liabilities : Private Sterling ( up) ..the rest ; public ,private,non resident
    --foreign +sterling - reserves ( down)
    Assets : Loans - Public + Private - ( down) .

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 09:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 06:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    arqy !! #23 you Turks really very tight-fisted society ! Bravo !

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    @arquero. Please help me. You wrote:

    agent0060.#.. you are true ,,Turks are Asia origin as you know
    Azerbaycan ,Türkmenistan,Kazakistan,Özbekistan,Kırgızistan are
    Türk Republics .and Türk Zones are : Uygur Zone in China !!.....
    Tatar , Başkar , Buryat Autonom Zones in Russia Federations !
    not Belucistan ( they are Afgan --Patan origin).

    My point was that Turkey is a Eurasian state. In fact, the greatest part of the country is in Asia rather than Europe. This, I fear, is a good reason for NOT admitting Turkey to the EU. Otherwise, the EU, seeking political union, also has territorial ambitions. My query was whether Turkey could adopt European values and lose Asian ones. Worth bearing in mind that, according to Wikipedia, Russia is a country located in northern Eurasia. On that basis, apparently, there is no geographical reason why Russia could not be invited to join the EU. From which the logical question is: does the EU plan to become a superpower? So what is your point?

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 07:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    geo #33 I 've read this article before you ..Turkey Economy as same as
    Italy Economy ..recent crisis hit here by --foreign trade-- the reason why
    squeezing of European Markets !

    World Bank looks a problem as superficially as like IMF standpoints .
    as if 60's years ones !

    fluctuated prices have effects on importing Economies and exporting
    Economies differently ..also petrol , food , mineral goods each has
    different matters.

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 08:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    agentoo60 # section (1)

    population : EuroZone(328ml),EU(498ml),US(304ml),Jap(127ml)

    as trillions Euro ;
    GDP : EuroZone(9.3),EU(13),US(12),Jap(4.5)

    as %GDP ;
    Gross Savings : Euro Zones(21) , EU(20),US(14),Jap(28)

    as trillion Euro ;
    Total Credit : EuroZone(15.5),EU(21),US(10),Jap(9)

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    agentoo60 # section (2)

    EU has not military power globally !

    Turkey is a special member of (not full) EU connected by
    spesific agreements since 1960 ..
    becouse it's full membership could be problematic likely
    after the Cold War process where Europe has not been a
    “ dominant power” between Russia and US !

    don't forget that in Germany 3 millions (2 of them German citizens)
    in Holland 500 thousand (300 ths.Holland citizens) all are Turks !

    Middle Asia Türk Republics ( Tacikistan is not Türk) who
    were the parts of Soviet Union ..also China and Russia Fed.have
    Turkish Autonom Z

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    agentoo60 # section(3)

    no one care of any values ! everybody follow their interests ..
    war games , petrol ,gas manipulations, trade compellings,
    markets , money, strategical balances .

    EU and(or) Euro Zone is not a unique country ,they have many
    technical problems inside ...not resilient..clumsy..crude..

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060


    Please try to understand. One of the opening remarks on this site is that comments must be in English. Stringing a few English words together is not enough. Therefore a number of your comments have been reported as abuse. Try to approach matter dispassionalty. Lack of restraint is not in your interest. You need to be able to discuss something objectively and put forward generally acceptable sources. Unfortunately, neither you nor your compatriots have managed this yet. Personally, I welcome South American colonialsm. I recommend that the Falkland Islands Government welcomes you with appropriate land grants. 6 foot by 2 foot by 6 foot appears about right.
    Until the Falkland Islanders say otherwise, the Falkland Islands will be a British Overseas Territory defended, when necessary, by the British Armed Forces.
    There is no better, and South America will lose.

    Apr 14th, 2010 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @39 agent0060

    “Until the Falkland Islanders say otherwise, the Falkland Islands will be a British Overseas Territory defended, when necessary, by the British Armed Forces.
    There is no better, and South America will lose.”

    Ha, Ha how much confidence you’ve got Good to start with, but then you have to fight and just there you will see the results.

    I didn’t want but your statement forced me to remember you the current score in battles between Argentina and UK.

    Argentina: 3 UK: 1 (and close to be defeated).

    Add to this that UK’s armed force is in a very bad shape, exhausted, unfounded and scrapping her old fleet I really doubt UK cans afford to defend the Island and win.

    And of course you will not win any war against South America, you cannot win in Afghanistan how can you win in South America?


    Apr 15th, 2010 - 06:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    I'm back Pirates!!!!!

    Argento, who the hell do you think you are??? Why your nickname is argento???
    I don't understand.

    Apr 16th, 2010 - 09:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hoytred

    I think it's agent 060 you idiot !

    And there is so much you don't understand ...............

    Apr 16th, 2010 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hoytred

    Nicodin ... exhausted and with one arm tied behind our backs, we could tread any of your fiorces into the ground! Did it in '82 can do it anytime Argentina shows the bottle!

    Apr 16th, 2010 - 03:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    ## ## is closed in Turkey !!!!!!
    since 05.05.2008 !
    when you click you see blue screen on written as :

    ( the decision No: 2008/402 dated 05.05.2008, which is given about
    this web site ( within the context of protection measure
    ..............has been implemented by ............)

    Apr 16th, 2010 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    42. an agent???? That's even more stupid and ridiculous, like you of course!

    Hoytred, I would love to personally kick your ass out from earth!!! :-)

    Apr 18th, 2010 - 09:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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