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The New “British Foreign Policy” Promised by Secretary William Hague

Thursday, May 13th 2010 - 11:04 UTC
Full article 28 comments

The new British Foreign Secretary William Hague lost no time in declaring that he would run a “distinctively British foreign policy.” Read full article


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  • Hoytred

    With regard to the Falkland Islands it is to be hoped that Mr. Hague will tell Ms Clinton to mind her own business and Argentina to “get lost” !

    May 13th, 2010 - 12:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Idlehands

    The first paragraph is rather odd. Every nation conducts their foreign policy in their own national interest.

    The dispute with Argentina was not mentioned simply because it is not important or significant enough to warrant a mention.

    May 13th, 2010 - 12:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    ..........“Britain will probably drop out of the top 10 world economies by 2015.”.......

    - That's the most interesting and beautiful part of the article.

    May 13th, 2010 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Thats what everyone likes to see an honest man never afraid to mention a mistake and a countries failures ... The floor is open to you now Argentina.....

    May 13th, 2010 - 07:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Oh Jorge and gdr, you are both so insecure that I do have sympathy for you and you lack of a normal IQ. The fact that the UK will drop out of the top 10 world economies is a sign that globalisation is having the effect of slowly raising the living standards of those in devloping economies e.g India for example. The UK will contiue to grow at a sustainable pace over the long term but our industrial revolution happend some time ago. It is now the time of China, India and Brazil. These countries have made sound choices that are leading to a long term positive outcome for their citizens. Something your Kirchner dynasty has failed to do (hence they blame the Falkland Islands and the UK to divert attention from their incompetance and corruption).

    Your ideas that Britian is finished is based on what exactly? A bit lost on the rationale for that one!

    Anyway, I am a happy brit who is making a major stack of cash on his investments on Falkland Islands oil exploration. If jorge or gdr had any intelligence they they could always put a bit of cash on DES, RKH or FOGL.

    Jorge, I am still waiting for when and how Argentina will take control of the Falkland Islands, or is that still “top secret” , LOL.

    May 14th, 2010 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Gdr. We live in a “knowledge economy” you spanner. One of the UKs major manufacturers is “education”. How may students see Argentina as a higher education destination when compared to the UK?

    And UK expots are actually up anyway.

    Now exaclty which 6 compaines are these? Last time I checked there were more the 6 compaines registered on the LSE, or my share portfolio is showing some ghost companies. It is also likey that the nameless 6 compaines you refer to are actually mutinationals! From the abstract nature of your posts I doubt you even know what this means.

    Terminating? What on earth are you on about? Gdr if you want to pretend to be intelligent then please make a better go at it because your posts don't actually say anything?

    Terminating compaines? Do you have a personality disorder? Seriously pal, I think you need to see someone before you do yourself some harm.

    Whatever you are looking for I hopw you find it. In the meantime buy some shares in the Falkland Oil exploration compaines, it won't make you sane but could make you rich!

    May 14th, 2010 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    gdr. The rule of nature. Do you mean “market economics” or are you continuing to vague on purpose. If you do mean market economics then explian how these “nameless” six companies can be terminated. To “terminate” a company - through competition or through some form of anti-government intevention e.g like your good friend and champion of human rights Chavez? or a taxation or nationalisation system???? You havent got a clue have you?

    Since when has Argentina (or you on your computer for that matter)been able to “terminate” a multinational company. Argentina can't even sell on your newly issued government bonds?

    Now stop farting about and name the six compaines and indicate in detail how you will “terminate” them.

    May 14th, 2010 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    I wonder if GDR recalls which British financial service had to be called in to sort out the mess called Argentina's finance?

    May 14th, 2010 - 09:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Gdr appears to try to put on some sort of academic guise when he posts. In reality his posts are worse than a failing Foundation Year student. The first rule in Bull Sh**ing is to at least be able to carry it off with conviction but some of his ramblings are so far removed from reality they he is truly an embarassment for the Argentine education system.

    If Barclays is one of his big 6 that are up for “termination” then he better realise that Argentina used them to put together a debt swap deal. They also have direct investments in Falkland Oil exploration. So much for their principles hey?

    Argentina, could a success but with inept leadership, worn out rhetoric and an education system that produces the likes of jorge (the Jihadist with a “top secret” plan) and gdr (words without syntax or meaning) then it is no wonder why they are in such a mess.

    It is a shame really because every Novemebr I go to Korea and work with an Argentine lady who represents another UK University. She is a bright and level headed individual who benefited from a UK degree and PhD. If there are more Argentines like her then hope remains. But if they decide to pack up and move to Europe then it will be while before Argentina can make substantive progress.

    May 14th, 2010 - 10:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ivo

    biif £ last year ,I went to Antarctica to ski holiday..I looked around
    translators to speak with penguins..finally I found few Brits.
    One of them wants to UK for History Education ! I said No must not
    be serious that do you want to become a Harold Adrian Russell ?........

    Harold Adrian Russell =Kim Philby

    May 15th, 2010 - 08:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Well Beef I have met many Argentines and most couldn't give two hoots about the Falkalnds, and do genuinely despair at what they see is the more vocal minority dragging the rest of the country down with them.

    I would go so far as to categorise that their are different types of believers in teh cause, you have Axel Arges clever thinking people who have seen their version of the evidence and have come to their own conclusions and I respect him for that.

    But then you have your Jorges, Ivans and Avagarse's who are not very clever and could be compared to the likes of grassroots SNP supporters in Scotland, not very bright, products of a bad state school system which did not encourage them to think for themselves, get most of their info from films, allowed a self wallowing sense of victimhood and made them wholly unable to engage in a civillized manner with any person with a view point different to their own.

    Oh yes and a healthy dose of biggotry....

    May 15th, 2010 - 09:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ivo

    William Shakespeare may have summed it up best when,
    borrowing the voice of King Richard III he penned:
    ” a horse !...a horse ! a horse ! Kingdom for a horse !?

    History is replete with the examples of how,but for proverbial
    horse ,....Kingdom have been horse !!

    May 15th, 2010 - 10:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    ..........“Jorge, I am still waiting for when and how Argentina will take control of the Falkland Islands, or is that still “top secret” , LOL.”.........

    - LMAO I't's just my secret plan, lol, I cannot show you. Don't insist!!!

    May 15th, 2010 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Jorges “secret plan”! Excuse me while I s*** myself.

    You summed it up “It's just....”. Nothing special then? It is just a dream in your head that has no realm in reality?

    “Just” another pathetic individual who lives in a bubble of his own making. He truly deserves sympathy as Narcissism is something that needs treating.

    ivo - Are you from the same inbred gene pool as gdr with such posts that don't even have a sound theoretical basis?

    May 15th, 2010 - 07:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ivo

    Biif £ ---you can go to this website for some theoretical basis...

    May 16th, 2010 - 10:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    “One of the UKs major manufacturers is “education” really where? Hihihi that is funny.

    Let me suggest you the next titles for your future courses in UK.


    1- “How to ruin your economy in 3 easy steps” All material and books written by Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.
    2- How to have a fast decline, from global power to a Banana Republic. Special study material from Sir Lord Monckton and Baroness Thatcher.
    3- How to make your Gilts to pay more shield than the PIGS while having AAA rating. Addressed by Mervyn King.
    4- The UK’s way, how to keep your economy alive by using Quantitative easing. Specialist in the field President Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) Merving King (UK) and Gordo (UK).
    5- The science of the cut, how to pay the debt to foreigner lenders while sending your national to misery and despair. Printed material available from the new edition by Cameron.
    6- UK better export good, how to prepare your nationals to find a job abroad, Chinese, Portuguese and Spanish course also available.
    7- The time is yours, how to see Brazil over passing you without crying. (Only available for UK’s residents)


    1- How to decorate your walls with Sterling in a fashionable way adding a posh atmosphere to your home. Supervised by Queen Elizabeth II.
    2- Recycling useless paper, make modern curtains with those 100 Curriculum Vitaes left at home (you won’t need them anyway for a long, long time).

    Tourism just Brits:

    1- Rediscovering your old garden while killing fly and mosquito with your kids.
    2- A fascinating travel to Tesco while opening all packages and eating what you can for free.
    3- Tourism and adventure, a trip to Brixton, don’t forget to bring your AK47 and some AMO.
    4- Species observation, don’t miss British jumping to the channel in Dover to reach France for a better life.

    May 16th, 2010 - 03:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    NicoDin. Take a look at the igraduate data if you want to see how many students come to the UK for Undergrad and Postgrad education. How many Argentine Universities are in the top world tables when compared to The UK? I should now as I am an academic and spend plenty of time in Asia and Africa with students who are UK bound. Funnily enough they don't appear to consider studying in Argentina!

    The drilling continues and the ships continue to come and go! Looks like I made the right choice when buying in to DES, RKH & FOGL. An educated decision!

    May 16th, 2010 - 04:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    20(#) England lost it's attraction since 70's years ...

    however , it has “” caste system “” in education in England ...
    for example that in Oxford,there are - 3- kinds educations even
    in the same department ( courses) !!!!!!!
    1 ) : the education for Foreign Students ,
    2 ) : the education for Ordinary British Students ,
    3 ) : the education for Elite British Students.

    You have nothing to teach ....

    May 16th, 2010 - 05:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Just how thick many of you are astounds me. You need a multiple level higher education system to cater to the broad demands and levels of students. Also to provide for what is a knowledge economy requires graduates with a variety of different skills and a variety of different Universities to cater for this demand.

    If UK Universities have nothing to teach then why do so many students come to the UK (paying for the privalege) in order to gain their degree, masters or PhD? The market does not lie. Based on some of the idiotic and meaningless posts that act as examples of intellect then I doubt that many of the Argentine posters here would be considered for most UK universities. The Argentines studying at my institution have obviously decided to leave for a reason, leaving behind only those not good enough to get opportunities outside of Argentina.

    Try buying some shares in the Falkland Islands oil explorers. You may in future make enough to pay the tuition fees? Or you can continue to dream!

    May 16th, 2010 - 06:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    For all Argentine contributors:
    Britain's nuclear capability is 4 (SSBNs) x 16 (missiles) x 10 (warheads) x 80 (kilotons). That's a 51,200 kiloton capability. Equivalent to 51,200,000 TONS of TNT. At maximum range, missile flight time would be about 30 minutes or less. Try stealing from somewhere on the mainland, they're more your size. Mind you, any one of them could probably whip your ass. Although you gender benders probably like that! Trying to take on the UK, you'd be well out of your league, AGAIN!!
    Our Prime Minister has told you and your cronies where to go. And I've told my MP that I have no problem with carpet bombing your pitiful excuse for a country. Give it up!! You will never win, despite all your dirty, sneaky, underhand tricks over the years.

    May 16th, 2010 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • thorson

    trust me agentoo60 there all talk, i see them all running their mouths, but they dont ever follow through with the shit they spew out of thier mouths, there in a dream world, wear they really beleive that they can actuly do something, but they do have reason to create this dream world, i mean, when you think about it,they have had a bitter taste in their mouths since 1982, that is along time to have one of those nasty bitter tastes in thier mouth, it would drive you nuts, so natruly,they create these little fairy tale places inside their deluded skulls and they loose complete touch with reality, and before you know it, they are beleving that they can really take us on, its quite sad really, vicouse cycle that they cant get out off, ohhh well better them than us aye, well argie boys if you ever do want a round 2, you know wear we are

    May 16th, 2010 - 11:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    A few facts for Nico, Arquero and GDR:

    The QS World University Ranking top 100 for 2009
    Number of UK universities: 18
    Number of ARG universities: zero

    The HEEACT ranking top 50 for 2009
    Number of UK universities: 4
    Number of ARG universities: zero

    The Webometrics top 500 for 2009
    Number of UK universities: 35
    Number of ARG universities: 1

    The Jiao Tong Academic rankings top 500 for 2009
    Number of UK universities: 152
    Number of ARG universities: 1

    Manufacturing output accounts for about 20% of the British economy and employs about 14% of the workforce and that's not counting the service industry associated with manufacturing, so it's not ALL about property and financial services...

    May 17th, 2010 - 08:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ivo

    Biif -- have you heard the names of David Hodge...Felix Moos...??

    did they serve as the advicers in UK Universities ??

    May 17th, 2010 - 09:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    Mr. Beef are you really an academic?

    “Based on some of the idiotic and meaningless posts that act as examples of intellect then I doubt that many of the Argentine posters here would be considered for most UK universities”

    HA, HA, HA

    I will take your challenging statement.

    Lets talks about economy, electronics, software engineering, database engineering, servers, geography, music, politics, languages, and Henry the VIII if you want or the system of law in Britain why not?.

    Don’t be afraid I am so dummy and uneducated but I feel confident to get away with you.

    Here I go with my firsts indulgent questions to you about Britain’s economy (very easy mate)

    1- What was the tally stick system? Why was introduced, by whom and what were the consequences for Britain?
    2- How had started the fractional banking system.
    3- Who said “inflation is always a monetary phenomenon” and why?
    4- When Britain was fighting in Waterloo closing to defeat France. A prominent banker was doing what in the London Stock Exchange? What was his name?

    Well these were easy now more difficult.

    If a country rises taxes (for example as Britain now) and the tax revenue doesn’t rise as expected.
    How is called this phenomenon and why author of the theory says that is sum 0.

    I’m being very generous as is your field “economy”. Do I?

    Waiting for you respond Mr. Beef.

    Wiki search allowed, anyway I’ll bash you later. So that way you won’t feel so bad now.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah well we don’t need so many kilotons to sink Britain BTW are you counting also the 2 trident lost in our waters during war? I’m just curios do you know?
    I think that by blowing up your stock exchange, Printing freaks Pound and giving them to the African will be enough to drag Britain into a complete chaos. Then we will take a rest to see how you kill each other on the streets. That just would be enough “Green and cheaper”.

    May 17th, 2010 - 12:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Thankfully I am in enviable position of not having to justify myself to a bunch of random questions posed on a mercopress discussion forum. I would much rather finish my 100500 words of Undergraduate marking (yes it is that time of year) and submit a paper by the end of this week (will give me a better impact factor that a follow up post on here).

    NicoDin and gdr - I think you are confusing Finace and Economics. I can understand that the difference between the two can be rather confusing.

    gdr - you will be waiting a lot longer than another 176 years if you think that the Falkland Islands will become Argentine. By the growth I have had on my Falkland Oil expo shares will mean I will be a millionaire well before then though. Could be you too if you want it?

    I am a keynote at a conference in Seoul in October if any of you would like to pose some real and relevant questions.

    May 17th, 2010 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ivo

    my thought is that Beef is our “female” forum friend .....

    we should be tolerable on her...

    May 17th, 2010 - 05:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Mr beef

    My question are so easy and I m not confusing anything you here are giving financial advice about to buy shares. So get your stuff right.

    These questions are easily and will be asked buy any Economist I am not an economist but I will answer them for you.

    1-The tally stick system was introduce by King Henry the First and was a kind of convertibility (like the standard of gold) and consisted a piece of wood polished with notches cut along from one edge to signify the denomination. The King kept one half like a proof against falsification and spend the other introducing it into circulation like money. King Henry introduced this system to avoid the manipulation of the GoldSmith that uses their coins and gold to create inflation and recessions.

    The consequences? England got real economy stability and was the bases to finance and expand England’s domination like in Normandy to bash the French. This was the bases for the future expansion of England in the world.

    2- The factional banking system started in the middle age in England when businessmen and artisans start to hire the “vaults” to keep the gold and coins safe against robbery, etc. the merchant in exchange got a note of deposit and with the time they start to exchange those deposit notes as currency. The Black Smiths with the time started to be aware that most of the depositors for simplicity they kept the gold and coins in the vault and they got the idea to lend deposit notes for an interest. With the time they also discovered that they can lend more deposit notes than the real gold and coins held in their vaults without anyone notes the trick. That’s it they have invented the fractional banking system that dominated capitalism today and the problem of all our pains in the world.

    3- Who said “inflation is always a monetary phenomenon” and why? Easy Milton Friedman the pope of the neoliberals in US.

    4- This is very easy the guy was Rothschild, in German means read shield.
    Bloody 2000 limit chars

    May 17th, 2010 - 07:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Listen guys (by the way ivo I am a guy also). I deal with peer review and have to put up with plenty of critical evaluation as well as the usually post-modernist informed questions from 1st year post docs.

    If you want to take my advise and buy shares in Falkland Oil expo then do your own research and get on well before the stuff start to get extracted and refined. I doubt any of you will complain if the oil ends up being refined in Argentina?????

    gdr - In many ways South Koreans and Brits are different but are both dealing with an aging population (Korea more so). This requires a different set of health behaviours and policy frameworks to make health spending effective and efficient in dealing with the demands of the community. I will be talking about the role of Rehabilitation Professionals and the globalisation and glocalisation of health care practice - pertaing to the professional links between Korea and Europe.

    May 17th, 2010 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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