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Falklands happy as British Overseas Territory and ‘don’t like being told by others what to do’

Thursday, May 27th 2010 - 09:15 UTC
Full article 25 comments

The Falkland Islands are happy with the current status of British Overseas Territory, based on the right to self determination and do not like being told by others what to do, Falklands’ Legislative Assemble member Emma Edwards told a United Nations decolonization seminar held in New Caledonia. Read full article


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  • ivo

    Comment removed by the editor.

    May 27th, 2010 - 10:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rufus

    So that leaves us with accurate reporting of speeches made by duly elected Argentine politicians is good and yet reporting speeches made by duly elected Falkland Island politicians is bad ivo?

    May 27th, 2010 - 10:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hoytred

    Sounds like some sense is creeping in to C-24 ... we'll wait and see what the annual meeting produces next month. No indication of the Argentine reaction to this presentation I note?

    The Falklands are British - nuff said!

    May 27th, 2010 - 11:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • horacioyanes

    Emma was born in 1971 in Portsmouth, England and is the eldest daughter of Norma and Roger Edwards. She came to the Falkland Islands when she was two years old, while her father was serving on HMS Endurance and spent about a year in the Islands.

    “She is British. And the daughter of a British military. As can claim self-determination, if you have never ceased to be British. Ms. Legislative Assemble member.”

    May 27th, 2010 - 12:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LegionNi

    4 horacioyanes - “Emma was born in 1971 in Portsmouth, England and is the eldest daughter of Norma and Roger Edwards. She came to the Falkland Islands when she was two years old, while her father was serving on HMS Endurance and spent about a year in the Islands.

    “She is British. And the daughter of a British military. As can claim self-determination, if you have never ceased to be British. Ms. Legislative Assemble member.” ”

    Same old tired Argentine tactics of only stating the facts that seem to help there cause.

    Horacioyanes you state the above yet you leave out the fact the Emma's mother is a Falkland Islander and therefore even if she was born in the UK she is a Falkland Islander by decent.

    You also only state enough to give the impression that she has only lived in the islands for 1 year when but leave out the fact she has lived there since the war of 1982, only leaving the island for her higher education.

    Typcial Argentine attempt to twist the truth.

    May 27th, 2010 - 01:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Good comment LegionNi. Argentines ALWAYS leave out the uncomfortable bits and finesse the ones they can't...

    May 27th, 2010 - 03:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Ah senor Yanes with your limited interpretation of self determination as per usual trying to demean others and nit pick every bit of information apart just to try and reaasure yourself when the disgraceful Argentine argument that the Falkalnds are the only country and people in South America not allowed self determination because they disagree with your nationalistic Neo-Imperialist aspirations.

    Read the article again Emma is the daughter of a Full blooded Falkland islander? Now your saying that everyone has to be racially pure to be entitled to self determination, and what is this nonsense about you making reference to her fathers military background? Are you saying that because her dad was a sailor she is now not entitled to self-determination?

    Forgive me Mr Yanes but I find your views and lack of human morality and acceptance for the aspirations and rights of others troubling...

    May 27th, 2010 - 03:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    Next Snr Yañes will tell us “the Falkland Islanders were implanted so they have no rights”.

    It's funny how when people (and I'm sure Familia Yanes or were they known as Yanez at the time are included) went to Argentina of their own free will it's called “immigration”.

    But when people went to the Falkland Islands of their own free will that is somehow “implantation”.

    Just the other day in Madrid the Princesa de Plastica was saying how proud she was to be “nieta de españoles”, in other words a 2nd generation Argentine proud of her Spanish connections. Yet she denies 8th generation Islanders their right to be Falkanders (proud of their British connections).

    You've got to hand it to the Argies for the feats of logical gymnastics they get up to.

    May 27th, 2010 - 04:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • horacioyanes

    England over 150 years ago who abuses his military power. He kept the Falklands and continues through force. It is obvious that, for all these years, did not respect the constitution Argentina, did not respect the right of the people of Argentina. Damaging the morale of the Argentine people.
    For all this, do not be hypocrites. England has never respected the right of anyone.

    May 27th, 2010 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Horacio matey you really are a tad bit on the daft side, if you call about 100 marines and about 120 reservists recruited from the local population “defended by force” I would seriously question the Argentine military doctrine, the fact and only fact dear Horacio is that the British military was at it's largest presence immediately after your nasty little occupation with about 10,000 personnel of all ranks and wings and has been at it's highest continual numbers since 1982 of about 1,500.

    Stop with this pathetic victimhood and whining.. one would think you are the most oppressed people on the planet by virtue of not owning a few windy rocks islands nearly 400n miles away from you, dear god! the indignity and oppression of it all!

    why the fuck should we respect the Argentine constitution? Why aren't you respecting the Falklands one? what right of the “argentine people” their right to life, property, a fair trail? which right Horacio your not being coherent here!

    What? we damaged your morale because you lost a war? Oh dear I'm so sorry we won! well perhaps you better think of the consequences of gate crashing some elses party?

    yes your right though on one thing England has never respected anyone rights, because for the last 300 years the English state hasn't existed, now Britain though, we seem to be supporting the Falklands and Gibraltars in fact every independent nation since 1945's right to self determination? I think we even respect Kosovo's where Argentina ignores it, despite serbia's massacres of it's population you're still willing to not recognise a country because it's method of freedom throws into doubt your colonial ambitions and desire to oppress a minority peoples because you get turned by being the regional bully?

    Come of it Horacio even you can see that futility of your arguments, where is your compassion and respect for the abilities of fellow human beings to decide their own future?

    May 27th, 2010 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    7 Rhaurie. Of course you have to be racially pure. Do you not recognise the Nazi strain in Argentine bigotry?
    Worth bearing in mind that something like 10,000 German military escaped to South America, primarily Argentina with its large German population, at the end of Word War 2. And if they weren't war criminals, why did they run?
    German influence would run high with Peronists. So, in 82, they must have just hated being beaten by the British......again!

    May 27th, 2010 - 10:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    Comment removed by the editor.

    May 28th, 2010 - 04:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    I am very sorry if I may have intruded into your privacy, I am sincerely in need of your assistance. I need you to help me in securing my inheritance the Malvinas; I will give more details concerning me and the transaction.

    May 28th, 2010 - 05:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell


    She is looking concerned has she just saw you a large blue parrot called Jorge, like this one:

    squawking some mad incoherent argument about going to back to her own country when she is quite happily standing in it.

    When you going to learn Pimp Faggot? This is the 21st century no room for your racist biggoted far right Imperialist values here Jorge, visit the Falklands and see how long your macho keyboard arguments stands up when faced with people and a country you clearly know little about, or will you decline this invitation and argue from the safety of your computer in your cardboard box shielding you from facing others opinion?

    May 28th, 2010 - 11:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    You should know by now I never click on your stupid links, you are wasting your time.
    I would like you and some extremist islanders come here to visit us and face some of us, you could learn something very intersting!!! Are you afraid???? Come here little w*mp!!!

    May 28th, 2010 - 03:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    eeerm because you don't like anyone disturbing that fragile carboard box you call your opinion is it Jorge?

    I've already been to Argentina in 2001 little parrot, and twice before then! Not much to be afraid off really there were some interesting rants in the pub but nothing coherently goundbreaking, there was someone like you though? In an “irish bar” in BA you know what happened the Argentine bar tender kicked him out said he can't be doing with “you kind giving a bad impression of Argentines to our guests and my customers”

    “don't worry Crooky” he said in perfect english “we get him coming in every week trying to start a fight with any British backpackers over the Falklands, Argentines do not feel this way, but we can't usually speak up for the intimidation we recive from the right wingers I hope that Bastard hasn't lowered your opinion of us to much, here's a pint on the house, a pint of tennants is it?”

    A true gent.

    I hardly think it's extremist desiring freedom and the right to live in peace is it Jorge? It's a most human desire? and many Falklands do come over little parrot and get educated in your schools or take jobs, most Argies they say have treated them with great respect and protected them from teh racists like yourself? Is this you Jorge

    If you just replaced Falklanders and British with the words, Blacks, Jews and Muslims you would fit right in to groups like the EDL and BNP little racist parrot.

    The parralell is scary Jorge is your right arm stronger than your left?

    May 28th, 2010 - 03:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    hahahaha you are an idiot!!!! First you like to be a bad boy, but when I say to you to come here, you are a chiken!!!!!
    I do not fight with the british over Malvinas. When I go to an Irish pub, I just drink a beer and behave like every decent person. If I run into a british, nothing happens, people is not to blame for what governments do. Now, if you come here and start talking sh*t about Malvinas, you cannot expect other thing than a good punch and not from me!!!!
    I Don't use violence to solve disscussions, but many people do, even more when they drunk in those Irish pubs, sorry man, there are some things you should not do in some countries. I wouldn't laugh at Mahoma in a muslam country, that would be suicide!!! You should know that.

    P.D.: Rascism was practised by the british against argentine citizens during 18 years.

    bye retard!!!

    May 29th, 2010 - 12:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    “I Don't use violence to solve disscussions, but many people do”
    I agree, your government is one of them.

    May 29th, 2010 - 03:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LegionNi

    15 Jorge “I would like you and some extremist islanders come here to visit us and face some of us, you could learn something very intersting!!! Are you afraid???? Come here little w*mp!!!”

    17 Jorge “hahahaha you are an idiot!!!! First you like to be a bad boy, but when I say to you to come here, you are a chiken!!!!!

    I Don't use violence to solve disscussions”

    You threaten violence then claim not to use violence. You do like to contradict yourself don't you Jorge.

    May 29th, 2010 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    @17 jorge! “I do not fight with the british over Malvinas. When I go to an Irish pub, I just drink a beer and behave like every decent person. If I run into a british, nothing happens, people is not to blame for what governments do. Now, if you come here and start talking sh*t about Malvinas, you cannot expect other thing than a good punch and not from me!!!!”

    Of course you don't, jorge! It would be silly to fight over somewhere that doesn't exist. Do you think you can cope with the real world of the 21st century?

    That archipelago about 300 miles out into the South Atlantic Ocean is called the F A L K L A N D I S L A N D S. If you insert that as a sound into the space between your ears, you might be able to hear it echoing. That's because there's nothing else in there.

    May 29th, 2010 - 08:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Jorge my little Facist, I do not think that my workplace or family would speak highly of me if I spent a months wages just to go and pussy whip a gobby piece of shite like yourself, as I recall the invitation was for you to come to the Falklands islands not vice versa, since you seem so convinced they are yours go forth and take them but do not come crying to me when you are returned on the next avaliable flight with your self confidence and dignity individualy packaged and ready for selling on ebay.

    As I said dear Jorge the fellow ran into me and being lets say the more patriotic type as he was, he started having a go, quite uncalled for, very ungentlemanly and very much like yourself, I am quite sure Jorge that if someone mentioned the magic word out of curiosity to gauge peoples opinions like I do to start friendly conversion because that is how peoples get to understand one another, you would frothing at the mouth and sqauwking incoherent rubbish that even your fellow countrymen will hide their heads in shame!

    As for violence you are the same individual who has advocated ethnic cleansing and nuclear weapons strikes on the Falklands or is this a different Jorge?

    And I also thought that Muhammed was a religious figure head? Not an imperialist political cause?

    I wasn't aware Jorge that barring a hostile people from entering your country who do not recognise your right to exist as a people was racism? I call it mightily sensible personally you betrayed their trust and broke your friendship with them and even consider ethnically cleansing them as you still do, you are dangerous people you malvinist's, such hate and incoherency for a country and nation who wishes to be left alone in peace.

    Or is it only racism when Argentina is involved?

    Good Herr Parrot.
    What game you going to play now? Command and Conquer Fascist edition?

    Jun 02nd, 2010 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent0060

    In the light of the current situation and Argentine posts, there seems little doubt that the presence of any Argentine on any territory subject to British sovereignty “would not be conducive to the public good”.
    For your information jorge!, this is the phrase our judges use when recommending deportation. Immigration policy on the Falkland Islands no doubt has something to do with your country's attempt to steal the islands. Don't know how the FIG feels, or the Islanders, but I wouldn't let another Argentine in, except as a temporary visitor (48 hours), for the next hundred years.

    Jun 02nd, 2010 - 08:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    21 Rhaurie-Craughwell, when I talk about nuclear things I'm not saying we have to use them. You have nuclear toys, what's your point, idiot?

    Jun 04th, 2010 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • thorson

    oi jorge, il fight you, tell me where, just give the location, bring who ever and what ever you want, il stil lay you out with the good old british headbutt right to your nose,
    oh, and i read that you would throw a punch? boy you have never thrown your fist at anyone before in your life, you know it and i know it, stop trying to be something your not, your a nothing, accept it

    Jun 05th, 2010 - 01:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jorge!

    jajaja I live in Comodoro Rivadavia, come little baby!!!!!!!!

    Jun 05th, 2010 - 09:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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