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EU suggests Argentina’s import restrictions could delay Mercosur trade talks

Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 03:07 UTC
Full article 4 comments
 Joao Aguiar Machado, EU Deputy Director-General for External Relations Joao Aguiar Machado, EU Deputy Director-General for External Relations

Negotiations for a trade agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, re-launched this week in Buenos Aires, could not have a second chapter if the Argentine government insists in restrictions to food imports, said the head of the EU delegation.

Speaking on Thursday with the Argentine media, Joao Aguiar Machado, EU Deputy Director-General for External Relations said the problem is that “this kind of measures besides their direct impact on trade, erode confidence in the development of negotiations”.

Aguiar anticipated that next week the EC could address its concern with the World Trade Organization during one of the WTO council meetings, which he added “I wouldn’t be surprised if other countries who feel impaired by those measures join in, as could be the United States”.

The EU has decided to increase the tone of its complaints following on the restrictions implemented by Argentina’s Domestic Commerce Secretary, Guillermo Moreno, on food imports. Statements to that effect were first aired in Brussels and Luxembourg, but now the issue was put directly on the negotiation table in Buenos Aires where a new round of talks begun this week after six years.

“We fear this issue could contaminate the spirit and atmosphere of discussions”, insisted Aguiar.

Argentine Secretary for International Trade Alfredo Chiaradia said the Mercosur/EU talks were not the appropriate environment to address a bilateral issue, but “I explained the process must be open and transparent since the bilateral problem could have regional implications”, revealed Aguiar.

Industry Secretary Eduardo Bianchi replied that the EU “is king when it comes to farm and other subsidies and masters in forging hurdles to normal trade”.

The European delegation also met with Agriculture minister Julian Dominguez and Minister of Industry Deborah Giorgi, but Moreno refused to receive them.

But the Argentine restrictions on food imports as such do not exist on paper and President Cristina Kirchner and several ministers have denied its existence.

However Aguiar admitting there is no decree or law he did reveal the existence of a communication, “an internal communication and we have a copy. It does not have legal force but we are talking of impairing devices. For example containers are blocked in the port and there is no way denying this”.

“We know the list of ‘problematic EU food imports’ includes Italian pasta, olive oil, rice, high quality cheese, different infusions and the famous Greek peaches” added Aguiar.

The EU official mentioned the case of a local Argentine company that has over a hundred containers blocked in the port for more than 45 days, with a monthly storage cost of 5 million US dollars. Apparently imports are not food products but inputs for industry and they are equally blocked because of delays in the so called non automatic licences.

The first round of talks which is taking place in Buenos Aires, since Argentina holds the rotating Mercosur chair is scheduled to end Friday.

But Aguiar anticipated it is not clear when the next meeting will take place, --scheduled in Brussels--, “because much depends on a solution to this issue (imports’ restrictions). If this is not addressed, the next round could be really complicated”.

But not only on the Mercosur side there are problems. At least ten EU countries, led by France, strongly oppose talks with Mercosur currently, because of the Euro crisis and the belief that any understanding would have a direct impact for European farmers fearful of the more efficient, cheaper Mercosur agriculture production.

Losses for EU beef, hog and poultry farmers, who are already squeezed by the lower subsidies program, are estimated between 4 and 5 billion Euros according to French, Belgian and Irish unions.

Categories: Politics, Mercosur.

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  • Billy Hayes

    Another of your stated investment criteria is to focus on companies with new discoveries in the hope that eventual resources will be larger than first announced. In the light of this what is your take on the situation in the Falklands considering the considerable recent drilling success by Rockhopper Exploration (LON:RKH)?

    We avoided the Falklands companies for all these years because we considered them to be a very high exploration risk area. They had not drilled enough, there was only scant geological testing – they have done a lot of seismic mapping and processing that indicated there may be significant accumulations of hydrocarbons there – but it is a vast area and it is very easy to drill in the wrong place. Rockhopper seems to have drilled in the right place and the result of that is a several times re-valuation of its equity, but at this stage we think it is over-valued. We think that the results that it has produced from this one well are not enough to justify the size of the reserves and we think that the market is far too excited and assigns a too-high valuation to Rockhopper. It will take another three or four wells to give us much better confidence of what is down there and whether it is commercially viable. On top of that, there are many other potential problems even if the oil is commercially viable, again relating to political risk. We go back to the conflict with Argentina, which recently refused to allow vessels supplying the Falklands to berth in their ports, so there is going to be ongoing instability and uncertainty as to how these companies will be able to exploit this oil, whatever oil they find. In addition, it is very far away from any commercial deposit of oil, so they will need to build massive infrastructure to exploit any oil they find.

    Jul 02nd, 2010 - 03:20 am 0
  • Hoytred

    And the relevance to this article is ...... ?

    Jul 02nd, 2010 - 06:52 am 0
  • harrier61

    Doesn't matter about Billy. Read his comment carefully. It has been cut and pasted from elsewhere. Whatever its meaning is, it's quite intelligent. Unlike Billy.

    Jul 02nd, 2010 - 05:26 pm 0
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