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Buenos Aires Palermo Agro-Fair takes off with the export levies conflict latent

Friday, July 23rd 2010 - 06:07 UTC
Full article 10 comments

Buenos Aires City Mayor Mauricio Macri inaugurated the 124th edition of the Agriculture, Livestock and Industry Fair organized by the Argentine Rural Society (SRA) that will open on Saturday in the Palermo grounds. SRA head Hugo Biolcati was also present and took the opening honours along with the city Mayor. Read full article


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  • harrier61

    Shouldn't this be an Agri-Fair?

    Agro is something else. Also encountered in Argentina.

    Jul 23rd, 2010 - 08:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • avargas2001

    MMMMMMMM ! que rico ! Asado anyone ?
    OOOOPPPSSS! I am sorry! I forgot some people can only eat chicken, goat or veggies :(

    Jul 24th, 2010 - 12:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Billy Hayes

    you know vargas; beef is muscle & brain.
    but please, don´t invite those oligarchs.
    keep fighting a national & popular proyect.

    Jul 24th, 2010 - 02:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • avargas2001

    Sorry billy, some times it's hard to hide your joy and pride, I won't let it happen again. funny you mention the national project, it's right on schedule as you can see in this report, but with all this threats and conmotion, I think Argentina is almost ready for a Agrarian Reform and the nationalization of stagnant corporations impeding progress.
    lets keep our eyes on the ball, any day now.

    Jul 24th, 2010 - 04:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nicholas

    MMMMMMMM ! que rico ! Asado anyone ?

    No thanks, I prefer the churrascaria..sounds more capitalist than asado from a socialist nation. Second, most argies can't even afford “asado”..LAUGH.

    Jul 25th, 2010 - 07:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    This son of a bitch does not have any shame nor dignity, he omits that federal camara confirmed unanimously hes process in the justice due the cause of iligal spy, and acused him of more delits than the judge who declared hes process, now he blames the kirchner for this, please, he allways blames the national government for hes imbecility to govern buenos aires city, when he was on campain, he said that he had no financial problems, he said he could achieve all that he proposed, but when he toke hes charge, he started to blame cristina for the lack of money to execute diferent projetcs, beside this clown omits that since he toke the power, he is decimating the budgets for public sistems of health and education, he has one of the lowest budgets of eductation of the whole country, and at the same time he has the reachest intendance of argentina, anyway he made some progress for the city, i can't deny it, but he does not give a shit for the public sector, he is destroying it, he is just a business man, and that's all, he is not even a politician, he is what we call, a dady's little boy.
    The most dengerous of this situation, is that he is the candidat of the most powerfull mediatic corporation from argentina (clarin), if we take into account that we have a great monopolium of the media in argentina, maybe he could become into our next president, i dont want even to imagent it, in this way, the dream of many moron people who visit this forum will become true, and my county will be zinbawe in a couple of years, i hope that people are not idiot and have enough memory at the moment of elections , we must chose a diferent alternative, and leave behind all this shit.

    Jul 25th, 2010 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jerry

    axle - you are shouting hate and venum; very similar to your two heros, the Ks. Shame on you!

    Jul 26th, 2010 - 07:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Moron as usuall, this is evident that you dont live in argentina, and ignore many important issues, you have no ide a about what that son of bitch represents, you only parrot what media corporations say, and dont discern absolutly anything, dont you think that i can know much more than you about the reality of my country, because live here, i see my reality with my own eyes everyday, you only have reduced view about what is going on in argentina, that's really same on you, you criticise, but actually you know nothing, on the other hand, i am not kirchnerist, i only recognize that we had many achievements since 2003, but i didn't vote them and i wont, because they made also big mistakes, and they are not the kind of government that i want for my country.

    Jul 27th, 2010 - 02:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • avargas2001

    Disregard my patriotic brother ignorance #6 axel arg, we have people in politics withing our own casa rosada who also think like him, and as you can see they never bring any solution to a particular argument, but a constant monolog of anger, confution, and hate, perhaps everyone here can understand why sometimes is better to let them sit on the roads and chant “que see bellan todos” rather than allow them to be part of any political debate,.
    “The roadblock picket—or corte de ruta—is Argentina's favorite way to complain. In the last 13 years, there have been 17,417 roadblocks in Argentina, according to a study from Nueva Mayoría, a local think tank, the most famous of which is the town of Gualeguaychú's bridge with Uruguay”
    in view of this facts and axel own admition
    “anyway he made some progress for the city, i can't deny it”
    in reference to the the Kirchner couple, I think you can deduct the rest yourselves, I wonder if axel forgot the debt left behind by all the other compatriots ?
    ”International reserves of the Argentine Central Bank (BCRA) broke a new record as they reached 51.008 billion, after increasing 22 million regarding last Friday, when it had reached 50.986 billion.“
    axel promote your candidate and stop acting like a brit, export tax is good for Argentina, the picketeros are a tool international corporates use against local government to oppose reforms, The government needs money to create subsidies and tax payers can't bear all the weight corporations infringe on the economy, population, ecosystem, water supply, logistics and many other variants,
    looking back at your words I see an angry claim
    ”i am not kirchnerist, i only recognize that we had many achievements since 2003, but i didn't vote them and i wont”
    I was hoping you would mention another candidate let me remaind you that bush won't be elected in Argentina.

    Jul 28th, 2010 - 06:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    AVARGAS: You are wrong again, i know perfectly whi is who in this country, beside, before criticising the piqueteros, why dont you wonder why do we have piqueteros, they are the result of years and years of neoliralism, and an unfair redistribution of the national rent, the day we have a fair country, we wont have piqueteros in the street any more, but it will take many more years, it's very easy to criticise with out making a deep analyses of the situations.
    On the other hand, i am socialist, i agree on many of the measures that the gov. took, but i want a gov. that is not suspected of corruption cases, that's why i wont vote the k, beside i want to tell you that i have an answer for you in the articule where international amnesty praises gay marriage, i think it's from july 23th.

    Jul 28th, 2010 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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