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Carlos Menem, best Argentine pro-business president in the last 50 years

Saturday, October 16th 2010 - 01:50 UTC
Full article 43 comments

The liberal policies carried out by former Argentine president Carlos Saúl Menem continue to reap the approval of the majority of businessmen that are attending an economic colloquy in the Argentine capital, reports the Buenos Aires Herald. Read full article


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  • NicoDin

    The best joke I've ever heard especially about Raúl Alfonsin.

    The guy made collapse all medium size companies.

    Including my family's company. Banking sectors? Another joke during Alfonsin Bank interest rates were 25% a month my father still uses to remembers theses times and cries. Hiper-inflation you couldn't sale to clients because were not price to buy back stocks.

    What the hell are drinking these guys?

    This is a joke of the Buenos Aires Herald because in the IDEA the topic rise due to Clara Mariño (Old Mariano Grondona program Producer and conservative like dinosaurs) asked why all of them (Biolcati, Ratazzi & co) applauded all government economic plans. Someone responded because we have hope and she asked why then you don’t applaud anymore went remember the 90 (Carlos Menen Era)

    Well e hem... not wise someone say other but if all agreed with desregulations, but bla,.

    And they started to blame each other, Biolcati told that Ratazzi applauded the Kirchners but down the table just to be seen by Cristina & husband.

    And Ratazzi fired back by saying “at least when the president invite me I go put my face and I say what I think and not like Others (In reference to Biolcatti) that say yes my dear president and then plot in the night.

    Lets say some chambers don’t want Biolcati, Ratazzi or Menem represent the corruption and the worst in ethic in business world. That is the reason praise Menen/Duhualde easy to pay bribes and get what you want.

    The more critic of all was Alec Oxenford ex Deremate, Dineromail & OLX who said that the entrepreneurs there were always talking of the past and never thinking in the future.

    This argument started in 2008 when Biolcati got angry with Ratazzi as you can confirm this here.

    Here a short description of what I said.

    : )

    Oct 16th, 2010 - 08:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    Ex-president Néstor Kirchner, while he was Governor of Provincia de Santa Cruz, once said that Dr. Carlos Saúl Menem was the best president of Argentina. So what these people are saying is absolutely true. Isn't it?

    Oct 16th, 2010 - 11:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    And what the f@ck do you know if you live in Chile?

    Come on mate be smart and get lost none want to hear your anti K and Anti Argentina hatred here.

    You can do a good job by registering in La Nacion there you will find a lot of morons right win that may be even praise you follow the smell of countryside and popo of cow. And that’s it.

    They will even don’t care if you are from Chile while you keep saying something against the K.

    Good luck and enjoy it but remember that these some people where the same that wanted to invade your country in the 80. And make Chile another province of Argentina.

    May be you deserved it After all?

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 12:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Vega

    First time I read from an Argentine that recognize the intentions of Argentina to invade Chile´s teritory and make us part of it....We, the Chileans, knew it from 200 years ago and suffered it loosing the Patagaonia and the Cuyo province....
    BTW, from outside the Argentina, tought that Mr. Mennem was the best president in the Argentina's latest 50 years and the worst by far the K´s couple and Mr. Alfonsin & De la Rua.

    R.I.P. Argentina by now

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 01:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Now is probably a very good time to take those provinces back and maybe a little more it is not like Argentina could stop you.

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    The only good side of Menem was his Chilean Ex-Wife

    Cecilia Bolocco... Yummmiii...

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 02:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard


    You are right. Kirchner once said that Dr. Carlos Saúl Menem was the best president of Argentina, and was in the same position than Juan Domingo Perón.

    Only an example:

    For me was one of the best goverments ( shared with the first goverment of Peron). Obviously with the problems faced by every Presidency, however Argentina was inserted in the world. Not like nowadays that we are getting away more from the world, sharing relations with Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, Castro's brothers, Correa, and going straight to hell without scales.


    Hey what a matter with you?. “keep saying something against the K”. Mmmm I think we have here un piquetero ignorante. :-(

    And what kind of newspapers we should read? El Argentino, Pagina 12, maybe?

    Please explain why we have high levels of insecurity, of inflation, lack of education, poverty, and etc, etc?.

    Or you are going to tell me a lie, like the current goverment does it?. For example saying that these years are better than the 90's, yea no doubt, is easier compare seven years with the two last years of Menem's goverment (we could say the worst years of his campaing).

    Another thing: don't you know that Carlos Menem was in jail from 1976 to 1981?. And the indults given to the militaries and the terrorist?.

    Sergio Vega
    Jaja you are a funny chilean. And besides your normal lie now you added the Cuyo region. What's next the Litoral region?.

    Please why don't you shut up and give back the output to the sea to Bolivia?

    Jajaja shut up pirate. Why? do you want to help? or you don't have the balls to take those territories by your own? What? Our islands are not enough?.

    I think that Ireland should take Northern Ireland, and expulse that f**king pirates from the island.

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 10:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    I am American. Don't you think if we wanted any part of South America we would just topple the government and send “peace keeping” troops to take what we want? Or we could sail one carrier group up the Rio De la Plata and wait for the white flags, I am sure we wouldn't even have to fight. But why bother, we have 12MM latins we are trying to get rid of and lots of soy. Argentina doesn't really have much to offer anyone except Chile. The Chilenos probably could work wonders there, organize, rout out corruption, maybe you should just surrender now it sounds much better than your current state of affairs.

    Oct 17th, 2010 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    Hey you are american? what coincidence. i am american too, from Argentina. You?.Now if you are Usamerican (a common term using by the citizens of New York) or you are from the USA, let me clear you up a couple of things:

    1. “Don't you think if we wanted any part of South America we would just topple the government and send “peace keeping” troops to take what we want?.”What? And break all the agreements between our nations?. For example the TIAR?. Let me tell you that during the Clinton's goverment he said that Argentina was a valuable and important allied, for that reason the U.S. Government designated Argentina as a Major non-NATO ally in January 1998.

    And why don't you do that in Venezuela?. Jaja you don't have the balls. Because if you attack Venezuela, that country would attack automatically Colombia, causing a disaster in the entire region.It would be the same in Argentina (with the difference that we won't attack any country, moreover the region will help us). Let me tell you that guns is an ignorant choice.
    Instead of acting like a bully against peaceful countries like Argentina, why don't you attack or bully China?.

    Good advice: try to rebuild your economy (you have fucked the entire world) and stop your unemployment. (Kicking inmigrants is not a good option)

    2. “we could sail one carrier group up the Rio De la Plata and wait for the white flags, I am sure we wouldn't even have to fight”.First is difficult for a carrier enter in the estuary of the Rio de la Plata.Second, yea sure, it was the same thought when you planned to attack North Vietnam. And then your troops ran with their tails between their legs. May i have hit a nerve :)

    3. “we have 12MM latins we are trying to get rid of”. Listen little racist. Don't you know that main power of the USA, the development power, is given by the inmigrants that have arrived an still arriving to your country. Without them your country is nothing.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 02:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CheGuevara

    Menem was the worst thing that happened to Argentina, the fact that he is free (let alone still in politics) is an abomination.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 02:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    DSE, no you are a SOUTH AMERICAN big big difference just ask my maid.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 02:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    fredbdc #11
    México is a nice country, don't ya think, fred? Fred, like in that movie Fred and Tamara! What was her name? Taranga? Taronga? Tamales? Tortilla? Chinches? Whatever.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 02:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    I have no idea what you are talking about...maybe it is a joke that doesn't translate well.
    Mexico isn't bad as long as you stay on some resort, filthy, dirty, dangerous place otherwise.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 03:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    11 fredbdc

    Incorrect. I am american, specially from South America. Like you, you are american, specially from North America. We are both from América.

    See?. We have the following continents: Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceanía, América and Antartica.

    Jeje you prefer write poor sentences, instead of answer my questions in my comment 9.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 03:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Dassault Super Étendard

    I’m not going to tell you nothing because you already had your brain already washed by the media.

    So same message to you mate, follow the cow nasty smell and countryside 2 neuron people and you will find La Nacion forum full of people with the same speech.

    BTW you show your stupidity by calling me “piquetero” I never was an employee of anybody in Argentina else I always was an employer of people may be like you.

    And Alfonsin, Menen and de la Rua were the worst presidents for the productive private sector. At least you were engaged in their corruption mafia, bribery doing business style.

    And the farmers are so stupid that in the Alfonsin, Menen and de la Rua time all were broke or in debt with the banks near to loose their farms.
    The IT sector is taking over the Agriculture business today farming only represents 7% of Argentina GDP while IT is 5% and will employ more people in the near future than the farms.

    So get a picture of how ridiculous you sound to me “cyber piquetero” from la nacion that is fervent reader of Jorge stupid Avila’s blog. Oh wait a minute seems he’s blog is dead las article has more than 1 month old.


    Hey stupid American fat junk food eater you cannot threat anyone here have you forgot how we kicked out one of your ambassador and kicked your G. W. Bush ass?

    If you send your fleet here we will partner with the Russian and Chinese and will point to your cities 600 nukes. You cannot have back Cuba and you want to try over Argentina?
    Try to fix your shit country before you end like Africa oh wait a minute you look like Africa already.

    Well at least you don’t have black dictator in your white house like Zimbabwe. Do you?

    Fred task force to take over Argentina

    Yes we can, yes we can, yes we can... sounds good doesn’t it?

    You are a joke Fred have you noted that?

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 06:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    DSE, That is a joke one of my friends made to some Argentinians on his last trip to BA. Funny he got the same response from them. You have no idea how little anyone from the USA regards anyone south of the Rio Grand, they are all the same to us. Why would I respond to such ignorance? Do you think you still have a military? Argentina can't even afford to import jet fuel or parts fool.
    Nico, poor dumb boy, as I said in another message, go collect some cardboard so you can give the locutorio another peso. Just curious, how much cardboard does it take for an hour on the internet now? Does 30% inflation get you a higher price per pound or is that maintaining its sales price?

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 12:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    fredbdc dont mess with nico he'll anthrax yo ass!

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 12:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 01:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    He'll probably kill himself the silly twat.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 01:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Nicotine with a slant on the bird shit scam,a BA favourite, uses anthrax

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    So Nico thinks Argentina has the intellectual ability and manufacturing capacity to wipe out London with weaponized anthrax? Am I reading that correctly? They can't even manufacture enough flu vaccine to protect their own population. hahahaha

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    Oops silly mode on

    I don’t need visa to enter into US do you remember that I’m European? And you?

    “You have no idea how little anyone from the USA regards anyone south of the Rio Grand”

    And? I love that especially regarding to Argentina try to think that we don’t exist. Would you please?

    We try harder but you are so omnipresent trying to show how great and cool US and yanks are that even the fly are lest sticky.

    If I say that you are the best, the most powerful, cool, intelligent, rich, creative and owner of the world.

    Do I have any chance to see you get lost? Or Am I asking too much? Do I?
    Please, please, please tell me how can I do that trick to be happy again. Will you?

    Come on you have to be poor and miserable to make a big deal for $75 that she even is not sure that she could have lost.

    In Milan A woman with 2 kids took from my pocked $1500 and I didn't bother to report that to the police. What for? that happen everywhere with tourist, in Italy, Spain, France and also UK and you never get your money back. In UK you get robed pointed with knife I saw it with my own eyes the poor woman was scared and screaming like crazy.
    Noting new under the sun mate.

    Ah! I can see that you liked the anthrax hey mate so be quite cool and educated and may be I will forgive you.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, Haven't you learned anything living outside of Argentina? Are you washing floors or bartending? Those are pretty popular jobs for your countrymen once they leave. I guess anything is better than actually living there.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 05:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    15 NicoDin
    Hehe don't transfer your own situation to me. YOU already had your brain washed by the media and by crap comments of Kirchner's couple. Too much 6,7,8 and Duro de Domar maybe?. Try to turn off the tv for a while. (I'm expecting your pathetic answer about TN, Clarín, etc).

    “BTW you show your stupidity by calling me “piquetero” May i have hit a nerve?. My apologise, to the piqueteros. You are a poor ignorant person, who can not distinguish between a shit and your own food.

    ”And Alfonsin, Menen and de la Rua were the worst presidents for the productive private sector. At least you were engaged in their corruption mafia, bribery doing business style.”
    The same speeches over and over again. Yea sure, because the Kirchner's couple is the exception. ja

    Common examples of Kirchner's Goverment:

    And i haven't enunciated, false investiments in services, the Buenos Aires–Rosario–Córdoba high-speed railway.

    According to the farmers don't you know (obviously) that during the Menem's Goverment there were significant investments in this field.? Whether buying new machinery, technological innovations.
    But i think that my efforts of showing the things in a clear way, won't be useful. For that reason keep reading and seeing El Argentino, Página 12, 6,7,8, Duro de Domar.

    Now about the Yank fat junk food eater. Jaja what happened Adolf? With only two lines I have screwed up your poor little arrogance, and then you say that i'm ignorant. Go away and put your tiny vote to the Tea Party, in the next elections

    “Do you think you still have a military?”. who began to speak first?. You started with all that crap and couldn't answer my comments (Nº9) About flu vaccine

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 06:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Nicotine and DSE,having a cat fight,handbags at dawn lol

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 08:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    DSE. Calm down, I really don't care about your opinions, you are just a poor little weak sudaca to me. Never won a war but think they are mighty. Mighty compared to whom I wonder? Uruguay? Certainly not even Chile.
    BTW doesn't that article say you may get a factory to mfg flu vaccines in 5 years? How many articles have been written about things you may getting in the future,? I seem to remember the tallest building in South America was to be built on reclaimed land in the Rio Del La Plata, what ever happened to that project, or high speed rail or rail link with Chile? You Argentinians talk and talk and talk about things for years and years and just get poorer and poorer as the world moves on.
    Maybe pave some roads or get potable running water to your villages before you try to take on building projects that are clearly out of your grasp in so many ways.

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    This is so funny, there are people from México pretending they are from the USA lol! Chamaco! I'm speedy González! What about the Marranos? They're funny, don't ya think?

    Oct 18th, 2010 - 09:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    25 stick up your junta

    Jaja yes. I'm impressed Sticky. You have the ability to read other things apart from war. But probably you couldn't carry on with that, It would be boring for you, no?.

    xbarilox and Fredy

    No doubt. Fred is a poor, tiny, mexican racist, ashamed for his own country.

    “I don't care about your opinions”. Typical words of a typical ignorant. Jeje you couldn't respond, because I have shown you the things in a clear way. You got schooled.

    “Never won a war but think they are mighty” Never won a war? Never won a war? Are you talking seriously?. So with that thought the wars of Independence are a lie.

    Don´t you know the battles of Chacabuco and Maipú are studied in all military academies in the world (in Maipú which was very bloody and ruthless, General San Martín defined this battle with an oblique attack similar to that developed by Alexander the Great when he defeated the Persian King Darius in Gaunímides).

    We have defeated the british twice. We could count 3 times if we talk about the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado. The only war we have lost in our history was the Falklands War (Guerra de Malvinas).

    “I seem to remember the tallest building in South America was to be built on reclaimed land in the Rio Del La Plata, what ever happened to that project?”

    Instead of that, we have reserved the most part of that land to build big parks and a nature reserve.

    Advice: Try to rebuild your local economy, stop the unemployement and the drug dealers.

    Oct 19th, 2010 - 04:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    So with that thought the wars of Independence are a lie.

    The armies of Independence recruited large numbers of slaves that existed in the territories conquered in the realists, offering them freedom in exchange. Many of them included the Battalion No. 8, which was part of the line of shock at the Battle of Chacabuco which recorded large numbers of casualties.

    Getting slaves to die for you,

    Oct 19th, 2010 - 09:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “We have defeated the british twice”

    Britian lost two battles against spain in what was to become argentina.

    Oct 19th, 2010 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Actually my local economy is DC, it is doing quite well, within 5 blocks of my house I have 1.5 BILLION of new construction going on. Is there that much in your whole country? I think not. Why don't you hop on the new high speed rail and let me know what is going on in Rosario.

    Parks are a lot cheaper than buildings, and a lot easier to keep nice with a country full of gardeners.

    Please list all the wars you won a war since the combustion engine, hmm arn't any, how strange for such a mighty talker.

    Oct 19th, 2010 - 12:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Dassault Super Étendard

    I never read Página 12 as you said if for zurdos.

    And 6,7,8, Duro de Domar and you forgot TVR all theses programs are produced by PPT (Pensado Para Televisión). And the owner is Diego Gvirtz

    And Diego Gvirtz when he was on the other side (America and Clarin Group) he said...

    “somos los más críticos en la televisión. Cuestionamos los superpoderes y el tren bala. Nosotros no somos “CQC”, explicó Gvirtz ”

    “Pergolini se transformó en el bufón del poder”, “Ver al notero hacerle preguntas a Cristina da vergüenza”.

    He started producing programs for Chanel 9, America TV and Chanel 13 after he have and argument with Clarin Group and Now has a personal Vendetta against America and Clarin Group.

    “En relación al giro crítico que sus programas al Gobierno de Cristina Kirchner, Gvirtz aseguró de ninguna manera una apretada del Grupo Clarín, dónde él trabaja”

    The guy uses the same techniques in the media as used by Clarin Group copy paste of Fox News.
    Clarin and the programs you named are the same the difference is that this time Diego Gvirzt is using it against her former employers.

    Nothing personal but its the way its.
    Both are lairs.


    Your W DC seems Africa.

    Btw I found you playing the though guy with the little English

    But when you find someone of your size you shit on, you shut up and call the cops.

    Piqueteros in Washington DC

    Oct 20th, 2010 - 04:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    Ok, is your opinion and I respect that.

    Ps: Fredy is a tiny mexican, ashamed for his own country.


    Oct 20th, 2010 - 06:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    wrong link haha
    Btw I found you playing the though guy with the little English

    Oct 20th, 2010 - 07:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Dassault Super Étendard

    Part of your question is Duhalde Vila Manzano the Politician Mob.
    What are worse than all Kirchner together.
    The 90 boys don't want to quit yet and don't get confused with them they were not pro business and free market else pro coimas, corrutela y falopa.
    I never voted for K in fact I didn't vote the 2 elections and even planned to vote next, but this time I will but not because I like the K else because I don't like the rest of the MOB.
    I will move to far away to Norway if they win again.

    Can you understand me now?
    : )

    Oct 21st, 2010 - 09:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    now now girls, English if you please

    Oct 21st, 2010 - 08:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Dassault Super Étendard
    Well seems all your posts were erased. Wasn't me mate, he.

    I said 3 times the size of Chile Economy and not its population. Argentina #23 Chile #44 in the world.
    And 20 times bigger than Uruguay 30bn Uruguay or 15 in PPP. Uruguay #92 And Perú is the #44 EU not counted.

    Argentina to the end of 2010 will be like the Economy of Netherlands.
    From where did you get that Argentina has been overpass by them?

    The GDP per capita of Argentina is the Highest in Latam and the 3er in the America after US, Canada
    Argentina Richest in Latin America

    And Argentina is the 5th largest economy after US, Canada, Mexico and Brazil. and the 6th is Colombia and 7thVenezuela Perú 8th and then comes 9th Chile, 10th Cuba, 11th Ecuador, 12th Dominican Republic, 13th Guatemala, 14th Puerto Rico, 15th Costa Rica, 16th Bolivia and then Uruguay #17, etc.

    How can you say that Uruguay overpass Argentina? I know from Clarin La Nacion and Jorge Avila News
    About Joaquin Salas Vives (the one guy site Owner) like to show poverty in Argentina from 2001 but he cannot see the poverty right in his nose where he lives in Madrid.

    Please as I said before you never should get out of La Nación Forum you will be very disappointed.

    Oct 21st, 2010 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    37 NicoDin
    So according all this information: Why do we have problems like poverty, lack of education, unemployement, inflation, etc?. The Netherlands have this kind of problems?. mmm I think not.

    Could you answer my question, or you are going to tell me a lie, like the current goverment does it?. For example saying that these years are better than the 90's, yea no doubt, is easier compare seven years with the two last years of Menem's goverment (we could say the worst years of his campaing).

    Now see this links:

    Wait I have more:

    And? What do you have to say? It's not Clarín? La Nación? ... no I do not think so. Look at the sources they use to support their information. We continue holding because we have the eighth largest country in the world (full of resources), but if we hadn't a country like this, we would have a level of development like Bolivia with the policies of this government.
    For that reason, this economic growth is due mostly to a favorable global economic context. Although we are growing, we are doing it at a lower percentage than these countries, and with a tremendous inflation.

    BTW I'm still waiting your answer about about the cases of corruption of this Gov. (my comment 24:; Caso Skanska, etc).

    You never should get out of El Argentino, 6,7,8 or Gvirtz Forum you'll be very disappointed. Why don't you keep living in your tiny world?

    Oct 22nd, 2010 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @Dassault Super Étendard

    1- Because Netherlands is a socialist country all highest per capita of northern Europe are socialists, Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc. norway
    2- Netherlands has population of 16m
    3- Your data of Argentina is from 2003 we are in 2010 close to 2011poverty now is far below 17.5%.
    4- Because Netherlands is a more industrialized country than Argentina and Agriculture only counts as 1.5% of its GDP and only 1.6% of people are liked with this sector and well pay.
    While in Argentina Agro represents 7% and low pay while.

    “The rey de la soja” in Salta (Olmedo) is multi millionaire and has more than 500.000 acres (hectareas) and 200.000 acres with a concession (free) for 65 years from the Govt. and after that he will pay only $300.000 (pesos USD75.000) a year and he only employs 350 employees.
    So “campo” 1 rich a lot of poor

    Tell me what developed country its economy is based on Agriculture?

    The years of Menen was an illusion driven by debt and the sale of public assets. Until all blowup then you have to pay and not money was left.

    5- Because you obviously has never been in Perú
    6- And you have not clear understanding of Economy.
    7- Inflation can be part of the process of growth or money supply. No money no comsuption no factories no jobs not growth. When supply meets demand prices start to find it level. Now there are more buyers than sellers in a still concentrated economy due to the '90 Chicago boys.

    If you cannot understand that sorry economy it’s not your strong skill.

    I refuted you with macro-economics data and you with news articles based on what?
    Thin air.

    Oct 22nd, 2010 - 02:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dassault Super Étendard

    What? These are your arguments??. It doesn't make any sense.
    Look how I blow them up

    1. So what?. Look Germany: Is a socialist country? mm I don't think so.
    Look his GDP per capita The highest of the region.

    2. Poland has a population of 38 M. Look their economy is more developed than Argentina’s.


    Keep reading the INDEC statistics, if that makes you happy.

    4.Poland is a more industrialized country than Argentina and Agriculture only counts as 4.6% of its GDP. Look Malaysia, with less population almost has our same GDP. And Agriculture only counts 5.6%. And better don't talk about Australia, with 22M, Agriculture only counts as 4.1% (2% less than our economy) of its GDP, is more industrialized than our country.

    So according to the article, where is the high development of our economy during these Goverments?

    Other thing, we are not going to pass the Netherlands economy until 2015. And better don't talk about Poland.

    What happened with the Govs. of De La Rúa and Duhalde until the arrival of the K? You missed that?.

    About the other pathetic anwers, read again the articles that I've quoted and you will find there the data that they use. Look they are growing with less inflation.

    Thin air.

    Oct 22nd, 2010 - 07:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ Dassault Super Étendard
    Do you even read what your post mate?


    “West Germany, established as a federal parliamentary republic with a “social market economy””
    (Soziale Marktwirtschaft)

    Exactly what this government is doing, the same as Perón have done.

    Poland: More developed? is a little bit bigger than Argentina that’s all and it is another version of social economy. And their Per capita its just 2000 dollar higher.

    “So according to the article, where is the high development of our economy during these Governments? “

    You pretend to recover an economy like Argentina in 7 years when it was being destroyed for 50 years?
    Are you a comedian? These countries like Germany have been for 60 years with the same policy, protecting its market, promoting industries, improving worker conditions, improving wages, etc.

    While Argentina since the ‘70 was destroying in any ways possible industries in favour of banks and speculation.

    “The latest analysis from the International Monetary Fund predicts 2010 GDP up 7.5 percent in Brazil, just one example of a regional phenomenon. Brazil, Peru, Argentina, each should grow more than 7.5 percent, a number that American and European leaders would not contemplate even in their wildest prosperity fantasies.”

    So you are contaminated with cheap ideology like those economist that use Norway, Finland, Germany, Sweden to make their point that the Social approach of this govt. is bad but they have not idea that all this countries have done the same and still are social market economies.

    What is your point?
    Don’t like the Ks? Ok don’t vote for them what is the problem?
    Vote for Menen no problem for me mate

    Oct 23rd, 2010 - 02:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    Dassault Super Étendard, You are agruing economics with a man who thinks a concrete building is immune to a nuclear weapon.

    I actually feel dumber after every debate with him, it's contagious.

    Oct 24th, 2010 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    I‘ve never said that else that the blast and radiation in a surface with solid concrete and steel will produce less damage (In the sense of propagation) than in an area with not such structures or made of wood or weak construction or nothing to absorb the initial impact.

    Radiation and the blast will be more contained on that topography than in a city with low buildings and houses made of wood and bricks like London.

    Basic physic as you can see here over the effects over Hiroshima concrete solid buildings were damaged but they didn’t collapsed.

    “In Hiroshima almost everything up to about one mile from X was completely destroyed, except for a small number (about 50) of heavily reinforced concrete buildings, most of which were specially designed to withstand earthquake shock, which were not collapsed by the blast; most of these buildings had their interiors completely gutted, and all windows, doors, sashes, and frames ripped out.”

    Destruction of Buildings and Houses
    Total in Nagasaki (before atomic explosion) 50,000
    Blasted (not burned) 2,652
    Blasted and burned 11,494
    Partially burned or blasted 5,441
    Total buildings and houses destroyed 19,587
    Undamaged 30,413

    Fire and radiation produces more damage than the blast.

    Oct 25th, 2010 - 04:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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