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Argentina “is a country cut in two”, cautions Uruguayan president

Friday, November 12th 2010 - 14:12 UTC
Full article 106 comments

Uruguayan president Jose Mujica was critical of Argentina’s economic policies and of the recent organization for the funeral of former president Nestor Kirchner. He also admitted it would be “difficult” to reach a definitive agreement with Argentina regarding the long standing UPM-Botnia pulp mill conflict. Read full article


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  • stick up your junta

    the Argentines are a bunch of thieves, from A to Z”.

    Aint that true

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    “the British are a bunch of thieves and pirates, from A to Z”
    Ain't that true.

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mastershakejb

    sadly BOTH the brits and argentines are thieves, argentina needs to stop being jealous of Uruguay, and get off our ass, deal with your OWN problems argentina!

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ mastershakejb Is my country jealous of Uruguay? How dare you! Please, take Natalia Oreiro back to Uruguay.
    Uruguay is a satellite of Argentina, always living through our money and Brazilian money. How can we be jealous? mastershakejb, please!

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 07:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Yep, Argie theives A to Z and back again

    In 2001, Argentina defaulted on over $81 billion and restructured four years later with an unprecedented 27 cents on the dollar.
    Over half the country's international lenders declined the take-it-or-leave-it offer. In June 2010, Argentina offered bondholders a
    worse offer — nearly $16 billion is still owed to lenders worldwide

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ stick up your junta
    I don't know what your problem is, apart from being a bitter Scottish man, but the UK did never pay back its debt.
    I told you that those bondholders didn't want to accept my country's proposal, they wanted to be paid more than their fair share, and that's not fair.
    Read the UK's history books and see how your bloody sucking kingdom has been living through the ages by sucking the blood of countries like mine. Go ask the Indians for example! You keep on borrowing money, but you will never pay back.
    stick up your junta, stop being a tool, every single comment that you post, is a nonsense.

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 08:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    UK did never pay back its debt

    We get there in the end,unlike the cheating mumping Argies

    apart from being a bitter Scottish man

    Now I would be Bitter if I was a Sweaty,but rather a Jock than an Argie

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 08:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    7 stick

    “May 8, 2005
    VE Day – and at last our war debt is over”

    Have you taken some time out of your day to read what the article is saying? Excuse me stick, but you seem not to be mentally competent.

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Argentina is falling apart, just a matter of time
    xbarilox ,, you are full of wind passing in the night

    Nov 12th, 2010 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “the UK did never pay back its debt. ”

    We've not stopped yet. as a nation the UK is own for paying back its debts. WW1+2 for prime examples.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 04:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Xbox, Their “fair share” would have been 100% of what is owed, the agreed upon interest and terms. Don't you understand that was a contract and a promise made by your government that was not fulfilled? That is why everyone thinks Argentinians are liars and crooks and you keep proving them right!

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 11:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Typhoon

    This is bad news if Argentina truly “is a country cut in two”. It means we may have to cut it in four!

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    The basic food basket is running 42% inflation this year! Yet according to CFK there is no inflation and even if there was it is caused by business not gov't. How stupid are these people?
    I wonder where Axel is to defend his gov't? He probably can't afford internet access any longer because the last protest didn't give him his expected raise and the gov't said don't expect another until Feb.
    Hmm 42% yr inflation on food and no raise for 6 months. Didn't I tell you they won't keep giving raises to match inflation. Do you believe me now? It is all a juggling act and when CFK drops the ball the party is over. I hope you like tortas fritas and tea.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    fred, pay attention to that green papers printing machinery!

    They are less valuable more and more.

    Is it true that the mean american family has lost 30k usd from 2008?
    Enough problems you do have at home to be a permanent critic of Argentina! (and i could share some your analysis, surely not your intentions)

    And for british payers, remember that after 2ww you stop the exchanging value of the pound in order to avoid debt payment.

    So as Isolde has stated in another post, everybody must walk down from superiority attitude if you are trying to discuss seriously, Mr. Enrons

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Oh believe me I am not happy my country is following in the footsteps of Argentina. Frankly, it scares me to death! I hope the new Congress will fix it though. The difference between the people of the USA and Argentina is that we actually care about out debt and ability to pay. We forecast 30/50yrs out not 1 yr and are willing to take whatever steps or hardships are necessary to fix the problems for the next generation. This last election was the 1 step in purging the Progressives from our Gov't. Their time is done thank God!

    BTW the peso is pegged to the U$, your peso is worth less and less everyday in relation to the U$ it is much worse in relation to other currencies so imports must be getting insanely expensive for you.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 02:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    Scaring Kristof column at the November 7th NYTimes writing about “Our banana republic”. Doesn`t seem Obama the guilty of inequality there...Mr Enron, could be

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 02:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Pheel, NYT is about as unbiased as Huff Post. I sometimes read the comments to see what the crazy progressives are thinking that's about it. But I think the article you are referring to actually supports my post, we are acutely aware of the current financial mess the Dems have gotten the USA into. We will fix it shortly wait and see. The Progressives will screech and squeal but the USA is a center right country. We will fix it and expect people to figure out how to make it on their own or not it will be up to them. We don't like or want a welfare state and don't want to be like the EU.
    Axel, I really don't understand most of your post. Can't you use English Spelling and Grammar check before you post? The little I do understand seems to suport my post, for 60 years Argentina has been on the decline, what has changed in the last 7 to say its going to last much longer? Nada, using stolen money and printing more to keep the people spending and happy.
    It is nice you can live on 20% less by the time you get your new wage. I doubt there are many people who can do that. Let's see what happens after the $ runs out after the next election. That is when I think this party will end.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    No, the article in the NYT doesn´t support your post, but is rather opposited. And the process take a steady progress during your friends´government:

    “In my reporting, I regularly travel to banana republics notorious for their inequality. In some of these plutocracies, the richest 1 percent of the population gobbles up 20 percent of the national pie.

    But guess what? You no longer need to travel to distant and dangerous countries to observe such rapacious inequality. We now have it right here at home — and in the aftermath of Tuesday’s election, it may get worse.

    The richest 1 percent of Americans now take home almost 24 percent of income, up from almost 9 percent in 1976. As Timothy Noah of Slate noted in an excellent series on inequality, the United States now arguably has a more unequal distribution of wealth than traditional banana republics like Nicaragua, Venezuela and Guyana.”

    After all, is your country and I don´t use to go around shouting shit about others´...unless they do that on mine.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 03:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    I am guessing you have never been here. NYT contributors are a bunch of progressives that hate the USA. I wouldn't base what you think you know about the USA on what you read there .
    Personally, I don't care of about income distribution, we have rich and poor here with most people somewhere in the middle. The nice thing about my country is that if you are poor or middle someday if you work hard you can move to the next level. Not so in most other countries that is what makes the USA such a great place to live and why we have people literally dying to get a chance to live here including the estimated 250K Argentinians living illegally in Miami. If it is so bad here and so great there I think they should go home before we jail them and eventually send them home in disgrace.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 03:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    Your denying of reality shows that you really deserve what you have: the end of the american dream.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    HAHAHA are you kidding? How long do you think it will take us to get to be the #2 richest country in the world? 50/100/200 yrs? Argentina went from #5 to 31 in 60 yrs with a corrupt government, very little exports, muti-sovereign defaults, no patents and a very poor work ethic. We are 3X larger than Japan at the #2 slot, and who is going to surpass us? China, probably not if we are in the dumper, EU same story. So how do you figure? Please enlighten me.

    BTW as we go so does the rest of the world, aren't your ( and most of the rest of the world) reserves in U$. If it sucks for us it's going to really be bad for the rest of the world don't you think?

    BTW they call it the American dream for a reason, ever heard of the Argentinian dream? Were those deported Argentinians escaping the Argentinian dream or trying to live the American dream, you tell me. I would bet the 12MM illegals are here for a reason and it is not to live on our welfare. It is to escape their horrible country and live in the best country in the world.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 04:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    15 fredbdc ,“ The difference between the people of the USA and Argentina is that we actually care about out debt ” ...”
    I hope you do!!!

    The Outstanding Public Debt as of 13 Nov 2010 at 04:14:58 PM GMT is:

    $ 13,730,967,071,382.46

    The estimated population of the United States is 309,472,617
    so each citizen's share of this debt is $44,368.92.

    The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
    $4.14 billion per day since September 28, 2007!
    Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 04:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Marcos, we did tell them in the last election. What more could you do in a democratic republic?
    I guess we could default like Argentina, that would wipe out 67% of the debt but we won't we will pay it by cutting back our spending. Watch and learn, maybe someday if you ever get an ethical society/government you will understand us.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 04:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    You have to laugh CFK was one of the Latin American Presidentes lecturing the G20 on protectionism and not devaluing their currencies. This is the same CFK who is printing pesos night and day at home pushing food inflationover 40%. Rank Hypocrisy.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 05:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pheel

    An North American default is not out of the radar of every market operator. By overt or subtle means.
    Converting value reserve in just coloured papers.
    And, Fred, try not bite yourself, your inside hate is pouring from your skin.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (25) Rico

    She lectured about not REvaluating our currency not about not DEvaluating it, as you write.

    Quite a difference………………

    That’s maybe the reason She is in Korea talking to the World’s top leaders and you are sitting at home…..

    Yes,......... one has to laugh at your Rank Idiocy.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 05:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    Think :- “She lectured about not REvaluating our currency not about not DEvaluating it, as you write.”

    You are aware that she was talking about revaluing currency downwards another word for which in english is devaluing.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Rico...... you must be THE DUMBEST TURNIP I have met in here!

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    I think you are think “She lectured about not REvaluating our currency not about not DEvaluating it, as you write.”

    Before you describe someone as a rank idiot perhaps you should spend just a few minutes of research on the subject ofdiscussion. Then you wouldn't look such a fool when you have your mistakes pointed.

    Being apparently Argentinian when you say ”our currency” you will be talking about the Argie Peso. Actually she was complaining about actions taken by The Chinese and US to supress the value of their currency which was causing an artificial devaluation.

    I am impressed at how wrong you managed to be. Even more so than I thought at first glance.

    CFK will be so proud.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 09:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Pheel: You must be a little retarded. How is a default priced into USA bonds when the Oct issue had a negative interest rate because people are paying for their security?
    Rico, Don't mind THINK he is a bit thick, I am sure he really does believe CFK will RE -VALUATE the Peso up! Funny her budge expects it to go to $4.25/U$, maybe he thinks that is up. He is not the brightest bulb on the tree don't try to argue he is to indoctrinated in Peronism to understand world views or economic matters. Plus he is a cyber stalker so be careful.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (30) Rico

    Your own words at (28):
    ”Revaluing currency downwards another word for which in english is devaluing.”

    Dictionary definition:
    Revalue [riːˈvæljuː] US, revaluate vb
    1. (Economics) to adjust the exchange value of (a currency), upwards

    I suppose you are one of those persons that when they fall, they fall upwards……..

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 09:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Think riddle me this, if CFK is re-valueing the peso UP why does the budget show 1U$/$4.25? Does that make any sense in your pea brain? Granted the budget is a fantasy but she wants it that way so she can flood the economy with another est 40-60 BILLION in un-budgeted income that becomes her personal slush fund to buy the next election. Must be nice to have that much to play with but it is a little dangerous for the country don't you think?

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 10:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    fredbdc # 33 The American born Mexican born American born Mexican born American born Mexican, who worries about my salary. Thank ya! But everything's ok,

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Xbox my my what a grand retort, you are so clever! BTW how much do you make a month? Doesn't a doctor there make U$2K/mo? I bet my Peruvian maid does a bit better than that! hahaha

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    Think - revalue (currency) can mean to change the value of a currency upwards or downwards. I suspect that your dictionary is cheap or more likely you have misread the definition. If you give us your source I am sure I can help to enlighten you on another of your mistakes.

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (36) Rico

    You have the whole Internet to check the meaning and use of the words REVALUATE and DEVALUATE...
    Don't play dumber than you are....

    What really irritates me is that both words, being of LATIN origin have been borrowed by the English language.

    The Romans where using those words in their true economical meaning at the same time that the Britons where climbing trees chasing squirrels with their bare hands....

    And now an Anglo tries to teach me the “real meaning” of those words!

    What a Turnip!!!

    Nov 13th, 2010 - 11:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • RICO

    The question was where did you get your dictionary definition from Think? You will not say, I think you made it up.

    Also we are not talking about their use in Latin, we are talking about their use in English.

    I think you made up the definition or misread your dictionary. No credible dictionary would have that definition and your refusal to say which dictionary it comes from makes me think you have gone back and checked and realised that you were not competent to copy the definition down.

    It is fairly clear from all the media commentary that the Latin American presidents were unhappy with the Chinese and Americans for acting to devalue their currencies.

    She herself is not acting to increase the value of the peso she is printing money that devalues it.

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    So the news headlines this morning is that CFK will have an estimated 100 BILLION peso slush fund this coming year! I guess the election is bought and paid already.
    Any Argentinian care to answer on how this blatant corruption is ruining your “so called” democracy and economy? The rest of the world sees it can you?

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (38) Rico:
    Not only a Turnip... a lazy dumb Turnip.....

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    If CFK really did say revalue I am sure she meant devalue, either her English sucks or it was a bad translation.

    Everyone knows the peso will be worth less next year than it is this year stop playing with semantics stalker. You can never debate the real issues you only want to torment someone on a baseless argument. You are such a nasty little creep.

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    “The rest of the world”
    What world? we own the 8 bigger mass of land of this world, we don't care about US. Germany, China, Russia, India and Brazil fine the rest who cares?
    Are you just ignorant or a kind of sub specie from a UK colony?

    re·val·u·ate/Revaluation (Economy): “To increase the exchange value of (a nation's currency)”
    de·val·ue/Devaluation (Economy): “To lower the exchange value of a currency”


    Are you serious?
    “250K Argentinians living illegally in Miami. If it is so bad here and so great there I think they should go home before we jail them and eventually send them home in disgrace”

    And what about the thousand of thousand of American like this lady and her family that sells everything in US and risk to come here and stand illegally with a tourist Visa that she is renewing by crossing to Uruguay?

    Or this guy working illegally with a tourist Visa doing the same

    Or all these American

    Americans are escaping from US disastrous economy looking for better life outside USA.

    “I guess we could default like Argentina, that would wipe out 67% of the debt but we won't we will pay it by cutting back our spending”

    Nope you will pay every penny back because the international financiers that own US will destroy your nation before allow that to happen. Like happen with Germany during the Waimer Republik.

    Fred or you are a complete idiot ignorant or you have a huge inferiority problem.
    I guess you have both.

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, So you think a few hundred or even a couple thousand Americans living in Argentina is saying your country is better than ours? We have a population of 330 MILLION! I am sure there are USA citizens living there. I was one of them for 5 years, so what? It is such a small sample of people it is irrelevant. 250K Argentinians in Miami metro is not a small sample it is probably the largest community of Argies outside of your own country. Living illegally painting our homes, waiting our tables and don't forget the prostitution!

    We have been over this time and again I won't get into it with you. Suffice to say I think you are mentally incapable of carrying on a intelligent debate.

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee


    Nov 14th, 2010 - 01:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    What world? we own the 8 bigger mass of land of this world,

    And you stamp, scream and make yourselfs look stupid over the tiny Falklands

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 03:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    And 250k over 40 million for you is a fact that we run desperate to live in USA?

    We got much more immigration from USA than that mate from the times of Sarmiento who imported Americans to work down here.

    You have a distorted image of yourself at least what concern down here, have you noted that we send your lovely Bush back with a kick in his ass?

    Cesar Pelli is Argentinean and is millionaire, The CEO of Clarin group lives most of the time in USA and is multibillionaire, most part of Miami belongs to Argies, properties, companies, etc.

    150bn dollars are invested abroad by Agies and guess where much of this money is?

    50bn of US dollars are kept by normal Argies in cash at home plus 50bn govt. reserves

    “The credit crunch is encouraging Argentinean’s business in Mimi.”

    By buying a half of the price properties that will sell in the future to the double.
    A million dollar flat is buying by an Argie for $400.000
    May be its the time to buy a Flat to leave some poor Americans in the streets and sell them later to the double. Can you see how ruined and poor you are mate.

    Here a sample Idiot Argie stupid like you in Miami but with $200m in his pocket (thing that you don’t have I guess) showing his new brand ROLLS ROYCE typical Miami/American show of superficiality.

    Argies get so stupid in Miami do you know that?

    I said you before bring all of them back please so we will repatriate a lot of thousands of billions dollars and put an ad in the Airport of Miami saying no dogs and Argies allowed here.
    Stop bombing us with promotions to buy stuff, travel and the rubbish from Miami.
    We can use any local Cuban real estate agent anyway to do the dirty job to make profit and ruin you more.

    You are a cooked duck mate, in the next years you will be cleaning houses.

    And how can I have an intelligent debate with someone like you? About what junk food?

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    What are interested the islanders what happens in Argentina? they did not want to have anything to see with Argentina, or I am wrong? Unless they speak because they have a great HATE and resentment. Nothing more. You must to Get into own problems, and follow the example of what the islanders preach; if the islanders do not want to have anything that to see with Argentina, don't speak about her. But I think, their hate is stronger than their will.

    Any other discussion with them, is unnecessary, they just speak from the hate, and their typical and stupid position of chauvinism and “argentinophobia”. Another show of hypocrisy: they don't want to see nothing with us, and have a press for speak (more than another thing) about us.

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 05:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    So Nico you are saying the USA is a great place to live and invest, you are right! It is also a place where a lot of foreigners escape their government prosecution and to try to get rich. That is the great thing about the USA someone can come here work hard and get rich. That is the American dream.

    Since you are proving all of my points can I ask you where you are going with this?

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 05:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    Fredbdc, the Mexican who loves so much Argentina and its people, and so, he gives himself a time out of his busy life to tell us tales about our country and the wonders of being a fake citizen in a country where people discriminates against Mexicans. What is it, fred? Why are worrying so much about my country? From the Northern countries to these Pampas Argentinas, fred! Stop worrying fred, Mexico does really need your help, and THE USA TOO!

    Nov 14th, 2010 - 09:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    ”they just speak from the hate, and their typical and stupid position of chauvinism and “argentinophobia”. Another show of hypocrisy: they don't want to see nothing with us, and have a press for speak (more than another thing) about us.”

    Since when has it become Hypocritcal to hate someone who tried to invade you?

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 12:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    FRED: Dont be so stupid, you understand perfectly what i type in my comments, i recognize that i make mistakes when i type some words, but you understand the point of what i express.
    Regarding our inflation level, i already told why that problem will take many years to be solved.
    Beside, if you want to talk about inflation, you should make a deep analysis about that, it's true that we will have a 25% of inflation for the whole 2010, however all those marks that belong to second lines, dont have almost rases on their prizes, those marks are consumed by the poor people, and the middle class, anyway some products like meet increased so much since one year ago, because of that, the consumption of meet diminished in the last year.
    However we dont loss our capacity to consume in general, and that's thanks to the collective negotiations that we have, even the incomes that poor people receive from the government had rases, that was made to preserve their capacity to consume, if we would loss our acquisistive power, how do you explain the rases in the consumption levels, since 2003, it increases every year, there was no any stagnation or drop in the consumption at the supermarkets and shoppings since 2003, in spite of the inflation level.
    On the other hand, dont be concerned about the next elections, we had 4 since 2003, and nothing of what moron gurus like you predict, finally happened, it will be just one more election like any other.
    I suggest you again, to leave behind your wishes, if you want to make a serious critic, pelotudo.
    ZETHE: Can you explain me please what did you mean exactly when you typed your last phrase, i mean: since when has it become hypocritical to hate someone who tried to invade you?.
    I think i can guess what's your point, but i want to be sure, to give you an answer.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 01:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    “It means we may have to cut it in four”

    What do you mean by saying “we” the Paki, the Scots, the English, the Polish????
    Who are WE???.

    I never met any English in UK, having any issue against Us with the exception of a football claim over Maradona tricky hand of god. Ha ha they are still upset.

    They never mentioned the Falkland or Malvinas in any conversation. If you say Malvinas or Falkland Argentinas then you have to explain to them that we fought a war over it, where they are and them later say...

    Ah! Yes Thatcher and Galtiere times they were too bad, do we have still colonies down there? And the subject suddenly ends there and changes to football again. A true Englishman or Lady never waste the opportunity to avoid an sterile confrontation while she/he cans.

    So the inevitable question rise to turn 180 degrees the subject. Have you ever met Maradona in Argentina? Photo?

    So it is really strange for me to see so many self-proclaimed “British” suddenly interested in Argentina business as if we were near to invade Britain. Do we Typhoon?

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 12:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Axel: That is the dumbest thing I have ever read. Why don't you search the term “Wage-Price Spiral” then rethink your answer and get back with me.
    As I have said before, you really need to take an economics class that is not taught in Argentina, obviously you have no idea what you are talking about and it is very scary that you are a teacher and over 10 year old.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 12:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest


    Hey Isheforeal, you're back!

    In case you had forgotten the last time we had real trouble with Argentina (1982) was when you country was in the shitter so your government at the time had to make a grand gesture (the attempt to take the Falklands), that's why we keep an eye on the state Argentina's in, it's a useful indicator as to how much of a pain you're going to be to us. Given your governments recent actions towards the Falklands I'd be pretty concerned if I were you.

    My apologies for all the hatred, resentment, stupidity, chauvinism and argentinophobia (great word) in this post, just can't seem to help myself...che.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 01:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    You are the only here that has not clue over economy.

    Wages in Argentina historically only represent a fraction of 10% over manufactured products and up to 30% over services. Manufactured have a margin of 100% over production cost and even more. Even if you rises wages 100% in a year this will means 20% of product value. So how can wages cause 25% inflation according with you?

    And I said “100% increase wage” I have an industry and I know exactly what I say.

    If you demand doesn’t reach a minimum to justify for example the setup of a new plant (factory) you rise prices to don’t lose $$$ in sales. So steady demand naturally creates inflation like speculation.

    A factory cans produce 100 units you have orders for 120 (this its no enough to install a new plant yet) because you need to sale 150 to be in balance because the investment will not pay off. So you rise your price because people are willing to pay more for the same until your demand justify the new investment you face fierce competition.

    Milton Friedman who said that “inflation is a matter of money supplier”.
    Was wrong he never ran a factory and sure he didn’t take into account exports.

    If your demand is driven by exports you cannot control Inflation by reducing the circulating money at home at least you want your population to starve to death.
    You cannot control the money supply of your buyers abroad.

    Example imagine if the world wants to buy suddenly American goods the prices will rise because exceed American factories production?

    And you apply Milton Friedman policy to stabilize inflation at home?

    The products will continue to rise and the Americans will not be able to buy them

    So the only way to limited inflation is by supply the market with new products from new factories at home (what takes some years time) or with imports what will harm your trade balance and will force you to borrow money from abroad.

    Inflation is bad but worse is recession, deflation and depression.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico: There are a lot of reasons Argentina has the 2nd highest inflation rate in the world. Mainly its because CFK has flooded the economy with pesos. Please show us one economic theory that says 30% /yr inflation is good.
    Although you should probably look at your own history and see that this is not a new cycle for you, time and again Argentina has had resession then high growth high inflation then a hard recession. How is this brief 7 year upswing any different than in the past? Please enlighten us.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 02:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    fredbdc #56
    “CFK has flooded the economy with pesos” When? Where? -fred dixit-

    I thought It was the US flooding its and world's economy with those green papers.

    fredbdc, Latinamerican brother, stop wishing bad things on Argentina and its people. We are OK. How about Mexico? I love me some burritos.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 03:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ fredbdc

    1st its not 30% inflation and nothing similar closer to that as main stream media reported or so called “private think tank”

    They are taking only food else the whole world will have that inflation.

    And here an example last month tomatoes $10 to 12 at kilo now is $3.5 and $4.
    None reported the change down only up.
    Producers want to reach foreign market prices here that is the case.

    Last survey I’ve read shows that argies have rise consumption of durable and others but drop on food

    Food have rose its price everywhere in the world so why not Britain US, Europe has not 30% inflation?

    When you see the whole picture you see that the Item that rises more is food .

    Argentina inflation the answer is because Argentina before was like Germany during the Weimarer Republik And was keeping afloat by borrowing.

    Argentina was in recession in the ’80 an factories closing with low supply of money and not credit to consumers and ended up with hiperinflation.
    Explain me that? Can you? Certainly not because its not on any manual.
    USA since the 70 have turned from world industrial nation into an economy driven by domestic consumption and with a monetary policy that drove the country to eat capital from everywhere and to consume 30% of the world.

    The same thing that Bank cartels want to do with China now, can you see the similitude?

    Now China is the cute lady in town sucking capital all over the world and the traditional west (US, EU) is paying the consequence of the same policies that they helped to be done.
    The arrogance of some western whites that thought that never that will happen to them.

    Well Argentina is a white country and they did the same to us before and you are less white (in %) than Us now (see around) why they should care about America.

    The new empire will be a monetary system managed for some elite and most of them come from the middle east. See your FED to understand.

    Sorry but the 2k limit makes me cut text and end up like Tarzan
    : )

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 04:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Typhoon

    @52 NicoDim. Try sticking your greasy snouts on our territory without permission again and you can find out.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 08:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I have the final conclution that it was never worthy to debate with you, you dont accept any other opinion than yours, and dont think beyond the headlines from the buenos aires herald, and mercopress.
    I never denyed the serious problems that my country still has, and regarding inflation i already told you why that problem will take many years to be solved.
    On the other hand, i know what wag-prize spiral is, we suffered it in some oportunitys, but what you dont undertand is that the economic scenario is absolutly diferent than what it was in other times, i already told you in many oportunitys that our central bank has enough reserves to paralize any onzet in the prize of the dollar, this is why we wont have in absolut any hiperinflation etc etc, even the most orthodox economists who are liberal and who criticise strongly the government argue that assertion, i know that this scenario complicates your plans, because you wont get a cheap prize to buy a house in buenos aires city, you will have to rent it, and when some speculators see your gringo face, they will charge you more expensive surely, sorry.
    Like it or not, i can know much more than you, because i live here, i go to the supermarket everyday, and i can do a depper analysis about the inflation level, it's very easy for you to criticise another country, if you think only throught the headlines from the buenos aires herald, and ignore many importans issues, this is why your analysis are always so oblique.
    I suggest you AGAIN, to read the comments from aldo ferrer, he is one of the few serious economist that we have, he is a former minister of economy, he criticises some policys of the government, and it's very interesting what he argues about inflation, you can find hes comments in:

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 09:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    You are loosing your touch mate, “Try sticking your greasy snouts on our territory without permission again and you can find out”

    Without your permission haha naaahhhh you are joking. Are you?

    Buenos Aires Nov 15 2010
    Dear Typhoon

    Of my major concern:

    I’m writing to you Sir to ask your explicit permission and by writing to send ours Amphibious Commandos troops to invade your Island next Sunday (Domingo) 28 of the current month at 00200 o’clock

    As our Operations Tactic Command (CTO) based in Buenos Aires in Av. del Libetador 54 floor 10 off 38 have planned to lunch an amphibious operation classified as “Dwelling Malvinas Tour 2010”.

    After we cleaned up the Islands of any resistance from British troops we ask you to have dinner ready for 4.000 hungry and angry men at 00300.

    You have been formally notified.

    Yours sincerely,

    Nico Din

    Commander in Chief of south Atlantic region.

    Nov 15th, 2010 - 11:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    ”I’m writing to you Sir to ask your explicit permission and by writing to send ours Amphibious Commandos troops to invade your Island next Sunday (Domingo) 28 of the current month at 00200 o’clock “

    Permission denied. Stay at home.

    ”After we cleaned up the Islands of any resistance from British troops we ask you to have dinner ready for 4.000 hungry and angry men at 00300.”

    All four thousand prisoners of war will be sent home, no need to feed whats left of them.

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 12:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    The letter was for Typhoon in FI and not to PM Camerun in GB.

    This will be the next letter after DOT completion just wait Royal Mail it is not what used to be. Service has declined long time ago in the B. Islands.

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 12:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Typhoon

    @ NicoDimwit

    London Nov 16 2010

    Dear Argentine

    I am in receipt of your notification of your impending
    invasion of British territory.

    Arrangements are being made for buoys to be placed
    marking sunken ships, shot down aircraft and Argentine

    The buoys will necessarily be small as we estimate our
    production capacity as sufficient to only produce 15,000
    buoys, but the intention is there to buoy parts of as well
    as complete bodies.

    Dinner will be provided, but only for defence forces. You
    will undoubtedly wish to make suitable arrangements for
    memorials as there will be no prisoners and thus no

    It is recommended that memorials are sited in unpopulated
    areas for obvious reasons.

    Yours sincerely


    Commander in Chief, British Forces and South Atlantic Command

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 12:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Headquarters, Land Forces
    Falkland Islands

    I, the undersigned, Commander of all the Argentine land, sea and air forces in the Falkland Islands [Menéndez's signature, scribbled over the crossed-out word of “unconditionally”] surrender to Major General J.J. MOORE CB OBE MC* as representative of Her Britannic Majesty's Government.

    Under the terms of this surrender all Argentine personnel in the Falkland Islands are to muster at assembly points which will be nominated by General Moore and hand over their arms, ammunition, and all other weapons and warlike equipment as directed by General Moore or appropriate British officers acting on his behalf.

    Following the surrender all personnel of the Argentinian Forces will be treated with honour in accordance with the conditions set out in the Geneva Convention of 1949. They will obey any directions concerning movement and in connection with accommodation.

    This surrender is to be effective from 2359 hours ZULU on 14 June (2059 hours local) and includes those Argentine Forces presently deployed in and around Port Stanley, those others on East Falkland, (Menendez's signature) West Falkland and all outlying islands.

    [Menéndez's signature] Commander Argentine Forces
    [Moore's signature] J. J. MOORE Major General
    [Pennicott's signature] Witness
    2359 hours 14 June 1982

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 06:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I have a question for you in the comment number 51, i'm waiting for your answer.

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 08:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    It was in refrence to what the last poster said, i think you did get what i ment.

    It's not hypocritical to dislike or not want to talk to someone who has done something to annoy and/or anger you.

    Nov 16th, 2010 - 10:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I think i am making a wrong interpretation, if you mean what xbarilox said, he was only telling fred that he does not have to be worryed abut us, but what i dont understand, is why do you invoke about an invation, this is why i can't understand what you mean exactly.

    Nov 17th, 2010 - 08:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    Yes he stated that, Then said it was hypocritical of them for believe such a situation and that they don't want to speak to them when it's not.

    “Another show of hypocrisy: they don't want to see nothing with us,”

    It's not hypocritical to dislike or not want to talk to someone who has done something to annoy and/or anger you.

    Nov 17th, 2010 - 08:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    AGAIN. If you don't want to see ANYTHING with Argentina, why do you are so interested discussing about an issue that not involve in ANY aspect to the islands, according you?

    Yo don't responded this very basical cuestion. I am waiting...

    Hipocresía: “La hipocresía es el acto de pretender constantemente tener creencias, opiniones, virtudes, sentimientos, cualidades, o estándares que uno en realidad no tiene. La hipocresía es así un tipo de mentira.”

    Hypocrisy: “ The hypocrisy is the act of trying to have constant beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one actually does not have. The hypocrisy is like that a type of lie. ”

    If you think that Argentina has nothing to do with the islands, why do you are discussing a issue that don't affect the islands and is MERELY an issue proper of argentines? will suffer the islands economy the Argentine inflation? You know perfectly not...

    In another Words. You don't want nothing with Argentina... but you are discussing about our country. THIS IS NOT HYPOCRISY? Yes, it is...

    Where we can find the source of these hypocrisy? SIMPLE: HATE and resentment.

    Of course, you can't admit this fact... and course, we can't expect mental flexibility of those poor farmers in the south atlantic...

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 12:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “In another Words. You don't want nothing with Argentina... but you are discussing about our country. THIS IS NOT HYPOCRISY? Yes, it is...”

    I believe im actually discussing the Islands, and the fact that they don't want to be a part of Argentina. It would be pretty hard to discuss the problem Argentina has with the islands while not mentioning Argentina.

    The artical may be about Argentina, but i am not discussing that, People rarely discuss the articals on this website. I am duscissing the Falklands and there issue with Argentina.

    “Where we can find the source of these hypocrisy? SIMPLE: HATE and resentment.”

    And i'll say again, it's not hypocritical to hate or resent someone who has given you a reason to.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I recognize that you are surely a smart guy, however what is really pathetic, is to play the victim, and omit the mistakes that our countries made, this situattion would not exist, if the the war of 1982 woulden't have happened, and if the u.k. woud respect the resolutions of the u.n., where it calls both parts of the conflict to renew the negotiations, none of the rersolutions argue that the solution to the conflict is the transference of sovereignty to argentina, and none of them neather argue that self determination is applicable to our cause, so, dont keep on using that right as an excuse to reject the negotiations, because you know perfectly that it's not applicable, if it would be applicable, the u.n. would recognize it, like it does with other resolutions wich reffer decolonization issues.
    I am sure that you are an intelligent guy, you are not an ignorant moron like fred, nicholas, and company, your problem is that some times you dont want to have objetivity.
    Like is said in many oportunitys, it's not imposible to find a solution that respects the rights and the interests of the three parts of the conflict, the problem is that your side, and the islanders, dont want any fair solution, they just want we to drop on our claim, and you all know that it wont hapenn, it's really shamefll that just an admirable and influent nation like the u.k. continues with colonial policys, and ignores the resolutions of the u.n., i'm sure that in the deepest of your mind maybe you agree with me, every time that the u.k. or the f. i. g. invoke self determination to reject te negotiations with argentina, that's hipocrisy too, because they know that it's not applicable to our cause.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “of them neather argue that self determination is applicable to our cause”

    Self Determination is applicable to every single human in the world. Human rights are applicable to every single human in the world.
    Self Determination is a human right.

    “it's not imposible to find a solution that respects the rights and the interests of the three parts of the conflict”

    Honestly axel, i would like to hope you are right, that all partys could find a solution where everyone is happy...But both sides want the polar opposite, so i don't think it will ever happen.

    Can you think of a situation where both sides would be happy?

    The islanders want, literally nothing to do with Argentina, There is no solution.

    “dont want any fair solution”
    What's “fair” for Argentina is unfair for the islanders.

    “that in the deepest of your mind maybe you agree with me, every time that the u.k. or the f. i. g. invoke self determination to reject te negotiations with argentina, that's hipocrisy too, because they know that it's not applicable to our cause.”

    No Axel, let me state now that while i understand your position, I absolutely and unequivocally disagree with you and what you are saying at the deepest level.

    You are basicly telling me that, because the islanders(Who are British citizens) don't agree with you they aren't intitled to basic Human Rights. Which is quite frankly insulting to the UK and the islanders.

    Axel, you can avoid it as much as you like, But Self Determination is a human right. Every time you go and vote, you are accessing your right to it.

    If our citizens aren't intitled to it, why should yours?

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 03:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    Well I can assure you that it's applicable to our cause axel. Anyhow get real, you don't a negotiated settlement any more than we do, such an 'agreement' would have to be a compromise for both sides...which is unnaceptable to both sides, what you want from any 'negotiation' , as you call it, is complete sovereignty of the Falkland Islands and it's dependencies which is unnaceptable both to us and to the UK, it's so obvious that there is no middle ground that any 'discussion' would be completely meaningless, a waste of time.

    Oh yes, and speculating what might have come to pass “if the war in 82 hadn't happened” is futile, it did happen and the result of your action then has put the Falklands forever beyond your grasp...shame eh?

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 03:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    'Of course, you can't admit this fact... and course, we can't expect mental flexibility of those poor farmers in the south atlantic...'

    mwaaahahaha...very good, Israel, of course I'm too mentally inflexible to understand what you're saying, despite not being a farmer.

    'resentment'??? What could I possibley resent you for? 'Hate'..... well possibly. I don't hate you, but do hate a lot of what you say and do. There's a simple answer to that though.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    “ I am duscissing the Falklands and there issue with Argentina.”

    Where the islands are involved in these ARGENTINE problem?

    “ It would be pretty hard to discuss the problem Argentina has with the islands while not mentioning Argentina.”

    You are speaking about Argentina in this thread. Don't be hypocrit. If you don't want to see anything with argentina. DON'T discuss argentine problems. For you. You and your people doesn't exist. And Vice versa. So, don't be hypocrit.

    “And i'll say again, it's not hypocritical to hate or resent someone who has given you a reason to.”

    Thank you. I know now that you are simply a vile and lower person.
    ITS HYPOCRISY. You speak about us when you don't want to do nothing with us. For the islands Argentina Doesn't exist. There's no Argentine problem (political or economic) that afect the islands, so, if you are not interest in the Argentina. WHY SPEAK ABOUT US.

    You affirmatively said to me that you speak about resentment with us... for me, A victory, just because I can say that you really are a pathetic and uncivilized islanders... thanks!


    1 - The islandrs had 3 deads... BY FRIEND FIRE.
    2- Britain had 250 deads (even more, I think) for “defend” to the islands.

    And I know that the most part of Britain dont have any resentment and hate towards Argentina, and from 1992 we have again ambassadors in London and Buenos Aires.

    BRITAIN HAVE MORE REASON FOR HATE US THAN A POOR COLONIST, because britain fought against us. NOT THE ISLANDERS and Britain suffered the losses, NOT THE ISLANDERS.

    And you speak about justifications about hate an resentment... your case is pathetic... I know perfectly; the islanders must not be recognised or respected... ARE NO CIVILIZATED PEOPLE, with or without their self determination.

    “mwaaahahaha...very good, Israel, of course I'm too mentally inflexible to understand what you're saying, despite not being a farmer.”

    Yes, you have reason, the exception to the Law, ignorant and not farmer...

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    OK, Israel, you have just shown yourself to be a vile and despicable troll. Either that, or you believe your own rhetoric, in which case you are a racist and a bigot.
    You don't know anything about me, except that I am a Falkland Islander, and that, you say, automatically makes me ignorant and uncivilized. Well no; that assumption says a lot more about you than it does me.
    How about you tell me what you think makes a person ignorant (and don't ffs say 'being a Falkland Islander') and I'll tell you if I think it applies to me.
    Everything I've seen from you so far suggests that I'm a lot more civilised than you are. So either we understand different things by that, or you are hiding your light under a bushel.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 06:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yaghan

    I would add to the discussion the fact that kelpers do not keep links with ANY Latin American nation, with the possible exception of Chile, and that is only to buy them fresh vegetables and fruits. To the inevitable retort that there are chileans living on the islands, I recall that there are not too many.
    To the inevitable excuse that you cannot keep links with Latin America because Argentina keeps you isolated now, I remember you that you were free to establish relations with the rest of Latin America for most of your history, yet refused to, preferring to stay as a “pure” british colony far away in the South Atlantic.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    Yaghan, that is the biggest load of bollox I have yet read on this site, bar none.
    We have just spent a very enjoyable week in school called multicultural week, where we learnt about and celebrated all the different places that comprise our cultural origins. The children had 'passports' and could visit other 'countries' around the school, sampling other cuisines, music, stories etc. We went to Chile, St Helena, New Zealand, Australia and Russia in our pretend plane.
    I have travelled in South America and so have most of the people I know. I can think of quite a lot of people I know who were born there for medical reasons, and I have a lot of Chilean friends. The most popular evening class is Spanish, which peope learn for work or travel.
    You're wrong. There is nothing 'pure' about this OT, and I resent the dodgy 'racial purity' overtones of the word.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    ”There's no Argentine problem (political or economic) that afect the islands, so, if you are not interest in the Argentina. WHY SPEAK ABOUT US.”

    So Argentina claiming the islands isn't political issue that effects the islands?

    I think it is.

    The rest of your post seems to be just a repeat of the first lines.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    “I think it is.

    ”The rest of your post seems to be just a repeat of the first lines.“

    You just confirm what I say. Speak about Argentina from the hate, and when you don't want nothing to do with Argentina. But finally you speak and put a pile of shit. Yes, finally is hypocrisy. You don't want nothing about Argentina, and nonetheless you speak about Argentina. Contradictory, specially when NOTHING of my country affects the islands.

    A great show of missery your behavior, but I understand; just the mediocre people can fall in so easy way.

    ”OK, Israel, you have just shown yourself to be a vile and despicable troll. Either that, or you believe your own rhetoric, in which case you are a racist and a bigot.“

    Sorry. The despictable troll are you, specially after your very pathetic ”confession“ and I believe in the evident facts, not my rhetoric. WHERE i am racist just for accuse to you and others of to have a very sick mentality? Race and mentality, ARE NOT THE SAME THINGS, IGNORANT. Course, qualify ourselves as ”LATINS“ in a despective way, as your RACIST counselor, Jan Cheek, indeed, IS RACISM.

    ”You don't know anything about me, and automatically makes me ignorant and uncivilized.“

    Fortunately I don't know a so disagrreable people as you. And no is not automatically. Stop criying, because makes you more pathetic. You say that you have a bit of hate towards us, another persons confirm the same. In conclusion this attitudes, are of VERY UNCIVILISED PERSONS. Your thoughts speak by you, not by me...

    ”that I'm a lot more civilised than you are. ”

    Make me laugh... by default, an Islander of your category, just are comparable with a rabid monkey. No more. don't insult me comparing yourself with me... I am not confessed that I have to the islanders, but if you hate me and to my people... I will not be mercefull specially. The islanders are an oppressive society, and psychologically sick.

    Simultaneously, we feel sorry for and shame.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 10:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    I didn't say I hated you; I said I hated some of the things you say and do. How can I hate you? I don't even know you. I only know what you say, and some of that is pretty hateful.

    As for comparing myself with you, I do, and find myself incredibly flattered by the comparison. In fact, if I'm ever having a poor self- esteem day, I know exactly what to do; read some of your angry, bile- ridden bigotry and thank providence that I wasn't born you.

    Whatever gave you the idea that I am either 'crying' or 'confessing'? This isn't some kind of gambit; I'm just telling the truth as I see it, or isn't that something that your macho culture will allow? Where I come from an honest appraisal of ones strengths and flaws isn't seen as a sign of weakness.

    I've considered your discussion of 'racism' carefully, and I still think you are a racist. If Jan Cheek called you Latins, that's possibly a bit outdated and politically incorrect. For you to call us 'ignorant', 'uncivilized' and 'rabid monkeys'.... yes, still racist (and hilarious as well).

    Why do you feel sorry for me? I feel entirely blessed in every way. I'm sure you would agree if you knew me better.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    @70 Isheforeal:
    “AGAIN. If you don't want to see ANYTHING with Argentina, why do you are so interested discussing about an issue that not involve in ANY aspect to the islands, according you?

    Yo don't responded this very basical cuestion. I am waiting... ”

    I refer you back to my reply to your original whining post about us taking an interest in Argentine affairs @54:

    ”In case you had forgotten the last time we had real trouble with Argentina (1982) was when you country was in the shitter so your government at the time had to make a grand gesture (the attempt to take the Falklands), that's why we keep an eye on the state Argentina's in, it's a useful indicator as to how much of a pain you're going to be to us. Given your governments recent actions towards the Falklands I'd be pretty concerned if I were you.”

    Anyway what is it that upsets you so much about us keeping an eye on your Argentine utopia, you've got nothing to be ashamed of....or maybe you have eh?

    I am kind of curious about your chosen ID on this site, do you call yourself 'Israel' in an ironical fashion becuase you're actually a descendant of the Nazis war criminals that Argentina welcomed with open arms (along with all their loot) at the end of WW2? you do act like one after all.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 10:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    I also meant to ask you, Israel......'an Islander of my category'? What do you mean by that? Just what is my 'category' (apart from 'rabid monkey' mwaaahahaha :-)

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 11:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    “ I know exactly what to do; read some of your angry, bile- ridden bigotry and thank providence that I wasn't born you.”

    The typical resource of a kelper when he feels his impotence. It resorts to comments as this one. It is a shame that you never achieve to make myself annoy. Always say the same. But I can write my messages without “angry.It pleases me that you feel pleased for comparing yourself with me; if this helps you to raise your void autoesteem, better...

    Hahaha. It is the funniest part! An ignoramus believing itself to know the truth. Say a thing to me, how an ignorant islander, who alone can raise sheeps be able to be so arrogant as to say similar stupidity?. You cannot differ between application of racism and critical to an idiosyncrasy and you speak of ” macho culture ”?. First acquires knowledge, then criticize me.

    Where you come from just can say stupidities. Verified. Is a sign of mental weakness all your stupidities... really you are weak, and in a pathetic way...Really do not be how you can feel so proud to live in these islands with so many mental and cultural misery...
    Another funny part. When an incult as you can consider the thinks carefully? Ah. Always the same stupid people... you can't divide racism of mentality. This claim and /or aclaration of your part is just a show of impotence, an really is pathetic. YOU are racist, for support a racist...

    No, is not racism. Or you can see some etnical reference? really you are PATHETIC. you have any argument for speak about racism. Try to elect better Counserlors, because you just cause laugh.

    WestisBest : Ohh I am so injured! impressive; an ignorant calling me NAZI, just because has not argument. A Brit descendant speaking about CRIMINALS. Curious, what moral do you have for speak about Criminals?... Your ascendants, for me are Criminals... You just can Speak Peron, Nazis, etc. Is the only thing that the Islanders have in their small head. You are waste in the south atlantic.


    Nov 18th, 2010 - 11:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    'First acquires knowledge, then criticize me.'
    Funny thing is, I was about to say the same thing to you.
    You really haven't got a clue. You don't know anything about me, anything about the Falkland Islands. In fact, you may well be the embodiment of 'ignorance'.
    Actually there is a grain of truth in your arrogant presumptions. I am entirely ignorant about raising sheep. I can honestly say I don't know the first thing about farming.

    Nov 18th, 2010 - 11:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    81 Israel:

    “So Argentina claiming the islands isn't political issue that effects the islands?”

    It's nice how you missed out this part then repeated the same thing you posted in your past post.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    I don't need know nothing about you for make my opinion regarding you. Just with read your comments, is enough. The ignorant are you. Your opinions are really pathetic. And your comparisions as well. Why I must consider to the islanders something more than “rabid monkeys” if just can say this when I read to you and others?

    Yes, as you are ignotant. I'm arrogant. But when I see you, I know perfectly that I have reasons. And don't worry. Is not need raising sheeps, for being stupid... according my evident conclusions, just is needed to be Islander... : )

    Respect the Comment number 84; is simple. YOU ARE NOT IN MY LEVEL, I think you are very far from the level of any Argentine... your mentality is comparable to the most stupid Malvinist, or Falklandist... really I have some pity about you...

    And continues crying, and saying “you don't know anything about me”. You don't know anything about me, and however you are qualifying me as racist, etc etc, just because I said that you are pathetic rabid monkeys a people ignorant... Is really a shame. You gave me arguments for to think this... If you can speak about me as you know me... well, I can speak about you without problems.

    Besides just with read your very poor comments is enough for me for make a conclusion; just another ignorant without any valorable thing to highlight...

    It's really lamentable... I think Argentina must to cooperate with the islands, the FIG and their people. But reading so huge ignorants I think that Argentina will get dirty if it cooperates with so huge brutes...

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    Hey Israel, keep your panties on. I was just asking. Now then...more curiosity I'm afraid (we rascist monkeys just can't help ourselves),
    you say?:

    “The typical resource of a kelper when he feels his impotence”

    what impotence would that be then? we are here, enjoying our free and prospreous existance in the Falkland Islands (or as you like to fantasise: your precious Malvinas), Impotent? nah....can't see that one Israel. When it comes to impotence you Argies take the biscuit, you want The Falkland Islands.....and you haven't got them, you can't get them sad eh? :-)) for all those words you throw at as, stupid, hatred, ignorance et al..well? what of it? talk is cheap Israel, what are you going to do about us eh?'re someone who likes answers, so answer that one for us poor ol' ignorant farmers then.....well?....

    Argentina=impotent mate, don't be too ashamed though, nobody in the rest of the world expected you Argentines to be able to hold onto what you purported to be yours.....and they haven't been dissapointed have they?

    All the best regards Israel.
    the British Falkland Islands

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    I wouldn’t make Israel angry as he has Nuclear weapons given by fellow Americans in his granddad House.

    And here he has the 2nd largest family in the world after US.

    And in your motherland country (UK) there is too much or radical Islam.

    And to make thing worse UK financed and helped to rise to power Hitler in Germany after the Waimer Republik.

    haha and you call Us Nazis this is funny.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    Have you got any other ideas, Israel, or is that it? You really are a one- trick pony aren't you.
    So to summarise; we are Falkland Islanders, and therefore stupid and ignorant, and inferior to each and every Argentine????? Yes, you're still racist, Israel.
    And guess what , I still don't feel in any way inferior to you; you haven't explained yourself at all, apart from calling me names, and I stopped taking any notice of that when I was 10 years old.
    The good news is, you won't have to 'dirty' yourselves by talking to Falkland Islanders, because unless you have something other that 'the Falklands are Argentina's' to say, we won't be talking to you.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    87: Is really nice how you fall in the trap. I am speaking from your position:

    You don't want to know nothing with us. You have the force for expel an unexistant attempt of invasion... nothing that we can do affects the islands... how do I need to consider that a political claim can affect the islands if, according your position nothing that Argentina do is enough for affect them?

    According you, the political claim, the 256 decreet and another actions don't affect the islands. Why do you asking me about an action that not affects the islands, acording you?

    Besides, you are forgetting something “genius”. This opinion is about a domestical issue, that I remember, the islands, despite our claim (that don't affect the islands, I suppose), are not involved in the domestical issues of this country, or I'm wrong?, the FIG is out of the domestical issues of Argentina, if you want to involve him inside the domestical politic, go and try, will not be difficult.

    “what impotence would that be then? ”

    Ah, the stupid self negation question... you can't say me nothing, you say me nazi... nothing brilliant... the rest, just stupid propaganda. A typical “Kelpie Rabid Monkey” that can't contain your stupidity and wrath... calm down “boy”... you are hysterical...

    “what are you going to do about us eh?.”

    Well, according you, I am nazi and racist... Ah, extermination camps! what do you think? Is too nazi style... despite all you consider me (and I will not wrong if to the rest of the Argentines) like NAZIS...

    Impotent mate... well, considering that this phrase comes from a islander, really is not important for me what I say, just words a rabid and angry monkey... Is incredible how colony, with second class citizens say “Impotent Mate” to a Independent Nation... try to be something more than a Colony, and then, Criticize to the Argentine... “Second Class British”. ;)

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    Yo Israel

    Guess what? I've been commenting of Argie affairs again...bad monkey eh?

    c'mon Israel, for all your big talk you didn't answer MY question, here it is again:

    “talk is cheap Israel, what are you going to do about us eh?”

    Well? got any answer apart from slinging your best (but rather pathetic) attempts at insults? eh Israel? we're still here living in your precious Malvinas mate, in spite of our ignorance and all that.

    C'mon bigmouth, what's your answer?

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 12:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    ““talk is cheap Israel, what are you going to do about us eh?””

    I responded! don't you read... Hey, we are nazis according you! I responded as nazi that I'm according you! According you, are not FALKLAND ISLANDS? Ah, well, you ared admitting that our claim have some value... Bighmouth? say nazi to anothers is really have a bigmouth... I responded to you... for satisfy you about our nazism, why don't make some “camps” in the islands? I think, you expect the we do this with you...

    91. I must to insist. YOU ARE INFERIOR. And you try to use the racism for hyde your inferior mentality compared with us... Sorry, but is the truth... you are inferior.

    In other hand. We don't speak with the monkey (Islanders) we speak with the owner of the Circus (Britain) so, never we'll talk with you...

    And be careful with the nazis. Maybe the extermination will come not from Argentina, but England indeed...

    And we are the nazis. Hahaha...

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 01:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    Oh, Israel, you really are a laugh a minute.
    The other thing I learned when I was ten was that when people shout things really loudly they don't automatically become true.
    You carry on thinking you're superior if it gives you comfort. All it actually does is weaken your position further.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 01:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    I don't want to lern nothing of an Inferior...

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 03:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    92 Israel:

    And yet you STILL refuse to answer my question after five posts.

    “So Argentina claiming the islands isn't political issue that effects the islands?”

    Because you claim that it is.

    Untill you answer my question, you are not worthy a debate from me.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 04:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    Oh! My god

    The British crown is full or F@kng Nazis and nasty people they have invented the Skinheads, the concentration camps, nasty torture, the ideology of white superiority, etc.

    “During the Second Boer War, the UK pursued the policy of rounding up and isolating the Boer civilian population into concentration camps. The wives and children of Boer guerrillas were sent to these camps with poor hygiene and little food, although this was remedied to some extent as time went on. The death and suffering of the civilians, according to many scholars, is what broke the guerrillas' will”

    And they claim to have moral superior ground?

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 09:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    @92 Israel

    “Is incredible how colony, with second class citizens say “Impotent Mate” to a Independent Nation... try to be something more than a Colony, and then, Criticize to the Argentine... “Second Class British””

    It wasn't criticism Israel, just a simple truth. On the issue of your 'claim' to the Falkland Islands you are impotent, you made one desperate attempt to get your hands on them in 1982 and even suceeded for a couple of months, apart from that....nothing. Do you dispute that?

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 09:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    @ Nicotine

    If you did that to your own people in 1976,wonder how you would behave dealing with non Argentine guerilla in 1902

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 10:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    I respect your opinion but i dont agree with you, beside i will always understand the rejection of the islandes to the fact of being part of argentina, but what is inadmissible is the ignorant argument that the british and the islanders use, when both hold that my country does not have any sovereign right on the malvinas.
    On the other hand, i agree absolutly that self determination is a fundamental right, but territorial integrity is as important as self determination, and in some cases it can't be applicable, if it would be applicable, then ¿why, none of the resolutions of the u. n., wich reffer the malvinas cause, dont include the application of self determination?.
    I base my arguments on the conversations that i had with two proffesors of international right from the u.b.a (university from buenos aires), beside i already told you that incorporated for my survey, the knowleadge of diferent british proffesors who dont coincid with what you say, those people knows much more than you and i, accept it.
    Regarding the negotiations, if they would exist, both parts of the conflict will have to cede definitely in their pretentions, the islands wont never be only under argentine sovereignty, that's obvious.
    It'not impossible to find a solution that respects the autonomy that islanders wont want to lose, and at the same time respect our sovereign rights, however, as long as the u.k., and the f. i. g. keep on ignoring the resolutions of the u.n., the situation wont change, and we will keep on hearing many of the pathetic arguments that we hear from the f. i. g. when it reffers about the sopossed colonial ambitions of argentina, what it omit is that before 1833 the malvinas were no body's colony, we were trying to exercise unless in a precarious way our sovereign rights, it was the u.k., not argentina, the country that became the islands into a colony, and you all know it very well.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    “And yet you STILL refuse to answer my question after five posts.”

    Why I must to respond!. I responded.. If you are stupid, is not our problem... Do a Concentration camp is not a response for your? You said, we are nazis, the nazis did this kind of thing. Is the correct respond for you. There's nothing more to contest...

    “Untill you answer my question, you are not worthy a debate from me.”

    I don't expect a debate with a person that I consider inferior by its locked and dirty mentality.

    “It wasn't criticism Israel, just a simple truth. On the issue of your 'claim' to the Falkland Islands you are impotent, you made one desperate attempt to get your hands on them in 1982 and even suceeded for a couple of months, apart from that....nothing. Do you dispute that?”

    I am not desperate... YOU are the desperate justifying and accusing of Nazis, because you have not arguments... desperate attempt? Sorry, but was not as desperate attempt, just was a predictable fact... Britain know in 70's that a war with Argentina would be possible, and we knew this fact as well, so, was not desperate, was a response to the FIG for the violation of the 1971 treaty, so the islanders must to pay the guilt of war your successful attempts of provoke a war really was a desperate fact.

    The only think that you can't dispute is that your “prosperity” was caused by the death of 700 argentines, 255 British, and just 3 islanders... undoubtedly you are good doing business..

    You must to be grateful with us. Your current situation of an “economy” a constitution and a Brit citizenship was caused by the war... In 74 days, we did things that britain NEVER did during 150 years... we are your liberators despite your hate... Impotent?, no, really I am not impotent. Maybe you are impotent because you know this fact.

    Nov 19th, 2010 - 05:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    Ah! you are right we were the liberator of a such nasty regime imposed by middle age mentality from Britain.

    “We are democratic... they are not (still Monarchy), we have respect for human life... they do not (killing kids in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc)... As we look into these issues... Its important that we never loose sight about basic values...”

    We have to look forward to introduce our high moral values and respect for other human being in the Islands .
    I know that would not be an easy task but we have to push forward to reeducate those people with century of violent history, but I keep hoping that in the end good people will win over the evil axe US/UK.

    Unfortunately some people only understand the language of violence.

    A shame : )

    Nov 20th, 2010 - 12:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “but territorial integrity is as important as self determination, and in some cases it can't be applicable, if it would be applicable, then ¿why, none of the resolutions of the u. n., wich reffer the malvinas cause, dont include the application of self determination?.”

    I disagree, human rights are above all else and above the rights of any state. You keep saying you agree with human rights then say it's not applicable in some cases.

    You are wrong. Human rights are always applicable.

    “the knowleadge of diferent british proffesors who dont coincid with what you say, those people knows much more than you and i, accept it.”

    Everyone does have there oppinions, ofcourse. Do you have there names? i would like to contact them myself.

    “It'not impossible to find a solution that respects the autonomy that islanders wont want to lose”

    It is, axel. Argentina want's soverignity, the islanders don't want Argentina to have it, either way one side is not going to be happy. And we are going to make sure that our citizens are happy over, frankly...yours.

    “keep on ignoring the resolutions of the u.n., the situation wont change”

    The UN does not call for us to give argentina the islands. They call for both nations to fix the situation. There are two ways of doing this: Us giving you the islands, or you giving up your claim.

    We are ignoring the Resolutions, but so are you.

    “what it omit is that before 1833 the malvinas were no body's colony”

    What happened 200 years ago is the past, this is today and we believe that the current peoples Human rights take precedent over what happened 7 generations ago. The world has moved on.

    Now, i'll address the idiots.:

    Nico, when your logic fails? quote history! yay!

    We did bad things in the past, most nations did. Even yours and before your nation was around you was part of the spanish empire who also did all sorts of nasties.

    Nov 20th, 2010 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    “Royal family are full of nazis”
    Wait, isn't argentina also full of them?

    I think my nation proved that they didn't like the nazis by going to war with them even when they did not need to.

    “We are democratic... they are not (still Monarchy),“
    Perhaps you should google democracy, because every time you say that you look like a complete idiot.

    Monarchy and Democracy are not incompatable. And our country was one of the nations who developed democracy for the modern world, also one of the single running democracys in the world.

    I suppose you would also say australia is not a democracy? They have a federal system, just like you. Shock horror!

    ”In 74 days, we did things that britain NEVER did during 150 years”
    Pathetically lost a war? I agree.

    Nov 20th, 2010 - 04:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Israel

    “”In 74 days, we did things that britain NEVER did during 150 years”
    Pathetically lost a war? I agree.”

    Is a shame... our defeat did for you more than 150 years of brit presence. More respect about our defeat. Or was needed a war to Britain for give you some benefits? the self determination and prosperity of the islanders... haha, was a joke during 150 years, and even today. Is a sad proof of how many undeveloped was you for these time: with our “help” going to the war (provoked by the FIG), you saved from the extintion...I think is more than enough for to erase your pathetic hate against us.

    And you still undeveloped... really your progress has not any espectacular fundament besides your fishery licence that really is not a triumph or a personal victory to the “people” of these islands...

    Your ingratitude is directly proportional to your ignorance... Don't worry, we know that you are a “people” without identity, and the only way for make a sick identity is to hating all argentine things... really a behavior of pathetic persons...

    Nov 20th, 2010 - 05:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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