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President Obama has scheduled a visit to Chile, says Piñera

Tuesday, November 16th 2010 - 04:41 UTC
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The two leaders met in Yokohama, Japan The two leaders met in Yokohama, Japan

United States president Barack Obama confirmed to his Chilean counterpart Sebastian Piñera an upcoming trip to Chile as part of his next South American tour. The two leaders met at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Yokohama, Japan, this weekend.

Obama made the promise to Chilean President Sebastian Piñera, although the date has yet to be confirmed, said Piñera.

The 21-member states of APEC met for a two-day summit where they discussed the creation of a regional free trade zone by 2020.

“A free trade association of countries on both sides of the Pacific, to be called the [Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific], is a topic that greatly interests both the United States and Chile,” Piñera said following a welcome lunch for the participating heads of state, and where he had the opportunity to speak to President Obama.

Last month, the new U.S. ambassador to Chile, Alejandro Wolff, said “the relationship between the United States and Chile is on solid footing,” adding that the two countries share similarities in their economic, cultural and military traditions.

U.S. President Obama had also recently sent messages of solidarity throughout the recent rescue of the 33 miners.

At the Japanese summit, Piñera also confirmed a new trade agreement with Malaysia.

By Santiago Times Staff

Categories: Politics, Latin America.

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