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Falkland Islands: SAAS stoppage, director claims partners pressured

Friday, January 7th 2011 - 05:22 UTC
Full article 191 comments

THE planned increased use of containers for the shipment of fish, meat and wool received a blow this week with the news that the Islands’ only shipping service to South America is to end. Read full article


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  • Y Draig Goch

    well well, and the Argentineans want to do this peacefully do they? economic blockade on the Islands, another lowly underhand third world method , argentina should be kicked out of the UN for its behaviour, its disgusting

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 05:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox


    Jan 07th, 2011 - 06:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Get that deep sea port built and then you won't need South America at all.

    Not that this will make an ounce of difference to the sovereignty of the islands.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 06:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Do as Ye Master says!

    Get that Deep Sea Port build!
    And a Stanley opera………………………….
    And a Warrahny Wharf………………………………..

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 07:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    Tsk, you dissapoint me Think. Surely this is one of those 'nail in the coffin' moments isn't it?

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Of course… of course….
    Yet another little nail ….. etc. etc. etc.

    Got distracted by the Penguin News…………
    C’mon guys and gals!
    You are indeed a “close knitted community”
    “Little Britain” alright,…….. in deer need of a Miss Marple.
    Half of the Island knows the guys that did the murder it and where they buried the corpse……

    Where is Allan Addis?

    Zero Criminality?… my left foot……….

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yul

    xbarilox !!!!... don't can change your all things--hair,wear,religion,language,name........- but your race never !

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    I note that there is a 6 month gap before the service stops .... not a negotiating point perhaps?

    I would be interested to hear from the islanders as to what they see this news as actually meaning to them. There is only this news article that I can find and it's difficult to assess the effect. If the business is a loss maker and requires subsidy are there no other alternatives? The fish indiustry appears to be the one to suffer although the article suggests that the cancelation restricts growth rather than reduces current trade. Who are the customers and would deep sea facilities allow direct access to them without recourse to the South Cone?

    Think, like so many others, fails to really understand the British mentality and believes that this sort of action will cause the British to retreat when it is the opposite that is true. He will learn I'm sure.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mastershakejb

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HaveToCorrectThisRetard

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mastershakejb

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    About my post No.6

    I still remember when I first mentioned Dr. Binghan in here……….
    Minutes after I got responses from quite a few Islanders eager to inform me about what a big fat liar and cheat he was………………

    When I mention the 1 Million £ impounded cocaine misteriously missing from Stanley’s arrest house, I was quickly informed that it was the prisoners themselves that “disposed” of it.
    Their cells were not locked and the coke was kept unlocked somewhere, was the explanation…………………….

    But on the “Allan Addis murder case” the Silence is quite overwhelming…..
    As it has been for 30 years……….
    Is that felon family so important?

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    8 Redhoyt

    This is an interesting one. The SAAS service is a fairly recent development. It was set up and financed by the fishing industry, and it's been a loss-maker from day one. There is no doubt that the islands as a whole derives benefit from a link with South America. However, there is a question over whether this means that FIG should subsidise it.
    There is more going on here than meets the eye. There is a body of opinion that thinks that both FIG and the FCO should be more active in its dealings with South America and this issue is being used to apply a bit of pressure.
    A long time ago the coastal vessel used to go to Punta every 6 weeks which was great. The boat changed and the operators changed and now it doesn't, nothing to do with Argentina, but a real shame as it used to call at the West on the way back. What I mean is that this is a very fluid situation that has changed a lot over the years regardless of Argentine nonsense, and it will change again.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    “There is more going on here than meets the eye.”

    You can say that again :-)))

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Thanks Monty .. I will watch with interest.

    Think, anything to help - ” ... There is more going on here than meets the eye...

    Still nothing Argentina can do :-)

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    13- yes it will change agin for sure. Correctio- the direct link to Punta stopped BECAUSE of ARGENTINE Threats - albeit of no international validity. Problem was no vessel owner had the balls to challenge it. To be arrested you have to agree to stop and be boarded first - solution is therefore you do not stop.
    As regards the SAAS operation - time to cut the political correct clapspeach and talk the reality- Commercial BLACMAIL by a 3rd State of an international shipping Company.
    Argentina did the same to MAERSK several years ago - they were about to start a direct container vessel link to Stanley - Arg simply told Maersk -“go there and you kiss goodbye to all your Argentine port and cargo business”.
    Now Hamburg-Sud - despite having actually already been operating with the Islands with SAAS for 5 years - have been given the similar ultimatum - “handle FI export containers and you will loose all your Argentine business”.
    Arg knows they cannot win fairly and democratically so simple answer - dirt and blackmail - all they understand really.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    @9,10 & 11

    Nicely argued Mastershake....or is it just some dirt stuck in your keyboard? maybe you should clean out your tent once in a while.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Returning to my posts No.6 and No.12

    Anybody in Malvinas ever saw the movie: Bad Day at Bad Rock?

    A classical “Film Noir” with loads of parallels with the Islands “Allan Addis murder case”……

    Maybe Miss Marple and Spencer Tracy could resolve the mystery and relieve that little parish of its bad conscience

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 11:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    The upside is that Islanders are of British stock so it will be fixed shortly with a better solution and life will go on.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 01:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Billy Hayes

    shhhhh my friend T
    you must know that there are some forbiden topics in kelperland; Addis case is one of them, as pedophilia in the classroom, coke in fishing boats and some behaviours in MPA. Remember that this a rural community with a heavy endogamic component, you must be more indulgent mate.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 02:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Returning to my posts No.6, No.12 and No.18

    Evidently, the Falklands Lynch Court did, long ago, ruled about the “Allan Addis Case”.

    I guess the verdict was: “He had it coming” and “He got a taste of his own medicine”
    He was, after all, an English Royal Marine training the Islanders how to fight.

    Ok with me.
    I’m Patagonian.
    I know how things work down here.
    You have your “Desaparecidos” too………….

    But then, Islanders… Stop crying like high society sissies scared about the mean and beasty Argentineans.

    Case closed
    No further comments.

    And then…………… the stupid English press and those nosy Scotland Yarders have to start all over again.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    The most amusing thing Billy, is that it doesn't even take inbreeding for Argentines to suffer from the same “problems” - and worse ones...

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    A murder! Really! Have you any evidence Think, or is this another wild claim?

    Didn't know anything about it till 10 minutes ago and having read 2 newspaper reports, both with different 'facts' I'm still not much the wiser.

    No suggestion of a 'wicker man' being involved I note.

    Allegations are easy but evidence is harder ... I'm sure I've said that somewhere before here :-)

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 02:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    “Case closed
    No further comments.”

    On Marine Addis? that case is not closed, whatever you may think about Falklands conspiracies think the reason this case is still ongoing is simply that his body has never been found, there is a suspicion of foul play, a drunken punch up that went badly wrong is the favourite theory. Another possibility is that he fell overboard when the MV Forrest sailed from North Arm, as it happens the officer responsible for keeping tabs on his men was allegedly also in an advanced state of inebriation.

    Until his body is found no one will know for sure.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 03:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (23 ) Hoyt

    As usual,..... I’m well ahead of you, Lad…… about 5 hours ahead :-)

    Let’s see if your “Bobby” instinct has been disintegrated by the tropical moisture and the Mai Tai’s…..

    Keep Think King

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 03:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    'But then, Islanders… Stop crying like high society sissies scared about the mean and beasty Argentineans.'

    Have I missed something? What has this to do with Marine Addis? Does it make any sense anyway?

    No-one knows what happened to Marine Addis. I would like to remind the conspiracy theorists that the police officer that is convinced that there was foul play is Len McGill, definitely a local. He was responsible for bringing down the 'corpse dog' in 1998. I was working at North Arm at the time, and a TV programme was make about it, so don't say it hasn't been investigated.
    I was inclined to agree with this until a guy fell off a boat in Mare Harbour and was never seen again. The lack of a body isn't in itself suspicious.

    Billy, you need to either produce some facts or pipe down. Making up allegations like yours smacks of deperation and says more about you than it does about us you saddo.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    “the Islands’ only shipping service to South America is to end.”

    “From the standpoint of Sun Tzu’s philosophy of war, the Mahatma Ghandi is among the greatest warriors of all time . Sun Tzu said, “Attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy’s army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence.” Gandhi defeated the most powerful empire on Earth, the British Empire, without firing a single bullet, and he was the pinnacle of excellence”

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 04:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (16) Islander1

    You were not supposed to bassoon that SAAS shipping partners in Brazil were Hamburg Süd!
    After all the troubles MercoPress took in NOT mentioning their name in the above article. :-(

    I heard in the pub that Old McKinney Møller was visited this summer on his headquarters at Esplanaden by a old Dano-Argentino friend.
    MÆRSK involvement in the controversial British South Atlantic Oil Prospection was mentioned quite a few times.

    To finish, what you described as: “Commercial BLACKMAIL by a 3rd State of an international shipping Company” are just normal commercial procedures regulated by Argentinean law.

    Chill Out Dude………As you Folks always say....... It's just lip service :-)

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rufus

    Not really sure about capacity matching, but Foreland Shipping might have some ships spare for charter at some point in the near future, they'd be ro-ro sealifters with a capacity of about 14k dwt each.
    That and neither they or the people who currently lease them would care about Argentina or their rules, especially as they are about as fast and have better endurance than any blue-water boat that the PNA has.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Typhoon

    And, YET AGAIN, Argentina breaches the UN Charter. What a hypocritical bunch of animals.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 06:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    The investigation wasnt helped by the Argies,who to be fair to them have more than enough disappeared to worry about

    The Argentinian invasion a few months later in early 1982 hampered things further, when Alan's case files were destroyed. It is unclear whether the islanders did this, to prevent Marine files falling into enemy hands, or the Argentinians, in a furious bout of wanton destruction as the British forces approached Port Stanley

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Y Draig Goch

    Have i missed somthing here? sorry if i sound ignorant but whats this murder got to do with it?

    I notice this shipping story hasnt made much noise back in the UK, as a british Citizen on my tours down here, im rather dissappointed the BBC hasnt even mentioned it, another example of our increasingly pacifist society, middle class do-gooders the lot of them. Im rambling now, ill shut up for a while...

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 09:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Think 28 - no secret- never has been - to those who can read - big letters on the sides of containers stacked on decks - no doubt photographed many times over the years by your naval folks! Linkage openly available worldwide to anyone needing to ship.
    Wrong over Maersk - they were blackmailed before they got involved - just told - if you go there and you loose here. Years before oil started up.
    Glad you can confirm that Blackmail is enshrined in Argentine Law - about sums it up really.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (33) Islander1

    I know, I know…… was just being ironic about the way Penguin News and MercoPress avoid to “mention names”.
    They surely follow directives from MI6 :-)

    Not wrong about Mærsk, because we are talking about two different things.
    I am talking about the Mærsk Traveller and its current involvement with Oil exploration.
    You are talking about a much older story.

    About business and blackmail………………. The only thing I can say for sure is that both must be spelled with lower-case in the middle of a sentence.

    Jan 07th, 2011 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    The big wheel LOL :-)

    No wonder think is so grumpy

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Business is business and from what I gather the route was not profitable in any case and required support from the FIG. Not good business. What needs to be done now is a realistic assessment of the damage, if any (because it wasn't profitable) and what alternatives are available. Who were the customers for the fish and would a deep sea port assist in getting the goods to them direct?

    Just another irritation to deal with, nothing Argentina can do over sovereignty.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    32 Y Draig , “I notice this shipping story hasnt made much noise back in the UK”
    And what exactly are they going to say in UK about it, 14000 km away?
    They not even have money to repair potholes!

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Potholes LOL

    Reuters) - Argentines faced long lines outside banks this week due to cash shortages at ATMs that critics say is linked to the government's refusal to recognize burgeoning inflation by printing larger bills.

    Argentina has one of the world's highest annual inflation rates at more than 25 percent, according to private forecasts that more than double the rate reported by the government.

    You have to wait three or four hours at any cash machine and sometimes you can't even get cash.”

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Still 90% of the Falklands shipping comes to and from the UK and the EU.

    Main export partners: Spain 77.4%, UK 9.4%, US 4.9% (2009)

    Main import partners: UK 63.2%, Spain 30.3%, France 3.6% (2009)

    Now unless of course the UK and Spain have magically morphed into the South American continent over night......

    I think we can predict that the already limited trade with South American has just become just a bit more limited.

    deep water port and Saint Helena Airport anyone?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Pothole anyone?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Y Draig Goch

    Oooo he shot me down with that Pot hole comment just glad my local park hasnt been taken over by squatters and locals shooting at them, i can put up with a few potholes in exchange :D

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Aint google fun, type pothole and shithole

    Isn't the main purpose of sidewalks to provide pedestrians with a certain kind of safety by keeping them off the roads and out of danger? But how safe is it to stroll over cracked tiles during your afternoon walk? Obviously, there are lots of opportunities in Buenos Aires to break your legs, ankles or worse.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 01:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rhaurie-Craughwell

    Number crunching:

    Its no surprise we have potholes in this country, with well over 400,000 km2 of paved roadways.

    Thats a hell of alot of road to maintain for only several thousand council workers.

    Whats Argentinas grand total? 200,000km with a mere 70,000 km paved.

    Thats if the 130,000 km2 of peasent track hasn't been washed away in the wet season......

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 01:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Thanks Rhaurie - useful info on the imports and exports.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 02:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Get used to it together with street riots. Britain as a country has not earned it's living for a long time and the invoice is now on the doormat. And yes build the deep water port and Saint Helena Airport ...with what?, are you planning to sell the crown jewels. LOL :-)))))

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 05:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JB

    Mercopress next headline

    “Dilma: sorry HMS Clyde, but our priority is good relations with Argentina”
    Brazil did not allow HMS CLyde to dock in Río.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 07:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    #44 hoyt, “Thanks Rhaurie - useful info on the imports and exports”
    Hoyt, tell your English friend not to change 2004 numbers for 2009 at #39.

    Think, Yet another little nail.....

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    MoreCrap - you are talking through your arse as normal, indeed we are so poor that we've just extended loans to both the Irish and the ECB !

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 07:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    “ HMS Clyde denied docking in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ”

    † Yet another nail on Britain's diplomatic coffin on the South Atlantic. †

    Actions speak louder than words….
    First goes the Rio Grande do Sul shipping connection….
    Now your navy lads are not longer welcome on Brazilian shores....

    Maybe some of the otherwise intelligent posters in here should reconsider their brainwashed archaic view about South American realities.

    I was waiting for the MercoPress article on the Brazilian “refusal of services” to the HMS Clyde to comment on but…………. those Brits are closed on weekends………:-)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 09:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Y Draig Goch

    Refusal of navy visits to Brazil is on a case by csae basis, Brazil wants UK support for inclusion to the security council, so i wouldnt hold your breath Argentina. Anyways, you have a new airlines run by Air Force families selling 900kg of medical aid to Spain at a time, you might be able to afford to fly an actual airforce soon, give our Typhoons some practice at last :)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 09:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest


    “Britain as a country has not earned it's living for a long time and the invoice is now on the doormat.”

    Got any tips for the British about that Marcos? you're the experts in field afterall.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 10:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    fiscal advice from the Argies LOL they couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery :-))))))

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Tell me Think .. the Brazilians object to a military vessel arriving at one of their ports .......... but don't object to the commercial shipping from the Falkland Islands arriving at their ports ... that seems .. sorta 'political' woudn't you say?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 11:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    What commercial Shipping?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 11:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Islander tells me that Brazilian ports are routinely used for the oil industry shipping! Doesn't that count? :-)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Islander1 tells you the same old story as Mr. Beef ……………………..............

    That was * BEFORE * the 15th February 2010.
    As you can read by yourself, things have developed quite a bit since.

    This is South America!
    This is Sparta!

    Get used to it :-)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Think, not quite correct, no problems with commercial ships to and from Brazil, purely Arg(not Brazil)political sponsered economic blackmail or the oncarrier for islands exports. Other options and alternatives available, another inconvenience for us to get around in due course.
    Actually driving us yet further away from you. In another topic you mentione leaving the key in the door - has it ever occurred to you that- we are never going to leave anyway - but even if for some weird reason we did - we would ensure the place was razed to the ground all ports/buildings/roads/airports totally destroyed and the land made unusable by humans for several generations - just the wildlife remaining. Get over it - you will never ever occupy the place - its ours - belongs to those of us who live here permanently.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 12:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (57) Islander1
    You say:
    ”We would ensure the place was razed to the ground all ports/buildings/roads/airports totally destroyed and the land made unusable by humans for several generations

    I say:
    That would be quite silly.......Lad.............
    Any destruction of the perfectly inventoried propriety on the Islands (thanks, FIG(leaf) ).....would be deducted from the generous personal compensation settlement sum to be paid to the island born settlers/squatters, jointly financed by the British and Argentine Government……

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    You're both wrong ... if the civilians left then the islands would become the southern Ascension ... or Diego Garcia !

    Just more troops and a bigger airfield ...... the strategic value after all, will not go away!

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    would be deducted from the generous personal compensation settlement sum to be paid to the island born settlers/squatters, jointly financed by the British and Argentine Government

    Think King of the Turnips :-)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 03:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    You better listen to “Ye Master”, Islander1 to 2465

    Don't you dare to even “think” about destroying anything on those wee Islands……

    Everything is Propierty of her Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith, Duchess of Edinburgh, Countess of Merioneth, Baroness Greenwich, Duke of Lancaster, Lord of Mann, Duke of Normandy, Sovereign of the Most Honourable Order of the Garter, Sovereign of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Sovereign of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, Sovereign of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint Patrick, Sovereign of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Sovereign of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Sovereign of the Distinguished Service Order, Sovereign of the Imperial Service Order, Sovereign of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India, Sovereign of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire, Sovereign of the Order of British India, Sovereign of the Indian Order of Merit, Sovereign of the Order of Burma, Sovereign of the Royal Order of Victoria and Albert, Sovereign of the Royal Family Order of King Edward VII, Sovereign of the Order of Merit, Sovereign of the Order of the Companions of Honour, Sovereign of the Royal Victorian Order, Sovereign of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem.

    You don't want to get such an imoprtant person mad at you! Do You?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 03:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest

    So I guess there's no such thing as privately owned property in the UK, Spain or anywhere else that still has a monarchy either then

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 03:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Don't you dare to even “think” about destroying anything on those wee Islands

    Would that include the quaint argie custom of taking a shit in Stanley
    POST OFFICE, you wont get the islands think,but we could fed ex you a richard

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 04:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “Everything is Propierty of her Her Majesty..”


    Jan 08th, 2011 - 04:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (62) Westy

    Of course there is”Private Propiety” In Malvinas…………………..
    Within boundaries, of course.

    You Islanders have been so kind to inform us, ignorant Argentines about the blessings of the Monarchic system that governs you.
    One of the prerogatives of her Majesty government is to take over if the locals should suddenly go ”Crazy”

    Well………….. What’s more crazy that a rabble of Island weirdos collectively going on a rampage destroying perfectly good property?
    Luckily, her Majesty’s government has enough loyal troops in the Islands to control and subdue such a nutty inbreeded mob.


    If everything was destroyed by the above mentioned local terrorist horde; ………… Even better!

    Argentina could win a Zillion international goodwill points, by declaring the Islands, a “Patrimony of Humanity National Park”, letting Greenpeace (Argentinean Branch :-) administer and use it as its base of operations to counter any British intent of economical or military exploitation of the region.

    A Win Win situation for Argentina…………. that wouldn’t cost us a pence.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 05:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Islanders, I know the news the last few days were not vey good for you:
    Desire Petroleum oil was miraculosly turn into water; Rio Grande do Sul shipping connection was cut; Now your navy ships are not longer welcome in Brazil, like Uruguay.
    But still there is something that you can do, save your carrier before is turn into a chinese restaurant!!!

    Kung Pao chicken anyone?

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mastershakejb


    Jan 08th, 2011 - 05:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Billy Hayes

    conflict is like this in 21 century is unbelievable; only way going is escalating, all at kelpers cost.
    some day there must be a negotiation table to discuss the dispute.
    kelper businessmen loose some millons every year because of the consequences of the conflict. it´s time to talk.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 07:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    @ 66

    Going to war with fortune cookies, since the loss of the ammo :-)

    Argentine president sacks air base commander over ammo theft

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rufus

    58) Think

    Are you familiar with the history of a small island off of the coast of Scotland called Gruinard? Might be worth a look...

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (70) Rufus

    The Gruinard Island solution is precisely the kind of “way out” of our little “Malvinas Issue” disagreement that I have been advocating for from the very beginning:


    I quote from Wikipedia:
    “After a survey, Gruinard was deemed suitable and was COMPULSORILY PURCHASED from its owners by the British Government.”

    ”A COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER (CPO) is a legal function in the United Kingdom that allows certain bodies which need to obtain land or property to do so without the consent of the owner. It may be used, for example, when building motorways where a land owner does not want to sell. Compensation rights usually include the value of the property, costs of acquiring and moving to a new property, and sometimes additional payments.”

    Nice and easy…………………………….And thanks for the tip ;-)

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “Well………….. What’s more crazy that a rabble of Island weirdos collectively going on a rampage destroying perfectly good property?
    Luckily, her Majesty’s government has enough loyal troops in the Islands to control and subdue such a nutty inbreeded mob.”

    Could have swore you was talking about Argentinians there.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 09:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Think- shows how little you know- any property owner here has full legal right to do with it what they wish as regards flattening it etc.Individuals to their own property and FIG to Govt owned property etc.
    Main point is though that will never need to happen because we will always be here under the Govt of our freely elected choice. I was just trying to show you that your side will never win - you may win a few skirmishes - but you will loose the ulimate one - and its the winner of the final one who wins all- thats what the British always do(apart from USA in 1776!)
    Marcos - what crap you write at times - we have not lost the shipping link - it does not close for another 6 months yet idiot. And I will be very surprised if by then we do not have another. Even the SAAS link is only one of TWO shipping services that we have at the moment anyway. get you facts better next time. Old carriers now out of servioce due to age like the Invincible - she is OLD - her aircraft shot loads of your side down 28years ago - she is now OLD. Nice to see though that Arg finally admits they did not sink her several times 28years ago as claimed then!
    More importantly UK does not need a carrier just now to defend the Islands - there is a great big well defended concrete one here.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 10:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dab14763

    Rufus and think, Gruinard was uninhabited.

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 10:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (73) Islander1


    Just remember...
    Keys on the lock…..
    Last man turns the lights off……


    Jan 08th, 2011 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    @ 75

    What a makeover the Argies could do if they got their hands on the Falklands

    Jan 08th, 2011 - 11:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    71 Think
    '' Well………………
    The Gruinard Island solution is precisely the kind of “way out” of our little “Malvinas Issue” disagreement that I have been advocating for from the very beginning:''

    Wasn't Gruinard Island the one infected with anthrax? Might be something to consider before we turn the lights off :-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 12:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Think - looks like you're starting to lose it .... rest your head for a while ..... stop banging it against that very British brick wall :-)

    As for the rest - all stuff and nonsense. Good morning! Islands still British? Yes? Wonderful, so god's in his heaven and all is well with the world this bright January morning :-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 01:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 76 man, you again with your links, thinking that poverty is something funny and only happens in Argentina. There are shanty towns in Europe too, in Oceania, Africa, Asia, the United States of America, Central America, Chile, Perú, the UK. Do something mature stick, you're like 50 years old.

    “Think- shows how little you know- any property owner here has full legal right to do with it what they wish as regards flattening it etc.Individuals to their own property and FIG to Govt owned property etc.” Nothing new, British trying to prove the Earth is flat.

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 01:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    “Nice to see though that Arg finally admits they did not sink her several times 28years ago as claimed then!”
    Actually I never believe that nor any of the lies of our dictators back then. If the islanders like that ship so much should buy it and turn it into a museum in Stanley instead of a Chinese restaurant in Liverpool.....well.. better not, since you may have to return Malvinas soon then we have to sink it again :-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 01:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Interesting stuff -

    “ ... Rekindled tensions with Britain over planned drilling for hydrocarbons around the Falkland Islands are unlikely to escalate. However, we expect the Argentine government to continue using this emotive issue to divert attention from domestic woes and thereby try to stem its sagging approval ratings....”

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 03:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • expat59

    Maersk line is not interested in Argentina any more ,their vessels are of such a size that uit is difficult to enter BA,and due to strikes ,and the
    the problems with the call at mar del plata they are loosing money,they are thinking of discontinuing the service to BA and concentrating on Montevideo which is a deep water port,Hamburg sud is also thunking the same way.
    regarding the SAAS service ,this is no problem ,any European container line with reefers on board will cover the distance Port Stanley-European, Nothe american,etc.ports without any problem , in case the PNA makes trouble the european community has a big stick and will ask for economic sanctions against argentina,Mr.twitterman knows this and therefore there will be no problems.
    tregarding to the

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 03:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    North Sea oil shines while Falklands fails again
    By Rowena Mason
    “Three British explorers have made their second big North Sea discovery, as Desire Petroleum failed to find oil for the fourth time in the Falkland Islands.”

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 04:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Well that is good news MoreCrap, more money to aid the balance of payments and provide the Falkland Islanders with missiles :-)

    I see the islanders are starting to form greater associations with the 'neighbours' :-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 05:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    ( 77 ) Monty69

    Have you already bought those piglets for Mr. M?

    If not, I heard (at the pub) that Pebble Farm may have some nice, anthrax free ones.
    Not so sure about the sanitary swine stock situation at Port Ho(g)ward these days.

    And remember……
    Bacon and Sausages keep’s us men “fit for fight” :-)

    (81) Hoyt
    Interesting stuff?

    You seem to have a natural predisposition to link to “News” and Reports produced by Reverend Moon and his ”Unification Church”

    Your latest link seems to be a recompilation of outdated articles from “United Pres International”; the reverend’s own News agency produced by Market Publishers, controlled by…………

    Are you a Moonie?

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 08:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Your latest link seems to be a recompilation of outdated articles from “United Pres International”; the reverend’s own News agency produced by Market Publishers, controlled by…………

    tut tut Think and when you use the heavy weight, this is Scunthorpe and freddy The Sun ate my Hamster, still the clue to you is in ScuntHORPE

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 09:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Is that one of those 'rhetorical' questions Think?

    I have mooned ... O think, it was a little vague the next day :-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 10:57 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (87) Nong Hoyt….

    Not a pretty sight, I gather……………….

    C’mon, Ye Bow Street Runner.
    Show your ”other” accoutrements.
    Any new findings on the “Addis” case?

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 11:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    More rumour ... some suggestion that the grieving mother has 'new information' .... have to see how it pans out.

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 12:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    Once a cozzer, always a............:-)

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 12:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gadget

    @ 79 xbarilox Shanty towns in the UK.

    No there is poverty, and not so nice places to live but unless you call Milton Keynes a shanty town there are none.

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 02:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    We don't have shanty towns for long in the USA either. As soon as a city official becomes aware of illegal occupation of property or unsafe building conditions they knock them down and remove the people and sometimes, but not often, jail the offenders.
    What I have never understood is how do these shanty towns connect to the sewer system and the electrical grid in BA? There must be graft/corruption letting it happen because it can't be legal, safe or sanitary.

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 03:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    (89) Hoyt

    How convenient :-)

    ”Countless lurid rumours about Alan’s fate have emerged
    There was even a theory that he was snatched by Argentinian commandoes............. ”

    Read more:

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Think, what is your obsession with this? Why do you care of a 30 year old murder in a place you have never been or ever will go?
    Why don't you concentrate on the rampant crime in your own foul country instead of harping about this canard?

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 03:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Ken Greenland, the Falklands’ former chief police officer, concluded in 1993 that four islanders had killed Alan. A separate British inquiry in 1995 identified the same suspects.

    They were arrested and questioned but none confessed and there was not enough evidence to bring charges.

    No one confessed? bet the Argies could of got a confession out of them,they were good at that sort of thing about this time

    The parrilla was used in a number of countries in South America, including Argentina during the dirty war in the 1970s and 80s and Brazil. In Chile during the Pinochet regime (1973 to 1990) it became notorious as a routine tool of interrogation

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 04:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 95 Are you into bondage? What's your obsession with the parrilla? You're always talking about the parrilla, unless you like to be humilliated and treated like a woman there's no other explanation for your obsession with the parrilla. Homosexual feelings hiding deeep inside of you stick?

    You already know that this is 2011 and Argentina and Chile were under the control of dictators in the '70s. What about British torturing people in Iraq and Afghanistan in these decades?

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    What's your obsession with the parrilla

    How about death flights,I havent mentioned them in a while

    The death flights (Spanish: vuelos de la muerte) were a form of forced disappearance routinely practiced during the Argentine “Dirty War,” begun by Admiral Luis Maria Mendia. Victims of death flights were first drugged into a stupor, hustled aboard fixed-wing aircraft or helicopters, stripped naked and pushed into the Río de la Plata or the Atlantic Ocean to drown

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 07:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    one day you cowards will pay a heavy price for all this shit,
    we will remember, and you will regret the day you picked on the weak.

    Jan 09th, 2011 - 08:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 97 There was a dictatorship, boring.
    See you tomorrow people :)

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 01:22 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    But not very long ago EXbrain ... we have not forgotten!

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 02:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    That happened more than 30 years ago under a self elected dictatorship backed by US and UK.
    This happened a few years ago under “democratic” elected Government in London.
    “Key events since the killing of the Iraqi hotel clerk while in the custody of British soldiers”

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 02:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    MoreCrap - 30 years ago is not very long, I remember it like yesterday!

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 03:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Of course Rotted, Your Government was a big supporter of those criminals back then in the 70's and their British war criminals in Irak as well.

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 04:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    More up to date and your own people

    And argie hospitality

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 06:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    The ARG police have a nasty habit of sexually molesting and beating to death teen boys (known criminals) then throwing their bodies in a field or ditch when they are done with them. I think the latest was in GBA but can't remember the towns name right now, but it will come to me.

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 03:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    fredbdc, man, why are you so full of frustration? You're like a garbage truck, but at the same time you're interesting, I mean, psychologically.
    You talk as if violence only occurs in Argentina, you obviously don't live in the USA, but anyway, why are you so obsessed with Argentina? You always say that Argentina is insignificant but you spend your days and nights talking and thinking about Argentina, your pathological obssesion with Argentina is creepy. Is it true that you have a wife and she's Argentine? I don't think you're married, but if you have a wife and she's an Argentine woman maybe that's causing you all your problems, you should get rid of her, send that bitch back to our country, we'll take good care of her haha

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Xbox, Are any of my posts untrue? I am probably posting here for the same reason everyone else is. It wastes time and it is fun to see people reactions. Isn't that the same reason you do it?
    if you really want to compare psychosis, I would think your obsession with me is a bit crazier than my obsession with Argentina.

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 06:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    wow, you get mad over everything, I was just asking if you have a wife and if she's Arentine, that's all haha. That's because I can't understand the reason why a man or a woman who is neither Argentine nor British would waste his/her time obsessively with a conflict between Argentina and the UK instead of spending their time making love with her man or woman haha, you're weird, and no, no one is saying that there's no violence in Argentina, that's only in your head, trying to deny it would be useless when it's in the news, but, you are compulsively repeating that there is violence in Argentina and that's wierd, I mean, we live here, we know that haha. You're like 45 I guess, and I imagine a man in his 40s doing something like fishing for example, playing golf, or going out with his wife and his children haha instead of doing these thingss you do. Anyway, there's violence everywhere, I know you will still think that violene only occurs in Argentina, but here's a link lol

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 07:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    fred -----

    don't be --yahoo-- please !

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 07:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    repeating that there is violence in Argentina and that's wierd, I mean, we live here, we know that haha.

    Your the wierd one xbox a chilean pretending to be a argie, anyTHING but a argie LOL

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yul


    in USA ~~7.6 million persons in jail !! ( 2009)

    in USA (2009) airport scanner confiscated that
    1.5 millions knives.....12.000 box cutters....1.500 guns .....!!

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 09:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    “Arquero”, “Yul” and “Xbarilox” are like flies around “Fredbdc” .....
    Bullsh** does atracts flies :-)

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 09:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    This is English, stick:
    You're the weird one xbox, a Chilean pretending to be an argie. Anything but an argie LOL :) You are weirder than me then, because you can't write “your” native language correctly, stick :) How about having our usernames with a small flag indicating the country we're living in, wouldn't it be great? haha I never thought I would be doing this, I'm teaching English to a “British” person haha

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    @113 One good turn deserves another

    Jan 10th, 2011 - 10:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    “ ... Prof Mark Jones, a specialist in Latin America in the department of political science at Rice University in Texas, said Ms Rousseff needed to find ways of reaching out to the left-wing grassroots of the Workers' Party she represents.

    ”Playing the anti-colonial card by supporting Argentina's position on the Falklands could very well be one of them,“ he said. ... ”

    Politicians ...... !!

    Fortunately they come .... and go :-)

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 08:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    “ ... Prof Mark Jones, a specialist in Latin America in the department of political science at Rice University in Texas, said.......”


    An Anglo professor from Anglo-America interviewed by an Anglo newspaper from the original Anglishland ………………….. about Brazilian politics?

    Anglo Brainwash anybody?

    At least, four good years of Dilma...............

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 01:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Sergio Vega

    110@ Please, stick up, don't mix things.....Chilean people are not like this guy...We are very different as the Islanders have known for a long time....
    About the South American link....well, who laugh later laugh better...that´s what I can say so far...

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 01:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    seems like the Brits are haveing a little dificulty as usual in seeing reality.Argentina is growing bewtween 8 and 9% over the last 8 years and will continue in this vein in 2011.Brasilian/Argentinian trade is growing at over 25% a year and will do so again in 2011 while Europe at best stands still.the emergeing giant nations are becomeing ever more important.These Falklanders or in the near future Malvinenses should start getting a quick grip on treality and start studying Español

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 01:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “Falklanders or in the near future Malvinenses should start getting a quick grip on treality and start studying Español”

    Why, you all speak our language so well? :-)

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 02:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    118, I am so tired of hearing how much Argentina is growing. Your stats are unbelievable, except for Venezuela and Zimbabwe you have the highest inflation in the WORLD. Even though you are “growing” you peso is worth less every MONTH. The production capacity has reached it's maximum, can't grow much more with out significant and long term investments.
    Even if you continued to grow at 8% a year, AND EVERY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD STAYED THE SAME, you still wouldn't be in the top 10 in 22 YEARS!
    Gosh give up and stop harping on a brief growth spurt because your history shows that it won't last and another crash is just around the corner. It is amazing how stupid you people are, don't you know your own history? Did something fundamentally change in the way you do business? You will be poorer in 5 years than you are now, just give it time. There is a reason U$ 52 billion has fled the country in the last few years. Not even Argentinians think they should invest their money there.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Gdr, why wouldn't they be believable? Is there something there you think is falsified? It looks like a 0-45K is probably includes a lot of retired people and young people, 45K-400K has the largest band, looks like a bell curve to me. Isn't that the way it is supposed to be?
    Your posts are always so ridiculous you put up irrelevant stats with no explanation or comparisons and you expect people to draw some sort of conclusion from them. There is really something missing with you and your posts.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 03:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Freddy my dear man i am not Argentine just adviseing you of the new realities of the coming world order.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 07:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • arquero

    hey fred ;

    these USA states have more pigs than people,one of them missing !
    supply the missing state's name please if this is true ,

    Minnesota , Iowa , Nebraska , ............ , South Dakota .

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    124 & 125 I still don't know what either of you are trying to imply.

    Please have someone that can construct a sentence in English help you.

    This is a board for people who speak and read ENGLISH, obviously you don't try to find another board please.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 07:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yul


    let the english ( all comments' languages very strong and perfect)
    hark back -- ----meaning is ** come to the point**.

    Afghanistan's foreign debts has been increasing ...
    2006---929 mil$.....2007---1974 mil$.....
    2008 ---2200 mil$....2009---2972mil$....

    could we say that this country latching on to ( adopt) Anglo culture ?

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 09:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    OK so how many log ins do you have? Because even I don't think there are this many retards in Argentina...

    let the english ( all comments' languages very strong and perfect)
    hark back -- ----meaning is ** come to the point**.
    WTF this makes no sense...please please go to another board you are not qualified to post here and you are just bothering everyone.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 09:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    @ 128

    Maybe yul learnt English and Finance from this guy

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 10:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Poor old Fred you are getting agitated seems like the heat from Rio De Janeiro is getting to you.I can certainly speak English far better than you I would say and as for Español Its a bit too dificuilt for someone of your intellect who cant see the way the Worlds changeing.

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 10:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    I am in freezing cold DC and I doubt very much you speak English better than I do.
    If you think the world is changing why don't you give me some examples and enlighten me. That is a debate I would love to have. Go ahead, you start...

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    The world changes but slowly - and it would appear to me this bright and pleasant morning that THE FALKLAND ISLANDS ARE STILL BRITISH ! Hurrah! So all is well in the world and no-one gives a sod what the neighbours think.

    I think I'll have a celebratory cup of tea :-)

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 11:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Well where do we start but with the United stated ten years ago the unindisputed single superpower on the planet a wasp dominated country.a decade later this self same United States is almost completely dependent on the Peoples Republic of China to keep it afloat which our Communist friends right now are happy to do as long as the Wasps(sorry now getting quite Latino)continue to buy their products.China the great new World force cant quite get enough of South american agriculture to feed its 1,3 billion ever richer consumers along with its giant rival India who is equally cognicent of its need fior South american food.As Brasils aspirations get ever higher it sees the need to support its neighbours who it needs to support it as the regional leader.Argentina who had its own ambitions in this regard now has a practical government and sees its opportunity to deepen Mercosur and trade begins to grow at incredible levels.Uruguay and Paraguay buy into this and now these countries grow more interdependent than ever in their history.It wont be long till Chile buys into this regional frienship which will your Falkland/Malvinas its next headache

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    OMG you have got to be kidding, you are seriously basing your global predictions on what has happened in the last decade? How convenient for you.
    Do you think China will have a revolt in the next 5 years? Do you think they will be importing and exporting during these revolts?
    Do you think they will invade Taiwan?
    Do you think allowing Japan/S. Korea to re-arm with nuclear will effect the dynamic Asia?
    What happens to Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay with a 3 year drought?
    What are the effects of Inflation/ declining Peso on Argentina in the next 2 years?
    Venezuela is nearing a sovereign default, how does that effect MercoSur?
    How does the extreme poverty/drugs effect Brazil's growth as the middle and upper incomes grow farther apart?

    Try to answer some of these questions and don't make such broad and simplistic predictions without backing them up.

    In my view Argentina/Bolivia/Venezuela will all be poorer in the next 5 years than they are now. Prove me wrong...

    Jan 11th, 2011 - 11:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    First about proveing you wrong.I contend that europes welfare state is going to collapse completely in the next ten years leaveing a massive crisis in the old continent.The reality is Europe cant compete anymore handing money to its less productive people.
    The possibility of a revolt in China in the next five years is about as probable as the current residents of the Falklands voteing for Argentine government slim and none.
    The Chines government is far too clever to invade Taiwan it will eventually fall into its lap.
    Neither Japan or South Korea will have nuclear arms in the foreseeable future.
    Argentina has had many droughts now Fred you are getting desperate only El Niño can save your oldfashioned notions it seems.
    with petrol prices rising at its current levels the notion of a Venezuelan default are simple laughable.You really are listening too much of the Voice of america.
    Brasils poverty levels are falling quicker than anywhere else on the planet but the VOA wont tell you that.i would say drugs consumption in brasil is minuscule in comparison to Britain or the US you would be better off concerning yourself with that.
    Face facts Fred you WASPS have had your day la edad de los Latinos es mas cerca cada dia

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 12:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    I thought your English was better than mine, you should probably start using it.
    Now try again WITHOUT using broad statements but with some basis to your statements.
    I sounds to me like you are not very educated on world events. Do you know they are having daily riots in China, Do you know Japan has already asked the USA to provide them with Nukes, what is your basis for Taiwan “falling into China's lap”. A 3 year drought would decimate Argentina you have only had brief dry spells not quite the same.

    Without WASP technology, innovation, work ethic the world would be Argentina. Where do you think these WASPs live and work?

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 12:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Amigo you made the statements I answered them one by one.But it seems you are unable to respond in English or Español except with gibberish.The daily riots reported by the VOA from China if they exist might have some resonance in a so called democracy but I assure you Chinas Communist party is much better than Obama at controlling events.
    The statement that Japan is to have nuclear weapons is sad.Really has Fox News or your shock jocks gone completely mad on Colombian coke?
    Taiwan is part of China and the government in Beijing has as much patience as Deng Xio Ping when he declared it was too early to say if the French revolution was a positive thing.
    As for the notion of three year dry spells sorry to tell you we will have rain in Buenos Aires,Santa Fe, and Cordoba this week.
    Without wasp technology,innovation,work ethic the World(please use capitals for World)would be Argentina.Well I love argentina its a beautiful country.I hate the Unied States its full of assholes so that would be great.
    Now let me tell you a few things The US is totally dependent on the country so infected by riots according to you.You better pray the Communists control them because if in the unlikely event China has a revolution the Us will collpapse in a sea of debt.Why the only thing propping up your deficit ridden nation is the Communist party of the Peoples republic of China.
    Sin embargo aca en America, Nuestro Gran America del Sur vamos a crecer rapidamente unidos por la primera vez en la historia.
    Salud pobrecito y espero que duermas bien para tranquilizarte un poquito

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 12:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, I thought you were swimming in the cold brown waters of Mar Del Plata, did you miss us too much. Is it too cold and rainy there this year? Bad Omens of things to come...

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    All this doom and gloom ... you must be a marxist O gaga :-)

    O can tell you one thing ... the world changes slowly regardless of the little ups and downs that take place every day. It's in China's interests to keep the US afloat and it's in the US's interests to hold China up too. The next 10 years will not see much change to the world order .... and the Falkland islands will remain in British hands. My prediction for the next decade :-)

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 01:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    gringo the only Nico I know is Andres Dallesandro a true footballer but it seems you run short of arguments pretty quickly fred when a real discussion begins.Just shows the quality of fox news now your probably about as informed as the clown in Arizona the next majority language Spanish speaking state.Un abrazo

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 01:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Whatever loser. Change your nick as many times as you like but I can tell by your sentence structure, poor vocabulary and grammar who you are and I said long ago you are too stupid to try to debate.

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 01:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yul

    O gara ... don't forget the Chinese lending in US borrowings ! must learn to using a language by thinking not by talking.

    by the way ,when you go to WallMart don't buy Chinese goods.Rest anything to buy ?

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    “ ... There is no doubt regarding British sovereignty...”

    Thinking ... not talking :-)

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 11:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, go on talking with yourself no one is listening...
    So how many nicks/personalities are we up to now 4?

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 02:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • I

    Logystics logystics logystics..I wonder if the british in 1833 ever thought how on earth they were going to supply a colony thousands of miles away from home ? or how can they claim any ownership to land that is part of Argentina, this is like hoping China, India or Pakistan will never need to consume latin American products, we have to give them credits for being soo openly selfserving in front of all other races.

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “.I wonder if the british in 1833 ever thought how on earth they were going to supply a colony thousands of miles away from home”

    The british in 1833 has lots of colonys they supplied thousands of miles away from home, i doubt they put much thought into it.

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Fred baby I can assure you I have no connection with Nick or the devil or any other poor person you have tried to debate with.Its an interesting tactic though as you couldnt come back with any arguments to my points.But dirtying the waters here wont delay the inevitable loss of your mundo anglosajon.Un abrazo y chau

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 04:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    The whole point of the British colonies were either as a means to make money through trade shipping, or as a base for providing military or naval protection for trade and trade shipping, or as a place able to provide fresh supplies for trading and military ships.

    The British in 1833 would not expect a colony to do anything other than facilitate its trade empire.

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Go on and play your games Nico, I hope you're having fun with yourself I see 5 nics now...can you create 20? Don't you get tired of signing and and signing out so much? loser.

    Jan 12th, 2011 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ron

    This will keep getting worse. The only viable trade between the UK and Islands, which is becoming more expensive.
    Well, “Islanders” have to be put into a dialogue with Argentina and the United Kingdom give up, no doubt after life will change radically, they will receive fresh produce harvested within hours of Argentine territory, meats, fruits, vegetables, industrial products etc. Also the possibility of traveling to the cities of Patagonia, to study at a university and grow. Life is going to change radically, can not live anchored to the UK to more than 11 thousand kilometers away, is totally unworkable.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 12:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Thank you Gracias Fred its good to see you have admitted defeat and that you cant answer my arguments.all you can do is try and find some obscure personality as an excuse for your failure to answer my questions and indeed answers.You obviously have been accustomed to Aergentines who arent fluent in english so you can bully them with your stupidities but you are the ultimate boludo gringo de mierda.Anyway anyone whon reads the last days correspondence can see Las Malvinas en un futuro muy cerca va a volver a Argentina

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    150 ron
    WTF would we want to buy meat from Argentina for? What is it that you think is running round all these acres of empty grass?Do try to keep up.
    And I thought we'd established, first that we don't want our lives to change radically, and second that our access to universities is just fine, thanks very much, and they're better than any university you can offer.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 01:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, If you keep responding to yourself people will think your crazy. I don't know where you get that you have good English, maybe in BA but you are obviously not a native speaker.

    BTW I have not given up, why don't you re-read your posts and tell me if you think they sound retarded as I do.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 01:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    You're wasting your time fred, it doesn't matter what evidence is presented to them, they are indoctrinated, mad, or both, and I suspect they don't bother to translate anything we say into Spanish so that they can understand properly.

    They suggest that the US would rather back the madman (or woman) rather than a trusted friend building Carriers, its unfortunate, but until the population in ARG becomes more educated of their own indoctrinated plight, the UK will probably have to give them another bloody lesson in the South Atlantic.

    Only this time around the casualty list will be even more one-sided.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 03:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    This is why we will always stand with the UK

    If I remember correctly on 9/11/01 there were anti-american street demonstrations in Buenos Aries near the big Mosque.

    Argentinians have no honor or compassion, both concepts are beyond their understanding. The only thing they understand is force and and overwhelming might. They probably need another bloody nose soon seems like they forgot the last lesson.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 03:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Yes, sad times, lots of wasted lives and futures, those are the times you find out who your friends are, and who to trust. I sincerely hope you weren't personally affected by that terrible act of madness.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 04:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    US President Mr Barack Obama
    •Upon entering the Oval Office he immediately returned a valuable bespoke bust of Winston Churchill to Britain.
    •Constantly referring to BP Plc as 'British Petroleum'
    •During a recent British stand off with Argentina over rights to The Falkland Islands, Obama supported Argentina. The first American president to do so,

    “Generally, my grandson has never believed the British do anything for a common good, rather than their selfish interests.”

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 05:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    But he won't last ... will he !

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 08:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Hamster

    Obama will be out of office come the next election, that is a certainty.

    When that happens, the USA will be hell bent on restoring relations with the UK and the EU. Argentina and S.America will only get a second glance.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 09:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Yeah that idiot President we have just said France was our strongest ally. Except the middle -liberals EVERYONE HATES him here. I am a bit worried that a Republican Presidential candidate has not shown themselves yet but there is still time. This time there are 10s of MILLIONS of people who are going to work against his re-election. I don't see how it is possible that he gets a second term.

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 12:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    The problem with revisiting history is, of course, the lack of 'context' !!

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Julio Argentino Roca is being removed from banknotes

    That's assuming you can get one out of a argie ATM lol

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 12:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think

    At last, the proper context is being used by the new-thinkers of South-America to finally revisit a lot of issues…..

    Genocides, old and new…..
    Indigenous, national and regional identities……
    Contra cyclical socialeconomic policies and, of course,…….
    The “by proxi” usurpation of our territories by former colonial powers…..

    Get used to it :-)

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 01:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    The “new-thinkers” of South America are just as corrupt and dishonorable as the “old thinkers” of South American so I don't see how anything has changed. The same b/s rhetoric has been spewing out of the various Claudillos and Peronistas/Marxists for 60+yrs.
    Please give some examples of “new South American thought” do they keep their thoughts to themselves or is the rest of the world missing something?

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    “ ... The “by proxi” usurpation of our territories by former colonial powers…..”


    Still singing the old company song then Think !

    Jan 13th, 2011 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    That's it! Malvinas Argentinas for everyone.

    “For, to the astonishment of the ­Falklands’ hardy residents and soldiers who fought to liberate them almost 30 years ago, the islands were re-­christened ‘the Malvinas’

    Major-General Julian Thompson, who led the commando land force for the first phase of the war, says: ‘It is perverse. The Falkland ­islanders would feel highly upset ”

    “Welsh Guardsman Simon ­Weston, tells me: ‘I can’t understand..”

    Read more:
    (scroll down)

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 03:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Good to see the BBC is getting accustomed to the new realities.Pity Fox wont follow suit and educate poor old Fred.BTW Fred you must have been delighted to see Obamas speech in Arizona being so well received while Sarah shows herself haveing a similar education level as yourself

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 01:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    MoreCrap and Gaga .... pair of fools ... the islands are British and will remain so - nothing Argentina can do - impotent .... probably the same as you two, too much inbreeding !

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Redhoyt you are such a badly educated person.Fine if you beleive the islads are British but why stoop to abuse immediately without any effort at a coherent argument.I happen to think that within the next five years a British government will sit down with Argentina to discuss the future of the islands.The British over centuries have always had very pragmatic governments who realise the way the wind is blowing.They have also much as the US has done always maintained despite being at times the richest country on Earth a significant uneducated underclass who can fight their wars for them.I suspect you and Fred belong there but its only an opinion.

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 05:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    If a 'coherent argument for Argentine Sovereignty' is the badly edited script of a BBC children's science fiction programme, then there is little to be gained from any communications with Argentina.

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 07:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Glad to see Nico is making progress not even trying to hide his multiple personalities now.

    Nico, you probably are not aware but anyone from UK or USA is automatically higher in society than anyone from Latin America.

    Jan 14th, 2011 - 08:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “I happen to think that within the next five years a British government will sit down with Argentina to discuss the future of the islands”


    Yes i can see that really boosting david camerons political career! No politician in his right mind would even think of it.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 12:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Gaga didn't mention sovereignty though so maybe his prediction is in with a chance. But 'pragmatism' went out of the window in 1982 and it'll be many more decades before pragmatism is allowed to over ruke emnotion and politics.

    In other words - don't hold your breath :-)

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    “I happen to think that within the next five years a British government will sit down with Argentina to discuss the future of the islands.The British over centuries have always had very pragmatic governments who realise the way the wind is blowing”

    Yup, the British government was doing exactly that that in the 1970s and early 1980s but then the “intelligent” Argies cocked their chances up forever by invading in 1982. The British government of those times was prepared to ignore Falkland Islander self determination for “pragmatic” reasons, much like they did with the Chagossians, but that chance has gone now. Self determination for the Falkland Islanders is now written in stone.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 08:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Your stone i think will be quickly melted down by the violent seas of the South Atlantic and quicker than you imagine.Pride is an inportant facet of life but trade with rapidly expanding countries of 500 million against the wishes of 3000 people,no i think your foreign office havent become that impractical.Money is all that ever counted in the city of London even if the underclass of north England have been sufficently brainwashed to have romantic notions about islands 10000 kms away

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 12:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “Your stone i think will be quickly melted down by the violent seas of the South Atlantic and quicker than you imagine”

    Argentinians always have a habbit of underestimating british pride. You didn't think we'd fight in 82. Just like now, you think we're just going to let it go. No chance.

    “Money is all that ever counted in the city of London”
    And the falkland issue has no effect on our economy apart from the 100 odd million a year it costs to station troops on the islands. 100 million which it would still cost us if they were stationed elsewhere. Infact you are right, money is ever counted in the city of london and with a potential massive oil industry sitting off the cost of the islands ready to boost the UK's economy( as south america clearly want nothing to do with it, if it happens :) ) I don't see how your theory is even logical.

    Also, human right's aren't romantic notions. Possibly in your flawed democracy. In this country it's something we're used to.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Nico, There is not much more the UK could sell South America that they are not already buying, the avg income is what U$ 6k, it's not like the population is buying cars or planes or even Burberry and the gov'ts already buy or have long standing relationships with other countries.

    I would guess unless they could steal patents but UK pretty much has a lock on Pharma can't really increase or ban those products, Arg doesn't have a military so who cares and the rest either are aligned with Russia or already buy from US UK OR EU so no change there, I guess maybe in food and drink, but Unilever is a huge employer in Arg so I don't think you'll rock the boat there, so what would this imaginary 500MM customers buy that they are not already buying?

    Top UK exports:

    Pharmaceutical and Bio-techs (Glaxo Smith Kleine, Astra Zeneca etc)

    Defence/AviationIndustry (BAe, Rolls Royce Engines etc)

    Food and Drink Industry (Diageo, Unilever etc)

    Communications - (Vodafone, O2, BT etc)

    Petroluem and Energy Industry (BP, Shell, Centrica etc)

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 02:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    It certainly is one nail in the coffin, but this time is it for Argentina not the Falklands. This is good news. We will get our own shipping link to somewhere else. The only losers in this situation is South America as it will lose consistent revenues. But South America has a great and proud history of cutting its own nose off to spite its face.

    Only one more card to play Argentina, and that is the LAN flight. Once you play that card you will have no influence over the Falklands. But that is a tricky one to play. If that goes, and the families and friends of the Argentines who died in the War (that Argentina started) wont be able to visit the graves. That will be a huge political blow for Argentina!!! But i am sure Argentina will continue to make political mistakes. One final nail Argentina, do it!

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 02:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    So i ahve been proved right you guys do belong to the lumpenproleteriat the colonial powers keep to fight their wars.
    Zethee you are such a clown.I wasnt talking about how much money the english would make out of the Malvinas but in its trade with South american nations thats 500 million people in one of the Worlds fastest growing regions.As for human rights Argentina has put hundreds of its military criminals behind bars unlike England where not one criminal soldier has imprisioned for their savagery in Ireland recently.
    As for the poor ignoramus who thinks South Americans arent buying cars it might interest him that in Brasil in 2010 3.6 million new cars were sold whilst in Argentina with 40 million people just under 700,000 were sold.Both countries expect double digit growth in 2011 something the US and England could only dream of.
    Glaxosmithklein has its own factory in San Fernando.AstraZaneca has a big distribution network in Argentina.In defence and aviation Embraer is hammering all competitors in South America.
    Diageo oens Navarro Correas one of the continents largest wineries as Argentinas wines continue to show export growth at very high levels not least in the US.Unilever is a big player in Argentine food exporting quite alot and produceing much for the home market.
    With regard to petroleum none of these companies are able to compete well in South america with Petrobras or Repsol/YPF
    Most of the companies you mention are not English but multinationals such as o2 Spanish owned.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 03:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    So Nico, you are agreeing with me? As for the cars, all of them are already owned by foreign owners, Ford, GM, Renault, what would UK make there the Mini? Even that is too expensive for sudacas, not to mention Rolls or Jaguar.
    My point was that most UK products are too expensive for South Americans so even if the population is large the market is still very small economically and they already have good penetration where they do currently sell goods.
    The reverse is not true SA needs to export more to UK, cheap products mostly food and it'sa huge economy. Looks like you need them more than they need you.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 03:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    179 O gara: I fail to see how that has anything to do with the 2000 islanders human rights to self determination.

    Is often the back up Argentinians use when we cite self determination to post storys where my country has made mistakes. Doesn't change the fact that the islanders have the right to it and that we're going to let them keep this right.

    Jan 15th, 2011 - 04:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    O'Gaga - the marxist irish who thinks that the British military committed atrocities in Ireland but fails to mention that, unlike the IRA, the British didn't set out to blow up women and children. Another cock-eyed view on reality.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 12:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Poor Fred this is the last time I will waste my time on you an absolute boludo who tells me that the Mini which sells well in Argentina is an English product.Mini is a brand name of BMW that rather well known German company.As for Jaguar I think one of your bankrupt brands own them.Indeed almost all of Argentinas fast growing car production is produced by multinationals exactly the same as in england who don't really have any national brands left.With Chrysler now owned by FIAT,GM mostly owned by the German government and Ford dependant on Communist Chinese capital its a similar story inthe Us except that Argentine production is growing 30% a year while anglosaxon production is forever falling. As for the apologist for english military murder in Ireland what about bloody Sunday in Derry or the Dublin and Monaghan bombs which killed women and children and were done by the english army

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 01:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    The British army doesn't use bombs in the streets ... and you're a fool if you believe it!

    From the Baron Report 2003 ” ... the material assessed by the Inquiry is insufficient to suggest that senior members of the security forces in Northern Ireland were in any way involved in the bombings ...The loyalist groups who carried out the bombings in Dublin were capable of doing so without help ..... The Monaghan bombing bears all the hallmarks of a standard loyalist operation and required no assistance ... there are grounds for suspecting that the bombers may have had assistance from members of the security forces (but) Unless further information comes to hand, such involvement must remain a suspicion. It is not proven ”

    The Loyalists were just as much terrorists as the Republicans.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 02:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    There hasn't been an English Army since the Act of Union, but then anything before Peronism in Argentina is lost in the mists of time and lies, so we can't expect an RG to understand.
    The Mini is made at Cowley, Oxford, and is therefore a British-English product produced in a BMW owned plant, and Jaguar Cars are made at Castle Bromwich, Birmingham or Halewood, Liverpool, and are therefore another British-English product produced in a Tata Motors owned plant, these vehicles attract an Export Tax, as well as Corporation Tax on any profits they make payable to the UK Government. I understand however, that the concept of paying tax in Argentina is a mystery to its population.
    You'll find that all vehicle manufacturers have a global business these days, and very few remain as 'National Brands' as the developed World moves towards a future dominated by Information Technology, rather than manufacturing. However, if you want a quality product then these are built in developed countries, at a premium price, certainly the UK is a leader in automotive design, and the pinnacle of this is Formula 1, in which every major team has their design team based in the UK, except Ferrari.
    Fred would no doubt be able to answer for the US Automotive Industry, but I would suggest the answer would be along similar lines.
    No-one knows what the real figures are in Argentina, since your Government lies about everything, and still owes the World a lot of money, so any figure you can quote is mere speculation.
    'Anglosaxon' is a very old descriptive term to use, and really hasn't been used for at least several hundred years to describe the population of England; although the adjective 'anglo' is in usage to describe a partnership between Britain and another country, such as Anglo-French, Anglo-German, and you should have used, 'Anglo-American'.
    It would also seem you're unaware of the present situation in Northern Ireland, everyone there is at peace these days, you really should get out more.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 02:55 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • J.A. Roberts

    So to sum up, the rest of the world sells Argentina manufactured goods and the best Argentina can do in return is soya, beef and wine...

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 06:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 10:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    well fred I you are right about Latinos the US is f....d cos its more Latino by the day.For me that's wonderful as there are no more wonderful,sensual. warm people onearth.If you checked the other posts you would see that yet another of your assumtions is rubbish.But you will never learn

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 11:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    That is true, we hvae a huge underclass of Latins here. Very good workers some of them. If only they could learn what a lime is I would be happy.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    #186 hey ... don't knock the wine ... not as good as the Chilean, but not so bad either!

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 01:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fredbdc

    Tara, hate to disappoint you but Ford is still controlled by the Ford family and their kin. Should they not trade with China or Brazil? What is your point?
    Just so we're all clear, can you tell me what are the Argentinian branded cars that you manufacture? If you can't list them all here I will give you my email.
    BTW you are confusing inflation with production, do yo know the difference? Your growth was maybe 8% last year and predicted to be 5% this year but since you have reached production capacity it may be a lot lower. And it is mighty dry there are you doing some sort of rain dance or something? Maybe you should seed the clouds like Hugo did last year that worked so well he ran out of water in Caracas oh right BA has that problem too.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    I still can't get over the fact that Argentinians compare bloody sunday to the dirty war that happened in argentina at the same time in history...the two acts are not even on the same level. Bloody sunday was horrible, yes. But you can hardly compare the deaths of 13 people to the deaths of 30,000 people.

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    I am not Argentine but the much criticized here Argentine judiciary have sent the top brass to jail while the English have been true to form protecting their military criminals.Its been the same with Dublin and Monaghan where everybody with half a brain knows was done by MI5

    Jan 16th, 2011 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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