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Argentina passes tough money-laundering bill to avoid “gray list”

Thursday, June 2nd 2011 - 08:41 UTC
Full article 21 comments

Argentina's Senate on Wednesday passed a bill called for by President Cristina Fernandez, CFK, to toughen financial controls and meet global standards on fighting money-laundering. Read full article


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  • yul

    Every “” Undeclared money ...informal money “” which doesn't mean
    made money- laundering !

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 09:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    I don’t know from where Mercopress takes some article but money laundering have noting to do with deposit out of banks or of shore.

    Money laundering is the act of introducing dirty money from criminal activities like selling arms, selling drugs, prostitution, etc. into the legal banking system.

    I should personal include financing wars, speculation in Forex, vulture funds profits and profit from defaulted countries.

    All in jail should be.

    The world will be save from criminals and money laundering.

    : )

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 01:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    Estos dos rotos de ahí arriba escriben desde Estados Unidos y Canadá haha ojalá se mueran allá y nunca más puedan regresar a Argentina

    Schoklender está muy asustado con esta justicia argentina y ahora con esta ley, uh no quedarán más corruptos en este país, el juez oyohervido tiene la causa por robo del asesino schoklender, ¡QUÉ PAISITO ARGENTINA!

    “Fifty-seven legislators voted in favour of the measure, with four voting against and one abstention, as Argentina hopes to avoid being put on a “gray list” of tax havens that have not fully implemented global transparency and data-sharing standards.” Among those legislators are pederasts, murderers, narcos, bombers, THOSE WHO LAUNDER MONEY, and other kinds of criminals. haha what great legislators we have haha

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 05:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard

    Just don't send your dirty laundry to Brasil - we have enough of our own.

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 06:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    Probably they imply stock market and maybe foreign banks !

    According to US Justice Department records,lonely a bank,
    Wachovia( now owned by Wells Fargo) laundered -- 378,3 billions $ between May 1 2004/May 31 2007 a partner of drug cartels !

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 06:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    @3 Xbox , el YUL es aleman Y el Nico no se de donde .... y yo que vivo en Texas que? :-)

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 06:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @6 sabés bien a lo que me refiero y ese comentario no va para vos, vos sos´uno de los pocos que vale la pena leer en este foro capo. pero el olor a m**rda que sale desde todos los ámbitos en este país hace que te cueste hasta respirar.

    “Argentina's Senate on Wednesday passed a bill called for by President Cristina Fernandez, CFK, to toughen financial controls and meet global standards on fighting money-laundering.” This can make you laugh from now until forever! The part “to toughen” is amusing haha with the level of corruption in this country who would believe that this goverment is fighting money laundering haha PLEASE PLEASE STOP IT, HAHAHA STOP TICKLING ME PLEASE HAHAHA I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE HAHAHA

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 07:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yul

    #Artillero /

    Of course that the Fiscal (Tax) System is one of the
    money laundering routes which is very fairly convenient !

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 07:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    @7 Yo se , no hay problema !!

    @8 Of course !!

    Jun 02nd, 2011 - 11:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ xbarilox

    Just a good advise to you before posting things to what you have not idea about.

    1- You need to travel around the world to have an idea how its works
    2- Stop reading La Nacion mate its just a press for morons conservatives and stupid from the country side. The same goes for Página 12 is the version for zurdos.
    3- If you think USA fits your expectation you can solve all your problem by buying a ticket I recommend you Miami is were all superficial Latinos goes to dance salsa and get rid of their inferiority complex problems.

    That’s it
    Me rompiste las pelotas con tus pelotudeces de cuarta

    Jun 03rd, 2011 - 01:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    “3- If you think USA fits your expectation you can solve all your problem by buying a ticket I recommend you Miami is were all superficial Latinos goes to dance salsa and get rid of their inferiority complex problems.” true.

    Jun 04th, 2011 - 02:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ FIdo
    Ha ha depressing

    : )

    Jun 04th, 2011 - 05:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    I read “ La Nacion ” and all the time, soy facho de extrema derecha, so what is the problem ???

    Jun 06th, 2011 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    @ Artillero601

    “so what is the problem”

    The problem is when you don’t think and repeat what the media says as is that is the absolute truth. Like an indoctrinated idiot. We have the British to do that.

    “soy facho de extrema derecha” are you affirming or asking?

    This is a contradiction because Fascism was based on the indoctrination of the left-wing (the working oppressed class) radicals in Italy during WWI.

    On the other hand the right-wing where conservatives who acquired that name due to the position they were sitting in parliament in France.

    Right wings were in favour to keep monarchy, privileges, aristocracy and the liberal capitalist system that made them rich.

    While Facist based they ideology on syndicates and strong solidarity model.

    Lets say that someone calling himself facist should be in favour of Verbitsky Govt. and Moyano power while reading página 12, I guess.

    La Nacion doesn’t represent any of the listed above just interests of their share holders linked with the decadent “campo”.

    Jun 06th, 2011 - 11:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    “soy facho de extrema derecha” are you affirming or asking? that's Affirmative Nico. You have a beef with “El Campo” I respect it but I don't share the feelings with you and that's ok, we can agree or disagree , is part of the debate, ins't it?

    Jun 07th, 2011 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    “we can agree or disagree , is part of the debate, ins't it?”

    Can you see how democratic you are after all. Ha ha

    May be Arty we agree more than you can imagine.

    “El campo” see the quoting I always used, is people like Soros, Aranda (vice clarin group), Buzzi, Biolcati and some sipoy that like to exploit everyone for a good return using every tool they can to archive their goals. Including the media.
    Who do you think are behind Clarin and la Nacion? El gaucho Iturralde?

    They are partners do you think that I’m talking of someone with a farm?

    Who do you think is asking for more devaluation of the peso and more inflation? Horacio Guaraní?

    How much do you pay in taxes for your house?

    “El Campo” pay $78 per hectare in Buenos Aires countryside, while a 250 m2 house in Buenos Aires pays 3/4 times that much with a little garden.

    Do you understand what I’m talking about now?
    And this people want to lecture everyone about justice, legality, crime, etc. They are part of the problem and not the solution.

    Do you know that the family of the preferred candidate of La Nación Macri and the Gotelli family broke the Bank of Italy in the 80 (Alfonsin times) and become rich stolen retired people savings?

    They were lending money to their own business and they never paid back.

    : )

    Jun 07th, 2011 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    This is a conversation for a “cafe” in Santa Fe y Callao? Couple of things, taxes for agriculture are much less than residential, that's everywhere.
    Devaluation of the currency to export more? everybody does it (China, Brasil, etc)
    Are you in favor of Income Re Distribution? If I bust my ass working 20 hours a day and the one that drinks all day and does nothing ... why should share my wealth with them? like Moyano?
    When I say “facho” is because I was in the military, that's how you all used to call us ?

    Jun 08th, 2011 - 01:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin


    1- “Yes in proportion but not a joke of U$s 20 for a hectare that its value is in between U$s 10.000/20.000 each. The rest are subsiding them “communism” perhaps?

    2- Yes but to export goods with high added value what drives the wheels of the economy and not “yuyo” that only benefit a little privileged lazy sector.

    3- I am not in favour of any income redistribution, everyone has to progress according with his/her effort, skills and intelligence. But also I’m not in favour for privilege to some self-appointed elite like the “campo”.
    4- Like in wars in economy terms always there are casualties, especially among the less skilled and weak. Don’t you ever saw ex soldiers who lost they way especially after wars ended up drunk, drug addicted, hopeless, on streets, etc.?

    When your comrade falls hurt even if he is a drunk you leave him there? Or you try to save him?

    If you ask me, the rational thing to do is to shoot him so you don’t have to carry his body and put in danger yourself (my right wing solution). Will you do that?

    4- Are you in favour of wealth redistribution Olmedo (rey de la soja) style?

    Because he got 362.000 hectares in concession for 64 years with 20 yeas free of charges and after that he will pay just 300.000 at year.

    4- “When I say “facho” is because I was in the military, that's how you all used to call us”
    “you all used to call us”?????? Me????

    Well to be honest some times I called them “bichos verders” if they were from the Ejercito. Ha ha

    Come on mate you are so confused and you have not idea what is the “right wing” and I’m not a left wing as you may think.

    They will make business with the montoneros if they were useful to their interest. They will leak the @ss of the Elizabeth II and give Malvinas to them for a little quote of soja for Mohammeds land.
    A proof of that is Jorge Born (Bunge y Born) ended up as partner of Galimberti (ex-montonero).

    Be free and buy a HK 416 never fails : )

    Jun 09th, 2011 - 04:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    @ 18
    A ver Nico, vamos por partes, y te voy a escribir en castellano porque me parece pedorro escribirle a un compatriota en Ingles y me importa 3 carajos se me borran
    1. En USA tambien se lo subsidia al campo, especialmente los que cultivan maiz (por el ethanol), te doy otro dato, subsidian a las compañias petroleras aun con recor en ganancias, eso se entiende??
    2. No soy econimista para contestarte eso, pero el tema es el mismo en todas partes
    3. La elite del campo siempre fue asi porque tienen guita y heredaron los campos desde generaciones, lastima que me viejo no es ganadero??
    4. Esa no la entiende porque no se quien es Olmedo, tengo que buscarlo en GOOGLE
    5. La gente en general, tambien nos llamaban milicos (al cual odio el termino), fachos, gorilas, etc, etc

    Te cuento algo gracioso, cuando vine a Texas hace 24 años me hice democrata, porque? porque sufri discriminacion como extranjero, te tiran a menos por el acento pero la capacidad que tenemos como argentinos sobrellevamos todo eso y triunfamos como cualquier otro nacido aca.

    And please don't use “mate” (that's a British word), here in the US we use, “Bro”, “partner”, etc

    When your comrade falls hurt even if he is a drunk you leave him there? Or you try to save him?... ese es un problema general de todo veterano de cualquier guerra, sabes la cantidad de gente que vive en la calle que son ex veteranos??? un toco!!!

    They will make business with the montoneros if they were useful to their interest.... esa no es la Politica de hoy?

    Con respecto a las armas, tengo mas armamento en mi casa que el 1 de Patricios. Saludos!!!

    Jun 09th, 2011 - 01:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NicoDin

    1- Si lo sé al igual que en Europa, pero la “derecha” en Argentina esta en contra de los subsidios (para otros) y a favor de una apertura indiscriminada de la economía (para los demás).
    Que se haga en USA no quiere decir que este bien ellos a un país que hace eso lo llaman comunista o al menos socialista. USA al igual que UK son países hipócritas. Haz lo que yo digo pero no lo que yo hago.
    2- No, no es el mismo exportando manufacturas industriales te convertís a la larga en un país desarrollado mientras que exportando yuyu terminas como Africa. Vos queres un país como Francia Italia o Alemania donde los niveles de vida son mas altos que los de USA o terminar como Ecuador, El Salvador o Panamá? Ellos hasta dolarizaron la economía.
    3- No, la vieja oligarquía del campo perdió todo, Olmedo, Soros, etc. No heredaron nada eso es un cuento chino pero algunos sueñan con volver.
    4- No te hace falta yo te lo paso

    5- La gente tiene lavada la cabeza por lo que lee y le dan en los medios si uno lee solo La nación y se quedas ahí como un religioso con su biblia, entonces lo que no dicen o piensan como él son zurdos.
    Y sí lee página 12 y se quedas ahí todos los que no piensan como él son Gorilas, fachos, milicos y represores.

    Lo mismo aplica para los que leen The Economist, FT, o ven the Glenn Beck show.

    6- Demócrata? Ha ha Viste que al final terminaste siendo un zurdito ha ha ha
    Y bueno viste que difícil es ser inmigrante? Yo viví varios años en Europa (Alemania, Italia, Francia, España y UKI) cuando me di cuenta que era la misma mierda que acá me volví ha ha

    Todos los países tienen planes descansar, vagos, chorros, garcas y mentirosos.

    Cuidate y saludos,

    Jun 10th, 2011 - 03:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Artillero601

    Gracias Nico!

    Jun 10th, 2011 - 02:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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