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Norwegian mass killer says the organization has “two more cells”

Monday, July 25th 2011 - 20:40 UTC
Full article 2 comments

Anders Behring Breivik told a Norwegian judge Monday his bombing and shooting rampage that killed over 80 people aimed to save Europe from a Muslim takeover, and said that “two more cells” existed in his organization. Read full article


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  • GeoffWard2

    It is true that there are a lot of (not-just-Daily Mail-reading) Brits who have been sounding off for a long time
    - throughout the Labour years of Blair & Brown -
    about the excessively casual controls of entry into the UK for Indian sub-continent (Muslim/Hindu/(Christian)) families, spouses, 'students', prospective arranged marriage partners, etc.

    Few people begrudge entry to the highly educated, professional entrants for the low-supply jobs especially in Health,
    though most despise the UK Governments for allowing the IT staffing cartel that allows for constant serial replacement of 'Indian with Indian' and cuts out of the market the British born (white) graduates.

    This has fed a ground-swell of anti-immigration feeling in the UK,
    but it has NOT, NOT, NOT fed a violent movement such as that propounded by the Norwegian nutter.

    Delusions; though delusions which have their roots in lax governance and even worse immigration management.

    Jul 27th, 2011 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    Ahhh, tax money at work in Norway.

    A Tour Of The Luxurious Prison Norway Killer May Be Sent To.

    Jul 27th, 2011 - 11:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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