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Santa Fe voters cast “a punishing vote” on those who seek to impose an only way of thinking

Monday, July 25th 2011 - 20:48 UTC
Full article 6 comments
Governor-elect satisfied with the vote of confidence Governor-elect satisfied with the vote of confidence

“We received a vote of confidence from the Santa Fe people”, said early Monday the Argentine province next governor Socilaist Antonio Bonfatti, following his tight Sunday victory which also “cast a punishing vote” for the government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, ahead of next October election.

Sunday’s election “cast a punishing vote against expressions which seek to impose an only way of thinking” said Bonfatti in clear reference to the defeat of Kirchnerite candidate Agustín Rossi, who stood in third place with 22.24% of the votes against PRO party candidate Miguel Del Sel who surprisingly stood in second place with 35.17% of the votes.

Actor and comedian Del Sel with no political background was invited and supported to run by Buenos Aires City conservative governor Mauricio Macri who is considered an Argentine presidential hopeful for 2015

“We had a vote of confidence from Santa Fe people,” Bonfatti told reporters, stressing “the need to consolidate the road to consensus” in the four years to come. “We will keep on fighting against policies which are detrimental to the people’s interests,” he added.

Meanwhile Santa Fe Governor and presidential candidate, Hermes Binner, admitted that he thought his protégé, Antonio Bonfatti, “would win for a larger margin”.

Binner also took time to slap the federal government which he believes that “divides everything between political friends and political enemies”.

Likewise, the current governor revealed that “We thought of a larger margin between our candidate and the second one, but obviously we did not think about the new single-slate system, which is fantastic”.

From Buenos Aires Economy Minister, Amado Boudou, assured on Monday that incumbent Santa Fe governor, Hermes Binner, “was the one that lost the most in Sunday’s gubernatorial elections”, and minimized the bad results obtained by Victory Front’s candidate Agustín Rossi.

“Binner has lost an important number of votes compared to the 2007 elections. He is definitely the one that lost the most as results will affect his presidential hopes,” Boudou told reporters.

Knowing that Rossi’s noisy defeat (who trailed winner Bionfatti by 16 points) could affect President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner’s image, the minister urged not to take the gubernatorial elections to a national level.

Likewise, Boudou tuned up with comments made by Chief of Staff Aníbal Fernández, and admitted that “the Kirchnerism’s proposal for Santa Fe did not make a great impact among its people”, and revealed the President’s discontent, “The national government would’ve liked Rossi to make a better election.”

According to an official release, Argentine Interior minister Florencio Randazzo called Socialist Bonfatti to congratulate him on behalf of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • ElCuraF

    La gestión presidencial de Cristina Fernandez es muy buena y me conforma en gran medida, pero la gestión gubernamental de Hermes Binner en la provincia Santa Fe es mucho mejor.
    Tengo la esperanza de que la gestión de Bonfatti, en Santa Fe, también sea muy buena ya que él era el ministro de gobierno de Binner.

    Y sin ningun miedo a equivocarme, estoy convencido de que la gestión presidencial de Hermes Binner en Argentina será aún mucho mejor que la de Cristina Fernandez.

    Google translation:

    The presidential administration of Cristina Fernandez is very good and satisfied me greatly, but the governance of Hermes Binner in Santa Fe province is much better.
    I have the hope that the management of Bonfatti in Santa Fe, is also very good as he was the government minister Binner.

    And without any fear of being wrong, I am convinced that the presidential Hermes Binner in Argentina will be even better than Cristina Fernandez.

    Jul 26th, 2011 - 09:48 pm 0
  • Rob the argentine

    The “K” administration try to show itself as a good one but Argentina is falling in every aspect. The worst is the way she is ruling: her guiding-motif is “if you don't support me you are my enemy”. She used Human Rights and organizations like “Madres” and “Abuelas”, and she lies shamelessly about everything in her administration. Some people still support her because receiving economic help from the government they do not need to work, in this way the country is going to hell.
    About Binner, he could be a good president but is unknown everywhere but Santa Fé. He has no chances becoming president and only will steal votes from Duhalde and Alfonsin, the only ones with real chances to win again Cristina. As Argentine I think we, the ones no supporting Cristina, must go behind one and only one candidate to be sure “the botox queen” will not be another term in government.

    Jul 27th, 2011 - 06:14 am 0
  • ElCuraF

    Yo confío más en Hermes Binner por varios motivos, los principales son la experiencia en la gestión ejecutiva como gobernador y como intendente en varios periodos. Esto no es una cuestión menor, ya que Alfonsin solamente tiene experiencia legislativa, no dudo en que sea un hombre con muy buenas intenciones, pero estimo que le falta experiencia ejecutiva.

    Porque vivo en Rosario, he sido testigo de las excelentes gestiones de Hermes Binner como intendente y ahora como gobernador de Santa Fe “a pesar” de tener al actual gobierno nacional en contra. Porque como bien dice “Rob the argentine”, una de las grandes falencias del gobierno de Cristina Fernández es la de considerar enemigo a quien no piensa como ella quiere que piense.

    No obstante, me alegro que en este momento la preocupación nuestras ea por determinar que candidato es mejor que el otro y no en determinar cual es “menos peor”.

    Muchas gracias!
    Atte, ElCura

    Google translation:
    I trust more in Hermes Binner for several reasons, the main being the executive management experience as governor and as mayor in several periods. This is not a minor issue because it only has legislative experience Alfonsin, have no doubt that he is a man with good intentions, but I think he lacks executive experience.

    I live in Rosario, I witnessed the excellent efforts of Hermes Binner as mayor and now governor of Santa Fe “despite” the current national government have against. Because as it says “Rob the Argentine,” one of the great failings of the government of Cristina Fernández is to consider an enemy who does not think like she wants to think.

    However, I'm glad that right now our concern ea to determine that candidate is better than the other and not to determine which is “less worse”.

    Jul 27th, 2011 - 11:16 am 0
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