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Abbas scheduled to visit Colombia after crucial support vote for Palestine

Saturday, October 1st 2011 - 06:32 UTC
Full article 29 comments

Palestinian Authority President Mahmud Abbas is scheduled to visit Colombia, a country which holds a non permanent seat at the UN Security Council and could cast a decisive vote for the recognition of a State of Palestine. Read full article


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  • oz

    The us is like a huge bully in the world and will continue to seek it's own illigitimate and imperialistic agenda regardless of the people that die or are hurt because of it.

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 09:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    A UNSC 'recognition' does not a state make.

    A territory managed by the winner in a regional war cannot be ridden-over, roughshod, by non-interested parties who would wish the realities of the region were otherwise.

    there should be, and there will not be, any change in the situation on the ground without the explicit, documented, recognition of:

    (i) the leaders and warlords of both 'Palestine' Territories ,
    (ii) the political leaders AND the religious leaders of all Arab and non-Arab middle east countries, and
    (iii) each and every member nation of the UNSC.

    What do they need to recognise and document before any recognition of new states in and around greater Israel?

    (i) The right of Israel to exist,
    (ii) The right of Israel to exist where it is, and
    (iii) The right of Israel to exist without being threatened or attacked by neighbouring or regional states or their proxies.

    Only then should the boundary and township issues be negotiated through to permanent, documented and signed agreement.

    This set of Rights must be underwritten by the UNSC, and ratified by the UNGA on behalf of the world community,
    committing unanimously, explicity and automatically to
    (i) condemn AND
    (ii) bring counter-action by the world community as represented by the nations of the UN General Assembly, using the full resources of the *armed forces* of the nations of the UNSC,
    if and when any subsequent attack or incursion on Israel by countries, proxy organisations or disaffected individuals takes place, and when called upon to do so by Israel itself, and acting in co-ordinated response with the Israeli armed forces..

    This is a high-priced deal for the nations of the UN, and particularly the UNSC.
    They would have a powerful vested interest to ensure that NO outbreak of violence in the region EVER took place again.

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 01:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    i must say that i don't like Jews............!
    i know deeply Theodore Herzl's activities in the history .........!

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 01:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo2

    ** 1 oz

    why did you forget one also first way to make money
    to make bail out at your article “” for basic ways to make $money “”
    for instance that ;
    in Texas ...median hourly wages for science related jobs are ~ 34 $...
    for non science related jobs are ~ 16 $......your suggestions can be
    convincing for these misery level incomes owners ??.....!!

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 02:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    what right has israel to exist? who created it?
    Let's not forget that it has nothing to do with “race”, because jewish isn't a race, but a religion. Some idiots don't even think about that.

    We all know that Brits are a bunch of suck ups and in reality dislike Israel (read the history again, over and over) and we know that Colombia is a welfare dog of the US

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 05:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    the Jews' origin were far from Kashmir ( today this disputed area
    between India--Pakistan) who came to Mesopotamia at B.C 1000-2000 years on as seasonal workers/slaves ...while living there they learn the
    roots of monotheism...they had neer been warrior people ..after many
    wars and social collapsing they move to Mediterranean side /shores...
    and inside of there they structured their own monotheist
    culture /religion - Judaism -...but not all of them agreed on Judaism..
    while Rome Empire era they are called as Palestinians and their located
    area has been called/known as Palestine but afterthat they enter into
    semi-Jew merchant Mohammad' s ( who can be described as century ' s Osama Ben Laden ) religion and became Muslim...........

    maybe almost all Jews don't know this historic reality but i am sure
    that Theodore Herzl was knowing this well................!!

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Perhaps Colombia would be willing to broker a deal such as that in #1.

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 06:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    .Theirs always one, who cant make a comment,
    Without a mention of the British,
    Secret admiration perhaps

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    @8 Whenever there is a problem, British were or are right in the middle of it, that's why.

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 08:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    ...already the anglo-jewish organization which has called
    “” maccabaeans “” still have power in monarchy intelligence services !!

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 09:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo2

    Oct 01st, 2011 - 09:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    “Perhaps Colombia would be willing to broker a deal such as that in #1.”

    Yeah uhuh, they will make the coffee. Colombia, willing to be the broker, geez, where you get your theory from huh..idiot.

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 02:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo


    it could be true that the “” Starbucks Coffee “” firm is one of the
    intelligence stations of “” Maccabaeans “” organization ....!!

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 09:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo2

    already that “” Maccabaens “” is one of the arms of “” Al Qaeda “” ..!!

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 09:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    I think Colombia is in charge of all the nations of South America atm, through Unasur.
    What better platform from which to address the world's most contentious problem of nations.

    Unless you shrug off death threats, you better not suggest that the Unasur's Secretary General, Maria Velez is only fit for making the coffee!

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 12:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    ** 14 me

    could it be ?? ...............why not !!

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 12:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @5 & 6 Good God, where do you people come up with your stuff? The Jews are an ethnoreligious group of people as a result of the close interrelationship between ethnicity, nationality and religion. And there are marked differences in the genetics of Jews and Arabs indicating that they are NOT both descended from the same people. The Jews originate in the Southern Levant. Meaning that they are now where they started out. And there has still NEVER been a proper country called Palestine. In 132AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian joined Iudaea to Galilee to form the new province Syria Palaestina. See that? It's not a country, it's a province. And it amounts to “the part of Syria in the Palestine area”.

    What is this? The Argentine version of genetics and history? Carefully edited to support current political dogma!

    Still, what can we expect from people who are basically Spanish and Italian land thieves. They like to witter on about what Britain has done, but conveniently gloss over the fact that they and their ilk stole an entire continent! Wonder how many of the indigenous people they murdered doing it?

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 03:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    ** 17 Con

    we talk about almost same things ...

    the Jews are originated from Kashmir zone ...but Arabs are not...
    let's not forget that they have lived together with Arabs...

    we don't have detailed history of Palestine/nians ...
    the present Arab countries not interesting with them !! ...why ??
    however,probably they are not Arab origin...!!

    for all i know the Ottoman Empire propose an autonomous region
    to settle for Jews at Mid/North Iraq.. but T.Herzl didn^t agree this
    proposal to live together with Palestinians .....why ???????

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 04:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    9 Marcos Alejandro (#)
    @8 Whenever there is a problem, British were or are right in the middle of it, that's why
    well i was being modest, but yes i supose we are always there ready and willing to help others, clean up the mess, polite kind and helpfull,
    thank you for reminding us

    Oct 02nd, 2011 - 06:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    And exactly how many civilisations and peoples did the spaniards destroy in South America..... ?... and the Italian's record in north africa and ethiopia/somalia wasn't exactly good now was it .... and lets not even mention the germans... oh what a lovely mix of bloods flows through the RGs' veins....

    The British? about the closest they would get would be the Australian aborigines ... and that was merely a cull by spanish standards....

    Oct 03rd, 2011 - 01:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Forgetit87

    I endorse Fido's words on #5.

    What is today Israel was, before 1948, an overwhelming Arab-majority area. Israel managed to become a Jewish-majority mainly by means of terrorist activities by groups such as the Irgun and IDF incursions against Arab villages: something that's been stated on IDF documents exposed by Israeli historian Benny Morris. That is, Israel hasn't become Jewish by buying land from Arabs, as is commonly alleged by its apologists (the lands Jews bought from Arabs by 48 made up about 7% of total Israeli territory). Moreover, it's known Zionists have from the beginning planned to make Israel a Jewish majority country by means of ethnic cleansing - or “forced population transfer”, as Ben Gurion called it.

    Israel was created arbitrarily by the UN General Assembly: the very institution Israel now tries to discredit since it no longer is advancing Zionist goals. And there were good reasons to say that Israel's creation was ill-thought out. Harry Truman is on the record saying that he supported Israel's creation because he was eyeing electoral support from Jewish Americans. Whether the Zionist enterprise was rational or sustainable doesn't seem bothered him. The Soviet Union, too, supported Israel out of self-interest: it believed IL could become a bulwark of socialism in the Middle-East. That is, Israel's creation - an enterprise which would clearly be cause of tensions and wars for the years to come - was made possible by petty self-interest on the part of the great powers (or yet their political parties!), not by some calculation which took into account the natives' welfare or regional stability.

    Oct 03rd, 2011 - 01:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido


    “I think Colombia is in charge of all the nations of South America atm, through Unasur.”

    ???? keep thinking, you should know, but again, you know shit, as usual and just type BS here of what you think of an area you know nothing about. Think and knowing, two different words and different meanings. Colombia isn't in charge of all the nations of South America atm. Never was, never wil.

    Secretary General, Maria Velez is a pretty “Colombian” lady with no power at all, but is in charge of the so called Unasur that is just a organization to work together and where she takes orders from those nations that are a member off. Second, Colombia hasn't that much power, it's a nation way busy with it's own domestic issues.

    The more you type what you think, the more you prove you're an idiot. Keep drinking tea and keep showing how dumb fuck old schooled brits are.

    Oct 03rd, 2011 - 04:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    - you feel that Unasur is as toothless and ineffective as the United Nations. Many would agree.

    But from the perspective of the 'unity of nations' and the way in which pressure can be applied through unity, Velez has at this moment at her disposal the 'unified power' of South America.

    She can choose to use it for 'good' - internally, the integration of a continent; externally, to bring pressure to bear in the middle east . . .
    or she can choose to use it for 'bad' - closing the continental door to the outside world, attacking TFI, etc, etc
    . . . . or she can NOT use it, and watch the disintegration of the continent and the gobbling up of its resources from without.

    She has yet to show her hand.

    Oct 03rd, 2011 - 06:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Forgetit87

    Unasur has already proven it is useful in South America. This unlike the UN, which is made useless in part because of the UNSC's permanent members. For example, if the US didn't keep vetoing any and all resolutions critical of Israel, sanctions regarding settlement building would have passed long ago -- and Israelis and Palestinians would be more willing to return to the negotiating table.

    As for Colombia, it doesn't speak for all of South America just as Poland doesn't speak for all of the EU's. Colombia has a very different take on the Palestinian issue - one that is different from that of every other South American nation and that mirrors mainly a desire not to undo its strong ties with the US. The same way, Europe will take different paths concerning Palestine. Germany and Greece are prepared to vote against Palestinian statehood bid, whilst Ireland, Spain, Portugal, and possibly France and Belgium will vote in favour of it.

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 01:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    UN compare to Unasur. In Unasur they, south american nations, talk and listen to each other. The UN, we all know what it is and go back to history (of who created it and why) is a joke, a threat to the world, and should be abolish. Funny, most of it's die hard members who are funding it the large part are bankrupt themself (but hey, let's use it to rob other nations in the name of humanitarian reasons)

    Forget, I've always thought that all so called american jews are pro israel government. Not true, majority of them are very liberal and are for recognition of Palestina. The so called neo con jews (majority of them are foreigners and are a member of AIPAC) are pro israel goverment and are against the peace treaty. There is a huge split here and one more thing, have you noticed how the media ignores the huge demonstrations in Israel where the people finaly are waking up how they are being used for more war while they are suffering (high inflation, high unemployment)?

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 05:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    I re-post my earlier contribution, for I feel it has been studiously undiscussed:

    A UNSC 'recognition' does not a state make.

    A territory managed by the winner in a regional war cannot be ridden-over, roughshod, by non-interested parties who would wish the realities of the region were otherwise.

    there should be, and there will not be, any change in the situation on the ground without the explicit, documented, recognition of:

    (i) the leaders and warlords of both 'Palestine' Territories ,
    (ii) the political leaders AND the religious leaders of all Arab and non-Arab middle east countries, and
    (iii) each and every member nation of the UNSC.

    What do they need to recognise and document before any recognition of new states in and around greater Israel?

    (i) The right of Israel to exist,
    (ii) The right of Israel to exist where it is, and
    (iii) The right of Israel to exist without being threatened or attacked by neighbouring or regional states or their proxies.

    Only then should the boundary and township issues be negotiated through to permanent, documented and signed agreement.

    This set of Rights must be underwritten by the UNSC, and ratified by the UNGA on behalf of the world community,
    committing unanimously, explicity and automatically to
    (i) condemn AND
    (ii) bring counter-action by the world community as represented by the nations of the UN General Assembly, using the full resources of the *armed forces* of the nations of the UNSC,
    if and when any subsequent attack or incursion on Israel by countries, proxy organisations or disaffected individuals takes place, and when called upon to do so by Israel itself, and acting in co-ordinated response with the Israeli armed forces..

    This is a high-priced deal for the nations of the UN, and particularly the UNSC.
    They would have a powerful vested interest to ensure that NO outbreak of violence in the region EVER took place again.


    PS. Velez is Unasur, not Colombia - as you know.

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 12:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    **25 fido

    don't forget the lobbies at Washington......!!

    the Jews can be expelled from USA in the near future......!!

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 08:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo2

    ** 26 geoff

    you would discuss with British not with us....since the start of
    1917/Balfour Declaration.....

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    geo 28
    Who are you, where are you speaking from, and who do you speak for?

    Why are you interested in restricting debate in a globalised world on this, a global issue?

    And yes, a Jewish homeland in its historic location was appropriate especially after WWII. That's why it is a global issue.

    The 1943 Tehran Conference created the UN out of the League of Nations; the UN needed in 1947 a serious Palestinian solution to the displacements of the post holacaust Jewish diaspora problem.

    The world now lives with this aspiratory world action to do the right thing,
    and today, the UN has the duty to address today's situation along the lines I outlined in #2.

    Oct 04th, 2011 - 10:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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