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“Occupy Wall Street” demonstrators try to move from spontaneous to organized

Monday, October 10th 2011 - 05:24 UTC
Full article 10 comments

United States ‘Occupy-Wall Street” demonstrators said they are growing out of their lower Manhattan encampment and are exploring options to expand to other public spaces in New York City. Read full article


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  • ElaineB

    This is probably why it has been such a slow-burn story with limited coverage, there is no organisation or focused message. Most people are, quiet rightly, expressing their displeasure but they seem to have disparate views on what they are complaining about. I read a report that some were referring to the 99% as 'the 99% without a lobby group working for us in DC'.
    Why didn't these people demonstrate when Obama was trying to get the ultra-rich to pay more tax? Or any tax?

    Oct 10th, 2011 - 12:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    “Why didn't these people demonstrate when Obama was trying to get the ultra-rich to pay more tax? Or any tax?”

    The Majority of the people know it's bogus. The Ultra rich (who wrote the bill) have tools to have their money outside the US and don't pay tax at all. Small businesses owners, also considered rich, because they own a business and are the creators of jobs, do not have those tools and a bill to raise taxes on the rich (include them) will hurt them further. The People who see their living standards disappearing with the day. That is the sad reality here. It is true that this demonstration is infiltrated with people of loser groups like soros and other corporate sponsored organizations that are indirect linked to the DEMS party and George Soros. That's what lame main stream media shows (CNN, FOX, ect.). Why? Simple, they love it to mislead people who watch their show that the demonstrators want socialism/communism. The old trick of left vs right, that bores the youth, but give red meat to people who are ideological and are ready to vote soon for the GOP or DEMS and divide people who simply don't believe in socialism/communism but know what's going on and the ones who don't have a clue what's going on but just blabber somthing out of their mouth (those are mosty the people who prefer to watch dancing with the stars/idols/ Jersey Shore etc. etc). Conclusion, they love to create confusion and they have it now. fow how long is the question, because people are getting fed up with it.

    Majority of the demonstrators are low, middle class people and students who are fed up with the corruption in the government, Fed Reserve bank, mega banks who received bailouts, pay them self high bonuses (with bailout money) keep raising fees, foreclose on their homes with fake documentation (been proven by the lame main stream media but not a peep about it anymore), accused of money laundring of drug cartels, devalue the dollar, and none of the bankers went to

    Oct 10th, 2011 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    My, Fido, i thought that I was an angry man, but you, with your youth, show us old guys a clean pair of heels when it comes to saying it strongly! “I'm as angry as hell, and I'm just not going to take it any more!”

    Oct 10th, 2011 - 11:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Forgetit87

    “This is probably why it has been such a slow-burn story with limited coverage, there is no organisation or focused message.”
    The same could be said of the Tea Party, no? At any rate OWS is a very recent development. Let time pass and events unfold. Then we'll see how relevant those folks are.

    “Why didn't these people demonstrate when Obama was trying to get the ultra-rich to pay more tax? Or any tax?”
    Popular demonstrations arise from gut feelings, they're emotional reactions to the perceived general reality; they are NOT responses to particular policies or political events.

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 03:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2



    a million or more took to the streets in London when Tony Blair said “Lets go to war, there is a bad guy with weapons of mass destruction”

    Was it a gut feeling, an emotional reaction, or a response to a particular policy or a particular event?

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 12:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Forgetit87

    That was a single protest, not a protest movement like the Tea Party is, or the OWS will be. Or do the Londoner protesters managed to form a movement?

    If the US's economic hardships were suddenly resolved, if unemployment went down, etc., we'd see the Tea Party and the OWS spontaneously disbanding. This is because they feed off the citizen's disatisfaction with his general economic situation more than just anger at particular events.

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    The Tea Party (Tea baggers, called by the knockleheads of the leftwing/ultra left ideologues) originaly was a non partisan grassroots. When it began, they were fed up with both parties GOP/DEMS, sick and tired of the wmd lies of the mainstream media and politicians and angry of the open border policy and banker bailout/TARP (started under George Bush). By time it was infiltrated by fake republican rightwing/conservative groups through fox news (glenn beck, limbauch and by time clown sarah palin and bachmann, all those idiots on the right include big corporations that also fund both parties, see the game?). Any, the Party never had a leader, that was indeed a problem, but they all agreed one one thing, that both parties don't matter and media can't stand it. Majority of the Lame mainstream Media always portrayed it as the rightwing tea baggers except Fox News though they do not show for who the majority of the tea partiers want to vote, Ron Paul. Divide and conquer that leads to confusion the oldest game in the world.

    Like the last riot in London, the Media portroyed the looters as thugs. True, but what they did not tell us is, if you place austerity measures on thugs who are already unemployed, no future and are on welfare. What is going to happen when you take away their welfare? Simple, they will behave worse/madness. Why is there austerity measures? well, they got to bailout the banksters. Money for them (banksters who lost gambling), and just cut off your people from welfare and raise their taxes to pay the banksters. fantastic they say Europe and the US.

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zethee

    “the Media portroyed the looters as thugs”

    If any of them had a problem with the government/police they would have vented there frustration on the police or government, not clothing and jewelry shops.

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 06:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Fido Dido

    “the Media portroyed the looters as thugs”

    If any of them had a problem with the government/police they would have vented there frustration on the police or government, not clothing and jewelry shops.

    Agree, but as I typed above, TRUE, but etc. etc.
    True for, that media was correct to portray them as THUGS.
    Those Frustrated THUGS who got more frustrated did not only vented their frustration to the police/goverment, they did it all include looting.
    But again, Media spinned the truth into something else to hide the true story of why...Lame mainstream media is a mastermind of doing this, spin the truth into a lie, the lie into the truth, mix it and create confusion so that people don't really pay attention (just keep watching idols or xfactor or the football game, don't worry)

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 06:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Forgetit87

    “If any of them had a problem with the government/police they would have vented there frustration on the police or government, not clothing and jewelry shops.”

    This is a bit simplistic. There's no reason to expect that people will behave orderly only because they have “legitimate” complaints. Moreover, a sense that one has been wronged is often used to justify - or at least self-justify - wrongdoings against others. That's human nature. To get rid of feelings of weakness, we have to direct feelings of hostility somewhere, even against people who have nothing to do with our plights. When we feel our life/safety/comfort is jeopardized, we react, even if we have to disobey our country's laws and the society's sense of morality. That's why criminality always rises after prolonged periods of unemployment.

    Oct 11th, 2011 - 08:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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