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Argentina confirms high seas boarding of Spanish fleet fishing in Falklands

Monday, November 28th 2011 - 17:06 UTC
Full article 172 comments

The Argentine government has stepped up its official blockade policy against the Falkland Islands warning Spanish fishing vessels are operating ‘illegally’ in the South Atlantic, since they have not requested licences from the Argentine government, and controls over those activities will continue. Read full article


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  • Pirat-Hunter

    it also affects 40.000.000 million Argentines when you theft from Argentina. who cares about a pirats vessel ?? to us Argentines this vessels are just common pirats and thieves who should be arrested and executed as UK use to do with them.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 05:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SamSalzman

    Send in the Navy. We used to be the master pirate-hunters, now it looks like we'll have to finish where we left off. The days of hunting South Americans in pirate ships are not yet over. Looks like we'll have to hang them in the Thames for three tides like we did before.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 06:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Pratt-Junta #1
    Well, true to form, you want to execute people carrying out their lawful work.
    The Argies do not own the Falklands, the Malvinas do not exist and Argentina needs to come to terms with that.
    I wonder how long it will be once the Montrose gets to the Falklands before all the cowardly RG navy go running back to port like they did in 1982?
    Bunch of cowardly thugs the lot of you, there are no redeeming features between all of you.
    Detestable person.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Looks like we'll have to hang them in the Thames for three tides like we did before.

    Yep, starting with Pirat-Hunter, by the bollocks mind

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    we await the reply from the spanish
    will they ask permission first, or will they tell the argies to xxck-off,
    where is the reply from the spanish,
    what has the british goverment to say .

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • wesley mouch

    Argentina has become a joke country with a Botox Queen President

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    “The situation according to El Faro de Vigo affects an estimated forty fishing vessels and 600 crewmembers, in both cases all from Galicia”
    The situation according to me doesn't affect the hundreds of thousands of Gallegos living in Argentina.
    I am going to borrow Redhoyt's slogan...get used to it :-)

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    The more countries Argentina pisses off over this issue, the better.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @8 Spain couldn´t be more suportive of Argentina´s claim over Malvinas. Don´t forget they´re also victims of British colonialism. Both countries experience the same situation: part of the national territory occupied illigaly by a foreign power.
    Only the fishing companies might be pissed off.. and they onlys support money.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    9. Do you think the Spanish will support their own citizens who have already purchased legal licenses or Argentina? The fishing industry is one of the few Spanish industries that is doing well. I think this was a foolish misstep that Arg will have to backtrack but they are used to it. They tend to over play their hand all the time only to be embarrassed later. CFK's gov't is full of arrogant sophomoric fools.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    The more countries Argentina pisses off over this issue, the better
    Send in the Navy. We used to be the master pirate-hunters, now it looks like we'll have to finish where we left off. The days of hunting South Americans in pirate ships are not yet over. Looks like we'll have to hang them in the Thames for three tides like we did before.

    YEAHAHAH!! Send the navy.Send typhoon,britton,geof,sticky,redhoyt,lortroll,justin,hutch,MUY FIABLE TESTICULO ANONIMO)!They are diying for their country(it was uk,or Malvinas???)
    Any time guys!!
    Send a Garbage 45 type frigate,An Inmenso Culo Bola Mierda(ICBM),a Tomamate and those guys.We invite them fro a 5 O'clock mate!!

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    “Embassador of Spain in BA, Rafael Estrella, reaffirmed Spain supports the Arhgentinian claim over las Islas Malvinas and declared the colonial status on the South Atlantic should end. The diplomat stated ”the self determination process (sustained by the UK regarding Malvinas to maintin its position against negotiations) cannot be applied”.

    Clear enough.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    LOL Spain should go complain to fakland and UK who sold them papers worth nothing and UK kept Spainsh lunch money, a little like the gibraltar island all over again, you can run but you can't hide seems like UK and Argentina might end up having to go to a decolonization meetings at UN, and not even do to Argentina's duty as a country but more do to UK piracy and theft.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Domingo

    I'd like to see Argentina try to board British flagged ships; should be interesting... I'll get my popcorn.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    . Do you think the Spanish will support their own citizens who have already purchased legal licenses or Argentina? The fishing industry is one of the few Spanish industries that is doing well. I think this was a foolish misstep that Arg will have to backtrack but they are used to
    It seems yankee that Spain,either agree,or is not interested in complaining.
    Argentina told them they need permission from Argentina.It is the law!
    It is what the UN said since 1965(UNGA res 2065)No change in status without the other party permission.They do not want to comply???Fine!!
    BTW:The situation according to El Faro de Vigo affects an estimated forty fishing vessels and 600 crewmembers, in both cases all from Galicia, with
    This is only 1 of 40 ships!
    OK YAnk??

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Think


    Another nail on the British South Atlantic economic coffin.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Falkland Islands @12

    You think platitudes from nearly five years ago are worth reporting here? Since when does any agreement, treaty, or contract last five years in Argentina?

    Collectively, you Malvinists wouldn't know honesty and integrity if it slapped you around the face with a kipper, you're the most dishonourable, corrupt, lying bunch of brainless numbnuts to ever grace the planet.

    There should be a special Darwin Award given to your 'National Cause', apparently millions of you yellow backed cnuts wish to give up your useless feeble minded lives for a fcuking fairy story manufactured by your bent and twisted politicians in the 1930s, well come on then, put up or shut the fcuk up.

    We call your bluff, and raise you a good pasting if you're man enough.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Domingo

    Oh dear... Spain needs financial help to prevent it defaulting and descending into chaos.... oops! Can any one help broker to secure a financial package across the world's finance network? I do hope so. Who could it be?

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Collectively, you Malvinists wouldn't know honesty and integrity if it slapped you around the face with a kipper, you're the most dishonourable, corrupt, lying bunch of brainless numbnuts to ever grace the planet.

    Hey,Inalambrico: That is the law!!From 1965 to all the subsequent UNGA resolutions(Accepted by uk),no changes without the OTHER PARTY PERMISSION!!!
    oops! my finger got stuck on the keyboard!!

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @ 17 I´m not referring to a contract or treaty. I´m not referring to Argentina.
    I quoted the words of a Spanish embassador describing Spanish position over Malvinas. That didn´t change in 5 years, and won´t.

    I felt some irritation over there. Calm down. Take a deep breath.
    You´ll face what you have to face when it´s the right time.

    We´ll be back.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    So in 1965 the UN passed UNGA 2065, no change in status without the other parties permission, mmm, so what happened in 1982 then? You bunch of fcuks like to observe these Laws when it suits you.

    Then you blame it all on the Junta, and then you praise them for what they did to the Falkland Islands, you lot are all bi-polar psychotics; either invade or fcuk off, your decision, but don't expect the body count to be low.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Domingo

    Argentina is weak. It cannot end what it starts. Its belligerent foolishness shall be ignored for now no doubt

    UNGA 2065 confirms resolution 1514(XV) covers the case of the Falkland Islands, but it is not law.

    However, Articles 2, 51, 73 and 74 of the UN Charter are laws; laws which Argentina defies. However, Argentina is obligated to obey the UN Security Council and so it shall, like it or not

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    You sad fcuk, no-one was on the Islands in 1825, you had no claim, Jewett was a drunken pirate on a privateer, and there is no record of the Buenos Aires Government ever claiming the Falkland Islands in 1820 or indeed 1821, when they heard about Jewett via a foreign news story. You are talking a load of shite, you're either a liar, ignorant, or misinformed, but in any event the evidence points to your stupidity in believing in fairy stories. You are a sad fcuk.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    The Spanish were VICTIMS of colonialism? I've heard it all now.

    Is it possible to diagnose the country of Argentina with Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @25 Haven´t you heared about Gibraltar before?

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    You can overlook the colonisation of the Americas to try to make Spain a victim?

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @28 America? Gibraltar is in Europe, in the south of Spain.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 08:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Do your history books in Argentina tell you that the Spanish did not colonise the Americas? I am interested.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Nothing changed after 1982 because we won numbnut.

    Provide original verifiable evidence of what you say regarding Jewett, and while you're are it, explain why he took 7.5 months to sail from Buenos Aires to the Falkland Islands, long enough to sail from Buenos Aires to London and back, twice over, with weeks to spare, and also explain why he attacked a Portugese Ship in an act of Piracy while he was enroute? Explain why there's no original verifiable record that your own Government can provide to substantiate this from the National Archives in Buenos Aires? You can't and you won't, because what you say didn't take place and no records of it ever taking place exist because it never happenned, you're a sad fcuker to believe in such fairy stories, do try harder, think for yourself for once.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Again I repost,the treaty by uk,1825,since the coward inalambrico reported:
    “Looking back we can be proud to say that the United Kingdom was the first European country to recognize Argentina’s independence. In the Ambassador’s Residence, we still keep Woodbine Parrish’s trunk. Parrish served as a British diplomat in Buenos Aires between 1825 and 1832. He signed the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation with Argentina in February 1825. It was the first treaty signed by the future Argentina Republic with a European country”
    BTW: A shame on the brits,for soo little,ruining an otherwise excelent relationship.”Our long bilateral relation is marked as well by a significant British presence in many Argentine provinces, such as Córdoba, Chubut, Santa Fe and Buenos Aires. What is more, there are several long-standing institutions that reflect this relationship: One proof of this is the British Hospital, which was founded in 1844. Another very close example is the Buenos Aires Herald, which was founded by a Scottish immigrant: William Catchcart, 134 years ago.
    Welsh in Argentina(BTW,we had a welsh president in Argentina,Mr Rawson
    All things Welsh

    Rhys Meirion and his family stayed at the British Ambassador's residence on his way to Patagonia.
    The links between Argentina and Wales have been strengthened in recent years. From a British Ambassador of Welsh origin, to visits of Welsh artists and a film, it seems that Wales and Chubut have never been closer.
    Guitar master class
    On 25 October, Adam Khan, a Welsh classical guitarist, gave a master class for school children at the British Ambassador’s residence.
    Don't cry for me Aberaeron
    Shan Morgan explains how her Ceredigion roots helped guide her to her present role as British Ambassador in Argentina

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    Well i can safetly say that any boarding of spanish vessels operating in the south atlantic on a Falklands fisheries license would be argentinian impediment to British sovereignty as a result of direct impediment of the falklands fisheries industries and rights under the UN Charter to exploit reasources in there territory without interference, whether in the falklands territory or in international waters, where maritime law applies. Which means the spanish are not fishing illegally.

    Therefore such boarding or impediment by Argentina naval vessal would actually under international law be act of war against the falklands and UK, as such we would be entitled to respond with military attacks on argentina. How about 1 well placed cruise missle and 1 further missle for each ship you try to board starting with your electric plants and infastructure. We won't have to worry about targeting any military targets though maybe a sick a few Argentina Naval boats that we come across.

    So Argentina bring it on!!

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    You seem to forget that the Welsh Guards gave you a pasting on the Falkland Islands, and that you lot bombed them on the Sir Galahad. Funny how that slipped your mind.

    As regards the actions of the editor, if you can't control yourself here, and start swearing all the time, and become personally abusive, then these things happen.

    Maybe you should calm down a bit, and accept reality, not that I give a toss.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Well i can safetly say that any boarding of spanish vessels operating in the south atlantic on a Falklands fisheries license would be argentinian impediment to British sovereignty as a result of direct impediment of the falklands fisheries industries and rights under the UN Charter to exploit reasources in there territory without interference, whether in the falklands territory or in international waters, where maritime law applies. Which means the spanish are not fishing illegally.

    ok No problem mateboy.Just shoot your brits MAlvinenses living in Argentina as well has the million or so brits/Irish descendants.
    BTW,we have a very close brit friend,English literature teacher named Shakespeare. My mother visit her very often,because she is Medival Literature scholar in Argentina.It is her real name. Shame on the brits!

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Trust a Malvinist to want to attack an easy target, in 1982 it was 40 odd Royal Marines they attacked with more than 8,000 troops, today, because Argentine actions are actually an act of war, to which we can respond in kind, he seeks the easy target of shooting one million defenceless British and Falklander Citizens (including Mr Peck it would appear).

    It that sort of escalation that causes the delivery of thermonuclear devices; its a dangerous game these Malvinists wish to play, but what they don't seem to realise is that we don't play at these things, we actually do it as a professional job, and we mean it. Just ask your veterans from 1982.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Trust a Malvinist to want to attack an easy target, in 1982 it was 40 odd Royal Marines they attacked with more than 8,000 troops, today, because Argentine actions are actually an act of war, to which we can respond in kind, he seeks the easy target of shooting one million defenceless British and Falklander Citizens (including Mr Peck it would appear).
    Look Pal: The brit started all!LIke I said,we were there,before you.You moved out in 1700....Spain and then Argentina were occupying the island,peacefully...
    So you calm down.Argentina never attacked uk...NUkes,hmmmm difficult to use it.We have our treaties also....

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Your lot invaded in 1832 and were chucked out in 1833, then you signed a Peace Treaty in 1850 which ended your pretensions. Your lot then invented fairy stories and got your Government to actually take this up as a National Cause in the 1930s, fuelled by fascism, and later by Peron, who used it as a means to stay in power.

    Your lot then indoctrinated your children with the same crap since 1937, culminating in your invasion in 1982, and they were chucked out the same year.

    You've learned nothing and the IQ of your country must be at an all time low, because every other country has grown up since the 1930s, except Argentina, and yet you continue the same indoctrination of children with the same crap from 1937; I've no doubt that one day you'll grow up, but don't expect us to hold your hand and give away our Sovereignty based on a fairy story, it just won't happen.

    If you want another fight with us thats fine too, just expect the dead RG soldiers to be buried at sea, along with everyone currently buried at Darwin, at an undisclosed location in the South Atlantic, we won't accept the same shit again, and this time you'll have no-one to visit.

    How big a fight do you want? We can accommodate, and this time don't think it will not involve the mainland if you want to fight dirty, we can do that too.

    Bring it on or fcuk off.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 09:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @35 Hey nuclear boy better start enriching your urine lol.

    As for british citizens, well it is stand policy for the foreign office to advise britians in foreign countries that were military action may occur or where it has become dangerous for them to be there, to advise them to leave ASAP. If they don't leave then thats upto them. But am sure most will head to either brazil, US, or Chile. Prior to returning back to the UK.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    I see you are having a hard time digesting this latest news, are you related to the fishing industry by any chance?
    You are losing this fight without firing a single shot.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    Losing what? The drill bits keep turning, and you lot could be kept at bay with school kids armed with pea shooters.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    @30 I`m not talking about the Spanish colonization in America. I`m referring to the Argentinan and Spanish territories usurped by the UK.
    You don`t seem to be that interested in that, since you keep trying to change the topic.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    42 Please say bye for me to the OG on the way back home.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    @35 Hey nuclear boy better start enriching your urine lol.

    As for british citizens, well it is stand policy for the foreign office to advise britians in foreign countries that were military action may occur or where it has become dangerous for them to be there, to advise them
    Really? So they have been living for several generations,with houses,kids etc.
    Hmm no I think we blast you before,it is easier.
    Hey can you sale me some fish???
    O no,we have much better way
    We have been enriching Uranium since 1980

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 10:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Busy night I see. Strange, as this is only an extension of the previous story which was about the fishing union complaining. The Argentina embassy in Madrid has got around to replying, that all.

    There's not actually any indication of any more incidents.

    And it is unlikely to be a problem for much longer, provided the spanish vessels can get used to english beer.

    Now I know a man whose company has just quoted for a freezing centre on the islands, which even he described as 'huge'. Possible connected to the other story about meat.

    So, no need to go to the mainland unless the crew is desperate for something Latin.

    And Argentina hasn't got the balls to stop vessels within the Falklands EEZ.

    Wind and water - nothing more :-)

    Apart from that - there doesn't seem to be much happening. UN's quiet, Cristina is IN and therefore has other things to do. The Islands are still British and ....... all's well with the world :-)

    Good morning.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 11:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Now I know a man whose company has just quoted for a freezing centre on the islands, which even he described as 'huge'. Possible connected to the other story about meat.

    So, no need to go to the mainland unless the crew is desperate for something Latin.

    And Argentina hasn't got the balls to stop vessels within the Falklands EEZ.

    Do not wory,we are getting closer everyday...Bye bye falklands....Hola MAlvinas.....Yeahh they are brits for now..(BTW,does not belong to the Malvinenses???)...

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 11:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    Wireless, please, please, please, looking for the spanish, french, german and argentinian history that UK doesn´t want to teach for justifing the unjustify. The Shetland Island is so beatiful pleace to live. Listen King Crimson
    The King Crimson
    B'Boom: Live in Argentina is a live album (2CD set) by the band King Crimson, released in 1995. All songs were recorded between October 6 and October 16, 1994 at the Broadway in Buenos Aires, Argentina, except for “Heartbeat” which was recorded in Córdoba.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    14 I am more interested to see how the UK messures up to sea mines flaoting all over our oceans to keep thieves from stealing and polluting the ocean with oil, I am thinking we can rent the island to have nuclear bomb target practice, we might offer the brits a trip back to a place like martin garcia and let UN protect them as they protect black people in Libya. LOL good luck running because hidding is not longer an option, I support a nuclear defence program for Argentine and the whole of Latin AMerica to rid our continent of exploitation, murder and theft by british colonysts. british go home or accept a nuclear defence program in soUth America you being warned for the last time, THE chances for UK to come to a PEACEFULL RESOLUTION IS RUNNING OUT. IN 1982 WE SHOWED HOW FAR WE WOULD GO WITH NOTHING ON OUR SIDE AND NOW IT'S TIME TO GET TO WORK ON A SINGLE NUCLEAR BOMB TO TEST IN ISLAS MALVINAS ARGENTINA AND END THE OCCUPATION BY BRITISH ILLEGAL ALIENS.

    Nov 28th, 2011 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @45 Argentina may have been enriching uranium since 1980's but its not Weapons grade, is it now? No it isn't. And i said enriching your urine (i.e. piss) not uranium - which was a reference to my response to your post on another article where you claim about obliterating the UK, where i asked “how? Are you going to get in your rowing boats and row to brighton beach and piss on it in the hope of a nuclear reaction”. Lol

    @pirat, Saddam hussain wonder the same thing too, and what happened, we disarmed them with our minsweepers. Plus puting mines in internation waters is illegal and would likely cause countries whos ships are sunk by them to join the UK. And would likely Lead to Nato and other UN members to join the UK side too. and god knows what you are on about in regards to black people in libya, unless you mean the mercenaries for other african countries hired by Gaddafi to kill civilians.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    How big a fight do you want? We can accommodate, and this time don't think it will not involve the mainland if you want to fight dirty, we can do that too.

    Bring it on or fcuk off.
    Watch your language,wireless!
    Wireless,I said I invited the brits for a cup of Mate-tea...there is no offence in that! Calm down Pal....except for that Malvinas problem,the relation between Argentina and UK where very good...Just think how everybody can win on this...

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    WOWWW. Came On Pleople, Canada is waiting for u

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Well the Argies are throwing all they can at us tonight, except of course the toilet paper, much needed I hear,
    Can we help with some of your problems,
    Nuclear weapons, not a chance,
    stopping Spanish fishing ships, well that’s up to you, as long as its out side of British waters,
    you all talk about Argentina being an innocent and peaceful country, and now her bloggers want to wipe us out,

    Last and not least,
    Enriching uranium , to or possibly try to make a dirty bomb,
    Would the west stop you,,,,,,,,,,,
    Well keep watching the TV over the coming weeks, and keep looking at IRAN, another tin pot dictator who wants to destroy everybody,
    And they are a lot closer than you armatures, keep watching,
    1, if Iran gets her dirty bomb and hit Israel and the Americans,
    Then you might have a chance
    2, if you wake up one morning and hear that Israel or the Americans
    Have whacked IRAN, then you had better pray, you Argentina government, does not try to built one, or guess who will be next,
    Peace is exactly, as it says peace, threats are just hot air, and Argentina knows it, that’s why you threaten and they just talk,

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Quite right, Marv ... I don't worry !

    Still, up to you, as they around here .. after all, if you want to annoy the only country in Europe that pays you any mind .... up to you.

    Another tin tack in Argentina's support :-)

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    President Santos' UK visit heralds a step change in UK-Colombia relations

    Jeremy Browne opens new British Consulate General in Brazil

    More south American countries who welcome great Britain,
    so much for your support,
    when it comes to money, trade, business , they put their own interests first, and not argentines,
    just a thought .
    As for the Argies stopping the Spanish fishing boat, there is nothing of interest on the
    Government site, so of no interest.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    They talk a good fight, but run away as soon as anyone calls their bluff, if it's not easy they won't do it, for fear of breaking into a sweat.

    I can't wait for them to piss off the Spanish, I'm sure that Spain would send Armada Espanola to protect its commercial vessels from interference within International Waters, it'll be fun to watch the RGs run away.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 01:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    53 you forgot to mention the Libyan nail in the british coffin promised to you by no other then local hero and ex-president of Libya Gaddafi. I don't need to tell you that Pakistan has all that is needed to make things right for everyone and they don't seem to like the english much neither, as we speak your world is getting smaller and there is nothing better then watching a brit digg his own grave.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 01:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @57 actually we have good ties with pakistan we even play test cricket with them annually. your confusing us with the US. ohh but then pakistan are on the face off it in need of UK and US aid and military support to prevent the taliban getting control of the their country. Off course the US, UK and Nato will remove the pakistan nukes if things in pakistan start to get out of control. And trust me pakistan won't have a choice as the US will likely just blow them all up with or without pakistans cooperation.

    Ohh and as for gaddafi and the libyan nail in the british coffin, well he must have forgot his nails as he was the one that ended up with the last nail firmly put in his coffin when they buried him you dumbo.

    And as for our world is getting smaller, well you must be on a different planet to the rest of planet earth as its been the same size for billions of years. you must be on pluto or somewhere to be so far out touch with the planet earth lol.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 02:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Wireless

    If he was such a hero, why did the Libyan people kill him and his family, and plan to put one of his sons on trial for crimes against humanity?

    It was NATO forces involved in the incident in Pakistan, and it seems these were US Forces, so quite what this has to do with the UK only you seem to know.

    I strongly suspect you're a bi-polar psychotic Malvinist that grasps feebly at any and all news remotely anti-British, yet you live on Welfare in Canada, with the Queen as Head of State.

    Why don't you go home to that paradise you believe is Argentina? Is it because you're a freeloader in a stable Consititutional Monarchy, and the possibility of scratching for work in Republican Buenos Aires doesn't appeal when inflation there is nearer 25% per annum? Would that shatter your dream, or are you breaking into a sweat just thinking about working for a living?

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 02:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Then you might have a chance
    2, if you wake up one morning and hear that Israel or the Americans
    Have whacked IRAN, then you had better pray, you Argentina government, does not try to built one, or guess who will be next,
    Peace is exactly, as it says peace, threats are just hot air, and Argentina knows it, that’s why you threaten and they just talk,
    Coming from a primate(with due respect to them) is reasuring britton.
    If SA decide to make nukes,NO BOODY WILL STOP US!! We are a block,and together we fill good!!
    The SA belong to the people WHO LIVES HERE!!
    You want a piece? Just move here.....
    300 million weigth far more than 2000!!!!
    Simple math!

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Got some bad news for you Marvo1 - your neighbour don't actually like you that much. They certainly wouldn't trust you to have anything really dangerous.

    Oh .. and the Falkland islands belong to the people who live there .... :-)

    As for maths .... 3000 v 300 million? I reckon the odds are still in our favour. Tell you what, we'll put one hand behind our backs ... make it even :-))

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 04:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kiwisarg

    61 Redhot
    ooohhh shit!!you drunk again!! mate, take care =-)

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 05:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    big ocean to die in the middle of it, if with ww2 planes we did this much can you imagine what a fleet of Nuclear submarine could do ???

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 06:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox


    Nov 29th, 2011 - 07:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    What a lot of irrelevant stupid drivel from the Arg folks on here! Prat Hunter who cannot even spell anything at all and others! This is OLD NEWS! It refers to the hassle some Spanish vessels have had in the international free straits of the River Plate Estuary as they approach Montevideo and no more.
    Good reason for the fleets to look at using Brazilian ports in future instead - or even a good reason to develop better port facilities in the Islands. I recall a couple of years ago and Arg warship tried to “hassle” a Spanish vessel out near the edge of our fishing zone- as soon as a RN warship appeared on the horizon the ARG vessel FLED!!!!!!!

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 09:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @63 Pirat, 1 the planes you used in 1982 were not WW2 planes, they were i believe FAAA A-4c Skyhawks or similar models, what you have in service now (A-4AR Fightinghawk), are sat in a hanger unable to fly due to airframe stress resulting in them falling a part when flying. To say they were WW2 planes is just, well frankly laughable LOL.

    As for Nuclear Subs considering you have not got a single Nuclear Sub built yet one well placed cruise missle will take care of any current plans of fitting your diesel subs with Nuclear Propulsion, which itself will not carry any nuclear warheads even if you do manage to put nuclear propulsion in it. But we do have Nuclear Subs with Trident missles, maywel one of them over BA would make you think twice about attacking the peaceful falklands islands.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 09:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    Redhoyt, Excuse me, but u usurped the land .... it´s not yours. Come on, The Queen need persons in the Buckinham Palace.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 10:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JustinKuntz

    To all posters from Argentina, excuse me but YOU usurped the land.

    From the Mapuche, Tehuelche and all the aboriginal people of the land YOU stole.


    And for information, nobody “usurped” Argentina, we were there first.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 10:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @67 And there are hundreds of islands around the UK and the globe that have no residents on them that belong to the UK. Are you saying because no one lives their then any sovereignty claimed by the UK can be impeded on by other nations. I think you will find that international law does not work like that nor did it work like that in the 1800's either. Just no Kipling, just because we left the falklands, whilst still maintaining sovereignty over them, it did not give you the right to appoint Vernet a governor of the islands. Ohh But argentina didn't appoint Vernet it was the Vice Admiralty of BA that did, i wounder what territorial claim the Vice Admiralty had consider the southern regions at the time particularly patagonia were a sovereign nation and only in 1850's after wiping out much of the south american tribes in patagonia region the and uniting of other sovereign nations with that of BA, did you become the republic of Argentina. Hell even Tierra del Fuego was not part of argentina till 1860-1881 i say 1881 because it was claimed by chile up until the boundary treay of 1881. A treaty you so clearly like to forget about when claiming historical territorial integrity which is clearly a flawed argument, because in 1833 you had no territorial integrity claim over the islands as the nearest the vice Admiralty of BA's territorial borders came to the falkland islands was a good 1000 miles or 2.

    Oh and don't give me the we are closer to the islands then UK crap as that doesn't make a difference, as we were there first, we asserted our claim for sovereignty and never recended our claim unlike spain, so no you didn't inherit them from spain either as spain left nothing to you other than the land you won from them.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 11:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Kippers - err .. no we didn't.

    There was a dispute between Britain and Spain for a while, but Argentina was never a player!

    Difficult to inherit when the benefactor a) is not dead and b) does not wish the supposed beneficiary to have the goods.

    Someone (Argentina) taking something by force from another someone (Spain) who doesn't want them to have it is called ..... robbery. Not inheritance :-)

    Spain still claimed the Islands in 1836.

    Hmmm ........ :-)

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest


    “The SA belong to the people WHO LIVES HERE!!”

    We DO live here, if 'living there' is all that you need to do for YOUR shithole country (for what it's worth) to be valid then the 'living here' card works for us too. Stupid prick.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 12:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    Argentina is pushing itself, Britain and other countries into a dangerous corner, and ultimately Argentina will be the one that loses. It just all depends on how far Argentina pushes Britain, because lets face reality, Argentina will not win a military or diplomacy battle against a seething Britain. And Britain has finally started to take notice of the Falklands because of Argentina's current stance.

    No matter what the keyboard Argentine warriors on Mercopress say, Britain is a world power and is therefore recognised as one by other world powers. And when an weaker force underestimates the stronger force, it can only end badly for the weaker force, lets take 1982 as a fine example of this.

    Think, I only see this as a nail in the coffin for Argentina's backward and unjustifiable claim over the Falklands. Dont wake a sleeping giant Argentina.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 01:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    Come On, Every Country all around the world reclaim against UK arrogancy, until Maori People.
    Ireland, Grece, Spain, Honduras, Korea, Maories, India, Pakistan, Afganistan, etc. What else?

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 02:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    And your point is ??

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 02:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Spain will have to make a choice here and no doubt the Yanquis will be behind the scene.rajoy will be looking at unrest in Spain or will leave argentina's territory.of course it could seek fishing right from has to feel for the Spanish working class if rajoy puts relations with the yanqui before Spanish people

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 02:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    Argentina is forcing Spain and its fishing industry to make a choice. 1. Support Argentina's claim over the Falklands and relinquish their ability to earn revenue or 2. carry on with the current situation with the Falklands Government that has been in place since the mid 1980s with very little problems and issues, and keep making profits and money.

    To sum up; Spanish Fishing Industry will you choose to support the politics of one country or continue to earn a lot of money from another...

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    “Protesters Occupy British Embassy's Orchid in Northern Tehran”

    Go Iran!!! Ad now you should do the same in la Casa Rosada.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    “Argentinas unjustifiable claim over Malvinas”. If it´s so unjustifiable... why is the world supporting Argetina?
    “Dont wake a sleeping giant Argentina”. Giants decline and loose size sooner or later. It´d better wake up before it´s too late.
    Keep in mind there´re other new Giants rising up standing on Argentina´s side.

    Spain has already chosen...

    “Embassador of Spain in BA, Rafael Estrella, reaffirmed Spain supports the Arhgentinian claim over las Islas Malvinas and declared the colonial status on the South Atlantic should end. The diplomat stated ”the self determination process (sustained by the UK regarding Malvinas to maintin its position against negotiations) cannot be applied”.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    So then xbox, you are a fan of Iran? The Iran that is responsible for a bombing in Argentina. The Iran that shot dead it's own people when all they wanted was freedom to choose their own government. Hmmmm looks like we have an individual who supports a regime that uses the same actions that were commonplace in Argentina until recently.

    What a nice bunch. Thankfully they will not go near to the FI, they would not dare violate the sovereign waters of another country.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling,,OI5494215-EI308,00-Londres+condena+vandalismo+em+embaixada+britanica+no+Ira.html#tphotos
    com on

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zool

    The Falklands should just build a deep freeze warehouse so the fishing ships wont have to go to the main land anymore.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Zool - No need to when Uruguay and Brazil are happy to welcome FI catch in their ports. Better for trade and regional well being to have such effective and constructive partnerships.

    The Argies are happy with words but are clearly getting frustrated that such words are not followed up with relevant and meaningful actions.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 04:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    @78, as mentioned many times. The world doesnt support Argentina. Where were these fishing vessels boarded? Montevideo I assume, who's port greatly benefits from the Falklands fishing industry. Where to Falkland flagged vessels go for repairs? Where do the oil rig support vessels go to in South America? Where does one flight to the Falklands originate from? Your “supporters” are doing an awful job in supporting Argentina's claim.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 06:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • THOR94

    @78 Islas Malvinas If you agree with the Spanish, then you can leave south america, and end your illegal colonialism of the countries that were once occupied by natives, that are still being forced from their lands today for you too fuel your economies....

    At least the Falkland island were abandoned when we landed, and no invention or twisting of historical fact can change the fact, that you never had any right to the islands, and never will.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 06:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Gotey

    Im an RG. Sadly, what the pro-British say here is true. BRITAIN is a world power. Argentina is huge in square miles but a tiny drop in the ocean of the military might in the world. (check the SIPRI stats!) Brazil, Uruguay and many other Latam countries will sadly always put their own national interests first before backing up a neighbor. The “divide and exploit” policy established by Lord Palmerston long long ago has rendered UK and the US more than fruitful juicy results. So much so that none of these world powers should bother to resort to use of any weapons to enforce or achieve their objectives. Skillful, surgical, tacful economic, diplomatic moves is all the US and the UK need today to let Latam know who´s boss. Argentina should behave more humbly and take the whole case to the ICJ and show there real good evidence that can surpass the UK in regard to rights over the Malvinas. Another thing, we fellow-RGs should do is revert the policy of Malvinas toward more businesslike and constructive ways. For ma year now, I have been reading the posts here and no one from Argentina has been able to provide powerful evidence enough to defeat the UK case. That the 1930 govt all of a sudden unburied an issue that had been left aside since 1850, and the fact that Argentina lost the islands in 1833, long before it ever became a fully united consitutional country (not until 1853, we had a constitution, and not until 1862, we had a united Argentina, and not till 1884, did we really own the Patagonia! I don´t know who or what to believe any more but it all points in this case toward a UK vicotry in the end. Fellow-RGs of mine, please, show, prove, bring on evidence that Las Malvinas were not lost forever in 1833. I´ll be waiting for both sides the Strong UK and the Weak Argentina of mine to display evidence, especially my fellows Argentines.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 06:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • THOR94

    To be perfectly honest, i think the reason that the UK has pulled negotiations of the table 100%, is purely because we are sick of the situation. Argentina wants an unconditional, sovereignty transfer of the Falklands. We had tried to hand over the islands before the war in 1982, and our only conditions were the safe regards of the islanders wishes and rights. Even after the war, joint exploration treaties for oil and fish, were thrown back in our faces by the Argentinians. They do not want a peaceful collaboration, and so they will get nothing . It is sad that a country can be so stubborn and also ignorant of peoples rights.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 06:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    #85 Gotey
    May I say what a refreshing change it is to read a comment posted by an Argentinian who has taken the time to consider the whole case regarding the F.I. I can only hope that your fellow Argentinians follow your lead.
    We may disagree from time to time but that does not mean we should fall out with each other.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 07:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    something's not right...

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 07:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    ChrisR,just like Gotey I have given this a lot of thought but unfortunately for Me you will not agree with either the conclusion or that I have really given it enough thought.why.because I believe you will remain in your already well thought out belief.Spain should not fish in argentina's territorial waters without the consent of Argentina.just like Icelandic fishermen should not fish in British waters.what do you think?

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    UK firing 710.000 people? Ouch!
    The island is sinking deep in the ocean.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 07:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 79 start pedalling, you still have a long way to go. your whole Country is about to go tits up.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 08:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    No country should fish illegally in other countries waters without permission,
    The Spanish have a licence to fish do they not, end of,
    In reality who found what first is irrelevant in today’s world,
    As long as the islanders choose to be British, then that to is the end of it, no argument, its up to them,
    As for IRAN some Argies still think it’s a game, you may yet wish, you had no part in it,
    [bring it on] very silly really and just talk,
    Brazil will grow, but Argentina will be left behind unless she drops this silly obsession with Falklands,
    As for the UK being finished,
    We haven’t re-started yet, , you keep talking and leave the real world to us, lol.


    Nov 29th, 2011 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 92 Will the olympic games still be possible in England? what do you say my dear friend?

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 08:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    The games will go on, and will be a success,
    Bloody expensive, but im confident a good time will be had by all,

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 08:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    66 you guys never learn, if 1982 didn't bring the message home maybe what UK really needs is a clear white musheroom over London's sky, Argentina might not have to worry for long, I hear Iran is much closer then us and oooopppsss I was just watching the news and you know what ? now Iran is mad at you too while Pakistan is not far if they wake on time LOL repeat after me.....there is nothing better then watching a brit digg his own grave... insulting me will only make your grave bigger, clearly this afternoon Argentine's are the least of your problems, give it time humanity is pasient, be sure to quote me on this or even better pass them as your own words, you brain doesn't seem to concoct anything worth mentioning, Argentina's right to a nuclear defence program do to british nuclear subs in Islas Malvinas Argentina is enought threat to keep you spending, the question is, now that UK is almost broke where will they get the money ?? competing for resources with soo many war going on, it could get costly, UK nor EU isn't in any shape to go on an endless war campaign, they can but believe me bullets and bombs will be the least of their problems, they will suffer a much slower death hunger and desease, as soon as it happens I will buy a better projector to watch it on a bigger screen. in any case if Argentina tests a nuke in Islas Malvinas wich to UK doesn't exist, how will they prove we nuked them when Islas Malvinas doesn't or no longer exists, you see the problems UK has ?? they are their own worst enemyes.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 09:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • SamSalzman

    Why don't you take a moment and consider what you are actually saying. What we call “Falklands” and you call “Malvinas” are physically the same islands. Therefore if you use one of your imaginary nukes on the Islands, we would still register it. Whether you call it “Malvinas”, “Falklands” or “Zorg” it will still be the same Islands, and we will still register it the same. Like the A-bomb was still the same whether it fell on “Japan” or “Nippon”. Also, Argentines may take American neutrality as support for their own position, but America has just as much motive to stop Iran from getting a nuclear bomb as we do. Pakistan still gets on sort of OK with us (member of the commonwealth), and we have a nuclear Arsenal as well, which is far more powerful than the Pakistani one or the non-nuclear missiles which you could ever send to us. Why don't you try nuking London? Buenos Aires in ruins might be quite a funny sight.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 10:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    If #95 turned out to be the Argentine Minister of Defense, we might have a cause for concern; but if he turns out to be a schoolboy, then all it is is hot air, no sweat.

    I think we should demand to know if #95 speaks with authority or with bluster.

    “Will the Real Minister of Defense Please Stand Up!”
    “ . . . . Stand Up!”
    “Oh, that's OK then, he's the schoolboy”.
    . . . . . . .
    “Hang on . . . Hitler was a schoolboy once . . . ”
    “Yes, he made promises to Poland , Checzlovakia, . . . Russia, . . ”
    Don't be silly, Argentina would never make the same mistake twice“
    ”Why not, Germany did“
    ”OK, I get it, better keep the old guard up then . . . and start by protecting the EU fishing fleet“
    ” . . . . you don't think they would do a Lusitania, do you?“
    ”Not if they remember Agadir“
    ”But we don't want ALL of NATO to go to war, do we?“
    ”I don't think ALL of NATO would be necessary, do you?“
    ”Do you think CFK has really thought this through“
    ”Yes, I do. Remember the maxim - when things go pearshaped on the domestic scene, create external 'enemies' “
    ”Personally, I think she'd be a lot safer getting angry with little Paraguay again“

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 10:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @95 Lol you really are a sad pathetic little loser aren't your prat hunter. One you have no nuclear weapons. 2 Iran will never be allowed to have them and a military strike is being planned by Isreal and the US (read the news dick). And pakistan, well since when has the UK been spelt as US, it is the US that pakistan is anger with not the UK, theres a difference dumbass. Ohh and Argentina has no nuclear program, in fact it can not afford to build a nuclear sub so is trying to install nuclear propulsion on a diesel sub design, we all can see what is going to happen. It will fail, and the sub will sink or explode, of perhaps we will just hit it with a cruise missle while its still in dry dock. As for the other new sub you purchased, well thats been in boxes on the dock side for years.

    So come on prat hunter, how about you leave the comfort of living in canada and robbing of the wealthfare benefits paid to you to feed you and house you, and F off back to argentina and prepare for a war with us. Oh i forgot, you would only shit your pants and run back to canada as soon as the first bullet flys over you head or frist missle hits the presidential palace. Your all mouth and no balls prat hunter, as such nothing you say has any credibility. But then you are the one that referred to you skyhawk jet planes as being from WW2 lol Thicko.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Zool - I know a man who has just quoted for a huge freezing centre on the islands. I think that they are ahead of you :-)

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 11:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Whay do you care,rott??? Everything fine then!!
    Bravo Argentina...OLE!!

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    Canada LOL is America where do you get off thinking you can actually ckick me out ??? I am a true American native, about you get out of America lol don't be a silly boy all you can do is piss me off and get many of your country men killed back in south America in Canada the lest you can do is check me in the internet rather then piss me off, unfortunatelly you are bent on seen many of your people dead. your choice not mine, I am calling the shots as I see them. just in case you didn't read my comment it goes, I support a nuclear defence program in Argentina to stop the nuclear presence of UK in our waters, I also protest the colonial situation in Islas Malvinas Argentina and demand UK to respect the UN resolurions.

    Nov 29th, 2011 - 11:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    children should not be allowed here,
    let the lone ranger ride his tonto, and dream on .

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 12:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    LMAO Canada might be part of the north american continent but its not America, America is the USA as in United States of America. As for being a Native indian well f off back to USA then. Not only that if you really are a native american, then your a hypocrite and am pretty sure your south american native indians, won't be pleased to hear one their cousins in the north support argentinas attempts to grab more land after the way argentina slaugthered them to the near point of extiction. Talk about being a traitor to native americans. At least us british let you into canada when the americans were at war with you and attempting to put you into indian reserves. If your actually a south american indian native, well thats even better cos it just proves one a lack of education you have in your own peoples history and makes you look an even bigger hypocrite then you already do.

    Well do lad, now off back to school with yer. Ohh and if canada wanted to throw you out they can even if you were born there. Its called Exiled dumbass.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 12:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    103 titboy I don't mean to make you feel stupid, but what nations are in the american continet ?? you are a lot like the USA who don't know jack sh!t about geography. while for ignorants America is a state spelled united states of america, USA for the rest of us educated natives, American is still a continet, if your knowledge of geography is as accurate as your understanding of my citizenship, I am sure your girlfrined will enjoy me for many years to come. now how will you like to become the proud father of beautifull Argentine looking child in her ??? it might be the best and only gift you could ever give her, I'll mail you my sperm even if she rather have the real thing, my regards to her. LOL

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 01:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    I see Argentina has some new support !

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 01:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    titboy trust me all natives in the world will be extremely happy that we took back from british murderers what is rightfully our. you might not be happy, but who cares about how it makes you feel when you aren't even a native of this continent, go tell your problems to someone who actually give a damn in your broke continent EU, since when does America have to babysit unwanted EU bastards ?? really can you answer that ??

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 02:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @106 Problem is the islands were never occupied by the natives of south america, and we never mudered any south american natives. The islands had never been set foot on by any man till the english were the first to land on the islands followed by spanish, french and english settlements. We never recended or claim to sovereignty to the islands either. So please enlighten us as to how the falklands islands belong to the native south americans when they never ever set foot upon them in the whole off man kinds exsitence.

    Hows it does your family feel knowing you support the same people that the mudered 95% of there ancesters of all modern day natives. Bet they must be really proud to have a son or brother that is a traitor to his own people.

    oh Eu is not a continent its a political group of nations. And its the Euro Zone thats in crisis, and the UK is not part of the Euro Zone as we do not use the Euro Currency.

    As for america babysitting unwanted EU bastards, well since when has Canada had to babysit american natives disowned by their only family for being a traitor to his own people.

    Why am i involving myself in this, well because am british and so are the islanders, as such i will stand up for them and fight along side them if need be, because unlike you i am loyal to me fellow people and not a traitor like you.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 03:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy1

    @104 Funny theres no such thing as the American continent. In fact the americas are made up of too continents North American Continent and South American Continent, heres a map for you to enjoy -

    USA is not a state, it is a republic made from a union of many states. Also the USA is called America, hence why the American/US President always says God Bless America. It is why US citizens are called Americans and why Canadians are called Canadians, both after the name of their Country.

    So theirs nothing wrong with my knowlegde of geography, but clearly yours is somewhat way out compared to the reason us, though i accept only having 1 brain cell makes it difficult for you.

    As per my girlfriend, well shes sat hear right next to me, laughing her head off at how pathetic and dumb you are, though she was digusted by your offer of sperm (sick bastard, she called you). When she read you comment, she said if you came anywhere near her shed rip your balls off and feed them to the dog. Not only that mate, but my girlfriend is way out of your league anyway and she is fully in support of the falkland islanders. Off course i have great big rottweiler that might like the taste of your balls, but she generally rips them off first and you can get bet your balls i will give her the command to attack if you come anywhere near my girlfriend, and whilst the dogs got your balls i'll pounding your face in, the beutiful thing about it is, i'll get away with as self defence too.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 04:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    luis vernet 1823-33 was the governor of Islas Malvinas Argentina his home at port luis. wich might still be there if the USA and UK would have faced eachother intead, but as we all know they never never fight alone and as a matter of fact desided as the cowards they are to take it aginst Argentina, illegal fishing in the area has always being an issue, this goes back to the colonial era and today we have a decolonization commite at the UN and we wants all this colonys gone and leave the integrity of the nations to themselves, if the colonist want to be part of UK, we think it's great for UK to accept them as their citizens and stop using them as ponds. if UN didn't care much for thousands of Libyans or Iraqi civilians or even Afgans, do you think they will even bother for 3000 illegal aliens ?? if there is any oil there, Palestine history will seem like childs play, does anyone know what China or Russia will do for a 50% of the oil resources in Islas Malvinas Argentina ?? I'll keep you all posted,
    108 you see our girl admited right to your face she wants my balls LOL since you are bringing and giving messages tell her that I only mail my sperm, not my balls, and now according to you your bitch too likes my balls, I was not aware your girl made me that popular at your home, anyone around you trully loyal to you ?? give it a break son, trust me you'll do yourself a favor. by the way I don't fight with a woman a coward and his pet, I told you before I fight man to man, but with you, I might make an exeption, I don't usually pick on retards, they make bad use of scarce human resources, here in America they become jail guards, you my actually have the DNA for a mediocre career, no wonder you girl is soo disperate for good balls, why don't you try growing some for her ?.now in regards to the self defence, yes I agree the justice system in Canada is racist and you might get away with self defence if you had not threatened me with your canadian hunter friend, you can try.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 05:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Not got much of a grasp on history I see Prat-unter. try this -

    Vernet wasn't Political and Military Commander till 1829, he was never gazetted as 'Governor'. In fact he was never gazetted at all.

    You need to read more :-)

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 05:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • THOR94

    @ 95 Pirat-Hunter i think we are all tired of your endless illogical drivel, and i think i could possibly vouch for some Argentinians there as well . Your on about firing nuclear missiles over London and also the Falklands. Are clinical insane ? What have your parents been feeding you ? Whatever it is i think you should stop. You wish upon so many innocents a horrible death, then you are no more than a coward, and a terrorist . You really need to check what your saying sunshine. And as for yourallies Russia and China. It may not be a pleasant thought, but you will be used as a pawn then discarded when not needed. But Russian and China wont risk international war over your pathetic claims. Get a head check mate, you have some deep underlying problems, and keep your awful comments of this sight, because we want intellectual conversations......

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 09:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    accoring to wikipedia wich is no friend to Argentna's view it says Luis Maria Vernet was a governor of IslasMalvinas Argetina,you can't blame Argentina for UK govermnet using ignorant brits as ponds, I read enought in more then one laguage, but I stay away from reading english propaganda, it makes people retarded. in any case anything that reads fakland is in UK and not in south America and I am not interested in UK, never will be thanks...

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritishLion

    The fact remains, withstanding all the ranting about who owns the Falkland Islands, that Argentina have began to/continue to, harass and bully vessels in waters way outside their territorial limits by hundreds of miles. They are fools if they think these actions this will broker sympathy from anyone and will kill off any remaining peaceful relations with any nation, let alone the UK. It will take a boot up CK's arse to make her and her idiot followers realise that total control by bully boy tactics fail every time, they should have learnt that lesson in 1982, same as all the others in the world who rule by force instead of consent, their souls litter Hell for eternity.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 10:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    that's right 113 get the UK to bring Argentina to the UN decolonization Committee and maybe britain can finally colonize Uruguay and Argentina. just like the old times. NOT!!. and clearly UK owns the fakland island company they can take it to UK when ever they want, I think Islas Malvinas Argentina will love to see the company go back to england they caused enought problems already.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 12:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @112 right an wikipidia is a true historical record is when it can be edited at any time by argentinians british alike to suit their purpose. Fact is Louis Vernet only set up a private commercial trading post on the islands and south British permission, he was as surprised as the british when he was appointed governor. the fact it is diescribed as isla malvinas on wiki makes it clear the article has been edited by an argentina, especially when it is written in spanish. But hey heres the english version -

    Whats particularly intererting is how he acknowledged british sovereingty not once but 2 times and sought british protectin shoud the british return to the islands. Vernet requested a warship from BA, but that was refused and in its placed he was appointed governor instead. The appointment of Vernet was challenged by the British consul in Buenos Aires, who restated the previous British claim to the Islands. In response to the announcement of his appointment as Governor, Vernet stressed to the British that his interests were purely commercial. In otherwords he had no wish to be governor of the islands nor did he acknowledge his appointment as governor, which means he never was governor as he did not acknowledge it.

    Now i suggest you read the english one througthly as you might well learn something.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 12:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    and why would I read in english south American history ?? do british go to Argentina to find their history ?? how stupid would that be ?? the day british go read in pakistan about england I will read your english propaganda, untill then why don't you read those paper by yourself to yourself, I am sure by now you must be used to. here is something you can chew on for a while, if Luis Vernet wasn't a governor why did this busyness man become a pirat of ships ??? or why wasn't he hung when he was found, wasn't there capital punishment for pirats in those days ??? maybe rather then wasting time to convince me of propaganda you should start burning history books wich don't sude UK's needs. if the british consul in Bs. As. challenged Vernets appointment to governor, why was Vernet allowed into Malvinas Argentina by UK ?? could it be that UK didn't have soveranity over Malvinas ?? and unhable to refuse, dispute or take Malvinas ?? you theory doesn't hold up revice it.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Then i suggest you stop moaning and read this in English then,
    people all over pakistan read abt the English, as do the British citizens .

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 08:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    Pirat-Hunter and Malvinero1 are funny. I live in Argentina and they are typical in their beliefs. Try not to take them too serously. Remember, they have been indoctrinated from birth that the “Malvinas are our lands” . Education here is poor at best so it's not their fault they believe everything they are told by their government. Eventually with internet access when they get it to the general populas, they will start to educate themselves and understand world history on a leval that has eluded them until now.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 08:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    they will start to educate themselves
    as long as they complete that task, before the next milinium

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 08:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • expat

    Argentine military forces are just a paper tiger,the argentine population is 70 percent of italian origin,Italians never won a war,they are good as theater artists.

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    gentine military forces are just a paper tiger,the argentine population is 70 percent of italian origin,Italians never won a war,they are good as theater artists.
    It seem they are better than the brits,expat(pelotudo)
    UK is FINISHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Expats families with children will be interested in learning more about education in Argentina. Generally speaking, Argentina’s school system has a good international reputation. Argentina has the highest levels of literacy and education among all Latin American countries. For instance, 3.2% of the entire population (a respectable percentage) attend and complete a degree program at university

    Nov 30th, 2011 - 10:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    UK is FINISHED [just as well great britain is going ok ]

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina


    ”Expats families with children will be interested in learning more about education in Argentina. Generally speaking, Argentina’s school system has a good international reputation. Argentina has the highest levels of literacy and education among all Latin American countries. For instance, 3.2% of the entire population (a respectable percentage) attend and complete a degree program at university.“

    I looked at similar claims before moving to Argentina and felt comfortable that this was true. unfortunately, I have to say that the General state run schools are wholly inadequate. Yes, the majority leave school being able to read and write. A large percentage do not though. But I gradually noticed a really big lack of general knowledge. People did seem to know very much. I could give lot's of quotes but it would appear that I have an axe to grind...i don't. But eventually I came to the conclusion that Private education was the only way forward. This is OK but still lacking in some areas. Overall very disappointing considering I pay for this. I also chose the top school as i didn't want to ”hold my children up”.
    True the universities I understand are quite good. The medical training is longer for example I believe. But overall, dispite this it is quite poor.
    The good things are there is a school normaly very close ( a few KM) to all housholds. A legacy from Peron I'm told.
    They do stay on in school longer as well.
    When my children get older I will be educating them elsewhere though.
    Perhaps BA is different. In reality Argentina is BA. BA is Argentina.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 01:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Philippe

    It seems that Argentina is now in the business of fishing fishing boats instead of fishes!


    Dec 01st, 2011 - 12:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    121, Compared to other LACs Arg is doing OK but 48% of the population doesn't make it out of high school:
    According to World Bank the secondary graduation rate in Argentina is only 52 percent compared to about 80 percent in OECD countries. Argentine survival rates also lag most middle-income countries.

    The quality of secondary education in Argentina revealed that 40
    percent of secondary graduates did not read and write in accordance with acceptable standards.

    My experience has shown if an Arg grew up in middle -rich they are well educated for someone from a LAC but if they are poor they can't read or write and there are lots and lots of poor people there.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 01:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    118# & 123# what a load of colional engendered tosh you write.what is sad about it is that for an intelligent person you appear of the opinion that education is a matter of uncontroversial is is about equipping people with knowledge which re-enforces the state and it's ideology and creates people who can engage with society in a useful and lawful will have similar facts as other states where the knowledge is scientific etc but in other areas it will be different reflecting the history,the people and the geography etc.if the divergence between argentina's educational practice(not withstanding that it's not necessarily the finished article) and your expectations is a problem for you personally.please do not judge another country's educational system with another country's.that is a colonialist practice and reflects that a host country should accommodate non citizens as a priority.furthermore will Spain respect argentina's territory and refrain from fishing in it's water and do you think they should

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 01:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    (The British document the S17111 (AS - 5728/311/2) dated September 17, 1946, was conducted by a British official and is in the Foreign Office in Britain. It was produced under the labels of “SECRET” and “CONFIDENTIAL”.)

    A British secret document - the S17111 (AS - 5728/311/2) dated September 17, 1946 - severely questioned Davis and Hawkins versions as the “discovery” of the Islands. Out this possibility on the basis of the enormous differences between the descriptions of the two sailors with the actual conditions of the land, coasts and landforms of the islands. On the other hand, the Falklands were completely depopulated. The chronicle of Hawkins does not match the actual appearance of the islands with a great countryside, quite flat and inhabited temperate.
    Strong Whale is accepted by historians, but did not take possession of the islands but simply landing for supplies of fresh water and fresh meat (several species of ducks). In 1580, Queen Elizabeth I expressed serious reservations about territorial claims based solely on findings.
    1748. I add here the application submitted to King Charles III of England asking for authorization to the Spanish crown to send a British expedition to the South Sea as it was known at the time the South Atlantic, and seek Malvinas. Spain denied the requested authorization claiming its inviolable sovereign rights over them. Great Britain abides by the decision of Spain, in recognition of the legitimate Spanish titles.
    1764. French Colonization by Louis Antoine de Bougainville. Above the so-called “first occupation” by the English who comes two years after the arrival of Mc Bride at Puerto de la Cruz of the Falkland establishing a clandestine naval base at Port Egmont on the island Trin

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 02:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    125, ”education is about equipping people with knowledge which re-enforces (sic) the state and it's ideology and creates people who can engage with society in a useful and lawful way.“
    Either your translation is terrible or you are one sick and stupid guy.
    Education is for the general advancement of the human race not to reinforce some State objectives. Are you from Communist Russia or a Wahabbi? Get into this century man!
    If you are an example of a typical ”educated” Argentinian no wonder that place has grown poorer and stupider every year for the last 75 years. Your ignorance is shocking!

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Be serious

    That's between you and Spain.
    Thought you lot were the same but if Spain keep paying for the privilege of fishing in British territorial waters, I, personally couldn't give a flying fuck.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Philippe


    Now that Argentina is in the highly profitable business of fishing fishing boats
    on the high seas, instead of fishes, it might be prudent for FIG to try obtain and/or construct a twin sister for HMS Clyde. One place, among others, could be ASMAR-Talcahuano. This is perhaps more urgent than it appears to be!


    Dec 01st, 2011 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 128 Krusty, is that you?

    @ 130 whose money is it?

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    Education is about building knowledge, ability and understanding and not ”about equipping people with knowledge which re-enforces (sic) the state and it's ideology”. That Yuleno, is what people call indoctrination. Think Hitler Youth and rascism. Teach children and they will grow up believing that it is true.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 05:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ed

    Ruling class does need you educated slaves.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    #128 yankeyboy the man from the land of the free.if education is for the be Benefit of the human race why have native Americans not benefited in the land of the free.why did their children get sent to boarding schools.why does the land of the free include the history of the country in it's syllabus but not the history of think that Argentina educates for the benefit of it's own people or for the benefit of some other state or the whole of are a dreamer my friend.and Spain should not fish in argentina's territory without the permission of Argentina.will you please educate them of this matter

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    126 Yuleno
    ''education is about equipping people with knowledge which re-enforces the state and it's ideology and creates people who can engage with society in a useful and lawful way''
    Good grief, if this is what you really mean then you are one sick individual. And I'm quite glad we're never going to have anything to do with your education system. Perhaps your education system should forget teaching 'ideology' and teach you where to put an apostrophe instead.
    I'm sure Spain doesn't fish in Argentine territory without permission. They've always been very good at getting the right licenses to fish in our waters. However, your fisheries authorities might have a better idea of what was going on if they spent less time worrying about what was going on in Falklands waters and more on managing their own.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 11:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    134. You obviously are living sometime in the late 1800's. Do you think cars and trains still run on steam? Native Americans are citizens and have all the same rights and privileges as any other US citizen. Depending on the tribe and the free market some of them are doing quite well (oil, casinos etc) so I am not sure what your point is?

    Guatemala? What kind of random pick is that? What aren't we taught about Suriname? I don't know, I don't care both are irrelevant to the USA. Just like no one knew about Argentina until an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical about a Fascist and his whore ruining a very nice country...through song of course.

    Dec 01st, 2011 - 11:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    I am actually stunned by the stupidity in your comment. Do you really believe what you write or are you a Troll?
    “what a load of colional engendered tosh you write” What's colonial about it exactly?
    “what is sad about it is that for an intelligent person you appear of the opinion that education is a matter of uncontroversial knowledge.” No. where did ~i say that. But an education system should....well...educate.
    NOT Indoctunate. Uncontroversial is one thing but teaching children as young as 4 years old that “ La Malvinas este Nosotros Tierra para siempre” is hardly education is it? Why do they need this baggage at such a young age? Teach the facts.
    “it is is about equipping people with knowledge which re-enforces the state and it's ideology”. I see. i did not realise this. thankyou for clearing this up. In the future I well be sure to tell my Argentine friends that independent thought cannot be tolerated unless it fits these parameters.
    “and creates people who can engage with society in a useful and lawful way.” How does it do that then?
    “it will have similar facts as other states where the knowledge is scientific etc ” Yes. Agreed. Facts are facts.
    “but in other areas it will be different reflecting the history,the people and the geography etc”. In principle i agree.
    ”if the divergence between argentina's educational practice(not withstanding that it's not necessarily the finished article) and your expectations is a problem for you personally.please do not judge another country's educational system with another country's.that is a colonialist practice and reflects that a host country should accommodate non citizens as a priority.” -not at all. But if I speak to people who recently left school and they have trouble understanding that there is a Pacific Ocean as well as an Atlantic Ocean ( yes this actually happened) then I get concerned for my children. If this is “Colonial” then great. to me it means I care about my children's future.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 01:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 137 why don't you care about your children's present? it seems to look really dark instead of bright.
    here's a banana for you

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 02:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    I could reply. but i think saying nothing serves me better at this point.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 03:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirat-Hunter

    118 if what you said is true I am glad I was educated in Canada LOL even if racism kept me segregated from a normal life. Argentina's economy is the way it it because people like you like to leak the boots of UK and USA but your days are numbered. I know Argentina's history didn't you read about Luis Maria Vernet here ?? to to this I am not interested in what UK history we all know that what ever they say is to sude their own interest and fortunatelly for me I am not buying it, nor am I interested because it keep me from discusing and exposing their backwards understanding of history, if you want to take my word for it try and see what some educated brits think of UK's perseption of relity and historical events.

    December 01, 2011
    24Sanctions Are Only Part of the Story

    Why Iranians Hate the British

    It’s a weird irony that Iranians know the history of Anglo-Persian relations better than the Brits. When the newly installed Ministry of Islamic Guidance asked Harvey Morris, Reuters’ man in post-revolutionary Iran, for a history of his news agency, he asked his London office to send him a biography of Baron von Reuter – and was appalled to discover the founder of the world’s greatest news agency had built Persia’s railways at an immense profit. “How can I show this to the ministry?” he shouted. “It turns out that the Baron was worse than the Shah!” Of which, of course, the ministry was well aware.”
    can the perseption of Islas Malavinas Argentina be another one of this massive public indoctrinated ignorance ?? I think their atitude is more of massive british denial then indoctrination. evience sujest that in South America people theft to eat while the british kills to theft. if Libya isn't an example of that, I don't know what is ....

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 08:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Domingo

    It's easy to teach one view of history, it's harder to teach a neutral objective view. All nations school history texts are colored by national ideology to some degree. Perhaps it is a question of degree and a question of examining historical disputes from all sides without offering a conclusion to offer a balanced account?

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 08:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Yankeyboy,you are not interested in gautemala because it's not part of your country,and you only learn your own history.for your country's benefit not for yours.guatemala was a random example but if you do read it you might find differing views on your land of the free there,and that your a product of a patriotic history.monty69,perhaps you can use some commas also,if you want to be grammatically will leave less time for drying the dishes but they will dry themselves, won't they?

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 09:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    could you make line-breaks in your postings where you move from one topic to the next.

    It makes it so much easier to understand your postings.

    I know that we adapt the written English language for 'internet-talk' - like you using no capital letters -
    but the 'bottom line' is that we must be able to extract the key arguments quickly and easily


    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 11:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    142 Yuleno
    People use far too many commas. Linking two clauses of a sentence with a comma where a semicolon or full stop would do is called a comma splice and shouldn't be done. Don't try to out- grammar me, boy.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Rufus

    All this talk of piracy on the high seas, and navy ships...

    Why Navy ships? The Royal Fleet Auxiliary seem to be doing well enough on their own...

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 01:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    140 Pirat-Hunter (#)
    118“ if what you said is true I am glad I was educated in Canada LOL even if racism kept me segregated from a normal life. Argentina's economy is the way it it because people like you like to leak the boots of UK and USA but your days are numbered”.
    - What are you talking about? Argentina's economy will always continue to fail as long as the governments policy's and work laws stay in place. Nothing to do with “Licking the boots of US and UK” Actually Argentina was doing very well for itself when it had very close economic ties with the UK before Peron era I understand. Shame that the good relations we had have been completly overshadowned by the Government of Argentina's use of the Falklands as a political tool (from '82 onwards) to get the populas behind them in some kind of Nationalistic rally. 100 years ago the Argentine Governments didn't behave like this I'm sure and they did well. The country was rich. what happened? This can't be blamed on people “Licking the boots of the US and UK” ( I assume you made a typo). More like licking the the Ar** of the voters (huge percentage not working or working in “Black”). Get them on your side and you can stay in power no matter how incompetent you are. Give them a holiday or two. Or give them a few more pesos a month unemployment benefit. Argentina now has become the “mob” mentality. CFK knows how to “control” the mob with sweetners and nationalistic drum beats. She wins. Argentina loses. If the ecomomy every got to a stage where it produced a middle class then her and her cronies would be out on ther ear. She knows this so she is happy to keep the population poor. Sorry but I see no good future for Argentina in the near future while she is still around.

    Why are my days numbered?

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 02:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    142. I am sure you don't know what our children are taught in history class. For me it was a looong time ago, but it was pretty well rounded. In my school if you wanted to concentrate on certain areas of the world in more detail you had that option in the advanced classes. I studied Asia and Medieval Europe.
    Our curriculum is not like Argentina, we are taught that Fascism is BAD, Communist are our enemies, Socialists drain the economy by stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Taking welfare is bad, giving to charities is good. What are you taught? Peron and whore were good for your country? Probably. It is very sad because the indoctrination has killed the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit in your country. The poor expect to be taken care of from cradle to grave by the state. Every year, more and more poor and they get dumber and dumber each generation. The rich keep their money out of the real economy so it is not stolen and then move the profits to a legitimate country. It is only going to get worse not better.
    I wonder what the new land appropriation bill will do next year? Break up the big farms to give it to the poor like Zimbabwe/Venezuela because that worked so well? Scary stuff coming out of CFK now that her time is secured.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 02:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Geoff-fair comment as I do want to be understood
    Monty69-I will not try to better you at grammar or washing dishes.!;:-)
    yankeyboy-Your intelligence let's you down as with all your well-rounded education you only remembered how to be offensive.Personally I feel you might be made of better stuff than that,but then again I suppose some yanks get an education but don't do too well.(don't you feel for their parents)
    Existing-in-argentina-Education/indoctrination.Yanquis teach that G Washington founded the USA .which is that E/I.god made the world which is that E/I I could go point is,is that knowledge is not some neutral information,it is loaded with ideology.Today I spoke to a man of 82 years of age and he told me he is still learning.Now you give me the impression that you might not value what he is learning still.Here I am hoping for your response because I'm going somewhere with you.Knowledge/information/memory/interpretation/etc
    Geoff again-that was difficult but you requested and I want to be understood thank you xx

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 04:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    141 Domingo (#) Dec 02nd, 2011 - 08:24
    It's easy to teach one view of history, it's harder to teach a neutral objective view. All nations school history texts are colored by national ideology to some degree. Perhaps it is a question of degree and a question of examining historical disputes from all sides without offering a conclusion to offer a balanced account?

    Well said.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 05:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Good, Yul.
    I could not say what you have said if I tried to do it in your language.
    We talk well to each other.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 05:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Domingo & Dreaming-in-ARGENTINA. . It is impossible to teach a neutral view of history.My point is that history is an interpretive exercise and you get book like,A History of ++++++ and not The History of +++++.I know that it would not go down to well but view of events change over time not because the event changed but because new evidence is found or because a new ideological perspective nurtures it.

    Dec 02nd, 2011 - 08:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    Yule no entiendo.... Keep to the facts you have. These don't changed. New facts may well alter things. But until you get them work with what you have.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 04:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Well living-in-Argentina-for example for the Scottish nationalist the history of the English and scots is different.The emigration of the scots is explained differently.The native American history is different to the yanqui history.The histories of the Palestinian is different from the Israeli.And,briefly,the history of the human race evolves with new fossil discovery.You will find all over the globe people researching local history and making new discoveries even if it is only of local interest.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 08:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Domingo

    Yuleno, I think you are quite right. Well said: History is interpretive and each telling is a particular account from a particular viewpoint

    I suppose this is why it is often important, especially for school children, to obtain primary and secondary sources from the main viewpoints and then compare and contrast; then for the teacher to ask the students to reflect and consider why they differ. History is the story of politics, but if one is not careful, politicians revises history. Then the individual is free to choose their own interpretation - not that any academic lessons are considered important, when it is play time is the most important time of the day and lessons just fill the gaps!

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 09:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    Truth is so often a matter of perception ..... still, it keeps things lively :-)

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    Perspective is the problemm as I see it.
    If an event happened it happened. Why did happen? This is where yo have to be carful with perspective. It happened because of previous events which can be quantified. If there is a statement (written letter, recording etc) that gives what they were thinking to make those decisions then fair enough. Include their “perspective”. Having your own perspective/theory is great for debate. But making your own perspective and then teaching that to others as though it is generaly exepted I don't think is the right approach. This can then get so easily skewed and twisted. Like chinese whispers. History is full of states and leaders twisting history to fit there own agenda. That's why i like the facts so I can make up my own mind and create my own theories without predudice from others.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 12:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Hurrah for Living-in-Argentina.we have an agreement that history is written by states.It's called a patriotic view of events,action,etc.I don't think it is appropriate to go further than the principle at present.There is a saying,and only a saying,that winners write the history
    So what does yankboy think about the topic.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 05:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    we don't have an agreement at all. history is written by states? your state maybe. History is written by the people that were there. Patriotic? possibly. but this is my point. the Patriotic perspective (or any other perspective) needs to be put aside with priority to the facts at hand. Look at the perspective yes but don't rely on it as a true indicator. I'm not saying that a viewpoint needs to be fixed. With new discoveries the facts can enlarge and therefore your own viewpoint could change.
    “History is written by the Victors” is the saying. But history tells us that the true facts come out in the end!

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 07:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    but history is written by 'historians';
    very few of whom were actually 'there'.

    One of the conspicuous exceptions was Churchill,
    an even better historian than the warrior, politician, statesman and fine artist that he also was.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 07:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    Geoff,for an example,why did Churchill say that an iron curtain has descended across europe.He could have said that an iron curtain has been put up across europe.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    157 Yuleno
    ''we have an agreement that history is written by states.It's called a patriotic view of events,action''

    You might think this is normal, or even acceptable, but we don't. We don't have an official version of events, and we don't have any set way of teaching history. The history curriculum is framed as a series of questions and teachers and students are free to use whatever sources they can find. We don't teach children what to think.

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 10:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Redhoyt

    History can be written by States, but it should rarely be trusted.

    History shoud be written by individuals.

    Contrary to some opinions I am neither MI5 or any other section of the State. Although I may be in a state :-)

    Age, sun and beer - what can I say ?

    Dec 03rd, 2011 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    L-in-A has agreed that states,some at least,write history.I don't think reading history and making up your own mind about it is a very solid way to handle history,although that is what happens,and it is difficult not to remain detached and neutral.As far as I'm aware most states provide a syllabus for the teaching of history.They also examine the pupils to ensure that they have understood the subject matter in the way they intended.What they leave out of the syllabus is as revealing as what is in.Is it called censorship or highlighting?

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 11:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    I agree with the last bit, and the history syllabus in the UK is under debate just now. Hardly any British history is taught at all and what there is is quite often from the Tudor era. A lot of people think that is the wrong way to go, and I agree with that.

    I absolutely do not agree with any idea of a state version of history, sorry. And history exams in the UK and here are designed to test students ability to reason and handle sources. There is no 'intended' way of understanding the subject matter. In fact you are most likely to get the top grades for something original, even controversial, as long as it's well argued.

    Falkland Islands history is not examined here. It is studied though, with an emphasis on social and cultural histories, oral histories and gathering and recording primary sources. Students decide for themselves what they want to investigate. Some of the best projects appear in the Falkland Islands Journal.

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    “ . . most states provide a syllabus for the teaching of history.
    They also examine the pupils to ensure that they have understood the subject matter in the way they intended.” Yul

    Whilst many politicians are graduates - therefore intellectually trained - few politicians are historians. Most politicians attempt to 'create history' and strive to see it recording them and their actions in the best light.

    The syllabus in schools is largely a syllabus for learning 'received wisdom', which frequently has a nationalistic perspective (bias).

    It is not taught as a discipline of *research*, whereby a person so taught can examine the time-line of thought and the gradual accretion of historical belief (='fact') through examining the body of source material and 'all' points of view.

    I was not taught about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the Napoleonic wars, and The Armada, from the Italian, French and Spanish perspectives. There were early-taught topics where - it was thought - relatively uncritical learning was sufficient.

    But I was taught about the causations of the Great Depression, WWII, and segregation of Europe; all as multi-faceted critical analyses.
    Books documenting different perspectives were in short supply and city libraries were invaluable. Original papers and reports were things we knew existed but rarely saw.

    Then in the 1990s came THE WORLD-WIDE WEB.
    The internet today, with its huge virtual archives accessible with a few key-strokes, make an Alladin's Cave - a heaven - for the enquiring school student, undergraduate, postgraduate, or other interested person.

    History and historical research can become as addictive as ?heroin - and participatory. Anybody can become 'a historian' and there is much blurring of the boundaries between the professional and the amateur. But the 'bottom line' is RIGOUR.

    The key thing is to avoid using the internet etc as just a reinforcer of one's earlier predjudices - a potent trap when we have entrenched beliefs.

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 12:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    165 GeoffWard2

    ''The syllabus in schools is largely a syllabus for learning 'received wisdom', which frequently has a nationalistic perspective (bias)''

    Where are you talking about? I just had a look at the Edexcel GCSE History specification, as it's a while since I had anything to do with this, and I'm just not seeing this at all.
    There is also a lot more British history than there used to be so I stand corrected on that. The Falklands conflict is even in there!

    I also have to say that I wouldn't even teach the Spanish Armada to 10 year olds without asking them to look critically at it from a Spanish and English perspective.

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 05:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Yuleno

    2 great main comment in response is that historians,as professionals,are much fewer than historian amateurs.The amateur read a couple of books on a subject and usually(my comment is not meant to be too rigourous) believes that they are fully informed on the subject.They then quote data that they have read.
    With local history it's probably less a problem but with international history I think it is extremely difficult not to have a bias.Recognising this is the point I was wishing to make,at the start of this thread
    Still using caps Geoff,and not too many commas,M69.;-/

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Way To go, Yul!

    I was talking about when *I* studied history, not the present Edexel syllabus.
    The Armada is much more easily studied these days as a critical analysis *because* of the internet.

    Dec 04th, 2011 - 10:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    159 GeoffWard2 (#) Dec 03rd, 2011 - 07:38 pm
    but history is written by 'historians';
    very few of whom were actually 'there'.

    I think I understand what your saying. In Antuquity certainly. Only a very few accounts servive from this period so we get a very narrow viewpoint. What I was thinking was more modern history, say the last 100 years where it has been much easier for personal accounts to servive and be used. I'm thinking of Soldiers in the WW1 trenches, Ann Frank diarys etc. In the case of Ann Frank she was no Historian but her work has been hugly important to Historians.

    “One of the conspicuous exceptions was Churchill,
    an even better historian than the warrior, politician, statesman and fine artist that he also was”.
    I have not read anything by Churchill but I would be interested to know how this historian documented his own history. He commited acts of genocide (famine in WW2 India) and some terrible things (Kenya, South African concentration camps) but is seen today as hero (perspective?). What he did has been documented. What he say's he did is not necesarily correct but gives insight to what he was thinking at the time to make the decisions he did ( for example).

    Dec 05th, 2011 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Zool

    Churchill was no saint & did some terrible things in the name of Empire whilst he was a soldier but he didn't start the camps he was just a soldier at that time. When he did get into power he chose to commit Britain to defeating the Nazis, This led to the great irony of Churchill's life. In resisting the Nazis, he produced some of the richest prose-poetry in defence of freedom and democracy ever written yet it was a cheque he didn't want black or Asian people to cash.

    The Famine was a natural disaster, India entered the famine year with substantial food surplus. An official ‘Food Drive’ in Bengal did not result in the release of hoarded stocks. It was believed that fear of the famine & War actually increased hoarding. The other Indian provinces who had a surplus of food refused the government's order to ship it to Bengal fearing that the famine may spread & they refused to believe that Bengal had run out of food thinking that traders were hording huge stockpiles for profit. The Provincial governments, their public servants and some key people in the Indian civil service believed that Bengal had plenty of food, which could be made available with good administration. By the time everyone realized Bengal had no food it was too late. Aid was sent via Australia but had to go part way over land as the japanese had blocked many ports & any aid sent from the west would have arrived too late given the distance & would have had to run the gauntlet of U boats. To blame Churchill is just wrong, The Indian authorities refused to believe a famine was even occurring & even though they had enough food they refused to send it to Bengal & by the time they did it was too late to do anything about it.

    Dec 05th, 2011 - 03:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • livin' in argentina

    This is a whole new area for debate. Churchill saint or sinner? Was he fighting for freedom and democracy or the Britsh Empire? I tend to think the latter on both counts. Nothing wrong with defending your country but let's come clean about who he really was. Like you say he was no saint but many many people seem to think he was.

    i do like the quote though about about how he “never went to bed with an ugly woman, but I've woken up with a few”. He was probably fun to be with down the pub!!

    Dec 06th, 2011 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Cometh the hour, cometh the man.
    Britain (and the rest of the world in reality) was lucky to have Churchill during the war years.
    He big mistake after that was to think that the country owed him something and was aghast when he lost the election.
    The Labour pratts that follwed him soon f...cked everything up however, just like they do everytime they get elected Blair / Brown and all their loser mates, more of the same pratts.

    Dec 06th, 2011 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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