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HMS Illustrious ready to take over as on-call helicopter carrier from HMS Ocean

Friday, December 23rd 2011 - 04:33 UTC
Full article 16 comments
The 22.000 ton has been on two-month intensive training The 22.000 ton has been on two-month intensive training

As when she first joined the Fleet in 1982, HMS Illustrious has once again been formally welcomed into the bosom of the Royal Navy with a rededication ceremony at sea. The aircraft carrier held the ceremony as she returned from Hamburg - the ship's first visit to a foreign port in more than two years.

The ceremonial and symbolic act - a sort of 'naval christening' - was performed at sea, just as the aircraft carrier's first commissioning had taken place in 1982.

Back then 'Lusty', as the ship is affectionately known, was making best speed for the Falklands to relieve her sister ship HMS Invincible. Three decades later, the helicopter assault ship took a more leisurely pace home from the North German port of Hamburg.

Being December, the poignant ceremony took place inside the 22.000 ton HMS Illustrious cavernous hangar.

The 700 men and women currently serving on board turned out smartly in their No 1 ceremonial uniforms for this special occasion, with musical accompaniment to the hymns provided by HMS Illustrious volunteer band.

Present at the ceremony was the ship's senior physical training instructor, Chief Petty Officer Derik Nordon, who was on board 'Lusty' when she was first commissioned at sea in June 1982:

“I feel privileged to have served in Illustrious three times, at the very beginning, during the middle, and now again as she nears the end of her famous career,” he said.

Rededication proceedings concluded with the cutting of the rededication cake, decorated with the ship's famous badge and surrounded by photos depicting various moments in the ship's life from the past six months.

As is traditional, the cutting was performed by the youngest person on board, 18-year-old chef Lewis Steel, who sliced the cake in half; the two huge slices were shared between two lucky mess decks (determined by a raffle) to enjoy.

A rededication ceremony would normally take place ahead of a ship's Operational Sea Training period but events this year, which have seen HMS Ocean deployed for seven months, have resulted in HMS Illustrious training program being brought forward.

'Lusty' therefore conducted her ceremony after successfully completing two months of intensive training and assessment off the South West coast, ahead of taking over as Britain's on-call helicopter carrier from HMS Ocean.

The rededication ceremony was also a fitting final act for the current Commanding Officer, Captain Jerry Kyd, who hands over command of the warship to Captain Martin Connell in the New Year:

“It has been a very busy and demanding year regenerating this fine ship, from sailing from refit in Scotland in June to now being ready for whatever the Government wants us to do around the world,” said Capt Kyd. (Defence News)


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  • exocet-82

    Great Ship tht ILLUSTRIOUS- CONGRATULATIONS INDEED..... but,but, I wish someone from the British Navy or whoever can tell me more about the HMS ANTILOPE...... i had some friends there, ihad some verygood friends who sailed on board and others who were attached to some special missions- “weapons and demolitions” specifically... and i can t find any ANY information about it /them... why? what happended???they were a Ghost Ship and crew leaded byCaptain Sparrow????? Can anyone help please or is itthat the british Empre and Its Honorous Royal Navy just don t care about those men and women who faced the stupidity of a war for nothing?????????????? is it that the Royal Navy doesnt care??? i wonder... if i willhave a serious response on my question.........
    AHH!!! and stop naming only high rank officers, there are /were many others HUMAN BEINGS working for you. Thanks . MerryXstmas .

    Dec 23rd, 2011 - 12:49 pm 0
  • Nightingale

    what exactly is do you wish to know ?

    Dec 23rd, 2011 - 01:09 pm 0
  • exocet-82

    Any and all information pertaining tothe Antelope, from and including her visit to Teesport in 75 before she was commissioned through to the board of enquiery report. Crew lists, medals and commendations, any way of contacting those who served onboard and any anicdotal stories from them. In otherwords anything at all, because wecan onlyfindayawningblack hole where this information shoud be......... Beyond that, I would loveto know why my husband's service history is also missing? He served on the Antelope and many other ships before and during 82 but has no reccogition by Britain of his service. ThanksGod, in my country.... he is called “hero” byhis peers (even though he doesnt want to hear about that word... why is it that he is still suffering and careing for his own country. The same country that he served to with pride and honour but yet they made him return his insignia,medals,uniform and documents????? why?? please,tell me why ???
    Because he had a different opinion about the war and tasks he was asked to do ( done anyway just for his contry) he decided to leave the service which cost all savings and it seems, he previous five years of his life.
    is this the way that Britains Senior Service treats their patriots????? well..... from what I know and found out afterresearch is that the “argies” do not treat their patriots like that...
    Thanks for your interest andI hope you can help. xxx

    Dec 23rd, 2011 - 04:23 pm 0
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