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Argentine lawmakers after Socialist International support in Falklands’ dispute

Tuesday, January 24th 2012 - 03:54 UTC
Full article 50 comments

Members of Argentina’s opposition expect the Socialist International meeting in Costa Rica to express solidarity with Argentina’s Falklands/Malvinas sovereignty claim and also call on the UK to begin negotiations. Read full article


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  • Marcos Alejandro

    23 Jan 2012
    “Tony Blair wanted to hand Gibraltar over to Spain because it was an “obstacle” to Britain’s closer relationship with the European Union”

    ”This was based on a “gut instinct that it as ridiculous in the modern age for Britain to have a colony on the tip of Spain nearly 2,000 miles away”.

    Is also ridiculous in the modern age for Britain to have a colony on the tip of Argentina 8,000 miles away.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    maybe this is one of the reasons the british coloines in the caribbean have been forced to support britain:
    “The Turks and Caicos Islands have been under the direct rule of britain for the past 18 months, as a criminal investigation into allegations of bribery and corruption by the members of the last locally elected government there drags on.
    The islands have become heavily dependent on British aid and this week a group of their political leaders are in London asking for more.”

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CycloneSteve

    Why don't the British agree to give up the FI and in exchange Argentina gives back all the land and claims to land from Ururguay, Paraguay, Chile & Brazil they have added in the 179 years since 1833? Doesn't that seem a fair way to end colonialism?

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    I wonder why plans from a former British PM to return an old colony, Gibraltar in this case, is in the travel section and not on the front page(Telegraph), is it perhaps Cameron is planning the same thing with Malvinas?

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    There are no 'live' Resolutions concerning the Falkland Islands.

    All dead!

    The last died in 1989 on the resumption of diplomatic ties. The UN was happy, so no more have appeared. We don't care what obscure little groups think.

    Blair lost the Gibraltar argument badly. He now denies the story of his wanting Gib to go to Spain. Denied it today in fact! Nobody cares - he lost. Old too, which is why its hardly news at all. Just Hain with a book to sell.

    Mine's free - v.4 of the pdf, updated, new stuff, cleans Argentina's arguments right away - ain't history fun :-)

    You boys do need to keep up.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    @ 5 Lord Ton
    “Blair lost the Gibraltar argument badly. He now denies the story of his wanting Gib to go to Spain. Denied it today in fact! Nobody cares - he lost. Old too, which is why its hardly news at all. Just Hain with a book to sell.”
    “Heir to Spanish throne sparks diplomatic row after telling Prince Charles Gibraltar 'is a problem which must be solved”

    Read more:

    “In the refrendum two years ago Gibraltarians vetoed plans for Britain to give Spain a share of sovereignty of the rock, which holds a British naval base as well as supporting tourism, offshore finance and gambling industries.”

    Read more:

    'Gibraltar, Español!' quipped José Manuel García-Margallo in the European Parliament as Tory MEP Charles Tannock stepped up to a podium to congratulate the Spaniard on his recent appointment.
    'We’ll have to talk about that,' Mr Tannock replied.

    Read more:

    So Lord Fontleroy Ton - you now have Gibraltar to worry about and I noticed that the irish nationalists have started another bombing campaign in Northern Ireland.
    Better send a gunboat to suppress those uppity natives .

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 05:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    You'd better check your dates - the Gib issue is RESOLVED - for all time !

    Even Spain knows it, but cannot admit it. Blair didn't leave a legacy!

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 06:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Beef

    Seeking support from an Imternational body of socialists. I gues that would be the Socialism that has been an abject failure throughout history or is it the National Socialism that is responsible for countless atrocities.

    I see Argentina backs a winner every time :-)

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 07:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    @ 7 Lord ton
    Heir to Spanish throne sparks diplomatic row after telling Prince Charles Gibraltar 'is a problem which must be solved'
    Read more:

    Thats dated March 2011 - so you are claiming that Spain has dropped its efforts to recover Gibraltar since that date and has confirmed that the colony of Gibraltar will forever be british?
    Strange that such a story never made the Press.

    @ 8 beef
    yes your right and the best existing example of how socialism can ruin a nation is to look at your own country. In fact it could have been a lot worse as Tony Bliar was working towards a one party state in britain ie - dictatorship.
    But then he is a raving lunatic.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 07:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Britishbulldog

    3 CycloneSteve ---why should the UK give something back that never belonged to someone in the first place it does not make sense. However I am all for the Argentine psychopaths and thieves giving back the land they stole from the other country's that you mentioned that makes sense and as you say it ends Argentines colonialism. However, I think we will find that psychopaths will never listen to anybody they have no conscience that's why you either lock them up for ever or put them down when they do wrong.

    Down with Argentine colonialism. Give back the lands that belong to other people including Argentina. I call upon all countries that have had land stolen from them by the psychopathic country of Argentina to rise up and take back what belongs to you.

    Long live all Britain's commonwealth friends and long live the Falkland's islands.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 08:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    l'm all for that.
    Make the colonialists disgorge Paraguayan land.
    That will do for a start.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 09:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islas Malvinas

    Good job increasing international preasure.
    UK every time more isolated.
    The world is tired of British colonialism and abuse.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 11:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    Dross - you must have missed the point! 98% is enough!

    Spain has no options left!!

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Keep it up argies


    Jan 24th, 2012 - 01:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    I wonder what's in the psyche of an Argentinian that thinks they are isolating the UK? Is it narcissism? Idiocy? Lunacy?

    It is demented to think a politically insignificant, relatively poor country with a bipolar/lunatic leader could isolate a world power.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 02:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @15 It is the result of years of isolating Argentines by their own government; all part of the Fascist Model so beloved by peronists. They are fed false information about the wider world and given an inflated view of their place in the world. They swallow it whole which is probably why the rest of Latin Americans complain that the Argentine ego is based on past glory - 100 years ago when they were prosperous and a possible contender for a world power - rather than the economic mess they really are today. I think they believe they can swing from the coat tails of Brazil but I am sensing that as soon as they become too troublesome Brazil will ditch them along the way.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    But in what way are do they think UK is getting isolated? It is not trade, not diplomacy, not flow of information? What are they isolating them from?
    If anything Argentina is getting more isolated not the British. CFK is KNOWN to be nuts, and her minions are KNOWN to be stupid, brutish thugs. Timmerman could not get a meeting with US State or Prez almost for the WHOLE TIME HE WAS THEIR AMBASSADOR. It looks like this new idiot is about the same.
    I just don't get it, you may be right and it is a mass hypnosis/hysteria. How that happens in this day and age is remarkable but look at North Korea...

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 02:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ynsere

    3 Cyclone Steve - Actually, despite numerous attempts in the 19th century, Argentina has never managed to keep any Uruguayan territory taken by force. The tiny uruguayan island of Martin Garcia was negotiated away during the 1970s. However, as it is only a few hundred yards from the Uruguayan coast, many Uruguayans are still upset.
    I doubt whether Argentina has ever been able to take any Brazilian territory. The Portuguese and Brazilian Imperial governments were far more active and enterprising in respect of territorial acquisition than the Spanish viceroys or subsequent independent gov'ts. Just compare the maps corresponding to the Treaty of Tordesillas with Brazil's current borders. In the case of Paraguay, there is no doubt that Argentina has taken land. Argentina attempted to do likewise, unsuccessfully, in the case of Chile. The Pope had to act as peacemaker.
    16 Elaine B - I quite agree with you. Can you imagine what it must be like for Uruguay and Paraguay having Argentina as a next-door neighbour, but lacking UK support?
    I don't think Brazil will actually dump Argentina, but they'll pay back Argentine trade restrictions tit-for-tat. Brazilian support for Argentina re the Falklands is mere lip-service, as is the case of Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile.
    Finally, I suspect that Mercosur in its present form will no longer exist in a few years' time. I hope to live to see the day when the Falklands' citizens can opt for whatever government they prefer without outside interference, and trade freely with all South America and the world. But Argentina's ambitions regarding the Falklands are enshrined in the country's constitution (so often ignored in other respects during the country's history), and its citizens are taught about the “Argentine Malvinas” from kindergarten. Will Argentina ever stop this, the actual root of the problem, or is it a part of their national identity?

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 03:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @17. I am not sure about mass hypnosis but when you have an egocentric country like Argentina it is easier to project a certain viewpoint on the masses. TBH I suspect the idea that the UK is isolated is in the minds of the CFK fanclub rather than the wider population where they are more concerned with the inflation, rising crime and corruption.

    @18 Yes, the Falklands was chosen by Juan Peron as the nationalist cause to unite a disparate Argentina. (Straight from the Mussolini brand of fascism he admired so much - you must have a cause). The population are inculcated with the fantasy story from a very young age and it is difficult to rationalise with the brain washed. That said, there are many Argentines that think far too much time and resources are wasted on the topic when they want more concrete changes to their lives. From my personal experience.

    The root of the problem in Argentina is the government. They want to create a State Capitalist society which is out of kilter with the rest of modern South America, save for Venezuela.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Papamoa

    YAWN !!!
    Same old rubbish argentina calls for negotiations, and the UK AND Falklands say there is Nothing to discuss as the Islanders are Very Happy as a British Overseas Territory!!!

    Long Live the Falklands.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 04:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    U.S. Position on the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands

    Tuesday, 24 January 2012, 10:00 am
    Press Release: US State Department
    Taken Question
    Office of the Spokesperson
    Washington, DC

    Question Taken at the January 19, 2012 Daily Press Briefing
    January 20, 2012

    QUESTION: Does the U.S. take a position on the recent posturing between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the Falklands?

    ANSWER: This is a bilateral issue that needs to be worked out directly between the governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom. We encourage both parties to resolve their differences through dialogue in normal diplomatic channels.

    We recognize de facto United Kingdom administration of the islands but take no position regarding sovereignty.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Papamoa

    And Your point is????????????????????????????????

    Long Live the Falklands.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 07:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Nothing but anti British retro,
    You hate us for the Falklands,
    And indoctrination shows why it’s a bad thing ,

    But despite your rantings, there is no British problem,
    People think its two countries fighting over land,
    Or two kids fighting over toys, but the truth is much more simpler if you look into it, is it not,
    And this is the main problem, [there is no problem or dispute] [from Britain]
    Only aggression from land grabbers,
    The British do not have a problem over the land, it belongs to the islanders,, the islanders have no problem over the land, it belongs to them,
    It is Argentina that has the problem trying to claim something they have never owned, never run , never administered and never cared for,
    The islands have been administered for over 150 years, been settled for over 150 years,
    And been British for over 150 years,
    May I say?
    Argentina created the problem, Argentina continues with the problem, and Argentina is the only country that can end the problem,
    No talk no negotiations , no acceptance,
    Argentina’s problem created by herself,, administered by herself, and only she can end it .
    Im afraid that’s probably the real truth is it not .

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Quite correct, briton.
    Argentina is the problem.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 08:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    You can see CFK's problem. She is surrounding herself with sychophantic people all trying to get a pat on the back for being the most loyal pet. The daily phone calls from Hugo (what do I care I will be dead soon) Chavez don't help either. She need to get some perspective; an honest friend who will tell her she is going to be humiliated for making the Falklands her personal crusade.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    @ all the spammers who profess themselves as guardians of free speech in this bigoted forum - yet gang together in order to crush it thus proving beyond doubt the breath-taking hypocrisy being expressed here.
    @Elaine - british schoolchildren are taught that the Falklands are british based entirely on the assumption that discovery usurps all other considerations but if this is so then why isn't such an assumption supported in law?
    Argentine children are taught that the Malvinas are a part of South America and due to their proximity and history of Spanish settlement they rightfully belong to Argentina.
    You claim that Argentine children are brainwashed which implies that Argentine children are exposed to persistent aggressive propagandising on the part of their teachers - which is simply not true as evidenced by the lack of protest on the part of their parents and international organisations such as UNESCO who have not expressed any concern ab0ut the educational system in Argentina since 1982.

    So far as the repeated allegations that Argentina is an aggressive colonialist power, well - show me some evidence for it? How many territorial conflicts has Argentina instigated against its neighbors since 1982?
    Unlike your own country the USA - and Britain - which have been directly involved in 8 different international conflicts since 1982 including of course - Iraq and Afghanistan. Two wars which have resulted in the deaths of at least 450,000 civilians and now you are preparing for a new war with Iran.
    “History is fun ain't it”?

    Then you denounce Argentina's economy as 'state capitalism' - which I assume is another definition of 'socialism' - which I know North Americans hate with a vengeance which is why you might have a Hedge Fund manager and religious fanatic your next president - but then anything is better than that “Blackman” huh?
    By the way Elaine - Argentina abolished slavery BEFORE the USA.

    And who are you comparing Argentina's economy with Elaine? - Europe?

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 09:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • stick up your junta

    Unlike your own country the USA - and Britain - which have been directly involved in 8 different international conflicts since 1982 including of course - Iraq and Afghanistan.

    1991: Argentine Navy ships and Air Force transport aircraft participated in the 1991 Gulf War. Argentina was the only Latin American country in the coalition

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Argentina’s budget surplus excluding interest payments fell to 4.9 billion pesos ($1.1 billion) in 2011 from 25.1 billion pesos a year earlier.
    In 2011, South America’s second-biggest economy had an overall deficit of 30.5 billion pesos compared with a surplus of 3 billion pesos the previous year, according to a report released by the Economy Ministry today in Buenos Aires.
    Last month, Argentina had a primary budget deficit of 8.1 billion pesos and an overall deficit of 22.3 billion pesos, according to the report.

    It was over an 80 BILLION Peso deficit if you back out the ANSES do you see why they confiscated it!

    This is why they are not allowing imports and trying to deflect with the Falklands saber rattling. Its only going to get worse...

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    wow yankeeboy and you think that's bad? check this out -
    “The UK's debt mountain has smashed through the £1 trillion barrier for the first time in history.”

    ”Christine Legarde, the Chief of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in Berlin that the global economy could slip back into a “1930s moment” unless European nations intervene and resolve the escalating debt crisis which is dampening growth and the recovery across the globe.“

    ”Greece to sell ancient sites the country is so desperate“

    ”Size of U.S. debt is now the same as its entire economy: $15.23 TRILLION”

    And you are trying to tell Argentina how to run its economy?

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    26 dreyfoss

    British schoolchildren are not taught anything about the Falklands. Not one single thing.
    The only exception to this is one module on some GCSE syllabuses where it crops up in the context of 1980s British politics and the Thatcher years. The content is not about sovereignty.
    Falkland Island children are not taught anything about this at all. That would be absurd, rather like Argentine children learning that Argentina belonged to Argentina.

    As for Argentina's territorial conflicts; you are engaged in one now against us. That is what is at issue here, not Iraq or Afghanistan. We are talking about your territorial ambitions towards us. The rest is not your concern or ours. We might not agree with those conflicts, but that does not have any bearing on what you are doing to us.

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    Dreysfoss, Idol! Kind Regards pa´ los amigos, Marcos, u are in every place, q grande!
    1 Trillon, uau! ntienensalida!

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 11:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    29. Comparing Argentina to other countries doesn't mean Argentina is doing well.
    You can't change the fundamentals and we shall see in March if Soy is like 2008 you are toast.
    You can't say that about UK, EU or USA we don't have to rely on weather to know if we are going to make it another quarter.
    BCRA spent U$100M this week (already) supporting the peso how many more weeks do you think they can keep doing that? BTW it was 400MILLION last week...

    Jan 24th, 2012 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    26 dreyfoss
    British schoolchildren are taught that the Falklands are British
    Totally and utterly untrue, school kids are taught nothing on the Falklands, and even less on the British empire, its called political correctness,
    [it will come to you one day,]

    You claim that Argentine children are brainwashed which implies that Argentine children are exposed to persistent aggressive propagandising on the part of their teachers –
    [sadly this is true is it not,

    I think you may be slightly confused
    Show me some evidence for it? How many territorial conflicts has Argentina instigated against its neighbours since 1982?///are you willing to swear on behave of CFK that Argentina has not any designes on other peoples territory, or future designs on future expansion .]
    [][and this includes Antarctica ]]]

    [Unlike your own country the USA - and Britain - which have been directly involved in 8 different international conflicts since 1982///but these were not to conquer or to suppress
    And neither are they part of the British or American empires today,
    [Because they do not have an empire, is this not true .

    Britain is only your hated enemy because you want them to be, it may well be just an illusion,
    Just like argentines false claim .


    Jan 24th, 2012 - 11:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dreyfoss

    @ 32 yankeeboy - you said that: “You can't say that about UK, EU or USA we don't have to rely on weather to know if we are going to make it another quarter”.
    That is very true - we may depend upon the weather but Europe and Norte America now depend upon the grace of God...

    @ briton - you said that: “Britain is only your hated enemy because you want them to be, it may well be just an illusion,....”
    No Argentine hates britain. There is a very large community of british living permanently in Argentina and they are respected greatly.
    Members of your aristocracy own much land and property here too.

    And keep this debate in perspective. This sovereignty dispute is a dispute that will be settled peacefully and to the satisfaction and the benfit of all sides especially the islanders who will in truth actually lose nothing.
    The Islanders know very well that if a sovereignty exchange is made their right to self determination will be guaranteed by the UN and enforced by Britain through a defence agreement.
    No imposition of Argentine military forces on the islands.
    No removal of citizenship.
    No imposition of an Argentine governor.
    No expropriation of Oil franchises already agreed.
    No imposition of Argentine nationals in the form of immigration to the islands.
    No removal of nationalist symbols such as memorials and flags.
    The Islanders would be encouraged though to take regular holidays in Argentina though and perhaps do their shopping in BA rather than from an Argos catalogue....

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 12:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    34 dreyfoss
    If we know all this very well, then what is this about?
    Seriously, you must be missing something. Why don't you have a long hard think about what that might be?

    Shall I start you off by saying that most Falkland Islanders would rather boil their own heads than be 'encouraged' by you to shop in BA?
    We would be very happy to have the chance to choose to shop there, or Santiago, or anywhere else.
    You have NO RIGHT to tell us what to do. The more you try, the more we dig our heels in.

    We were in Chile during Argentina's last big financial meltdown. I tried to persuade Mr M to cross over to Bariloche to spend some dollars on, well anything really, and he wouldn't have it. Something about remembering an Argentine conscript holding a gun to his head when he was little.
    Falkland Islanders know a lot of things very well. You clearly have no idea.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 01:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ynsere

    34 Dreyfoss - It's true that there is a large and largely prosperous “British Community” in Argentina. Some families have been in Argentina for many generations, some are first generation Argentine, some are British expats. I know of only one Argentine-born and educated member of the community who refuses to pay even lip service to Argentina's colonial ambitions - and he has been physically threatened - even by educated individuals - many times for this reason. Goes to show how incredibly effective year after year of Argentine indoctrination of its citizens has been, spanning a number of generations.
    Also - I was in BA that night Argentina attacked the Falklands in 1982. What I saw was mass hysteria, produced by brainwashed bigots. Tens of thousands of them in the streets, dancing and chanting mindlessly. In this case don't blame the military: it was one of the few times during the dictatorship that Argentines were allowed to vent their true feelings. And they loved Galtieri that night, because “he'd done the right thing”.
    Something's got to give, in Argentina, my friend. Nobody trusts you as a nation, notwithstanding your undeniable charm as individuals.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 03:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    The posts of the deluded,the demented and delusional city supporters on here arw truly extraordinary.
    Some would have it Argentina is in financial trouble while the economy grows 9% and national
    Debt is down to 14% of gdp.Meanwhile England enters yet another recession and its debt is 1.6 trillion dollars.Interest will increase by 30 billion a year in 2014 and that news is from the fanatically tory telegraph.If the Malvinenses had half a brain they would be running to BA begging them to take them in because Cameron sees the South Atlantic oil as one of his only hooes for survival.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 07:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    One big difference O'Gaga - we pay our debts!

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 08:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @26 As others have said, the Falklands does not form a part of the curricumlum in the UK. As for Argentina, I have been told by Argentine friends that they are taught from a very young age about their mythical claim to a fantasy island that does not exist, and it continues throughout their education. (When the teachers are not on strike).

    I am not sure why you are debating the US with me. But, for the record, if Gingrich gets the vote of the Republicans, Obama will remain President. IMO.

    You cannot compare mature and developed economies with developing economies, especially when they are black listed. The amount of debt is irrelevent, it is all about trust and the ability to pay. Argentina has neither trust nor the ability to pay.

    Imagine someone has a very small mortgage of, say, $50,000 but repeatedly does not pay on time, or is late paying, or does not pay at all. Eventually their house is taken from them and no lender is likely to want to lend to them again. By contrast their neighbour has $500,000 mortgage but pays on time, in full and without fail. Do you think the bank would give them another, bigger mortgage if they asked for it? If they had the ability to pay, absolutely.

    Once again, it is not the amount of debt - all countries run on debts - it is the ability to pay and the trust of the lenders that counts.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 11:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    39 Is that the same friend who cant get books on Corrientes or a bottle of Malbec in Mendoza or the one who cant find empañadas in Salta

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 06:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    34 dreyfoss
    @ briton - you said that: “Britain is only your hated enemy because you want them to be, it may well be just an illusion,....”
    No Argentine hates Britain
    Please can you define [ Hate’s ]
    As for the Falklands, you cannot dwell on the past all the time,
    The only time of interest, is the present,

    And the fact is, Argentina has not rights
    And the islands are British, until otherwise stated
    It does not matter what CFK or her government thinks,
    It does not matter what your friends think,,
    You aren’t having them, and you wont get them
    We all know the real reason your government is sabre rattling is
    1, you perceive Britain as weak
    2, the oil, gas , and other minerals .
    And another fact is,, if we had a more stronger and aggressive government
    We would not be here now,
    And Argentina would not have said anything, and nothing would have changed,


    Jan 25th, 2012 - 07:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    @41 You are getting obsessed with me again. Jog on.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 08:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    42 Sweetheart I am delusional,wild, crazy,with the passion I have for ................................................ your daydreams.

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    Big Alejandro, pa lu muachachu, qi ueno, bankruptcy UK!
    join this coins that will probably use for your travel (to UK)
    The UK economy contracted by 0.2 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2011, fueling fears that a full blown recession is on its way

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 10:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    And you point is,
    You’re jealous
    You’re envious
    You’re embarrassed
    You’re exited
    You’re ecstatic
    Then why all the interest

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Kipling

    45, I AM SO HAPPY, SO SORRY!Kkakakakakakakakakakaka!

    Jan 25th, 2012 - 11:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton


    Jan 25th, 2012 - 11:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    Jan 26th, 2012 - 01:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @42 ElaineB,
    l think he really has got the hots for you Elaine!♥

    Jan 26th, 2012 - 10:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • D Senior

    We should give the Argentinians the Falklands, simply to show the world that we have changed from our colonial times and that we are good people so we can be proud to be British. The Falklanders that live there should be allowed toeither stay there, or given the option of coming back to the UK with having priority councul tennancies and a small grant to set up home, with further oportunity to draw a bussiness loan if they wish. The natural resources of the Falklands should be given to the third world countries, either poor south Ameriican countries, African countries, or other poor Asian countries. Then we can start feeling truly proud to be British. Peace and love to all men.

    Feb 01st, 2012 - 06:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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