Several Caribbean states and Nicaragua announced this weakened they will bar from their ports any vessel flying the Malvinas flag, according to a release from the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Read full article
through PEACEFUL MEANS and diplomatic negotiations respecting the way of life of its inhabitants and according to International Law
No need for warships, fighter jets or anything like that!
On two sidenotes:
1)silly island colonists thinking they could man a vessel with their flag. They are not a independent nation and bearing a flag is an indicator of having achieved independence!
2) the UK better step up their diplomatic skills! They are getting pummeled up to now. Even Commonwealth countries now recognise Argentina's rightful claim to the Malvinas.
“Most of Latin America and the Caribbean effectively support Argentina’s sovereignty claim over the Malvinas confirming that Argentina is not alone, who is increasingly alone and isolated is Great Britain”.
Oh dear, how many of these countries traded with the Falklands :) I will give you a clue.....none
ALBA whats that, another mundane club of Latin American tosspots, just like Merscour, CARICUM, UNASUR, I lose count at the amount of clubs in South America that South American nations are part of, and it looks even sillier when twitter man says that all these bodies support Argentina's claim well of course they would silly, its the same people who supported your claim before :)
Helber, those silly island colonists have had their own ships register, and therefore flag, since 1861. Funny how Argentina has recognised Falkland flagged vessels for 150 years and now suddenly they change their mind.
Like anyone in their right mind going to believe Argentina and it's declarations of peaceful means...
Ermm....Helber, what Roberts has mentioned is fact. It appears to be you who is ignoring the facts and is believing what you want.
I have said this many times along with others in here... it is only words Helber. Falkland fishing vessels are still in Montevideo. The Ocean Guardian exchanged crew in Brazil. Chile still trades with us. The LAN flight still comes in on Saturdays. All Argentina has is words. If that is what you want to accept as support that is your own mistake. We will keep on trading, living and enjoying our islands the way want to govern them. And when I say we I mean us Falkland Islanders.
When I told JA Roberts to believe what he liked, I was referring to his dismissal of Argentina's declaration of reclaiming the islands through peaceful means.
As far as I am aware this Gov't has not attempted to take them my force. If you happen to have facts to the contrary please post them here.
In fact, the only war-like vessels in the area happen to be British. A destroyer and a nuclear sub on its way.
The existence of a Falkland Islands flag recognised by SA for 150 years isn't a question of belief; it's an easily verifiable fact.
If Argentina has suddenly started to object to it now because there's some oil about, that isn't our fault.
As for respecting our way of life, what a bunch of frauds and liars you are.
Our way of life is to make a peaceful living from our resources, to have friendly relations with our neighbours and to live under the government of our choosing.
Respect shown for our way of life by you= none, zero...
Oh and your illegal harrassment, bullying, threatening etc is not diplomacy. It's not very peaceful either. It's designed to make us afraid of you, and that isn't any way forward. Every bit of intimidation takes you farther away from what you want.
So tell us Monty69, what would you expect Argentina to do, when they firmly believe as much as you do, that they have a rightful claim to the islands?
Remain with crossed arms and just watch?
Well, F*#@ that!!!
No war or use of force, but definitely active diplomacy.
I'd expect you to show a bit of maturity and get over it.
It's been a long time, no-one else is trying to wind back the clock and international borders to 1833.
You don't need the Falklands, and it doesn't affect you personally at all.
Plus the fact that you are never going to get what you want. You are setting yourselves up for failure.
I can assure you that you don't 'believe as much as I do', because this is my home. Whatever you think and feel about this, it can never come anywhere near what Falkland Islanders think and feel.
And please, no more talk about 'active diplomacy'. It isn't diplomacy. As well as being bullying and intimidation, most of it is lies. Let's call it what it is shall we?
@ # 7 M_of_FI ....It's not only words my friend...It might be true that your Falkland (Malvinas) bessels are in Montevideo or anywhere in South America, BUT only because they display a different practice, it is only a matter of changing big deal, but the intended message here is the lack of recognition of the Falklands as a legitimate state; and that's what matters.
@# 9 Monty69
...As for respecting our way of life, what a bunch of frauds and liars you are.
Our way of life is to make a peaceful living from our resources, to have friendly relations with our neighbours and to live under the government of our choosing.
Respect shown for our way of life by you= none, zero...
Rant all you want and insult all you want Monty69, but the bottom line here is that Argentina is only claiming what belongs to her. No one is telling to you or the rest of the Kelpers to become Argentines, leave the islands, stop talking in English or not having good relations with your neighbours; however you need to recognize that the land where you are living is part of a country called Argentina. Whether you like it or not.
Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree Monty69.
A population was evicted in 1833 when England was at its height of imperial endeavors setting up colonial posts everywhere. We don't accept that a part and parcel of what was Argentina back then was removed. And Argentina shall continue to argue the case (non-violently by which I mean the non use of overt force).
Tell you what, don't tell me what to believe and I shall also respect what you choose to believe, huh!
ALBA ..another pointless group..We all know that nothing regarding the situation in The Falkalnds can change untill the islanders themselves decide it..
@8 'In fact, the only war-like vessels in the area happen to be British. ”
Pig's bum... the RG excuse for a navy has ships patrolling along the edge of the Falklands economic zone all the time... harrassing ships on the high seas going about their lawful business.
Just for you I dearly hope the the botox queen does become president for life... you deserve nothing more.....
Argentina is only claiming what belongs to her Jeremy #12
Jeremy, I have no vested interest in this argument and rarely get involved, but I do like a bit of logic.
TFI do NOT 'belong' to Argentina.
Did it ever belong to Spain? Did it ever belong to Argentina - apart from the few months of occupation 30 years ago? or perhaps a B.A. province that had a different flag in long gone history?
Argentina has a CLAIM (that, and that alone) that TFI might and should 'belong' to it.
. . . all well and good - test the claim the way peaceful nations do, in the appropriate court of law.
Certainly, discussion between the two intransigent points of view will produce nothing except hot air, as we have had proven to us over the last few years.
Argentina has 'a lot' of countries pushing it towards the International Court of Justice. It should not resist their support, it should make the case, and it should live with the consequence.
What I cannot abide is the blether - to use a good Scottish word - and tissue of half-truths and non-truths that are drummed up in public places by Mr Timerman and others using the same practices to warp opinion.
My position is based on law and logic, and I fear for Argentina's case if it does present it at the ICJ alongside that of TFI and its Protector, the UK.
I have no doubt that this is the reason why it steadfastly refuses to 'do the right thing' through the ICJ, and why it resorts to blether.
@16 So if the british ships stay their side of the line ( in your statement you accept that there is a limit to argentine waters) then nothing noteworthy about them being there then...
So why the fuss?
Exactly, dear Helber.
And OUR ships will patrol OUR & lnternational waters.
l don't give a rat's arse what you do on your side of the fence.
And you also know, dear Helber, that only the illegal garrison was evicted/ejected & rightly so.
Well Helber just howpeacefully & with diplomacy are you going to conquer OUR lslands?
l await your reply with bated breath.
Wrong Jeremiah, wrong again.
These lslands have NEVER belonged to Argentina & NEVER will.
You can & no doubt will, rant & rave however you need to recognise that these lslands DO NOT belong to Argentina, whether you like it or not.
And Monty69 is right. You ARE frauds & liars. Huge liars.
lts NOT your land & you will NEVER get it.
Get used to it.
Same old crap, Argentina claiming the support of nations, where such nation themselves have not even annouced or made any official comment on it. Sorry but argentinas here are so quick to jump that by the time they have landed they will be shocked to find the countries involved have not given their support at all. Especially when britain threatens to terminate their membership of the commonwealth and any financial aid and when they are reminded that the sames rights given to them under the UN charter to determine their own future applies to all peoples of all territories regardless of any past historic claim by another country.
”but only through peaceful means and diplomatic negotiations respecting the way of life of its inhabitants and according to International Law”.
Threatning its inhabitants,bullying its neighbours to ban vessel's legally(according to international law) from flying its own flag,trying to and threatning to ban flights via Chile. Timmerman is a 'Colado' who is a master of the Compadrada and he will get no-where fast with his South American Amigo's. His English nickname is MR R Slickham !
they have given their support but will withdraw once Britain threatens as you have pointed out yourself. In other words, were there no British threat, their support would stand.
So are they really supporting argentinas claim. Nah, hence why no annoucement from them and nothing more than argentinas standard templated thank you response that is used at the end of all international meetings, regardless of whether their was any expressed support or not.
so what would you prefer? Violent actions such as '82?
No thank you.
I much prefer this other way even if you find it bullying and threatening.
At least no one is dying from it.
No. This is a comptlete fallacy of an argument. Are you really saying we should be grateful to you because a blockade is better than war?
Utterly shocking.
You have plenty of other options open to you. Your 'claim' is completely your choice. You have pretty much fabricated it out of nothing to satisfy your national ego. You can drop it any time you like without any noticeable impact on yourselves.
You can re-enter the joint hydrocarbons agreement and joint fisheries management and we'll all be better off.
If you choose to live in your fantasy world, as in 'the Falkland Islands are Argentine territory' etc, then do it, but don't expect us to be grateful or do anything but hate you for it.
You would like the Falklands to be Argentine territory, but that isn't the same thing. You are not the sovereign nation and you have nothing but a 'claim'. And that is so, whether you like it or not.
So Argentina is claiming what belongs to her? Says who? Its a remanufactured claim, stemming from a movement in the 1930s to claim lots of territory based on irredentist ideas, subsequently latched onto by Peron as a cheap way of exciting the masses.
You keep repeating the claim that the British expelled an Argentine settlement. This is a lie, it never happened. What do you call a claim based on lies?
I was merely pointing out that those carribean countrie timmerman claims surpport your claims earlier confirmed their support of the falkland islanders right to self determination. I was also pointing out that this release by timmerman is nothing more than the regular statement thanking all nations or an nation for their support, at the end of dialogue between argentina and other countries, regardless as to whether the falklands issue was actually discussed or whether those countries had actually agreed to anything. The lack of any official annoucement from those countries in questions casts a clear doubt on any such support claimed by timmerman. Timmermans template response is nothing more than a ploy to deceive argentine people into false hope they will get the islands and have international support when they do not.
On a side note, i do not think the USA will be pleased to see Argentina and other latin american countries sleeping in the same bed as Chavez who sleeps in the same bed as Iran and Syria. Choose your friends wisely as they say.
Heber,Your claim is false,your threats are empty,your politicians are lying through their back teeth just to please CFK,your bullying of your South American Friends just gets you hated by them even more. Your government should quietly drop the CLAIM and enjoy life and look after its many poor people because your claim cannot be successful. Do you understand Cannot ? Hector will be in Quinta del ñato and this will still be going nowhere.It cannot because the Islands belong to the people !
Terrible news just in. The Swiss have now agreed to join the south American blockade and will no longer allow Falklands flagged vessels to dock in their ports. I wonder how much Argentina had to 'pay' to get that deal.
“Today Caracas is witness that Malvinas has become a cause of the entire Latin America and the Caribbean and shows Argentina is not alone in its legitimate claims”.
Well I did warn you didn't I?
And when that oil starts getting shipped north it will inflame the passions of all of South America people.
The Falkland Islanders still have a window of opportunity to negotiate without losing anything.
Ignore that opportunity and they might lose everything.
Yup, I can believe what I like Helber, but even your Junta said they would never take them by force - until they tried to take them by force of course. What the Falkland Islanders have learned about Argentine governments down the ages, of all colours, elected and unelected is not to trust them at all. You talk of peaceful means, yet already the Islands are effectively under an Argentine blockade - not a very effective one - but a blockade nonethelesss. That's hardly a peaceful way of going about things...
THANK YOU , All South America, Caribean Commonwealth Countries, Unites States, Russia, China, All AFrica, Some asian countries and now IRELAND which we share the same hero of Lft.Brown. to support Malvinas Argentinas. THe empire is falling down in a decadence kindom ...
a message from Ushuaia, Capital of TDF, Antarctica & South Atlantic Islands (includes Malvinas islands).
I'm still intrigued by the fact that they've added South Georgia to their imperial claims. What basis do they use to claim that island beyond it's there and we want it ??
36 J.A. Roberts - What the Falkland Islanders have learned about Argentine governments down the ages, of all colours, elected and unelected is not to trust them at all.
Not only the Falkland Islanders Mr Roberts. Just ask the Chileans, Paraguayans and Uruguayans what they really think of Argentine governments through the years. Any current signs of friendliness or compliance are nothing but lip service. Only the Brazilians don't worry about the Argentines, but then of course Argentina would never dare to try and bully them.
the guys a nut, the report was false,
unless you argies can come up with the proof, and even name the comonwealth countries,
we are waiting for the proof, if you please .
As ever, not surprised at all about most of the pro-malvanist comments in here given fresh resolve by the 'perceived' support from Venezuela and the Caribbean. It might raise the diplomatic temperature a few more degrees, but, when push comes to shove, it will eventually come to nothing as none of these tin pot Nations mean bugger all to the Falkland Islands or Britain, they certainly need Britain far more than Britain needs them, so, lets ban their flagged ships from our ports and then see what happens.
It might also be a good idea to have both versions of the of the islands sovereignty claims by Argentina and the UK displayed in the South American media so that they can actually choose the most likely 'true' record. They won't, because they know that to do so would make them look more stupid than they already are.
My position is based on the law and logic, and I fear that in the case of Argentina if not presented in the International Court of Justice together with the TFI and its protector, the United Kingdom
Do not lie, this is another English trick to delay the implementation of ten United Nations resolutions. If you based on the law and logic, in compliance with United Nations resolutions such as 2065.
The ICJ is equivalent to the Committee on Decolonization United Nations. If England does not meet the decolonization committee of United Nations, except going to comply with the International Court of Justice.
The International Court of Justice shall immediately forward the proceedings of the committee on decolonization conflict the United Nations, which is the most appropriate body for interpreting and understanding the concepts of colonialism and imperialism, their historical contexts and social processes, and has already extensively reviewed the arguments of both Argentine and the UK finally failed and it is a conflict of sovereignty and self-determination. Just note that in the Malvinas Question General Assembly of the United Nations included this doctrine - the principle of territorial integrity by referring to the interests and NOT the wishes of the population of the islands - in its resolution 2065 (XX) 1965, ratified by later resolutions 1973 (3160, XXVIII) 1976 (31/49), 1982 (37/9), 1983 (38/12), 1984 (39/6), 1985 (40/21) 1986 (41/40), 1987 (42/19) and 1988 (43/25). They all declare the existence of a sovereignty dispute and reaffirm the invitation made in resolution 2065 (XX) Parties (Argentina and the United Kingdom).
The International Court of Justice in its judgments rests on the committee of the UN decolonization. Remember that the international court of justice and decolonization committee of United Nations is supranational. Both have a lot of international prestige and complement each other.
Do you think anyone helps anyone else in geopolitics without a pay off in return?
Of course not.
What will be the pay off in this case?
Hordes of Carbbieans, Nicaraguans, etc coming to Argentina.
Along with the Chinese, Africans, not to mention the Europeans and American and Canadian (who will run things, of course).
In short the pay off will be a brand new demographic.
In 20 years Argentina will be unrecognizable. You mark my words.
BA will be as multiculti as LA.
Good bye to Mate, Asasdo, and Football.
Well, maybe not football. But half of Boca will be Columbians or Brazilians.
In short, The you help us, We help you will, in this case, be translated as....
We'll support your Malvinas obsession and you'll accept millions of immigrants from all of our countries. If not, you'll be accused of racism.
That's how that's going to work. I mean, that's how it is working - present continuous. Just drop my the office of the Ministry of Interior and see for yourself.
They are not talking about it too much in the papers here though, for a reason.
A population was evicted in 1833 when England was at its height of imperial endeavors setting up colonial posts everywhere.
Go to your national archives. You will find no proof of this, many of the islanders trace there history back to the very people you claim were expelled. In Argentina there is no document that shows the islands population returning back in Argentina. The only people who came back to Argentina was the expelled military unit. Whom(According to your own records) Argentina had them all executed.
The second half of this sentence also shows you lack of knowledge in history. Our country didn't reach it's height of imperial history until a full 100 years later.
The ICJ is equivalent to the Committee on Decolonization United Nations. If England does not meet the decolonization committee of United Nations
I don't know how you expect anyone to take you seriously Raul when you come out with such utter trash as the above.
The ICJ and the c-24 are NOTHING, i repeat NOTHING alike in any way shape or form.
The International Court of Justice in its judgments rests on the committee of the UN decolonization.
Provide one time in the history of the ICJ where the ICJ has decided the fate of a territory based solely on the c-24, please.
This is just a silly attempt to make out the c-24 to be more than it is. The c-24 is not binding, fact. One you can't change. The ICJ is(for most of us anyway) binding.
The ICJ is a court of law. How you can try to compare this to the c-24 is beyond me, either you're trolling or you are just plain stupid.
Caribbean states join Mercosur in barring Falklands’ flagged vessels from their ports
Another Argentinean diplomatic victory!
Pleake keep sending your warships and your royal parasites to the British circus tour in Malvinas.
16 Helber Galarga ----No need for warships, fighter jets or anything like that!
That's because the side your on doesn't have any worth talking about, I am sure if it had they would be sailing to invade again. A leopard never changes its spots and we can compare your corrupt psychopathic country with a leopard.
Anyway its far too much fun to not use them especially to put you lot in their place and its nothing more than you deserve
hat's because the side your on doesn't have any worth talking about, I am sure if it had they would be sailing to invade again. A leopard never changes its spots and we can compare your corrupt psychopathic country with a leopard.
We,the people in Argentina prefer money for education and health,than the useless weapons....gunboat diplomacy.....AHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA
uk with 3 millions unemployed......and 1 trillion in public debt
Been reading these columns for a few weeks now. As I see it, it will end in war. No one cares what the other side has to say, so no point in diplomacy. So, have your war, it would be good to start the same week as Israel hits Iran. Then Syria can join in, followed by the US and Russia. Just make it the week before the Olympics, that' ll be fun. I will watch it all on CNN before one of Putin's ICBM's kills me. Once we are all dead, no one will be here to name any rock, let alone know what it is called.You may think me mad, but am I any madder than the rest?
AAA credit rating, city of london foremost financial capital of the world free press 2% inflation vs Defaulting on IMF load, rampant inflation 20%, government control of press, victimisation of any journalist that writes negative reports of economy, plus president that now will decide to undemocratically have a third term in power. SOUNDS A GREAT COUNTRY. Credit worthy country vs country that no country wants to invest in.
I do not know how you expect anyone to take you seriously Raul, when you go out with that garbage complete than before.
It is not my education or my usual answer personal attacks from you.
I can not answer with the same insults that I do it because the editor is MercoPress British oil capital and WHEN REPORTED ABUSE OF YOUR INSULT YOUR NEVER TAKE ACTIONS OF YOUR COMMENTS CORRECTIVAAS. Clear is that they are English!!!
Your comments really surprised by a complete and total ignorance of the Falklands conflict and international relations ...
Everyone serious about compliance with UN resolutions. No need to have extreme intelligence to understand why multilateral organizations like the United Nations, Organization of American States (OAS), CELAC, MERCOSUR, ETC. support Argentina.
Why are you afraid of the committee of the UN decolonization? Of the 16 cases of decolonization, 10 are for the UK colonialism, including Falklands.
Peace is not garbage. It is a virtue that the UK and murderous contempt.
Are we to attack with atomic bombs to reclaim what is ours? Are we threatened with genocide and terrorism and bombing civilians and the humanitarian held in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq? Do you have fear of world opinion? Argentina already had four British and invasions (1806-1807-1833 - Forced Return of 20/11/1845. Argentina has always always go forward. Over time, the world public opinion and South America Argentina regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands .
Remember this always: The struggle undertaken by our country and have started kirchner is similar to the civil rights struggle led by Luther King in the U.S. or Perez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize) in their struggle for rights humans against military dictatorship and claims of sovereignty in the Falklands conflict.
”There are no roads to peace, peace is the way.
The UN C24 Committee does not produce law, it does not even produce judgements, it produces occasional policy recommendations (coloured by the imbalanced make-up of the committee).
I'm sure you know what Law is:
Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible.
It shapes politics, economics and society, and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.
International Law governs affairs between sovereign states in activities ranging from trade to environmental regulation or military action.
Law distinguishes itself from policy as laws are the standard rules and regulations that are compulsory.
Policies are objectives that an organization like the UN (or a government) sets for itself.
The United Nations system provides a constitution for *public international law*, private international law or conflict of laws and the law of supranational organizations.
Public international law:
• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands. The sources for public international law development are custom, practice and treaties between sovereign nations (such as the Geneva Conventions).
• It can be formed by international organisations, such as the United Nations. It has a special status as law because there is no international police force.
• The International Court of Justice is the primary UN judicial organ.
So taking The Falklands sovereignty case to the ICJ is taking it to the United Nations own adjudicator.
55 Raul
stop making exuses and fictiouse impresive words for the indocrintaed,
that fact is,,the truth is,,
if you think you have a case
take it to the ICJ,
no argument no exuses, no diversions, go to the ICJ
or argentina should just drop the whole false claim .
AA credit rating, city of london foremost financial capital of the world free press 2% inflation vs Defaulting on IMF load, rampant inflation 20%, government control of press, victimisation of any journalist that writes negative reports of economy, plus president that now will decide to undemocratically have a third term in power. SOUNDS A GREAT COUNTRY. Credit worthy country vs country that no country wants to invest in.
AHahahahahah Still uk has 3 million unemployed......What is the point to have a mortgage at 5% if you have NO JOB..It is a trade off...
I totally agree with Raul last comment, also with Malvinero.
If this conservative group of right-wingers at the British Government today like the self-determination they should start at home, where they haven't attended the needs and claims of british lowest classes, and still don't.
More and more diplomatic support for Argentina. More and more infamous and unbelievably childish words from the british government.
They DON'T CARE AT ALL about the people living in Malvinas, They just want to go on having this strategical point in the South Atlantic Ocean on the Argentinian Seaside, so important to go on GRABBING resources and to keep a military foot there.
Disgusting and immoral! Even Brits deserve a better government, a more honest one.
They will also claim self-determination in Antartic continent in a few years...
The UK has changed many times its fundaments about its rights over the islands. One by one, they have become obsolete ...
Where is the scottish self-determination?
The British Government have expressed not so long ago: they are Her Majesty’s territory [the islands] So how does this fit with self-determination??
And for those not recognizing the UN documents: Talking about laws and supporting COLONIALISM+IMPERIALISM is IMMORAL and HILARIOUS.
See the actors involved in this international conflict, see who they are, where they come from and what they have done in history, you will realize what the future will be if they get more support.
I have dug up that Britain has not relinquished her claim to Argentine since 1806. This means that the UK has had a continuous claim on Argentina even before Argentina existed. This is definitive proof that Argentine belongs to Britain and Argentines should from now on be forced to speak English, fly the British flag and obey British laws.
Public international law:
• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands.
As a result, Malvinas in an OBJECT of Int'l Law, not a SUBJECT. That is why the colonists NEVER had a seat at the UNGA, cannot sign international treaties. THE UK DOES THAT FOR YOU BUT THE COLONISTS CANNOT DO IT THEMSELVES
59 fermin
Are you a hypercrit or what,
On the other blog you are stating that Britain is all rich and middle class, or course you agree with the other two,
Your indoctrination allows you to, does it not,
[Childish words from the British government ]
And Argentina did nothing, a victim yet again, deluded ??
[Disgusting and immoral! Even Argies deserve a better government, and a more honest one
[][we are agreed then,]
[They will also claim self-determination in Antarctic continent in a few years...
[][and we bet Argentina will be the first, ]
59 fermin
As I said before, you will not get them, they don’t want you,
Stop being greedy, Argentina and is great wealth, does not need them,
You certainly don’t want the people,
So it has to be the oil , and other minerals, and that makes Argentina what ??
59 fermin, you wrote.....They DON'T CARE AT ALL about the people living in Malvinas I looked on the map and cannot find Malvinas anywhere. I don't believe a country called Malvinas exist. Where exactly is it? - Millet USA
Well i have to say that this news does not bother me one bit, it will never change the fact that the Falkland Islands are british, the islanders themsleves are british and they will remain british.
There are an awful lot of ill thought out comments on here, i do wonder where some peoples head are at, can you not read? why do you allow yoursleves to let emotions take over any rational thought processes? The people of the Falkland Islands have no desire to become Argentine and never will, all Argentina do is bully and make themselves even more repulsive to the Falkland Islanders, the current posting of one of our royals to the Falklands has caused outrage, why? can the Argentines not accept that some of our royal family happen to be in the armed forces? why shouldn't they gain experience like any other serviceman? There is nothing which could change the Falkland Islanders minds now, too much has happened, too many deaths and bad memories, there is nothing positive or attractive about Argentina or its government. People are questioning why the new warship and nuclear submarine being sent down south, why do you think? they are just going to continue to protect the Falklands and that is only right because Argentina is the enemy, not a friend. The damage is done Argentina and it's all your doing!
Falklands Facts, by topic on the falklands
In the first place, the claim to the Falklands inserted in Argentina’s 1994 Constitution does breach UN Resolution 31/49 of 1976. It was a unilateral act performed 18 years after the passing of the UN Resolution (no previous Argentine Constitution mentioned the Falklands). The EU treaties do not breach it; they simply list all EU overseas territories, and Britain’s overseas territories were listed from 1973, three years before 31/49. Those treaties have been widely misunderstood in Argentina;
Argentina’s constitution, however, does just that. It now requires any negotiations over the Falklands to end in total British capitulation; there is no other possible outcome. No arbitration is possible now either, since Argentina could not accept a result that went against its constitution. UN Resolution 31/49 was intended to promote a negotiated solution, but Argentina’s constitutional claim prevents that.
justa quote, please look it up
The Falklands have always been Argentine is taught to every Argentine child as a matter of faith. What was Argentina during the time when it always” possessed Las Malvinas?
Much of what the Argentines call Argentina was Chile in 1775:
the truth hurt perhaps .
Excusse me Dear Marcos, they aren´t circus, just parasits of the Nobody Wants Impire with Facist Queen. So boring people In Malvinas (just stolen), come on, u need to dance samba in S. America, robbers without any neurons (because if have brain, u could live in Australia. W.a.s.p. Robbers !
The Falklands have always been Argentine“ is taught to every Argentine child as a matter of faith. What was Argentina during the time when it ”always” possessed Las Malvinas?
Let see,the pijotero chimp,is pullin MFTA=hutch=lordtrash,was expelled from EL MAlvinense and ZM,for IDIOT!
The topic By law Argentina relinquished its claim in 1850
Pulled by dishonest David(living in Peru),David's argument was totally destroyed by an Argentine lawyer,Dr Shadow.Resd pp3 and 4.
David, queres presentar un caso de uti possidetis con el tratado Arana-Southern, el cual no tiene nada que ver con Malvinas, colocando a las islas como territorio de conquista, lo irónico es que según ustedes no es un botín de guerra, y solo basta remontarse a Parish que en 1831 al elevar la protesta formal a Guido habla de los derechos de soberanía de su majestad Británica.
¿Entendes el significado implícito de lo que estas citando?
Dr Shadow demolished his argument,and David disappeared......
Just do not pull the same garbage chimp.....
Why don’t you repeat it, with the Spanish omitted, you know most brits cant read Spanish,
you will always belive what you belive, regardless of the truth,
why would anyone belive a man who hates the british openly with his rants.
Look PAl that is THE law and History.Of you think uk is roigth why do not take in the security council????
uk DISREGAR it....
You do not like it? FIne with me..That is the truth....There are 10 UNGA res,and 15 C24,plus UNASUR,MERCOSUR,Brazil,Chile..hey..stop it....
How many countries are not with uk??
The people of the Falkland Islands, simply want nothing to do with Argentina. Who could blame them? Why on earth would anyone want to belong to a country like Argentina, when they have the opportunity to be associated with a country like the UK? Argentina has nothing to offer them. Argentina doesn't even pay their bills, are a third world country, with a very limited future. The best and most loyal friend the United States has is the UK, and the USA would certainly side with the UK over the Falkland Islands. - Millet USA
you really have to stop beating yourself up like that.
you must have a sore face by now.
Millet is right, you know.
We don't want anything to do with you & no, you do NOT own the Falklands.
What else is there to say, Helber? Except--don't go away, mad..........just go away.
Wiki. Public international law:
• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands. . . .
As a result, Malvinas in an OBJECT of Int'l Law, not a SUBJECT.
That is why the colonists NEVER had a seat at the UNGA, cannot sign international treaties.
Helber Galarga (#61)
Thank you for the additional clarification, this is a good point as TFI is, in International Law, an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom.
Thus the ICJ requires the UK and Argentina to be principals at the legal proceedings, with TFI (or 'Malvinas, as you refer to it, though this term has no presence in International Law) able to present as asked, and able to present submissions on Self-determination and Sovereignty both here and in other fora.
Argentina has, of course, no part to play in the self-determination and sovereignty issues.
The International Court of Justice, **being the primary United Nations judicial organ,** is able to satisfy Argentina's solicitations that matters should be addressed with reference to the UN.
You know i love how some argentines claim the falklands were always part of argentina territory (malviner) and base there claim on them being part of their territorial intregrity due to them being part of their contenital shelf along side tierra del feugo. But what they fail to remember is that can not possibly be the case, as - 1 - patagonia was not even part of argentina in 1833, and therefore neither was tierro del feugo, which i believe in 1833 still belonged to the native american indians and was in fact settled by brits first, after all we did estabish the capital of tierra del feugo. which means - 2 - we have a much more stronger claim for tierro del feugo on territorial integrity grounds, than argentina has for the falklands.
To put it simply. You can not claim something as yours on the grounds its part of tierro del fuego, when in 1833, which is where you date your claim back too, tierro del feugo was not actually part of argentina, in fact their was around 900 miles between the borders of the united provinces and the falklands. Thats a bit like germany claiming sovereignty of all the coutries to the west of its border up to the russian border, and germany has a much stronger case of territorial integrity and continental shelve argument than argentina does for the falklands. How they can not see just how illogical their claim is, is beyond me.
Very well put Teaboy. But l think that you meant Germany claiming east of its border up to Russia.
No problems, l know what you meant & l made the same east-west mistake myself a few weeks back.
But you are completely correct re Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego.
We were there before the Argentines.
Tell you what! They keep getting wet knickers over the Falklands.
What about a swap? lf they want the Falklands they'll have to give us Patagonia & TDF
(& pay for the transfer costs too, of course!).♥
58 Its AAA cedit rating not AA like america or france which i think you agree is a measure of a countries economic outlook. And I have a job and only pay 2.5 percent interest on a mortgage as the base rate interest is 0.5 percent at the bank of england. So no at the moment I dont feel to bad thanks. And as inflation is not 20 plus like Argentina although this could be a lot higher) but your government censors bad financial news. When you going to pay your defaulted IMF loan back??? So to sum up UK economy coming out of a recession Argentine near meltdown...
If you go back far enough every nation has a claim on every other nation and if you add in the proximity idea well... the sky is the limit!
The Argentines are not a real nation, their country has only existed for about 175 years. Most Argentines trace their family history to Italy, Spain, Germany and the British Isles. The only real Argentines are the Amerindians and their nation is the entire continent of America.
The Argentines I know have Italian mothers, English father, Spanish grandfathers, German grandmothers, Welsh great great uncles. It's technically impossible to claim Argentines are a nation.
They also have the most comically fascist like government on the entire continent. Their entire policy agenda revolves around a group of islands they work 24/7 to alienate the population of. While spreading lies and peddling rants about “the British” that make Mugabe look normal by comparison.
Latin Americans find Argentina an alien culture, its a colonial relic, a piece of Europe transplanted onto a continent thousands of miles away. The culture is Latin European, with a touch of English and Welsh. It certainly bears no resemblance to its neighbors in Paraguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, or Peru.
Even the Argentine honour guards wear colonial uniforms copied from the British and Spanish Imperial era.
They are a throwback to another age. An age of fascism.
The problem is that there is a problem of sovereignty and that Britain does not comply with the Committee on Decolonization United Nations, which is the appropriate place to address the problems of colonialism, which requires the implementation of Resolution 2065 (XX) 1965, ratified by later resolutions 1973 (3160, XXVIII) 1976 (31/49), 1982 (37/9), 1983 (38/12), 1984 (39/6), 1985 (40/21), 1986 (41/40), 1987 (42/19) and 1988 (43/25). They all declare the existence of a sovereignty dispute and reaffirm resolution 2065 (XX) to the Parties. Since 2004 the Argentine government to the Malvinas Islands Question to appear on the permanent agenda and in the paper by the Bureau of the General Assembly.
Each year the Committee on decolonization issues a call for the fulfillment of the resolutions. United Kingdom does not comply with international law. The General Assembly resolutions exist and are to be met, not breaking them.
In 61 Helber Galarga is right when he says that Falkland is not a sovereign nation. Things RIGHT!
As a result, the Falklands in an object of international law, not a subject. That's why we NEVER settlers had a seat in the General Assembly and the Committee on decolonization are represented by England therefore can not sign international treaties. The United Kingdom does it for them, but the settlers can not do it themselves. They are not a nation, are a colony implanted.
UK committee fears the UN decolonization is evident where their lack of rights, arguments and colonialist and imperialist design. Of the 16 cases of colonialism, 10 are from the United Kingdom. I reiterate this concept: The International Court of Justice in its judgments are based on the decolonization committee of the UN. Remember that the International Court of Justice and the Decolonization Committee of the United Nations is supranational. Both have an international reputation and complement each other. This is undeniable.
I've been following this site for sometime but I feel time to post. I'm 16, I'm a kelper. If the Argies want the Falklands come and take it and see what you get. I just hope you have enough places to put your dead because we don't want any more over here!
I have been in Sea Cadets and Marine Detachment since I was 8. I plan to join the Defence Force as soon as I finish 6th form. Maybe to you I'm just a girl but I tell you now, come and see how straight I shoot. Come and find out!
There are hundreds more just like me, waiting. We've heard all the talk now come on! Lets see.
Remember that the International Court of Justice and the Decolonization Committee of the United Nations is supranational. Both have an international reputation and complement each other. This is undeniable. Raul #79
I cannot deny it.
The ICJ has a powerful international reputation.
The 'Decolonisation Committee' has a powerful international reputation.
The ICJ's reputation is entirely positive and
the Decol. Com's is entirely negative - in fact it is an international joke.
And I have to say that, if the Decol. Com. were ever to succeed in a total depopulation of the Island archipeligo, there would still be absolutely no place for Argentina in the outcome because it would preclude the presence of a South American colonisation also.
The offshore resources would remain exploitable by the sovereign owner, the UK, alongside the other unpopulated Antarctic Protectorates of the UK.
Not a popular outcome for Argentina, or you either, Raul, I think.
@79 Raul,
You're snookered Raul, so forget it.
Now since Helber won't answer, l'll ask you.
1) You won't go to court. ICJ.(your case is weak & you know it!).
2) Your country has ruled out military action(you would if you could).
3) How are you going to Peacefullyconquer OUR lslands?
l await your reply.
All the talk on this site is really a waste of time and talent. There is no chance in the world that Argentina will get the Falkland islands away from the UK. No chance. The UK is just to strong for little Argentina to do anything about it. Don't waste your time talking to the Argens as a people they simply are not worth ones time. Millet-USA
She speaks with false tongue,
She bolts and triples locks the doors,
And demands a password, that says I will give you anything you ask for without question,
And then she invites you to talk,
An impossibility, you play her game, or no game at all,
The only thing she will ever give her people is a promise,
And that promise is to talk,
And that is exactly what she is doing, talking,
No Falklands
No victory
Just talk.
Dear oh dear. This article quotes the events of 1806, during the NAPOLEONIC WARS! How far back are we going to go? Argentina wasn't even its own country then. It was a Spanish COLONY, a word the Argentinians love to use against us in this dispute. Argentina is descended from European colonial powers. Britain was at war with Spain at the time. Nothing unusual for that time period, many countries fought each other for control of pieces of land.
Now we're in 2012, and we have some morons still banging on about the events of the 1800's. The 'evil colonial' British blah blah. They forget that we are people born in the modern era, and were not alive in the early 1800's. They also forget that the Falklands has its own population living there happily, who would like more than anything, to get on with their neighbours.
I wish this really awful woman Kirchner would shut her big ugly mouth. She is bullying a small island of 3000, when she has a country of 40 million to take care of. She should do her duty and help her own country.
@89 Its pathetic? Because i state the truth? You just admit my point, yet call me pathetic? You're the ones trying to claim an island that ISN'T YOURS. You're a scummy nation of inbred retards, this is evident from the fact that you can't reason.
So its ok for your ancestors to murder a population and inhabit a country, but not for our ancestors to find an uninhabited island and populate it? Umm ok.
The retarded are you that ignores the fact that in 1833 an English corvette jacket to the population who were there and implant a new one, from another source-
The pathetic you are, you know 40 (forty, 4 times 10 ) UN resolutions, saying it is a problem of sovereignty-
The unpresentable is when you do not understand and neither argues that this is so, even if its main partner, the U.S., says it's an issue of sovereignty and that the only way is dialogue-
Each resolution that does not comply with UK to negotiate, is a country that asks for more serving the UN to serving the Security Council and the ICJ.
People like you are the same that discredits the international system.
People like you are doing that more and more countries will come When wonder for us and for our resources?
Finally, if you are a believer of any God, you know that we come from Adam-
And, of different nationalities but one species (human), we have populated this planet-
And some have exported their own people to other worlds, colonizing.
And some, few, who have no right to self-determination by the dispute of sovereignty existing live in the Falklands
You knew that Juan Fernandez is 600 km from Chile? and only 400km separating the continent Malvinas?
if you came from god,
then one, you would sit in shame,
give up your false claim, stop lying stop intimidating, stop threatening,
and all the rest,
if you truly belived in the man upstairs, we would not be here now,
hypercrit springs to mind,
The eviction myth is a lie & you know it.
Their descendents are the Falklanders & you know it.
You have no case & you know that too.
Lying will not help you one bit.
Rosarino - if you're going to insult us in our language, at least learn some proper grammer. Saying The retarded are you makes you sound retarded. Saying The pathetic you are makes you sound pathetic. Maybe you're using a translation program, in which case you should definitely try to leave off the insults.
cero, my point was maybe he should leave off the insults altogether. its hardly productive.
you keep saying 'return' them. return them to who? the islanders have been there for generations, who are they supposed to return them to? let me guess, argentina, so they can have their own colony there. even tho they've never lived there, and our claim goes back before they were even a country.
You don't own the lslands, never did & never will.
You will never get them & you're giving us all tremendous fun, refuting all the rubbish that you post.
When are you going to return the land that Argentina stole from Paraguay?
92 Rosarino (#)----- What the fuck are you on about you frigging numpty. I can’t understand hardly a frigging word that you wrote.
Now let’s start again shall we in words that even a moron like yourself can understand. If you think that you have a claim, I shall repeat those words IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CLAIM. Take your claim, I shall repeat once again TAKE YOUR CLAIM. To the ICJ . I shall once more repeat. TO THE ICJ where they will tell you to fuck yourself right of, as you don't have a claim.
So let’s recap just for you in words that we can all understand. TAKE YOUR CLAIM TO THE ICJ. Now repeat after me slowly I MUST TAKE OUR CLAIM TO THE ICJ BECAUSE ITS THE WAY CIVILIZED HUMAN BEINGS BEHAVE. AND I SHOULD STOP TELLING LARGE PORKY PIES ABOUT BRITAIN AND THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE ON THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. There that was not hard was it. Now run along and play with your toys there's a good little Argy.
Sadly they have no interest in proving anything,
They see us as weak and with a government that tries not to offend them,
So they intend to try and prove, that they can steal the islands, and anything else they have a mind to,
Then they will steal even more, until someone stops them.
104 Briton - They see us as weak and with a government that tries not to offend them.
This is exactly how the Argentines see Uruguay too. The Uruguayan gov't should face up to the Argentines instead of playing lip-service to everything they demand, including the Malvinas and Mercosur fantasies. Bullies don't respect appeasement. It's better to have Argentina moaning and whining about nothing than trying to blockade.
@105 ynsere,
They want an empire that includes Uruguay, Chile, Falklands & Antarctica.
They think it is their right & are getting frustrated because we are their stumbling bock
There's an interesting and article by Silvina Walger hidden away in today's online version of Argentina's daily national La Nación. The last line reads, Please, let's leave these islanders in peace, they have far greater chances than us of becoming a serious country (my translation).
This is far removed from the mindless mantra-like slogans usually coming out of BA.
Disclaimer & comment rulesWow! well that's the Falklands stuffed good and proper then.......
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0I would like to stress this bit:
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0through PEACEFUL MEANS and diplomatic negotiations respecting the way of life of its inhabitants and according to International Law
No need for warships, fighter jets or anything like that!
On two sidenotes:
1)silly island colonists thinking they could man a vessel with their flag. They are not a independent nation and bearing a flag is an indicator of having achieved independence!
2) the UK better step up their diplomatic skills! They are getting pummeled up to now. Even Commonwealth countries now recognise Argentina's rightful claim to the Malvinas.
“Most of Latin America and the Caribbean effectively support Argentina’s sovereignty claim over the Malvinas confirming that Argentina is not alone, who is increasingly alone and isolated is Great Britain”.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 08:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0ALBA members of the group, Nice support!!
Oh dear, how many of these countries traded with the Falklands :) I will give you a clue.....none
Feb 06th, 2012 - 08:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0ALBA whats that, another mundane club of Latin American tosspots, just like Merscour, CARICUM, UNASUR, I lose count at the amount of clubs in South America that South American nations are part of, and it looks even sillier when twitter man says that all these bodies support Argentina's claim well of course they would silly, its the same people who supported your claim before :)
Helber, those silly island colonists have had their own ships register, and therefore flag, since 1861. Funny how Argentina has recognised Falkland flagged vessels for 150 years and now suddenly they change their mind.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 09:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0Like anyone in their right mind going to believe Argentina and it's declarations of peaceful means...
Believe what you like JA Roberts,
Feb 06th, 2012 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0In the meantime deal with Commonwealth countries back stabbing you :)
Ermm....Helber, what Roberts has mentioned is fact. It appears to be you who is ignoring the facts and is believing what you want.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0I have said this many times along with others in here... it is only words Helber. Falkland fishing vessels are still in Montevideo. The Ocean Guardian exchanged crew in Brazil. Chile still trades with us. The LAN flight still comes in on Saturdays. All Argentina has is words. If that is what you want to accept as support that is your own mistake. We will keep on trading, living and enjoying our islands the way want to govern them. And when I say we I mean us Falkland Islanders.
@ 7
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0When I told JA Roberts to believe what he liked, I was referring to his dismissal of Argentina's declaration of reclaiming the islands through peaceful means.
As far as I am aware this Gov't has not attempted to take them my force. If you happen to have facts to the contrary please post them here.
In fact, the only war-like vessels in the area happen to be British. A destroyer and a nuclear sub on its way.
The existence of a Falkland Islands flag recognised by SA for 150 years isn't a question of belief; it's an easily verifiable fact.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0If Argentina has suddenly started to object to it now because there's some oil about, that isn't our fault.
As for respecting our way of life, what a bunch of frauds and liars you are.
Our way of life is to make a peaceful living from our resources, to have friendly relations with our neighbours and to live under the government of our choosing.
Respect shown for our way of life by you= none, zero...
Oh and your illegal harrassment, bullying, threatening etc is not diplomacy. It's not very peaceful either. It's designed to make us afraid of you, and that isn't any way forward. Every bit of intimidation takes you farther away from what you want.
So tell us Monty69, what would you expect Argentina to do, when they firmly believe as much as you do, that they have a rightful claim to the islands?
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0Remain with crossed arms and just watch?
Well, F*#@ that!!!
No war or use of force, but definitely active diplomacy.
FFS *faceplam*
I'd expect you to show a bit of maturity and get over it.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0It's been a long time, no-one else is trying to wind back the clock and international borders to 1833.
You don't need the Falklands, and it doesn't affect you personally at all.
Plus the fact that you are never going to get what you want. You are setting yourselves up for failure.
I can assure you that you don't 'believe as much as I do', because this is my home. Whatever you think and feel about this, it can never come anywhere near what Falkland Islanders think and feel.
And please, no more talk about 'active diplomacy'. It isn't diplomacy. As well as being bullying and intimidation, most of it is lies. Let's call it what it is shall we?
@ # 7 M_of_FI ....It's not only words my friend...It might be true that your Falkland (Malvinas) bessels are in Montevideo or anywhere in South America, BUT only because they display a different practice, it is only a matter of changing big deal, but the intended message here is the lack of recognition of the Falklands as a legitimate state; and that's what matters.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0@# 9 Monty69
...As for respecting our way of life, what a bunch of frauds and liars you are.
Our way of life is to make a peaceful living from our resources, to have friendly relations with our neighbours and to live under the government of our choosing.
Respect shown for our way of life by you= none, zero...
Rant all you want and insult all you want Monty69, but the bottom line here is that Argentina is only claiming what belongs to her. No one is telling to you or the rest of the Kelpers to become Argentines, leave the islands, stop talking in English or not having good relations with your neighbours; however you need to recognize that the land where you are living is part of a country called Argentina. Whether you like it or not.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0Well, I guess we will have to agree to disagree Monty69.
A population was evicted in 1833 when England was at its height of imperial endeavors setting up colonial posts everywhere. We don't accept that a part and parcel of what was Argentina back then was removed. And Argentina shall continue to argue the case (non-violently by which I mean the non use of overt force).
Tell you what, don't tell me what to believe and I shall also respect what you choose to believe, huh!
ALBA ..another pointless group..We all know that nothing regarding the situation in The Falkalnds can change untill the islanders themselves decide it..
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0@8 'In fact, the only war-like vessels in the area happen to be British. ”
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0Pig's bum... the RG excuse for a navy has ships patrolling along the edge of the Falklands economic zone all the time... harrassing ships on the high seas going about their lawful business.
Just for you I dearly hope the the botox queen does become president for life... you deserve nothing more.....
as long as those ships are on the Argentine side, there is nothing illegal about patrolling the seas. All sovereign nations do that.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0Argentina is only claiming what belongs to her Jeremy #12
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0Jeremy, I have no vested interest in this argument and rarely get involved, but I do like a bit of logic.
TFI do NOT 'belong' to Argentina.
Did it ever belong to Spain? Did it ever belong to Argentina - apart from the few months of occupation 30 years ago? or perhaps a B.A. province that had a different flag in long gone history?
Argentina has a CLAIM (that, and that alone) that TFI might and should 'belong' to it.
. . . all well and good - test the claim the way peaceful nations do, in the appropriate court of law.
Certainly, discussion between the two intransigent points of view will produce nothing except hot air, as we have had proven to us over the last few years.
Argentina has 'a lot' of countries pushing it towards the International Court of Justice. It should not resist their support, it should make the case, and it should live with the consequence.
What I cannot abide is the blether - to use a good Scottish word - and tissue of half-truths and non-truths that are drummed up in public places by Mr Timerman and others using the same practices to warp opinion.
My position is based on law and logic, and I fear for Argentina's case if it does present it at the ICJ alongside that of TFI and its Protector, the UK.
I have no doubt that this is the reason why it steadfastly refuses to 'do the right thing' through the ICJ, and why it resorts to blether.
What a joke ! Banning ships that never go there, most of which are Spanish anyway. Funny.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0And Timerman is a liar - the UN has NOT said that self determination does not apply to the Falkland Islanders.
Let the liar prove me wrong !!
@16 So if the british ships stay their side of the line ( in your statement you accept that there is a limit to argentine waters) then nothing noteworthy about them being there then...
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0So why the fuss?
Exactly, dear Helber.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0And OUR ships will patrol OUR & lnternational waters.
l don't give a rat's arse what you do on your side of the fence.
And you also know, dear Helber, that only the illegal garrison was evicted/ejected & rightly so.
Well Helber just howpeacefully & with diplomacy are you going to conquer OUR lslands?
l await your reply with bated breath.
Wrong Jeremiah, wrong again.
These lslands have NEVER belonged to Argentina & NEVER will.
You can & no doubt will, rant & rave however you need to recognise that these lslands DO NOT belong to Argentina, whether you like it or not.
And Monty69 is right. You ARE frauds & liars. Huge liars.
lts NOT your land & you will NEVER get it.
Get used to it.
Same old crap, Argentina claiming the support of nations, where such nation themselves have not even annouced or made any official comment on it. Sorry but argentinas here are so quick to jump that by the time they have landed they will be shocked to find the countries involved have not given their support at all. Especially when britain threatens to terminate their membership of the commonwealth and any financial aid and when they are reminded that the sames rights given to them under the UN charter to determine their own future applies to all peoples of all territories regardless of any past historic claim by another country.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0”but only through peaceful means and diplomatic negotiations respecting the way of life of its inhabitants and according to International Law”.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0Threatning its inhabitants,bullying its neighbours to ban vessel's legally(according to international law) from flying its own flag,trying to and threatning to ban flights via Chile. Timmerman is a 'Colado' who is a master of the Compadrada and he will get no-where fast with his South American Amigo's. His English nickname is MR R Slickham !
So Teaboy2,
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0they have given their support but will withdraw once Britain threatens as you have pointed out yourself. In other words, were there no British threat, their support would stand.
They also are quick to forget that Capricom supports the islanders rights to self determination and funny things i those same Carribian countries are also members of Capricom, they have more to lose by disagreeing with the UK then they have to gain from latin america. -
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0So are they really supporting argentinas claim. Nah, hence why no annoucement from them and nothing more than argentinas standard templated thank you response that is used at the end of all international meetings, regardless of whether their was any expressed support or not.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0so what would you prefer? Violent actions such as '82?
No thank you.
I much prefer this other way even if you find it bullying and threatening.
At least no one is dying from it.
threatening ?? Hardly :-)
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@ 26,
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I didn't use the word 'threatening'.
Viscount Falkland did in comment no.22
So take it up with him Lord Ton
25 Helber Galarga
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0No. This is a comptlete fallacy of an argument. Are you really saying we should be grateful to you because a blockade is better than war?
Utterly shocking.
You have plenty of other options open to you. Your 'claim' is completely your choice. You have pretty much fabricated it out of nothing to satisfy your national ego. You can drop it any time you like without any noticeable impact on yourselves.
You can re-enter the joint hydrocarbons agreement and joint fisheries management and we'll all be better off.
If you choose to live in your fantasy world, as in 'the Falkland Islands are Argentine territory' etc, then do it, but don't expect us to be grateful or do anything but hate you for it.
You would like the Falklands to be Argentine territory, but that isn't the same thing. You are not the sovereign nation and you have nothing but a 'claim'. And that is so, whether you like it or not.
No, Monty69!!!
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I did not write grateful so please DO NOT put words into my mouth!!!!
I merely said this course of action was BETTER than outright war.
Is that clear enough for you or would you like me to draw it for you?
#18 Don't hold your breath.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So Argentina is claiming what belongs to her? Says who? Its a remanufactured claim, stemming from a movement in the 1930s to claim lots of territory based on irredentist ideas, subsequently latched onto by Peron as a cheap way of exciting the masses.
You keep repeating the claim that the British expelled an Argentine settlement. This is a lie, it never happened. What do you call a claim based on lies?
I was merely pointing out that those carribean countrie timmerman claims surpport your claims earlier confirmed their support of the falkland islanders right to self determination. I was also pointing out that this release by timmerman is nothing more than the regular statement thanking all nations or an nation for their support, at the end of dialogue between argentina and other countries, regardless as to whether the falklands issue was actually discussed or whether those countries had actually agreed to anything. The lack of any official annoucement from those countries in questions casts a clear doubt on any such support claimed by timmerman. Timmermans template response is nothing more than a ploy to deceive argentine people into false hope they will get the islands and have international support when they do not.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0On a side note, i do not think the USA will be pleased to see Argentina and other latin american countries sleeping in the same bed as Chavez who sleeps in the same bed as Iran and Syria. Choose your friends wisely as they say.
Heber,Your claim is false,your threats are empty,your politicians are lying through their back teeth just to please CFK,your bullying of your South American Friends just gets you hated by them even more. Your government should quietly drop the CLAIM and enjoy life and look after its many poor people because your claim cannot be successful. Do you understand Cannot ? Hector will be in Quinta del ñato and this will still be going nowhere.It cannot because the Islands belong to the people !
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Terrible news just in. The Swiss have now agreed to join the south American blockade and will no longer allow Falklands flagged vessels to dock in their ports. I wonder how much Argentina had to 'pay' to get that deal.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 12:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Which Swiss port could we blockade....? Ha Ha
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0“Today Caracas is witness that Malvinas has become a cause of the entire Latin America and the Caribbean and shows Argentina is not alone in its legitimate claims”.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well I did warn you didn't I?
And when that oil starts getting shipped north it will inflame the passions of all of South America people.
The Falkland Islanders still have a window of opportunity to negotiate without losing anything.
Ignore that opportunity and they might lose everything.
Yup, I can believe what I like Helber, but even your Junta said they would never take them by force - until they tried to take them by force of course. What the Falkland Islanders have learned about Argentine governments down the ages, of all colours, elected and unelected is not to trust them at all. You talk of peaceful means, yet already the Islands are effectively under an Argentine blockade - not a very effective one - but a blockade nonethelesss. That's hardly a peaceful way of going about things...
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0THANK YOU , All South America, Caribean Commonwealth Countries, Unites States, Russia, China, All AFrica, Some asian countries and now IRELAND which we share the same hero of Lft.Brown. to support Malvinas Argentinas. THe empire is falling down in a decadence kindom ...
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0a message from Ushuaia, Capital of TDF, Antarctica & South Atlantic Islands (includes Malvinas islands).
Well done Dross - you are fully supported by Banana Republics and Tin-pot Dictatorships - way to go !!
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0:-)
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0All AFrica, Some asian countries
Wow cutting edge info,you nob
I'm still intrigued by the fact that they've added South Georgia to their imperial claims. What basis do they use to claim that island beyond it's there and we want it ??
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 036 J.A. Roberts - What the Falkland Islanders have learned about Argentine governments down the ages, of all colours, elected and unelected is not to trust them at all.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 01:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Not only the Falkland Islanders Mr Roberts. Just ask the Chileans, Paraguayans and Uruguayans what they really think of Argentine governments through the years. Any current signs of friendliness or compliance are nothing but lip service. Only the Brazilians don't worry about the Argentines, but then of course Argentina would never dare to try and bully them.
the guys a nut, the report was false,
Feb 06th, 2012 - 02:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0unless you argies can come up with the proof, and even name the comonwealth countries,
we are waiting for the proof, if you please .
Funny how the Argentine Sea doesn't appear on any maps before 1946, when Argentina invented it, along with making the false claim to the Islands.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 02:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0As ever, not surprised at all about most of the pro-malvanist comments in here given fresh resolve by the 'perceived' support from Venezuela and the Caribbean. It might raise the diplomatic temperature a few more degrees, but, when push comes to shove, it will eventually come to nothing as none of these tin pot Nations mean bugger all to the Falkland Islands or Britain, they certainly need Britain far more than Britain needs them, so, lets ban their flagged ships from our ports and then see what happens.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 03:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0It might also be a good idea to have both versions of the of the islands sovereignty claims by Argentina and the UK displayed in the South American media so that they can actually choose the most likely 'true' record. They won't, because they know that to do so would make them look more stupid than they already are.
17 GeoffWard2
Feb 06th, 2012 - 03:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0My position is based on the law and logic, and I fear that in the case of Argentina if not presented in the International Court of Justice together with the TFI and its protector, the United Kingdom
Do not lie, this is another English trick to delay the implementation of ten United Nations resolutions. If you based on the law and logic, in compliance with United Nations resolutions such as 2065.
The ICJ is equivalent to the Committee on Decolonization United Nations. If England does not meet the decolonization committee of United Nations, except going to comply with the International Court of Justice.
The International Court of Justice shall immediately forward the proceedings of the committee on decolonization conflict the United Nations, which is the most appropriate body for interpreting and understanding the concepts of colonialism and imperialism, their historical contexts and social processes, and has already extensively reviewed the arguments of both Argentine and the UK finally failed and it is a conflict of sovereignty and self-determination. Just note that in the Malvinas Question General Assembly of the United Nations included this doctrine - the principle of territorial integrity by referring to the interests and NOT the wishes of the population of the islands - in its resolution 2065 (XX) 1965, ratified by later resolutions 1973 (3160, XXVIII) 1976 (31/49), 1982 (37/9), 1983 (38/12), 1984 (39/6), 1985 (40/21) 1986 (41/40), 1987 (42/19) and 1988 (43/25). They all declare the existence of a sovereignty dispute and reaffirm the invitation made in resolution 2065 (XX) Parties (Argentina and the United Kingdom).
The International Court of Justice in its judgments rests on the committee of the UN decolonization. Remember that the international court of justice and decolonization committee of United Nations is supranational. Both have a lot of international prestige and complement each other.
Do you think anyone helps anyone else in geopolitics without a pay off in return?
Feb 06th, 2012 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Of course not.
What will be the pay off in this case?
Hordes of Carbbieans, Nicaraguans, etc coming to Argentina.
Along with the Chinese, Africans, not to mention the Europeans and American and Canadian (who will run things, of course).
In short the pay off will be a brand new demographic.
In 20 years Argentina will be unrecognizable. You mark my words.
BA will be as multiculti as LA.
Good bye to Mate, Asasdo, and Football.
Well, maybe not football. But half of Boca will be Columbians or Brazilians.
In short, The you help us, We help you will, in this case, be translated as....
We'll support your Malvinas obsession and you'll accept millions of immigrants from all of our countries. If not, you'll be accused of racism.
That's how that's going to work. I mean, that's how it is working - present continuous. Just drop my the office of the Ministry of Interior and see for yourself.
They are not talking about it too much in the papers here though, for a reason.
#45 Raul,
Feb 06th, 2012 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well expressed and explained ..... I hope readers will match the necessary understanding.
Wee need a miracle for that....just look last 500 years of UK.
A population was evicted in 1833 when England was at its height of imperial endeavors setting up colonial posts everywhere.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 03:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Go to your national archives. You will find no proof of this, many of the islanders trace there history back to the very people you claim were expelled. In Argentina there is no document that shows the islands population returning back in Argentina. The only people who came back to Argentina was the expelled military unit. Whom(According to your own records) Argentina had them all executed.
The second half of this sentence also shows you lack of knowledge in history. Our country didn't reach it's height of imperial history until a full 100 years later.
The ICJ is equivalent to the Committee on Decolonization United Nations. If England does not meet the decolonization committee of United Nations
I don't know how you expect anyone to take you seriously Raul when you come out with such utter trash as the above.
The ICJ and the c-24 are NOTHING, i repeat NOTHING alike in any way shape or form.
The International Court of Justice in its judgments rests on the committee of the UN decolonization.
Provide one time in the history of the ICJ where the ICJ has decided the fate of a territory based solely on the c-24, please.
This is just a silly attempt to make out the c-24 to be more than it is. The c-24 is not binding, fact. One you can't change. The ICJ is(for most of us anyway) binding.
The ICJ is a court of law. How you can try to compare this to the c-24 is beyond me, either you're trolling or you are just plain stupid.
Caribbean states join Mercosur in barring Falklands’ flagged vessels from their ports
Feb 06th, 2012 - 04:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Another Argentinean diplomatic victory!
Pleake keep sending your warships and your royal parasites to the British circus tour in Malvinas.
16 Helber Galarga ----No need for warships, fighter jets or anything like that!
Feb 06th, 2012 - 05:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0That's because the side your on doesn't have any worth talking about, I am sure if it had they would be sailing to invade again. A leopard never changes its spots and we can compare your corrupt psychopathic country with a leopard.
Anyway its far too much fun to not use them especially to put you lot in their place and its nothing more than you deserve
hat's because the side your on doesn't have any worth talking about, I am sure if it had they would be sailing to invade again. A leopard never changes its spots and we can compare your corrupt psychopathic country with a leopard.
We,the people in Argentina prefer money for education and health,than the useless weapons....gunboat diplomacy.....AHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA
uk with 3 millions unemployed......and 1 trillion in public debt
Been reading these columns for a few weeks now. As I see it, it will end in war. No one cares what the other side has to say, so no point in diplomacy. So, have your war, it would be good to start the same week as Israel hits Iran. Then Syria can join in, followed by the US and Russia. Just make it the week before the Olympics, that' ll be fun. I will watch it all on CNN before one of Putin's ICBM's kills me. Once we are all dead, no one will be here to name any rock, let alone know what it is called.You may think me mad, but am I any madder than the rest?
Feb 06th, 2012 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0AAA credit rating, city of london foremost financial capital of the world free press 2% inflation vs Defaulting on IMF load, rampant inflation 20%, government control of press, victimisation of any journalist that writes negative reports of economy, plus president that now will decide to undemocratically have a third term in power. SOUNDS A GREAT COUNTRY. Credit worthy country vs country that no country wants to invest in.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@ Slodger you might think defending democracy is mad but here in UK we think it a worthy thing to do.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 06:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 048 zethe
Feb 06th, 2012 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I do not know how you expect anyone to take you seriously Raul, when you go out with that garbage complete than before.
It is not my education or my usual answer personal attacks from you.
I can not answer with the same insults that I do it because the editor is MercoPress British oil capital and WHEN REPORTED ABUSE OF YOUR INSULT YOUR NEVER TAKE ACTIONS OF YOUR COMMENTS CORRECTIVAAS. Clear is that they are English!!!
Your comments really surprised by a complete and total ignorance of the Falklands conflict and international relations ...
Everyone serious about compliance with UN resolutions. No need to have extreme intelligence to understand why multilateral organizations like the United Nations, Organization of American States (OAS), CELAC, MERCOSUR, ETC. support Argentina.
Why are you afraid of the committee of the UN decolonization? Of the 16 cases of decolonization, 10 are for the UK colonialism, including Falklands.
Peace is not garbage. It is a virtue that the UK and murderous contempt.
Are we to attack with atomic bombs to reclaim what is ours? Are we threatened with genocide and terrorism and bombing civilians and the humanitarian held in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq? Do you have fear of world opinion? Argentina already had four British and invasions (1806-1807-1833 - Forced Return of 20/11/1845. Argentina has always always go forward. Over time, the world public opinion and South America Argentina regain sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands .
Remember this always: The struggle undertaken by our country and have started kirchner is similar to the civil rights struggle led by Luther King in the U.S. or Perez Esquivel (Nobel Peace Prize) in their struggle for rights humans against military dictatorship and claims of sovereignty in the Falklands conflict.
”There are no roads to peace, peace is the way.
Dear Raul #45.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0the UN Resolutions are not law, as you know.
The UN C24 Committee does not produce law, it does not even produce judgements, it produces occasional policy recommendations (coloured by the imbalanced make-up of the committee).
I'm sure you know what Law is:
Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible.
It shapes politics, economics and society, and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.
International Law governs affairs between sovereign states in activities ranging from trade to environmental regulation or military action.
Law distinguishes itself from policy as laws are the standard rules and regulations that are compulsory.
Policies are objectives that an organization like the UN (or a government) sets for itself.
The United Nations system provides a constitution for *public international law*, private international law or conflict of laws and the law of supranational organizations.
Public international law:
• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands. The sources for public international law development are custom, practice and treaties between sovereign nations (such as the Geneva Conventions).
• It can be formed by international organisations, such as the United Nations. It has a special status as law because there is no international police force.
• The International Court of Justice is the primary UN judicial organ.
So taking The Falklands sovereignty case to the ICJ is taking it to the United Nations own adjudicator.
Where is the problem?
55 Raul
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0stop making exuses and fictiouse impresive words for the indocrintaed,
that fact is,,the truth is,,
if you think you have a case
take it to the ICJ,
no argument no exuses, no diversions, go to the ICJ
or argentina should just drop the whole false claim .
AA credit rating, city of london foremost financial capital of the world free press 2% inflation vs Defaulting on IMF load, rampant inflation 20%, government control of press, victimisation of any journalist that writes negative reports of economy, plus president that now will decide to undemocratically have a third term in power. SOUNDS A GREAT COUNTRY. Credit worthy country vs country that no country wants to invest in.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0AHahahahahah Still uk has 3 million unemployed......What is the point to have a mortgage at 5% if you have NO JOB..It is a trade off...
I totally agree with Raul last comment, also with Malvinero.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 07:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If this conservative group of right-wingers at the British Government today like the self-determination they should start at home, where they haven't attended the needs and claims of british lowest classes, and still don't.
More and more diplomatic support for Argentina. More and more infamous and unbelievably childish words from the british government.
They DON'T CARE AT ALL about the people living in Malvinas, They just want to go on having this strategical point in the South Atlantic Ocean on the Argentinian Seaside, so important to go on GRABBING resources and to keep a military foot there.
Disgusting and immoral! Even Brits deserve a better government, a more honest one.
They will also claim self-determination in Antartic continent in a few years...
The UK has changed many times its fundaments about its rights over the islands. One by one, they have become obsolete ...
Where is the scottish self-determination?
The British Government have expressed not so long ago: they are Her Majesty’s territory [the islands] So how does this fit with self-determination??
And for those not recognizing the UN documents: Talking about laws and supporting COLONIALISM+IMPERIALISM is IMMORAL and HILARIOUS.
See the actors involved in this international conflict, see who they are, where they come from and what they have done in history, you will realize what the future will be if they get more support.
I have dug up that Britain has not relinquished her claim to Argentine since 1806. This means that the UK has had a continuous claim on Argentina even before Argentina existed. This is definitive proof that Argentine belongs to Britain and Argentines should from now on be forced to speak English, fly the British flag and obey British laws.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@56 Geoff Ward2
Feb 06th, 2012 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0When you stated:
Public international law:
• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands.
As a result, Malvinas in an OBJECT of Int'l Law, not a SUBJECT. That is why the colonists NEVER had a seat at the UNGA, cannot sign international treaties. THE UK DOES THAT FOR YOU BUT THE COLONISTS CANNOT DO IT THEMSELVES
59 fermin
Feb 06th, 2012 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Are you a hypercrit or what,
On the other blog you are stating that Britain is all rich and middle class, or course you agree with the other two,
Your indoctrination allows you to, does it not,
[Childish words from the British government ]
And Argentina did nothing, a victim yet again, deluded ??
[Disgusting and immoral! Even Argies deserve a better government, and a more honest one
[][we are agreed then,]
[They will also claim self-determination in Antarctic continent in a few years...
[][and we bet Argentina will be the first, ]
59 fermin
As I said before, you will not get them, they don’t want you,
Stop being greedy, Argentina and is great wealth, does not need them,
You certainly don’t want the people,
So it has to be the oil , and other minerals, and that makes Argentina what ??
59 fermin, you wrote.....They DON'T CARE AT ALL about the people living in Malvinas I looked on the map and cannot find Malvinas anywhere. I don't believe a country called Malvinas exist. Where exactly is it? - Millet USA
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Well i have to say that this news does not bother me one bit, it will never change the fact that the Falkland Islands are british, the islanders themsleves are british and they will remain british.
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0There are an awful lot of ill thought out comments on here, i do wonder where some peoples head are at, can you not read? why do you allow yoursleves to let emotions take over any rational thought processes? The people of the Falkland Islands have no desire to become Argentine and never will, all Argentina do is bully and make themselves even more repulsive to the Falkland Islanders, the current posting of one of our royals to the Falklands has caused outrage, why? can the Argentines not accept that some of our royal family happen to be in the armed forces? why shouldn't they gain experience like any other serviceman? There is nothing which could change the Falkland Islanders minds now, too much has happened, too many deaths and bad memories, there is nothing positive or attractive about Argentina or its government. People are questioning why the new warship and nuclear submarine being sent down south, why do you think? they are just going to continue to protect the Falklands and that is only right because Argentina is the enemy, not a friend. The damage is done Argentina and it's all your doing!
Falklands Facts, by topic on the falklands
Feb 06th, 2012 - 10:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0In the first place, the claim to the Falklands inserted in Argentina’s 1994 Constitution does breach UN Resolution 31/49 of 1976. It was a unilateral act performed 18 years after the passing of the UN Resolution (no previous Argentine Constitution mentioned the Falklands). The EU treaties do not breach it; they simply list all EU overseas territories, and Britain’s overseas territories were listed from 1973, three years before 31/49. Those treaties have been widely misunderstood in Argentina;
Argentina’s constitution, however, does just that. It now requires any negotiations over the Falklands to end in total British capitulation; there is no other possible outcome. No arbitration is possible now either, since Argentina could not accept a result that went against its constitution. UN Resolution 31/49 was intended to promote a negotiated solution, but Argentina’s constitutional claim prevents that.
justa quote, please look it up
El Malvinense [argentina paper]
even your own paper says so .
The Falklands have always been Argentine - Las Malvinas son Argentinas
The Falklands have always been Argentine is taught to every Argentine child as a matter of faith. What was Argentina during the time when it always” possessed Las Malvinas?
Much of what the Argentines call Argentina was Chile in 1775:
the truth hurt perhaps .
Excusse me Dear Marcos, they aren´t circus, just parasits of the Nobody Wants Impire with Facist Queen. So boring people In Malvinas (just stolen), come on, u need to dance samba in S. America, robbers without any neurons (because if have brain, u could live in Australia. W.a.s.p. Robbers !
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The Falklands have always been Argentine“ is taught to every Argentine child as a matter of faith. What was Argentina during the time when it ”always” possessed Las Malvinas?
Feb 06th, 2012 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Let see,the pijotero chimp,is pullin MFTA=hutch=lordtrash,was expelled from EL MAlvinense and ZM,for IDIOT!
The topic By law Argentina relinquished its claim in 1850
Pulled by dishonest David(living in Peru),David's argument was totally destroyed by an Argentine lawyer,Dr Shadow.Resd pp3 and 4.
David, queres presentar un caso de uti possidetis con el tratado Arana-Southern, el cual no tiene nada que ver con Malvinas, colocando a las islas como territorio de conquista, lo irónico es que según ustedes no es un botín de guerra, y solo basta remontarse a Parish que en 1831 al elevar la protesta formal a Guido habla de los derechos de soberanía de su majestad Británica.
¿Entendes el significado implícito de lo que estas citando?
Dr Shadow demolished his argument,and David disappeared......
Just do not pull the same garbage chimp.....
El Malvinense
Feb 07th, 2012 - 12:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
try reading your own paper
why would anyone belive a man who hates the british openly with his rants.
Why don’t you repeat it, with the Spanish omitted, you know most brits cant read Spanish,
you will always belive what you belive, regardless of the truth,
why would anyone belive a man who hates the british openly with his rants.
Feb 07th, 2012 - 01:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0Look PAl that is THE law and History.Of you think uk is roigth why do not take in the security council????
uk DISREGAR it....
You do not like it? FIne with me..That is the truth....There are 10 UNGA res,and 15 C24,plus UNASUR,MERCOSUR,Brazil,Chile..hey..stop it....
How many countries are not with uk??
The people of the Falkland Islands, simply want nothing to do with Argentina. Who could blame them? Why on earth would anyone want to belong to a country like Argentina, when they have the opportunity to be associated with a country like the UK? Argentina has nothing to offer them. Argentina doesn't even pay their bills, are a third world country, with a very limited future. The best and most loyal friend the United States has is the UK, and the USA would certainly side with the UK over the Falkland Islands. - Millet USA
Feb 07th, 2012 - 04:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0Oh Millet what a poor analysis.
Feb 07th, 2012 - 08:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0You know what gave it away? Your reference to 'third world'
Such a cliche and so outdated...
USA you say? the world's bile in other words... *facepalm*
Feb 07th, 2012 - 10:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0you really have to stop beating yourself up like that.
you must have a sore face by now.
Millet is right, you know.
We don't want anything to do with you & no, you do NOT own the Falklands.
What else is there to say, Helber? Except--don't go away, mad..........just go away.
Wiki. Public international law:
Feb 07th, 2012 - 11:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0• concerns relationships between sovereign nations, eg. Argentina, the UK and the Falkland Islands. . . .
As a result, Malvinas in an OBJECT of Int'l Law, not a SUBJECT.
That is why the colonists NEVER had a seat at the UNGA, cannot sign international treaties.
Helber Galarga (#61)
Thank you for the additional clarification, this is a good point as TFI is, in International Law, an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom.
Thus the ICJ requires the UK and Argentina to be principals at the legal proceedings, with TFI (or 'Malvinas, as you refer to it, though this term has no presence in International Law) able to present as asked, and able to present submissions on Self-determination and Sovereignty both here and in other fora.
Argentina has, of course, no part to play in the self-determination and sovereignty issues.
The International Court of Justice, **being the primary United Nations judicial organ,** is able to satisfy Argentina's solicitations that matters should be addressed with reference to the UN.
You know i love how some argentines claim the falklands were always part of argentina territory (malviner) and base there claim on them being part of their territorial intregrity due to them being part of their contenital shelf along side tierra del feugo. But what they fail to remember is that can not possibly be the case, as - 1 - patagonia was not even part of argentina in 1833, and therefore neither was tierro del feugo, which i believe in 1833 still belonged to the native american indians and was in fact settled by brits first, after all we did estabish the capital of tierra del feugo. which means - 2 - we have a much more stronger claim for tierro del feugo on territorial integrity grounds, than argentina has for the falklands.
Feb 07th, 2012 - 11:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0To put it simply. You can not claim something as yours on the grounds its part of tierro del fuego, when in 1833, which is where you date your claim back too, tierro del feugo was not actually part of argentina, in fact their was around 900 miles between the borders of the united provinces and the falklands. Thats a bit like germany claiming sovereignty of all the coutries to the west of its border up to the russian border, and germany has a much stronger case of territorial integrity and continental shelve argument than argentina does for the falklands. How they can not see just how illogical their claim is, is beyond me.
Very well put Teaboy. But l think that you meant Germany claiming east of its border up to Russia.
Feb 07th, 2012 - 12:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0No problems, l know what you meant & l made the same east-west mistake myself a few weeks back.
But you are completely correct re Patagonia & Tierra del Fuego.
We were there before the Argentines.
Tell you what! They keep getting wet knickers over the Falklands.
What about a swap? lf they want the Falklands they'll have to give us Patagonia & TDF
(& pay for the transfer costs too, of course!).♥
58 Its AAA cedit rating not AA like america or france which i think you agree is a measure of a countries economic outlook. And I have a job and only pay 2.5 percent interest on a mortgage as the base rate interest is 0.5 percent at the bank of england. So no at the moment I dont feel to bad thanks. And as inflation is not 20 plus like Argentina although this could be a lot higher) but your government censors bad financial news. When you going to pay your defaulted IMF loan back??? So to sum up UK economy coming out of a recession Argentine near meltdown...
Feb 07th, 2012 - 01:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0As a large part of argentina used to be part of and own by chile, does not then chile have a claim on most of argentina ,
Feb 07th, 2012 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0and in fact, does not chile have a better claim to argentina/than argentina has on the falklands,
77 briton
Feb 07th, 2012 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If you go back far enough every nation has a claim on every other nation and if you add in the proximity idea well... the sky is the limit!
The Argentines are not a real nation, their country has only existed for about 175 years. Most Argentines trace their family history to Italy, Spain, Germany and the British Isles. The only real Argentines are the Amerindians and their nation is the entire continent of America.
The Argentines I know have Italian mothers, English father, Spanish grandfathers, German grandmothers, Welsh great great uncles. It's technically impossible to claim Argentines are a nation.
They also have the most comically fascist like government on the entire continent. Their entire policy agenda revolves around a group of islands they work 24/7 to alienate the population of. While spreading lies and peddling rants about “the British” that make Mugabe look normal by comparison.
Latin Americans find Argentina an alien culture, its a colonial relic, a piece of Europe transplanted onto a continent thousands of miles away. The culture is Latin European, with a touch of English and Welsh. It certainly bears no resemblance to its neighbors in Paraguay, Bolivia, Venezuela, or Peru.
Even the Argentine honour guards wear colonial uniforms copied from the British and Spanish Imperial era.
They are a throwback to another age. An age of fascism.
56 GeoffWard2
Feb 07th, 2012 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Where is the problem?
The problem is that there is a problem of sovereignty and that Britain does not comply with the Committee on Decolonization United Nations, which is the appropriate place to address the problems of colonialism, which requires the implementation of Resolution 2065 (XX) 1965, ratified by later resolutions 1973 (3160, XXVIII) 1976 (31/49), 1982 (37/9), 1983 (38/12), 1984 (39/6), 1985 (40/21), 1986 (41/40), 1987 (42/19) and 1988 (43/25). They all declare the existence of a sovereignty dispute and reaffirm resolution 2065 (XX) to the Parties. Since 2004 the Argentine government to the Malvinas Islands Question to appear on the permanent agenda and in the paper by the Bureau of the General Assembly.
Each year the Committee on decolonization issues a call for the fulfillment of the resolutions. United Kingdom does not comply with international law. The General Assembly resolutions exist and are to be met, not breaking them.
In 61 Helber Galarga is right when he says that Falkland is not a sovereign nation. Things RIGHT!
As a result, the Falklands in an object of international law, not a subject. That's why we NEVER settlers had a seat in the General Assembly and the Committee on decolonization are represented by England therefore can not sign international treaties. The United Kingdom does it for them, but the settlers can not do it themselves. They are not a nation, are a colony implanted.
UK committee fears the UN decolonization is evident where their lack of rights, arguments and colonialist and imperialist design. Of the 16 cases of colonialism, 10 are from the United Kingdom. I reiterate this concept: The International Court of Justice in its judgments are based on the decolonization committee of the UN. Remember that the International Court of Justice and the Decolonization Committee of the United Nations is supranational. Both have an international reputation and complement each other. This is undeniable.
I've been following this site for sometime but I feel time to post. I'm 16, I'm a kelper. If the Argies want the Falklands come and take it and see what you get. I just hope you have enough places to put your dead because we don't want any more over here!
Feb 07th, 2012 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I have been in Sea Cadets and Marine Detachment since I was 8. I plan to join the Defence Force as soon as I finish 6th form. Maybe to you I'm just a girl but I tell you now, come and see how straight I shoot. Come and find out!
There are hundreds more just like me, waiting. We've heard all the talk now come on! Lets see.
78 AndyMac
Feb 07th, 2012 - 07:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Thank you for the point,
We just wish some of these argentine bloggers would understand that,
Rather than anti anything that is not pro argentine .
80 suzy
you are correct, the argentines will never get you, as long as we protect the islanders,
Remember that the International Court of Justice and the Decolonization Committee of the United Nations is supranational. Both have an international reputation and complement each other. This is undeniable. Raul #79
Feb 07th, 2012 - 08:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I cannot deny it.
The ICJ has a powerful international reputation.
The 'Decolonisation Committee' has a powerful international reputation.
The ICJ's reputation is entirely positive and
the Decol. Com's is entirely negative - in fact it is an international joke.
And I have to say that, if the Decol. Com. were ever to succeed in a total depopulation of the Island archipeligo, there would still be absolutely no place for Argentina in the outcome because it would preclude the presence of a South American colonisation also.
The offshore resources would remain exploitable by the sovereign owner, the UK, alongside the other unpopulated Antarctic Protectorates of the UK.
Not a popular outcome for Argentina, or you either, Raul, I think.
82 GeoffWard2
Feb 07th, 2012 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0correct, but they wont listen .
@79 Raul,
Feb 07th, 2012 - 11:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You're snookered Raul, so forget it.
Now since Helber won't answer, l'll ask you.
1) You won't go to court. ICJ.(your case is weak & you know it!).
2) Your country has ruled out military action(you would if you could).
3) How are you going to Peacefullyconquer OUR lslands?
l await your reply.
All the talk on this site is really a waste of time and talent. There is no chance in the world that Argentina will get the Falkland islands away from the UK. No chance. The UK is just to strong for little Argentina to do anything about it. Don't waste your time talking to the Argens as a people they simply are not worth ones time. Millet-USA
Feb 08th, 2012 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0Beginning to think that you are right, Millet.
Feb 08th, 2012 - 10:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0She speaks with false tongue,
Feb 08th, 2012 - 03:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0She bolts and triples locks the doors,
And demands a password, that says I will give you anything you ask for without question,
And then she invites you to talk,
An impossibility, you play her game, or no game at all,
The only thing she will ever give her people is a promise,
And that promise is to talk,
And that is exactly what she is doing, talking,
No Falklands
No victory
Just talk.
Dear oh dear. This article quotes the events of 1806, during the NAPOLEONIC WARS! How far back are we going to go? Argentina wasn't even its own country then. It was a Spanish COLONY, a word the Argentinians love to use against us in this dispute. Argentina is descended from European colonial powers. Britain was at war with Spain at the time. Nothing unusual for that time period, many countries fought each other for control of pieces of land.
Feb 09th, 2012 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0Now we're in 2012, and we have some morons still banging on about the events of the 1800's. The 'evil colonial' British blah blah. They forget that we are people born in the modern era, and were not alive in the early 1800's. They also forget that the Falklands has its own population living there happily, who would like more than anything, to get on with their neighbours.
I wish this really awful woman Kirchner would shut her big ugly mouth. She is bullying a small island of 3000, when she has a country of 40 million to take care of. She should do her duty and help her own country.
Feb 10th, 2012 - 03:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Yes we was an spanish colony, and part of italians, scotlands, irelands, etc etc etc.
Same as all Latina America
And british people? DESCENT DIRECT FROM GOD?
Or descent from ADAN? Or Abraham?
You are all jude?
Your coment is pathetic-
I know we are great and brilliant,
Feb 10th, 2012 - 06:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0but thats pushing it a bit, [god i mean ]
@89 Its pathetic? Because i state the truth? You just admit my point, yet call me pathetic? You're the ones trying to claim an island that ISN'T YOURS. You're a scummy nation of inbred retards, this is evident from the fact that you can't reason.
Feb 10th, 2012 - 07:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So its ok for your ancestors to murder a population and inhabit a country, but not for our ancestors to find an uninhabited island and populate it? Umm ok.
The retarded are you that ignores the fact that in 1833 an English corvette jacket to the population who were there and implant a new one, from another source-
Feb 10th, 2012 - 10:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The pathetic you are, you know 40 (forty, 4 times 10 ) UN resolutions, saying it is a problem of sovereignty-
The unpresentable is when you do not understand and neither argues that this is so, even if its main partner, the U.S., says it's an issue of sovereignty and that the only way is dialogue-
Each resolution that does not comply with UK to negotiate, is a country that asks for more serving the UN to serving the Security Council and the ICJ.
People like you are the same that discredits the international system.
People like you are doing that more and more countries will come When wonder for us and for our resources?
Finally, if you are a believer of any God, you know that we come from Adam-
And, of different nationalities but one species (human), we have populated this planet-
And some have exported their own people to other worlds, colonizing.
And some, few, who have no right to self-determination by the dispute of sovereignty existing live in the Falklands
You knew that Juan Fernandez is 600 km from Chile? and only 400km separating the continent Malvinas?
if you came from god,
Feb 10th, 2012 - 10:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0then one, you would sit in shame,
give up your false claim, stop lying stop intimidating, stop threatening,
and all the rest,
if you truly belived in the man upstairs, we would not be here now,
hypercrit springs to mind,
Feb 11th, 2012 - 09:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0The eviction myth is a lie & you know it.
Their descendents are the Falklanders & you know it.
You have no case & you know that too.
Lying will not help you one bit.
Rosarino, you are on to a beating for nothing here, these guys will eat you alive, now be a good chap and SOD OFF!
Feb 11th, 2012 - 12:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Rosarino - if you're going to insult us in our language, at least learn some proper grammer. Saying The retarded are you makes you sound retarded. Saying The pathetic you are makes you sound pathetic. Maybe you're using a translation program, in which case you should definitely try to leave off the insults.
Feb 11th, 2012 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0markd, maybe rosarino didn't insult you in the right way. Still, the islands are a colony. the UK should return the land and return home
Feb 12th, 2012 - 04:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0cero, my point was maybe he should leave off the insults altogether. its hardly productive.
Feb 12th, 2012 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0you keep saying 'return' them. return them to who? the islanders have been there for generations, who are they supposed to return them to? let me guess, argentina, so they can have their own colony there. even tho they've never lived there, and our claim goes back before they were even a country.
Feb 13th, 2012 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0You don't own the lslands, never did & never will.
You will never get them & you're giving us all tremendous fun, refuting all the rubbish that you post.
When are you going to return the land that Argentina stole from Paraguay?
Feb 13th, 2012 - 10:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 099 lsolde
100 very interesting, possibly quite accurate too.
Feb 14th, 2012 - 12:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0But as we all know, Argentina ALWAYS plays the victim.
Feb 14th, 2012 - 08:37 am - Link - Report abuse 092 Rosarino (#)----- What the fuck are you on about you frigging numpty. I can’t understand hardly a frigging word that you wrote.
Feb 14th, 2012 - 11:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0Now let’s start again shall we in words that even a moron like yourself can understand. If you think that you have a claim, I shall repeat those words IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CLAIM. Take your claim, I shall repeat once again TAKE YOUR CLAIM. To the ICJ . I shall once more repeat. TO THE ICJ where they will tell you to fuck yourself right of, as you don't have a claim.
So let’s recap just for you in words that we can all understand. TAKE YOUR CLAIM TO THE ICJ. Now repeat after me slowly I MUST TAKE OUR CLAIM TO THE ICJ BECAUSE ITS THE WAY CIVILIZED HUMAN BEINGS BEHAVE. AND I SHOULD STOP TELLING LARGE PORKY PIES ABOUT BRITAIN AND THE PEOPLE THAT LIVE ON THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. There that was not hard was it. Now run along and play with your toys there's a good little Argy.
Sadly they have no interest in proving anything,
Feb 14th, 2012 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0They see us as weak and with a government that tries not to offend them,
So they intend to try and prove, that they can steal the islands, and anything else they have a mind to,
Then they will steal even more, until someone stops them.
104 Briton - They see us as weak and with a government that tries not to offend them.
Feb 14th, 2012 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0This is exactly how the Argentines see Uruguay too. The Uruguayan gov't should face up to the Argentines instead of playing lip-service to everything they demand, including the Malvinas and Mercosur fantasies. Bullies don't respect appeasement. It's better to have Argentina moaning and whining about nothing than trying to blockade.
Feb 14th, 2012 - 11:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@105 ynsere,
Feb 15th, 2012 - 09:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0They want an empire that includes Uruguay, Chile, Falklands & Antarctica.
They think it is their right & are getting frustrated because we are their stumbling bock
There's an interesting and article by Silvina Walger hidden away in today's online version of Argentina's daily national La Nación. The last line reads, Please, let's leave these islanders in peace, they have far greater chances than us of becoming a serious country (my translation).
Feb 15th, 2012 - 02:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
This is far removed from the mindless mantra-like slogans usually coming out of BA.
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