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Argentina’s night of “show-biz” leaves Falkland Islanders feeling bemused?

Wednesday, February 8th 2012 - 20:24 UTC
Full article 47 comments

The night of “show-biz” glitz, light-shows, orchestrated crowds and even musical allusions, that surrounded Tuesday night’s announcement on the Falklands by Argentine President Cristina Fernandez from the Casa Rosada has left Falkland Islanders on the streets of Stanley feeling slightly bemused at the scenes, considered by many to be more reminiscent of the half-time entertainment at a Super-Bowl than a political debate. Read full article


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  • briton

    All show and misleading, to convince the masses, and the world,
    But failed to show the reel feelings of the people, out side,
    Another cover up, by a government that hides the real truth, not only from its own people, not only from its allies, but the whole world,
    What will it take, before she learns.

    Feb 08th, 2012 - 09:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • UKOwnsArgentina

    Argentina is ruled by a cult of personality. They are like Zimbabwe their Chancellor requires a racial group in order to demonise and a cause on which to rally around. The alternative would be ordinary Argentines would rise up in their masses and take back the government from the off shore vested interests milking them all dry.

    Feb 08th, 2012 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    I want to congratulate Penguin News for its great sense of humour calling Cristina a b*tch lol I call her many names and my favourite one is #$$%&$”@@ so keep them coming guys hahaha You are lovely Lisa, no matter what the Malvinists say.

    Feb 08th, 2012 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    Leaves the Falklanders bemused....? It's left the whole wide world bemused... well them as noticed anyway....

    Feb 08th, 2012 - 10:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    it was a composition based on the old tunes
    in other words,
    you can drag a horse to water,
    but cant force him to drink it ?

    Feb 08th, 2012 - 10:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    Recent polls show that up to 75% of the people agrees with the policy of the goverment and up to 96% thinks the Islands are Argentinean. Other polls show that the main problem the Argentines have with the issue are the British. Seeing the British flag in the Islands, the British military down here. The fact that whatever we say they answer for you. Things that make the people care about the Islands.
    Further polls show that up to half of the population wouldn't care much about the Islands and happily be neighbours if you were to declare you're independent and really not having to do a thing with the British. That they don't speak and make opinions every tie something happens.

    And for god sake, not angering most of the Argentines who not neccesarely want to push for the aggresive diplomatic strategy, just for the soft one. To put “Mierda sea” in cups was unnecesary. To start exploring for oil before reaching an agreement was made.

    I'm not going to tell you what to do for your own lifes and goverment, but seriously, It's not nice to be isolated from your neighbors. It's not nice to travel 15 hours more for vacations or for important health care.

    So my point is. You can refuse all you want to discuss sovereignity and such. But if you want and would like to eventually see and end to all this shit, you shouldn't do things that anger the people, like calling bitch to the President in a newspaper.
    If you put more and more wood to a small fire, you would finally end with a bigger one.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 03:02 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Suguler

    Argentina has no intention to invade the Falklands/Malvinas, yet the UK government has spun this in the UK media, who have eagerly spouted jingoistic twaddle about war.

    Cristina can hardly say, “oh well, you Brits can carry on as before”. It would be preferable if the Falklands were independent and a treaty of non-aggression were signed between the parties.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 04:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0

    We have been there before. Argentina is one of the 'mad' countries of the world; maybe not as dangerous to the outside world as Iran or North Korea but definitely institutionally mad with its peronist form of state fascism indoctrinating the population. There are the beginnings of free thought in Argentina on the Falklands but it is still very small. When Argentina denazifies itself and grows up it might be a proper country respected by its neighbours instead of being feared as the local bully.

    Now when outsiders look at Argentina the phrase ' bullying cry babies' springs to mind.

    You might be mad but we certainly are not. If the British Forces ever left the first thing Argentina in its present state would do would be to try to invade again. We do not trust you to be normal . Try being locked up for over a month, having guns pointed at you when you are going about your daily business; having your shops and post office used as latrines.

    Dont give me that rubbish that Kirchner is trying to peddle that it was the junta not really Argentina. How come a quarter of a million brainwashed zombies were cheering on the junta just after the invasion just like the nazi Nuremburg rallies.

    If you are so confident of the righteousness of your cause why not take it to the International Court of Justice. In your heart of hearts you know what you are spouting is nonsense.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 04:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • you are not first


    You are a military men. I know it. In your mind your fear makes you to believe that EVERYONE IS YOUR ENEMY AS every English mind. Are the Irish mad people too ?

    Your ability to understand these subjects is narrow and preconceived by years about being a violent member and greedy to conquer others.

    Argentina and Latin-Americans do not want Empires in their territories.

    It is amazing how you can believe and accept to be a servant when you and your children can become independent from a KINGDOM FOR EVER.

    Nobody is telling you YOU WILL NOT BE BRITISH CULTURALLY .
    We live in the 2012. I understand you intentions to use Argentinian Dictactorship
    as an excuse to continue feeding your reasons to be isolated of the world as many humans who believe to be a SUPERIOR RACE.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 05:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • cLOHO

    Argentine government drums up the banning of falklands flagged vessels, instructs fishing fleet to over fish young squid to damage economy, threatens to cut flights from Chile ALL REALLY PEACEFUL economic bullying pressure on the Falklands. So one ship replaces another on a like for like basis and we are militising the area hahahaha. Love it. To use an english saying 'you dont like it up ya' this is pure school boy politics running to teacher, teacher tells you to run along and stop makiing up stories. Why do you think we are ready defence wise in the islands...could it be Argentina invaded in 1980's and planned to remove the resident population???? I think the only country isolated is your near dictatorship of an failing economy 25 percent inflation NICE

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 08:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • O gara

    This entire article is nothing but anglo saxon racist abuse.It shows up to perfection the hypocrits the English are holier than thou in their public prononocements but ruthless killers in the backround.Remember Argentine friends leopards dont change their spots and continue to have the determination of CFK to ensure the Malvinas return to their rightful owners.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 08:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Teaboy2

    @11 what a stupid comment, there is nothing racist about the article at all, the only think racist here O'gara is your comment and that other argentine comments insulting the islanders and the british. In fact the whole show that CFK put on for what was a rather small statement of taking it to the UN, was completely unnecassary, why did she need to put on such a show? Perhaps to distract people from the real problems or that she was limiting the amount of money that can be spent on cash purshases from 10,000 pesos to 1,000 peso a day. Yeah you argentines were so clued to CFK's show, that you let that one go unnoticed just like a lot of other things CFK has done under your very noises, whilse distracting you over the falklands. Idiots ;)))

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 09:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    Argentina has been acting like a child who wants its siblings toy.

    Argentina: Can we have the Falklands please? They're ours.

    Britain: No, they're not yours and never were.

    Argentina: They are ours, we found them.

    Britain: No Argentina, you weren't even born when we found them, were you now?

    Argentina: But they're 300 miles off our coast they must be ours.

    Britain: No, and besides people live there who don't want to give their home away.

    Argentina: They are ours. We want them.

    Britain: ...

    Argentina: Right we'll take them by force.

    2 Months Later:

    Britain: Well that was a bit silly wasn't it? Now people are dead because of you. Just to make sure that you don't do it again we'll keep some defenses there.

    30 Years Later:

    Argentina: Can we have the Falklands please? Oh, and Georgia, that's ours too.

    Britain: No.

    Argentina: They're ours.

    Britain: No they're not.

    Argentina: Can we talk about having the Falklands please?

    Britain: No. We've had this conversation before and don't want it again.

    Argentina: You're being aggressive and colonialist.

    Britain: No we're not. You're the aggressors here, just leave it.

    Argentina: We're telling our friends on you, now you can't use their ports.

    Britain: That's a bit childish.

    Argentina: Now you're threatening us by this sudden military presence.

    Britain: No, the defenses are still there in the same place. And we've sent the Prince on a peaceful search and rescue posting to our territory.

    Argentina: Right we're TELLING on you, you're being mean.

    Britain: Go ahead. You signed the UN charter which includes a right to self determination.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 09:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @9 you are not first,
    “Latin Americans do not want empires in their territories”
    Don't you like the competition?
    Argentina is an empire with colonies, get used to it.
    lts got nothing to do with you or your country if we have a British flag or not! Mind your own business.
    “Argentina has no intention to invade the Falklands”
    Only because you can't.
    lf you could, you would, oh so (not)innocent one!
    Poltroons, all.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 10:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI


    The cup is an act of humour, and considering what your contruy has done to my islands over the last 30 years cant we look at you in a hostile manner? You invaded us. You continue to destroy our economy. You want to take over our country against our will and make us a nationality we dont want to be. You want to take our resources. Under our current relationship with Britain, we keep all of our resources and use them how we want.

    So to sum up your comment, Argentines are simply racists against Britain? We choose our future and we want to remain British, that is our choice and has nothing to do how you or your fellow countrymen feel.

    “To start exploring for oil before reaching an agreement was made.” This is a ignorant comment. The Falklands, Britain and Argentina had an agreement in place regarding the possibility of hydrocarbons in the Falklands. Argentina pulled out of the deal. The Falklands Government have gone ahead and licenced companies to explore for hydrocarbons. You were involved but choose to leave, dont complain about it if we go ahead with to explore.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 12:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    What will it take before you silly Argies except the truth?
    You cannot have something, before you were born
    You cannot claim something before you even existed
    Argentina does not own the islands,
    Argentina never owned the islands
    Argentin never even administered the islands
    Argentina has had nothing but nothing to do with the island in over 150 years,
    Your government has been lying to you,
    Cannot you understand this
    The islanders don’t want you,
    We don’t want you
    Is it so bloody hard to understand?
    Or is it that you are so interested in being British your selves,
    If not just leave them alone.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 01:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Raul

    Pathetic and sad (embarrassing)
    Totally unrelated to reality. It is easily shown that the islanders live a completely virtual reality helped to invent this for MercoPress these fables and fantasies.
    Actually the United Kingdom and the English media are obsessed with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner for defending the legitimate rights Argentinos.
    It's amazing that they must resort to lies and this tremendous paraphernalia, to destroy his image. UK makes it clear his baseness to distract international public opinion to hide the internal economic chaos and corruption in high echelons of British government.
    They follow the premise of Joseph Goebbels: Lies, lies, lies that something will be, the bigger a lie people will believe it.
    It's funny and tell a civilized and democratic ..... please ........

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 02:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    Raul, are you kidding? I have never read just fantasy. Defending the rights of the Argentines? Their rights over land they have no interest in populating? What a load of rubbish. What about the people who already live there? So by your statement the people who already live in the Falklands and who have developed the economy for 170+ years have less rights than people who live 400 miles away who have no intention of living in the Falklands? Absurd.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 02:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Welsh Wizard

    6 JuanStanic

    Sorry, am agreement was made in 1990 with regard to exploration and it was highly beneficial to argentina. It would also have lead to most of the business from any exploration going to BA (given that it is the nearest major port). Unfortunately, Nestor ripped up the agreement...

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 05:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • British_Kirchnerist

    So a totally irrelevant picture of Madonna next to an article calling Cristina and Argentina a show off; and I hear some people say Mercopress is biased...

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 05:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    Yes it does. If you ever want to be in good terms with us and therefore with the rest of our friends in Latin America, the very basic thing would be not to have a British flag there. If as you believe you are a country on your own, use your flag. Here the British one represents colonialism as much the Swastika represents nazism.
    @ M_of_FI
    That's what I'm trying to say. If you ever want to see the Argentine people thinking the government is treating you bad, is acting wrong on you, the least you should do is that kind of stuff. I assure you that at 3 of 4 Argentines don't care if you are fishing there. Most don't know much about the oil thing. But I also assure you that many are fucking mad at you for the cup. It's like having an Arab in Times Square to shout “America can suck my balls”. You can expect the reaction.

    And not, we are not racist towards British. We simply do not want them to be here in the south. To come with they weapons were they aren't needed.

    I made a bad traslation. I know from that agreement. What I tried to say was that suddenly you started to explore for oil, after the agreement was broken, and without even giving notice or a talk about it. I'm not telling you that you can't, but as I wanted to explain, it's something that angers people.

    @ Welsh Wizard

    No doubt about it, but exploring for oil after the agreement was broken and without even trying to talk, or renegotiate, or just giving notice of it, was something that did not help to defuse the conflict.
    In fact, in the future we all would have to see if the price you paid for that oil was worth it. And anyway, oil won't last for very long. Your neighbours will.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 07:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    @21 Don't compare the British flag to Nazi's. We lost countless lives defending freedom, while your stinking country SUPPORTED THE NAZIS. How dare you even bring this into the conversation.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 08:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    So by your logic, even though you pulled out of the oil agreement, we still had to give you notice & “talk” about it?
    Another “negotiation”?
    How very Argentine.
    You people have a child's outlook on the world.
    Juan, you will get NO OIL.
    lts NONE of your business what flag we have.
    Your flag offends me, but l agree that you have a perfect right to fly it over your land(which does NOT include the Falklands or any other British territory)
    We don't care whether you like the British presence in the South Atlantic or not.
    You do not own the South Atlantic & we were here before you.
    You tried to steal our land & were defeated.
    Too bad if you don't like it.
    Get used to it, as we're not leaving.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    Well said Isolde. These morons seem to have nothing of any substance to back up their nonsense.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    @22 Wrong. Part of the goverment supported the nazis. So get your facts wrong. Most of the people were supporting neutrality with a tendence to pro-allies. And anyway please tell me how much we supported the nazis. As I see we just let many of them(and other Germans too) to come here for their skills. Kurt Tank, one of the Horten Brothers, Ritcher, and many others came this way. The idea was to get some science development in the country.

    No, I'm not telling you what to do. It's not my duty. I'm just making a point a how by your own helped to put the common Argentine against you instead of the cause being just some political drumming.
    I'm not going to discuss further what you said after logic because I never tried to impose you a behaviour, just give an opinion of mine.
    Oh, and two more things. My family was here way before any ancestor of yours. I could tract them back to 1647 in San Juan. Being that the case my family was here before yours. But, as evidence prooves, people before 1850 was mostly mestizo. So it's very like I have some Native drops of blood in me. That easily takes us back to 10.000 A.C. You were not here before us. Remember that. Many people altough European looking also has this drops of Mestizo blood.
    The other thing is that as you make all of us responsible for the war, I want you to explain the Chagos people what happened to them. To explain to the African people what you created countries disregarding ethnic boundaries. After all, you all are British.

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 11:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    they sprout rubbish
    they belive in rubbish
    just how far will they push, before it to late .

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 11:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @15 JuanStanic,
    You put it on them that they are “implanted” & suddenly they ALL have native American blood! And a good Croatian name like Stanic!
    But they pride themselves on their European ancestry & look down on other South Americans because they are too “lndios”!
    Yes, Juan, we were in Patagonia, the Falklands, Tierra del Fuego & Antarctica BEFORE you Argentines.
    (not counting your “native American” blood, of course) lol lol lol lol
    Remember that!
    l didn't even know about the Chagossians until just recently, but l agree, they were treated very badly.
    Now you want me to accept part of the blame because l am British.
    Do you accept part of the blame for the tens of thousands of native Americans slaughtered in the “War of the Desert” in the 1880”s?
    You say that we make you all responsible for the war.
    What about the cheering crowds throughout Argentina when you invaded? 99% of you supported the invasion.
    You were dancing in the streets.
    What hypocrites! l can't believe it!
    After all, you are Argentine

    Feb 09th, 2012 - 11:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    Not all of us. Never said that. Just MANY. Many in this case means a third of the people. And what does my surname has to do? If I had my mother's surname what would change? That wouldn't change my blood and genetics at all.
    Yes we do.And we eat chipa, drink mate, eat choclos in the beach, daily use at least 25 words of Native origin. We are proud of the Gaucho(Mestizo, and the boleadoras are Native). You are too much looking at Porteños. Go to Corrientes, Misiones, Salta, Chaco and tell me what you see.
    And I again come to correct you. This same people which lived in San Juan moved to Buenos Aires in 1734, and then to Carmen de Patagones in 1826 when it became a Naval Base. Then, in 1976 my father came here to Ushuaia.
    As long as you want us to be responsible for that the war, I want to make you responsible for that crimes.
    And for a third time, my duty of correcting you continues. 99% of the people is not a right figure. And for your information, almost half of the country was born after the war. I wasn't born for sure. Which leaves you with 49.5% of the people following your ridicule numbers.
    But it's not extrange at all for you to LIE to yourselves.
    After all, you are British

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 05:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • M_of_FI

    @21 Juan Stanic

    So what if a Falkland Islander called your President a bitch? The amount of abuse all Falkland Islanders get from Argentina, why cant we retaliate? You call us Pirates, Squatters, an Implated population, British Subjects. Your President called Britain Pirates on her Twitter account! Argentina wants to destroy the economy of the Falklands, destroy the islanders livleyhoods, why cant why feel hostile to a nation of 40 million that wants to subdue and destroy a population of 3000?

    So what if a pub sells a mug with a map of South America that calls Argentina 'Mierda Sea'. All of your maps have the Falklands called Mal***as and that is insulting for us. Nothing is more insulting than calling our home by that dispicable name. But you dont care about our feelings! That is the cornerstone of Argentina's policy towards the people of the Falkland Islanders! You ignore us. And when you dont ignore us you insult us!

    Why do Argentines hold other people to a higher standard than it holds to themselves? You can call us pirates and squatters, but we cant call the person trying to destroy and isolate our home a bitch? Argentines are hypocrisy personified.

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 11:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    She is a bitch! A dried up old hag, who really should cover up that gaping wound on her neck. Gross!

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 01:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • you are not first


    I understand you insecurities. Get back to your counselor and take your pill every day. Remember that lack of consistency will make you feel that everyone is attacking you( Paranoia). This may you believe that EVERYONE IS A COLONIALIST.

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    @31 lol you're the paranoid ones! Who's crying to the UN about the evil prince in his helicopter?

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    more sticky key boards

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 07:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Raul

    They have eyes and not see, have ears and do not want to hear. Unfortunately 500 years of history in Britain is the inventor of colonialism and imperialism. Automatically shown in the decolonization committee of the UN. Of 16 cases of colonialism that is trying the commission. 10 cases for the UK including the Falklands and Gibraltar among others ... Do not say anything about it? Becomes clear who the colonialist and imperialist ...
    The genocide carried out by indigenous Julio Argentino Roca does not invalidate the just claims of sovereignty of Argentina. Evidenced by the broad global support that is making and is just the beginning.
    On balance. England in the course of its history, only 500 years, has committed genocide in the five continents of the world and is currently making humanitarian bombing civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.
    It has nothing to envy to Nazi Germany and has far surpassed. Along with the U.S. are the shame of the world and Europe in crisis.

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 08:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    you do talk a load of rubbish,
    lie after lie,
    but i will help you just this once,,and once only,
    ENGLAND has a history of arround 1,200 years, you do the history lesson .

    Feb 10th, 2012 - 10:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    I didn't say you can't call her that way. I said that if you really don't want to have 40 million people against you, you shouldn't. And we don't want to destroy you, don't lie.
    And please get your facts right. Malvinas is the Spanish name. FACT. Should I never use anymore the word Londres? Or Moscú? Or Nueva York? Common man, be serious.

    Try not to call her bitch, and more importantly, not call our country “***** sea”. You likely will see a difference. I think it's worth trying.

    Feb 11th, 2012 - 12:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    OK, You have Amerindian blood. l have no way of knowing so l must accept that.
    What about all the other inhabitants of Ushuaia, have they ALL got native blood as well? Just interested, not trying to trap you.
    99% may not be arealistic figure, it may be 99.9% or 98.9%, who knows but it was the vast majority WHO WERE ALIVE IN 1982.
    Trying to say that we can't count the people weren't alive then is blindingly obvious. So your 49% means nothing.
    Did any Argentines say in 1982, no, we can't invade an other country.
    Of course not. l have the videos of the cheering crowds.
    No, l won't post them, l don't post links.
    The whole thing is mate, that you can lie, procrastinate, wriggle & squirm as much as you like but that won't change a thing.
    1) This is OUR land,
    2) This is NOT YOUR land.
    So get lost.
    @31 you are not first,
    l am very secure & don't feel that everyone is attacking me.
    l know that your country would like to attack but lack the willpower to do so.
    l notice that you never replied to my questions, l guess that you can't. You ARE a colonialist power whether you like it or not.
    Thats how we see you & l couldn't care less about you.
    Please go away & think deeply on this. You need help.

    Feb 11th, 2012 - 09:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic

    They have more than the national media. Most of people in Tierra del Fuego trace their origins to Cordoba, Chaco, Corrientes and Tucuman. So odds are than they are more likely to have a degree of Amerindian blood. Besides, there are also like 4.000 sons and daughters of Bolivians. And they are all Argentine and all Amerindian.

    And not. At most, all movilizations in the country could have been 2 million people AT MOST. And you shouldn't take the support of the people. At that time, if you were against the government you risked your life. At least a third of people support was something like “Just smile and wave, boys; smile and wave”
    And you are wrong, my 49% only showed that you were wrong even following your ridiculous numbers.

    But all your efforts won't change two things.
    1)The Islands are OUR land
    2)You would eventually loose.

    And the next time try not to get so mad, after all, I was just pointing out how you should have acted not to put our people against you.

    Feb 11th, 2012 - 06:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Oh l'm not “mad”(do you mean angry”), at least l hope l'm not mad.
    But then arguing with people with absolutely no logic, could, l suppose class one as being “mad”.
    No, Juan, this is NOT your land despite all the lies you were taught at school.
    Actually l understand what drives you malvinistas now that l have seen a few videos of your schoolchildren being taught the malvinas myth(lies).
    What hope has a child got with all that rubbish be forced down their throats.
    Tell me truthfully Juan, what would happen to a , say, 12 year old child who questioned the myth?
    No fibs now, would life become very difficult for them?
    Because of what your education system has done to you all, l don't think we'll ever have peace.
    lt would be nearly impossible to undo all the brainwashing that has been done to you all.
    lt would have to be done individually for nearly 40 million times.
    So, as we know that we are right & you are wrong & we are not going to give in, then;
    We will just have to look to our defence & pray that Argentina implodes.
    Thats entirely possible.
    ni-nis now.

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 12:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanStanic


    Not, you are wrong. Public schools may be the case(I didn't go to one so I can't tell). Private schools teach us that Malvinas are Argentinas. But not brainwashing. In high school, up to half of my class doubted of the arguments of both sides. So our history teacher got us to do investigation. Interpretation of international law. Most of us came to understand how they are ours. In primary school we at most sing the song and paint the islands blue and white.
    Also, nobody is treated different for their views. Since being 8 years old, my brother always complained about if the Islands were worth the effort we made. Today, he is studying medicine and keeps his believes. Life is not bad for him. Of those partners of mine in school who weren't agree with our arguments, most are university graduated by now and working.

    And you can't say you are right believing you universally are, as what's right and wrong is made up from consensus in every society. They should have teached you that in school.

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 03:48 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd

    @39 every time i see a comment like “las malvinas son argentinas” i think oh dear stupid brainwashed morons. these people haven't even got the capability to research the history of their claim, their sooo stupid that they believe every lie told to them by their government. its pathetic, and they are pathetic. we would do better as a human race without this sort of people, although we need them to clean our toilets and drains. utter morons, please at least try to find out the truth before taking sides. your government is lying to you!!!!!!!

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    they just dont understand the basics here,
    1 if argentina has a claim
    2 then all countries can have a claim
    if argentina can claim the falklands, then britain and chile and brazil and others in south america can have a claim on argentine teritory, can they not,
    if you give in to one, then you have to give in to the rest,
    so if argentina and her stupid blogger can exept that the falklands belong to her,, then they must exept that parts of argentina belong to others,
    is this not true .

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 02:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Filippo

    This is Argentine islands and Argentine oil, being drilled by colonial pirates, protect by pirate ships, sooner all destroyed better.

    Clearly, Malvinas is Argentine, claim exist since before Argentina exist. This is well documented that we renounce claim in 1850 but claim was resurrected under Peron who traveled to Italy and adopted policies of Mussolini fascist party in order to make Argentina great nation that it became.

    As part of expanded living space, we must continue this policy and we must take over Terra del Fuego and Beagle Channel and then Malvinas.

    My grandfather while working for Intelligence visit Indonesia in 1976 to copy plans they used for invasion of Portuguese East Timor and removal of colonial population to be copied in invasion of Malvinas.

    If we had copied these plans our invasion would be success and like East Timor is part of Indonesia, Malvinas would now be part of Argentina. World has very short memory.

    In order to do good for our country we must do bad things. This is what my grandfather always says.

    We know Malvinas never been under Argentine sovereignty but gifted to us by Papal Bull in 1496. No one can argue with Pope or God, that whole of South America given by him to Spain.

    Go home colonial pirates w claim you land before our country exist, you can not argue with that. You live there almost 200 years illegally, you have no rights. We will own your homes, farms, businesses, oil and fish.

    You will be made to speak Spanish, drive on right, obey our laws, live under our government and governor. In return we give you right to be reborn like our national hero James Peck.

    James Peck is son of Malvinas War traitor Terry Peck, he was awarded MBE for helping British occupy our land. Unlike his father, James is brave, patriot, his father will be turning in his grave.

    You can all be reborn like James Peck. Or you can die like Terry Peck!!!!

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 02:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    We know Malvinas never been under Argentine sovereignty but gifted to us by Papal Bull in 1496. No one can argue with Pope or God,
    and it was gifted to us from king arthur in 452AD,
    shove it silly

    Feb 12th, 2012 - 07:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @44 briton,
    l've given up answering Filippo. He's just a troll.
    lf no-one answers him, he might go away.

    Feb 13th, 2012 - 07:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    flippo flipof

    Feb 13th, 2012 - 07:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • markd


    Feb 14th, 2012 - 12:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0

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