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Waters again mixed up in politics: they talk to him ‘because he is blonde and English’

Saturday, March 10th 2012 - 05:01 UTC
Full article 15 comments
Maybe Roger should also meet the man “who can’t even play the flute” Maybe Roger should also meet the man “who can’t even play the flute”

British musician Roger Walters has fascinated his Argentine audiences and press reports on his shows could not be better. However the former Pink Floyd lead singer incursion into politics has not been such a success.

It all started with his remarks about the Falklands, in Chile, and during a long television program, in Spanish, when he replied the Islands were Argentine. But then later from Argentina in a statement he said that he had not said what he said, but nevertheless had time to bash political systems and politicians world–wide plus England’s imperial past which she continues to resurrect with such situations as Falklands’ war.

Not to be unfair, a week later after meeting President Sebastian Piñera in Santiago and holding a conversation in English for almost an hour and a half, the British musician realized he was stoned ‘shocked by the Chilean leader’s ideas on education.

British ambassador Jon Benjamin who was present at the meeting said he had another impression of the discussion but also points out that he did not attend a meeting of Waters the previous evening, with student leader Camila Vallejo who has led months of street protests against the Piñera administration precisely referred to education reform.

“I think Roger, whom I consider a friend, is making remarks based only on one vision of the issue of Chilean education”, said Ambassador Benjamin.

And now after having been to see Argentine president Cristina Fernandez and having had pictures taken with her (officially much talk about the Malvinas war but no word about who deserves the Malvinas), Waters has become the punching ball of the ongoing battle between the current Argentine government and organized labour leader Hugo Moyano.

“The Lady does not receive the Argentine workers but along comes this rock star and she receives him. Sure, he is blonde and English, but poor Moyano can’t even play the flute”, said the Moyano.

 The organized labour leader accused the Argentine government of “moving away” from the workers and insisted in the need of having an answer over the claims of the minimum wage, the upgrade of the family subsidies and the teachers’ conflict, among others.

Moyano then made ironic remarks about Cristina Fernandez criticisms, before congress, where she claimed teachers “they work four hours a day and have three months holidays”.

“The president said teachers work few hours. It’s all nonsense it’s like saying truck drivers don’t work because they spend the whole day seated: yeah seated but working”, blasted Moyano.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • lsolde

    So what?
    l'm blonde & English also.
    But l don't want to talk to her

    Mar 10th, 2012 - 09:33 am 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    If I recall correctly, talking to Medusa is likely to make one turn to stone.

    Mar 10th, 2012 - 10:45 am 0
  • Redcoat

    This is Casaca Roja www.casacaroja, broadcasting from our studios in the Slums of BA.
    It’s another sunny day in the city by the river, the city that’s always sleeping with highs of 27 degrees in downtown Buenos Aires and we have just got reports of yet another building collapsing into one of the countless holes we have around the city.
    In fact the buildings here are in such a state of disrepair, that the bullets holes the British left in 1807 still haven’t been filled in yet.
    And the guy that singed his eyebrows and burnt his fingers when he set fire to a British flag on the streets of Buenos Aires yesterday, is going to sue the manufacturers claiming he didn’t expect it to go up so quickly, a spokesman for the company says that he shouldn’t have dowsed it kerosene first.

    But the news TODAY is dominated by the continuing Malvinas, or as the British colonial bastards like to call it, the Falklands dispute.
    First up is some old has-been old rocker called Roger Waters has changed his tune and is now criticising our gracious leader Cristina Fernandez for not seeing the unions, but who cares what he says, he’s an old tosspot, so doesn’t know anything.
    Talking about our gracious leader Cristina, she is still pitched in a tent outside the UN building and will continue to beg for scraps to be sent to the many staving in our glorious mother country while petitioning the delegates on fixing the law so we can rightfully gain sovereignty over our islands that are rightfully ours.
    Unfortunately as Hillary Clinton was coming out of the building she nearly tripped over our gracious leader and only had time to say “get out of my bloody way”

    More reports about the Malvinas in the following thread, in fact that’s all us Argentinians can think of to talk about, I wonder why?

    Mar 10th, 2012 - 11:01 am 0
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