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PM Cameron says Obama promised ‘neutrality’ and ‘no prodding’ for talks on the Falklands issue

Thursday, March 15th 2012 - 22:30 UTC
Full article 161 comments

Prime Minister David Cameron revealed President Barack Obama said the US was content with the status quo in the Falkland Islands and ‘would stop prodding Britain and Argentina’ to talk to each other. Read full article


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  • J.A. Roberts

    Cue a statement from Timmermann thanking the Icelandic Handknitting Association for their support of Argentina's “legitimate” rights over the Falkland Islands...

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 10:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian

    That's the end of that issue then. RG Land you are on your own.

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 10:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    but according to the NYT “the US will stop prodding Britain and Argentina to talk to each other” and stick to neutrality or status quo.

    Another nail in argies coffin, titter titter .

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    And come Monday we can expect the denial from the Icelandic Handknitting Association .....

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Alejomartinez

    PM Cameron has NOT said what the title leads to believe. Only the NY Times, still a paper even if a true one, not a biased UK-funded “news” agency as Mercopress. US will still prodd the bilateral solution of the existing dispute, rest assured. Mercopress lobbying is not upmto the standards to challenge US

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    @5 - What planet do you live on?

    The USA hates Argentina as we keep seeing with them trying to block loans to Argentina and is still trying to get the money its owed from Argentina.

    The USA's closest friend is the UK.

    The person who reported on the conversation had the conversation and isn't reporting on it 3rd hand so I'd be inclined to believe the Prime Minister.

    You desperate fool.

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    ah so if the articles dont say what you want them to say you will deny them and make up US foreign policy for them?

    basically you lose.

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    So in a few word Mr Cameron failed to gain US support for the Malvinas dispute.

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    Cameron is craying to everybody , please don t support Argentina, he begs to US on his knees, I like it, it is really funny how cameron begs.
    Us was part of Uk and now Uk begs to US, Cameron is a clawn

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    @9 - Learn to spell you retard and stop making things up you pathetic liar.

    Its funny how sad, desperate and childish you can make yourself look in a single post.

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    when obarmy goes life will change for CFK, as the new leader of the USA will be a bit more harder than obarmy ever was,
    and the falklands will remain british,

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    9 Yes Pepe, Brits love to beg to their master all the time..

    A few weeks ago:

    “Britain was forced to plead with the US to take part in the flotilla challenging Iranian power in the Gulf after American commanders decided the Royal Navy had nothing to contribute to the mission”

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    Ah more conjecture and rumor, I guess that is no different than the Timmerman speech at the UN where he started talking about the location of the UK sub then ended it demanding to know where it was.

    Although if you are Argentine and its written in a low-rent-rag then I guess it must be true right?

    Mar 15th, 2012 - 11:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    from a goverment that can do nothing, and inforce nothing, CFK is doing a very good job of talking, is she not .

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • PirateLove

    No matter how ridiculous and humiliating it gets for Argenweena they will always deny the truth that is before them no matter how damning that is what they are programmed to do,
    the UN has to put this to bed once and for all, as this discrimination,interference and punishment over the years towards the Falklands population is going unpunished time after time,(self harm no matter how hilarious doesnt count) surely theres a few human right issues the Falklands could claim against Arse-on-tina.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Another nail in argies coffin, titter titter .
    Anyway,for the US is much more important Argentina than MAlvinas..
    The head of the Royal Navy Task Force that recovered the Falkland Islands during the 1982 South Atlantic conflict has warned about UK defense cuts and underlined that United States has little interest in supporting Britain in any conflict since a stable Argentina is more important to the State Department
    uk is finished and SA DOES NOT NEED ANYTHING from uk....

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    Why not invade then? If the UK is so weak and you have such an upper hand there is no real need for you to sit back is there? You could take the FI back in your sleep couldn't you?

    You know you are talking bollocks but as you and your comrades in La Campora are on the president's payroll then you are obliged to spout shite at every opportunity.

    Your fascist regime will be outed soon enough and then we'll see what the rank and file decent Argentine makes of your corrupt political elite.

    What plans does your organisation have in place to suppress opposition on the streets of BA? Has that been decided yet?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • rebeldenacion

    Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, the current president of Argentina likes to pretend like she is the “Evita” of the century but she is really a former terrorist from the “Montoneros”. She has severe psychological problems, takes xanax, prozac and ritalin. She is also one of the most corrupt politicians in all of South America. She wears expensive designer suits that costs $1000s of dollars, louis vuitton and Gucci purses, french $700 US dollar shoes, weekly botox injectons, and rolex diamond watches, only rides around in Mercedes, Audi and BMW automobiles, also has a Cessna personal airplane and a private helicopter. She and her (now dead) husband Nestor Kirchner have stolen 100s of millions of dollars from the people of Argentina. She and her (now dead) husband Nestor Kircher took posession of federally owned land in the south of Argentina, the patagonia region literally for pennies and re-sold that land for millions. Cristina Kirchner is an owner of a corporation called “Los Sauces SA” which she hides behind with her children. This phone corporation is used to purchase luxury cars, luxury properties and other luxury items and hide the fact that she is the one purchasing them. The president of Argentina is paid a salary of about $5000 US dollars per month, however Cristina Kirchner has increased her personal wealth since she has been the president of Argentina to almost $100 million US dollars, I mean who can do that making the salary she earns. The other people who surround her that are also crooks are her vice-president, Amado Boudou, he is actually an owner of the company that prints money for the government in Argentina, a major conflict of interest, but he denies it, he owns the company in the names of other friends and associates. He is being investigated and surely will end up in jail where he belongs. Cristinas 2 VERY UGLY children, Maximo and Florencia Kirchner, are also very corrupt. Maximo owns all kinds of hotels and properties adn Florencia is a film st

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • xbarilox

    @ 9 qué vergüenza, dejá de inventar historias. USA no está del lado de Argentina, perdedor! Dejá de dar lástima.

    @ 16 you're back, and with the same old story. How is it in Disneyland?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mastershakejb

    lol @ whatever doofustard called UK “USA's closest friend.” USA's the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, it doesn't need “friends”, much less not UK. UK is just a US colony, just an exploitation hole.
    And the closest “ally” USA has, is Canada, durp, u tard, not UK, lol.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • tobias

    “The US position is that they support the status quo, they don't argue against the status quo and that is very welcome. They are content with the status quo; they are not challenging the status quo”.

    Was he going for the status quo Trophy there?

    I don't know where some argies here are coming from. the US and UK are extremely close allies and NEVER will the US side with Argentina over the UK. I don't think they would even if the UK invaded Argentina to be blunt, because they would find some diplomatic excuse for the action. Which is why Argentina should never trust the US or UK fully on anything, because they ultimately are only concerned in promoting influence of anglo culture, and don't buy American or Brits when they say their governments are honorable, they are not (at all).

    But let's get real: the Falklanders are British in descent, they want to stay so. History is almost irrelevant in terms of resolving the status of present day living people in x y z territory. If the habitation of a land based on retrodiction of historical morality was applied, all of us would be in trouble (including the current Europeans that displaced the Neanderthals).

    Argentina (the gov) needs to stop this obsessive nonsense bordering on madness now, because they are really behaving like unstable pseudo-revolutionary urban fighters in their early 20s now... Oh wait.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • KFC de Pollo

    @16 stop acting like this

    and who is this? mariano perrone? looks like KFC had a superb relationship with Nestor

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 02:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • rebeldenacion

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 03:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    AMAZING to read all these retarded comments. The Malvinistas have really all come out in force today!

    @16 - Why the HELL would we care how stable your country is? Do we care about Ethiopia's stability? No. And you are in the same league as them. We couldn't care less what you do, so long as you stay in your borders.

    @20 - Extremely retarded. Canada and Britain, along with Australia and New Zealand are ALL our closest allies. It's called the ANGLOSPHERE, you moron! Who is Canada's head of state? Did the Canadian PM not just re-issue the 'Royal' title to their soldiers? We are tied in with the COMMONWEALTH in all sorts of ways. Please wake up. Just because your country's list of friends looks like a USAF B-52 target list, no need to cry.

    On to the actual topic, in my opinion, this is great progress, but still NOT GOOD ENOUGH. It's nice to no longer have Clinton barking like a dog tied to a tree, but since when did we have a POSITION OF NEUTRALITY? Is this WWII again, and who the hell raised the Swiss flag over the White House? This is still an insult, and until Obama declares UNEQUIVOCAL SUPPORT for the rights of the British islanders, he will still be a backstabbing fool. Then again, there are a LOT of other things he'd need to do to shed that title! haha

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 03:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    24 YOUR WODS
    @16 - Why the HELL would we care how stable your country is? Do we care about Ethiopia's stability? No. And you are in the same league as them. We couldn't care less what you do, so long as you stay in your borders.

    If you think in that way and to yoy what you wroted here is correct, why UK is pushing to continue the trading of goods with Argentina?, how much is the average salary of an Etiopian and what is the minimun in Argentina, I don t thing you are right, Argentina is a better market than Etiopia, you need to read and learn more about economy , macro and micro economy, You just don t know nothing if you think you are right.
    Now if you intetion was to offend us
    f,,, you

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Boovis

    Obama has not taken sides, he's just said he'll stop pushing for negotiations. If the UK says that there's nothing to negotiate and Argentina says there is, then pushing for negotiations is effectively taking Argentina's side. If he reaffirms neutrality and promises to stop pushing for talks then he has gone back to a middle position.
    Additionally, if he is neutral then that means he also doesn't push for any changes either, and supporting any change to the status quo would be non-neutral, hence he supports that the current situation does not change and so the islanders remain British. If he was neutral and the islanders were Argentinian, then he would support that too. He's not taking sides and no-one wins from this, all it means is that some people can stop claiming that the US is against the UK on this matter.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    pepe, You got yourself all worked up over 24 post.

    Dont get your knickers in a twist, i think you are reading into it a little too much after all Stefen is only responding to a malvinero comment !

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritConcern

    “uk is finished and USA DOES NOT NEED ANYTHING from uk.... ”

    So funny how mis infomed people are on this board...for may years now the UK has been the biggest invester in the USA and vice versa worth billions.

    Despite diplomatic world press propaganda the UK is still a extremely great military power and as much as people want to talk it down there are very few countries in the world who would take it on...

    Do me a favour and base your arguments on facts no nonsence

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • taky

    This is for my co-natinal.
    Even that I don't agree about the british interpretation of historical facts and the way they see themelf througt history. I have to agree with them about the right of the islanders of self determination.
    What ever happen 179 years ago. If was right or wrong, the actual people of those lands live there for many generation and call those island home. They have the right to choose their own future the way they like it.
    We also are ocuppying a land that before belonge to somebody else. But we are here now for many generations and if we want to be respected in our rights we have to respect theirs too.
    We can live like neighbors side by side of the Atlantic. And share a sea between us like we share a river between us and Uruguay or a mountain between us and Chile.
    I ask to my co-nationals to please stop harrasing the islanders. We can be friends if we try it.
    Please stop this. We have so much land that was stolen from the indians. A land that we call it “ours”. Let them to call those lands “theirs”.
    I desagree with them about many historical facts. but they are right about
    their freedom of choose with whom they want to be associated with.
    Peace to everybody

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Falklands are British

    12 Marcos


    It's what politicians do. As you well know because that's why KFC is over in Chile right now like Pinera's bitch.

    Chuckle chuckle

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    So what nation of any consequence still supports KFC and her thieving ways? Come to that what nations of no consequence still supports the cow and her cronies.
    We all know that nothing but empty platitudes will come out of Santiago.
    Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.....

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    31 What you don t understand is that it doesn t matter the government, what matters is the state and the market, if you like this or not that is your personal issue, but Argentina is one of the biggest market in s America, in 3 more years will not be any CFK anymore and Argentina will continue to be an important market to several countries. Plus Mercosur that will be stronger in the future , there are some issues now but Mercosur will worke it out to get the right answers. After all every agrupation or continent are passing for a taft time, Gracia is sn example, Spain and Italy are not really in a party neither.
    Uk is having serious issues too.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @32 No. It's not a big market if no one can afford anything and they refuse to import. Mecosur is decreasing in its strength because of Argentinian refusal to play the markets game, ans so is unlikely to exist in the future.

    You got all that wrong.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Doveoverdover

    @29 Very well put. If that became State policy and was ratified through a change of Constitution there would inevitably be tangible benefits all round. But, it needs to be done before time and money is wasted in fruitless litigation and before the prospect of any Argentinian participation in the oil supply chain is lost. I'd like to think that these daily gambits are designed only to prevent a political crisis for the Government until the people of Argentina make it clear that yours is the way to go. At that point a fine judgement would be made to swing the State behind the will of the people so that the Government doesn't lose face and fall. Or, we all may have to wait for the next Government to discover this at the polling stations.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    @29 nice to hear some balance

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 08:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Room101

    29: Amen, Taky.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    When Pepegllat says they are one of the biggest markets in America, back in the real world Argentina is USA's 44th biggest partner. Guess where the UK is? 5th biggest partner and a far bigger partner than any South American country. Not to mention the UK is massively significant to the USA in politics and military matters.

    You should learn about the facts before posting any further.

    Mercosur is a growing entity since most of the countries in it are developing countries but where as Brazil and Chilie are rapidly improving Argentina is declining and rapidly.

    It's a shame Argentina's petty hatred and ridiculous politics stop it from sharing the real growth other Mercosur countries are experiencing. If Argentina could focus on its economics instead of things like the Falklands Island's it really could do well, you have abundant natural resources but to get the much needed foreign investment you need to remove CFK, stop stealing companies and threatening them, then after sometime you could really do well with foreign investment and become the great country you could be instead of this current shell of a country that does nothing but lie, cheat, bully a small island and punish its own population.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 08:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nightingale

    quite a few upset argies on here it

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 08:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    @29 agree. Thanks for honesty. Its the right thing to do.

    I think its time Argentina appologises to the poor islanders for the illegal invasion 30 years ago? Remember 3 female FI were killed in the war.

    Would like to get peoples thoughts on this...

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 09:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @29 Agreed.

    @38 I know. It's a lot of fun to see their anger.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 09:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger

    And this have changes? absolutely nothing powerless Britain just begging as usual to master boy Obama. BTW Obama is on the left or right? bad picture indeed.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 10:46 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    29 taky Good on you!! Thanks for that, peace brother

    39 Steve-32-uk Argentina?? Apologise?? It would be nice but I don't think it's going to happen. Remember all that fuss about the treatment of POW's on the Buma railway?? I think it will be like that........only harder.

    41 DanyBerger Please, please think about what you are going to post BEFORE you post it, otherwise you come across as a complete t*t............. Like you just did. Keep thinking son, you'll get there in the end.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Ken Ridge

    Poor poor ARG's, I thought the whole world supported your rediculous claim? It seems not!

    Stefan@24 “Please wake up. Just because your country's list of friends looks like a USAF B-52 target list, no need to cry.”

    Now that made me LOL.

    Obarmy's neutral stance is not ideal, as a UN member self determination should be the end of the matter full stop, however it is a lean in the right direction.

    Malvinists, please do not stop commenting here, you are all a very good source of daily humour. Without you Mercopress would be somewhat dull.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    partner. Guess where the UK is? 5th biggest partner and a far bigger partner than any South American country.
    Really???Brazil has a bIGGER ECONOMY then uk.......No body in EU gives a damn about uk......

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritishLion

    Enjoyed listening to the radio link yesterday between the Falkland Islanders and Argentineans. It was clear that most of the RG's in the debate were very ignorant of the truth and as a result could not agree with the islanders point of view. Not surprising in itself, however, there were some wobbles from the RG group towards the end when they could possibly be wrong and they became uncomfortable. Obama should have some time with the islanders and then get off his fence and speak up for right over wrong...The FALKLAND ISLANDS ARE BRITISH.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Lets be quite clear about this. America does not support the UK in its claim on the Falklands. At the time of the 'falklands war' I was on holiday in the Bahamas and I can tell you that all of the American Radio/TV stations and newspapers were fiercly against Briton. This I found very surprising given that Regan was so pro Maggie. For Cameron to suggest that Obama supports Briton is disingenuous to say the least. Even if Obama did support Briton, which he doesn't it would be political suicide given America's present critics in South America and november elections looming! is not going to support 3000 people in detriment of 300 millions...You are crazy..... uk SHould get out of SA ..We do not want the brits...We are fed up of them...They are NOOO IS BANKRUPT!!
    UK warned again about possible credit rating downgrade
    Chancellor George Osborne is preparing to deliver his Budget next week Continue reading the main story
    Related Stories
    What do credit rating agencies do?
    UK considers super long-term bond
    Moody's warns on UK credit rating
    The Fitch credit ratings agency has joined Moody's and put the UK's top AAA rating on “negative outlook”.

    Fitch Ratings warned on Wednesday that it could downgrade the UK in the next few years if the government does not contain the level of public debt.
    Just concentrate on the 3 million unemployed in uk.Youa re crazy..Who gives a damn about 3000 people when you have 3 millions unemployed

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Musky

    @8 Marcos

    If the US thought we were bad news they'd have said so and no visit would have occurred. Please read the situation properly and don't delude yourself.
    In any event the PM and President had a low key conversation on the matter as they have weightier things on their minds.

    To quote Obama, ”I'm chuffed to bits' with the US stance on the matter.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Nightingale

    looks like another country that the argies thought backed them , has decided that argentina isnt worth cosying up to.....Love it

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo

    don't forget that Russians' and some other East Europeans' many bases
    are active around the Bellinghousen Station ,Collins Harbour,King George Islands, Shetlands,...and others a standing by forever.....

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 11:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • geo2

    the Russians are very genious especially at these strategical subjects
    all around the world.....I think that they use these two poor powers Argentina/UK to distract their actions there......I think the USA has no chance to make maneuvers at this region..........

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    the world is sick of you bleating on about this issue. It has now been made very clear to you. the most powerful nation on earth and the UK's biggest ally does not want anything to do with the issue.

    you live under some illusion that the whole world is with you when no one gives a shit about the issue, including the UK.

    The UK has made this very clear to you RG's - we do not want to talk with you as you are not worth talking too. you have no claim to the Falklands and no amount of saying over and over that you do alters this fact.

    now you have a few street demonstrations to attend with your Hitler Youth League pals. so run along and beat a few of your own citizens up.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    46 Malvinero1

    Where have you been hiding yourself Malvi-baby?

    Good to see you back, and in such fine form as well. This place just was not the same without you!!!

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DJ56


    Face the facts: Argentina is the one that is escalating the dispute for all its worth, not the UK. Its Argentina, and not Britain, which is creating a smoke screen.

    What could Argentina be trying to hide behind this smoke screen?

    Could it be the fact that inflation is about 26%, not the far lower figure published under government bullying by terrified statisticians?

    Or the fact that the government is illegally trying to avoid complying with binding international arbitration awards in favour of US companies?

    Or the fact that the government is steadily escalating a dispute with Spain in relation to Repsol's investment in YPF?

    Or the fact that the government is resorting to crude censorship, pulling the plug on a well respected former CNN anchor who was making critical comments on live TV?

    Or the fact that the argentinian economy is only sustained by crude protectionist policies which are illegal under GATT?

    Or the rumours surrounding Kirchner corruption?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @46 - Please do everyone a favor and shut up. You clearly know NOTHING. WE have a lower credit rating than the UK! Do you not see the FACTS, you brainless Melverino? Obama is on his way out. The next guy is PRO-BRITISH. His wife is Welsh! Our Hispanic vote comes from MEXICANS in the country, NOT Argentinians! And why would we care what your media critics say anyway? Your Kirchner approved Nazi News Networks means NOTHING to the elections. When will your WORTHLESS country see that you're as valuable as North Korea and A LOT less threatening. Brazil and Chile are the only countries down there who are keeping above water. The rest of you are too poor to buy basic goods. Stop trying to make out that your part of Brazil. You're not. I'll make this very clear, just so your small mind can understand. YOU MEAN NOTHING. No help during World II either. Argentinians are the biggest COWARDS on the planet. Just remember who was going to help Brazil destroy Buenos Aieres and occupy the country... yep. The good ol' USA, and all because you were “the Nazi headquarters in the occidental hemisphere” Enjoy your day, Malverino!... and please, get educated.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 12:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @5 You were there, were you? At the talks? Imitating a pouffe, perhaps? Have you noticed Obama or the White House denying what was said? Poor deluded fool!

    @6 He doesn't live on a planet. He lives, possibly, in argieland. Where everyone gets what they want, no matter how fantastic. Is this the one that thinks the CFK slag is “beautiful”? Let's put it this way. If I had CFK bent over a desk in front of me and I was ramming my tackle into her butt, I would possibly say “Beautiful.” afterwards. But I wouldn't be referring to her face. Always good to find something with a receptive and expandable butt!

    @8 The UK and USA are peaceful nations. When, and if, the UK wants a Carrier Strike Force, the USA will be there! Just a temporary measure you understand before the Queen Elizabeth-class carriers are available.

    @9 Politics, old boy, politics. As in “Find a new position or the British troops in Afghanistan will be leaving.”

    @16 Let's see. How is argieland important to the US? A bankrupt country with an unstable government (?) and president (?)? Don't worry. We have a FREE gift available for you. Amongst other things, it goes BOOOM!!

    @20 Uhh. I think that would be President Obama.

    @25 What are “WODS”? Actually, if the UK is “pushing”, it is only that you comply with your commitments. Instead of the normal argie approach of taking things and then refusing to pay for them. Better market? You might want to recall that you are just one of 192 countries. Offend you? Why not? You are offensive!

    @32 Argieland is on the verge of implosion. It's the next step after you lie to yourself.

    @46 Let''s be quite clear about this. The United Kingdom does not “claim” the Falkland Islands. The Falkland Islands ARE British. They have been British for between 247 and 322 years. No third-world gangsters will change that and live.

    @49 Unintelligible drivel. @50 More of the same.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Ken Ridge

    @46 Malvinidiot
    Are you as delinquant as you seem, or are you 5 years old? I now understand why Arg is in such a mess, with idiots like you being allowed to roam freely.

    @49 Geo & 50 Geo's dad
    See above, are you all from the same school (malvinsarse school of stupidity)?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 01:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Be serious

    Argentina is going down. Get out now while the prices are still reasonable.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    44 Malvinero1 - partner. Guess where the UK is? 5th biggest partner and a far bigger partner than any South American country.
    Really???Brazil has a bIGGER ECONOMY then uk.......No body in EU gives a damn about uk......

    I had to copy that post, it was genius.

    Brazil does have a larger economy than the UK but it doesn't change the fact that the UK is still the USA's 5th largest trading partner whilst your shambles of an economy comes in at an embarrassing 44th.

    And when he says nobody gives a damn about the UK, I can only presume he means the UK is very important given its the 3rd largest economy. I'm going to take his slight on the UK as his misunderstanding.

    I mean he's obviously got a very low IQ, bless him....


    Mar 16th, 2012 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DJ56


    Pathetic - all he can resort to is “I have a friend who has a bigger economy than you”. Last time I heard an argument at this level was in the school playground.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tommy

    44 Malvinero1

    Have you been to Brazil? If so then you'll know that half the country lives on next to nothing, crime is rampant and the Police drive around in armored cars, fitted with .5 HMG's and grenade launchers. In the UK the police don't carry guns and compared to Brazil crime doesn't exist.

    The year before last I took the family to Brazil, our apartment was robbed and my son was mugged. I spent my last holiday in the Cotswolds, in the town we stayed in, Stow, people left bikes on the street and their doors open. In my town in the US the bikes would be gone along with the contents of the house.

    Brazil's a lovely country if you like heat, crime and poverty. There are a number of economic indicators, I prefer quality of life :)

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 03:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    You can see the arrogant jealousy
    And envy in their replies,
    They know full well, the islands are british, they know full well they have no claims to the islands,
    But they are either indoctrinated or just plain greedy,
    They will distract you, insult you ignore you are change the subject,
    by the time these Argies every realise the truth, it will be to late, and CFK will have destroyed , of what little respect Argentina has left ,

    we don’t hate you, we feel sorry, that you indocronoughts just sit there and watch your once great country get ruined and disgraces by a self obsessed loony.
    Called CFK, ..


    Mar 16th, 2012 - 03:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    Malvinero1 quick question for you. (everyone have a think about this)

    What would Argentina do with the Falkland Islands and the islanders if Britain transferred full sovereignty over?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    The best solution to resolve the conflict would be to let the FIG govern Argentina for the benefit of all Argentinians.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Probably flood the islands with Argies, as to put them into the minority, then as the majority use this new power to change everything to Argentinean, and then probably outlaw them.
    Make life very hard for them, and over time disappearances will become the norm,
    And then basically destroy and ruin the whole island.
    Just an opinion,

    Has o gara gone home .

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Millet

    Mark my words the USA will 100% back the UK. The current situation, the president said, with the Falklands being under the protection of the UK is perfectly fine with the USA. USA & UK very strong friendship. - Millet USA

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    Millet don t be afool, Obama is not pro british, and Cameron is playing with the words.
    Us position is NEUTRAL like always.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob


    RG unemployed 8%
    RG inflation 24%
    Credit rating 'B' Highly speculative
    'Fitch warns Argentina on inconsistent policies' (heard that before)

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 04:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    @65 - Millet, thanks for the post, always good to see our American cousins offering support. After the events of this week nobody should be in any doubt who America supports, full honors for the UK prime minister in his visit to the US president, strong support from the Republican's and the obvious friendship of the two countries.

    Having the US in a neutral position is a complete success for the UK.

    Pepegallata is one of those folk who doesn't have his head screwed on straight given he is completely unable to see the wood for the trees and offers pure speculation and lies (I'm referring to the reference to Argentina being a very important market to the US which quite clearly it is not).

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    What ever “spin” you may put on this, in the absence of a swift rebuttal/clarification from the white house, it is a blow to Argy diplomatic efforts.

    In the event of a change of occupant in the white house, there may well be another blow to follow.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @16 Not true

    Casper Weinberger the US Defense Secretary said in an interview shortly after the 82 war that if UK had lost one of it's carriers to RGs and had simply asked, the US would have given them a carrier to use. Fact.


    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    @46 Who are the 300 million..

    Does the Falklands sovereignty issue matter to the rest of South America?
    Answer = No, Argentina is the only country with an issue.

    Would South America help Argentina invade the FI again?
    No, Why would they, the Falkland Islanders have done nothing wrong.. Why would they take part in an assault on a small nation of 3000..

    There is a lot of growing world support for the Falkland Islanders, mainly because of their treatment at the hands of their greedy, bullying neighbour.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    Cameron the liar...
    Breaking the news:
    U.S. denies Cameron and reiterated his position “remains neutral”

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    Haha Marcos nice try but isn't this the same publication that also reported the entire UK fleet sunk and was quietly and replaced?

    Also the article states an anonymous email was received which really doesn't consistent evidence.

    Nice try but lets see the US government actually come out and say it as opposed to an email that was supposedly sent from an anonymous source.

    That's about as solid evidence as Timmerman presented at the UN lol........

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    @72 Marcos.
    I've spent 15 mins searching the web for other articles to back this up and was unsuccessful, using that logic I would argue that this story is FALSE and yet another example of Argentinian media propaganda.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    68 then if Argentina diesen t matter, why US want to make business?, US wants to have some control in all S America, Brasil is the new kid on the block and Argentina is the most important market gor brasil.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    US denied Pinochio cameron,that they support uk sovereignity on MAlvinas

    Estados Unidos desmiente a Cameron y reitera que su posición “sigue siendo de neutralidad”
    Según la agencia AFP, la administración de Obama mantiene una posición imparcial y que desea una solución negociada en la disputa entre Argentina y el Reino Unido. El premier había dicho que el norteamericano apoyaba que las islas estén bajo dominio británico.
    uk are NOOOBODY!!
    Just take care of the 3 million unemployed in uk....IDIOTS!

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    Cameron will say what is covenient for him, US was very clear about neutrality, will see what Obama will do in the next Alba meeting about malvinas

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 06:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    The RG's lie, even on here, all the time.

    As soon as you check out their links you find out the truth and its never as they say, sometimes quite the reverse.

    Basically you cant believe a word they say and they rely on bluff.

    Even in 72 he says that the US is neutral - exactly - as the article on this website says, but is twisted as though its tacit support for the RG's, which it isnt of course.

    The only support that the RG's get are nations being diplomatic and saying that we should talk it through, the US are now even saying that they wont be doing that in future.

    Te US will make business with whoever it wants. It doesnt make your country particularly important to it. what do you expect them to do, enter into a war that has nothing to do with them and piss you off? It simply has no need to do this. They can and will use Argentina at will as and when it pleases.

    you RG's are a very insecure lot. you need support and reassurance all the time and seem to genuinely think that you are being supported over this Falklands issue by everyone and that the Uk is isolated.


    It occupies no one else's time throughout the world. If you dropped it no one else would raise it and no one ever does unless you come calling.

    quite simply the UK has no real need to spend much time on this issue and the line I would be playing over and over again is that if you have a problem with the Falklands then you should be talking with the FIG, not the UK.

    The FI issue has nothing to do with the UK unless the FIG ask for help.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • so_far

    Without whises to only the truth but is not suprise at all see british liers, is almost normal.......but top officer of FCO Hague lying in Chile last time about support ? and now the PM of UK Cameron lying that way ??

    Honestly is a simple incredible.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Millet

    66 pepegalleta, don't call me a fool. Only a fool would think that the USA would not back up the UK. Pepegalleta, after reading your posting, I have determined that your posts add nothing helpful, or knowledgeable, to this forum. All you know how to do is put people, ideas, and the poss of others down. It is time for you to grow up. If you cannot add anything positive or constructive to the subject, I suggest you leave your nastiness out of this forum. If your from Argentina, I suppose you must be Catholic. If so then act like one. - Millet USA

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    Lol @79 - You really could not make that up. Argentina poster claiming the UK lies, brilliant, genius even!

    This coming from a country that forced other countries to deny they made statements and the recent UN briefing where the Argentine representative claimed a weather radar was a secret military installation! It was so bad the UN couldn't even bother to write it up or give its usual reply.

    And then theirs the IMF that demands Argentina stops lying about economic figures. These are world bodies demanding Argentina starts telling the truth.

    I could go on with many more examples if you'd like?

    And you've got the gaul to make posts like that?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @80 - My friend, have some leniency for the Argentinians. Talking to them about the sovereignty of the Falklands is like talking to the Hitler Youth about the racial inferiority of Jews. They are victims of a corrupt government that has brainwashed them into believing false historical facts so that they don't realize how much they are being exploited by the likes of KFC and how embarrassingly their nation is being turned into a Venezuela satellite state, loyal to Emperor Chavez. Most intelligent people know that these islands are British and a commitment to that fact should be made by ALL free nations that are true to their creed. That excludes Communist dictatorships like China and Cuba. That excludes banana republics like Argentina and Venezuela, and it SURE AS HELL excludes pariah, terrorist countries like Iran.
    It does, however, include us. Wherever tyranny seeks to do damage, we should always be there to stand against it. We should never remain neutral as we did for most of both World Wars. Isolationism can only embolden our enemies. This will always be a fact.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    @80 Millet, when I first started posting comments in Merco Press, I was warned by other posters that there is no point trying to reason with the Argentinians that post in here, someone suggested that they are brainwashed as school children regarding the Falklands / Malvinas.

    I can't comment on the above, but I will try and see both sides of the argument and be fair, but it is frustrating at times.

    so tell us....
    What part of the USA are you from? and what do your friends and family think about the Falklands situation?

    Thanks for your reply in advance.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 07:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    80 Miller
    No I am not catholic, why do I have to be CAtholic to not agree with what you said?
    And who told you rhat you can recomend anybody to leave this forum?
    are you a racist?

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 09:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Millet, when I first started posting comments in Merco Press, I was warned by other posters that there is no point trying to reason with the Argentinians that post in here, someone suggested that they are brainwashed as school children regarding the Falklands / Malvinas
    Steve: Please,there were briiliants Argentine post.One was by a professor of Int Law,M Kohen,giving all the historical, legal aspects,about MAlvinas,the way he was trashed by the brits hooligans was pathetic.Is no point ot be educated in this forum.This is 90% SEWER! I just have a laugh,that is all good this“forum”

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 09:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @85 He didn't have all the historical nor legal aspects. No one even thinks it's him, and just some imposter. Argentina doesn't even recognise the jurisdiction of the ICJ and he has prattled on more than once about taking it to the ICJ.

    It's definitely not Professor Kohen.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 10:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    The facts of the matter have not changed: the Islanders have the right to determine to be British or not.

    That's it folks!

    The track that CFK is presently on is guaranteed to alienate everybody on the Falklands (there are no Malvinas) for many, many, years to come.

    The Mad Bitch is either incapable of understanding this or her agenda is NOT the Islands!

    I do accept that the flaw in this thinking is my reliance on logic and CFK is utterly illogical at times it seems. People with bipolar disorder can suffer intense periods of lucidity followed by harrowingly manic behaviour (not maniacal but euphoria).

    But no doubt we will see, and probably sooner than some of us think.

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 10:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    There are liars , dammed liars and argentine liars,
    The main difference, is that a true liar knows he is lying,
    But the indoctrinated believes he is telling the truth,

    You just can’t argue with a truthful liar, [can you] lol.
    unless you are argentine .

    Mar 16th, 2012 - 10:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    68 if you think and I think you are the only one that doesn t recognise that Argentina is a very important market for US, what the hell are doing here all US corporations?,
    and now Obama give his back ro Cameron and US government said that Cameron is a lier, after the meeting Cameron said that US wants the malvinas be under UK control but the real deal is a complete diffenrent ballgame, US recognise DE FACTO, do you know what de facto means?
    Reagan times are over you need to learn how deal with that

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 12:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    No one has said Cameron is lying except a 'anonymous' and unconfirmed email published by the same publication that claimed the entire British fleet was sunk in 82' so we can comfortably same its more made up stories from a bunch of fantasists.

    DE FACTO is a legal term in modern day language and it is also a term that supports the UK's position, unlike you English is my native language and one that I understand very well.

    As for US companies in Argentina, so what? You produce cheap product and are used for said purpose.

    Going back to the nonsense you created regarding being an important market, lets recap, Argentina is the USA's 44th biggest trading partner whereas the UK is the 5th so the nonsense about being more important is only in your little head.

    But by all means, keep lying like the Argentinian government if it allows you to sleep at night.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 01:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Charendon

    The Daily Mail indicates that Cameron is disappointed with the lack of support of Obama re Malvinas (Falklands) .

    And (90), acknowledging UK “de facto” jurisdiction over the islands is tantamount to not recognizing “de iure” jurisduction.

    It sounds that the US Government is taking the position (consistent with what it has being saying for quite some time) that the two countries should sit down and settle their conflict.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 01:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Filippo

    There is no government in Malvinas, only colonial pirates who have great big hand of Britain in their backsides.

    They must be removed from these islands, which belong to Argentina even before Argentina exist, it was taken from them. This and also by grace of God and Papal Bull of 1496!

    In 1982 we have a much more macho government than today, we had a man in charge and no ordinary man, he was a General, from Italy, same country my grandparents came from, fleeing from British and American Imperialists after WW2 (it would take several generations and Berlusconi to put right what they did to Italy).

    General Galtieri did not take no for an answer, he sent a great military force with special forces under command of our counter terrorist officers like Captain Alfredo Astiz, who is now in prison and should be freed!

    These were the men who removed 50,000 left wing terrorists from our streets and delivered them into the Atlantic. We are proud that they had the guts to do what was necessary.

    But today I listen to the BBC and it seems there are more left wing in our nation. I am in The Bahamas at the moment working in hotel so out of touch with my country. It seems all the strong people leave and only weak left remain.

    But still there are veterans prepared to attack the police for medals for Malvinas War as they protected Patagonia from a British invasion, they deserve these medals, Police should not keep them from them.

    Pirates and Anglos i hate all of you. Even here in the Bahama, have to put up with your Royal family, Prince Harry and the descendants of your Caribbean pirates some of which now Mullatos but others prefer stay white. I myself do not like. Or the children of British colonial pirates!


    Mar 17th, 2012 - 01:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @29 taky,
    Thank you, taky.
    What you posted is in complete opposition to the lies that people like Think, Marcos, malen etc post.
    With an attitude like yours, taky, we could easily work with you.
    l hope that you continue to post & that you can ignore the insults-to-come of the malvinistas on here.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 05:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @92 - WOW. If I wasn't mistaken, did you just voice your support for Argentina's FAILURE, MASS MURDERING MORON, Leopoldo Galtieri, and Italy's FASCIST, COWARDLY NAZI SYMPATHIZER Benito Mussolini, all in one post? That was kind of what it sounded like.

    1) Tell me, who was there to protect Patagonia against YOU?
    2) Galtieri sent one of the worst military forces in HISTORY. 90% conscripted kids just out of puberty.
    3) With regards to Italy, if it wasn't for so called “Imperialists” as you call them, today, Italy would most likely be part of Hitler's Third Reich. What was Italy's crowning achievement in WWII?.... Invading Ethiopia, which is kind of like invading your neighbor's kitchen. Listen, I know you Argentinians hate everyone who isn't either fascist, communist or just plain crazy, but don't idolize the Italians. Their main goal prior to the Allies victory was to disappoint Germany as much as possible.
    We'll be sure to immediately put your country on the 'Axis' for WWIII. It's where you want to be, after all.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 05:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @94 Stefan,
    Pretty sure that Filippo is a British troll.
    l don't answer him anymore. He/she/it was quiet for a while.
    Now we have new people on here, he/she/it has raised its head again, scenting fresh blood.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 08:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Idlehands

    95 lsolde

    Reading Filippo's post in light of yours makes me feel inclined to agree. His English is too good to be one of the Argentines on here that is unhinged. Even they don't laud Galtieri and Astiz.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 10:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Taky has argued, thought deeply about the issues, and has, @#29, come to conclusions that thoughtful people would come to.
    Stefan @#82 makes balanced points that hold up.

    My own arguments are non-partisan, so I frequently criticise British as well as Argentine policy and behaviour.
    It is good to have thoughtfully critical people on the site as well as the partisan.
    Like Isolde, I welcome their contribution.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 12:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Alejomartinez

    Told you. Cameron the liar and Mercopress too...

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 02:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    How bizarre @98 - Nothing, not word has stated Cameron has lied but yet you say he has for an unknown reason on several threads, I suspect you've got some issue with understanding and logic.

    Please show me where the USA has said he's lying?

    The only people who have proven to be continuous liars are Argentina. Even the IMF has demanded Argentina stop lying and then there was the recent lying by Timmerman at the UN which caused much hilarity around the world and was so embarrassing the UN didn't even respond to their demands.

    Secret military radar you say? Oh you mean the weather radar which has been sharing its data with universities around the world.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 02:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    99 you have to face ir, Cameron is a liar, is not your fault, but he is a liar and he can t leave with out his father Obama support.
    Under US eyes Argentina wnd UK ate the same.
    Ashame for Cameron

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 04:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Falklands are British

    100 Pepe

    Let's forget all of the crap we've been going on about for the last week. Forget the history, forget whose side the US is on, forget who said what. Okay? Forget all that.

    How do you figure Argentina is ever going to get the islands? Answer that.

    Chuckle chuckle.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 05:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    101 I don t think the war is an opttion, even if Argentina get modern weapons, what I think is that UK and Argentina needs to sit down and start some kind of negociation regardin sovereignty. It is gonna be a long process, but need to start some dat, I don t think Cameron will do it. But some future PM will do it.
    I support islanders rights but under Argentine administration. Nothing will change for islanders, only the flag.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 05:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    “But some future PM will do it.”


    “Nothing will change for islanders, only the flag.”

    Also wrong. They will infact be under rule from another state they do not wish to have.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    103 But after all the land belong to Argentina, I know we are not gonna meet in his point, that mean don t waste each other time discussing about it.
    People is important, but to me is like tomorrow Cordoba declare as an autonomus state, I see the islands in that way.
    I know you feel protected under B army but the question is, do you want to give up your like for your queen?, if you have kids, do you agree to send yourkids tothe Army to may be don t see them any more?,
    If you ask me same questions I can tell you that I will
    never gonna give up my life or their life of my kids for any stupid cause like this one.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 06:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Falklands are British

    101 Pepe

    Thanks for your answer and I respect your considered words. Like you said, we will need to forget the bit about the land actually belonging to Argentina. We, the Falkland Islanders and British say it belongs to us and there is nothing to negotiate on that.

    So we're not gong to negotiate. This PM won't and futures ones would surprise me if they did. Don't forget that in 2016 unprecedented wealth is due to pour into FIG's bank account. Not the UK Government's bank account like your less intelligent colleagues such as McClick like to think.

    As time goes on, maybe you're right. Maybe in 10 years time the UK might try to persuade us to talk about it, I doubt it, but maybe you're right. By then it will be too late for Argentina. We'll be able to afford to not only pay the UK for our defence but we'll also be able to financially reward them for sticking with us for all these years.

    It's a catch 22 for Argentina. They need more time to generate support or military capability but the longer they wait the mightier the Falklands will become.

    When is your president going to make her joint declaration with Chile about the Falklands issue?

    Also- and this is a serious question- are you worried about the competence of the Argentine government? Argentines with whom I share friendship and trust are starting to talk of the chances of a military coup. Only making simmering suggestions but I've never heard them talk like this in the 12 or more years I have known them. Admittedly one of them calls Cristina a hooker so I add salt but I do wonder.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 08:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Ah pepe, thats the sticking point.
    We believe that the lslands are ours & do NOT belong to Argentina.
    That is why there will be NO NEGOTIATIONS.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 09:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    I think different, to me there will

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 09:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Falklands are British

    After Pepe finished his passing out parade in high school cadets his dad was so proud. “Pepe. I am so proud of you! 100 cadets on parade and you were the only one in step!”

    Pepe, I don't agree with your views but I support until the day I die your right to voice them. Keep it up mate.

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    you may find this interesting

    the falklands will remain british for decades to come, anyone who thinks differently is living cukooland,
    their is nothing to talk about, that is the official goverment responce,
    and agrred with the islanders,
    so you guys are barking up the wrong tree .

    Mar 17th, 2012 - 10:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    108 To me all militar investments are a waste if money, the geopolitical issues and the greed of some people makes states invest in weapons, as I told every body here before that I am jewish and I lose some family in Israel, that is way I know what means lose a damily member in a war. There is not country in this world with more continued wars than Israel.
    My question is:
    Is any islander ready to pass away to protect the island? is any islander ready to lose a son in a war? , we the world didn t growed, we still gave wars.
    What I think is thT UK needs to sit down in UN and start some kind of negociation with Argentina, I am not talking about to give up sovereignty at the start, but I think is time to start.
    UK has a lot to lose if lose the islands, geopolitical power deives todays world, the search for food and energy is in the head of every president or PM today, that can lead to futures wars.
    Argentina is now looking for the UK attention bia diplomatic, but everething can change if there is not any progress.
    There is other pacefull ways like pay a good ammount of money to every islander just to leave the islands, but I don t think is gonna work even if islanders accept, now UK wants the N resouces and I don t think the desition is any more in islansers hands, even if islanders believe that cab decide the sovereignty, to me UK will make the decirions.
    But will see what gappend
    Actually if Argentina offer $10.000.000 to every islander could buy the island, but Uk will not let islanders agree with the deal, that money will be less to Argentina to start a war, but again, I think that it doesen t matter what islanders wants anymore
    I am talking in a driendly way without any offensive intention, it is just what I think
    Salud to every one here. cheers

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 01:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad


    I hear what you are trying to say, but Argentinas stance on the islands is not a negotiable one. Your gov. want it all. Full stop!

    As in your post, Argentina should approach the islanders an offer terms, be nice, friendly, cooperate...then maybe after some trust is built up things will look more favourable to be aligned more with Argentina than with the UK!

    At present, however, the tactics used by the Rg gov. are provocative by blocking falkland vessels, threatening blockades, and flight restrictions etc, which helps no one.

    If i were an Rg politician, i would be on a flight to the Falklands and would start a campaign of regular diplomatic missions to both help the islanders where they need help, and try and help the RG cause also.

    A slow friendly cooperative approach

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 02:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    The islands will remain a British possession for as long as their people wish that to be the case. Argentina does not have a good enough claim to the land for a viable case. All the history of the islands points to it being the property of the UK. Argentina's short presence there occurred before Argentina existed. If you combine this with the fact that the islanders (who harmed no one when taking residence there), want to remain British, and also the fact that Argentina is a very corrupt country that should not have a seat at the G20, and you realize this whole thing shouldn't even be debated. Argentina has no claim other than the rantings of an unhinged president.

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 02:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    111 and 112
    If I have to tell the truth I am ashame of the Argentinian government, actually any peronista government liked me, I am in US becouse of the bad peronistas government. Hope next president will be Macri, he is a much better option, the issue is that his not peronista and in Argentina you need to have peronista party support to win. Perhaps if you don t know who is, he is the Buenos Aires mayor.
    He is has more entrepeneur skills that could help to create the right embairoment to start some negociation.
    Uk is not the perffect government either, corruption is every where, even here in US corruption is every where, we are still suffering what the Bush corrupted government did, that is way I can t blane Argentinian government mire than US government, how Americans say It is same shit and I am sure UK government is corrupted too We the normal people pay the price for politicians
    Obama is a good man but that is the problem, to deal and manage US the elected president has to be corrupted and a M,,, Fuc,,
    Now piticians are playing again with all us. Cameron play games and CFK too, we still pay the price. What we need is more integration, as humans,
    I understand islanders position to remain British but to me this is becouse UK needs the islands I don t think is becouse of the people in the islands, don t take me wrong, to me the land belong to Argentina, I just talking about UK and Argentine governments games. If you ask me I still think the islands have to be under Argentine administration with the warranty of respect the islanders.
    I lose my fait in all governments, all of ones play games with people, to me UK is behind profits, if there is no profits from the drilling UK will start negociation with Argentina, it is only what I think it doesen t invokve anybody else .
    And for everybody that acussed Argentine government of corruption I agree, but I agree too that UK is corrupted too.
    Just read about Irak, the realstate corrupted lians that sunk the world

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 03:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @100, 102, 104, 107, 110 & 113

    Very interesting comments that you make. There is ONE basic misconception. Let me correct it for you. There will be NO negotiations between the UK and argieland for as long as that is the attitude of the Islanders. It matters not what argieland, or Mercosur, or Unasur, or the OAS, or the U.S. or the U.N. or anyone else says. The Falkland Islands, South Georgia, the South Sandwich Islands and the British Antarctic Territory are BRITISH. They will ALL remain BRITISH until such time as the inhabitants (e.g. British-descended Falkland Islanders) request independence. This something you need to understand right at the bottom of your guts. The UK lost 258 men killed and had 775 wounded in 1982. In addition, 3 Islanders were killed. That last might have been from British fire BUT, had you argies not invaded and placed artillery pieces between people's homes, there would have been no British fire. YOU are responsible for injuries to over 1,000 British people. THAT will NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. Territory that over 1,000 British people were injured protecting will NEVER be given up. Not in 30 years. Not in 100 years. Not in 1,000 years. Not in 10,000 years. Can you not get that through your brain? British and Falklands people paid, IN BLOOD, for OUR territory. We shouldn't have had to do that. And neither can you TAKE our territory “peacefully” or “diplomatically”. 3,140 Falkland Islanders are more important than 40 or 41 million argies. Let me reiterate. THERE WILL BE NO NEGOTIATIONS!

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 02:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    114 Based in what you wrot that to me is not really a snart way to think, you, your family, your kids and everybody else in the islands are ready to give up the life for your queen.
    Cos after a period of time Argentina will claim the islands by war again, not today, no next tear, but, what about before CFK leave the government, can happen.
    Then Smart Conqueror, are you ready to give up your life and falinily lifes too for your queen?, and the islands cause?

    Del gran pueblo Argentino SALUD

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 03:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @115 - I don't think the British are too concerned about fighting for the Queen anymore. You must not know much about Britain to make such a foolish statement. British soldiers (for the most part) do not fight for their monarch. They fight for their COUNTRY. They fight for their PEOPLE. The UK is a parliamentary democracy, constitutional monarchy. It is not a royal dictatorship, as I know you and your countrymen like to believe. Here is something you must understand about nations like the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, Western European countries. We still do fight for resources as ALL nations do. We still do fight for strategic locations as ALL nations do. However, we also sometimes just fight for what is RIGHT. In the instance of the Falkland Islands, the British cannot be faulted for wanting to defend islands that you have no historical claim to, and to defend islanders who do not want to have you rule over them, whether directly or under your flag.

    I recognize your posts are at least understandable, so I commend you for that, but please explain WHY you believe they are your territories(and not just because Krichner approved textbooks say that they are). Furthermore, every government has some level of corruption. This is the nature of government. It's just some are more corrupt than others, and Argentina's has more of it than both the UK and the US.

    And tell me, what is wrong IF the UK just wanted to defend the islands because it needed them? Is that not why Argentina want them? If the British wish to have a solid forward base for their operations in the British Antarctic Territory, how is that any worse than your desire for the islands' oil? In this case, where no moral considerations are taken, is it not just a case of who can hold/take the islands? In this case, the UK still keeps them because your military is too weak.

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 05:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • zethe

    “Then Smart Conqueror, are you ready to give up your life and falinily lifes too for your queen?, and the islands cause?”

    Our country has plenty people willing to fight for there country.

    “Cos after a period of time Argentina will claim the islands by war again,”

    And your forces will be smashed around again. The difference between our forces technology now is absurd. It would be even more embarrassing than last time when a force half the size of yours took your entire army as POW's from a location thousands of miles away from us, basically on your front lawn.

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Falklands are British

    116 Stefan

    I don't expect you'll get answers to any of the questions in your post. I don't trawl all of the posts on here like some do (actually, I look less and less because it has become boring) but I don't think I've read any Argentine explain how their claim over their country is any different to the British claim over the Falklands. At least the British didn't try to wipe out an indigenous population when they claimed the Falklands.

    I like your posts.

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 07:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    116 I will start leting know that I am in US since 95, if you want to make a comparation bteween corruption in US and Argentina let me tell you that Argentina is a baby regarding corruption, I never in my life saw more corruption than here in US.
    George Bush start all the bullshit here, Banks, Insurance companies, realstate, don t forget avout the 3 trillons default that Obama paid to all the Fu,,, corrupteds.
    know about that, I paid with my taxes to the corrupted mother F,,,.
    UK banks are involve too, we are talking about 3 TRILLONS dollars to cover the ass of the George Bush corruption.
    Do you have any idea how much money is? 3 TRILLONS dollars?
    now, can you say that Argentinian governmrnt is more corrupted?, again, we are still babys. If you think different or feel different about it please explain me.
    Now regarding the Mslvinas History, I don y wan t to start for the bigining that everybody knows, Malcinas islands was part of Argentina till UK obligated the Argentinians leave.
    180 years of ilegal ocupation is a lot of time, I don t blame the people who is living and fighting for what this people think beling to them. But it is time for this prople to recognise thr Argentine Sovereignty, I understand UK militar presence but thT cdn lead to another war in the future and I am tslking about may be 4 more years or less, can be before CFK leave the government, I know Argentina has a weak deffence now, but everybody has a price in ghis wotld, Argentina can pay for deffence, if you want an example, Chineses mercenaries could be more than happy to help, Rusia is another one, and in the todays world you never know who more. If Argentina sign snd agreement with China and Rusia to share the N resourses in the islsnds the gsme is over for UK. Don t forget China will help with everything that can affeecy YS and UK, Rusia too.
    I think Argentine government is waithing to solve thos issue in s pacific way, but if this doesen t work, the plan B will be China snd Rusia

    Mar 18th, 2012 - 11:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @119 - Answer this one simple question. How can the islands have been “part of Argentina” when Argentina was not a country at this time?

    It is obvious that you are indoctrinated into this belief. I have no doubt that Bush was a corrupt leader, just as Obama is. Just as every president was and every will be. We are human. When we have power, we usually abuse it in some fashion, however you only have to look at the IMF withdrawing from Argentina to know it is far more corrupt.

    I was expecting you to mention Russia and China. Let me tell you outright that it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that they will give you anything beyond diplomatic support. You are on the wrong side of the fence for what you want. Both Russia and China only care about themselves. They have far more important issues that the Falkland Islands. Besides, are you now OPENLY stating that you are a hostile, anti-democratic, axis nation? That is what China and Russia as well as Venezuela and Iran are. They are the equivalent to Hitler's Germany and Imperial Japan, in the modern age. They seek to force themselves onto other nations for either radical religious reasons, or communist expansionism. I can only warn you and your people of the consequences of siding with the like of Russia and China, but I expect you do not care because you are blinded by your hatred of the West because of perceived wrongs when it comes to these islands, a lie that was forced upon you by a string of military dictatorships who MURDERED their own people and held onto power until the bitter end.

    @118 - Thanks. I just find it surprising that people still think the way this guy does.

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 01:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    120 About the MFI Argentina doesen t care, actually it was the best pateners with the junta when the cold war, that is way Argentina didn t paid to that board, MFI is the worst, hope one day the MFI close business, if you like to read Argentina is paying to the club de Paris not to the MFI , about the islands when Argentina kicked out Spain all the virteynato land passed to Argentina , 1810.
    I can t discuss with you if you are not able to recognise the truth, if you tell me that isladers doesen t wan t to leave becouse just doesen t want to do it I will understand you more, but what you said is a lie.
    Obama is not like Bush, I am sorry but you are wring about it, I preffer 1000 times Obama than any republican.
    Again Argentina doesen t care about the MFI.
    About China and Rusia if Argentina propouse to share the islands N resourses there is gonna be more than only diplomatic help, China is looking for petroleum like Rusia,

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 03:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Be serious

    119 AAA (Another Argentinian Ar---ole.
    “I know Argentina has a weak deffence now, but everybody has a price in ghis wotld, Argentina can pay for deffence, if you want an example, Chineses mercenaries could be more than happy to help, Rusia is another one, and in the todays world you never know who more”.

    So what you are saying is that you accept Argentina cannot defeat the UK on its own and will pay another Country or Countries to do your fighting for you. If I was Russia and China I would tell you to get stuffed. But even if Russia and China were stupid enough to get involved and managed to take the Islands, do you really think they would hand them over to a shit Country like Argentina. Get real.

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 07:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • rebeldenacion

    Cristina Fernández de Kirchner the current disaster president of Argentina
    and the other Argentina crooks are her vice-president, Amado Boudou, he is actually an owner of the company that prints money for the government in Argentina, a major conflict of interest, but he denies it, he owns the company in the names of other friends and associates. He is being investigated and surely will end up in jail where he belongs. Cristinas 2 VERY UGLY children, Maximo and Florencia Kirchner, are also very corrupt. Maximo owns all kinds of hotels and properties adn Florencia is a film student in New York and lives in a luxury Park Avenue apartment and is known for major cocaine use. Some of us who know her in New York remember how she always used to tell us how her parents have a bank account drawn on the Nation of Argentina and for her family money is no object. These 2 corrupt children of Cristina Kirchner are self proclaimed “militants”, they belong to 2 internal terrorist groups which Cristina Kirchner finances, “La Cámpora” and “Quebracho”. “La Cámpora” goes around to the poor shantytowns around the cities in Argentina and gives the poor people a bag of groceries, a sausage sandwich called “choripan” and $20 pesos to buy their votes. These people have no choice but to accept this as they are extremely poor and have no other hope. “Quebracho” is a terrorist group which Cristina Kirchner pays to protect her, they disguise their faces and go around shaking down businesses to get money and give back to the president. They are also responsible for drug dealing, robberies and murders.

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 11:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @121 - Not so. Not all land passed to you. Let's be clear. Spain did not “pass” anything to you. You had to fight them for every square inch of land you have. They didn't even recognize your country for a long time after. Since you did not have the Falklands “passed” to you, then your claim is STILL Spain's claim, and they are making no claim, therefore the only viable claim is the British one. See how that works?

    You are a fool if you think Obama is better than Bush. Bush wasn't a great president, but Obama is far more corrupt and worse, is a terrible leader, throwing our tax money at green energy companies that collapse overnight, kissing Iran's ass, insulting our allies. The man's a socialist moron who spent his college years in bed with radicals. Luckily, he's on his way out if approval ratings are anything to go by.

    Tell me, if Russia and China had interest in the Falklands, why would they not just take them for themselves? WHY share with you? It's not like you have a military to enforce you getting your share. They could just split the resources in half and get more.

    Again, I'll stress. You are clearly blind, finding friends in China and Russia. One, a dangerously corrupt, belligerent nation who's leaders are angling to return to their previous system of government. The other, an oppressive communist dictatorship who lie about economics almost as much as your country does.

    Then again, you should be friends with Russia and China. All three of you enjoy mass murdering your own population. Whether it is by disastrous famines, forced labor camps or simple being 'spirited away', there's not much difference.

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 12:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger

    Aka 47, Suhkoi 35, Kh-555, etc, etc

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    124 Are you here in the state?
    Are you tepublican?, TEA PARTY?, are you a fool or what?, Bush was a M F,,, r, leaving as almost in chapter 11, he killed the country, he and all his mather F,,, friends.
    Obama is by far a superior honest guy, he is working with almost all the congress against him, nay be you ate a racist like most of the republicans, I am almost sure you love Arizona abd Alabama law, the slavery time is over, you know that?
    Bush father and son are the same shit, Reagan was another shit.
    Republican party is over, now Romney and santorum, more shit coming, just a bounch of racist people. US people is learning, no more republicans presidents fucking up thos country.
    And you are talking about dictadors?, what the fuck was Bush, he invented a war against Irak wasting sll tax payers money, real state colapse, isurance companies stilling money the list is too long, whst the fuck are you talking about?

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 03:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Sheep will be sheep
    Or follow they leader,
    Then again if they dream of greatness, which’s to say they cant, we can all dream
    Because that is exactly what it is,
    The islands were British in 1833
    Still British in 1982
    Still British in 2012,
    And will still be British in 2050 and beyond,
    Unless you think differently, [your choice]
    Argentina will never do any more than talk,
    And that is the be all to end all.

    facts gentlemen facts,
    the islands are british, full stop

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    127 don t be sure, remember what happend in 82?, do you really want to bet your life or your kids life?, what about if Argentina start a war again and your father your uncle your eife or husband get killed becouse of a war, ate yourself ready to gi and fight and pass away for this causse?, if your answer is yes, you are a fool, why Cameron doesn t go to fight in Afganistan or Irak?, he just talk yo much like you, I will ve the first here waiting for your ad when a missil kill your family, We dll know islamds ate very protected but everything the msn build can be fuck up by man too, this is something that I learned from Israel. And don t be sure about UK todays friend, those can be the enemies in thr future.
    But again, is your family ready to give up life gpr your queen?, if your answer is yes, I wish you snd all your family a nice life IN HEAVEN.
    I will be watching from eart, If this issue can t be dolve bia diplomatic, you are right, be ready for another war in 5 years

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 04:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    we are ready, pepe.
    Do you feel lucky, punk?
    Want to go for round 3?

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 10:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @126 - Typical. Pull the race card. Your as pathetic as our president. Please go back to Argentina. We don't want your kind here.

    Mar 19th, 2012 - 11:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malen

    116 Stefancito thats our message, thank you for admitting the truth for once.

    “all countries fight for resources”, only you killers, inventors of humanitarian rights wars (if for any reason you kill some civilians is always for mistake,expected things that happens in wars, if others kill civilians its because they are violating human rights, hm), go and buy what you dont have or arent you the 8th economy of the world?? go and give reverence to your queeen & princes (has he bought our penguins fauna tipical of SA souvenir to go back with sth to give the desolated Cata at least??)

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 12:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    113 who the hell do you think you are?, I am a citizen here, and I am sure better than you and I make more money than you, fuking racist

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 12:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    131 malen
    No. The idea of a 'just war' goes back at least to Roman times, and was expanded by Thomas Aquinas. In fact it was your justification for invading us in 1982 and why you'd do it again if you thought you could get away with it, and it was also Britain's justification for rescuing us. So get off your pompous ignorant pedestal- you aren't in a position to criticise anybody.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 01:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malen

    in 1982 in Arg there was a militar junta. that people has been judged for what they have done. they invade to continue in power (they were loosing it) and to reinvidicate themselves. dont mix things. and we were not in the kind of wars you are always in between, wars to poor with resources countries and with few ways and strategies of defence and justice and governance. dont compare us to you. becuase we are not the same. neither a potential power needing to show others what they can do to be up there dominating.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 01:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    Oh no, malen, it wasn't us, it was the junta.
    What about the cheering crowds in the Plaza de Mayo,
    What about the dancing in the streets,
    What about the car horns blaring.?
    You would certainly invade again if you could.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 11:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    you cannot reason with indocrinought,
    they think they are in the right, and everybody else is wrong, they think they are entitled to everything they see,
    to them its just a game, throwing mud to the wind,
    so why bother,
    you cannot change history no matter who you are,and facts are fact, and the islands will remain british, enything else is just deluded childish games .

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 12:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Reality

    Lets just hope if the worst comes to the worst the yanks will have our backs, I mean how many wars have we blindly waded into behind them. Some show of mutual support. Not that we'd need it against a neglected underfunded Argentine millitary “effort” anyway.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 01:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    130 Stefan, who the hell do you think you are?, I am a citizen here and I am sure a better one than you, I can stay here and leave as I wish, I don t need any fucking republican nazi like you tell me what to do, are you in Arizona or Alabama ?, people like you are all over the worls, racist, nazis, stupids, you are all in one.
    I am sure you are one of those frustrates poor guys, get a job, go to college, be somebody in life.
    You are not better than a nazi fuckin STEFAN

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 03:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    137 Reality
    we agree with you

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 04:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @138 - I find it HILARIOUS that you're accusing me of being a Nazi, when it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that Argentinians are Nazi sympathizers! haha. How many did you hide in your basement? Come on, tell us. I'm not in either of those states, either! Typical leftist moron. Play the race card, and when you get called out, yell and scream Nazi! You truly are pathetic, Pepegalleta. Truly.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 08:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger

    I'm starting to think that this forum is full of AgloPaki and Amexican racists and Nazi Lovers. oh Dio bloody 'ell

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    You forgot loco malvinistas & deluded RGs, Danybobo.

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 10:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Childish thoughts , childish opinions,
    And no one listens .

    Mar 20th, 2012 - 10:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    140 Stefan, to let you know I am jewish and Argentina is country number 3 regarding Jewish population in this world, plus be careful when you said something to me.
    Grow up, I think you are a stupid human actually I don t think you qualified as human or may be you sre the last Australopithecus that means small brain or not at all.
    what do you know about Argentina becouse you talk like you know something, but with your primitive brain I don t think so.
    Learn something I compare you with a mokey

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 01:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @144- I couldn't care if you were Jewish, Muslim or a damn Scientologist. What is clear, is that you're an idiot? Why? Simple... you think Obama is a good president, when he's one of the worst we've ever had. I find it hard to believe you're Jewish, unless you don't care at all about the state of Israel, which Obama has insulted several times. Then again, I guess coming from Argentina means you are taught from birth to know nothing about the world. Also, you played the race card, a very, very, very WEAK thing to do, and the last resort for the lowest forms of human life. If somebody says something you don't like, he MUST be a racist and a Nazi! haha. You should read some of the crap you write sometimes. It provides chuckles.

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 04:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    145 Stefan
    you are a fucking Nazi, anti latino, US is ashame of people like you, or may be you are already in a cell.
    I don t give a shit for people like you.
    May be you are a redneck that is working doing what I will never do and that is way you are upset with me, go to college, grow up, get some kind of education to progress in life.
    I actually can sue you for racist, remember when ulu told me to come back to Argentina just becouse I were born on Argentina?, be careful, if you tell me that face to face I will do it, I will sue you plus I will start a mandatory fellony charge on you for racist.
    On top of all this I asked you if you know something about Argentina?, I don t think uou know anything.
    Go and get some education, elementary school will be a good idea for you, it is important for you to start and the first step for you is elementary, after that, junior high then highschool ant the college.

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @144 pepegalleta

    Do you really think it is a good idea to start re-classifying people as less than human beings?

    As someone of a Jewish background you should know what that can lead to!

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 06:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    A trip to coventry may well help

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 07:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @146 - IDIOT! ARGENTINIANS ARE NOT A RACE! HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET! You truly are the worst kind of far-left troll. I'd recommend you go to school, but I know even that wouldn't help you.

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 08:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    149 you are the stupid here

    Mar 21st, 2012 - 10:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @150 - Finally, you've accepted your loss in the argument. Am I “the stupid”? lol

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 12:08 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Cero

    stefan, i'm sorry, but according to your words, you are.

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 12:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    151 Dtefan yes you are, plus, are you working?, you sound to me that you are a parasito too.
    go and get a job, may be swaping the streets.
    Racist, I am sure you are proud about Arizona law, are you living on charity help?
    I am sure you are

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 03:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anti-Fascist

    Amnesty - Argentina's 10% Amerindian population subject to racist violence, discrimination and imprisonment in THEIR OWN LAND -

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @153 - Complaining about Arizona law now? hmmm. You do realize your status as an illegal does not actually grant your the right to live here.

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 08:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • pepegalleta

    155 I fell sorry for you, I am a citizen here actually I can use my Argentinian or US passport. And to me Arizona law like Alabama law are the same than nazis laws

    Mar 22nd, 2012 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DanyBerger

    154 @Anti-Fascist

    Ermm in Argentina there is not 10% Amerindian hardly 1 % plus mestizos plus asian plus middle east=3%

    You cannot get any figure right?

    Mar 23rd, 2012 - 05:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Dany #157
    Some Argentinian posters claim much higher 'indigenousness'.

    Their argument is that that 'high levels' of presence of amerindian marker-genes shows that Argentina is still strongly indigenous.
    Not so.
    This is the historic legacy of male colonist involvement with female amerindians .
    Subsequent generations carry this 'ghostly' genetic legacy even though all subsequent generation may have been 'pure'.

    The same is, of course, true all over the world - and even in the USA, where such cross-breeding has been much frowned upon over the last few centuries.

    Of course, many of these cross-racial associations were based on true, lifelong love; it is not simply the legacy of colonial predation.

    Mar 23rd, 2012 - 07:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pugol-H

    @158 GeoffWard2

    Frowned upon in the British Empire, policy in the Portuguese Empire.

    Mar 23rd, 2012 - 03:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    Very true, P-H,
    but the Brasilian breeding programme was insufficient, hence the importation of Africans.

    The gift of the Samba, and the intermixing of genes means that even the Portuguese evolved from the days of 'two left feet' ;-)

    Portuguese fado and saudade express the melancholic legacy that was overtaken in Brasil by genetic mixing - carnival, samba and fun.

    Mar 23rd, 2012 - 08:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Stefan

    @156 - Clearly you have trouble showing an ID at the voting booths. :(

    Mar 23rd, 2012 - 08:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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