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Falklands invites Peace laureates to visit the Islands and “see for themselves”

Wednesday, April 4th 2012 - 22:28 UTC
Full article 84 comments

In an open letter the Falklands Islands elected government reminds Nobel Peace laureates that Falklanders as a people have the right to self-determination and that after 200 years of links with Britain, “we would consider any control (of the Islands) by Argentina as alien, and therefore a denial of our rights as a people”. Read full article


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  • The Cestrian

    Argentina On The Brink. What a shambles.

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 10:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    To be fair,
    Now the invitations have been sent,
    One would now have to wait and wonder if they will freely accept the invitation,

    Of have they been got at , and refuse,
    If they visit the Falklands then they would at least accept that democracy freedom and self determination does exist,

    But if they refuse then one would truly have to wonder just how far the seductive tennecles of CFK has stretched over the years.


    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    Its clearly playing the RG's at their own game now. People may well think twice now about writing such shit as the Nobel winners did against the Islands if their bluff is going to be called and invited to talk about it face to face.

    Tutu and co have walked right into this one.

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    perhaps the rest of the world will wake up to the truth,
    perhaps the UN should pay them a visit .

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritishguyfromLondon

    I don't quite know what the Malvinist bloggers can say to this. All this is just a presentation of facts which cannot be ignored. Let the so-called Nobel 'Peace' Prize winners visit the Falklands. Then they will see the utter folly of the Argentine position. They are asking us to negotiate with people who have a constitution which does not allow for negotiation. It is completely ridiculous. The Falklanders have spoken, and at the end of the day, theirs is the only position that matters.

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian

    “Asked how he would respond if it were threatened, Mr Hudd laughed and said: ”If FIH received a letter from the Argentine government it would be ignored. I wouldn't deign to waste a stamp on it. The whole thing is so bizarre and ridiculous that it defies rational comment.”

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Legislative Assembly of the Falkland Islands

    May i humbly suggest,
    you have now made a very nice cake,
    now you need to put icing on this cake,
    may we suggest that you officaly invite the british prime minister to visit the british falkland islands,
    after all he so triumps this cause to parliment,
    we think it time that the prime minister mr david camaron should now visit the islands, to show CFK that he can and will, without her permission , visit the falklanders,
    thank you
    mr Briton.

    and watch the fireworks ,,

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Marcos Alejandro

    If the Nobel PEACE laureates accept the invitation, they will be greeted at the British military airport(Mount Pleasant) by the English colonial Governor Haywood with his full colonial uniform(feather hat included)
    Not to mention that their modern WARship left England today to greet them as well.
    I am sure after spending a few minutes there they will swim to mainland Argentina in record time.
    In a country full of warmongers no wonder Tony Blair is the Middle East peace envoy.

    Apr 04th, 2012 - 11:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    tut tut your envy is showing again.
    lets be truthfull here number [8]
    all you need to stop this envy, is to fill out a british passport application,
    we wont tell anyone, honestly

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 12:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • KFC de Pollo

    @8 read this you might learn something.

    p.s. in most democracies a super pancho isn't used to buy votes!

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 03:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad


    AND???????? Are you a history teacher? Do you want me to start pasting on Argentinian history??? how about something on your past generals??? how about something about Conquista del desierto (one episode in your colonial expansion which your history books may decide to leave out)???

    @ MArcos - AND?????? Do you

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    The chances of them being interested in facts and actually visiting the islands are somewhat less remote than the UN C24 ever accepting an invitation to do anything other than lap up deranged Argentinian propaganda.

    Anyway, why waste the effort? The islands never have been a part of Argentina and never will be.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 06:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @8 Wasn't ARA Saint Belgrano a WARship? Kind of weird you all make it out to be a PEACEship then, contrary to objective fact and anyone's sensibility.


    I personally commend Sharon Halford MLA on a nicely worded letter. The only thing she's up against is that the Knobel Not-peace Prize winners have no interest in peace. I doubt the landmine-lady is going to even turn up to see all the terror that was left below the field of the falkands, I doubt uk-asylum lady is going to turn up to see how the UK has protected these people and their way of life aswell as giving her a safe home. I doubt Mr (sic) Tutu is going to suddenly discover that supporting Nazi-style expansionism isn't peaceful.... the list goes on.

    As another commenter pointed out Menachem Begin, the Israeli prime minister who gave weapons, training and intelligence to Argentina in 1982 in order to kill british people, received a Knobel Not-peace Prize. So the actual prize is in itself a complete joke, and does little more than support militarising figures in the world.

    Anyways, these Knobel Not-peace prize winners have absolutely no interest in peace, they're just there to self-promote their swollen egos. They can try to prove us wrong, but we all know they won't.

    Well done Sharon, you're far more deserving than most of those Knobel toe-rags.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 07:51 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • falklandlad

    Bring it on. First we have the C24 demanding negotiations, then the peace laureates, what else? And then despite all these so called nobel protestations no one wishes to accept a genuine invitation to visit the Falklands and see truth for themselves. CFK would be wise to crawl back into her box and devote her full attention to the parlous state of the Arg economy and its impacted citizenry and mend some neighbourly fences with Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. Not only has she lost the Falklands (Malvinas to her) she has lost the confidence of her Mercosur partners/neighbours and much of the rational thinking world. Folks in glass houses should refrain from hurling stones!

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 09:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Helber Galarga

    self-determination is for a PEOPLE.
    The islanders are not a PEOPLE. They are British citizens that settled an outpost as a result of colonialism.

    That in itself is a huge issue that will play against the wish to self-determine.

    Second, self-determination cannot go against the integrity of a territory. Argentina has NEVER accepted Englsih possession of the Malvinas since being knicked in 1833

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 09:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Second, self-determination cannot go against the integrity of a territory. Argentina has NEVER accepted Englsih possession of the Malvinas since being knicked in 1833
    The nazi brits,they think will get rich with MAlvinas...If they discover they can not,they will forget about the kelpers...

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 10:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @15 Helber Galarga,

    You didn't include the fact that the territory is legally British, because you lost it during a war, and a war that was started by yourselves nonetheless . Under international law that's called the principle of Uti Possidetis, and it's pretty much how every latin american country has found its borders.

    According to the United Nations's very own ICJ: “ ]UP] is a general principle, which is logically connected with the phenomenon of obtaining independence, wherever it occurs. Its obvious purpose is to prevent the independence and stability of new states being endangered by fratricidal struggles provoked by the changing of frontiers following the withdrawal of the administering power.” That's with you being the belligerent party in the conflict.

    The fact you Argentinians don't believe in Self-determination, a principle by which your own nation was formed, is hilarious. You shouldn't be in the UN and that's a fact.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 10:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Viva Las Falklands

    @15 doh based on your stupid argument the colonists from Spain in 1810 had no right of self determination. If you feel the population in the viceroyalty had a right to determine their future then so have the Falklanders. The Argentine argument of denial of the right to self determination for the Falklanders is incorrect and false.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 11:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • honoria

    15 Helber Garcia
    Your forefathers settled Argentina as a result of colonialism and I suppose you consider yourself Argentine. Our forefathers settled the Falkland Islands (before Argentina even existed) and we consider ourselves Falkland Islanders. We are entitled to self determination and so are you.

    Don’t give me your fake 1833. The fact of Argentina illegally sending a garrison to British territory in 1832, who turned into a murderous rabble and were removed after a few weeks, doesn’t constitute Argentine sovereignty any more than the murderous rabble you sent 150 years later. Britain claimed sovereignty in 1765. Spain accepted the British colony in the Falkland Islands in 1771. In 1833 the Argentine frontier was more than 1500km distance from the Falkland Islands. In 1850 all existing differences between Argentina and Great Britain were settled by treaty, ratified by the Argentine Congress and the British Parliament. Argentina didn’t mention the Falklands again for nearly 100 years. Stick to the treaty.

    16 Malvinero1

    In 2008 the United Nations General Assembly REJECTED Argentina's claim that disputed sovereignty trumps the right to self-determination and affirmed that the right to self-determination is a fundamental precept of the UN that overrides all other considerations. I don’t think you are going to change their minds.

    Despite the fact that Argentina has been annoying us for the past 30 years, you’ve never made quite so much fuss as you have done since oil became an issue. What if commercially viable oil isn’t discovered? Will you still want the Falklands then? I doubt it.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 11:10 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Boovis

    Despite whether self determination applies or not, the UN decolonisation committees expressed purpose is to give the 16 “colonies” independence and promote negotiation between the land in question, and the colonising power. It doesn't refer to handing it over to a third party, it doesn't say “in all cases except the falklands” it just implies discussions should be between the Falklands and the UK, therefore 1) Argentina can bog off and 2) we can make them independent and we'd be doing exactly what the committee asks us to, so if Argentina complained or invaded, we'd be well within our rights to give them a full handed slap.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 12:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JohnCFI

    @ 8 Marcos Alejandro
    Your comments just go to show how misinformed you are about the modern Falklands, to a certain degree, and before the 60s, some of your assumptions may have been near the mark. But Britain has tried hard to improve the situation of its former Colony's. Most are now self governing, with their own rich economys and culture, such as the Falklands. The invitation to the Laureates was not issued by Britain or the British Government or People, it was send from the Elected representatives of the people of the Falklands, should any of them accept, they will be met by our Legislature, not the Governor. Thats the oher thing you don't understand, The Governor is a Figure Head, a Represenrtative of the Queen. He is not our Head of State. Yes, as you all bang on he has a right to Veto our Governments decisions, this would only ever be used if the Local Government tried to pass a Law that is against British Law and Constitution, and believe me the Local People would have had something to say about that long before it reached him! This Veto - Has NEVER been exercised, and never will. The Governor has little to do with day to day running of our Country, thats why we elect our Government.

    Now the Airport, It is both a Military and a Civillian airport, it is 'Mount Pleasant International' having been long since changed from RAF Mt Pleasant. Several other Airports in South America are also shared by the Military and civillian authorities too. EVEN in Argentina.

    Unlike the Argentine Nation, Britain has a policy of continually updating its Military Equipment, hence the returement of the Type 23 and 42 ships. These have been replaced by the Type 45, one of which is about to take up the job of patrolling British Interests in the Region. We could not possibly expect the 23s and 42s to last forever. In any case whatever there is Militarily in the Falklands is no threat as long as Argentina does nothing Aggressive to us. Continued.....

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 12:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt


    Apr 05th, 2012 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    This letter does not solve anything!! It is just saying“ I am right and Argentina is wrong”. If you cannot come up with a better solution, I am afraid that this situation is just going to continue for a long time, and with a lot of difficulties for the Islanders now that Argentina is following an aggressive economic embargo and a very aggressive diplomatic campaign. This needs a political solution by where the Islanders keep their language,constitution, custom ( in other words everything they have today) but accommodating Argentina in some way. And any insult or useless arguments or flag burning or spitting or emotional outcries WILL GET NOBODY ANYWHERE.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:02 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    Following the article here on MercoPress when we learned of the paid intervention by these “peace” laureates, I sent messages to Desmond Tutu and Jody Williams. Have I had the courtesy of a reply? Even an acknowledgement? I have not. Proving that they are no more than mouthy bastards.

    As for aussie the fart, I recommend we reduce argieland to rubble and flames and toss you in.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @23 Lot of difficulties for the islanders? I doubt it. A wise man said 'Adversity is the rock upon which we sharpen our swords' and so I would imagine the outcome will be the same. They'll be successful and the Singapore of the Antarctic.

    ”This needs a political solution by where the Islanders keep their language,constitution, custom (in other words everything they have today) but accommodating Argentina in some way.” What do you mean in some way? Do you mean accommodate Argentinian sovereignty again? Or just ignoring them as a sh!t neighbour?

    At what point are you imbecies going to realise that they simply do not want your nationality, sovereignty or anything to do with you people?

    Quit being a sore loser... losers.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Musky

    @23 aussie
    Strange name and attitude Bruce. A political solution was arrived at 160 years ago at the Convention of Settlement so nothing needs to be debated with Argentina, nothing. Even the so-called 1833 event is a untrue with regard to Argentina's history and you can check this independently through the journals of the great Charles Darwin. So, the Argentinians are passionate about it, so what, they have been fed a diet of propaganda and lies. In the case of the Falklands, the community there stretches back 9 generations, consisting of chileans, spaniards, scandinavians, russians, french (Vernet i guess) and British and the Falklands even existed before Argentina came into being and was void of any native people (no Aboringinals or Indians). Who would want to accommodate Argentina, a juvenile belligerent nation that launches a populist war against some tiny islands and whose government would ditch conventions, and human rights at the drop of a hat.
    OK, so Aussie, I think we Brits better start claiming back Australia. We have a stronger claim by far than Argentina has on the Falklands, I mean, we discovered it (well pretty much... capt Cook), mapped it, we populated it. We gave it language and laws and a flag and sports. Time to have it back. And how keen are you? not at all I'm sure, but if I keep screaming and kicking and burning flags....

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @21 The governor´s veto was easily used here in Australia against an elected government, The Labour Government of Gough Whitlam by an (alcoholic Governor). We still haven´t forgotten that incident down here in my home city of Melbourne!!! It was a bloody disgrace!!

    @25 no comment
    @24 no comment

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JohnCFI

    @ 22 GreekYoghurt

    Thanks, had to wait for another post...

    Regarding the Laureates, I cannot comment on most of them, and I know as we all do that the Nobel Prize is a bit of a joke anyway. But I have met Desmond TuTu, and I know that he would not be taken in by the Argentine claims, once he saw for himself. I just hope he is well enough to make the journey, and that the other Laureates have the honesty of character to come and see for themselves. Unlike the C24 which in excluding the input of the Islanders has proven itself to be irrelevant.

    Finally, if we are going to talk about WARmongers, you need to include the last Country in the South American Region to make war on another. And that would be Argentina. As for Mr Blair and whatever his current role is, it has no relevance here..

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @26 Britain did not discover Australia.It was discovered in March 1606 by the Dutch navigator Willem Janzoon and by Spanish navigator Luis Vaz De Torres in October 1606 (Torres Strait Northern Australia) It was to be around another 100 years before Captain Cook came round here.

    I would like you to read up on the Nootka Sound Convention..article 6, which was signed by Spain and England in 1790.

    By the way how can you claim back Australia if you still haven´t left??LOL

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GreekYoghurt

    @24 Didn't Freedom-Desmo and Landmine-Judy get back to you? Maybe they were all laughing about their letter rudely referring to a territory by a name that a belligerent power insist on using and then suggesting the annexation of the same territory to the said malign power that will only accept sovereignty and subjugation. Maybe they were laughing about the terror of the Argentinian landmines that continue to threaten the lives of the islanders and their children.

    Those people sure are peaceful, I'd give them a prize.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 02:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    If these Nobel Peace Prize winners don't accept this invitation they will be showing the world just how truly hypocritical they are.

    They talk about freedom, but don't recognise the rights of the people of the Falklands.

    Politically I think the Falkland Island Government is being extemely saavy. Firstly they tell the UN that they would willingly be involved in a referendum on Sovereignty, and now this invite to these 6 individuals.

    By doing this they are showing several things:-

    1. That they are a free people who decide their own destiny.
    2. The true way to pursue political goals, not by screaming and foaming of the mouth, but by a gentle persuasion in a calm, logical and reasonable manner.
    3. It will debunk the Argies assertation that the Islanders are under some sort of military dictatorship (something that seems only brainwashed people and idiots actually believe).

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 03:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @31own destiny??

    who is DEFENDING THEM?
    who controls the PHONE SYSTEM ( through satellite communication)?
    Who are there main trading partner?
    own destiny??

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @27 aussie sunshine

    Home city of Melbourne? What a tragic and transparent liar LOL

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @ got a problem with that dick head??

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @34 aussie sunshine

    A problem with you being a liar? Not at all .. it is quite hilarious and provides hours of entertainment :)

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @34 Yep typical clown :)

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @36 aussie sunshine

    You do realise that you just replied to your own post and referred to yourself as a “typical clown”, don't you? But, hey, since the cap so obviously fits, far be it from me to argue with you, Krusty (the Clown) :P

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 04:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian


    “Who are there main trading partner?”

    Well its certainly not RG Land you clown.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @37 glad you know it was meant for you!!

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @39 aussie sunshine

    Hey, Krusty, you got back early from your cigarette smuggling run across the border to Gibraltar. Did you have to rush back for an English lesson? .. or was it cramming for a test on Australian society to make your bizarre lies more convincing?

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @31 - yes their own destiny. I know this is something difficult for you to understand, but the people of the Falklands have self-determination. This means they can choose to remain a British Overseas Territory, join Argentina or Uruguay or Chile, or how about this radical idea - they can choose to be completely independent from everyone and just be Falkland Islanders.

    I know that you Argies don't believe in self determination, that's because you don't know what it means 'cause you don't actually have that right yourself, however, the people of the Falklands do, and the British will back that right with any and all means necessary.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @42 aussie sunshine

    You getting to me? Don't flatter yourself, dipshit!!


    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JohnCFI

    @32 Aussie liar

    Answers to your questions below!!

    who is DEFENDING THEM? The UK at our Request
    who is SENDING MONETARY HELP? No-one, we are self funding
    who controls the PHONE SYSTEM ( through satellite communication)? A local Company C&W South Atlantic (no Government Control)
    who operates THE TELEVISION BROADCAST? KTV a local Company run by an Islander, plus we can watch Forces TV if we wish.
    Who are there main trading partner? The UK at our wish.
    own destiny?? Yes absolutley so.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @44 JohnCFI .. and don't forget his precious Spain, whose fishing fleets are big trading partner and get continuous and illegally harassed and boarded by the Argentine navy .. actions which even the Spanish government say are wholly illegal and have made repeated diplomatic protests to Argentina about :)

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 05:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @44 Thanks for the answers. Much appreciated!!

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    There has been a lot of kerfuffle over the Falklands recently, and we were very happy to hear the voice of reason that is Ambassador Sir Mark Lyall Grant, the Permanent Representative of the UK to the UN. His
    then scan down to
    UK response to Argentina over the Falkland’s

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 09:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    'but your still a dick head!!'

    that would be 'nyou're still a dickhead ' pedant wop boy.... my you are up late.....

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @ I ´ve been up all night!!
    you are right!! you´re and not your.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 09:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Helber Galarga

    @17 GreekYougurt
    Yes, Argentina, indeed, did lose the war in '82.

    Now, can you point to any capitulation signed by Argenitna that they thus surrendered their right to the Malvinas from then forward?

    I did not think so...

    Therefore, as I was saying, before your meaningless contribution, Argentina will continue to claim and argue for the islands

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 10:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-32-uk

    Great article which sums it all up. The Malvinist bloggers have certainly gone quiet.

    Looking forward to the Nobel Peace laureates replies.

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 10:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Dean street

    @ 29 aussie sunshine

    “I would like you to read up on the Nootka Sound Convention..article 6, which was signed by Spain and England in 1790.”

    'Article 6:

    It is further agreed with respect to the eastern and western coasts of South America and the islands adjacent, that the respective subjects shall not form in the future any establishment on the parts of the coast situated to the south of the parts of the same coast and of the islands adjacent already occupied by Spain; it being understood that the said respective subjects shall retain the liberty of landing on the coasts and islands so situated for objects connected with their fishery and of erecting thereon huts and other temporary structures serving only those objects.'

    ”.. it is evident that by no stretch of imagination can a point on the continental shelf situated say a hundred miles, or even much less, from a given coast, be regarded as “adjacent” to it' - North Sea Continental Shelf Cases, International Court of Justice, 1969.

    Kindest regards from the Falkland Islands

    Apr 05th, 2012 - 10:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • you are not first

    Honoria 19

    “ (before Argentina even existed....” So, I understand that whenever a bunch of thiefs and pirates lands and kills, steals and occupies this isolated places of the world, this is then an UK territory?
    I understand.
    By the way, are you sure the US is not the next UK territory to claim as yours. Are the Americans aliens too? What do you learn in UK( well) besides stealing?

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 12:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Marcos- do you always have to show what a crass misinformed idiot you are - every time you write here - are you a close relation of CFK - all mouth and no substance?
    Iff these Laureates vist they are likley to be met by at MLA - that is an elected member of the Falkland Islands Govt.
    The Governor would only meet on arrival: members of the Royal family - after all he is the Queen,s representative here and titular head of Govt.
    Very Senior Govt Ministers , and heads of other Govts,and that is about it.
    And all of the above would be met by the Governor wearing a suit.

    You see (well I know you are actually to thick to see) the Islands have moved on from the Colonial era of half a century ago, but we do realise that Argentina remains hell bent on subjecting the Islands to old fashioned Imperial Colonialism.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 12:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    Aussie Sunshine:

    Your posts should be included on the Bristol Scale!

    In fact maybe you should be included in the same scale :-)

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 03:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • P3Z

    Comment removed by the editor.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 06:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @56 - all the Falkland Islander want too is to live in peace, free from domination from an aggressive neighbour, Argentina. Is this so hard to understand?

    You say that they should return to GB, why? They can trace their ancestors back to before their was a country called Argentina, why should they have to leave yet the people who colonised South America have the right to stay? Your argument is illogical and smacks of double standards.

    The Falklands for the Falklnd Islanders, long my they live in freedom and self determination!

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 06:42 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritishLion

    15 Helber Garcia
    self-determination is for a PEOPLE.
    The islanders are not a PEOPLE. They are British citizens that settled an outpost as a result of colonialism.

    Helber and Garcia are scrapping the bottom of the barrel now with their continued idiotic comments. They make no sense and never have. Simply, now that the world can see the islanders plight, it has exposed them to be exactly what they WRONGLY continue to accuse the British of being. Time to have a good look in the mirror RG wankers. Well done Sharon. Keep up the good work.


    Apr 06th, 2012 - 09:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @53 you are not first

    Strange you should say that, because one of the cornerstones of Argentina's claim is that they say the Islands were Spanish they were British .. yet as a nation that supposed inheritance is based on Spain's .. so they are saying that because the Spanish thieves stealing and ethnically cleansing. You really should be very careful before you start venturing down that seriously deluded avenue of argument, because in no time at all you vanish up your own arsehole. W@anker!

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 10:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • honoria

    @ 53 you are not the first

    I know English is not your first language so if you will permit me to tweak what you have written a little ….

    “So, I understand that whenever a bunch of thiefs and pirates lands and kills, steals and occupies this isolated places of the world, this is then Argentine territory?”

    That’s better.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 10:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @60 Honoria - I see what you did there! :)

    Pure class.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @aussie sunshine,
    so you come from Melbourne, do you?
    Then you wouldn't mind proving it for me & quite a few others here because we think that you're an Argentine.
    You would do that wouldn't you mate?
    Now ALL Melbournites know this one.
    Q, What's the name of the hot wind that strikes Melbourne in the summer?
    Eagerly awaiting your reply............mate.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 01:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    The islander government is making no more than the usuall distortion that it makes when it reffers the transitory disposition that was included in our constitution in 1994. Firstly, that disposition only says that arg. must recover the full sovereignty of the islands under the respect for the international right, it doesn't say that the only one outcome for us, is the trasnference of sovereignty to arg., beside, if i c. f. k manifested in diferent forums that arg. is not asking the u. k to recognize that the islands are argentine, but to dialogue with us and find a peaceful solution, like i already told you in others comments, then, the argument of our constitution, which is used by the local government, in order to reject the negotiations, is really pathetic. On the other hand, beyond what our const. says, the u. n has never asked the u. k to transfer the sovereignty to arg., all it does is to call the two nations to resume the negotiations and find a peceful solution, it's not imposible to find a fair solution for both people, which is rejected by the local government, and the u. k when they deny sistematicly to discuss about the sovereignty, it's obvious that the islands won't never be only under argentine sovereignty, because that's not what the u. n manifests.
    On the other hand, the u. n has never invoked self determination for this cause, like it did for others colonial situations, anyway perhaps it doesn't mean that self determination is not applicable for this dispute, but as long as none resolution invokes that right for this cause, then arg. will be able to keep on claiming for the islands, and all these nobel winners are just asking the u. k to resume the negotiations and find a peaceful solution, like the decolonization committe from the u. n, and most int. comunity signalize. Beside, if we are goingt o talk about omissions, the local government, is not much better than our government, i argued in planty of oportunities about the omissions by both.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    In 2008 the United Nations General Assembly REJECTED Argentina's claim that disputed sovereignty trumps the right to self-determination and affirmed that the right to self-determination is a fundamental precept of the UN that overrides all other considerations. I don’t think you are going to change their minds
    Not for long!
    Down with brits pirates!
    uk IS FINISHED,economically,morally and religiously.....

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 03:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • honoria

    @63 axel arg
    So if you want dialogue with us Falkland Islanders that doesn't include discussion of sovereignty, what do you want to talk about?

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 05:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NYC_2World

    This is the strangest article... why invite the Peace laureates... to see what? That people want to be British because they basically are British? Again, the 9 generations argument... as history puts in, 9 generations ago the British citizens in those islands were about only 1/3 of total, rest being majority from the Spanish/French/Argentine settlement...

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 05:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • honoria

    @66 NYC_2World
    Don't you think it would be useful for them to find out first hand how they have been bamboozled into signing a letter without checking the detail first?

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @66 - they were invited so they can get both sides of the argument, not just the Argentine side, which is obviously biased in Argentinas favour.

    They will get to see the Falkland Islanders as people and community, not just a number. If they truly want to see justice and right prevail, then surely they should investigate both sides of the argument.

    9 generations ago there was only one settlement and it was made up is a mixture of nationalities, but none of them were Argentinian as the Country we now know as Argentina didn't exist.

    The people living on the islands today are direct descendants from those original settlers who, contrary to what Argentine propaganda says, were not evicted from the Islands but encouraged to stay. So the community of the Falkland Islands is older than the country of Argentina, so how can Argentina have any legal, historic or moral claim to the islands?

    How many generations does it have to be before someone can be recognised as a people. From your screen name I take it you are from the USA. How many generations can you trace your ancestors back in the new world. 9 generations? Less than that perhaps. Does that make you any less a US citizen?

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • NYC_2World

    I understand, but surprisingly to what you may think- the story that prevails worldwide is the one based on facts, at least the way i saw it: the islands are part of the UK- most maps show it that way, so the story to be heard in any case is the RG one, not the English one which is the “reality”.
    Putting a face to the names and getting to know personally a group of people is actually counter to the purpose you are trying to proof. It's what i would call sensationalism. It should not have to matter who these people are: what matters is that they are a strong community and want to be British. Let the legal discussions take place in courts.
    To your argument of heritage, it's confusing when you're talking to new countries... 9 generations ago America was a very different place, half of its population and territories were not “America”...
    From what i understand from history is that there wasn't one settlement but two, one in each island. One French/Spanish and the other British. Census in 1820 shows that 34 people were in the Spanish and French, and about roughly 20 in the British. I don't know if this is based on propaganda, I've read it from a source that was actually attributed to England, and it was logically in English. I've read also in the French and Italian discussion boards that there was a settlement that was french, then became Spanish, then Argentine.
    But to your point, I guess you're saying that the British forces never asked these families to leave the islands? That when the Spanish, criollos and French people left the settlement it was out of their own will? That sounds counter to most sources regardless of country that claim that at some point, i guess around 1833 these 34 people left because there were outnumbered by a Royal Fleet that was specifically sent to that purpose... i am just asking. And nope, i am Italian, long living in the US... I am not an Anglo-born, I hope you are not holding that against me :).

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @69 - I respect your views, but some of your facts aren't quite right.

    The French put the 1st garrison on the Falklands, despite the fact that they had already been claimed by the British. The Spanish kicked the French out and took over the islands. This was about 60 yrs or more prior to the much speculated 1833 incident. The French and Spanish were allies against the British. Then the Spanish turned on the French who allied with Britain. A bit later the French and Spanish were friends again against the British. Later the Spanish and British would ally against the French. Confused yet?

    There was a military and whaling colony set up by Spain, not true colonies as there weren't any women there. They took the British Soveignty plaque of islands in the hope that no one would notice (damned unsporting). However, the British did notice eventually and turned up kicking the Spanish out. The Spanish and British argued quite a lot, especially as Spain owed Britain a huge sum of money after Britain had (kindly) agreed to stop laying siege to one of their costal cities.

    Eventually the Spanish conceded any right on the Falklands to the British, it was 1745ish. Britain was a little busy with some damned upstart colonials, the US ;-), and then with some damned upstart Frenchman, Napoleon, we allied with the Spanish and Portugese against the French. This went on until about 1815 (battle of Waterloo). However, during the Napoleonic Wars, Spain's damned upstart colonies in South America had also decided that grabbing a bit of independence seemed like a damed fine idea. The final actual colonists asked the British if they could live in the Falklands, and were given the ok. B.A. set up and illegal penal colony so the British complained, nothing was done, so they turned up and kicked them off. But the original colonists were encouraged to stay.

    But the fact is that the FI have never belonged to Argentina, as Argentina didn't exist until after 1833. Clear as mud?

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 08:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • aussie sunshine

    @62 far out mate!! I wouldn´t have a bloody clue!!?? Didn´t do to well in Geography!! What is your next question: What is the standard dick size of an Australian crocodile?? or something along that line...:) :) I am from Melbourne..BELIEVE IT.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 11:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • BritishLion

    70 LEPRecon

    Well put Sir, can it be clearer than that? They won't have it though will they? Most will argue with the bent history they were taught in school. It took many years to prove that Hitler and his evil tribe killed millions of jews, amazingly, there are still people who don't believe it! Keep up the truth and eventually, the heat will die down and we can get back to normal and stop going on about what happened 200 year ago and worry more about what is going on now.

    Apr 06th, 2012 - 11:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • P3Z

    Este es el trabajo de Inglaterra en su historia en el mundo Lo que esta en rojo son sus invasiones...Por favor de que hablamos? Les dicen opresores a la argentina!? La conquista del desierto fue una escala interna de un nuestro país, nunca cruzamos un océano o un continente para conquistar. En ves de invitar a los premios nobel a las islas, ustedes deberían ir a Sudamérica y verán que culturalmente somos opuestos, los diferentes acá son ustedes. En Sudamérica hay aproximadamente 399.828.852 habitantes, y todos compartimos mismas culturas prácticamente, ustedes son 3000 británicos civiles, mas 1500 británicos ocupando un territorio que estrategicamente a nivel militar le conviene a Gran bretaña. No hay autodeterminación ustedes son británicos, Gran Bretaña así lo reconoce y ustedes también, su país esta en Europa. Esto es Sudamérica y el piso que pisan en este momento se llama ARGENTINA . Pd. En estas lineas no hay un solo insulto, veré que tan personas son en sus comentarios. Saludos

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 12:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @71 argentine sunshine,
    You've never lived in Melbourne, l don't believe it.
    All Melbournites know that uncomfortable wind.
    Your ridiculous comments on crocodiles don't distract anyone.
    You have not satisfactorily answered ANY questions about Australia, my little Argentine friend.
    l rest my case.

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 05:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • fastica

    73 P3Z, no es tan sencillo. Justamente el principio de autodeterminación es el responsable de que desaparecieran gran parte de las colonias británicas (así como las españolas). El problema acá (para nosotros los argentinos) es que los habitantes de las Malvinas quieren seguir siendo parte de la colonia británica, lo que es un as en la manga para el argumento británico. En todo caso antes de la guerra los habitantes estaban mucho más integrados con la Argentina. La guerra fue la peor movida que podríamos haber hecho.

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 06:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Skåre

    @71 aussie sunshine

    Melbourne in the Quebec province of Canada? That would certainly explain a lot ;)

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 07:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • axel arg

    Of course we want to discuss about sovereignty, it's the main problem, and it must be solved with a peaceful and fair solution for both people. But it doesn't mean that the only one outcome for us is the transference of sovereignty to arg., like your politicians parrot all the time, that's no more than usuall distortion that your side makes all the time regarding the posture of argentina. If your people want to remain under british government, that won't change, but it's not imposible to share the administration of the islands with our country, or to think about any other fair solution for both people.

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    There was a military and whaling colony set up by Spain, not true colonies as there weren't any women there. They took the British Soveignty plaque of islands in the hope that no one would notice (damned unsporting). However, the British did notice eventually and turned up kicking the Spanish out. The Spanish and British argued quite a lot, especially as Spain owed Britain a huge sum of money after Britain had (kindly) agreed to stop laying siege to one of their costal cities.

    leprecon,you get a twisted history.
    The timeline is clear -

    1493 - Alexander VI negotiates a treaty between Spain and Portugal, draws a line north to south down the Atlantic 100 leagues west of the Azores, granting everything East of the line to Portugal and everything west of the line to Spain.

    1540 - Francisco de Ribera lands and claims the islands for Spain, Feb. 4th.

    1690 - Strong lands merely to provision, makes no proclamation of title, claim, or sovereignty.

    1713 - Utrecht ratified Spain’s control over its territories in the Americas, including the Falklands.

    1750 - the Treaty of Madrid is signed, legitimizing the principle of Uti Possidetis into a concept of law, “De Jure”.

    1764 - Bougainville arrives at the islands.

    1765 - The King of France formally recognizes Spain's claim and title to the islands.

    1767 - Bougainville's 15 remaining settlers formally are placed under the control of Spanish governor Puente, who had arrived from Montevideo with Bougainville.

    1771 - Britain and Spain sign joint declarations, in which Spain declares her unquestioned sovereignty over the islands, while reserving limited British rights.

    1774 - Britain withdraws her settlement from the islands.

    1780 - Spain destroys what remains of the British settlement. Britain voices no objection.

    1790 - Britain and Spain sign the Nootka Conventions, in which Britain's subjects retain the right to fish, land, and erect temporary structures, but no right to an establishment in islands “already occupied by S

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • row82

    Please join and press the LIKE button, we would like to expand to over 20,000 members on all three lists...

    1. Keep the Falklands British -

    2. Falklands Forever British

    3. We Will Never Surrender the Falklands

    Join the growing cause to protect the Falklands from Argentine aggression!

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 06:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @78 Malvinero1,

    1832 “Argentine” Squatters illegaly trespass on British territory.
    1833 The Squatters' garrison evicted. The Civilian Squatters then given rights to stay if they wanted.
    1982 Argentine lnvaders arrive
    1982 Argentine lnvaders decisively defeated, then ejected from the lslands.
    2010 Possibility of oil stirs up an ants nest in RG land. Funny to watch.
    2011 RGs increase lying to the world about their ridiculous “claims”.
    2012 Argentines falsifying history & working themselves into a frenzy over someone elses property.
    2013 Argentina implodes & breaks up into smaller countries.
    2014 The rest of South America breaths a sigh of relief over the demise of the mercurial, unstable Argentine Empire.
    2015 Peace in South America, Falklands having good relationships with neighbours.
    CFK & cronies reportedly living on the côte d'azure with suitcases full of money.

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 11:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JORGE1982

    You are the squatters! You were the squatters in the whole world. didn0t you learn your own pirate history all around the world?

    Apr 07th, 2012 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • lsolde

    @81 JORGE,
    Argentines are not only squatters on the natives' land, they are also the descendents of murderers who killed those natives.
    You live on stolen land, therefore by law you are also receivers of stolen goods.
    Your ancestors are:-
    1) murderers
    2) thieves
    3) squatters
    Present Argentines are:-
    1) squatters
    2) receivers
    3) liars
    Your country lies to:-
    1) ltself, when it denies the trouble, murder & thievery that you did.
    2) the UN & in fact the world when it claims to be the victim & claims other people's land.
    Your country stole land from Paraguay in 1871.
    Your country had plans to invade Chile.
    Your country invaded us in 1982 & had plans to force us to leave.
    Don't blame the Junta.
    The Plaza de Mayo was full of cheering crowds in 1982.
    You are squatters & pirates & are not welcome in the Falklands.
    lts NOT your land.
    Do you now wonder why we don't like you & don't trust you?

    Apr 08th, 2012 - 06:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    poor argies,

    cannot take losing gracefully.

    Apr 08th, 2012 - 08:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @81 - Jorge1982 - you say that Britain were 'squatters in the whole world”.

    You keep screaming rabidly on about the British Empire and it's evil tyranny, which makes me think that you are jealous that Argentina didn't and doesn't have an Empire, although looking at your history it wasn't for want of trying.

    Well the British Empire was vast, but it doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't since way before I was born. However, those countries we supposedly 'squatted' in are now voluntary members of the Commonwealth. It doesn't appear that they're too upset with the 'squatters' or harp on constantly about the past. No these countries look to the future and many of them are doing very well on the world stage.

    The Commonwealth is a family, and like any family we have disagreements, but when push comes to shove the family will always be there to support each other.

    Apr 10th, 2012 - 09:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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