Diplomats from the Argentine embassy in London invited senior representatives from Plaid Cymru, for talks in the past six months, reports The Daily Telegraph. Read full article
Just goes to show the ignorance and incompetence of the Argentines. The attack on Sir Galahad in 1982 resulted in 48 dead and scores injured, many horrifically burned. The vast majority of those men were Welsh Guards. Bearing this in mind why on earth would MP's representing the Welsh people ever support the fallacious arguments of the Argentine Government?
You have to give credit to Argentina for thinking ahead. The break up the United Kingdom would provide a wonderful opportunity for them to further exploit all that multinational resentment and vindictiveness against the power behind the former British Empire. The trouble is that no Welsh politician of this generation can afford to be seen to provide any succour to Argentina following what happened to the Welsh Guards in 1982.
I think that Argentina forgets that the Empire was the British Empire, not the English Empire. The Scots, Welsh, and so on had a massive hand in building what was achieved, and have just as much disdain for our old enemies. It's stupidity at play here, on a massive scale.
They seem to believe that somehow the evil English are holding the Welsh, Scottish and Irish hostage, so therefore these people would naturally side with them against the English.
They are quite insulting to the people of Britain as a whole, but this shows their real contempt to the peoples of Wales, whose sons fought and died to liberate the Falklands.
The same can be said of the Scottish and Irish people, whose sons also fought and died for the freedom of the Falklanders. All the nations that make up the United Kingdom value freedom and loyalty, and will pull together to fight for the rights of all British people wherever they are in the world.
Perhaps Argentina should learn about the whole United Kingdom instead of just assuming that they know about it. Yes Argentina, British people come from the British Isles which consists of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, the Principality of Wales, the Duchy of Cornwall, the Isles of Man, Wight, Skye, Orkneys, Shetlands and numerous other smaller islands.
And as for the people of Patagonia of Welsh ancestry, so what? They're no more Welsh now than CFK is, regardless of what language they speak.
@7 If the Union fractures we would have great difficulty justifying retention of a permanent seat on the Security Council. So what? Well, Argentina has for years said that the Falkland Islands are a Security issue, albeit with a colonial origin, that should be dealt with by the Security Council. But, so long as UK has a permanent veto wielding seat this is not an avenue worth pursuing for Argentina. That didn't stop them approaching the Chair earlier this year but it got them nowhere, of course. I don't think it's stupidity, it's politics. From my own point of view this isn't a political issue, it's a legal one and the right venue to seek a resolution is the ICJ.
@11 As they all carry British passports perhaps you'd care to explain how you are going to going to tell the difference between the Welsh/Scots/N.Irish and the English?
They only needed to look up the Order of Battle from the Falklands conflict to work out that this would not be a productive avenue to persue.
As for the permanent seat on the UNSC - I don't think there are mechanisms to deprive the UK of it's seat.
There's also the point that I don't think the Scots are likely to withdraw from the union. Fear of the consequences will probably keep them on board rather than any single valid argument will. As an example - look what the Greeks just voted for. It wasn't out of love for the union they are in it was out of fear that things could get a whole lot worse.
I think the adage better the devil you know will prevail.
I can confirm that this meeting took place and that Elfyn Llwyd MP strongly rebuffed this approach by these Ambassadors. He told me that it seems Incredulous that these people don't actually remember they bombed the ship carrying the Welsh Guards? Plus the face and voice of all things anti-argentina and pro-Falklands is Simon Weston, who was a Welsh Guardsman injured in the attack and who I am putting forward for an award.
It seems that Argentina will stop at nothing and will stoop to levels unknown to man. I will be speaking to Argentina about this and to the UN and everyone can be assured that it will be done through all the proper channels unlike Argentina who we all now know will stoop to ill conceived and improper impromptu meetings such as we all saw the other night.
We should seek out meetings with the Malvinas war veterans associations and ask if they would like to help campaign against Argentine colonialism towards the Falkland Islands.
maybe its time to close the Argentine embassy seen as they are abusing their position to infiltrate the british government looking for sympathetic MPs,
But you see it is not their fault. You see that invasion in 1982 was another Argentina for which they are not responsible. You see if there is something in your past which is inconvenient you can just deny responsibility and pretend nothing changed.
Alex Salmond has sent the same message in unequivocal terms.
Go home RG's, and convince yourselves all over again that its not your fault, and get out the old photos dancing in front of the Casa Rosada in 82 (before you lost).
I see the malvinistas haven't recieved their orders yet. Máximo must be having comunications problems from his hospital bed.
Or perhaps he's realized that his mum and Timerperson have f*cked up over trying to corrupt the Plaid Cymru MPs and just hasn't got an answer to this situation.
I seem to recall a certain malcontent *cough* I mean Malvinista proclaiming that States talk with states when the Argentina deligation snubed the Falkland Islands deligation of talks (sans soverignty of course). It seems Argentina is more than willing to 'stoop' to the level of 'talking' with individual politicians much less constituent nations like Wales and the Falkland Islands.
So... now that we've got that particular confusion all sorted out, perhaps Argentina would like to 'wine and dine' Falkland Islands' politicians and/or 'talk' with the Falkland Islands Government (of course, it won't be all support for Agentine, which is clearly all Argentina wants from any 'talks' it's willing to engage in).
Just once
Plaid Cymru
Should be buried with dignity and forgotten abt.
And the British government should get of its back side, and stop these infiltrations by CFK
Dissidents and corrupters,
They are trying to infiltrate us, through the back door,
And this government just sits there, and you wonder why this plastic CFK is pushing it all the bloody way,
And I will keep on condemning the government, till it put our security first and do something abt this stupid wannaby dictator .
You'll pick it up if you inadvertently insult/offend someone Idlehands. One long stream of Twitter hashtags and you'll be able to decypher by context. ;-)
This seems to be a desperate attempt by the Argentines to try and drum up support for their illegitimate cause.
Did they really think that this would bear fruit. Surely with an embassy in Central London they should know their audience better! But maybe they do know better and this is them clutching at straws.
For an Argentine government that 'allegedly' wants to sit down and 'talk', it is clear that they are incapable of listening.
They message is loud and clear from London, 'take your sabre-rattling elsewhere, we don't recognise any claims you feel you may have towards our sovereign lands, and furthermore we will firmly and decisively counter any FURTHER military aggression from you or those acting in your interests, whether that link is acknowledged by you or not'.
Additionally, does anybody think its now time for a British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Stanley?????
Not so United Kingdom
Taflwch y saeson allan, the Welsh say...
Independence now, the Scots say...
And if we have an independant Scotland what happens to Northern Ireland? Will they have to become independant as well?
GALlamosa (23), so the Falklands War 30 years ago had nothing to do with present-day Argentina. But Argentina believes it is correct and right to hold Britain to what Argentina believes happened 179 years ago. Using the same logic, the Britain of 179 years ago is completely different to present day Britain, so you can't hold Britain and the Islanders to what Argentina believed happened in 1833.
What response do you have to this GALlamosa? What excuses do you have for your own and your country's hypocrisy? Enlighten me with your twisted logic.
33 most English people would prefer scots to leave union, unfortunately for the scots they take out of the economy far more than they put in, so leave and struggle, stay and receive extra benifits such as free college tuition fees and prescriptions amongst many other extras.
@14 Steve-32-uk
So British people first settled in Patagonia in 1865.
The Argentinian “Conquest of the Desert” did not begin until 1875.
When in fact it seems they were actually annexing what was already British territory.
We clearly have an historical claim to the territory, should the inhabitants now wish to exercise their right to “self-determination” we would also have a moral claim.
British Protectorate of South Patagonia has such a nice ring to it.
One way to get rid of nasty neighbours from the S. Atlantic hood.
Computer say's no!
Wales- The Welsh Nationalists were crushed at the 2011 assembly election losing 4 of their 15 seats while the Unionists made gains of 4 to labour, 2 to the tories. And at the 2012 council elections the Welsh Nationalists went from 206 councillors to 166 with Labour making enormous gains. Welsh Independence?Eh no.
As for England there is no separatist party. English Independence? Eh no.
Northern Ireland has had the same situation for years the people here vote for the unionists by 55% and the Nationalists get 45% Northern Irish Independence/reunification? Eh No
As for Scotland well the unionists have the majority of Scottish MP seats while the nationalists have the majority of MSP seats and for councillors there are more unionist councillors then nationalist councillors. Every opinion poll Im aware of has shown that independence is not the popular option despite the SNP being in power so really you don't no what you are talking about do you Marcos?
It's very unlikely that the Scottish will vote for independence as they will lose more than they gain. However, unlike Argentina, the United Kingdom will respect the results of this referendum, whatever the outcome.
Think your pathetic government keeps getting more pathetic all the time. However, their time in power is getting short. If you're lucky you'll get a better government, but I wouldn't advise you to hold your breath if I were you.
@33 You need to pace yourself. The Scottish referendum won't be until 2014. This will probably be followed by Alex Salmond's request for asylum in argieland. Not political asylum. Just an asylum.
@36 With any luck, there are lots of thinking Scots. And Salmond? See above. Actually he looks a lot like a fish. Now, the West Lothian question. What would you know about it? And WE don't spell favor like that? Not too good on the English, eh?
Argentinians clutching left right and centre wildly at straws!
Recent Political rebuffs:
Summit of Americas - their propsal not even discudded openly.
OAS - theire initail expectation of strong support ended in a statement so waters down as to be wortheless.
UN - completley wrongfooted by the FI presentation and ended up looking fools.
G20 - wrongfooted by Cameron and then to make matters worse their Foreign Minister implied their President was wrong to try and make it an issue at the G20
Well that,s the last 4 major attempts - all failed!
Now No 5 - with Plaid Cymru - hell even a 5 year old could have worked out the answer they would give the Argies!
What will no 6 be - a discussion with the National Front?
Think and Marcos - its a laugh a minute!
Hey - the Referendum is early next year - how about we hold in on Jan 3rd - 180th anniv of re-establishment of British settlement?
@11 That would be fun - all UK passports are stamped British Citizen and will remain so unless Scotland exercise their right to self determination and issue their own - what would happen in the case of one parent being Welsh and the other English? Will you only let them in above (or below) the waist?
@32 I would love to see the Falklands opened up as a holiday destination. I don't see BA getting involved but more charter flights from Europe would be good. I, for one, would love to go. I think they would need to beef up their tourism infrastructure whilst being careful not to kill the goose that lays the golden egg - if we see Marriot and Holiday Inn hotels springing up, the game's up!
@35 I find it strange that Argentine posters intimately know the feelings of our Scots and Welsh members of the UK - they clearly got the Welsh one wrong (instead, I would try George Galloway - he'll be up for anything and the British people are sure to take him seriously). My personal view is that the Scots will not vote for full independence but will actually be closer to The Falklands - Devo(lution) Max is the buzzword but it's their choice and we have to respect that.
33 Marcos Alejandro-------------Mr Alejandro let me make very plain to you and everyone else on this forum, there will not be any breakaway by any country in the United Kingdom. Both Scotland and Wales are both highly respected members of Great Britain with loyal citizens. Northern Ireland is also highly respected with citizens who along with all the rest of the population want to remain part of the United Kingdom.
Please remember that my country is well informed of any movement by any member of the Argentine diplomats long before it becomes Argentine policy such is our power as we move in those circles.
I have one message for all the whole of Argentina and every Argentine who has commented on these forums. I have seen throughout the year how you have insulted and lied to everyone who disagrees with your claims on the Falkland issue. From the ordinary little man and woman who has voted in the present Government to every government official and diplomat. My message to all of you is this. No one believes you, not the country's that surround you in Latin America or anyone in the UN that you have tried to curry favour with. The lies that you have told have been ignored. The Government that I lead has always been three or four steps head of the game. Whenever your diplomats have whispered in the ears of the UN leadership rest assured that my diplomats have whispered about the very same issues one week or even two weeks ahead of yours, such is the power of a founder member of the UN.
'In Patagonia, in the south of the country, a dialect of the Welsh language is spoken among thousands of ex-patriots descendants of Welsh ancestors who first settled there in 1865.'
In Patagonia, in the south of the country, a dialect of the Welsh language is spoken among thousands of expatriate descendants of Welsh ancestors who first settled there in 1865.
I wouldn't be suprised if the Argentines went for talks with the English Defence League as they seem too think UK=England I also wouldn't be suprised if they contacted all the religious leaders, The Womens Institute, and Britain's Got Talent. The Tynwald parliament on the Isle of Man sits in early July. Perhaps Trolley Dolly will be there.
It's nice to hear from an expert on the subject of taxation and how Scotland gets a free ride from the benevolent English taxpayer. If you look at how London gets money poured into it from the rest of the UK to the detriment of the regions, a case can be made that they are being subsidised. If a company in Scotland makes its headquarters in London then it pays its taxes there and this will be credited against taxation collected in England.
From the grant to Scotland from the Treasury, the Scottish assembly decides on how the money will be spent. If it decides to spend some of it on free prescriptions and university education then it has less money to spend on other matters. No extra monies are granted by the Treasury.
If the English voters want the same, they can get their MP's to take action. Remember what Clegg said about tuition fees - we will never agree to this.
All my life , I have heard how lucky we are to have England keep us as we contributed next to nothing to the UK economy. Oil is found and suddenly maybe the Shetlands are not part of Scotland. Oil is running out so now the rest of England are desperate for Scotland to leave the Union, have you run a national pole or are you an avid Daily Mail reader.
Ok, if England voted for Scotland to leave the Union, I will still like my English Son -in- law, daughter-in law and grand chidren.
Scotland is such a crappy place that the Solway coast, the isles of Arran, Mull, Skye and Argyllshire are now becoming English colonies. We may end up poorer financially but we can live with that. At least we would not have to put up with supercilious twats like you. I can agree with one thing, all the English people I know who live up here are more for Scottish independance than the native Scots.
. I have also heard some Geordies say that if Scotland goes for God's sake take us with you! As to the Ulster people, I think they would prefer Scotland to England. Kindly stick to the topic.
Hear, hear. I am an Englishman, who often visits Scotland on holiday. I think many people vote for Salmond and the SNP because they do a great job of fighting your corner in the UK. They make sure that Scotland gets the best deal it can.
If Scotland went independent, I would be saddened, but I would'nt rant and rave over it, it's a matter for Scotland to decide. The whole finger pointing between England and Scotland over finances is poorly informed.
#51 How about holding a referendum in Patagonia to see if they'd like to be governed from Cardiff?
I think we both know what the result would be. Which might go to dispel some of the Islanders fears actually, along with the thousands and thousands of Brits in BA etc
I am from Patagonia. That is the place where I learned the UK and its people are all the same...bloody rubbish old english people...In school I did not talk to the Fisher, Eloff, Williams and McKay...
Not all of us (Southern) English buy the Daily Mail line on Scotland and the regions being parasites of the South East. If anything, the deleterious activities and shameless rent seeking that goes on in the City of London (formerly the Corporation of the City of London) goes beyond the pale and the institutions therein have certainly seen a fair amount of subsidy from the nations taxpayers. Personally I don't buy Salmond's arguments for an exclusive claim to North Sea oil. I suspect that Scotland has a valid claim, but I think the more pressing concern is how oil revenue was mis-used (rather than to which particular constituent nation it rightfully belongs) by the Thatcher/Major/Blair/Brown governments (i.e. to give tax breaks to the richest, whilst giving very little to the poorest and failing to set up a sovereign wealth fund as Norway had done).
I wouldn't blame Scotland if she did break away from the UK/Westminster (if you do, please take Hertfordshire with you!), although I don't see it happening, but make no mistake, it's our elites in Westminster who have wrought much of the resentment and tension (which is not as heated as many of the Argentines here seem to think) that fuels nationalism in the constituent nations/regions of the UK (rather than the English per se). As a British/European/World federalist, I'd be sad to see Scotland leave the Union (although that is of course for the Scots to decide), I'd rather have a partner in substantial reforms than a see more fragmentation in the world (duplication of resources and infrastructure - very wasteful).
Of course none of this has anything to do with Argentina and the Falklands/Malvinas conflict. If Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Mann and every other integral or dependant territory of the UK did succeed from the UK tomorrow, Argentina would STILL have less standing to claim sovereignty than any UK constituent nation and FAR less standing than the Falkland Islanders themselves.
Firstly, learn to spell - it's expatriate not 'ex-patriot'. The people of Welsh descent aren't descended from expatriates, they're descended from immigrants. Their ancestors were no more Welsh expatriates than the ancestors of John F Kennedy in the US (or Edelmiro Julián Farrell in Argentina) were Irish expatriates.
@58 SussieUS (#) Probably should have spent more time learning about how to construct proper sentences, arguments, and what stereotypical racism is. But hey, the world wouldn't be as funny without stupid people....
@64 THOR94
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....
I speak US english...come to the US and you will find out the difference between US speaking and UK speaking... Nobody cares about the UK english ...and their accent is repulsive...
With the greatest amount of respect Miss Sussie, who fucking stupid are you to realise that UK english was here first and Us english simply carbon copied it? You hate Britain and colonialism and yet you fail to realise that without both your to precious countries wouldn't exist?
SussieUS, you don't speak or write US English, you write Argentine Spanish (not 'Castilian', which is what they speak in Spain) with English words. Anyway, there is no such language as 'US' or 'UK', so you cannot be 'US-speaking' or 'UK-speaking'. There are different varieties of English within the UK, people don't all sound like the Queen. And Argentine Spanish is ridiculous, conjugating verbs with 'vos' instead of 'tú' - do that in Mexico City, Medellín, or Madrid, and they'll think you're crazy.
@66 SussieUS (#) For one i wasnt actually disputing that fact, although it is very disputable. Im just saying your an ignorant racist. And also your very naive, if you think that just because you say that no one in the US like the Brits (which youve said in an earlier article) and that no one in Patagonia likes the welsh (which is stupid, because the predominant population is of welsh descendants ), it doesn't make it true.
And for one i think you can say that there at least 60 million people who care about UK English speaking, and most likely a whole lot more.......
'If you were born in argentina,
then you are argentinian, full stop'
Not according to the Duke of Wellington: born in Ireland; denied he was Irish. 'You might as well say Christ was a horse because he was born in a stable.' he said.
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....'
Well, you're the one that left, Suspect baggage @66:
A case of: 'True patriots we, for be it understood,
We left our country for our country's good'
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....
'Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive... Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive...'
Accennts, actually, accents.
Glad to see you've found the shift key.
66 SussieUS (#)
I'm sure you have nothing better to do than sit about your home thinking up remarks to annoy those pesky Brits. You obviously dislike us (british) and resort to all kinds of rasist claptrap to evoke our displeasure. Thankfully, most people on this forum treat you with the contempt you deserve...you have earned it.
I am not a separatist. I was brought up and educated just after WW2 when the sense of unity was strong. We had all pulled through a devastating war and had to pull together to get the country up and running again. I was in London working in 1961 for a spell until I got a posting back to Glasgow. I lived in digs with several other colleagues from Tyneside, Liverpool, Southampton and Belfast. We had two identities but the only time we were at odds was when either the football or rugby internationals were being played.
National service prior to this was also a unifying source.
Until Thatcher came on the scene, the SNP were a fringe organisation mainly ignored by the Scottish population. Thatcher's treatment of Scotland was not well received by the populace.. Lets try the poll tax experiment on the Scots -
we would lose votes in the South if we tried it there but as we have next to no MP's in Scotland, it does not matter. It took a long time for the rest of the country to catch on. Her policies were mainly aimed at the South of England
while destroying the industries of the North and Scotland. Even when new labour came in, they were not the socialist party we voted for and were as big a disaster as the previous Tories. As a mainly socialist country - even the wealthy are socialists here - the SNP were our only chance to change the political scene. I would bet money that most people voting SNP did not vote for Scotland leaving the Union.
One of the most annoying things heard from our point of view is the usage of England for the UK. The English Army, Navy and Air force instead of British.
Even at the Jubilee, we have heard of the Queen of England - this excludes Wales, N. Ireland and Scotland. I could quote countless examples.
Standing joke, British athlete wins, Scottish athlete loses.
Many English friends, happily settled here, were amazed to find this out for themselves and are more pro Scottish than I am.
It appears that onlyLondon matters.
@73 Clyde15
I would certainly hate to loose scotland from the union but how truly seperate would it be. I thoroughly understand that scots and welsh etc tend to be pushed under the carpet but mostly by un-informed people.. you know the kind of thing 'england won the war' rather than 'britain' (and its allies). But within the UK each part has its own great character. Scots, english, welsh and northern irish together make a great country and stable country.
71 Faulconbridge
Un,understandable is irrelevant,
It is not your decision,
And your opinion goes against CFK .so if you have a problem, and then please refer it to her,
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant .
Thatcher is an irrelevance,
We have good times, we have bad times,
One cannot jump for joy in the good times, and leg it in the bad times,
United we stand, ,divided we fall,
I speak US english with the american accent. The fact is US citizens don't even imitate the UK english accent is because is repulsive. If you don't like my comment you have the choice to ignore it.
Define the American accent. Is it NewEngland , Bostonian, Virginian,Mid west
West Coast or what?. The American/English accent has evolved from many different nationalities bringing the rhythms and pronouncations with them from their native land. Was itsomething in your upbringing in Patagonia that brought this on ?
There is no one English accent, The UK has probably more local accents than any other country varying fromcut glass to dialects which are practically incomprehensible to outsiders.
Again, you are showing your own prejudice by hoisting your opinions on the total population of the USA. As you hate the 60 million people who live in the UK you probably seek out others sharing your own point of view. From this groups prejudices, you extrapolate this to the entire USA.
Explain the success of the Harry Potter films and Lord of the Rings.
All the characters speak in English accents. If all the USA despise the English accent, why have they been so popular in your host country ?
I can understand you disliking people but hatred implies a desire to see them destroyed or extirpated.
So, by your own words, you would hate a 6 month old baby because it was English ?
It rather sounds like the doctrine that Hitler favoured and carried out.
If you actually think like this, then you need to seek help.
I have met Americans who hate to hear a Spanish American accent because it identifies the speaker as a Latino. Try the populations of Washington and Oregon for theeere opinion on the matter
@76 SussieUS (#) Wow, your level of stupidity amazes me. The accent you speak something in, doesnt change the language. If a Frenchmen speaks English with a French accent, it doesn't make it French english you dozy plank. Its not just that we dont like your comment, its that you seem to think you speak for the entire US and ARG populations with your opinions, and your comments a racists and unintelligent. What would we be if we didnt stop ignorant racists ?
Un,understandable is irrelevant,
It is not your decision,
And your opinion goes against CFK .so if you have a problem, and then please refer it to her,
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant .'
What are you trying to say @ 75?
There are good arguments for and against Scottish separatism, Clyde15, but Scottish separation under Salmond's S.N.P. would be disastrous. He is an unprincipled opportunist trying to create a party in his own image; a man who grovels to both Donald Trump and the Chinese Communist Party cannot be trusted.
When l was in the US, a lot of people told me that they loved my accent.
l was always being asked to say something.
l, on the other hand fell in love with the southern accents.
They are just so sexy to my ears.
l think that you are just twisted up with hate.
Let it go, sister.♥
accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted
'Nobody cares about the UK “English
and their accent is repulsive... Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive...'
Eye said.
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant
Im not trying to say anything,
I said it,
And your anti British rants are very childish,
You are getting as bad as suzzy .
@76 Susie US
I banged an Argentinian cocktail waitress called Suzanne at the Luxor in Vegas,she loved my accent was it you? (David x)
Salmond is a very able politician, 40 years too late ,after successive British governments squandered billions of oil revenues .We have nothing to show for it unlike Norway.
You didn't notice, 83. There are quotation marks around this:
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....'
And this this:
'Well, you're the one that left, Suspect baggage @66:
A case of: 'True patriots we, for be it understood,
We left our country for our country's good'
wasthe reply to it.
If you read my response to others viewers I don't work and I don't need to work. I never worked as a waitress or maid. I live in CA.NV.AZ. and Bs.As. Argentina because I like to travel. I don't have any dependents so I am free to travel to any place I want to go.
I got a BJ Nv .What are you doing in a plastic shithole like Vegas ?Far to hot in summer. I even prefer B.A. in June with all the crime.
Newport Beach ,Laguna ,Carmel and Cape Cod are the best places in USA.
Then perhaps the Falklanders should then help and encourage the welsh Patagonians, to exercise there right to self determination, and start the long road to independence from argentina,
I like the hot weather from the southwest ..keeps my suntan perfect. Presently, I am in Phoenix... If you like the cold weather in Bs. As. with all the crime that is your choice!......I am not afraid of ANY TYPE OF CRIME in the US or in any other country ... the drive by shooting made by the US criminals don't make me blink...
What I cannot understand why most of the UK viewers like Conqueror , las suecas Isolde, Yensare and Skare are afraid of disclosing their identities...Are scare of revange?
95 SussieUS (# !......I am not afraid of ANY TYPE OF CRIME in the US or in any other country ... the drive by shooting made by the US criminals don't make me blink...
What I cannot understand why most of the UK viewers like Conqueror , las suecas Isolde, Yensare and Skare are afraid of disclosing their identities...Are scare of revange?
Most people keep their true ID private to prevent people like you Sussie from cyber bullying them, or worse. Anyway, are you unblinking from bullets flying past your face because its tight with botox just like the Queen Christina of Argentina? In any event, I would not like any of my inormation getting into the wrong hands. You are a racist thug who hates the Brits, even ones she has never met. You must realise that being such a nasty individual as you are does bode well for a happy future, you twisted up old harlot.
Well this just goes to show us Brits who the Argies think the weak links are at home, the 'useful idiots so to speak'.
I've said it before on other articles the only people abroad who support the separatists in the UK do so to see the UK weakened and laid low and for no other reason.
Mr Llwyd would have made a better showing if he had come out in Parliament and publicly stood up for the rights of the Falklanders. But I suppose this will do he can't be seen to take sides with the UK on this can he.
Did you see the non-sense comments I received?...Wrinkles? No way.. I know how to take care of my body plus the fact I have the best physician in town. The suntan helps me to keep the vitamin D as is advised by my physician. I do floor exercises 7 days a week to keep my weight of 130 lbs. I relaxed my muscles in the jacuzzi and steam room. I eat the best food. I look younger than my age and I want to keep looking young and healthy.. life is a gift I enjoy every day!
Why is Wales still colony of England? Why are Welsh being denied freedom to speak? Why is Welsh not allowed to govern themselves from English Empire?
Soon Britain will be divided and ruled. We have special team in Britain to work on division! Do the maths! Your power will be broken! Divided and ruled!
@101 Filippo,
Wales is not a colony of England.
Once, long ago, England had a Welsh King.
So you might say that England was then a colony of Wales.
Where is this English Empire that you talk about?
Have l missed something?
Do we own land that we don't know about?
Filippo, do your parents know that you're still awake?
What about school, tomorrow, that is today?
Get to bed right now, niño.
101 Filippo (#)
You are such a funny chap Filippo, I am a Welshman and proud British Citizen, there is no division. We are a diverse island nation with fantastic history that shaped us and made us what we are today. When the Normans invaded, they found the Welsh a troublesome lot and had to build huge castles to protect their conquests, however, following all kinds of wars and power struggles through the ages, a union was made that created the United Kingdom. Even with a devolved Scottish and Welsh aspect to govern outside of London, this union is still very strong. You will always have the fanatics, but, most people in the UK are happy to be the best of friends so there is no 'divide and rule', just recognition that we are blessed with a unique blend of people created from a rich history that makes us Great Britain. Sadly, Argentina, has no such history and pretends to be able to shake it with the big boys and look foolish in the process.
Please join this new fb page - Falkland Islands Desire The Right - dedicated to Falkland Islands current affairs, keeping the islands free and poking fun at the loonacy of the Argentine government and their various claims and their internet trolls - https://www.facebook.com/Britain1592
I have a unique British perspective on the Falklands/Malvinas. I am a democrat, and I don't see why the principle of self determination should not prevail in a broad sense. But if the Falkland Islanders are proud to be British, they need to accept a few home truths about how a mainland UK perspective can differ from their own British perspective. Firstly, not every Brit loves Lady Thatcher, their liberator. Secondly, who on the British Mainland wants to see British business interests severely damaged in Latin America.
For this reason, some compromise on behalf of the Falkland Islanders would be desirable. They need to start giving us Mainland Brits some consideration as well as their own needs. Any compromise could be difficult to achieve for as long as Mrs Kirchner remains in power. But I say that one day the British and Argentine Governments should get to the negotiating table with a view towards splitting the islands into separate Argentinian and British territories as part of a lasting settlement.
The smaller islands aside, the archipelago has 2 main islands- West Falkland (Gran Malvina) and East Falkland (Isla Soledad). Over two thirds of the Kelpers (Falkland natives) are resident on East Falkland, of which the vast majority reside in the Capital, Port Stanley. It is also on East Falkland (the island which happens to be the furthest away from Argentina) where RAF Mount Pleasant is located.
The West Falkland Island by comparison has only about 200 residents, of which half live in Port Howard (the main settlement). Putting that into perspective, we are talking about an area similar in size to North Wales yet half of the population size to that of the Village of Ince Blundell on Merseyside! We could simply agree to a leaseback agreement with Argentina on West Falkland (and surrounding islands) and also those islands further south like South Sandwich Island which have no native population, whilst retaining British Sovereignty over East Falkland (an
@105 AndyWatto,
How would you like to sit at the negotiating table & give half your house to a johnny-come-lately who has no legal, moral or valid claim upon it?
You don't use that half of your house much & perhaps you can lease it back from him.
You know what you can do with your crazy(unoriginal)idea, don't you?
Thankfully you don't speak for most British people.
You do realise that not only would it be capitulation to an aggressive, belligerent, immoral country, but it would only whet their appetite.
What makes you think that they would be satisfied with only half of what they want?
Then, their bases would be right on our doorstep.
How easy to invade East Falkland.
No, mate, l don't think much of your idea at all.
But l bet the RGs would love it.
@105 I think you'll find that there were rather more people involved in the Liberation of the Falkland Islands than just Lady Thatcher. Some died for that liberation, for example Capt Gavin Hamilton GH and SAS (since you mention Port Howard). Liking or not the Prime Minister at the time hardly enters into it. Secondly, you seem content to want to buckle under to threats. I don't and I suspect I'm not alone. You won't get much sympathy for British Interests in Latin America either. There is nothing new that wasn't known 30 years ago - plenty of time to analyse the risk and get out. So, all in all a rubbish idea.
Disclaimer & comment rulesJust goes to show the ignorance and incompetence of the Argentines. The attack on Sir Galahad in 1982 resulted in 48 dead and scores injured, many horrifically burned. The vast majority of those men were Welsh Guards. Bearing this in mind why on earth would MP's representing the Welsh people ever support the fallacious arguments of the Argentine Government?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:17 am - Link - Report abuse +1You have to give credit to Argentina for thinking ahead. The break up the United Kingdom would provide a wonderful opportunity for them to further exploit all that multinational resentment and vindictiveness against the power behind the former British Empire. The trouble is that no Welsh politician of this generation can afford to be seen to provide any succour to Argentina following what happened to the Welsh Guards in 1982.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:17 am - Link - Report abuse -1Lord the Argies are desperate.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:30 am - Link - Report abuse +1Don't they know that Simon Weston is Welsh?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:39 am - Link - Report abuse +1Try the IRA - they'd make good bedfellows for you.
We should go to Welsh Patagonia and get support for the UK claim from them.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:52 am - Link - Report abuse +1Argentinian diplomats? - lower than a snakes belly. I wonder if it was the air hostess?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 07:11 am - Link - Report abuse +1I think that Argentina forgets that the Empire was the British Empire, not the English Empire. The Scots, Welsh, and so on had a massive hand in building what was achieved, and have just as much disdain for our old enemies. It's stupidity at play here, on a massive scale.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 07:13 am - Link - Report abuse +1I think Argentinians are thick.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 07:48 am - Link - Report abuse +1Gosh, aren't Argentinians thick?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:05 am - Link - Report abuse +1They seem to believe that somehow the evil English are holding the Welsh, Scottish and Irish hostage, so therefore these people would naturally side with them against the English.
They are quite insulting to the people of Britain as a whole, but this shows their real contempt to the peoples of Wales, whose sons fought and died to liberate the Falklands.
The same can be said of the Scottish and Irish people, whose sons also fought and died for the freedom of the Falklanders. All the nations that make up the United Kingdom value freedom and loyalty, and will pull together to fight for the rights of all British people wherever they are in the world.
Perhaps Argentina should learn about the whole United Kingdom instead of just assuming that they know about it. Yes Argentina, British people come from the British Isles which consists of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, the Principality of Wales, the Duchy of Cornwall, the Isles of Man, Wight, Skye, Orkneys, Shetlands and numerous other smaller islands.
And as for the people of Patagonia of Welsh ancestry, so what? They're no more Welsh now than CFK is, regardless of what language they speak.
@7 If the Union fractures we would have great difficulty justifying retention of a permanent seat on the Security Council. So what? Well, Argentina has for years said that the Falkland Islands are a Security issue, albeit with a colonial origin, that should be dealt with by the Security Council. But, so long as UK has a permanent veto wielding seat this is not an avenue worth pursuing for Argentina. That didn't stop them approaching the Chair earlier this year but it got them nowhere, of course. I don't think it's stupidity, it's politics. From my own point of view this isn't a political issue, it's a legal one and the right venue to seek a resolution is the ICJ.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:08 am - Link - Report abuse -1Argentina should put into action of Visa-free for Welsh/Scots/N.Irish citizens.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0@11 As they all carry British passports perhaps you'd care to explain how you are going to going to tell the difference between the Welsh/Scots/N.Irish and the English?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:25 am - Link - Report abuse 010 You are a pessimistic old soul.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0Is Welsh Patagonia happy as part of Argentina?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0That's one in the eye for Von Timmerman and his perverted crusade. Read the first comment just about sums up the truth of the matter.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0Surely they should also approach David Cameron for support as there was a large English Ex-pat comminuity that helped build Argentina!!!!!
They only needed to look up the Order of Battle from the Falklands conflict to work out that this would not be a productive avenue to persue.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:18 am - Link - Report abuse 0As for the permanent seat on the UNSC - I don't think there are mechanisms to deprive the UK of it's seat.
There's also the point that I don't think the Scots are likely to withdraw from the union. Fear of the consequences will probably keep them on board rather than any single valid argument will. As an example - look what the Greeks just voted for. It wasn't out of love for the union they are in it was out of fear that things could get a whole lot worse.
I think the adage better the devil you know will prevail.
What's that scraping noise? sounds like the bottom of a barrel to me.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0I can confirm that this meeting took place and that Elfyn Llwyd MP strongly rebuffed this approach by these Ambassadors. He told me that it seems Incredulous that these people don't actually remember they bombed the ship carrying the Welsh Guards? Plus the face and voice of all things anti-argentina and pro-Falklands is Simon Weston, who was a Welsh Guardsman injured in the attack and who I am putting forward for an award.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:13 am - Link - Report abuse 0It seems that Argentina will stop at nothing and will stoop to levels unknown to man. I will be speaking to Argentina about this and to the UN and everyone can be assured that it will be done through all the proper channels unlike Argentina who we all now know will stoop to ill conceived and improper impromptu meetings such as we all saw the other night.
We should seek out meetings with the Malvinas war veterans associations and ask if they would like to help campaign against Argentine colonialism towards the Falkland Islands.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0Bound to be a sure fire winner.
maybe its time to close the Argentine embassy seen as they are abusing their position to infiltrate the british government looking for sympathetic MPs,
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0Wars have started for less...
@11 And?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0@16 Didn't they also try approaching the Scots? Then it went quiet. Wonder how that went?
Calm down chaps! It's standard practice for diplomats to wine and dine local politicians and to sound them out for support on particular issues.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:01 am - Link - Report abuse 0#1,4,16,20, et al
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0But you see it is not their fault. You see that invasion in 1982 was another Argentina for which they are not responsible. You see if there is something in your past which is inconvenient you can just deny responsibility and pretend nothing changed.
Alex Salmond has sent the same message in unequivocal terms.
Go home RG's, and convince yourselves all over again that its not your fault, and get out the old photos dancing in front of the Casa Rosada in 82 (before you lost).
They can wine and dine me with a bottle of Chateau Petrus and some ear plugs if they like?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0Failure on the part of the Argentine Government.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0I see the malvinistas haven't recieved their orders yet. Máximo must be having comunications problems from his hospital bed.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Or perhaps he's realized that his mum and Timerperson have f*cked up over trying to corrupt the Plaid Cymru MPs and just hasn't got an answer to this situation.
I seem to recall a certain malcontent *cough* I mean Malvinista proclaiming that States talk with states when the Argentina deligation snubed the Falkland Islands deligation of talks (sans soverignty of course). It seems Argentina is more than willing to 'stoop' to the level of 'talking' with individual politicians much less constituent nations like Wales and the Falkland Islands.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So... now that we've got that particular confusion all sorted out, perhaps Argentina would like to 'wine and dine' Falkland Islands' politicians and/or 'talk' with the Falkland Islands Government (of course, it won't be all support for Agentine, which is clearly all Argentina wants from any 'talks' it's willing to engage in).
#Facepalm #Headdesk #HashTagsUsedInTheWrongForum
Wish I understood all the twitter technicalities - I've been on it for months and still don't understand half of the gobbledegook.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Just once
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Plaid Cymru
Should be buried with dignity and forgotten abt.
And the British government should get of its back side, and stop these infiltrations by CFK
Dissidents and corrupters,
They are trying to infiltrate us, through the back door,
And this government just sits there, and you wonder why this plastic CFK is pushing it all the bloody way,
And I will keep on condemning the government, till it put our security first and do something abt this stupid wannaby dictator .
Goobledegook? Isn't that a search engine?~ :-p
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You'll pick it up if you inadvertently insult/offend someone Idlehands. One long stream of Twitter hashtags and you'll be able to decypher by context. ;-)
Just off to tell Holly Willoughby that she's fat and ugly.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 01:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0That should help me understand.
This seems to be a desperate attempt by the Argentines to try and drum up support for their illegitimate cause.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 02:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Did they really think that this would bear fruit. Surely with an embassy in Central London they should know their audience better! But maybe they do know better and this is them clutching at straws.
For an Argentine government that 'allegedly' wants to sit down and 'talk', it is clear that they are incapable of listening.
They message is loud and clear from London, 'take your sabre-rattling elsewhere, we don't recognise any claims you feel you may have towards our sovereign lands, and furthermore we will firmly and decisively counter any FURTHER military aggression from you or those acting in your interests, whether that link is acknowledged by you or not'.
Additionally, does anybody think its now time for a British Airways flight from London Heathrow to Stanley?????
Not so United Kingdom
Jun 21st, 2012 - 03:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Taflwch y saeson allan, the Welsh say...
Independence now, the Scots say...
And if we have an independant Scotland what happens to Northern Ireland? Will they have to become independant as well?
GALlamosa (23), so the Falklands War 30 years ago had nothing to do with present-day Argentina. But Argentina believes it is correct and right to hold Britain to what Argentina believes happened 179 years ago. Using the same logic, the Britain of 179 years ago is completely different to present day Britain, so you can't hold Britain and the Islanders to what Argentina believed happened in 1833.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 04:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What response do you have to this GALlamosa? What excuses do you have for your own and your country's hypocrisy? Enlighten me with your twisted logic.
33 most English people would prefer scots to leave union, unfortunately for the scots they take out of the economy far more than they put in, so leave and struggle, stay and receive extra benifits such as free college tuition fees and prescriptions amongst many other extras.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0(2) & (10) Cmd. McDod
Jun 21st, 2012 - 05:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Nice to have a thinking Scot in between so many British Turnips…
The West Lothian question certainly works in our favor…
Chuckle chuckle©
@14 Steve-32-uk
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0So British people first settled in Patagonia in 1865.
The Argentinian “Conquest of the Desert” did not begin until 1875.
When in fact it seems they were actually annexing what was already British territory.
We clearly have an historical claim to the territory, should the inhabitants now wish to exercise their right to “self-determination” we would also have a moral claim.
British Protectorate of South Patagonia has such a nice ring to it.
One way to get rid of nasty neighbours from the S. Atlantic hood.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Computer say's no!
Wales- The Welsh Nationalists were crushed at the 2011 assembly election losing 4 of their 15 seats while the Unionists made gains of 4 to labour, 2 to the tories. And at the 2012 council elections the Welsh Nationalists went from 206 councillors to 166 with Labour making enormous gains. Welsh Independence?Eh no.
As for England there is no separatist party. English Independence? Eh no.
Northern Ireland has had the same situation for years the people here vote for the unionists by 55% and the Nationalists get 45% Northern Irish Independence/reunification? Eh No
As for Scotland well the unionists have the majority of Scottish MP seats while the nationalists have the majority of MSP seats and for councillors there are more unionist councillors then nationalist councillors. Every opinion poll Im aware of has shown that independence is not the popular option despite the SNP being in power so really you don't no what you are talking about do you Marcos?
@36 - Think
Jun 21st, 2012 - 07:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Scots are British you thick turnip.
It's very unlikely that the Scottish will vote for independence as they will lose more than they gain. However, unlike Argentina, the United Kingdom will respect the results of this referendum, whatever the outcome.
Think your pathetic government keeps getting more pathetic all the time. However, their time in power is getting short. If you're lucky you'll get a better government, but I wouldn't advise you to hold your breath if I were you.
@33 You need to pace yourself. The Scottish referendum won't be until 2014. This will probably be followed by Alex Salmond's request for asylum in argieland. Not political asylum. Just an asylum.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@36 With any luck, there are lots of thinking Scots. And Salmond? See above. Actually he looks a lot like a fish. Now, the West Lothian question. What would you know about it? And WE don't spell favor like that? Not too good on the English, eh?
Argentinians clutching left right and centre wildly at straws!
Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Recent Political rebuffs:
Summit of Americas - their propsal not even discudded openly.
OAS - theire initail expectation of strong support ended in a statement so waters down as to be wortheless.
UN - completley wrongfooted by the FI presentation and ended up looking fools.
G20 - wrongfooted by Cameron and then to make matters worse their Foreign Minister implied their President was wrong to try and make it an issue at the G20
Well that,s the last 4 major attempts - all failed!
Now No 5 - with Plaid Cymru - hell even a 5 year old could have worked out the answer they would give the Argies!
What will no 6 be - a discussion with the National Front?
Think and Marcos - its a laugh a minute!
Hey - the Referendum is early next year - how about we hold in on Jan 3rd - 180th anniv of re-establishment of British settlement?
@41 Islander1 (#)
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Jun 21st, 2012 - 08:51 pm
** What will no 6 be - a discussion with the National Front? **
If you want my guess, CIRA. That is if their intelligence services aren't already talking to them.
@11 That would be fun - all UK passports are stamped British Citizen and will remain so unless Scotland exercise their right to self determination and issue their own - what would happen in the case of one parent being Welsh and the other English? Will you only let them in above (or below) the waist?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@32 I would love to see the Falklands opened up as a holiday destination. I don't see BA getting involved but more charter flights from Europe would be good. I, for one, would love to go. I think they would need to beef up their tourism infrastructure whilst being careful not to kill the goose that lays the golden egg - if we see Marriot and Holiday Inn hotels springing up, the game's up!
@35 I find it strange that Argentine posters intimately know the feelings of our Scots and Welsh members of the UK - they clearly got the Welsh one wrong (instead, I would try George Galloway - he'll be up for anything and the British people are sure to take him seriously). My personal view is that the Scots will not vote for full independence but will actually be closer to The Falklands - Devo(lution) Max is the buzzword but it's their choice and we have to respect that.
33 Marcos Alejandro-------------Mr Alejandro let me make very plain to you and everyone else on this forum, there will not be any breakaway by any country in the United Kingdom. Both Scotland and Wales are both highly respected members of Great Britain with loyal citizens. Northern Ireland is also highly respected with citizens who along with all the rest of the population want to remain part of the United Kingdom.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Please remember that my country is well informed of any movement by any member of the Argentine diplomats long before it becomes Argentine policy such is our power as we move in those circles.
I have one message for all the whole of Argentina and every Argentine who has commented on these forums. I have seen throughout the year how you have insulted and lied to everyone who disagrees with your claims on the Falkland issue. From the ordinary little man and woman who has voted in the present Government to every government official and diplomat. My message to all of you is this. No one believes you, not the country's that surround you in Latin America or anyone in the UN that you have tried to curry favour with. The lies that you have told have been ignored. The Government that I lead has always been three or four steps head of the game. Whenever your diplomats have whispered in the ears of the UN leadership rest assured that my diplomats have whispered about the very same issues one week or even two weeks ahead of yours, such is the power of a founder member of the UN.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0'In Patagonia, in the south of the country, a dialect of the Welsh language is spoken among thousands of ex-patriots descendants of Welsh ancestors who first settled there in 1865.'
In Patagonia, in the south of the country, a dialect of the Welsh language is spoken among thousands of expatriate descendants of Welsh ancestors who first settled there in 1865.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 09:56 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Scotland will remain exactly where she is,
And mr salmon will go with the fishes.
now back on the subject.
I wouldn't be suprised if the Argentines went for talks with the English Defence League as they seem too think UK=England I also wouldn't be suprised if they contacted all the religious leaders, The Womens Institute, and Britain's Got Talent. The Tynwald parliament on the Isle of Man sits in early July. Perhaps Trolley Dolly will be there.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 10:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 044 David Cameron
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Mr Cameron
Why do they call you Camoron? Is that because you forgot your young daugther in a pub or you become one after riding Raisa?
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0It's nice to hear from an expert on the subject of taxation and how Scotland gets a free ride from the benevolent English taxpayer. If you look at how London gets money poured into it from the rest of the UK to the detriment of the regions, a case can be made that they are being subsidised. If a company in Scotland makes its headquarters in London then it pays its taxes there and this will be credited against taxation collected in England.
From the grant to Scotland from the Treasury, the Scottish assembly decides on how the money will be spent. If it decides to spend some of it on free prescriptions and university education then it has less money to spend on other matters. No extra monies are granted by the Treasury.
If the English voters want the same, they can get their MP's to take action. Remember what Clegg said about tuition fees - we will never agree to this.
All my life , I have heard how lucky we are to have England keep us as we contributed next to nothing to the UK economy. Oil is found and suddenly maybe the Shetlands are not part of Scotland. Oil is running out so now the rest of England are desperate for Scotland to leave the Union, have you run a national pole or are you an avid Daily Mail reader.
Ok, if England voted for Scotland to leave the Union, I will still like my English Son -in- law, daughter-in law and grand chidren.
Scotland is such a crappy place that the Solway coast, the isles of Arran, Mull, Skye and Argyllshire are now becoming English colonies. We may end up poorer financially but we can live with that. At least we would not have to put up with supercilious twats like you. I can agree with one thing, all the English people I know who live up here are more for Scottish independance than the native Scots.
. I have also heard some Geordies say that if Scotland goes for God's sake take us with you! As to the Ulster people, I think they would prefer Scotland to England. Kindly stick to the topic.
#27 - good spot, highly inconsistant.
Jun 21st, 2012 - 11:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0#34 - spot the irony, I am on our side !!
It's easy to see why Kirchner might think Salmond (formerly employed by RBS, friend of Donald Trump) a potential friend of hers: http://www.scotsman.com/the-scotsman/politics/salmond-has-a-friendly-word-with-chinese-over-human-rights-1-1992176
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 04:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0How about holding a referendum in Patagonia to see if they'd like to be governed from Cardiff?
@49 Clyde15
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 06:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0Hear, hear. I am an Englishman, who often visits Scotland on holiday. I think many people vote for Salmond and the SNP because they do a great job of fighting your corner in the UK. They make sure that Scotland gets the best deal it can.
If Scotland went independent, I would be saddened, but I would'nt rant and rave over it, it's a matter for Scotland to decide. The whole finger pointing between England and Scotland over finances is poorly informed.
@all Scotsmen, Welshmen, Irishmen, Manxmen etc etc etc.
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 07:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0Please ignore the English Nationalists. In the extreme they are worse than Malvinistas.
its either united or divided,
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 12:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0aloow others to break it up,
and see the difference,
gentlemen, its the united kindom
full stop
36 Think (#)
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0(2) & (10) Cmd. McDod
Nice to have a thinking Scot in between so many British Turnips…
He certainly is a Thinker and you know him so well. Are you shagging BK as well or just Thinking about it?
Chuckle chuckle©
#51 How about holding a referendum in Patagonia to see if they'd like to be governed from Cardiff?
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 05:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I think we both know what the result would be. Which might go to dispel some of the Islanders fears actually, along with the thousands and thousands of Brits in BA etc
@55 And you, Sir, truly are a turnip, although on reflection that assessment does a grave disservice to root vegetables.
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 06:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I am from Patagonia. That is the place where I learned the UK and its people are all the same...bloody rubbish old english people...In school I did not talk to the Fisher, Eloff, Williams and McKay...
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 07:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0@49 Clyde15
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Not all of us (Southern) English buy the Daily Mail line on Scotland and the regions being parasites of the South East. If anything, the deleterious activities and shameless rent seeking that goes on in the City of London (formerly the Corporation of the City of London) goes beyond the pale and the institutions therein have certainly seen a fair amount of subsidy from the nations taxpayers. Personally I don't buy Salmond's arguments for an exclusive claim to North Sea oil. I suspect that Scotland has a valid claim, but I think the more pressing concern is how oil revenue was mis-used (rather than to which particular constituent nation it rightfully belongs) by the Thatcher/Major/Blair/Brown governments (i.e. to give tax breaks to the richest, whilst giving very little to the poorest and failing to set up a sovereign wealth fund as Norway had done).
I wouldn't blame Scotland if she did break away from the UK/Westminster (if you do, please take Hertfordshire with you!), although I don't see it happening, but make no mistake, it's our elites in Westminster who have wrought much of the resentment and tension (which is not as heated as many of the Argentines here seem to think) that fuels nationalism in the constituent nations/regions of the UK (rather than the English per se). As a British/European/World federalist, I'd be sad to see Scotland leave the Union (although that is of course for the Scots to decide), I'd rather have a partner in substantial reforms than a see more fragmentation in the world (duplication of resources and infrastructure - very wasteful).
Of course none of this has anything to do with Argentina and the Falklands/Malvinas conflict. If Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Mann and every other integral or dependant territory of the UK did succeed from the UK tomorrow, Argentina would STILL have less standing to claim sovereignty than any UK constituent nation and FAR less standing than the Falkland Islanders themselves.
ex-patriots descendants
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 08:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Firstly, learn to spell - it's expatriate not 'ex-patriot'. The people of Welsh descent aren't descended from expatriates, they're descended from immigrants. Their ancestors were no more Welsh expatriates than the ancestors of John F Kennedy in the US (or Edelmiro Julián Farrell in Argentina) were Irish expatriates.
If you were born in argentina,
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0then you are argentinian, full stop,
@61 You think! You mean full stop.
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 09:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0no full stop,
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 09:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0you said full stop.
@58 SussieUS (#) Probably should have spent more time learning about how to construct proper sentences, arguments, and what stereotypical racism is. But hey, the world wouldn't be as funny without stupid people....
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 09:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0What is a dot, between friends,
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 09:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0unless you mean, duberu duberu duberu dot .
@64 THOR94
Jun 22nd, 2012 - 11:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....
I speak US english...come to the US and you will find out the difference between US speaking and UK speaking... Nobody cares about the UK english ...and their accent is repulsive...
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 12:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0With the greatest amount of respect Miss Sussie, who fucking stupid are you to realise that UK english was here first and Us english simply carbon copied it? You hate Britain and colonialism and yet you fail to realise that without both your to precious countries wouldn't exist?
SussieUS, you don't speak or write US English, you write Argentine Spanish (not 'Castilian', which is what they speak in Spain) with English words. Anyway, there is no such language as 'US' or 'UK', so you cannot be 'US-speaking' or 'UK-speaking'. There are different varieties of English within the UK, people don't all sound like the Queen. And Argentine Spanish is ridiculous, conjugating verbs with 'vos' instead of 'tú' - do that in Mexico City, Medellín, or Madrid, and they'll think you're crazy.
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 04:02 am - Link - Report abuse 057
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 08:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0I was addressing the Organ Grinder not his real or imagined monkey boy.
@66 SussieUS (#) For one i wasnt actually disputing that fact, although it is very disputable. Im just saying your an ignorant racist. And also your very naive, if you think that just because you say that no one in the US like the Brits (which youve said in an earlier article) and that no one in Patagonia likes the welsh (which is stupid, because the predominant population is of welsh descendants ), it doesn't make it true.
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 09:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0And for one i think you can say that there at least 60 million people who care about UK English speaking, and most likely a whole lot more.......
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 11:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0'If you were born in argentina,
then you are argentinian, full stop'
Not according to the Duke of Wellington: born in Ireland; denied he was Irish. 'You might as well say Christ was a horse because he was born in a stable.' he said.
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....'
Well, you're the one that left, Suspect baggage @66:
A case of: 'True patriots we, for be it understood,
We left our country for our country's good'
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....
'Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive... Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive...'
Accennts, actually, accents.
Glad to see you've found the shift key.
66 SussieUS (#)
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I'm sure you have nothing better to do than sit about your home thinking up remarks to annoy those pesky Brits. You obviously dislike us (british) and resort to all kinds of rasist claptrap to evoke our displeasure. Thankfully, most people on this forum treat you with the contempt you deserve...you have earned it.
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 04:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I am not a separatist. I was brought up and educated just after WW2 when the sense of unity was strong. We had all pulled through a devastating war and had to pull together to get the country up and running again. I was in London working in 1961 for a spell until I got a posting back to Glasgow. I lived in digs with several other colleagues from Tyneside, Liverpool, Southampton and Belfast. We had two identities but the only time we were at odds was when either the football or rugby internationals were being played.
National service prior to this was also a unifying source.
Until Thatcher came on the scene, the SNP were a fringe organisation mainly ignored by the Scottish population. Thatcher's treatment of Scotland was not well received by the populace.. Lets try the poll tax experiment on the Scots -
we would lose votes in the South if we tried it there but as we have next to no MP's in Scotland, it does not matter. It took a long time for the rest of the country to catch on. Her policies were mainly aimed at the South of England
while destroying the industries of the North and Scotland. Even when new labour came in, they were not the socialist party we voted for and were as big a disaster as the previous Tories. As a mainly socialist country - even the wealthy are socialists here - the SNP were our only chance to change the political scene. I would bet money that most people voting SNP did not vote for Scotland leaving the Union.
One of the most annoying things heard from our point of view is the usage of England for the UK. The English Army, Navy and Air force instead of British.
Even at the Jubilee, we have heard of the Queen of England - this excludes Wales, N. Ireland and Scotland. I could quote countless examples.
Standing joke, British athlete wins, Scottish athlete loses.
Many English friends, happily settled here, were amazed to find this out for themselves and are more pro Scottish than I am.
It appears that onlyLondon matters.
@73 Clyde15
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 07:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I would certainly hate to loose scotland from the union but how truly seperate would it be. I thoroughly understand that scots and welsh etc tend to be pushed under the carpet but mostly by un-informed people.. you know the kind of thing 'england won the war' rather than 'britain' (and its allies). But within the UK each part has its own great character. Scots, english, welsh and northern irish together make a great country and stable country.
71 Faulconbridge
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 09:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Un,understandable is irrelevant,
It is not your decision,
And your opinion goes against CFK .so if you have a problem, and then please refer it to her,
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant .
Thatcher is an irrelevance,
We have good times, we have bad times,
One cannot jump for joy in the good times, and leg it in the bad times,
United we stand, ,divided we fall,
I speak US english with the american accent. The fact is US citizens don't even imitate the UK english accent is because is repulsive. If you don't like my comment you have the choice to ignore it.
Jun 23rd, 2012 - 10:50 pm - Link - Report abuse 0'The Amrtican accent', susspicious object?
Jun 24th, 2012 - 07:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0There are quite a few. Do you mean like a Vermontan, a Californian, a Louisianan, a Ute...?
Jun 24th, 2012 - 07:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0Define the American accent. Is it NewEngland , Bostonian, Virginian,Mid west
West Coast or what?. The American/English accent has evolved from many different nationalities bringing the rhythms and pronouncations with them from their native land. Was itsomething in your upbringing in Patagonia that brought this on ?
There is no one English accent, The UK has probably more local accents than any other country varying fromcut glass to dialects which are practically incomprehensible to outsiders.
Again, you are showing your own prejudice by hoisting your opinions on the total population of the USA. As you hate the 60 million people who live in the UK you probably seek out others sharing your own point of view. From this groups prejudices, you extrapolate this to the entire USA.
Explain the success of the Harry Potter films and Lord of the Rings.
All the characters speak in English accents. If all the USA despise the English accent, why have they been so popular in your host country ?
I can understand you disliking people but hatred implies a desire to see them destroyed or extirpated.
So, by your own words, you would hate a 6 month old baby because it was English ?
It rather sounds like the doctrine that Hitler favoured and carried out.
If you actually think like this, then you need to seek help.
I have met Americans who hate to hear a Spanish American accent because it identifies the speaker as a Latino. Try the populations of Washington and Oregon for theeere opinion on the matter
@76 SussieUS (#) Wow, your level of stupidity amazes me. The accent you speak something in, doesnt change the language. If a Frenchmen speaks English with a French accent, it doesn't make it French english you dozy plank. Its not just that we dont like your comment, its that you seem to think you speak for the entire US and ARG populations with your opinions, and your comments a racists and unintelligent. What would we be if we didnt stop ignorant racists ?
Jun 24th, 2012 - 10:24 am - Link - Report abuse 0'Faulconbridge
Jun 24th, 2012 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0Un,understandable is irrelevant,
It is not your decision,
And your opinion goes against CFK .so if you have a problem, and then please refer it to her,
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant .'
What are you trying to say @ 75?
There are good arguments for and against Scottish separatism, Clyde15, but Scottish separation under Salmond's S.N.P. would be disastrous. He is an unprincipled opportunist trying to create a party in his own image; a man who grovels to both Donald Trump and the Chinese Communist Party cannot be trusted.
Jun 24th, 2012 - 01:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0When l was in the US, a lot of people told me that they loved my accent.
l was always being asked to say something.
l, on the other hand fell in love with the southern accents.
They are just so sexy to my ears.
l think that you are just twisted up with hate.
Let it go, sister.♥
Jun 24th, 2012 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0might appeal to the Suss....
Jun 24th, 2012 - 04:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do you think you are telling us something we do not know ?
We know a bullshitter when we here one. It's a synonim for a politician.
Jun 24th, 2012 - 05:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Do you think you are telling us something we do not know ?
We know a bullshitter when we here one. It's a synonim for a politician.'
Except that Salmond seems to be even more cowardly and duplicitous than most politicians if he grovels to both Trump and the CCP.
71 Faulconbridge
Jun 24th, 2012 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You say.
accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted
'Nobody cares about the UK “English
and their accent is repulsive... Nobody cares about the UK “english” ...and their accent is repulsive...'
Eye said.
As for your anti British /English rants,
Please see malvino,
He is your lieutenant
Im not trying to say anything,
I said it,
And your anti British rants are very childish,
You are getting as bad as suzzy .
@76 Susie US
Jun 24th, 2012 - 06:05 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I banged an Argentinian cocktail waitress called Suzanne at the Luxor in Vegas,she loved my accent was it you? (David x)
Salmond is a very able politician, 40 years too late ,after successive British governments squandered billions of oil revenues .We have nothing to show for it unlike Norway.
besides who needs oil, in space .
Jun 24th, 2012 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0You didn't notice, 83. There are quotation marks around this:
Jun 24th, 2012 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0'
Accept the facts...the welsh were not accepted in my Patagonia and they never.., never will be accepted....'
And this this:
'Well, you're the one that left, Suspect baggage @66:
A case of: 'True patriots we, for be it understood,
We left our country for our country's good'
wasthe reply to it.
Jun 24th, 2012 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0If you read my response to others viewers I don't work and I don't need to work. I never worked as a waitress or maid. I live in CA.NV.AZ. and Bs.As. Argentina because I like to travel. I don't have any dependents so I am free to travel to any place I want to go.
@89 SussieUS (#) I suppose your limited to the places you want to go, because your a racist bigot ?
Jun 24th, 2012 - 09:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0you dont want the welsh,
Jun 24th, 2012 - 09:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0do you wand the falklanders ??
Jun 24th, 2012 - 09:47 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I got a BJ Nv .What are you doing in a plastic shithole like Vegas ?Far to hot in summer. I even prefer B.A. in June with all the crime.
Newport Beach ,Laguna ,Carmel and Cape Cod are the best places in USA.
'you dont want the welsh,
Jun 25th, 2012 - 04:03 am - Link - Report abuse 0do you wand the falklanders ??'
She sounds as if she favours Major Dowling's solution to the Falklkanders' lack of enthusiasm for Argentine rule.
Then perhaps the Falklanders should then help and encourage the welsh Patagonians, to exercise there right to self determination, and start the long road to independence from argentina,
Jun 25th, 2012 - 06:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Seems fair to me .
Jun 25th, 2012 - 06:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I like the hot weather from the southwest ..keeps my suntan perfect. Presently, I am in Phoenix... If you like the cold weather in Bs. As. with all the crime that is your choice!......I am not afraid of ANY TYPE OF CRIME in the US or in any other country ... the drive by shooting made by the US criminals don't make me blink...
What I cannot understand why most of the UK viewers like Conqueror , las suecas Isolde, Yensare and Skare are afraid of disclosing their identities...Are scare of revange?
If Argentina gave back, what it took from others,
Jun 25th, 2012 - 07:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0By way of conquest, wars, and treaties ,
It would be a fraction of its size today,
More you push on the Falklands, the more cracks will appear in your own territory .
Jun 25th, 2012 - 09:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0l am not afraid of disclosing anything, suntanned, soon to be wrinkled, Soozy.
l just choose not to.
And so?
95 SussieUS (# !......I am not afraid of ANY TYPE OF CRIME in the US or in any other country ... the drive by shooting made by the US criminals don't make me blink...
Jun 26th, 2012 - 09:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0What I cannot understand why most of the UK viewers like Conqueror , las suecas Isolde, Yensare and Skare are afraid of disclosing their identities...Are scare of revange?
Most people keep their true ID private to prevent people like you Sussie from cyber bullying them, or worse. Anyway, are you unblinking from bullets flying past your face because its tight with botox just like the Queen Christina of Argentina? In any event, I would not like any of my inormation getting into the wrong hands. You are a racist thug who hates the Brits, even ones she has never met. You must realise that being such a nasty individual as you are does bode well for a happy future, you twisted up old harlot.
Well this just goes to show us Brits who the Argies think the weak links are at home, the 'useful idiots so to speak'.
Jun 26th, 2012 - 11:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0I've said it before on other articles the only people abroad who support the separatists in the UK do so to see the UK weakened and laid low and for no other reason.
Mr Llwyd would have made a better showing if he had come out in Parliament and publicly stood up for the rights of the Falklanders. But I suppose this will do he can't be seen to take sides with the UK on this can he.
Jun 26th, 2012 - 10:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Did you see the non-sense comments I received?...Wrinkles? No way.. I know how to take care of my body plus the fact I have the best physician in town. The suntan helps me to keep the vitamin D as is advised by my physician. I do floor exercises 7 days a week to keep my weight of 130 lbs. I relaxed my muscles in the jacuzzi and steam room. I eat the best food. I look younger than my age and I want to keep looking young and healthy.. life is a gift I enjoy every day!
Why is Wales still colony of England? Why are Welsh being denied freedom to speak? Why is Welsh not allowed to govern themselves from English Empire?
Jun 27th, 2012 - 01:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0Soon Britain will be divided and ruled. We have special team in Britain to work on division! Do the maths! Your power will be broken! Divided and ruled!
@101 Filippo,
Jun 27th, 2012 - 05:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0Wales is not a colony of England.
Once, long ago, England had a Welsh King.
So you might say that England was then a colony of Wales.
Where is this English Empire that you talk about?
Have l missed something?
Do we own land that we don't know about?
Filippo, do your parents know that you're still awake?
What about school, tomorrow, that is today?
Get to bed right now, niño.
101 Filippo (#)
Jun 27th, 2012 - 10:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0You are such a funny chap Filippo, I am a Welshman and proud British Citizen, there is no division. We are a diverse island nation with fantastic history that shaped us and made us what we are today. When the Normans invaded, they found the Welsh a troublesome lot and had to build huge castles to protect their conquests, however, following all kinds of wars and power struggles through the ages, a union was made that created the United Kingdom. Even with a devolved Scottish and Welsh aspect to govern outside of London, this union is still very strong. You will always have the fanatics, but, most people in the UK are happy to be the best of friends so there is no 'divide and rule', just recognition that we are blessed with a unique blend of people created from a rich history that makes us Great Britain. Sadly, Argentina, has no such history and pretends to be able to shake it with the big boys and look foolish in the process.
Please join this new fb page - Falkland Islands Desire The Right - dedicated to Falkland Islands current affairs, keeping the islands free and poking fun at the loonacy of the Argentine government and their various claims and their internet trolls - https://www.facebook.com/Britain1592
Jun 27th, 2012 - 03:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I have a unique British perspective on the Falklands/Malvinas. I am a democrat, and I don't see why the principle of self determination should not prevail in a broad sense. But if the Falkland Islanders are proud to be British, they need to accept a few home truths about how a mainland UK perspective can differ from their own British perspective. Firstly, not every Brit loves Lady Thatcher, their liberator. Secondly, who on the British Mainland wants to see British business interests severely damaged in Latin America.
Jun 30th, 2012 - 06:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0For this reason, some compromise on behalf of the Falkland Islanders would be desirable. They need to start giving us Mainland Brits some consideration as well as their own needs. Any compromise could be difficult to achieve for as long as Mrs Kirchner remains in power. But I say that one day the British and Argentine Governments should get to the negotiating table with a view towards splitting the islands into separate Argentinian and British territories as part of a lasting settlement.
The smaller islands aside, the archipelago has 2 main islands- West Falkland (Gran Malvina) and East Falkland (Isla Soledad). Over two thirds of the Kelpers (Falkland natives) are resident on East Falkland, of which the vast majority reside in the Capital, Port Stanley. It is also on East Falkland (the island which happens to be the furthest away from Argentina) where RAF Mount Pleasant is located.
The West Falkland Island by comparison has only about 200 residents, of which half live in Port Howard (the main settlement). Putting that into perspective, we are talking about an area similar in size to North Wales yet half of the population size to that of the Village of Ince Blundell on Merseyside! We could simply agree to a leaseback agreement with Argentina on West Falkland (and surrounding islands) and also those islands further south like South Sandwich Island which have no native population, whilst retaining British Sovereignty over East Falkland (an
@105 AndyWatto,
Jun 30th, 2012 - 09:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0How would you like to sit at the negotiating table & give half your house to a johnny-come-lately who has no legal, moral or valid claim upon it?
You don't use that half of your house much & perhaps you can lease it back from him.
You know what you can do with your crazy(unoriginal)idea, don't you?
Thankfully you don't speak for most British people.
You do realise that not only would it be capitulation to an aggressive, belligerent, immoral country, but it would only whet their appetite.
What makes you think that they would be satisfied with only half of what they want?
Then, their bases would be right on our doorstep.
How easy to invade East Falkland.
No, mate, l don't think much of your idea at all.
But l bet the RGs would love it.
@105 I think you'll find that there were rather more people involved in the Liberation of the Falkland Islands than just Lady Thatcher. Some died for that liberation, for example Capt Gavin Hamilton GH and SAS (since you mention Port Howard). Liking or not the Prime Minister at the time hardly enters into it. Secondly, you seem content to want to buckle under to threats. I don't and I suspect I'm not alone. You won't get much sympathy for British Interests in Latin America either. There is nothing new that wasn't known 30 years ago - plenty of time to analyse the risk and get out. So, all in all a rubbish idea.
Jun 30th, 2012 - 09:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Commenting for this story is now closed.
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