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Moyano says unions will have their own stats office to keep track of inflation

Tuesday, July 17th 2012 - 04:47 UTC
Full article 23 comments

Argentina’s organized labour CGT leader Hugo Moyano began on Monday his new term at the helm of the umbrella union organization and once again targeted the government of President Cristina Fernandez promising to set up his own Indec (stats office) to measure inflation. Read full article


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  • LEPRecon

    Seems Cristina's competition is getting wise to her 'economic model'.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Xect

    Ah yes the 'economic model' that has been so successful lol! I think they just need another default so it can be 'successful' again for a few more years......

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • British_Kirchnerist

    Evil corrupt clown, he's now so clearly aligning with the right, from his absurd attempt to set up another private INDEC (isn't that supposed to be illegal!) to his alliance with the conservative pro-austerity Scioli. “But despite his good will” the article says, making Cristina look like the unreasonable one, what transparent bias! Its Cristina who is showing good will, her speech is so much more realistic and left wing than his bluster! Keep going my Queen, the real left love you and support you all the way against this mafia man

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 11:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    @3 oh god, you havent been taking your tablets again.

    Why wont CFK talk to the elected head of a union? he has said he is willing to talk. Come on, give peace a chance? Instead she will only talk to a union leaders which is aligned with her so that she isnt made to look like the complete tit she actually is.

    It is however very telling that even the left wing unions are now challenging the government on inflation which BK hurts the poor the hardest.

    I wish you would stop calling CFK left wing, she is a Peronist, the words peronist and left wing are at odds with each other. I will challenege you again as i have many times (you always ingore the request) to explian to me how Peronism started and how you believe it to be a left wing political ideology.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 12:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    4 EnginnerAbroad (#)

    I've said a thousand times on these threads that peronism in ALL its forms is NOT an ideology, it is an operating system designed to accumulate power.

    Kretina is a very good example of power accumulation, having outdone even Fester who was pretty good at it.

    As far as being left-wing, that is the most ridiculous statement ever made, if peronism improved the lot of the poor it would drive itself out of business. If it doesn't have the poverty stricken voter base it is out of power!!!!!

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 01:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    You will never convince BK that his idol is anything other than the fantasy he has weaved. It is like telling a Malvanista that there are no Malvinas outside of their indoctrinated minds or telling a small child there is no Santa Claus.

    How anyone could call CFKC's kleptocracy 'left-wing' or 'working for the poor' is a mystery. Like all exploiters CFKC uses every trick to convince her poor and under-educated voting base that she can realise their dreams and give them a better life. (Thus she uses the mythical Malvinas as an emotive tool). The reality is as Simon stated, she doesn't want her voting base to work, aquire a home and stability, or become educated and free-thinking because then they would question her methods and not need her handouts of free microwaves, food parcels, bribes and false hope. She deliberately betrays them by keeping them impoverished, stupid and beholden to her so she can keep what she wants, power and the money she should be spending creating jobs. The woman is a monster.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 02:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Iron Man

    @6 Spot on and well expressed. Not a unique model for grabbing and holding on to power but she executes it very well. In particular, her use of the state apparatus for propaganda purposes is particularly strong, as well as threatening to lock up anyone who exposes her lies, sorry 'inflation figures'.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 02:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    7 Iron Man (#)

    Add to that her use of the AFIP as a type of Gestapo, as in the case of Toselli who gave his opinion that the real estate market was going down the tubes and was immediately closed down by the Geheimstaatspolizie for not having presented his tax form since 2007.

    Adolf would be proud of Kretina.

    Appologies to Godwin.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 03:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • British_Kirchnerist

    #4 I don't remember being challenged to give a history of Peronism before, but here goes. It has always been a contradictory movement, Juan was indeed impressed by Mussolini but also influenced in his first term by his more genuine wife Evita and even more importantly by the working class movement that had sprung him from jail and put him in power. The 18 years of exile and the banning by a series of military and even civilian regimes of the countries most popular political movement only made its appeal stronger - and its membership more diverse. So by the time Peron came back in 1973 his followers were so divided they started killing each other at the welcome home demonstration. Specifically they included everything from left wing guerillas to civilian leftists like Nestor and Cristina to conservatives and centrists to fascists and dark forces like Lopez Vega (Moyano's mentor I think). Sadly peron and even more so his politically useless final wife Isabel sided with the right and began the dirty war even before the 1976 coup. When Peronism was voted back in in 1989 with Menem it was again the right of the movement that held sway, this time leading on the privatisation of assets rather than the liquidation of activists. But the left of Peronism reasserted itself after the failure of Menem's model with the election of Nestor. Since then the Nestor and Cristina governments have increasingly deepened the left orientation of the country in alliance with a whole continent moving left. One final note - Nestor especially in the early days was keen on building “transversal” support for his model both within and outside Peronism. That project seemed to stall somewhat after the farmers crisis of 2008. I think now or soon would be a good time to revive it. Kirchnerism and Cristinismo today are more meaningful political terms than the cath all peronism which also includes much of the opposition and the vile Moyano

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 03:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    governments have increasingly deepened the left orientation of the country in alliance with a whole continent moving left.

    What is your definition of Whole Continent?

    What a deluded fool you are....

    Gosh I love coming here on breaks it really makes my day go by fast...

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 03:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tobers

    This is not the first time -BK- has accused Mercopress of being biased.

    1/Teach us about unbiased balanced thinking BK. Please do.

    2/Mercopress doesn't owe you a thing

    3/ Your a tit

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    @9 what you missed out was that Peron served as part of the 1943 Milatry government of Genral Rawson which seized power as part of a milatry coup.

    You also seemed to shy away from refering to him by his milatry title. As part of the Argetnine milatry in the 1940's Peron was part of an organsiation heavily influenced by German imigrants and as such supported European facism. You mention he was impressed by Mussolini but failed to state that he was keen supporters of Nazi Germany(Argentina did not get involved in the second world war and harboured German ships in the Rio de La Plata (Battle of the Rio de la Plata, 1939). There is also no coisedence that in Perons first term 1946–1952 a huge number of Nazi war criminals were given haven in Argentina. There is a huge deal of evidence that Peron was a facist and therefore right wing by deffintion. If he was left wing he would of leant towards communist ideals and not facists. You say the right side of the movment. Peronism is right wing it is facist. I.e. one strong leader should be allowd to make the best decison for the country. This is also the attitude of CFK and the late Nestor. i.e. not question me, I know best.

    I find it hard to beleive that you can state that a government is left wing when it refuses to acknolleg the elcted leader of a union, lets inflation spiral out of control and does not actuall do anything to make the lives of its people any better. Peronsim is all about asserting control over the people and projecting a false front to increase power within its political base. Like Elaine B said above they give people just enought to keep them relient on the government for survival rather than giving them the op
    oportuinities to rise out of poverty.

    Peronism is designed to allow leaders to steal public funds for themseslves. Millions went misisng from the Foundation which bore her name. CFK has got over 800% richer since comming to power. the people have got poorer. At least 22% poorer due to inflatio

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    Go on Engineer

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:10 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tobers

    Spelling error. Im dreadfully sorry.

    3/-You're- a tit

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:15 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad

    Sorry the foundation I refer to is the Evita Peron Foundation.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    If Eva Peron had not died so young she would have been exposed for what she really was - not all bad but not a saint by any stretch of the imagination. I have written at length about her before so won't repeat it here.

    Juan Peron was an openly fascist leader. He didn't hide his admiration for Mussolini or Hitler (though he was less vocal about it when he realised Germany were losing the war). He also knew he needed a cause to unite a very disparate and bickering country. He chose to re-write the history of Argentina and The Falklands, launching the great myth of The Malvinas - even he was surprised at how the Argentines swallowed it whole. I guess people believe what they want to believe and don't want facts to get in the way of a good story.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Truth_Telling_Troll


    Kinda like the story of British politeness. Another of the world's great fables.

    At least this website exposes it for the minuscule number of non-brits who read the commentary.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • EnginnerAbroad


    now now we are not all inpolite.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @4 Peronism -
    @11 I have to criticise you. “Your a tit” isn't correct. The proper phrase is “You're a tit”. Being an abbreviated form for “You are a tit”.
    @17 Oh no. It's not a fable. Our troops always say “May we shove our bayonet here?” The problem is that there's nobody left to attest to this courtesy. We are also big on “Do you mind drowning?” Then there's “Can your aircraft fly without wings?” Then there's the Gurkha approach. “This is a kukri. Now you see it. Now you don't. Ooops, is your head supposed to drop off like that, sahib?” See how polite we are? Of course, there is the other approach based on the people (?) they are dealing with. The approved approach with argies is to drop the trousers and underwear, bend forward whilst jamming the argie face into the a*s crack. Then excrete. Preferably a runny version with odour and sound effects. Argies appreciate diarrhoea. Because they are and like to be full of it.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Condorito

    I’m happy to see that a communist like BK criticising the unions.
    He is not so blinkered after all.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Tobers

    I and many others been saying that CFK et al are stupid and inept but really these are not the issues. Though certainly they are ubber corrupt -egotistical, beligerent people and exactly the type of people that society doesn't need in charge.

    Their actions seem idiotic but they are just doing what they need to do.
    Its absolutely not in their interests that industry and the economy flourishes - if they cant control it. They sabotage what they cant control.
    Hence all the industry and trade barriers, restrictions and destabilization - increasingly so as the economy grows.

    Peronism is a cycle of boom and bust. It uses nationalism to justify its control over everything . -Look what we are doing for you people!- they cry frequently. The government takes all the credit for the boom and then blames the bust when they sabotage the economy (as it gets too large) on everything under the sun except themselves. Nationalism is also used to instill hope in the masses and the cycle starts again and thus peronism remains.

    The trick with peronism is to maintain the illusion that there is a constant struggle that all are Argentines are involved in (against the numerous enemies) BUT that they are winning.

    Of course most gringo political systems arent exactly anything to write home about either. But in comparison...

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LightThink

    All written are not true about Peron also compiled from popular media.
    in Argentina never used ...ism .. adjuncts.
    showing to us how you are far from Argentina.
    keep on twaddle............lets keep on laugh...............

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 06:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    .lets keep on laugh...yeah lets.

    $6.78/1 I am laughing!! As I said 7/1 eom July a few months back and all the RGs called me a liar...

    As I said before Rgs better go out and buy laundry detergent, sugar and coffee. I bet that has a better % rate of return in the next 12 months than anything else you can easily get your hands on and store.

    Jul 17th, 2012 - 09:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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