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Penguins, whales and Antarctic species have found a powerful friend: DiCaprio

Tuesday, October 23rd 2012 - 22:29 UTC
Full article 6 comments
The Hollywood star is urging CCAMLR for a Southern Ocean marine sanctuary The Hollywood star is urging CCAMLR for a Southern Ocean marine sanctuary

Leonardo DiCaprio urged a high-level Antarctic conservation meeting in Australia on Tuesday to approve a sweeping Southern Ocean marine sanctuary to protect thousands of polar species.

The Hollywood star wrote an email to supporters of activist group Avaaz calling for a ‘people-powered surge’ in favour of the sanctuary, which is headlining talks at the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).

The key theme of the 2012 CCAMLR summit, which officially opened in Hobart on Tuesday, is the establishment of a representative system of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean as proposed by Australia, France and the EU.

CCAMLR is considering four proposals to protect up to 2.4 million square kilometres of reserves, creating the world's largest marine protection area. A deadline of 2012 was set in 2005 and a consensus will need to be found by November first.

The region is home to big populations of penguins, seals and whales found nowhere else on Earth and also have unique seafloor features that nurture early links in the food chain, according to environmental groups.

DiCaprio said most countries backed a marine haven off East Antarctica which, if approved in the size being advocated by green groups, would be the world’s largest ocean sanctuary sprawling over an area twice the size of India.

“But Russia, South Korea and a few others are threatening to vote it down so they can plunder these seas now that others have been fished to death” he said, advocating an online petition with more than 842,000 signatures.

‘The whales and penguins can’t speak for themselves, so it’s up to us to defend them. Let’s change negotiators’ minds with a massive wave of public pressure.’

Made up of 24 countries and the European Union, CCAMLR was established in 1982 with the goal of conserving marine life and the food chain in Antarctic waters.

The Commission permits fishing provided it is carried out ‘in a sustainable manner and takes account of the effects of fishing on other components of the ecosystem’.

DiCaprio said climate change was already reducing many creatures’ habitats and industrial fishing would further reduce their chances of survival, urging against dilution or delay of the sanctuary proposals currently before CCAMLR.

“The future of the Southern Ocean is in our hands” said DiCaprio. “Let’s unleash a massive surge of global pressure and ensure governments don’t put profits before our planet”.

Categories: Environment, International.

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  • Pirat-Hunter

    Well maybe DiCaprio can tell the british illegal aliens to stop polluting islands Malvinas Argentina and go home. If the pirates really wants to protect start protecting not doing a lip job to murderous english people. But we know who DiCaprio is pulling for will fix our differences when I find him, I will love to see what he has to say face to face. Lol

    Oct 23rd, 2012 - 10:45 pm 0
  • Ayayay

    He's said, Ayayay

    Oct 23rd, 2012 - 11:45 pm 0
  • Conqueror

    See 1. This from a scruffy, unwashed, argie faggot who doesn't have the “honesty” to live and pay taxes in his own “country”. He's obviously fled his “country” to live in one established by the British Empire and is glad and proud of its British connections and traditions. Except for Quebec. Has this argie misfit (tossed off a number of websites) decided to live in that quasi-French tolerated province? No. He's in Ontario. Right on the Canadian/U.S. border. Good for wetbacks!

    Oct 24th, 2012 - 11:52 am 0
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