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Malvinas War families’ commission honours benefactor of Argentine memorial in Falklands

Thursday, November 1st 2012 - 06:20 UTC
Full article 51 comments
Eduardo Eunekian during the ceremony at the Malvinas memorial in Buenos Aires Eduardo Eunekian during the ceremony at the Malvinas memorial in Buenos Aires

The Commission of Malvinas War Families paid homage to Argentine businessman Eduardo Eunerkian who has always been close to the organization and financed the construction of the Memorial at the Argentine cemetery in the Falkland Islands.

The mother of one of the soldiers buried at the Memorial in Darwin said the simple but moving event was an “act of homage and gratitude” to Mr. Eunerkian for two reasons.

“On the one hand because Eurnekian made his the pain and grief of so many families and this was in tune with the people; secondly because one must have a lot of courage and moral integrity to challenge those whom from very high positions, pretend a systematic oblivion of our sacrifices”, said the mother who spoke in the name of those killed during the 1982 conflict.

The event took place at Plaza San Martín to remember all the Argentine combatants that lost their lives in the 74-day war, following the invasion of the Falklands by Argentine forces. The square in downtown Buenos Aires has a memorial to the Malvinas war dead with a wall engraved with the names of all those who never returned.

“I want to honour the fallen in the defence of our (Malvinas) Islands and very especially you, the next of kin, the families who have dedicated thirty years of your lives not only to honour them, but to help keep alive that flame of sovereignty”, said Eurnekian.

Further on he stated the commemoration was not a homage to him, “it is an acknowledgement to all the fallen in the war, it is to them that the honouring must be addressed. That is the idea of a cenotaph with first names and sir names, so we can feel they are there”.

Following the ceremony in a brief exchange with the press, Eunerkian said that the commitment to the Malvinas cause “is born automatically from the moment of conception”.

He explained that as “an Argentine there is no need for any Argentine to ponder whether he has an interest or not for the Malvinas Islands. Secondly because when you have witnessed the circumstances of the struggle to recover them, it is evident one participates and gets emotive about the objective”.

But, “about the methodology I will not comment, but of the objective there is no doubt that all Argentines yearn that one day the Malvinas are again Argentine”.

Eduardo  Eurnekian is head of Corporacion America, a powerful Argentine holding with interests in airports, public works, energy, agro business and services. One of his latest projects is the construction of a tunnel under the Andes to link the Atlantic with the Pacific oceans.

Categories: Politics, Argentina.

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  • Boovis

    Ah, so it wasn't our of respect for the dead, it was just to push forward the political agenda regarding their sovereignty claim. Fair enough, anyone might get confused and mix the two subjects up but now it's nice and clear, it's just small willy syndrome at play again.

    Nov 01st, 2012 - 06:42 am 0
  • LEPRecon

    Someone ought to explain to him that you can't recover something that never belonged to you, you can only try to steal it.

    Also those men didn't die in the defence of Argentine land, they died because the Argentine government tried to steal someone else's land, murder the population and distract the general public from the mess it had made of the economy.

    They died because the Argentine government refused to follow a legally binding resolution to remove the troops from the Falklands. They died because the Argentine government underestimated Britains determination to protect its people and territory.

    Basically those men died because of the hubris and arrogance of the Argentine government.

    It's nice that they're getting a memorial, but as always the Argentines don't know when to put politics aside and just remember their fallen.

    On another note. Why has this been left up to a businessman to pay for this memorial? Why hasn't the Argentine government paid for it?

    Nov 01st, 2012 - 07:18 am 0
  • Orbit

    @2 An understanding of the forces at work here could be rapidly assimilated with a cursory glance at the bidding process for these “public works” projects.

    Nov 01st, 2012 - 08:44 am 0
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