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Only 15% of Argentines believe Falklands should decide their future but in UK, 88%

Saturday, March 9th 2013 - 22:58 UTC
Full article 53 comments

Only 15% of Argentines think Falkland Islanders should have a say in their own future, and a quarter still believe that the islands will one day be governed from Buenos Aires, but in the UK, 88% of British people said the Islanders should have a say on who ruled them. Read full article


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  • CaptainSilver

    Lots of RGs are going to be very disappointed on Tuesday. They are stuffed...

    Mar 09th, 2013 - 11:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • screenname

    Given the very multicultural nature of the UK and the lack of general education on the matter 88% is not that surprising, but I am surprised that even 1% of the UK would put the Falklands as the most important international issue affecting the UK. With defences in place, it is simply a none story and thus any actions by the British government regarding the Falklands are not exercises in winning votes or distracting the public from other issues, but just trying to do the right thing by the people concerned.

    With 15% of Argentinians saying the Falklanders should have a say, and 59% saying they should not, it would be interesting to know where the other 26%'s opinions lie. The fact that over 40% believe the Falklanders should have some sort of say in their own future is at least one positive for the Argentinians to build on: There is hope for them yet.

    Mar 09th, 2013 - 11:24 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Cogitator

    Leaving emotions, wishes and phantasies aside, the Falklands' Britishness is recurrently discovered after a cautious philosophical research.


    Mar 09th, 2013 - 11:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    The poll is not very representative, because the people living in Britain would say at the moment that the economic crisis, unemployment or government spending cuts are the number one issue.

    However, if Argentina was to make moves to invade the Falklands, the Islands would become the number one issue with nearly 100% of those in Britain behind it.

    Any British Government that allowed the Argentines to invade the Falkland Islands again would not remain in office very long. Furthermore, Britain would spend any cost and go to any length to free the Falkland Islanders and bring the islands back under their control.

    Argentina needs to be made aware, that they will NEVER be able to take the Islands by force and get away with it. There are millions of British who would gladly defend the Falkland Islanders rights to remain in their islands and pay the ultimate price in blood.

    We are not just defending the Islands, we are defending a national identity that has lasted 2 thousand years.

    We are British, we are proud to be British and we will defend the British on British sovereign soil.

    Mar 09th, 2013 - 11:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    Less people in Argentina think more of the economy than think the Falklands is more important.

    What a bunch of uneducated people there are in AR.

    Even with 40% in favour of self determination it leaves 60% don't or don't know or don't care.

    If TMBOA does manage an invasion or some other military stunt, the UK government have a clear manadate to destroy the infrastructure of the whole of AR.

    Most of the posters today on Clarin are calling for outright war against the Islands. Given the slightest provocation by AR we should give it them and make sure they understand they brought it on themselves.

    These people think the UK is a pushover because of the antics of Cameron and OBahma, they need to see first hand what shock and awe is in order to stop them in their tracks for a century or more.

    By then the Falklands will be more than a match for a bunch of has-beens.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • andy65


    rejecting the referendum on the sovereignty of the Falklands, to be held tomorrow and Monday, a group of senators from several parties requested a special session in the Senate to vote on a declaration against the election of the islanders.

    The order is signed by the senators of the Front for Victory Miguel Angel Pichetto and Daniel Filmus, the radical Ernesto Sanz, Rubén Giustiniani santafesino PAF, and Jaime Linares, of GEN.

    “The referendum this weekend is a new political action advertising nature concocted by the UK”, today questioned Filmus, who chairs the Foreign Relations Committee.

    “We denounce the trap that hides the appearance of 'popular participation' in the case of a people implanted. This stunt has no validity to international law legislation,” said Filmus. Not yet confirmed the date for the special meeting of the Senate.

    The draft resolution rejected the announcement of the UK to hold a referendum to the people living in the Falkland Islands and notes that the referendum “has no basis or validation under international law because it is contrary to the whole Assembly issued Resolution General and Decolonization Committee of the United Nations. ”

    “These actions not only injure the legitimate rights of Argentina, but of many of the countries and peoples of South America,” concluded Filmus.

    The call was rejected in Malvinas by Argentina's ambassador in Britain, Alicia Castro. “The people who live in the Falklands are civil and political rights, but do not have the right to resolve the sovereignty dispute between Argentina and the UK,” said the diplomat.

    Foreign Minister Héctor Timerman issued in recent days booked a cable to all Argentine embassies to try to neutralize the impact of the vote at the international level, as published THE NATION. He not only explained the various embassies fundamentals “illegitimate referendum” to be made in the islands, but also gave an “instructive” designed to counter the po

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • womble

    I think a mistake many are making is turning the referendum into an anti-Argentina fest, rather than something positive for the Falklands.

    A bit like the English-haters in the Scottish referendum.

    Change your country because you want to; not because you don't like the neighbours....

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund

    When your only defence is to claim that your opponents have no right to their opinion, you have really forfeited all right to be taken seriously by anybody.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    INDEC statistics for Argentina
    - always to be trusted: Inflation 2012 was 10,1 percent.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • malicious bloke

    Other people will say various things I agree with and various campora employees will spout their usual bilge on this thread so I can't really be arsed.

    One thing I will point out is that the flag that some argtard is burning in the featured picture is wrong. The St Patrick's cross pinwheels around the inner edge of the white bars of the St Andrew's cross, it doesn't fill the centre of it.

    Therefore “full argtard” flagburning savages have picked on the wrong (and likely nonexistent) nation to insult.

    Polite notice: if you burn the wrong flag, it isn't an insult to your intended victim.

    It'd be like taking a flag with stars and stripes with a blue top left corner and burning it to express your hatred of americans, but being argtards you accidentally burn the one with a star and crescent motif instead of 50 stars and only end up annoying

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:20 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Justthefacts

    The sad irony is, as anyone who has ever travelled in Argentina knows, is that ordinary Argentine people value the concept of 'liberty' very highly; it is ingrained throughout their culture and celebrated in countless memorials, plazas etc. They only value it for themselves though, and don't seem to see the double standard in trumpeting about liberty and democratic freedoms whilst simultanously holding the desire to invade and enslave another people.

    On a personal level, the average Argentinian is warm, friendly, and a pleasure to have in one's company; and yet most seem to support the constant bullying and harrassment of the Falkland Islanders and would like to see more misery inflicted upon them.

    Part of this however comes from a widespread sincere belief that the Falklands truly are stolen Argentine territory, but here lies another perplexing question; all Argentinians know that thier government blatently lies to them about inflation, security, corruption and just about any other topic imaginable, and yet despite this, most never question what they have been/are being told about the Falklands.

    Even as someone who has spent a lot of time in Argentina and holds a deep affection for the place, I have to confess I just don't get it.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • andy65

    @St.John +20 would be more realistic

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:29 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    @11 'On a personal level, the average Argentinian is warm, friendly, and a pleasure to have in one's company; '
    Hitler liked dogs and children... he was still a crunt.
    ' yet most seem to support the constant bullying and harrassment of the Falkland Islanders and would like to see more misery inflicted upon them. '
    Which is why I find it very difficult to enjoy the company of Argentinians.... its a bit like being in the company of a personable brainwashed fascist goon.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:49 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • British_Kirchnerist

    I know I don't come here that much, or at all really, but I saw this brilliant article and thought it might be good to share with the Islanders on here as they prepare to vote...

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 01:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest

    BK, who wrote that article, Thinkedover ???

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 01:14 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • kelperabout

    The exact same feelings of the Falkland Islanders. Yes there are a lot of people in Argentina that support our rights to choose our way of life but given that in 1982 100% of Argentines supported the dictators when they invaded us shows that we Islanders should never trust them ever again. It does not matter how many times they suggest we could again share their lifestyle what they did to us as a people is unforgivable and they will pay for that for ever.

    The Falkland will one day become independent I have no doubt but by then they will be the richest on the planet and will be able to afford the high level of protection they will need to make sure that Argentina never ever tries to take their homeland from them.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 01:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Paragon

    @11, I like you have spent a lot of time in Arg over the years both in the north and in Patagonia and used to think like you “ I just didn't get it ”. The average Arg is well aware of the corruption, manipulation of inflation figures, corrupt police, and general mismanagement of just about everything caused by the greasing of palms, channeling of public funds for personal use etc. But the Falklands is a different story caused by “ brainwashing ” at school and throughout their school days constantly. So by the time they reach adulthood they are competely convinced Argentina was “ robbed” It has been like this since the time of Juan Peron and nothing has changed even today, and is made even worse by Government controlled Television who keep the subject constantly in the publics mind, not just Kirchner but De La Rua, and Menem before them.The 82 invasion may have come as a surprise to most people but for the average Argentine at the time the only surprise was that the Military Dictatorship had the balls to do it

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 01:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    Oh dear
    Some Argies are upset, CFK is climbing the walls,

    The Argies like to talk
    They like to brag
    They like threaten
    They like to bully
    They like to intimidate,
    To the world, they like to talk and talk until their jaws hurt,

    They say anything to rubbish the referendum, and her bloggers agree,
    Every time her tongue wiggles her bloggers think she is a walking talking goddess,

    But hey, lets face facts here,
    There is nothing, but nothing she can or will do anything about it,
    We know this, and the world knows this,
    Argentina is nothing, full stop.


    Mar 10th, 2013 - 01:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • toooldtodieyoung

    16 kelperabout

    “The Falkland will one day become independent I have no doubt but by then they will be the richest on the planet”

    I hope so, I truely hope so. I hope that this referendum will be the dawn of a new age for the falkland islanders and that, from this moment on, they go from strength to strength.

    It's about time that the world heard their voice and they managed to do this AAANNNDDDDD show Argentina up for the bullies that they are.

    Once the whole World has heard their voice, I hope that they start to listen to them as well.

    god speed

    the UK

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:11 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Frank

    @16 'in 1982 100% of Argentines supported the dictators when they invaded us'

    and the only reason they were kicked out of power was that they lost the war.

    Just think, if they had held the Falklands the generals may still have been in power today and where would all these yappy peronistas be now if that was the case?

    Skydiving over the Rio de la Plata I guess....

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • WestisBest


    “When your only defence is to claim that your opponents have no right to their opinion, you have really forfeited all right to be taken seriously by anybody.”


    Outstanding Hans, I salute you.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • andy65

    @British_Kirchnerist, Believe me there is NO such thing as a British Kirchnerist no doubt you are like the other Argentine trolls that grace this forum who's familys have jumped ship (fled Argentina) for want of a better life,time you went back and help further feather the nest of the dear lady president the botox Queen

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @14 - BK

    So you've finally crawled back out from under your rock.

    The problem with people like you is that you don't believe in freedom. You said on another thread that the referendum would be valid if the Falklanders voted to be Argentinian, but not valid if they didn't.

    The hypocrisy of your statements, and the fact that you are a typical communist who believes in do as I say but not as I do, means that anything you actually post is meaningless.

    This poll shows one thing very clearly. British people value freedom and self-determination. Argentine people value dictatorship and slavery.

    So Argentina listen up. Britain is more than willing to fight to defend the Falkland Islands from your National Socialist dictatorship. We are willing to spill blood if necessary.

    The problem with people who don't believe in freedom is that they are rarely willing to spill blood (their own at least) to further their causes.

    This was shown in spades in 1982, when Argentina was given and damned good thrashing by the British.

    The British won't start a war over the Falklands. There's no need to, they're British, as recognised by the UN. But we will go to war to defend them. So if Argentina is stupid enough to try to repeat history by throwing aside peace in favour of war, then bring it on.

    This time the British will ensure that Argentina's military is no longer a threat of any kind to the Falkland Islanders, and we will destroy military targets in Argentina to achieve that goal.

    Freedom is a precious thing, and price of freedom is often paid in blood.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-33-uk

    See the full YOUGOV poll and the results below, there are some interesting answers...

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:27 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CJvR

    @14 - so communists are traitors, this have been known since Kuusinen.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:28 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Room101

    Have another cup of tea.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 09:40 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monkeymagic

    I've found a sensible Argentine

    Only one in a sea of brainwashed....but it's a start.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 09:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lord Ton

    So - 75% of Argentines do not elieve that the Falklands will ever be ruled by Buenos Aires ??

    Not so daft after all :-)

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 10:33 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    I'm not surprised at the findings of this poll, but I wonder if Simon68 is. A while ago I asked him about the true opinion in argieland about the Falklands. If I recall correctly he felt that more than 35% would be supportive of the Islanders. The question now is: Is there a percentage of argieland's population too scared to give their honest opinion? Are you there, Simon? What do you think now?
    @4,23 I fully support the views you have both expressed. I remember, in '82, the British people turned out in force to wish the Task Force well as it sailed for the South Atlantic. And they were there again to welcome the Task Force home. I don't remember argies doing anything like that. Of course, the argies sailed secretly in order to carry out there underhand plans. And then they didn't really want their defeated troops back. Says a lot about the difference between a real nation and a country of thieves and liars.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 10:35 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • MrFlagpole

    So 75% of argentines do not think they will ever have the falklands.

    things are looking up.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 11:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CaptainSilver

    Its all about statistics:

    In countries full of thieves you have to have grilles on all your windows

    In countries where everyone is a liar you cannot trust anyone

    In countries where no one cares the streets are full of rubbish

    In countries with rampant inflation everyone wants $$

    In countries where things are desperate people are obsessed with football to forget

    In countries that failed economically there are cartoneros

    In failed countries people live in tin shack villas

    Who wants to live like that?

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 12:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • jeffski

    Who gives a toss what the Argies think, these next two days will send out a clear and democratic message to the whole free world. All democratic country's will/should accept the islanders views & wishes for their future.

    Self determination as per the UN charter is for all people.

    All the best FALKLAND ISLANDERS.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    24% as most important issue in Argentina
    - Best case for settlers is control of lands maintained, but pariah status in S.Atlantic for at least a generation.
    Enjoy - you cost that flag you wave more in foreign relations and trade than you'll ever know. Keep it alllll for yourselves. Theres you loyalty.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 02:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    Pariah state for at least a generation, with a generations worth of oil and gas.

    Man, now that is what I call hardship. Hate to see what it's like when they are prosperous!

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 03:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    @ 16 kelperabout

    “The Falkland will one day become independent I have no doubt but by then they will be the richest on the planet and will be able to afford the high level of protection they will need to make sure that Argentina never ever tries to take their homeland from them.”

    I suggest you finance Pirate Hunter's Argentine designed and built nuclear defence.
    Then, if Argentina tries to attack the Falkland Islands again, they will blow themselves up :)

    @ 29 Conqueror
    “I'm not surprised at the findings of this poll, but I wonder if Simon68 is. A while ago I asked him about the true opinion in argieland about the Falklands. If I recall correctly he felt that more than 35% would be supportive of the Islanders.”

    A lot depends on where in Argentina the poll was conducted.
    Based on having lived almost 4 years in the provinces and conversations with friends there, I should say Simon is right, but Buenos Aires is another cup of tea.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:18 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirate Love

    15% to 88% a good indicator for both countries human rights beliefs, i think it is safe to say argentina is still knee deep in dictatorism with a lack of respect for others.
    why oh why is argentina still in the UN??? as they clearly they once again no longer believe overwhelmingly in basic UN principles to which it once had.


    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    @ 29 Conqueror

    “... Simon68 is. ... If I recall correctly he felt that more than 35% would be supportive of the Islanders.”

    If you look through the answers, the on page 5 you'll see that to the question “Which of these options do you think would be the fairest solution to the Falklands situation?” only 62% of the Argentines answered yes to “The Falklands becoming Argentine territory” - 7% don't know - the rest, 31% did not “vote” for the islands to become Argentine. Not exactly supportive, but also not very far from Simon68's feeling.

    Mar 10th, 2013 - 08:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Cestrian

    As always this is no more than Viveza Criolla from the RG's.

    They would laugh their backs off if their lies and deceit managed to price the Islands away. They will simply say, lie, deceive and do anything to get their own way.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 12:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Malvinero1

    Less people in Argentina think more of the economy than think the Falklands is more important.

    What a bunch of uneducated people there are in AR.

    AHAHAHAHA sure brits pirates.Just go to hell....Who cares about a terrorist criminal country like uk..

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 06:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • kelperabout

    One more day closer telling the world what we want and there is absolutly nothing Argentina can do about it. What a great feeling we little guys standing up to the Argentines . Time for Argentina to start acting like a Country and stop this stupid no win campaign against us. The wider world will be laughing at you more loudly after this evening.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 08:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Optimus_Princeps

    I thought it was higher than 15%. Hmm, I guess perceptions are different when you don't associate with La Campora retards.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 11:15 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Lara

    You are right ChrisR , people in Argentina think more of the economy than think the Falklands is more important.
    we are not a bunch of uneducated people. You don't know us. It's a big country. wiht many differents cultures and thoughts. And what you see and heard from newspapers or radios are politicians, it is not the whole country,it is not the voice of the people, this can be seen often misrepresented. Im from the northeast of Argentina and I think the Islands belongs to you. You would have to live here to realize that we will not go to war again.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 01:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CarolinaSM

    I think the referendum doesn't have any sense. If you are British and are proud of it, back to Britain!!
    The islands legally entitled to Argentina. I don't know if you do not recognize it because you are ignorant or becose defend the economic interests of his nation. Anyway, you always been a imperialist cuntry... the sad thing is that you are proud of it!

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 01:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    It is not for your benefit, so do not even try to make sense of it. I really love the way you people harp on about imperialism, where did your language, culture and traditions come from, the indians?

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 02:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Troy Tempest


    With respect Carolina, The Falklands have links to Britain going back to 1690, with a permanent unbroken multi-cultural community since 1833.

    That was long before there was an Argentina, founded in 1853.
    Before that, BsAs was part of the UP shared with Montevideo at the River Plate, over 1,000 miles away. Nothing to do with Argentina.

    A culture that is predominently British, the Falklands are not Argentine, but they might have been Independent by now if Argentina had not invaded in 1982. Now they need the British for protection.

    The Falklands enjoy close ties with the UK and they wish to keep it that way to preserve their way of life, not to mention their freedom.

    It may be hurtful for you to hear that they do not wish to be Argentine, sorry you felt snubbed.

    However, they need they Referendum to make their feelings clear to the rest of the world and counter Argentinas lies.

    - they ARE a people !
    - they are NOT prisoners of a military garrison
    - they ARE happy the way things are
    - they are HAPPY to have the British Armed Forces in their community

    - they are HAPPY they are NOT Argentine.

    Viva Falklands!!

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 02:52 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith

    @43 CarolinaSM

    The Falkland Islands do NOT legally belong to Argentina. As Troy points out, Argentina did not exist as a country until 1853, whilst the Falkland Islands have been British since 1690, 77 years before the Spanish arrived.

    The Falklands Crisis of 1770-1 proved that Spain & Britain both disputed the sovereignty to the Islands, however, Spain left the islands in 1811 & acknowledged British sovereignty in 1863.

    Furthermore, Argentina did not declare independence from Spain until 1816, by which time the Islands had been unoccupied by Spain for 5 years. When the Spanish left the Islands in 1811, they went to Montevideo, not to Buenos Aires.

    The United Provinces was well aware of the British & Spanish claims to the Islands. They tried to claim the territory for themselves in 1816, but were reluctant to send any administrative body or colony, because they knew that Britain, the nation that had just defeated Napoleon & Spain and the most dominant naval power in the world would return to the Islands to eject the UP colony.

    When Vernet built his colony on the Islands (with British permission) in 1826, the United Provinces considered that this would allow them to colonise the Islands without Britain being aware that UP was behind it. However, this failed when Vernet was appointed the military & civil commander & then pirated 3 American ships. This forced the intervention of the British Royal Navy to restore order and eject the illegal UP garrison.

    Despite claims by the Argentine Government, the United Provinces civilians were encouraged to stay on the islands and did so. They were joined by other civilians from all over the world, not just Britain.

    The current population is their descendants - the descendants of Vernet's colony and they have more right to be on the islands than any Argentine has to Argentina. They are not 'Implanted' as Buenos Aires claims.

    It's their land and they have the right to Self Determination as the United Nations stated.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 03:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    St.John and Conqueror,

    I appologise for not being present earlier than this, but now I'm here I'd like to say that the most significant figure in the YOUGOV poll is the 37% of Argentines that expect the most likely outcome of the Falklands dispute to be Britain retaining sovereignty over the Islands. This is in line with my estimate of 35% supporting the Islander's position, although the 62% who consider the fairest solution to be Argentine sovereignty shows that the educational brainwashing has been a great success!!!!!!!

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 04:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • DJ56

    Only 15% of Argentines believe Falklands should decide their future but in UK, 88%

    So who are the colonialists now?

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 04:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • CarolinaSM

    @ 44 Reality Check

    I really do not care where my culture comes ... I consider myself smart enough to think for myself and not continue with the traditions of my ancestors if I think they were negative. In my country, for example, the government massacred thousands of Indians and stole their land in 1800. I'm against it, and my roots are European ... Therefore, I disagree with what you say.

    For the rest, I will instruct you. Argentina became independent in 1816, not in 1853, the dispute over the islands dates from 1833.

    I leave some data that may be useful:
    Sea Convention

    The Sea Convention is a comprehensive document produced in the United Nations context, in 1982, dedicated to legislate and define the jurisdictions in the waters and seabed.
    The seabed is the natural prolongation of the land area and integrate the so-called continental margins, now covered by the sea. The Sea Convention has established a complex procedure for claiming those countries with sea coasts. It has been estimated that the territories that correspond to Argentina in this condition have an area of 2,500,000 square kilometers, being in this case, and according to the provisions of the Convention, over ocean areas belonging to the so-called “exclusive economic zone. ”
    The land area of the oceanic portion are obviously islands. In the case of Argentina is the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, and other minors. Are continental islands because in all cases emerge from platforms or continental margins.
    The islands have been usurped by the United Kingdom. The seabed and ocean masses are subject to the provisions of the Sea Convention.

    Finally, the Argentine government that invaded the islands was a dictatorial government, not elected by the people. Our village is peaceful, it is impossible that Argentina wants to recover the islands by a non-diplomat.

    PS: I regret my bad use of English .. I hope you can understand me. Best regards!

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 04:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent999

    49 CarolinaSM

    1982 In signing the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea some states (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, etc.) agreed to reduce their territorial seas to the 12 nautical miles agreed by the world community in 1982. Currently 130 states have limited their territorial seas to 12 miles in accordance with the Convention.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 06:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • nigelpwsmith


    Wrong again. As usual, the person from Argentina is lying through their teeth or totally ill-informed of actual history.

    On 9 July 1816, the United Provinces of South America declared independence from the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. Argentina did not declare independence, the United Provinces did.

    Each province then made claims for the territory of the viceroyalty. The Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata was one of these. However, this was not Argentina as a unified state.

    From 1816 to 1852 there were various conflicts now called the Argentine Civil Wars and the formation of the Argentine Confederation.

    However, it was not until 1853 that when the current constitution was written and Argentina became a state. The Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata did not join the Argentine Republic until 1862.

    The Argentine Republic as it exists today, did not exist until 1853. Legally it has only existed as a unified country since 1862.

    The British claim to the Falklands was first made in 1690. The United Provinces did not make a claim for the Falklands until June 1829 when they made Louis Vernet the civil & military commander.

    That means that Great Britain claimed the Falklands 139 years before the United Provinces, 77 years before the Spanish and 74 years before the French.

    The United Provinces disputed the British claim to the islands & lost in 1833.
    The Argentine Republic disputed the British claim to the islands & lost in 1982.


    Mar 11th, 2013 - 06:39 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • briton

    If you can claim something before you even existed, and thus claim it over 150 years later,

    Does that mean, that any new or future country that appears or becomes independent in the next 150 years in south America,
    [but obviously does not exist today, ]
    Can then have a legitimate claim on ARGENTINA ,

    CFK we await your reply
    Silly munchkins


    Mar 11th, 2013 - 08:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • St.John

    @ 49 CarolinaSM

    In 1816 Las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata declared independence, but it only lasted until 1820.

    From that year the landarea was independent, but what today is Argentina was split in several fractions, which can be compared to the several ‘länder’ in what became Germany in 1866, when Bismarck had fought a series of wars that united the German states except for Austria in ‘Norddeutscher Bund’.

    In 1820 began more than 40 years of civil war, where the united provinces were not united.

    In what is today the state of Argentina, as late as September 1859 there were:

    two capitals (Paraná and Buenos Ayres)
    two constitutions (1853 (La Confederación) and 1854 (Estado de Buenos Aires)
    two de facto presidents (Urquiza and Alsina)
    two senats
    two congresses

    The war between the Confederation and Buenos Aires lasted nearly a decade until, in the 2nd Battle of Cepeda (1859), the Argentine Confederation army defeated Estado de Buenos Ayres's army, following which Mitre ultimately abrogated the Pact of San José, leading to renewed civil war.

    These hostilities culminated in the 1861 2nd Battle of Pavón, and to victory on the part of Bartolomé Mitre and Buenos Ayres over Urquiza's national forces. President Santiago Derqui, who had been backed by Urquiza, resigned and the Argentine Confederation was replaced by the Argentine Republic on 17 December 1861.

    Spain did not accept Argentina’s independence until 9 July 1859, when the first “Tratado de Reconocimiento, Paz y Amistad Firmado por la Confederación Argentina con S.M. la Reina de España” was signed in Madrid.

    @ 51 nigelpwsmith

    Argentinos are tought the myth of a united Argentina since 1816 (or even 1810) in school and later in life, so go soft on them.

    Mar 11th, 2013 - 09:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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