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Falklands: Sierra Leone says self-determination is paramount and supports sending C24 mission to the Islands

Monday, June 24th 2013 - 03:03 UTC
Full article 57 comments

Sierra Leone, member of the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization maintained that the rights of the Islanders, present in the Falkland/Malvinas Islands for 180 years, should be paramount to any settlement and that self determination was the guiding principle of any resolution to the question. “There is no dispute that the people are the holders of the right to self-determination”. Read full article


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  • Terence Hill

    Finally a nation that is interested in for filling their legal obligation and not pandering to indoctrinated mantras.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Vote 1: Sierra Leone for the chair of C24.

    Finally someone with common sense. Can't wait to see how the words are twisted. I mean it's the specificity of the situation. Lol

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    The people of Sierra Leone understand what self determination is truly about, and they have shown the rest of the 'so-called- delegates up at the C24.

    The country of Sierra Leone has had a tumultuous past which began when the Royal Navy, who were intercepting slave ships on the way to the America's, set down at what is now called Freetown and set all the slaves free, mainly because most of the freed people didn't actually know what part of Africa they came from.

    Since it's independence from the British Empire, it had some problems, but guess what? The British went in and helped the government and people of Sierra Leone sort out those problems, and did so in a matter of months. The UN troops that had been in Sierra Leone for years hadn't actually done anything but line their own pockets.

    But the point is that the people of Sierra Leone truly understand how important self determination is, AND understand the true history of the Falklands and not Argentina's twisted and made up version of it.

    It's a pity some of the other members of the committee didn't bother to check up on this themselves.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:56 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • brit abroad

    I still dont understand ........ i have been informed many times now by timmerman that the “world” supports RG's claim????!!!!!

    Please someone explain, i mean i would hate to think that the RG's are exagerating/lying!!

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:37 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Musky

    Thank you Sierra Leone delegation.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    I expect the Argentines will accuse Sierra Leone of siding against' the world 'but it is clear here that they are neutral in terms of asking for negotiations between Argentina and the UK but with the Islanders present.

    As this guy points out, without the Islanders involved the 'dispute '(from Argentina's point of view,) will carry on forever, with the Islanders carrying on as usual whilst substituting further flung trade partners for Argentina. Some inconvenience to the Islanders, a massive loss of fiscal income for Argentina.

    It is good to see a delegation actually understands the role of the C24.

    But of course, Argentina insists that the 'whole of Africa 'supports its Imperial claim.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pirate Love

    “I am sure you will agree with me that subjecting peoples to alien domination constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights and violates the people’s right to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. There is no dispute that the people are the holders of the right to self-determination.”


    Jun 24th, 2013 - 09:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Biguggy

    “But of course, Argentina insists that the 'whole of Africa 'supports its Imperial claim.”
    Just another RG lie.

    Whilst I thank the Ambassador and his delegation I believe it would have been more forceful should he have referred to the Islanders as a 'population' and referenced GA Resolution 67/134.
    In my view said Resolution, which Argentina voted for, very clearly indicates that the Islanders do have the right to self determination Timberheads lies to the C24 Committee not withstanding.

    Thank you again Ambassador and your delegation.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 09:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    This will be praised by the Malvanistas as affirmation that the Islanders, like the Jews, aren't really people, and that Sierra Leone, like the rest of Africa, supports Argentinas claim to colonize the islands against the residing unpersons wishes.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 09:19 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Furry-Fat-Feck

    8 Biguggy (#)
    Jun 24th, 2013 - 09:00 am

    I am not sure how much difference it makes, you know Malvinistas. If you say the FI are a population the Malvies will say they are not a population they are a people and people are not entitled blah blah blah................. And if you say that they are a people the Malvies will say hey are not a people they are a population and populations are not entitled blah blah blah.............

    The Malvy argument is very fluid, utter nonsense of course but fluid nonetheless. It shifts and twists with the breeze. It is tailored to whomever they are addressing which is why it is also incoherent. I don't know who they think they are fooling but anybody who is fooled must have the mental capacity of a fruit pastel.

    Of course there are blind supporters and anybody with an axe to grind will automatically side with them no matter what the truth is, anything to get one over on the Brits. What I want to see is the UK tabling a motion at the UN declaring no confidence in C24. Have it wound up and reconstituted with people who know what it is for. If the current bunch of clowns want to form some kind of axis against fair play, common sense and the rule of law they can do it in their own time with their own money. Boycott the wasters.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 09:53 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Biguggy

    @ 10 Furry-Fat-Feck

    “What I want to see is the UK tabling a motion at the UN declaring no confidence in C24. Have it wound up and reconstituted with people who know what it is for.”

    Something like that may actually happen because:
    1. Quite obviously the C24 are not operating within their mandate.
    2. Paragraph 7 of GA Resolution was aimed directly at them and the best that they can come up with 'negotiations', give me a break.
    3. The Secretary General has warned them 'to get their finger out'.

    The C24's little 'resolution' is forwarded to the Fourth Committee (which consists, as do all 6 Committees, of all members of the UN) so should the UK delegation feel there is enough support of such a motion, or something similar, we may just see it happen particularly as the UK Govt. are now on record as stating that is 'irrelevant'.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 10:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    Now when the Botox Queen and Hector Simpleman make their 'just squatters' and 'implanted population' remarks they will look even more politically inept.

    Will the rest of the Argentine population begin to realize that they have been used and 'duped' by the 'Great Malvinas Lie.'

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 10:38 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Why would Argentina want a solution? They don't. With the country on a downhill spiral it is better to divert attention to the question of the FALKLANDS. They have for many years indoctinated their children ( whom I suppose have grown up ) to think that the FALKLANDS belong to them. It is good for the Government for this to be highlighted once again on the worlds stage.It will look good to the population of Argentina that the government are doing something. They will of course have to address the problems in Arg at some stage though.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 11:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • inthegutter

    As good news as this is, it won't change anything. The Argentines (and the Campora muppets who frequent this website) will just claim they support the self-determination of the Islanders, just not on the Islands.

    As others have mentioned the Falkland Islands debate will never go away, Argentina will never it take it to the ICJ because (1) they know they will lose and (2) they'd have nothing to distract the population from when the economy spirals further down.

    All that will happen is that Argentina will continue its belligerent attitude towards the Islanders in attempt to squeeze them out. I'd be interested to hear any other pro-active suggestions?

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 11:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • El capitano

    Oh oh...the writing is on the wall Arjuntina,once your so called support starts to slip away it aint long before its ALL GONE...!!

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 01:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Devolverislas

    Just one representative at last week’s meeting of the Special Committee on Decolonization supported the UK position on the Falkland Islands/Malvinas. The other 13 representatives who spoke all supported Argentina.

    It would seem that while Sierra Leone delegate Ambassador & Deputy Permanent Representative Osman Kamara is well informed regarding resolution 637 (VII) of December 1952, resolution 637 (VII) & article 73 (b) of the Charter of the United Nations, he has not the same grasp of resolution 2065 (XX) Question of the Falkland Islands/Malvinas of December 1965 and subsequent resolutions which apply specifically to the islands. None of these sanction the right of self-determination for the islanders. It is a fine, but important detail. How was he to know, when the islanders themselves and the British Government work so hard at sustaining the myth of self-determination?

    Can we now look forward to Mercopress publishing a report on all those 13 speeches from representatives supporting Argentina?

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 03:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanGabriel

    @16 he is probably well acquainted with UNSCR 2065 as it involved providing support for Sierra Leone in the run up to their free and democratic elections

    He is probably less acquainted with general assembly resolutions say little and mean even less.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 03:51 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @14 First suggestion. Discussions between LAN, the Chilean government, the Falkland Islands government and the British government. Objective: for the Chilean parties to agree that the LAN flight will skirt argie airspace and will have a Chilean or RAF combat aircraft escort. No stop at Rio Gallegos.
    Second suggestion. Exclusion of all argie nationals with a residence in argieland from the Falkland Islands. No exceptions for ANY reason.
    Third suggestion. Exhumation of all argie corpses from the argie “war cemetary”. To be loaded to a container and dropped off on an argie beach somewhere. Followed by reclamation of the land.
    Fourth suggestion. Increased Royal Air Force and Royal Navy presence and patrols. An unequivocal joint British/Falkland Islands statement that any intrusion into the Falklands EEZ will be considered hostile and met with appropriate deadly force. In other words, anything, civil, commercial, private, military, can be captured, forced down, seized, shot down or sunk. Just an argie vessel or aircraft approaching a British, Falkland Islands or authorised “foreign” aircraft or vessel to be justification for British defensive action.
    Fifth suggestion. A possible increase in the RAF/RN presence. Upgrade the current Typhoon “flight” to a squadron. Send an Army Apache squadron. Make the RN frigate/destroyer presence continuous. Include an on-station nuclear submarine. To surface occasionally. Good to keep the enemy nervous. Submarine to approach, at various points, to just outside territorial waters. Then surface. Half-an-hour, then submerge and move on. Just to let them know.
    @16 Why would we want to read the speeches of all those who have been threatened, conned or bribed into supporting argieland? What you need to understand is that your “country” (argieland) has no concept of “honesty”, “integrity”, or “truth”. But there is one possibility. Can we take your “politicians” and torture them until they tell the truth? Impaling females. Emasculation.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 03:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Devoler - please explain to me- if something is actually not said or not mentioned- why is then 100% LAW in an Argentine,s eyes that it means it was 100% the opposite to whatever was said?
    You do seem to have a twisted and warped view of the law!

    But then ----------you are who you are so is it surprising ?

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 04:04 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Brit Bob

    @16 You have become deluded by propaganda pumped out by Hector Simpleman & C0

    So why not read and digest UN Resolution 67/134 made in 2013

    It refers to 'populations' of NSGTs and 'self-determination.'

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 04:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GeoffWard2

    I expect the S.L. will be expected to give up their seat on the C24 'in the interests of world harmony and the rights of the human species'.

    Island species evolve more quickly than continental species;
    we cannot allow the Falkland Islands to evolve independently.
    Too much advantage.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 04:34 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Monty69

    16 Devolverislas

    Self determination isn't a 'myth' It's a fundamental human right.

    There is no UN resolution denying this right to Falkland Islanders on account of their origins or ethnicity. Our ethnic and cultural differences from the population of Argentina are well documented, and so our right to self determination is assured.
    If the UK wanted to hang on to the Falklands against our will, we might have to make a case. They don't, so we don't. It doesn't concern you at all. You can't make us become part of Argentina against our will, and neither can anyone else.

    And I don't have to listen to a word you have to say about the UN. Your own laws and constitution don't respect the UN.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent999

    @16 Devolverislas

    Have you got a list of the 13 that all supported Argentina's claim of sovereignty ?

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:08 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    Can we now look forward to Mercopress publishing a report on all those 13 speeches from representatives supporting Argentina?

    I thought that Timerman had already written their speeches and pronounced that the whole of the committee agreed.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Biguggy

    @ 16 Devolverislas
    Just reference me the General Assembly Resolution(s) that deny the islanders the right to self-determination. That is all General Assembly Resolution(s), the so call 'resolutions' from the C24 committee do not count.
    You have been requested to provide this information in the past and have failed to do so, another failure will leave me with but one conclusion and that is that you are untruthful.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anti-Muppet

    Sierra Leone clearly have some intelligent people, I think the Argentines could learn from this view, it is great to see some common sense prevail on here. Our thanks and gratitude to Sierra Leone for speaking up for self-determination, the real issue at hand here.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • trenchtoast

    @23 I guess these are the 13 IT refers to

    Chile, Cuba, Syria, Venezuala, Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua, China, Russia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Peru, Guatemala and Brazil (Not a C24 Member).

    while I was getting that link I happened across this page

    and at the bottom it says;

    “The Special Committee continues to monitor the situation in the remaining 16 territories, working to facilitate their advance towards complete self-determination.”

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 05:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    Well seems the islanders have a Sierra Leona politician on their side, but I don't think they've got any Argentinian parliamentarians on their side.

    On the other hand.... Argentina has an MP of the British Parliament Westminster .... trying to make Britain see sense.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • dash1729


    That would be physically impossible. It is not physically possible to fly from the Malvinas to Chile and only “skirt” Argentinean airspace. That is because the Malvinas themselves lie deep within Argentinean airspace. Any flight to, from, or within the Malvinas passes through Argentinean airspace.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:09 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear,

    That’s just smashed CFKs ego, and tinmans mouth gears,
    Boy what a disaster for the nasty empire builders,

    Thank you, Sierra Leone
    You are the first, [according to argentine mythology]
    And others will now follow,
    Unless of course CFK dismisses Sierra Leone as a British colony and thus do not


    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    Lol @ all 18's suggestions.
    He's not going to be a happy bunny when Argentina makes its move on the flights. Just a matter of time for that one.

    Chile/Argentina relations overshadow that one permanently, when the right number comes up ... firstly wave goodbye to Chile routes which don't make stops in Argentina, all flights will have a stop in Buenos Aires.

    Then after a little while it'll be Argentina stops only for access to S.America.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steveu

    @28 George Galloway?

    Now that DOES surprise me! ;-)

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • agent999


    Peru, Guatemala and Brazil (are not C24 Members).
    Russia limits its support to negotiation of the dispute but not full support for Argentina.

    Oh the old George Galloway ploy again, he is big mate with Sean Penn.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • slattzzz

    wont need Chile or Rgenweener airspace when the airport at St Helena is ready so they can all fuck off

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 06:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • alan

    Once the oil starts flowing, sod the airlines. The islanders will only fly executive jets.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    Of course it's Argentine airspace, that is why they can not fly in it.

    Well technically they can, but then the RAF turn up and tell them to F off!

    Which they do, pronto!

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    35....And when will that oil start flowing, been hearing this for some time now.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:26 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @37 Vestige

    Indeed. But oil exploration is a long process, especially off-shore exploration.

    How many times have we heard about how Argentina has signed 'contract's' with various companies to extract gas and oil, only to find out that they were VERY premature in their announcements and no contract signed? Dozens of times, isn't it?

    Argentina, the poorest 'rich' country in the world. All of the natural resources, but no natural talent to get at them.

    Pathetic really, just like it's spurious claims to the Falkland Islands.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:33 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    Argentina this Argentina that.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:40 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • alan

    Don't believe it then

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check

    “illegitimate appropriation of natural resources.”

    Now I wonder who said that?

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:49 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    No Vestige of sense
    George Galloway! If that is you support then you are welcome to it. IDIOT.

    29 dash1729
    I think your so called 'air force' ha, ha, ha, would be hard pushed to put anything up to reinforce this ludicrous view you have.

    It would be GREAT if they tried it for real instead of turning tail and running back to The Dark Country each time the Falklands radar lit up their threat display.

    What a complete and utter joke your military is and why, TMBOA herself has emasculted them because she is scared shitless there might be a coup.

    Now there's an idea: get what is left of the military to ask the UK government to help them rid you lot of the problem! A couple of tactical nukes should do it. Ha, ha.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 07:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Clyde15

    I hate to disillusion you but the only one who takes George Galloway seriously is George Galloway and a tiny proportion of the UK electorate..
    He is a self publicist and will jump through a hoop to get attention. He is a good orator but so was Hitler !

    The definition of sovereign airspace is:-
    By international law, the notion of a country's sovereign airspace corresponds with the maritime definition of territorial waters as being 12 nautical miles (22.2 km) out from a nation's coastline. Airspace not within any country's territorial limit is considered international, analogous to the “high seas” in maritime law.
    I covered this point in a previous post.
    By flying south from the Falklands, skirting Islas Grevy and heading for Chilean Airspace by the Beagle channel to Punta Arenas, at no point are you within Argentine airspace.
    Check it for yourself !

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 08:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-33-uk

    Latest from the RG news sites...

    'This happened in our region: A decree reaffirms sovereignty over Georgia and Falklands -
    This day, 14,062 promulgating the decree, which was signed on May 24 by President Juan Domingo Peron.By this standard, is created in units of the National Antarctic Committee, the Subcommittee Falkland Islands and South Georgia for studying and collecting history for the purpose of preparing a work on the rights of Argentina in the South Atlantic. Thus, reaffirming the country's sovereignty over these regions occupied by the United Kingdom.
    This decree came in the postwar international context when world powers deployed all its resources to capitalize on territorial spaces that were in legal ambiguity conditions , to the new international status quo.
    Given this panorama, the Executive Branch adopted a number of initiatives to counteract imperial desires over Antarctica and the South Atlantic. Among the most prominent were: the declaration of national sovereignty over epicontinental sea and the continental shelf of Argentina, the Argentine Antarctic sector inclusion and South Atlantic islands under the jurisdiction of the Maritime de Tierra del Fuego...'

    'To Bonfatti, Malvinas is a matter of state -
    The governor joined the delegation that participated in the United States, from the session of the UN Decolonization, where he reiterated Argentina's claim over the sovereignty of the Falklands....'

    'The Malvinas are from Argentina, a claim perennial'

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 08:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anbar

    Cant see how this report can be true - only last week “All of Africa” supported Argentinas Sovereignty claim.

    As does the C24.

    Of course sovereignty has nothing to do with the C24, so that's a bit shit for Argentina but such is life.

    Meanwhile CFk is writing the book on why bananas cant float.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 10:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • HansNiesund


    How interesting that George Galloway is held in such high esteem in Arjuntina.

    He's got some bottle, has George, but mostly he's just a would-be populist demagogue with the misfortune of being born into a culture which laughs at any such pretension.

    He'd probably fit pretty well in Arjuntina, though I understand that the opportunities for big girl's blouses you wouldn't want actually running things are limited, given the number of big girl's blouses who are actually running things

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 11:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Islander1

    Vestige- nobody from the Islands has ever told you or anyone else anything other than that Premier Oil anticipate having Sealion Oil Field starting to pump and flow in last 1/4 of 2017? Common knowlewdge for about a year now.
    So oil should start to pump say Nov 2017 - that is in 4.5years time. That is the time it will take them to design-construct-ship to the Islands - drill all the well heads - float the connecting pipe out to the field from the on Islands assembly point- secure and connect it all up- get the FFPV(?correct?) vessel on site and moored appropriatley.
    Offshore take a bit longer than onshore! Even I can figure that one out.
    They expect that rigs will arrive late 2014 to start the drilling works.
    Meanwhile the other companies continue late this year with further extensive 3D seismic south and north of the Islands and some of them also anticipate next lot of exploratory drilling late 2014 or early 2015 subject rig availability.
    It all takes time - something we have! As for share prices - are you so dumb you have not realised that shares worldwide are going down at the moment!
    Share prices in non active minor OilCompanies will always be a bit volatile and probably negative - then as they get near to promising drilling again - you may wish you had not bought when prices were low!
    Premiere are the driving Company in the northern area now - as Noble are in the southern.

    29 Dash - what tripe you talk! Regular flights north (and south in summer) of the Islands dont even enter the Arg International IATA flight saftey zone let alone your airspace!
    We have even had charter flights in from Montevideo that had no need to advise Arg of anything as they flew out a small bit and around the air saftey zone.

    Jun 24th, 2013 - 11:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • britanico

    On the other hand.... Argentina has an MP of the British Parliament Westminster ....

    Really? I thought George Galloway was the honourable member for Tehran.

    Next Argentina will be saying that the people of Sierra Leone are not a people but a planted population descended from freed African slaves from North America who probably weren't originally from there.... same with Liberia.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 12:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • GFace

    When your champion is known for practically giving Saddam Hussein and Bashar Assad hummers in the national media AND is know for dressing up like a kitty on reality TV, gets the constituency he's running in wrong while campaigning and much much more (really, all that's missing is “a NEW CAR!”), your list of allies in westminster wears thin.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 12:50 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • trenchtoast

    A little off topic but here is the The Global Peace Index for 2013, in your face Timerman.

    UK 44/162
    Sierra Leone 59/162
    Argentina 60/162

    Actually with the exceptions of Chili and Uruguay, South America does very badly.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 05:30 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-33-uk

    Latest from the RG news sites...

    'Closs joined the Argentine delegation to the United Nations who returned to claim Falklands ~ ...In statements made to Argentine official media in New York, Closs thanked the confidence of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for inviting him to integrate the national delegation.
    “The Argentine mission has had a very successful day. The group dealing with the decolonization of the world, has considered once again that our position is the valid. That we should sit down and negotiate and talk with the British colonial empire. ”And above all things, is important since this story of self-determination of peoples who wanted to develop a sort of plebiscite, may far be the argumentation of a process of colonialism“, Closs said at a Conference of press along with the rest of the procession.
    ”Britain falls in contradiction of the self-determination of a people, which is far from being original and ends up being a position to hold the colonialism. Argentina continues on its path of peace and diplomacy, ratifying its law on Malvinas”, said the missionary President.'

    'FAdeA's Aerospace Rebound - With Pampa III and Other Deals, Argentinian Firm Ends Dormant Period'

    'The army has few resources to defend the Queen'

    'New head of Air Base - Took the Commodore Walter M. Brunello'

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 08:07 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • JuanGabriel

    @51 I love some of the content of that second article:

    “The company has been around since 1927 and has designed several fighters, including the Pulqui I, the region’s first combat jet, and the Pulqui II.”

    The first of these was designed by a French Nazi collaborator and the sole prototype was abandoned after dismal performance. The second was a rip off of a German drawing board idea, led by a runaway Nazi engineer. It managed 5 prototypes, although 1 was only a static display and 2 of the others crashed. They then decided to buy Sabres instead.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 12:21 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Steve-33-uk

    @52 JuanGabriel

    Well I wouldn't feel safe in an Argentine aircraft. Who would?

    'The UN, so is (if you like) ~
    ...Of course, it was enough to see this scene in the halls of the UNITED NATIONS to confirm that the responsibility for the breakdown of dialogue lies on both Governments. In fact the British insist that in a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the two countries, there needs to be a delegation of Falklands population. The Argentine Government persists in refusing a meeting if there are British inhabitants of the Malvinas, because it says that it should be discussed between Governments without other guests in between.
    In this infinite anglo-Argentine duel at the UN Palace doesn't there seem to be new. When the Argentinean Foreign Minister Timermam Radio Radicale asked how Papa Francesco could help, he replied that in the past, when there was still Pope, Cardinal Rolando Bergoglio had expressed no hesitation asserting that the Islands should return to Argentina. Ok, but now that Bergoglio became Pope, what do you expect from Francisco? How do you think can give a hand on the question of the Malvinas to the Government in Buenos Aires, asked Radio Radicale Argentine Minister now to microphones and tv out. Timerman we smiled and replied: “only God knows what can the Pope. God does not speak with me, but with the Pope speaks ”responded smiling slyly Timerman...'

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 01:17 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    “ he has not the same grasp of resolution 20652

    I expect unlike you he has actually read it.
    1/- ”in view to finding a peaceful solution to the problem“
    In this respect the UK is not in breach of 2065 which Argentina was by invading the Falkland Islands.
    The UK has maintained the peace in the South Atlantic with a minimal deterrent force.

    Whilst Argentina have not used arms, their stance toward the islanders is not peaceful-therefore it is arguable that the argentines are in breach of 2065

    According to 2065 and emphasised deliberately in capital letters;

    ”with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.“

    Argentina by denying the Islanders the right to independence are in breach of 2065. So were the UK in the 60s and 70s by maintaining the FIs as a colony.

    However the UK have stated that if the Islanders wish independence they will be granted it. In addition the UK since 1982 has granted increasing autonomy to the FIs. Therefore it is acting in the spirit of 2065 and not in breach of it.

    2065 also refers to ”bearing in mind...the interests of the population of the Falkland Islands”

    The UK do bear these interests in mind, (they did not in the 60s and 70s so were then in breach of 2065), so now they are complaint with 2065.

    Argentina are against all interests of the population so they are in breach of 2065.
    “He's not going to be a happy bunny when Argentina makes its move on the flights. Just a matter of time for that one.”

    That won't bother him as the islanders will get flights form somewhere else-even if they have to subsidise it with oil revenues-FIGAS is already subsidised by FIG.

    It will however bother the RG veterans who won't be able to visit the war graves, and the increasing amount of Chilean workers.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 01:32 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • honoria

    @16 Devolverislas
    “Just one representative at last week’s meeting of the Special Committee on Decolonization supported the UK position on the Falkland Islands/Malvinas. The other 13 representatives who spoke all supported Argentina. ”

    In that case they weren't listening and acted against their remit. Nobody, apart from Argentina, asked representatives to choose sides as that is outside the remit of the C24. In the UN there is no dispute that we are the holders of the right to self-determination and it is not the job of the C24 to have a different opinion on that subject.

    If you listened to MLA Summers' and MLA Halford's speeches you will have heard that we asked representatives to uphold the job of the committee by supporting - not Britain, not Argentina - but Falkland Islanders' wishes. Any member who was unable to do that would have been acting in their own interests and against their directives from the UN .

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • mikey48

    At long long last we have a country“Sierra Leonne” that agrees through the UN for the Falklands Islands self determination and agrees to the voting/referendum result.We need more countries onboard so this can all be put too bed,and then the argentine will have to accept and go along side by side with the Falklands.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 03:19 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • golfcronie

    Argentina will not take any notice of anyone, because it is not in their national interests. They will continue to complain ad infinitum. It is called distraction and is a national trait.Argentina's economy is is in a downward spiral and the government will do everything possible to deflect the fact that it is.

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 07:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    I got the impression that Sierra Leone were not strictly on the Islander's side but neutral as they ask for negotiations.
    But unlike the other members of the C24 they seem to understand what de-colonisation actually means and resolution 2065, which by stating the islanders interests to be taken into account means that the Islanders cannot be banned from talks that involve their future and birthplace. They are spot on to recognise that self-determination applies to everyone. Are Sierra Leone, the only country to actually have read UN documents properly?

    Jun 25th, 2013 - 08:16 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @16 On another point. As a member of a “committee” they are not supposed to be “representatives”. They should be neutral and objective.
    @29 Try a map, girlie. Haven't noticed any argie tossers telling RAF Eurofighter Typhoons whether they can land on or take off from the Falkland Islands. There are no “Malvinas” except in Cordoba. You disagree? Send something. If you can get anything off the ground.
    @31 Yes, I will. Got anything handy to record argie intruders going down in flames? Just remember that there's an Exclusion Zone. Enter, and die, at your own risk.
    @39 You forgot; argieland shit.
    @44 Well, Peron is DEAD and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands are STILL British. Seems to cover everything.
    @52 I like the third article. Outlining how the UK can totally destroy argieland. Something it should do tomorrow.
    @55 Wow. Have you had a brain transplant?

    Never mind. For the sake of the argie Campora trolls, here's the bottom line. If necessary, Britain will DESTROY argieland. Argieland has had its chances. Britain has been the sovereign power for the Falkland Islands since 1690. 323 years. It will remain the sovereign power until the Falkland Islands are ready to assume sovereignty. NOTHING will stop that. Get used to it, argie slugs. The only reason you still exist is because Britain is a civilised nation. Don't you wish you could be either “civilised” or a “nation” or even both. Several thousand years to go before that though. After all, Spain hasn't managed it yet!

    Jun 27th, 2013 - 04:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Pete Bog

    “Any flight to, from, or within the Malvinas passes through Argentinean airspace.”

    Ahhh so those Eurofighters, VC10's, etc are in the Argentine Air Force? That's funny as I thought your 1950s vintage Fightinghawk and the 1980s vintage Pamper (British translation= Babies Diaper) were your most advanced combat aircraft?

    Glad you Argies have found the money to buy Typhoons and some decent kit.

    I'm impressed with the FAAs overnight improvement.

    Jun 28th, 2013 - 08:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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