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Re-re-election of Cristina Fernandez “not in government’s agenda”, says Scioli

Monday, July 22nd 2013 - 06:47 UTC
Full article 51 comments

Re-re-election of President Cristina Fernandez is not in the government’s agenda, Buenos Aires province governor Daniel Scioli affirmed in tune with the Argentine president’s most recent messages: “I am not eternal,’ she has been long insisting. Read full article


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  • willi1

    “I am not eternal“ - but a big liar!

    when she means ”no“ it means ”yes“ or ”perhaps“ or ”i don´t know”.
    she is crazy. look at her youth and you know why.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino


    Cristina 2015!

    Pleeeeeeaaaaase Argentina don't let this opportunity pass. I'm deadly serious that she needs another term.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 08:16 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    man what are those three infamous lies that man are suppose to say:

    1-the check's in the mail
    2-I love you
    3- I won't C-M in your your mouth

    is this a fourth?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 09:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh

    When they say that there is going to be a General Election in Argentina in 2015 does it mean that the Generals are going to be elected.

    Yeah I know it's an old joke but I couldn't resist it.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 11:12 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Optimus_Princeps

    @2 She won't have any more checks for you. She already robbed the country blind.

    However, if your talking about a government that allows you to commit assault and robbery without consequences you might be in luck. Just not in my house. You'll leave in a body cast, and the police change their minds over a bottle of Fernet and Cubans very easily.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 11:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    Actually she probably won't run for re-election. It looks like she my be 'democratising' democracy with a military coup.

    All those people in Argentina who vote 'wrong' will soon be being 're-educated' or sent on a nice one-way trip over the river Plate.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 12:27 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    6. It is a next logical step, want to bet FatMax is run for an “elected” position shortly too.
    Fascist Dictators are all the same.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 12:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ChrisR

    4 darragh

    Naughty boy, but it's still funny. :o)

    Back on post.

    Who the hell can tell what is in this mad woman’s mind: she cannot for a start.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 12:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Vestige

    sorry to hear you've been lied to so many times captainpoppy.

    I never got the whole personal hatred of Kristina thing, as far as the holiday campers are concerned they can only expect the same treatment from the next elected president.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 01:44 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    Do you really believe you are a free citizen Lepricon?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 02:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • reality check


    Then you can expect the same reply from them.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 02:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Baxter

    Could it be that she is serious . Her nice words about Scioli surprised me .

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 03:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Snow in Missiones!
    Rut ro
    Please please please let it last for 3 weeks!
    That is enough time to deplete the on-hand LNG but not enough time to get new deliveries.
    Oh that would make my month!

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 03:31 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    So tell me you tomato experts all over this board...

    It was 12-15 below zero last two days at night in Mendoza province. That's about 5-12 Fahrenheit for the scientific illiterate Americans.

    Had I planted my fields with tomatoes two weeks ago when you were all calling me “retarded” for not planting more tomatoes, HOW WOULD MY BUDDING PLANTS BE DOING RIGHT ABOUT NOW?

    I'm sure the snow cover would keep them warm from the bone chilling wind and cold... right?

    Even in the “north” of Argentina you get occasional cold snaps. But in central Argentina it occurs several times a year, a polar air mass.

    Tomatoes are so plentiful in Antarctica.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Faz

    Rejoice, rejoice England, we beat the Ausies again, Chris Froome won Le Tour, Kates babe is popping. Oh, and something for RGland to celebrate - Morissy has cancelled his SA tour!
    Who cares a flying F about CFK...

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:42 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    Well, this time of year not even crickets. Just silence to my rejoinder.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Heisenbergcontext

    @14 The Truth PaTroll:

    Enough with the tomatoes. Please.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:45 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    I hear many Brits and yanks on this board planted tomatoes in Misiones last week.

    I should go check see how those fields are blooming today. ahahaha

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:53 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Simon68

    14 The Truth PaTroll (#)
    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:30 pm

    Ever heard of “microtuneles”, I have 132 tomatoe plants growing happily and last night the temperature went down -15ºC!!!!!!!!

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    And how many microtuneles to supply 40 million consumers?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 04:57 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Heisenbergcontext

    Images from Attack of the Killer Tomatoes are going to be visiting my dreams tonight. I just know it.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:01 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    I just came back from the fields in Misiones and saw Yankeeboy, Captain Poppy, Reality Check, Pete Bog, Lepricon, Chris, Conqueror, Faz, Anglotino, et all giving mouth-to-leaf resuscitation to their little tomato plants... so touching.

    That's why they are not here at the moment. Maybe they should watch the BBC, once in a blue moon it actually reports things accurately:

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Had dinner with a friend last night who just flew in from Mendoza. (I am in Chile) Yes, they had snow, the first for six years, but surely a 'rich' province like Mendoza with all those Malls and US chains should be able to afford the micro tunnels Simon mentions.
    But all this talk of tomatoes is just silly distraction, as usual. We know the shortages are nothing to do with the weather but due to bad economic policies affecting the growers.

    Possibly more relevant to the story, this was the first time my friend had visited Argentina and he related that in the week he spent in Buenos Aires and Mendoza he heard nothing but complaints from everyone about the government. Real animosity was how he described the attitude of people towards CFK.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    It snowed in 2011, in 2010, in 2009, in 2008, in 2007, several times in many of those years. Last year was completely unusual.

    And I can prove all of them easily.

    Your timely anecdotes failed you again. :(

    I would like you to show me all the microtunnels in the UK, and don't tell me you don't need them because you import them. The point is... is it profitable or not? If it is then the UK would be full of them.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:43 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    Thanks, I will tell my friend when I see him later that he was lied to by the Argentines in Mendoza.

    Are you telling me there is a shortage of tomatoes in the UK, or any problem importing them?

    What about the animosity towards CFK? I know you do not like the current government so it must please you to hear that.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    I will cut you a break. Perhaps in BUENOS AIRES it has not snowed in 6 years. It did snow in 2007, that was the last famous snowfall on Independence day that year.

    But this time it did not snow in Buenos Aires either, perhaps in the outskirts sometimes it snows by Ezeiza etc. In Mendoza there is snow in town and for sure in the suburbs at least twice and many years several times.

    I am asking you, if microtunels are so profitable and large scale, why do northern European nations have to import so many? Makes no sense.

    I will not comment on the current opinions of people towards CFK. I have already told you what people here agree in overall. But then again, are you Brits so satisfied with Cameron?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 05:55 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Conqueror

    @14 Ever tried poles and double layers of polythene? But you have “fields”? So did Pol Pot. We'll be looking!
    @22 Oh look, I'm here. Now what you may have “seen” is one of my astral bodies. I have many of them that I send out all over the world. Even I only know where they've been when they come back and report. On the other hand, you might just have been in the midst of an alcohol, narcotic or both induced haze. Or were you just bent over and on the receiving end of your sixth “poke”? How “receptive” of you. But when you don't have a brain, it's important that you should have a “purpose” in life. Although the “purpose” might not be yours!
    @24 And just how desperate for a diversion do you need to be before you start whittering about microtunnels? Anyway, you don't need microtunnels. Everybody know trolls live in caves!

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 06:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    We don't have a shortage of tomatoes in the UK at any time of the year so your question is irrelevant.

    It is news in Argentina that there is a tomato shortage due to adverse economic decisions and people are not happy about it there.

    You won't comment on anything to do with the article? OK.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 06:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Toby, We have tomatoes all year in the USA. All year! Gasp!
    Ever hear of importing?
    Why don't you call your good friends in Ecuador or Venezuela and ask them to send some?
    Gads you are such a child.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 06:35 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • darragh


    What's a Lepricon?


    If you wqant to see polytunnels and greenhouses in the UK I would suggest Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, East Anglia generally for market gardens.
    Tomatoes are available here in Ireland all year - but then we cheat, we import them from the UK

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 06:38 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Briton

    The way I see it
    No CFK no more crap from her or her dollies on the Falkland’s,

    Now surely it aint going to be that simple,
    will the wicked queen give up her love affair with the Falkland’s,

    Don’t hold your breath..
    Justa thought..

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:00 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    You have to go into debt if you import and do not export in kind. We learned our lesson with debt.

    Better to have fewer tomatoes for a couple of months than generations of debt. By late August you can plant tomatoes in the north no problem and by october there are no more freezes save a freak year in central Argentina. Then we have tomatoes till at least June of next year. That's 9/10 months out of 12. Not bad.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:07 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @32 Tobias

    Argentina is already heavily in debt. No one's fault but Argentina's.

    You'll have to get used to doing without a lot of stuff, not only tomatoes, because it'll take generations to fix Argentina.

    As for whether I'm free, yes I am. You are not. You live in a pseudo democracy which is rapidly heading to full on dictatorship.

    Your beloved President is getting the military on her side, by politicising them. In true democracies the military are apolitical and are there to protect the people from the government by defending the constitution.

    But since CFK treats the Argentine constitution with contempt, as an inconvenience, it's just a short trip to the Junta part 2: this time it's personal.

    What little freedom you have, Tobias, is hanging by a thread, yet all you can do is stand by and applaud the people who want to enslave you.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:25 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Funny lots of countries can buy stuff without going into debt. Ever hear of profits? Excess capital?
    Never taken an economics class huh?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:41 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    “You have to go into debt if you import and do not export in kind. We learned our lesson with debt. ”

    Elaborate tobi, how does a nation go into debt from import and not export in you say? Why does a retailer that imports go into debt? If that retailer chooses to buy internally the nation does not go into debt?

    Retailer A buys domestically only-sells domestically

    Retailer B buys 50% domestically and 50% imported -sells domestically

    Retailer C buys all imports- sells domestically

    Where does the debt come from in either scenario?

    You know what your economic problem is? You are confusing loss of currency with flight.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 07:54 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • ElaineB

    I think you explained all this to TTT before but he just cannot grasp the concept.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 09:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Like most Rgs they can't grasp simple math or economic concepts. I don't think its taught in the country.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 09:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    hey Pops so what happens when Nation (retailer) A imports $2.357 trillion (2012 est.)
    but only exports $1.612 trillion (2012 est.)
    What does that mean?

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 10:11 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    That you economically stupid based on that statement.

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 10:48 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • A_Voice

    ......and there was me thinking that as a nation you must be doing crap and accumulating debt......wait a minute, that's exactly what your nation is doing!
    I thought it was a basic concept for success, export more (value) than you import!

    Jul 22nd, 2013 - 11:12 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Humor me. What does private enterprise importing more than private enterprise exporting have to do with national debt? Aside currency shifts, nothing. Those currency shifts are replaced with DFI, like you. Remember, you bought a house as a foreigner in the USA, as you say you did. But back to the debt. Humor me, we both know I am stupid so tell me how a nation acquires debt when private enterprise buy their inventories via importing to resell?

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 01:04 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    Scenario A: all debt is held internally, can be manipulated at will, and depending on no one else but Argentina.

    Scenario C: all debt held externally, countries that don't like Argentina can hold you by the balls.

    That is the basic difference.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 03:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    How does a nation acquire debt from private enterprise importing. You still failed to answer that? Do you assume a nation imports for private enterprise?

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 09:25 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Anglotino

    Nostrils I don't know why you need to drag me into your extremely off topic rantings. You live in a country with shortages of basic needs. Live with it. You and A_Voice obviously think that the Argentine economic model is superior to all others.

    Somehow running a trade surplus is the only path to prosperity and Argentina is on the way. Debt is to be avoided for it confers no future benefit.

    It's for these reasons that I totally support Cristina for another presidential term. She has obviously only done well for Argentina.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 10:06 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • LEPRecon

    @42 Tobias

    Argentina's debs aren't from importing goods, it's from the fact that your government borrows money from the international community, supposedly to improve Argentina, and instead pockets the money for themselves.

    But the debt is still there, accruing interest, pushing Argentina into further debt.

    Face it, Argentina should have been one of the richest countries on Earth, instead you are a deadbeat country that doesn't pay it's debts, honours the treaties and agreement it's signs, and is a leech.

    You must be very proud.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 10:09 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Scenario A: all debt is held internally, can be manipulated at will, and depending on no one else but Argentina.

    Yes it can when you don't respect the country's laws or contract law.

    So you agree it was better to STEAL U$25B from Anses and replace it with worthless Rg peso bonds paying interest BELOW the inflation rate?

    How is that better? I await your enlightenment.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 11:21 am - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll


    It is better in the sense foreign entities have no say in the matter if they hold no debt. It's simple really, when you own to your sister at least you don't owe to your friends. That usually ends badly while the former at least there is some outways.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 05:37 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    And still tobi cannot explain to us all who a government get's indebted for a private business imported products.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 06:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    Because often the private debt is NATIONALIZED! Remember the 70s and Martinez de Hoz!

    But what would you know about that.

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 06:30 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • yankeeboy

    Whew that is some f'cked up logic!

    and yet you didn't even answer my question;

    Do you agree it was better to STEAL U$25B from Anses and replace it with worthless Rg peso bonds paying interest BELOW the inflation rate?

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 08:06 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
  • Captain Poppy

    Ahhhhhh so tobi are you implying that debt and trade deficits are something that Argentina does then.....right? Perhaps you are better off allowing free enterprise than. GE had to take a 1.8 billion dollar charge off for being in Argentina....WTF!

    Jul 23rd, 2013 - 09:23 pm - Link - Report abuse 0

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