The Gibraltar Government said it appreciated the “huge” level of support for Gibraltar from UK, European and Spanish parliamentarians, and announced the launching of a media operation to reverse the ‘bought-in’ misleading versions propagated by the Spanish government on the current situation. Read full article
Disclaimer & comment rulesGibraltar and UK, Keep Calm and Carry On.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 03:54 am - Link - Report abuse 0Maybe time for the FI to switch to a Gibraltar style Ministerial system of Govt with Chief Minister as their leader?
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:00 am - Link - Report abuse 0I believe a Chief Minister would help get their views heard and open new doors.
The questions of Utrecht
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:05 am - Link - Report abuse 0Professor Jesús Verdú examines the conflict over the waters around Gibraltar.
I recall that the present Gibraltar Government has already challenged the Spanish to take their case to the ICJ. They declined.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:17 am - Link - Report abuse 0Will they now agree to do so ??
There's a very intellectual blog I follow which concludes that the EU is close to being unable to repay Sovereign debt and the Spanish banking system is close to collapse.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:47 am - Link - Report abuse 0It could very well be that Rajoy knows this and is pushing the dispute for all he is worth because he knows that Spain is on the brink of economic disaster anyway.
Worth a read:
@3 very interesting article. thanks.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:52 am - Link - Report abuse 0i have been saying for some time the analysis has been too simplistic.
'Gibraltar row: Spain 'can't trust' UK, official says - A top Spanish foreign policy official has said it is difficult to trust the UK, amid a dispute between the two countries over Gibraltar.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 06:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0Ignacio Ibanez, director general for foreign affairs, said the row would not end until a new artificial reef was removed from waters off Gibraltar...'
'Gibraltar row PM Mariano Rajoy is ‘just like Argie dictator’
'Gibraltar and the Falklands deny the logic of historyThese relics of empire pay hardly any UK tax – but when the neighbours cut up nasty, they demand the British protect them'
This made me smile ;)
Gibraltar To Be Towed To Falkland Islands For ‘Safe Keeping’ - Rock News: Tensions with Spain increased further today, after David Cameron revealed that Gibraltar will be towed to the Falklands to make sure ‘nothing happens to it’...'
'Why is Britain so much at Gibraltar - Once again, British warships take course on Gibraltar. 300 Years ago, the rock came to the United Kingdom, which defended him in many wars. It was not just about power...'
'Gibraltar - Malvinas: similar but different - Health Spain, welcome to fight against colonialism...'
Quite apart from the UNCLOS Treaty, Professor Jesús Verdú has shown that Spain has been barking up the wrong tree when clinging to the Treaty of Utrecht in an attempt to claim Gibraltar's waters.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 06:43 am - Link - Report abuse 0Let's hope that Spain does take the dispute to the International Court AND the United Nations. Then the rest of the world can see that Spain has no legal title to the waters and they were trespassing.
It may also show that they cannot automatically claim the land in Moroccan enclaves. Whilst the people of Ceuta and Melilla are perfectly entitled to Self Determination and to remain with Spain if they so wish, Spain would not be entitled to keep hold of the other places which are unoccupied and have no people.
Self Determination trumps Territorial Integrity, but if there is no people for Self Determination, then Territorial Integrity triumphs and Morocco gets the land and islands back.
The extra border checks are a complete waste of everyone's time.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 07:39 am - Link - Report abuse 0The majority of smuggling into Spain, both in goods and people, is direct to the Spanish coast and not through Gibraltar.
Spain hauls in 1.6 tons of smuggled hashish in Gulf of Cadiz bust
2.6 million packs of cigarettes confiscated by police.
Illegal immigration to Spain on the rise again
'Don’t go to Spain, says MEP - JULIE Girling has urged Britons to ‘boycott’ Spain in response to mounting tensions...'
Aug 14th, 2013 - 08:26 am - Link - Report abuse 0
'Foreign Office protest at Gibraltar blockade - THE Foreign Office is lodging a formal complaint with Spain over the latest “unacceptable” delays at the Gibraltar border...'
'Gibraltar. Andalusia shipowners considered that the Government has reacted in time
'Margallo requests to appear at the Congress to explain the situation in Gibraltar - The owner of outdoor will come to the lower House during the first fortnight of September, at the second regular session...'
This is good news. I tried to make it clear to the Falkland Islands, through the Overseas Territories consultation, that they needed to speak out. To counter the constant argie lies. Thank goodness someone noticed. Now the Falklands spends time to reveal every argie lie. There are some big hurdles that have yet to be destroyed. The argies have now dropped their claim that the entire argentine population was expelled in 1833. Haven't yet reached the point of getting them to admit that the Falkland Islands have been British since 1690. Or that there is no internationally-recognised legal principle that permits a rebellious colony to claim that it could inherit a territory. Thank goodness Gibraltar has recognised the need. Gibraltar was ceded to Britain in perpetuity. That means forever. The Treaty of Utrecht doesn't mention Gibraltar territorial waters. Nor does it mention spanish territorial waters. Spain has no territorial waters. Except that it was awarded some in 1958. As was Gibraltar. Perhaps it's time for Britain and Gibraltar to announce that, henceforth, British Gibraltar Territorial Waters will extend to 12 miles instead of the current 3. And that those waters will be actively policed. If necessary, force should be used. Unauthorised intruders should be shot at. Arrested. Vessels seized. With no option for release. Individuals to be prosecuted. Then imprisoned. Minimum sentence of 5 years with no parole. Spaniards seeking employment to be branded on forehead and cheeks. Anyone think SPANIARD would be too much? Perhaps spanish workers should be sterilised to avoid contaminating the Gibraltarian gene pool.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 08:34 am - Link - Report abuse 0The Treaty of Utrecht does not mention territorial waters with respect to Gibraltar. It is not true, as Spain claims, that the waters within the port were ceded, because the treaty does not mention waters at all. This is exactly the same in the case of the 1668 Treaty of Lisbon, which ceded the city of Ceuta to Spain, just the city and not the port or fortifications pertaining to it.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 08:36 am - Link - Report abuse 0If you applied the logic Spain applies to Gibraltar with resepct to territorial waters then it follows that Ceuta also has no right to a territorial sea - yet Spain claims the full 12 mile limit under UNCLOS for Ceuta, limited, obviously, by median lines, etc. where appropriate.
Just another example of Spanish hipocracy when it comes to Gibraltar.
@11 Conqueror
Aug 14th, 2013 - 09:59 am - Link - Report abuse 0I agree that Gibraltan waters should extend out the full 12 miles instead of the current 3 miles.
But I am no expert on the legal implications, maybe someone can advise.
: )
Aug 14th, 2013 - 10:44 am - Link - Report abuse 0
14@ they are a bit late Cowes week is over
Aug 14th, 2013 - 10:58 am - Link - Report abuse 0@13 Steve-33-uk: I agree that Gibraltan waters should extend out the full 12 miles instead of the current 3 miles.
Aug 14th, 2013 - 11:31 am - Link - Report abuse 0But I am no expert on the legal implications, maybe someone can advise.
Scottish nationalists vs. Shetland unionists have been having this conversation with regard their possible future situation: It seems Gibraltar, unless they became a totally independent country, are only entitled to the 3 miles as an enclave within another countries waters. That would not explain Spain's enclaves in Africa having the full number of miles though.
Fernando Morales (from one of your links) seems to be a class A deluded piece of malvinista scum.
'Spain threatens to clamp down on Gibraltar's ship refuelling industry -
Aug 14th, 2013 - 12:20 pm - Link - Report abuse 0Spain launched another broadside against Gibraltar on Wednesday, announcing plans to curb the practice of 'bunkering' in its waters in the latest escalation of the diplomatic row over the British territory.
Miguel Arias Canete, Spain's minister of agriculture, food and environment, said his government would consider measures to target Gibraltar-based companies that offer at-sea refuelling – one of the mainstays of the Rock's economy.
Mr Arias Canete insisted that bunkering was a danger to the marine environment and should be prevented from taking place in waters registered as EU nature protected sites...'
'UPyD rejects the alleged similarities between Gibraltar, Ceuta and Melilla'
'Rosa Díez says Rajoy can not allow the cockiness of the British in Gibraltar'
'Moratinos has not gone'
'Catalonia accuses Madrid of bullying Gibraltarians'
Aug 13 - Government: Gibraltar Bunkering Already Totally Legal Under EU Law
Aug 14th, 2013 - 12:59 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The Government notes the latest statement on bunkering operations in British Gibraltar Territorial Waters from the Spanish Minister for the Environment Miguel Arias Canete, speaking in Barbate, Cadiz.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea delineates the limits of British Gibraltar jurisdiction in the waters around Gibraltar. Bunkering within those limits is governed by Gibraltar laws, which already applies all relevant EU measures.
The Spanish Government therefore knows that it has no jurisdiction to regulate bunkering operations within the territorial limits of British Gibraltar waters.
The Government confirms that it will not tolerate any attempts to interfere with lawful bunkering operations within British Gibraltar Territorial Waters. To date there have been no attempts to curtail or otherwise interfere with bunkering operations at sea.
Read more:
'UK academic says Gibraltar row is diversionary tactic by Spain - University of Leicester academic, Dr Chris Grocott, claims the current row over Gibraltar is definitely a diversionary tactic by the Spanish Government. Dr Grocott who’s researched the history, politics and economy of Gibraltar for over 15 years, says just focusing on sovereignty, ignores the fact that the dispute makes life a struggle for locals and Spaniards who cross the frontier on a daily basis...'
Aug 14th, 2013 - 01:29 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
'Spain: say it is ridiculous Malvinas linked to Gibraltar -
In the dispute over the Rock, the Spanish opposition said the idea of an alliance with Argentina at the UN was an adventure that can lead to ridiculous. Great Britain lodged a formal complaint...'
An interesting German Article...
'Rock - Spain and the UK argue over Gibraltar. Some have moved to frivolous traffic stops, the other sending warships - one farce.'
”most of the newspapers have ‘bought-in’ to the misleading versions propagated by the Spanish government.”
Aug 14th, 2013 - 02:14 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The newspapers are doing exactly what the Spanish Government is doing. That is, they are catering to the current prominent sentiments of the general public (the masses).
Catering to public sentiments is how journalism believes it ought to function, they figure it is necessary to survival, so it is justified (and the masses suffer a consequence for this). This is how all seasoned Press people think, but do not admit it. Their spoken line, or lie, would be more like, solemn public service of presenting the facts for educated minds. The U.S. Press are leaders of this way of thinking.
The Gibraltar issue has some relation to the Falkland Islands issue in the South Atlantic but geographically, the Mediterranean is not related to the South Atlantic. So, why is Mercopress-South Atlantic News Agency reporting on this?
Because their readers will read the article. Me too.
”The long-planned deployment will see elements of the UK’s Response Force Task Group (RFTG) hone its world-class maritime skills thousands of miles from the UK through exercises with a number of key allies.”
The above sounds like a propaganda line right out of a North Korea, government-controlled newspaper.
Mercopress will tell its readers what they want to hear also.
@ 14 Trunce!
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:36 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I thought it was the argie fleet.
Seems Spain didn't appreciate the advice of one of their own diplomats..
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:46 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
Britain to fight dirty over Gibraltar hostility by using EU veto to block Spain's plans
Aug 14th, 2013 - 05:58 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
Just as I predicted on one of the other Mercopress boards, Britain is to use the EU Veto to stop Spain by vetoing any nominations for committee members & blocking policy proposals. They are also planning to disrupt the flow of tourists to Spain.
We already know that the Catalans are now demanding their freedom and intending to use any dispute to further their cause by supporting Gibraltar.
If Spain takes this matter to a war, then they will lose Catalonia and the Basque country too.
23 nigelpwsmith
Aug 14th, 2013 - 06:22 pm - Link - Report abuse 0I take it that in your final sentence you mean a CIVIL war?
The Spanish might be stupid but even they would not take on the UK Forces as they know they would be defeated.
Aug 15th, 2013 - 04:32 am - Link - Report abuse 0Yes I do mean civil war. The Catalans and Basques would seize the opportunity to gain their independence if Madrid was occupied in a conflict with the UK.
Rajoy has nothing to lose by pushing this dispute to a conflict. The EU and USA would be powerless to stop him and the nationalists want a chance to take back Gibraltar. It could be that the shooting will start when a hot head on the Spanish side takes shots - just as they did at the Jet Ski in June.
Do not under-estimate Spain's military might. They are not a match for the UK, but they are close. They have Eurofighters & modern weaponry, but the one thing they lack is SSNs and SSBNs. If it did come to fighting, Cameron would act quickly to remind Madrid of why the UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council. A demonstration is all that is needed, there does not need to be loss of life. A single warhead detonated at sea but close to the coast should suffice. Mind you, the EMP would take out virtually every computer in Spain & Portugal too. But if Spain is smart, they would seek a cease-fire and peace talks immediately, because if they didn't and attacked the UK mainland, then Cameron would have no choice.
25 nigelpwsmith
Aug 15th, 2013 - 08:41 am - Link - Report abuse 0I think you overblow the Spanish forces.
They have no battle experience at all and although they will have the machismo of young men wanting to prove themselves they will die well before they manage that.
As for a nuclear demonstration it will never happen nor should it. We are talking about a pissant country led by a bunch of donkeys with heads as big as TMBOA but with the same ability: none.
There is no way that a UK PM would ever risk a good ally such as Portugal even if he was prepared to ‘demonstrate’ the nuclear effect to the Spanish people.
If the nationalists try anything on Gibraltar there are a number of armed responses that the UK could unleash that would mean only a few thousand local Spanish losing their lives and that would be that.
The Spanish government would fall, and the Catalans and Basques would as you say use the conflict to further their own aims. I have no problem with that.
But I still think that even a minor armed conflict is unlikely.
@26 Chris
Aug 15th, 2013 - 09:23 am - Link - Report abuse 0The Spanish do have battle experience. Quite apart from the troops out in Afghanistan, they have also trained with our own Royal Marines - ironically only a few months ago before the dispute started.
The Spanish airforce does have the capability to raid the UK, but it would be very dangerous, as they would have to cross the Bay of Biscay, right in front of the French air force.
Although the French would not get involved in the fighting, they might warn the RAF that the Spanish were on the way. The French don't want any conflict any more than we do, but they would not be happy if Spain started something.
There are steps that Cameron could take short of a nuclear demonstration. We have an ample supply of cruise missiles and the means to deliver them.
A demonstration would also require a shipping exclusion zone, but it is feasible to dial a low yield demonstration localised to Spanish city close to the coast and this would demonstrate our resolve without any loss of life.
27 nigelpwsmith
Aug 15th, 2013 - 01:03 pm - Link - Report abuse 0The UK must not cause loss of life of the Spanish people, even thought the majority must have supported this mentally defective “government” to get them elected in the first place.
You are of course overlooking the T45s that IF it came to ‘flying to the UK’ would deal with them without any need to concern the French.
I must admit I was thinking of a cruise missile attack on the Torre LEGT at Getafe airport (Madrid) which is where major components of the Eurofighters are assembled in Spain. Of course by the time it came to this the Spaniards would be aware of the risks they were facing and a 12 hour warning should be ample to remove all personnel from the area.
A demonstration of this nature may well polarise the population against us instead of against their stupid government, but who knows and they WOULD all know not to get in a dick sizing contest with the UK again and leave Gibraltar alone for good.
Aug 15th, 2013 - 04:13 pm - Link - Report abuse 0As I've mentioned on other boards elsewhere, the psychology of this dispute is very interesting.
Decades ago, the Spanish people denied access to US ships because they carried nuclear weapons. I believe they still do.
When I pointed out to my ex that British nuclear submarines regularly visit Gibraltar, she became very anxious about this. This was echoed in the frequent complaints that the Spanish made when Tireless put into Gibraltar in 2004 and again when there were reactor problems.
You see the Spanish really do fear 'nuclear' and when my ex found this out, she said she would rather that Britain kept Gibraltar. That was when she visited me on my ship (Intrepid) when we stopped over in Gib.
As to this dispute, the Spanish have no intention of backing down at the moment. However, Rajoy may be persuaded by the EU to relent, if he gets something equally good in return from them. The EU wants this dispute to go away. They know full well that if it continues, then they might as well plan for when Britain leaves, because this will become a certainty.
Rajoy is used to bribes, so the corruption rumours say, but he may be seeking the biggest brown paper envelope he can get, in order for Spain to back down. That way, they can say that even though they lost face in the dispute, they gained financially from the EU.
If the EU does not come up with the wonga, then there is only one way for this to go and Farage will win - unless Dave can pull off the Maggie Factor and smack some Spanish speaking botty.
29 nigelpwsmith
Aug 16th, 2013 - 08:45 am - Link - Report abuse 0Were you serving on Intrepid when she was at the Falklands?
I have REAL problems with Hug a hoodie Dave smacking anybody, even if it were the correct thing to do.
Well, it looks as if it will all kick off on Sunday. The Spanish fishermen had a meeting this afternoon and agreed to try and raise the concrete blocks from the Gibraltar reef.
Aug 16th, 2013 - 04:28 pm - Link - Report abuse 0
The Royal Navy ships arrive on Monday, so the fishermen are getting together to try and move them before the Royal Navy prevents them. Only problem is that the blocks weigh 12 tonnes each and they would have to send down divers to attach the lifting gear. Divers can be arrested and the Royal Gibraltar Police and Gibraltar Squadron of the Royal Navy will be there. Not to mention quite a few Gibraltarian divers, who may assist the RGP.
The news crews have been alerted, so you may be able to watch the spectacle on News 24 or Sky News.
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