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Argentina celebrates 30 years of democracy and free elections in 1983, 16 months after defeat in Malvinas

Thursday, October 31st 2013 - 20:52 UTC
Full article 48 comments
Elected Alfonsin is cheered by millions in Buenos Aires packed streets Elected Alfonsin is cheered by millions in Buenos Aires packed streets
In June 1982 the Argentine military Falklands' defeat exposed the hollowness of the regime In June 1982 the Argentine military Falklands' defeat exposed the hollowness of the regime

Argentina is recalling with different acts and commemoration ceremonies the thirty years since the return of democracy when Raul Alfonsin was elected president of Argentina. On October 30 1983, and after a long recount of votes, Alfonsín's Radical Civic Union (UCR) secured a landmark victory over the Peronist Justicialist Party.

The previously little-known candidate, who passed away in 2009, beat the PJ's Ítalo Luder by 12 points, and was named the undisputed winner of Argentina's first democratic polls since the start of the military dictatorship seven years previously.

The election took place 16 months after the Argentine military forces that invaded South Georgia and the Falkland Islands were completely defeated and had to return in dishonor to the mainland.

The UCR's Lower House block sent a message celebrating the anniversary, calling it a “triumph of the Argentine people”.

“Argentina is experiencing the longest democratic period of its history and that is a triumph for all Argentine people, who emerged from the shadows and horror of the last military dictatorship with the firm conviction that only in democracy is it possible to conceive the development of a free country, one respectful of human rights, united and prosperous,” the party signaled through a press release.

“This commemoration should be an opportunity to remember that national unity and dialogue are fundamental elements of democratic political activity”.

Argentina's quick and unexpected return to democracy was triggered following the Falkland Islands invasion adventure by the Argentine military dictatorship in April 1982 which ended 74 days later in total disaster both in the battle field and diplomacy.

The military regime collapsed when the surrender in Port Stanley to the British Task Force in June 1982: 16 months later in a precipitated return to freedom of expression and freedom of the press, free transparent elections were held in October 1983 and despite some desperate frustrated attempts to stop the advance of history, Alfonsin, a human rights militant was elected president for a six year period.

However his lack of economics knowledge and a misguided foreign policy in a few years turned success into a sour experience that forced Alfonsin to advance elections and hand office to his elected successor, Carlos Menem, before his six years had concluded.

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  • Britworker

    30 years of being a back water, broke and corrupt banana republic, yay! crack open the Champagne. They still don't thank us for bringing them democracy, ungrateful sods!

    Oct 31st, 2013 - 09:10 pm 0
  • toxictaxitrader2

    AS an Irishman I will say thank you U.K. for saving Argentina from the bloodbath of the dictators,can you imagine your fate if they had won in the Falklands/Malvinas?
    30 years of democracy eh?are you finally learning?

    Oct 31st, 2013 - 09:53 pm 0
  • Britworker

    Malvinas, where are they?

    As a Briton, we don't contemplate failure in war, you don't go into battle to lose.

    Oct 31st, 2013 - 10:10 pm 0
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