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EU lawmaker 'cautiously optimistic' about trade agreement with Mercosur in 2014

Monday, November 4th 2013 - 23:57 UTC
Full article 6 comments
MEP Audy is Vice-president of the committee for relations with Mercosur   MEP Audy is Vice-president of the committee for relations with Mercosur

A member from the European parliament, Jean Pierre Audy who headed a mission to Brazil last week said he was confident that next year the long standing negotiations for a free trade and cooperation agreement between the European Union and Mercosur “could be concluded”.

 “Negotiations are much advanced and we are close to the exchange of proposals for the EU/Mercosur agreement. I believe the process could be finalized before elections”, said French MEP Audy in reference to the May ballot for the European Parliament.

MEP is Vice-president of the European parliament committee in charge of relations with Mercosur, and last week headed a delegation of MEPs that held several meetings with Brazilian authorities in Brasilia and Sao Paulo.

However despite his optimism, MEP Audy said he preferred to avoid 'precipitations' regarding the timetable to reach an agreement, since “this could lead to a frustration of the process” since the end of negotiations is only the previous step to effectively signing the agreement.

In recent years “there has been an acceleration of bilateral trade accords signed by the EU and now we have been mandated to negotiate a treaty with United States, which is also in similar dealings with Asian countries, but we consider Brazil can't be left isolated of all this activity”, said Audy in an interview with 'Correio Braziliense'.

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  • golfcronie

    Has to be a frenchman, he should be talking to the Argies as they consider themselves to be the center of the universe.

    Nov 05th, 2013 - 12:44 am 0
  • The Truth PaTroll

    As long as all Argentine products can enter the EU and we can block theirs when we need to safeguard jobs, then we have a a deal.

    Nov 05th, 2013 - 03:22 am 0
  • Conqueror

    @2 That's fine. We agree. Just a couple of minor amendments. European products have to be paid for up front before they are despatched, in US dollars. Argie products won't be paid for until they've arrived and subjected to all necessary tests. Any goods that don't pass tests to be destroyed. Costs of destruction to be paid by argieland. Is it a deal? Oh, I forgot. Argie products to be paid for in Muldovan cupons.

    Nov 05th, 2013 - 12:50 pm 0
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